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Análise da Interação e Participação em Fóruns de Discussão numa Rede Social


Abstract and Figures

Resumo Este texto dá conta da análise efectuada a fóruns de discussão entre alunos, professores e cientistas, no contexto de uma rede social dedicada à Física e Química. Estudámos o padrão de interacções e participação nas discussões em fóruns de três naturezas distintas: (1) avaliados pelo professor, (2) não avaliados, mas com temas relacionados com as matérias escolares e (3) temas não relacionados com as matérias escolares. Configuram-se padrões de interacção dirigidos pelo conteúdo e valorizam-se as conexões com especialistas no domínio de interesse. O sentido é o da cooperação e domina a agência individual; aspectos consonantes com uma dinâmica conectivista na rede estudada. A escola tem nas redes sociais, a chave para iniciar os alunos em atividades de aprendizagem alicerçadas em processos sociais de conexão e participação, que fluem entre sistemas formais e informais, em torno de conteúdo científico. Evidencia-se a necessidade de associar escola e redes sociais, num sistema de aprendizagem em que os interesses pessoais dos indivíduos e a aprendizagem formal se integrem de forma sinérgica. Abstract The present paper provides an analysis of the discussion forums between students, teachers and scientists in the context of a social network dedicated to physics and chemistry. We studied the pattern of interactions and participation in discussions of three distinct natures: (1) assessed by the teacher, (2) not evaluated, but with issues related to school subjects, and (3) issues not related to school subjects. The analysis revealed interaction patterns driven by content and the value of the connections with experts in the field of interest. The sense is that of cooperation and the individual agency dominates; aspects in line with the connectivist dynamic of the studied network. The school has in social networks, the key to initiate students in learning activities grounded in social processes of connection and participation, flowing between formal and informal systems, around scientific content. We highlight the need to associate school and social
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The purpose of this chapter is to outline some of the thinking behind new e-learning technology, including e-portfolios and personal learning environments. Part of this thinking is centered around the theory of connectivism, which asserts that knowledge - and therefore the learning of knowledge - is distributive, that is, not located in any given place (and therefore not 'transferred' or 'transacted' per se) but rather consists of the network of connections formed from experience and interactions with a knowing community. And another part of this thinking is centered around the new, and the newly empowered, learner, the member of the net generation, who is thinking and interacting in new ways. These trends combine to form what is sometimes called 'e-learning 2.0' - an approach to learning that is based on conversation and interaction, on sharing, creation and participation, on learning not as a separate activity, but rather, as embedded in meaningful activities such as games or workflows.
The goal of DigEuLit is to develop a European Framework for Digital Literacy (EFDL): a definition, generic structure, and set of tools which will enable educators, trainers and learners to share an understanding of what constitutes digital literacy and how it can be mapped into European educational practice.
L'A. s'efforce d'envisager la nature de la «socialite» et des relations sociales au sein des societes contemporaines marquees par des processus d'individualisation. Il se demande ce que signifie la notion d'individualisation, analyse les processus de transition post-sociale et met en lumiere certains phenomenes de «desocialisation». Il considere que les societes contemporaines vont voir emerger certains elements culturels tels l'expertise ou le savoir qui vont jouer un role de plus en plus important dans leur organisation. Il estime que les «relations d'objet» vont tendre a devenir de plus en plus constitutives des relations sociales. Il s'efforce de definir et de caracteriser les specificites d'une socialite centree sur l'objet et met en exergue les notions de mutualite et de solidarite dans ce cadre
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