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The Factors Affecting Writing Reviews in Hotel Websites


Abstract and Figures

We aim to understand the people's motivation for writing the reviews in order to better explain drivers of WOM activities in the online channel for the successful implementation of the hotel marketing. For this purpose, we choose one of the popular tourist destinations: Paris. We collect data for empirical analysis from one of the biggest online hotel reservation website. Our analysis reveals that higher rating and lower price increases the propensity to write reviews. However, while the extreme rating and star score and star rating does not have any effect on the propensity to write a review. We have also found the evidence for the negative effect of larger room size on the propensity to write a review. These results imply that satisfaction rather than dissatisfaction increases people's motivation more for writing reviews in hotel websites. We briefly discuss the managerial implications of results. (C) 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the 8th International Strategic Management Conference
Content may be subject to copyright.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 58 ( 2012 ) 980 – 986
1877-0428 © 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the 8th International Strategic Management Conference
doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.1077
8th International Strategic Management Conference
The Factors Affecting Writing Reviews in Hotel Websites
a , Asunur Cezara
TOBB University of Economics and Technology, Ankara, 06530, Turkey
We aim on for writing the reviews in order to better explain drivers of WOM activities in the
online channel for the successful implementation of the hotel marketing. For this purpose, we choose one of the popular touri st
destinations: Paris. We collect data for empirical analysis from one of the biggest online hotel reservation website. Our analysis
reveals that higher rating and lower price increases the propensity to write reviews. However, while the extreme rating and star
score and star rating does not have any effect on the propensity to write a review. We have also found the evidence for the negative
effect of larger room size on the propensity to write a review. These results imply that satisfaction rather than dissatisfaction
increases people more for writing reviews in hotel websites. We briefly discuss the managerial implications of our
2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of The 8th International Strategic
Management Conference
Keywords: online hotel reservation; online word of mouth; online reviews
1. Introduction
Customers increasingly use e-commerce sites for purchasing many products and services and internet becomes
preferred sales channel for many industries. Travel industry is one of the first and successful industries to use Internet
for this purpose and studies show that online travel sales keep growing. With a 16% share, hotel accommodation is the
second largest sales item after air travel among online travel sales and revenue generated through online hotel booking
increases (Marcussen 2008).
It has been reported in many cases that WoM is very effective marketing tool. In hotel industry, most customers
choose hotels based on recommendation of a friend and industrial report shows that word of mouth is one of the
important factors in hotel selection decision (Barsky & Nash 2008). Word of mouth of the product has long been
discussed as the free marketing tools of the products. This medium of marketing is more convincing than traditional
marketing tools as people experiencing the product information has no incentive to spread wrong information about
the product. It has been found that WoM marketing was seven times as effective as newspapers and magazines, four
times as effective as personal selling, and twice as effective as radio advertising in influencing people choices(Brown
and Peter 1997).
Corresponding author. Tel. + 90-312-292-4218 fax. +90-312-292-4104
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Available online at
© 2012 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the 8th International Strategic
Management Conference Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Hulisi Öğü t and Asunur Cezar / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 58 ( 2012 ) 980 – 986
One of the forms of word of mouth in the cyber world is online reviews. Recent studies show that travel reviews are
increasingly becoming an important factor in hotel selection by travelers. As indicated by Milan (2007), millions of
travelers log on daily to Travel websites like and experience web content through hotel generated
photos, written text and hotel reviews by past customers. Milan (2007) indicates that 84% of people visiting a Travel
website hosting consumer generated content have their hotel choices affected by what they see and online hotel
shoppers find reviews and hotel and room photos much more convincing than other features of hotels.
Although there are some similarities between two forms of online reviews and WoM, there are significant differences
between online review and WoM.
verbal communication, online reviews can reach all the people having access to the internet. Furthermore, the effect of
online reviews does not fade away with time and distance and it can be more detailed and durable as it reflects the
opinions of more than one person in written form. Another difference is that while it is very difficult to measure the
effectiveness of WoM, the metrics related to online reviews can easily be established (Bhatnagar & Ghose 2004, Duan
et al. 2008). Thus, it is important to understand drivers of WOM activities in the online channel for the successful
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. First, we present relevant literature. Then, we discuss the
hypothesis and their background. Next, we present our data and empirical results. Last section concludes the paper.
2. Literature Review
Many recent studies analyze the impact of online reviews on product sales by considering the review volume and
review valence measured as customer rating or positive/negative user ratings. (Sen and Lerman 2007; Senecal and
Nantel 2004). These studies in the movie and online book industry show mixed results. Some of the studies show that
both the volume and review valence affect future sales. Among the earlier studies, Chevaliear and Mayzlin (2006)
examine the effect of consumer reviews on relative sales of books at and and they
find that an improvement in a book's customer rating in the website causes an increase in sales at that site. However,
Chen et al. (2004) find the review valence does not affect future sales using the same data set from In
the movie industry, Liu (2006) has found that review volume is the driver of future box office sales. By separating the
effect of online review as both the originator and the result of sales, Duan et al. (2008) find that both a sales and
review valence significantly leads to higher review volume and higher review volume in turn results in higher sales.
Few rece By using
consideration set theory, Vermeulen and Seeger (2009) conduct an experimental study to analyze the effect of internet
customer reviews to consumer decision making. Consideration set theory (Roberts & Lattin, 1991) states that
customer decision making is multi-staged and at each subsequent stage (awareness/consideration/choice stage
respectively) a customer narrows down available alternatives until she makes her final decision. They consider review
valence (positive versus negative), hotel familiarity and the reviewer expertise as the construct of their study. They
find that both negative and positive reviews enhance consumer awareness for hotels. Furthermore, positive reviews
this result is especially valid for lesser-known hotels as the exposure to reviews have limited effect for well known
hotels. They also show that the impact of reviewer expertise is positive, albeit minor. Dickinger and Mazanec (2008)
show that recommendations of friends and online reviews are the most two important drivers of online hotel booking.
Ogut and Tas (2011) investigate the impact of star rating and customer rating on hotel room sales and prices and find
that higher customer rating increases the online sales. However, higher star do not increases the online hotel room
sales. They also show that there is a positive relationship between customer ratings and prices. Ghose et al (2011)
illustrates how social media can be mined in order to generate a new ranking system in product search engines and
propose a hotel ranking system that recommends products that provide on av
Our paper is mostly related to Dellarocas and Narayan (2006) and Dellarocas et al. (2010). Dellarocas and Narayan
propensity to engage in post-purchase online word-of-mouth in the movie industry. They
982 Hulisi Öğü t and Asunur Cezar / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 58 ( 2012 ) 980 – 986
Dellarocas et al. (2010) find that people are more likely to contribute for movies that are less and more successful.
Our paper is different from these papers from the following respects. First, we investigate one of the most successful
applications of e-commerce which is hotel industry. Second, the sales of rooms and writing the reviews take place at
the same website. Thus, people can write their ex-ante and ex-
investigate the effect of price and hotel specific characteristics such as room size. Fourth, the quality of service is
measured in two different ways: star and customer rating.
3. Hypothesis
One of the determinants of satisfaction and dissatisfaction is the quality of the service. In our context, the quality of
the hotels can be measured in two different ways. These are traditional way of star rating and digitized way of online
customer ratings. National rating agencies have been established by local authorities to evaluate hotels on the basis of
their intrinsic qualities and rank them according to a five or four star scale. As a quality measure, online customer
ratings complement star feature by considering subjective quality dimensions such as how nice hotel staff is, comfort
and cleanliness of the hotel room, facilities/services offered to customers ,value provided versus the price of the hotel
and location. Thus, we used both star and customer rating as a proxy for satisfaction. For this reason, we expect that
Hypothesis 1: The motivation for writing review will be high for hotels that have either low or high ratings.
Hypothesis 2: The motivation for writing review will be high for hotels that have either low or high stars.
Online reviews are considered as the counterpart of the word of mouth (WoM) in the cyber world as they share many
similarities. However, we believe that there is subtle difference between online reviews and traditional WoM since it is
possible to observe the quality of the product prior to purchase in online reviews. Thus, they will have lower (higher)
expectation if the customer rating of the product is low (high). We expect the same affect for the star rating as well. As
the positive and negative disconfirmation will be higher for high customer and star rating, we expect the propensity to
write the review will be high for hotels that have high ratings. Dellocras et al.(2010) find the similar results in movie
industry and stated that there is J type relationship between customer rating and the propensity to write review. For
this reason, we expect that
Hypothesis 3: The motivation for writing review will be high for hotels that have high ratings.
Hypothesis 4: The motivation for writing review will be high for hotels that have high stars.
The relationship between the word of mouth communication and price has not been thoroughly investigated in the
literature. As the price of the hotel decreases, people will become more satisfied or dissatisfied and they are more
likely to write reviews on web page. As the price of the hotel increases, the people are less likely to write review as the
quality of the hotel increases. For this reason, we expect negative relationship between price and the propensity to
review. Thus, we can hypothesize that
Hypothesis 5: For the given quality, the motivation for writing review will be high for hotels that have lower price.
We collected the data from one of the biggest online hotel web booking sites: We choose Paris
hotel as the source of our data sets since it is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. The dependent
variable, the propensity to write a review is the likelihood that customer can write a review after staying in the hotel.
Number of Review at Specific Time Interval
Likelihood of Writing Review= Number of Booking at Specific Time Interval
Since number of booking at specific time interval can not be greater than number of booking at that time, this variable
is restricted to be between 0 and 1. We can use the logistic function to model the relationship between dependent
Hulisi Öğü t and Asunur Cezar / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 58 ( 2012 ) 980 – 986
variable(likelihood of writing review) and independent variables as in Dellarocas and Narayan (2006). Then, logit
transformation of this relationship is given as
ln 1
One of the problems with this approach is that if y variable is 0 and 1, then logistic transformation of odds will be
infinity. The other problem is that this function is not reversible in order to estimate the equation in 1 (Papke and
Wooldridge (1996)). Papke and Wooldridge (1996) use a quasi-likelihood regression model for continuously
ln 1 1 ln
ii i i
lyGx y Gx
Gx e
45 6
i0 i2 i i
ii ik,D i
f x = + ln(Price) + Customer Rating + Customer Rating Mean Rating
Star+ Star Mean Star + ln RegionDummy
In the equation above
is the likelihood of writing review. In order to test the effect of extreme satisfaction and
dissatisfaction, we added the square root of difference between quality variable and the mean value of it. In this way,
U type relationship between quality variable (i.e. star and customer rating) and independent variable is captured. We
predicted the parameters of independent variables using Maximum likelihood approach. Size and region dummy is
added as explanatory variable for control purposes. We take the logarithmic transformation of price and size of the
affect as the standard deviations of these variables are large compared to other variables.
4. Data
The data are from one of the biggest online hotel web booking sites: After customers enter
information on location, check-in and check-out dates to the website, available hotels are listed and it is possible to
obtain information on hotel star, type and price of hotel rooms and average hotel customer rating in this listing. If
facilities, hotel policies, number of hotel rooms and detailed guest reviews. From these websites, we gathered the
information on hotel star, region of the hotel in the city, room price per night, average customer rating, number of
hotel rooms, number of customer reviews and number of hotel reservation. Data are collected in 2011 and the average
values of price and customer rating are computed for the final data set. We used the price of a standard double room as
the room price since some hotels do not have the price information for single rooms.
Individual customer rating, is calculated in the following way. First, customers rate hotel quality in terms of hotel
staff, services/facilities, cleanness of hotel room, comfort, value for money and location. The score in these
dimensions can be poor, fair, good or excellent and counts for 1, 2, 3 and 4 points respectively. All these points are
added and divided by 2.4 for the final individual score
obtained based on classification of Table I displays the descriptive statistics of the variables used in our
study. Table 2 displays the correlation between the variables.
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics
Likelihood to Review
(Rating-Mean Rating)2
984 Hulisi Öğü t and Asunur Cezar / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 58 ( 2012 ) 980 – 986
Table 2. Correlation between Variables
5. Estimation Results
Before testing the hypotheses, several econometric specifications are checked. We first identify outliers of the log
transformation of price and sales per room variable in the data set using the Grubbs methodology. Grubbs' test
(Grubbs (1969) and Stefansky (1972)) is used to detect one outlier at a time in the univariate data set. The outlier is
removed from the data set and the test is iterated until no outliers are detected. This test is also known as the maximum
normed residual test. The multicollinearity of explanatory variables is investigated using the variance inflatio n factor
(VIF). VIF values range from 1.27 to 3.10. Since VIF values are smaller than the recommended value of 10 (Belsley,
Kuh, & Welsch, 1980), we conclude that there is no multicollinearity problem in our regression analysis.
Table 3. Regression Results
The significances of the coefficients of star and customer rating test our third (H3) and fourth (H4) hypotheses. For all
of the regression specifications with different sets of explanatory variables, the coefficient of the customer rating is
significant at 1% and the sign of the coefficient is positive. Thus, the regression results validate our third hypothesis
(H3) by showing that an increase in the customer rating of a hotel leads to a significant increase in the propensity to
write a review. Even though we are able to validate H3, we could not find supportive evidence from the regression
result for the fourth hypothesis. The regression results show that the coefficient of star rating is insignificant even at
the 10% significance level. Thus, the hypothesis that higher star rating result in higher propensity to write a review is
not supported. In order to test U type relationship between the propensity to review and quality variables proxied by
star and customer rating, we added the square of the difference between the value of these variables and their means as
explanatory variables. The significances of these variable test our first (H1) and second (H2) hypotheses. However, the
coefficients of these variables are not significant .Thus, we could not validate the hypotheses that extreme higher or
(Star-Mean Star)2
Room Size
Likelihood to
-Mean Star)2
Likelihood to Review
(Star-Mean Star)2
(Rating-Mean Rating)2
Room Size
Standart Deviation
P value
ln(Room Size)
(Rating-Mean Rating)2
(Star-Mean Star)2
Hulisi Öğü t and Asunur Cezar / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 58 ( 2012 ) 980 – 986
test our fifth hypothesis that lower price results in higher the propensity to review. Our results provide support for this
6. Conclusion
activities in the online channel for the successful implementation of the hotel marketing. For this purpose, we choose
one of the popular tourist destinations: Paris. We collect data for empirical analysis from one of the biggest online
hotel reservation website. Our analysis reveal that higher rating and lower price increases the propensity to write while
the extreme high or low rating and star score, star rating does not have any effect on the propensity to write a review.
We have also found the evidence for the negative effect of larger room size on the propensity to write a review. These
results imply that satisfaction rather than dissatisfaction affects people more for writing reviews in hotel websites.
In our paper, we test whether online customer review is subject to self selection bias meaning that customers having
extreme satisfaction or dissatisfaction are more likely to post reviews compared to other past customers. Our results
did not provide supportive evidence for this argument. We also show how to increase posting of online comment. This
is especially more important for the hotels having fewer reviews as limited reviews are more likely to represent the
customer rating. Furthermore, higher online number of reviews may increases sales as it
implies that people frequently prefer this hotel.
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... Previous studies have used several dimensions of hotel service quality attributes to assess OCS in the tourism industry, particularly in the hotel industry using the consumergenerated OPRs [33][34][35][36][37]. However, previous studies have used consumer-generated OPRs mainly for commercial destinations to assess the quality or performance of hotels based on classification ratings or other characteristics [25,[38][39][40][41][42][43][44][45][46][47][48][49]. Only a few studies have explored the impact of hotels' online ratings on customer satisfaction in religious destinations [31,33,[50][51][52][53]. ...
... Li et al. [36], using online review ratings covering 774 hotels of various classifications, revealed that customers' comfort is an imperative factor for tourists to stay in hotels. Hua et al. [39] and Ögüta and Cezara [44], using customers' data from Chinese budget hotels and online review data of Paris hotels from, respectively, confirmed comfort as an essential factor for customers' satisfaction that may result in repeat booking. According to Singh and Alhamad's [53] analysis of Makkah hotels, comfort is a critical factor in determining customer satisfaction. ...
... The studies of Kim et al. [41], which used online review ratings from TripAdvisor of 100 New York City hotels, and O'Connor et al. [140], which utilized comments from TripAdvisor, concluded that staff attitudes influence customer satisfaction. Similarly, Ögüta and Cezara [44], Becerra et al. [141], and Raguseo and Vitari [25] also confirmed the importance of hotel staff attitude in improving customer satisfaction. The Makkah hotel studies of Alhamad and Singh [31] and Singh and Alhamad [53] revealed staff attitude as a significant factor and satisfier, respectively. ...
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User-generated online ratings have become a prominent tool for hotels to enhance overall customer satisfaction. Prior research on online ratings has mainly considered commercial destinations, whereas research on religious destinations is limited. This study uses the IPA technique and beta regression analysis to investigate the destination’s (commercial and religious) varying effects on the relationship between hotel service quality attributes and customer satisfaction. In total, data from 338 hotels representing 82,704 customer reviews in two Saudi Arabian cities (Alkhobar and Makkah) were collected from and analyzed. Makkah was selected as a key religious heritage destination, whereas Alkhobar was chosen as a commercial destination as it hosts major sea resorts, recreational parks, and shopping destinations. The results indicate that commercial and religious destination tourists do not have similar perceptions of the selected eight hotel service quality attributes. While comfort, facilities, and value-for-money service quality attributes were considered important for commercial destination tourists, religious destination tourists viewed location, cleanliness, and breakfast as important. Since effective management of customer satisfaction is essential for hotels’ profitability and sustainability, therefore it is imperative to identify and prioritize service quality attributes related to each group of customers. This will enable the efficient application of limited resources.
... Öğüta and Cezara's [54] study, which examined online reviews from regarding hotels in Paris, reported that the hotel's staff, comfort, cleanliness, facilities, value for money spent, and location were essential for customers' satisfaction. Becerra et al. [55] examined the influence of horizontal and vertical differentiation on price policy in Spanish hotels to observe that the location, value for the money spent, staff, and cleanliness determined customers' hotel choices. ...
... Prior research conducted in various countries and contexts revealed that breakfast [50][51][52], comfort [13,46,54], cleanliness [18,47,48,54,56], facilities [13,18,48,54], locality [46,47,49,[51][52][53], staff attitude [18,48,49,54,55], value for the money spent [13,18,46,47,[53][54][55][56], and complementary Wi-Fi [58] could impact online review ratings of hotels. Some of these factors play an important role in managing crisis situations, such as COVID-19 [63]. ...
... Prior research conducted in various countries and contexts revealed that breakfast [50][51][52], comfort [13,46,54], cleanliness [18,47,48,54,56], facilities [13,18,48,54], locality [46,47,49,[51][52][53], staff attitude [18,48,49,54,55], value for the money spent [13,18,46,47,[53][54][55][56], and complementary Wi-Fi [58] could impact online review ratings of hotels. Some of these factors play an important role in managing crisis situations, such as COVID-19 [63]. ...
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In the present Internet age, customers have turned to online booking websites to meet their demand for quality hotel services and convey their experiences. As hotels can survive and succeed by satisfying consumers and obtaining high online ratings, this research predicts the key factors impacting these ratings. The study analyzes online consumer review data gleaned from the popular website for hotel ratings near the key religious heritage site in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. The research applies the four-factor theory due to its importance in studying consumer satisfaction and prior non-application to the hospitality and tourism industry. This theory extended the two-factor theory to report four distinct sets of factors: satisfiers, dissatisfiers, criticals, and neutrals. Accordingly, the present research presents a novel categorization of key predictive factors and enriches the literature, which categorized factors as either satisfiers or dissatisfiers. Consequently, facilities and comfort are critical factors, while cleanliness, staff, and location are satisfiers; the value for the money spent is dissatisfier; the availability of breakfast and restaurants are neutral factors. The hospitality industry, specifically the hotel industry, can focus on characteristics of the four distinct sets of factors; various nations can leverage the findings to boost their hospitality and tourism sectors.
... The real estate brand, is dependable and enjoys a positive reputation [30]. This suggests that when the price is high, the motive to write a bad review is greater [31]. consumers generate cognitions and connotations when they are exposed to advertisements, which affect their attitudes toward advertising as well as their perceptions about the company's image. ...
... As a result, it is possible to correlate that someone will be more likely to purchase green products as a result of marketing if they have recognized and learned related information from the advertisement and are inspired to buy as a result of that commercial. When exposed to an advertisement, consumers form cognition and conation, which impacts their attitude toward the advertisement as well as their views about the company's image [31]. Trust from customer should be noticed by company because it can affect the customer decision. ...
... According to the motivation theory for word-of-mouth communication (Dichter, 1966), consumers' subconscious motives can explain their word-of-mouth communication motives and further purchase decisions. Many scholars employ this theory to examine online reviews and classify the motivations for posting online reviews into four categories (Öğüta and Cezara, 2012), including the motive for product involvement, the motive for information involvement, the motive for self-involvement, and the motive for other involvement. More specifically, the motive for product involvement refers to a consumer's desire to post online reviews based on their direct product experiences, often extreme experiences. ...
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With the rapid development of e-commerce, online reviews have become an important information source for consumers and e-commerce businesses. While the negative impact of deceptive online reviews has been well recognized, more research has to be done to help understand the linguistic manifestations of deceptive online reviews in order to help identify deceptive reviews and help increase the value and sustainability of e-commerce businesses. This study explores the linguistic manifestations of deceptive online reviews based on the reality monitoring theory, and then uses the data from online product reviews to examine perceptual cues, affective cues, detail cues, relevance cues, and cognitive cues of various deceptive online reviews. The results show that reviews for emotional catharsis are more extreme with affective cues, while perfunctory reviews often lack details with fewer prepositions and adjectives. In addition, deceptive reviews often lack relevance cues when these reviews are made to obtain the rewards provided by the vendors while paid posters tend to use more cognitive cues in deceptive reviews. Moreover, deceptive online reviews under all motives often lack perceptual cues. These findings provide a deeper understanding of the linguistic manifestations of deceptive online reviews and provide significant managerial implications for e-commerce businesses to employ high-quality online reviews for sustainable growth.
... From the study of previous literature on hotels website quality, it has been found that clear language (Raad et al., 2018), easy to understand information (Vrontis et al., 2008), user friendly layout (Espigares-Jurado et al., 2020), high resolution photographs (Sivaji et al., 2014), videos of hotel products (Aluri et al., 2015), well-organised information (Ongsakul et al., 2020), usage of color combination (Kim and Mattila, 2011), secured payment gateway (Moraru, 2018), easily accessible contact details (Hahn et al., 2017) and hotel location on Google map (Yang et al., 2019), etc. are the most important features of website quality. Important features of hotel website content found from the study of previous literature are information about type of hotel (Musante et al., 2009), guestrooms (Salem and Čavlek, 2016), price of rooms (Öğüta and Cezara, 2012), location of the hotel (Yang et al., 2018), cleanliness and hygiene standards (Stringam et al., 2010), places of tourists interest (Ramos et al., 2016), leisure activities (Albayrak et al., 2017), discounts and offers (Liang and Chen, 2012) and special events in the city and hotel (Edo-Marzá, 2011). ...
... Hoteliers can improve their services by analysing text data -in this case, customer reviews where the analysis result can be used to improve business decisionmaking. Allowing consumers to write reviews serves as a way for them to share their thoughts or experiences about a product or service [7]. In the field of opinion mining, it also reflects the customer's sentiment or voice, which has a major effect on the market. ...
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With a large number of reviews being posted daily, online travel forums have become a very common platform for sharing travel information. Travel websites including and have become invaluable tools for hoteliers and travellers alike, enabling them to advertise hotel rooms, select hotels, and solicit and exchange reviews. This research paper uses data collected from TripAdvisor websites and 5501 reviews were collected from 4 different four-star hotels in Kuala Lumpur from 2012-2017. The work aims to extract the keyword (factors) that influence travellers in their choice of hotels using the framework of Visualizing Keyword Relationship Analysis (VKRA). The relationships of these keywords are illustrated using text analytics visualization techniques which are term frequency, keyword association and keyword network graph. The incorporation of these text analytics techniques offers insights for (i) travellers to view the opinions of other travellers on these hotels and (ii) hoteliers to understand travellers' preferences (location, room, services) and experiences, and improve their services in the future.
... In this direction, value for money is one of the key predictors for customer satisfaction, which leads to return intentions; the hotel location has the highest mean among performance attributes (Jeong and Jeon, 2008). Higher ratings and lower prices increase the propensity to write reviews (Ogut and Cezar, 2012). According to a study of PWC, the factors of cleanliness, and location tend to be rated most highly via review sites, whereas room quality and value for money are most often the most negative attributes (PWC, 2015). ...
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The aim of this research is to investigate the customer ratings of hotels on online review sites. Accordingly, the data of this research relied on TripAdvisor's customer ratings of the Hurghada hotels in Egypt. The results revealed that the customer's overall rating of hotels is at a very good level with an average of 4.18 (Std. 0.51). The factors of hotel location (4.18 out of 5), service quality (4.18), value for money (4.18), hotel cleanliness (4.12), and room quality (4) are at a very good level. In addition, the customer's overall rating of hotels is significantly correlated to the hotel's distance from the city center (r = 0.373), and the number of reviews (r = 0.363) at a significant level of 0.05. Also, the customer's overall rating of hotels significantly varied according to the level of the hotel's distance from the city center (Mann-Whitney U 1308, Sig. 0.001), and the star rating of hotels (Kruskal-Wallis test 19.496, Sig 0.000). Moreover, the customer's overall rating of hotels does not differ significantly according to the hotel chains (Kruskal-Wallis test 22.11, Sig. 0.076). The regression model between the customer's overall rating of hotels (X) and the customer's rating of hotel location (Y) is as follows: Y = 2.667 + 0.362X. Finally, the implications of this research help marketing managers in the task of customer relationship management. INTRODUCTION The internet is an effective tool for word-of-mouth communication. Therefore, most customers write about and share their experiences on online review sites (Yoo and Gretzel, 2008). Thence, online customer reviews (or ratings) are increasingly widespread due to some factors that include customers relying heavily on a wide variety of web-based sources prior to make a purchase in the hotel industry (Ghose, 2012; Malbon, 2013), rapid development and customer adoption of technology. These reviews are an important competitive advantage, which they affect the destination image in the mind of customers and the selection of hotels (Yu,
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In the digital era, hotels' online reviews shape consumer behavior and satisfaction, consequently influencing hotel bookings and revenue stream. Previous research investigated the factors impacting hotels' online ratings in commercial cities; however, this study analyses the hotels' online ratings in Saudi Arabia's key religious city Makkah by data mining popular website using classification approach. The present study employs consideration set theory as the theoretical lens and finds seven hotel attributes as the awareness set (in the priority order), viz. facilities, comfort, cleanliness, staff, location, value for money, and free WiFi. Except for value for money and free WiFi, the rest of the five hotel attributes constitute the consideration set. Hotel facilities being the most important factor, form the choice set. The study results indicate that value for money is less important in religious destinations than commercial destinations. Further, free WiFi is less critical to influence consumer ratings these days as almost all hotels provide it, and consumers have alternatives like mobile internet plans. As religious tourism is expected to drive future economic growth of nations, this study's findings would empower the hospitality and tourism industry (specifically hotels) in tourism destinations, especially Saudi Arabia, in line with its Vision 2030. Disciplinary: Business Management and Information Systems, Hotel Management, Tourism and Hospitality.
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Online travel sales increased by 17% from 2007 to 2008 and reached EUR 58.4 billion in the European market in 2008 - or 22.5% of the market (up from EUR 49.8 bn. or 19.6% in 2007). A further increase of about 12% during 2009 to about EUR 65.2 billion may be expected (25% of the market). The UK accounted for 30% of the European online travel market in 2008, with Germany in second place at 18%. The direct sellers accounted for 64% of online sales in the European market in 2008, intermediaries 36%. In 2008 the breakdown of the market by type of service was as follows: Airtravel 54%; Hotels (and other accommodations) 19½%; Package tours 15%; Rail 7½%; Rental cars (and car ferries) 4%. In the last quarter of 2008 a significant slowdown in the European economy set in, which will affect the European travel market during 2009. (PDF) Trends in European internet distribution - of travel and tourism services. Available from: [accessed Dec 21 2019].
In [1] C. Daniel proposed a statistic equivalent to the maximum normed residual for detecting a single bad value in an unreplicated factorial design. The following paper gives a general procedure for calculating critical values of the maximum normed residual and contains revised tables for a two-way layout with one observation per cell, which can be used as a replacement of Table 2 in [l].
Introduction and Historical PerspectiveTechnical Background Experimental ExperienceSummary Interpretation, and Examples of Diagnosing Actual Data for CollinearityAppendix 3A: The Condition Number and InvertibilityAppendix 3B: Parameterization and ScalingAppendix 3C: The Weakness of Correlation Measures in Providing Diagnostic InformationAppendix 3D: The Harm Caused by Collinearity
The authors develop a model of consideration set composition. The approach taken is to compare the marginal expected benefits of including an additional brand in the consideration set with its associated costs of consideration. From an expression of the utility that a brand needs to gain membership in an existing consideration set, the authors derive an expression for set composition and optimal set size. They develop a measurement method to test the model at the individual level and apply it to the ready-to-eat cereal market. The model is tested in two ways. First, the utility function is calibrated at the individual level and the model is used to predict consideration of existing brands. The calibrated model also is used to forecast individual consideration of three new product concepts. Second, the predictive ability of a two-stage model of consideration and choice is tested against a traditional one-stage choice model. The authors conclude with a discussion of management implications of the model in terms of auditing currently available brands and new product management.
Procedures are given in the report for determining statistically whether the highest observation, or the lowest observation, or the highest and lowest observations, or the two highest observations, or the two lowest observations, or perhaps more of the observations in the sample may be considered to be outlying observations or discrepant values. Statistical tests of significance are useful in this connection either in the absence of assignable physical causes or to support a practical judgement that some of the experimental observations are aberrant. Both the statistical formulae and illustrative applications of the procedures to practical examples are given, thus representing a rather complete treatment of significance tests for outliers in single univariate samples.
In this paper, the impact of two service quality metrics (star rating and customer rating) on hotel room sales and prices is investigated. Two of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, Paris and London, are chosen. It is found that a higher customer rating significantly increases the online sales of hotels. The study results show that a 1% increase in online customer rating increases Sales per Room up to 2.68% in Paris and up to 2.62% in London. Contrary to expectations, higher stars do not increase the sales. It is also shown that higher customer ratings result in higher prices of the hotel and the prices of high star hotels are more sensitive to online customer ratings.
User-Generated Content (UGC) on social media platforms and product search engines is changing the way consumers shop for goods online. However, current product search engines fail to effectively leverage information created across diverse social media platforms. Moreover, current ranking algorithms in these product search engines tend to induce consumers to focus on one single product characteristic dimension (e.g., price, star rating). This approach largely ignores consumers ’ multi-dimensional preferences for products. In this paper, we propose to generate a ranking system that recommends products that provide on average the best value for the consumer’s money. The key idea is that products that provide a higher surplus should be ranked higher on the screen in response to consumer queries. We use a unique dataset of U.S. hotel reservations made over a three-month period through Travelocity, which we supplement with data from various social media sources using techniques from text mining, image classification, social geotagging, human annotations, and geo-mapping. We propose a random coefficient hybrid structural model, taking into consideration the two sources of consumer heterogeneity the different travel occasions and different hotel characteristics introduce. Based on the estimates from the model, we infer the economic impact of various location and service characteristics of hotels. We then propose a new hotel ranking
This paper uses actual WOM information to examine the dynamic patterns of WOM and how it helps explain box office revenue. The WOM data was collected from the website of Yahoo! Movies. The results show that WOM activities are the most active during pre-release and the opening week, and that movie audiences tend to hold relatively high expectation before release, but become more critical in the opening week. More importantly, WOM information offers significant explanatory power for both aggregate and weekly box office revenue, especially in the early weeks after opening. However, most of this explanatory power comes from the volume of WOM, not its valence as measured by the percentages of positive and negative messages.