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Effect of dynamic suryanamaskar on physical efficiency index of physical education students

... K and Choudhary R[15,16] conducted a study to find out the effect of dynamic suryanamaskar on negative breath holding capacity. The results indicate that in the beginning, at least two intervals (two weeks each) together are sufficient to bring change in Negative Breath Holding Capacity. ...
... The results indicate that in the beginning, at least two intervals (two weeks each) together are sufficient to bring change in Negative Breath Holding Capacity. Stec K & Choudhary R[16] conducted a study to find out the effect of dynamic suryanamaskar on physical efficiency index. Experimental treatment found effective for the improvement of PEI. ...
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Background and Study Aim: The objective of the study was to find out the trend of the effects of four varieties of dynamic yogic breathing call as Bhastrika Pranayama on physical efficiency measured by Harward Step Test. The study was design to find out significant difference between measures of performance (Physical Efficiency Index) for four treatments (four verities of Bhastrika pranayama). Also to find out interaction between particular trials and treatments (linear, quadratic & cubic component for overall trend). Material and Methods: Total of 40 students were selected as subjects. Age of the Subjects was ranged from 17 to 25 years. All the subjects were divided randomly in to four groups i.e. 10 in each group. Practice of Bhastrika Pranayama was considered as Independent variables and Physical Efficiency Index was considered as dependent variables. To find out the trend of the effects of four varieties of Bhastrika Pranayama on Physical Efficiency Index, trend analysis with multiple treatments was used at 0.05 level of significance. Results: Insignificant difference was found between measures of performance for treatments (significant trend for treatments), between trials and treatments interaction and between cubic component for overall trends (all p > 0.05). Significant difference (p < 0.05) was found between measures of performance for treatments (significant trend for trials), also between linear component for overall trends (p < 0.05) and between quadratic component for overall trends. Conclusions: Study revealed that all the four varieties of Bhastrika Pranayama practices proved to be equal in bringing out change in Physical Efficiency Index.
... Dynamic Suryanamaskar practice proved to be effective in the improvement of vital capcity. Stec K and Choudhary R [15,16] conducted a study to find out the effect of dynamic suryanamaskar on negative breath holding capacity . The results indicate that in the beginning, at least two intervals (two weeks each) together are sufficient to bring change in Negative Breath Holding Capacity. ...
... The results indicate that in the beginning, at least two intervals (two weeks each) together are sufficient to bring change in Negative Breath Holding Capacity. Stec K & Choudhary R [16] conducted a study to find out the effect of dynamic suryanamaskar on physical efficiency index. Experimental treatment found effective for the improvement of PEI. ...
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Background and Study Aim: The objective of the study was to find out the Trend of the effects of four varieties of dynamic yogic breathing call as Bhastrika Pranayama on physical efficiency measured by Harward Step Test. The study was design to find out significant difference between measures of performance (Physical Efficiency Index) for four treatments (four verities of Bhastrika pranayama). Also to find out interaction between particular trials and treatments (linear, quadratic & cubic component for overall trend). Material/Methods: Total of 40 students were selected as subjects. Age of the Subjects was ranged from 17 to 25 years. All the subjects were divided randomly in to four groups i.e. 10 in each group. Practice of Bhastrika Pranayama was considered as Independent variables and Physical Efficiency Index was considered as dependent variables. To find out the trend of the effects of four varieties of Bhastrika Pranayama on Physical Efficiency Index, trend analysis with multiple treatments was used at 0.05 level of Significance. Results: Insignificant difference was found between measures of performance for treatments (significant trend for treatments), between trials and treatments interaction and between cubic component for overall trends (all p>0.05). Significant difference (p<0.05) was found between measures of performance for treatments (significant trend for trials), also between linear component for overall trends (p<0.05) and between quadratic component for overall trends. Conclusions: Study revealed that all the four varieties of Bhastrika Pranayama practices proved to be equal in bringing out change in Physical Efficiency Index.
... Research findings from various studies vary considerably because they differ with respect to those components and the ways in which they are presented and executed. Based on recent experiments, at least one of the fundamental yogic practicesthe dynamic version of Suryanamaskar (Sun Salutations) -changes both the physical fitness and the anthropometric characteristics of those who practice it [54,55]. Yoga is probably the most famous in the West for stretching activity that improves flexibility and increases joint mobility [39,56]. ...
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The purpose of this review is to present yoga as an important tool for both disease prevention and health care. Yoga involves a holistic approach that lacks the mechanistic fragmentation of the impact on individual organs and body systems, which arises from much of the specialization found in modern medicine. Lifestyle diseases are increasingly a problem. The incidence of diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, cancer, mental illness and obesity is increasing worldwide. This is true even of countries that, until recently, followed a traditional way of life. Technology, the pace of life, stress, and reduced physical activity serve to degrade the general level of health in societies across the globe. In Western societies, these factors have raised the demand for preventive and therapeutic antidotes, leading Westerners to turn to traditional yoga, which is, however, often modified to the point of distorting its essence. In its original nature yoga is a non-religious, psychosomatic system based on natural laws, inspired by science to act on the body in a way that is integrated into the natural world. The system of Ayurvedic medicine works in parallel with yoga, aiming at the same holistic effect. Both it and the various elements of yoga, in particular asanas (postures), are the means of effecting beneficial changes in psychosomatic functioning. Yoga itself relaxes and strengthens physical movement, focusing particular attention on the mobility of the spine. It is also the perfect medium for achieving mental balance. These properties of yoga have made it useful in the treatment of cancer and other modern diseases, in slowing the body’s aging process, and in achieving general welfare and well-being. More intense forms of yoga practice, such as the ancient method of fitness training called Suryanamaskar, have demonstrated their effectiveness in preventing and treating cardiovascular diseases, respiratory ailments and other conditions.
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