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Biochemical profile and health benefits of tender coconut water

  • Food Inspection Organization, Min of Defence, India
  • Defence Food Research Laboratory, DRDO, Govt of Inidia
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... The 100 gm of edible portion of coconut contains protein, moisture, fat, minerals, fibre, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron viz., 4.5%, 36.3%, 41.6%, 1.0%, 3.6%, 13.0%, 10 mg, 240 mg, 1.7 mg respectively and vitamin C, vitamin B complex 1 mg. (Chauhan et al., 2008) [1] Many fungal diseases have been observed on coconut at various stages of growth and production. Ito. ...
... The 100 gm of edible portion of coconut contains protein, moisture, fat, minerals, fibre, carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, iron viz., 4.5%, 36.3%, 41.6%, 1.0%, 3.6%, 13.0%, 10 mg, 240 mg, 1.7 mg respectively and vitamin C, vitamin B complex 1 mg. (Chauhan et al., 2008) [1] Many fungal diseases have been observed on coconut at various stages of growth and production. Ito. ...
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The grey leaf blight disease (GLBD) like symptoms was observed in severe form on the farm of the NAU on the Cocos nucifera. The diseases samples were collected and isolated on PDA medium, by morphological characterization and using standard references to identification of fungi and also by sending fungus culture to IARI, New Delhi, pathogen species confirm as Pestalotia palmarum (Cooke) Stey. Pathogenicity assay and Kochs fulfilment was proved that the pathogen to be constantly associated with the disease. The current investigation was under taken to study the actual cause of the symptoms observed on the plant and their identification, pathogenicity as well as the host range of the identified pathogen to manage the further cause. How to cite this article:Rokade RA, Joshi DM, Khaire PB, Someshree Mane. Isolation, characterization and reaction study of Pestalotia palmarum inciting grey leaf blight on coconut. Pharma Innovation 2023;12(12):2447-2450
... [2] It is a sweet liquid with a slight acidic taste and has a cooling effect and therapeutic value. [3] It contains essential minerals like sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, copper, and phosphate [4] ; and nutrients such as ascorbic acid and sugars. [5,6] The chemical composition of TCW (6-month maturity) is presented in Table 1. ...
Tender coconut water is sweet and clear water obtained from the immature green coconut. It is transparent and sterile liquid inside the nut, which, once opened, starts deteriorating due to enzymatic reactions and microbial contamination. Several processing techniques were attempted to preserve the coconut water; however, maintenance of fresh like quality remains a challenge. Thermal processing alters its organoleptic and nutritional properties and therefore, several nonthermal techniques like pulsed electric field, high-pressure processing, ultra-violet treatment, pulsed light, dense pressure carbon dioxide, irradiation, etc., have been investigated. This review summarizes nonthermal techniques currently available to preserve the tender coconut water quality and extend its shelf life.
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