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Insecticidal and repellent effects of Aristolochia bracteolata Lam. against Trogoderma granarium Everts.


Abstract and Figures

In the course of studying environmentally safe alternatives pesticides, this research was dealt with insecticidal potentialities of scorpion root (Aristolochia bracteolata) against the third instar larvae of the khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium). Organic and water extracts of three parts (fruits, leaves and roots) were tested at three concentrations (1.25%, 2.5% and 5% w/v) in laboratory experiments, during 2010-2011, at the Environment and Natural Resources Research Institute, Sudan. The main parameters considered included, mortality and repellent effects of treatments on the pest, and the consequent impact on sorghum grains damage. The results of bioassay experiment revealed very poor mortality effects by all extracts of scorpion root without significant differences from the untreated control, except the highest dose (5%) of leaves ethyl acetate extract which showed the best significant result, though hardly exceeded 50% mortality after three weeks post treatments. But, the latter extract has attained the next inferior chemical yield compared to the other extracts. Considering the larval damage, the highest savings of grains was attained by the fruits hexane extract, followed by the leaves ethyl acetate extract. Although, the latter extract exerted higher repellent action than fruits hexane extract, no significant differences were found between them. However, the superior saving of sorghum grains showed by the fruits hexane extract may need further investigation particularly for the presence of antifeedant compounds in this extract. Moreover, the higher extractive yields obtained by this extract as compared with that of leaves ethyl acetate, may suggest the potentiality of such portion (fruits hexane extract) which should be emphasized in future research.
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Mokhtar Mohamed Elamin et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (6), 559-566
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries , Volume 2, Issue 6, November-December 2012
Mokhtar Mohamed Elamin and Abdalla Abdelrahim Satti*
Department of Alternatives to Pesticides and Biocontrol, Environment and Natural Resources Research Institute, Nati onal
Centre for Research, P.O. Box 6096, Khartoum, Sudan
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries
An International peer
Review Journal for Science
Research Article Available online through
Received: 09.11.2012
Accepted: 16.12.2012
*Corresponding Author
Abdalla Abdelrahim Satti
National Center for Research,
In the course of studying environmentally safe alternatives pesticides, this
research was dealt with insecticidal potentialities of scorpion root (Aristolochia
bracteolata) against the third instar larvae of the khapra beetle ( Trogoderma granarium).
Organic and water extracts of three parts (fruits, leaves and roots) were tested at three
concentrations (1.25%, 2.5% and 5% w/v) in laboratory experiments, during 2010-2011,
at the Environment and Natural Resources Research Institute, Sudan. The main
parameters considered included, mortality and repellent effects of treatments on the pest,
and the consequent impact on sorghum grains damage. The results of bioassay
experiment revealed very poor mortality effects by all extracts of scorpion root without
significant differences from the untreated control, except the highest dose (5%) of leaves
ethyl acetate extract which showed the best significant result, though hardly exceeded
50% mortality after three weeks post treatments. But, the latter extract has attained the
next inferior chemical yield compared to the other extracts. Considering the larval
damage, the highest savings of grains was attained by the fruits hexane extract, followed
by the leaves ethyl acetate extract. Although, the latter extract exerted higher repellent
action than fruits hexane extract, no significant differences were found between them.
However, the superior saving of sorghum grains showed by the fruits hexane extract may
need further investigation particularly for the presence of antifeedant compounds in this
extract. Moreover, the higher extractive yields obtained by this extract as compared with
that of leaves ethyl acetate, may suggest the potentiality of such portion (fruits hexane
extract) which should be emphasized in future resea rch.
Keywords: Scorpion root; mortality; repellent; extracts; Trogoderma granarium; Sudan.
Mokhtar Mohamed Elamin et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (6), 559-566
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries , Volume 2, Issue 6, November-December 2012
Scorpion root (Aristolochia bracteolata Lam.) (Family; Aristolochiaceae), locally known as “Um-Galagil”, is a common
medicinal herb in Sudan that grown spontaneously in different areas, especially in the central semi-arid and semi-humid zones
of the country where enough rainfalls is found [1,2]. The herb is also recorded in several African and Arab countries including
Chad, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Central Africa Republic, Mali, Nigeria, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United Arab
Emirates and Yemen. Likewise, it prevails in most Asian countries like India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka [3,4,5]. In folk medicine, A.
bracteolata is used as purgative and for treatment of amenorrhea, dysmenorrheal, foul ulcer, boils, syphilis, gonorrhea,
dyspepsia, colic, skin diseases, scorpion bite, snake bite, eczema, artherlgia and intermittent fever. Seeds is ground in water to
form a lotion and used for softening hair [6,7,8]. Moreover, the root is used to treat male sterility [9]. Accordingly, studies proved
various biological activities of A. bracteolata. It is effective as antibacterial and antifungal. The plant is even poisonous to man,
rats, goats and livestock, and can kills intestinal worms [6,10,11,12,13].
Various active chemical compounds were detected in the different parts of A. bracteolata, which seem to contribute to
its variable biological activities. Among the main secondary metabolites reported are; alkaloids, aristolochic acid, β -sistosterol,
aristolactam, phenols, flavonoids, glycosides, terpenoids, sterols and saponins [14,15,16,17]. However, studies in Sudan revealed
that A. bracteolata contains sterols, alkaloids tannins and aristolochic acid [18,19]. The plant is therefore proved to have
antioxidant and insecticidal properties [20]. These records are encouraging to study this plant for different uses especially as
natural insecticides.
Currently there is an increasing interest worldwide in botanical insecticides as a result of the various problems
initiated by the irrational uses of synthetic chemicals. In this respect, the Sudan is considered one of the richest African
countries in floral diversity that may represents a potential source for natural pesticides [21]. Among the different active plants
utilized traditionally for various purposes in the country, A. bracteolata is one of the important remedial herbs against multi
human diseases, as explained above. However, indigenous studies regarding insecticidal properties of this plant are nearly
missing. In order to bridge the gap in this field, the present work focu ses on investigating the insecticidal and repellent effects
of Aristolochia bracteolata, using the third instar larva of Trogoderma granarium as a test insect.
Collection of plant materials
Mature naturally grown scorpion root ( Aristolochia bracteolata) plants were uprooted from Shambat area, Khartoum
North, during April 2010 and brought to the laboratory at the Environment and Natural Resources Research Institute (ENRRI).
Fruits, leaves and roots were separated and dried under shade c onditions. As usually done, one day before extraction, these
parts were made into fine powders using an electric blender (Moulinex®, Type MS -223). The powders were kept in dark
Organic extracts:
Three solvents (viz. hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol) were used successively for extracting the prepared plant
samples (fruits, leaves and roots) in a soxhlet apparatus, with six units and 500 ml flasks sizes. The sequence of extraction
started with the removal of oil (apolar compounds) from the fruits sample by using the hexane, and then followed by the ethyl
acetate and methanol to obtain the intermediate and polar compounds, respectively. The other samples (leaves and roots)
were only extracted with ethyl acetate and methanol. A weight of 20g powder from each plant sample was loaded in the
Mokhtar Mohamed Elamin et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (6), 559-566
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries , Volume 2, Issue 6, November-December 2012
soxhlet thimble and extracted to 9 h. Three to five extraction rounds were performed with new samples to get the required
quantity from each extract. All extracts were dried from solvents under normal air current. Similarly, the filtrate was also air
dried and re-extracted successively with the other solvents, in the same way. Each extract was kept separately in a dark bottle
and placed in a refrigerator until used. However, both the filtrates and extractive materials obtained at the end of each
extraction step were re-weighed so as to determine the percentages of yielded extracts.
The above prepared organic extracts were firstly diluted with water to prepare the highest extract concentration
(5%). However in case of the oil extract, 0.1% liquid soap was added as an emulsifier. Consequently, the other concentrations
(2.5% and 1.25%) were prepared by serial dilutions with water.
Water extracts:
Water extraction was done for all the three plant samples. As mentioned before, plant powders were generally
prepared one day before the extraction process. Therefore, this was also considered when preparing water extraction which
started 24h before the commencement of the experiment. Accordingly, the plant powder needed was weighed in a 100ml
conical flask where half volume of water was added, mixed thoroughly with a glass rod and allowed to stand overnight. In the
next day the mixture was agitated manually for few seconds before filtration, usi ng fine mesh. The volume of the extract was
completed with water to attain the highest concentration (5%w/v) indicated for the study. Consequently, the other
concentrations (2.5% and 1.25% w/v) were prepared through serial water dilutions.
Biological assays
Two bioassay laboratory experiments were conducted consecutively to evaluate the insecticidal potentialities of the
prepared extracts. The first experiment was aimed to test the mortality effects of treatments against the third instar larvae of
the khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium (Coleoptera: Dermestidae). Afterwards, the highest concentrations of all extracts
were selected for the next experiment to study their repellent effects on the same pest. The number of larvae allocated for
each experiment was segregated from a culture found reserved at the Laboratory of Botanical Pesticides, Department of
Alternatives to Pesticides and Biological Control, ENRRI. However, the daily readings of temperatures (maximum and
minimum) and relative humidity in the laboratory were recorded throughout the study period.
Evaluation of mortality effects:
The first experiment of mortality effect was conducted during June-July 2010, applying all the prepared botanical
concentrations in comparison with an untreated control. Gla ss Petri dishes occupied with clean sound sorghum (Sorghum
bicolor) grains were used to accommodate the experiment. Each 10g of grains were treated with one of the different extracts
concentrations, left for five minutes to dry, and then placed into a Petri dish. Ten 3rd instar larvae of T. granarium were
introduced in each Petri dish and covered. Four replications were used assigned in a Completely Randomized design.
Investigations of the dishes were carried out periodically on the 2 nd, 7th, 14th and 21st days following treatments. Hence, the
number of dead insects and other observations were recorded. Based on the adopted design, ANOVA analysis was computed
for the recorded data and compared according to Duncan's Multiple Range Test.
Weight loss in sorghum grains:
Weight loss of sorghum grains as a result of larval damage during the bioassay experiment were calculated for the
highest concentrations of fruits and leaves extracts, including the control check. Such evaluation of damage was carried out 45
days following the commencement of the experiment. Firstly, the insect larvae were removed from the Petri -dishes, and then
the infested grains were subjected to sieving to get rid of cast skins, grain dust, insect excretion and other debris occurre d due
Mokhtar Mohamed Elamin et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (6), 559-566
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries , Volume 2, Issue 6, November-December 2012
to insect feeding and development. Lastly, Petri-dishes contents (sorghum grains) were weighed again for calculating the
percentages of damaged portion based on the initial weight. The percents of gains lost, and the percents saved in relation to
the control and the amounts used in the experiment were computed.
Repellency tests:
The bioassay tests of treatments for their repellent effects were carried out during December 2011. In this
experiment, only the highest concentrations of the prepared extracts of scorp ion root were checked against the 3rd instar
larvae of the pest. Locally made repellency equipment was prepared according to Berndt (1963), with slight modification in
the central platform to accommodate a Petri dish 5 cm in diameter [22,23].
After being treated with the different extracts, sorghum grains were distributed randomly in the peripheral holes of
the repellent equipment, including one untreated control check. A number of 200 third instar larvae of T. granarium were
introduced in a Petri dish and located in the central hole of the platform. This Petri dish was closed by a glass cover provided
with a glass rod fitted into the top opening cover of the equipment. After a moment, the glass rod was pulled up to start the
experiment by releasing the insects. In the second day (24h) the number of insects detected in each peripheral hole was
recorded. Such experiment was repeated successively in the subsequent two days, as replicates, following the same
procedures. Hence, three counts were taken and analyz ed to calculate the attractancy or repellency effect of each treatment
according to Leonard and Ehrman (1976) formula [24]:
A =
Where; A = attractancy (+) or repellency (-); No = number of insects in the test hole;
Nb = number of insects in the control hole; Nt = the total number of insects in both holes.
The output of this equation ranges from +1 (100% attractant) to -1(100% repellent) when compared to the control.
Extraction yields of plant samples
The result of extraction yields (mean quantity and percentage extracted) of the studied plant samples were explained
in Table (1). It is clear that hexane extract recorded moderate yield of oil (19.4%) from the scorpion root fruits. This was
attributed to the fact that the whole content of fruits was extracted. Since the oil is always concentrated in seeds, higher yield
is expected to be obtained if pure seeds are used. This need to be verified in future research. Generally, fruit extracts rec orded
higher yields than the other parts of the scorpion root. Regarding leaves and roots, methanol extracts revealed significantly
higher yields than those of the ethyl acetate extracts, while the fruits showed no significant differences between the two
extracts. No similar studies are available on this plant.
TABLE 1. Yields of materials extracted from different parts of scorpion root ( SR), using water and organic solvents.
Plant samples
SR-Fruits hexane extract
3.9±0.0 d
SR-Fruits ethyl acetate extract
7.4±0.0 a
SR-Fruits methanol extract
7.3±0.1 a
SR-Leaves ethyl acetate extract
2.0±0.0 e
SR-Leaves methanol extract
6.7±0.1 b
SR-Roots ethyl acetate extract
1.3±0.1 f
SR-Roots methanol extract
5.5±0.1 c
C.V. %
Mokhtar Mohamed Elamin et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (6), 559-566
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries , Volume 2, Issue 6, November-December 2012
Larvicidal effects of treatments
The mean (maximum and minimum) temperature and relative humidity recorded for the laboratory during the study
period were, (37.0±0.2C° and 36.4±0.2C°) and (33.1±4.4% and 29.3±4.7%), respectively. Table (2) shows the larval mortality
of T. granarium as a result of feeding on sorghum grains treated with the different organic and water extracts of the scorpion
root. After the 2nd day and 7th day intervals, almost all botanical concentrations showed no significant differences from the
control, except the 5% concentration of leaves ethyl acetate extract and fruits hexane extract. During the subsequent interva ls,
the 5% leaves ethyl acetate extract was significantly the best treatment, though hardly exceeded 50% mortality after three
weeks. Since the latter extract has attained the next lowest chemical yield (Table 1), this will lessen its value from commer cial
point of view. The other treatments of scorpion root showed very meager mortality re sults without significant differences
from the control. Accordingly, it can be concluded that the tested extracts of the scorpion root were not effective as stomac h
toxicants against the current pest. This could be attributed to either one of two factors; low toxic action of plant materials or
high repellent and/or antifeedant actions that might prevent acquiring of lethal doses. The latter suggestion was the most
probable factor that needs to be confirmed particularly for the antifeedant actions.
Weight loss of sorghum grains:
The results of sorghum grains lost as a result of larval feeding on certain treatments within 45 days were shown in
Table (3). All scorpion root treatments showed significant effects in reducing the grain damage as compared with the
untreated control. The savings in grain losses by these treatments ranged between 16.7% and 77.8% in relation to control
damage, and between 3% and 14% relative to the stock used. However, the fruits hexane extract showed significantly the
lowest grain damage (4%) by the larvae which reflected in the highest grain savings as compared to the other treatments. Next
in order came the 5% leaves ethyl acetate and 5% fruits methanol extracts.
Repellency effects:
Table (4) shows the repellent effects of the highest concentrations of scorpion root extracts on the 3 rd instar larvae of
T. granarium. All the tested treatments reflected highly significant repellent effects, ranged between 61.7% and 89.5%
repellency, as compared with the control. The highest repellency percentages were achieved by the fruits methanol extract
and leaves ethyl acetate extract (89.5%), however all fruits extracts were non significantly different from the latter two
treatments. Regarding roots organic extracts, methanol extract revealed the best significant repellent effect.
Considering the two bioassay experiments of the scorpion root extracts, it is obvious that leaves ethyl acetate extract
was the best treatment reflected the highest mortality and the highest repellent effects o n the pest. Nevertheless, the best
protection of sorghum grains against larval damage was attained by the fruits hexane extract, though it induced lower
mortality compared to the former extract. Moreover, the fruits hexane extract also exerted comparable r epellent effect as
compared with that of the previous treatment. Regarding literatures, such repellent action of fruits hexane extract is nearly
similar to that attained by the neem seeds hexane extract against the same pest [23]. In other way, this extract may contain
additional biological activities such as antifeedant effect that might contributed in the recorded superior saving of sorghum
grains, a factor which needs further investigations. Another credit which can be added here is that the fruits hexane extract
recorded higher extractive yields than the leaves ethyl acetate extract. This is important whenever commercial production is
needed. Thus, hexane extracts of fruits and seeds of scorpion root should be emphasized in coming research as the best
bioactive portion based on the current results.
Mokhtar Mohamed Elamin et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (6), 559-566
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries , Volume 2, Issue 6, November-December 2012
TABLE 2. Mortality levels of Trogoderma granarium 3rd instar larvae fed on sorghum grains treated with different extracts of
scorpion root (Aristolochia bracteolata), during June-July 2010.
SR= Scorpion root; ext.= extract.
TABLE 3. Sorghum grains damaged by the 3rd instar larvae of Trogoderma granarium, after 45 days following treatments with
different extracts of scorpion root (SR), Jan. –Feb. 2011.
Mortality percent means (±S.E.) at different intervals
2 days
7 days
14 days
21 days
SR-Leaves ethyl acetate ext. 1.25%
SR-Leaves ethyl acetate ext. 2.5%
SR-Leaves ethyl acetate ext. 5%
SR-Leaves methanol ext. 1.25%
SR-Leaves methanol ext. 2.5%
SR-Leaves methanol ext. 5%
SR-Leaves water ext. 1.25%
SR-Leaves water ext. 2.5%
SR-Leaves water ext. 5%
SR-Roots ethyl acetate ext. 1.25%
SR-Roots ethyl acetate ext. 2.5%
SR-Roots ethyl acetate ext. 5%
SR-Roots methanol ext. 1.25%
SR-Roots methanol ext. 2.5%
SR-Roots methanol ext. 5%
SR-Roots water ext. 1.25%
SR-Roots water ext. 2.5%
SR-Roots water ext. 5%
SR-Fuits ethyl acetate ext. 1.25%
SR-Fuits ethyl acetate ext. 2.5%
SR-Fuits ethyl acetate ext. 5%
SR-Fuits methanol ext. 1.25%
SR-Fuits methanol ext. 2.5%
SR-Fuits methanol ext. 5%
SR-Fuits water ext. 1.25%
SR-Fuits water ext. 2.5%
SR-Fuits water ext. 5%
SR-Fuits hexane ext. 1.25%
SR-Fuits hexane ext. 2.5%
SR-Fuits hexane ext. 5%
Grains weight lost (g)
Grains weight saved (%)
to control)
(relative to
SR-Fruits hexane extract 5%
0.4±0.0 d
SR-Leaves ethyl acetate extract 5%
0.9±0.0 c
SR-Fruits methanol extract 5%
0.9±0.1 c
SR-Fruits ethyl acetate extract 5%
SR-Fruits water extract 5%
SR-Leaves water extract 5%
SR-Leaves methanol extract 5%
1.5±0.1 b
C.V. %
Mokhtar Mohamed Elamin et al., IJSID, 2012, 2 (6), 559-566
International Journal of Science Innovations and Discoveries , Volume 2, Issue 6, November-December 2012
TABLE 4. Percentage repellency of some extracts of scorpion root (Aristolochia bracteolata) against the 3r d instar larvae of
Trogoderma granarium, during December 2011.
SR= Scorpion root; ethyl acetate; ext.=extract.
Very meager research data is available on biological properties of scorpion root extracts in general, but information
concerning the insecticidal action of this plant is nearly absent. However, the repellent effect of scorpion root has been
demonstrated against mosquitoes [25]. The plant also proved to have antioxidant and insecticidal properties [20]. Moreover, the
poisonous actions of the plant to man, rats, goats and livestock were also indicated by Barakat et al. (1983) and Jou et al.
(2004) [10,15]. On the other hand, the plant was reported to contain active compounds like aristolochic acid which have good
antibacterial activity [11,12,13]. Other active secondary metabolites which seem to contribute to such variable biological activities
of A. bracteolata included; phenols, flavonoids, glycosides, terpenoids, ste rols, saponins, alkaloids, β-sistosterol and
aristolactam [14,15,16,17]. Studies in Sudan also proved the richness of the plant with various compounds like sterols, alkaloids,
tannins and aristolochic acid [18,19]. These different chemical groups detected in A. bracteolata may suggest the occurrence of
potential biocidal properties which need to be evaluated against various aspects of pest control. The plant is therefore
recommended for further investigations concerning its active ingredients and their multi-bioactivities, especially antifeedant
and repellent effects, as natural insecticides.
The study proved that the tested extracts of scorpion root ( Aristolochia bracteolata) had very poor mortality effects
on the 3rd instar larvae of the khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium), but contrarily, all extracts manifested significantly high
repellent activities against the pest. The fruits hexane extract was the best treatment saved sorghum grains from larval
damage. Such result was thought to be related to various biological activities of certain secondary metabolites in seeds,
including mainly repellent and antifeedant effects which need to be ascertained in further studies.
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... Natural insecticides from plant sources showed promising results in different regions. Attempts in Sudan also showed encouraging results from testing various indigenous pants against storage pests [8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15]. ...
... It contains all the main phytochemical groups as well as aristolochic acid, which interprets its so many medicinal properties against various diseases. Nevertheless, the current results confirmed what has been stated by Elamin and Satti (2012) who found very poor mortality effects by all extracts (organic and water) of various scorpion root parts (fruits, leaves and roots) against the same pest without significant differences from the untreated control, but in contrast very high repellent effects were exerted by such plant extract [9]. The plant is therefore a stress for other biological activities regarding for instances its repellent, antifeedant and hormonal effects on insect pests. ...
... A confirmation of the antifeedant property of neem ingredients was reported by several authors [16,23], whereas the repellent effect of this plant extract was detected in previous studies [10]. Moreover, the repellent effect of A. bracteolata was also reported as mentioned above [9]. Table 3 shows the effects of different plant treatments on germination of sorghum seeds. ...
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Ethanolic extracts of different plant parts, viz., neem Azadirachta indica (seeds), Sodom apple Calotropis procera (leaves), argel Solenostemma argel (leaves), and scorpion root Aristolochia bracteolata (shoots), were evaluated at three rates (2.5, 5.0 and 10.0%) as natural insecticides against the 3 rd instar larvae of Trogoderma granarium. Parameters studied were; insect mortality, damage inflicted on treated seeds and test of sorghum germination. The results of bioassay showed that all plants have insecticidal effects on the tested insect with variable levels. Neem extract treatments revealed significantly the highest mortality percentages (62.5 – 95%) after one month, followed by C. procera, S. argel and A. bracteolata. Each plant extract showed increased mortality levels in relation to concentration. Accordingly, the least damage on sorghum seeds was shown by neem extract. No negative impact has appeared on seed germination from all treatments, which seemed to reflect stimulant effect. Hence, neem seed was the best among all tested plant parts to be utilized for combating T. granarium.
... A variety of traditional uses for species of the genus Aristolochia were found in the literature. Of the traditional uses cited, the most common uses are anticancer (33 articles) , antibacterial (31 articles) [23,25,29,30,38,39,45,49,, antioxidants (18 articles) [22,25,29,33,34,46,55,60,61,70,73,74,[77][78][79][80][81][82], snake anti-venom (13 articles) [21,22,39,40,76,[83][84][85][86][87][88][89][90], anti-inflammatory (11 articles) [22,40,46,47,74,86,[91][92][93][94][95], abdominal pain (11 articles) [17,[21][22][23]39,40,48,76,[96][97][98], antiparasitic (7 articles) [18,39,75,83,[99][100][101], insecticide an predator protection (7 articles) [40,[102][103][104][105][106][107], anti-malarial (5 articles) [21,40,48,108,109], skin diseases (5 articles) [22,23,40,76,86], fever (4 articles) [7,21,22,48], headache (4 articles) [21,22,48,85]. Other beneficial effects such as, antifungal activities [45,62,110], antinociceptive [94,111,112], changes in the estrous cycle [113,114], antifibrosis [115,116], hepatoprotection, nephroprotection [117], neuroprotective effect [118], antiurcer [119], antiallergic [120], immune effect [121], angiogenic [122], osteogenic differentiation of gingival mesenchymal stem cells [123], antidiabetic [22,124,125], control of melanogenesis [126], antihemorrhagic [127], antispasmodic [97], antitoxin [128], liver protector [100], bronchitis, constipation, rheumatism and bladder diseases [129], heart protector [130], antidyslipidemic [82], healing of wounds [98], acaricide [131], expectorant, antitussive, antihistamine and pain reliever [89]. ...
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Different ethnomedicinal studies have investigated the relationship between various phytochemicals as well as organic extracts and their bioactive aspects. Studies on biological effects are attributed to secondary metabolites such as alkaloids, phenolic compounds, and terpenes. Since there have been no reviews in the literature on the traditional, phytochemical, and ethnomedicinal uses of the genus Aristolochia so far, this article systematically reviews 141 published studies that analyze the associations between secondary metabolites present in organic extracts and their beneficial effects. Most studies found associations between individual secondary metabolites and beneficial effects such as anticancer activity, antibacterial, antioxidant activity, snake anti-venom and anti-inflammatory activity. The aim of this review was to analyze studies carried out in the period 2005–2021 to update the existing knowledge on different species of the genus Aristolochia for ethnomedicinal uses, as well as pharmacological aspects and therapeutic uses.
... The extractor body is then fitted to a round bottomed flask containing the chosen organic solvent and to a reflux condenser, then turn on heat source. The samples take few hours to extract, the process is repeated many times with new samples to get the required quantity (Dean, 2009;Elamin and Satti, 2012). Soxhlet extraction uses a range of organic solvents to remove organic compounds from samples, but solvent properties are very important to the extraction process (Prado et al., 2015 andDean, 2009). ...
... However, as reported by Elfeel (2010), the oil content in kernels of desert date generally differs according to the location. But, such quantitative levels may not always correspond to levels of bioactivities ( Elamin and Satti, 2012). ...
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Desert date (Balanites aegyptiaca) is a widely distributed natural tree in Sudan and many other tropical countries especially in Africa and Asia. The tree is rich in useful products with multi-uses in rural lives and industry. Hence, the current laboratory study was aimed to evaluate the insecticidal potentiality of B. aegyptiaca against the third instar larvae of Trogoderma granarium. Water and organic solvents extracts of leaves, branches and seeds were tested at different concentrations. The extracts yields, mortality and repellent effects and the consequent damage on sorghum grains were the main parameters studied. The highest extractive yield (56.7%) was obtained by the seeds hexane extract (oil). This extract also scored better mortality effects than the other treatments. The highest concentrations (2.5% and 5%) of oil showed comparably the best significant effects since the second day of treatments, and revealed progressive activities with exposure time. The latter concentration (5%) manifested 72.7% repellency for the insect larvae, and saved sorghum grains damage by 30.0% within 45 days post treatments. Nevertheless, the highest savings of grains (50.0%) that attained by the water seeds extract in spite of its inferior mortality results may needs to be clarified in further research. The findings obtained proved the insecticidal potentialities of B. aegyptiaca and encouraging a new forward plan.
Application of botanical pesticides is a new trend in pest control nowadays as an environmentally safe alternative measures for synthetic chemicals. Hence, this study was aimed to analyze the phytochemical constituents of four medicinal Chinese plants, namely Lonicera maackii, Platycladus orientalis, Viburnum opulus, and Crataegus pinnatifida, and to investigate the insecticidal potentialities of leaves extracts of these plants against Tribolium castaneum. The research was carried out under laboratory conditions, at the Institute of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Shanxi University, China. Ethyl acetate, methanol and water extracts of the plant leaves were tested at different concentrations (5, 2.5, and 1.25% w/v). Yields of extracting materials, mortality and repellent effects were the important parameters evaluated. The phytochemical screening showed the presence of alkaloids, saponins, tannins, flavonoid, and terpenoids in C. pinnatifida, but the other plants contain some of these compounds. The highest ethyl acetate extract concentration (5%) of V. opulus and C. pinnatifida obtained the best mortality means (5.00±0.41 and 4.75±0.25a, respectively), compared to the other treatments, but without significant differences from the middle concentration (2.5%) of both extracts. In repellency test, L. maackii methanol achieved the highest repellency percentage (91.38%). The findings proved that ethyl acetate extract of V. opulus and C. pinnatifida are the best insecticidal treatment, whereas methanol extract of L. maackii is the best repellent effect, against T. castaneum. These three plants require additional studies to be assessed as a component in pest management of store pests.
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The khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium) is one of the major economic store pests in Sudan. Application of chemical insecticides, either in form of fumigation or spraying, is the sole measure of control adopted. Since these chemicals were linked with several drawbacks, attempts are in progress to find environmentally sound and economically feasible alternatives. Therefore, laboratory experiments were carried out to evaluate the insecticidal activities of several extracts prepared from two meliaceous plants, viz., Khaya senegalensis (mahogany) and Azadirachta indica (neem), against the 3rd instar larvae of T. granarium. The results showed variable insecticidal activities by the tested extracts. Mahogany leaves exerted better actions than those of the neem leaves. Nevertheless, all leaves extracts manifested relatively low and delayed mortality as compared with neem seeds. Accordingly, the neem seeds hexane extract (oil) at 5%v/v, was the best treatment induced significant knock down effect on the larvae 48hrs post treatments. It showed a progressive increase in effectiveness with time to attain 92.5% mortality on the third week of exposure. This extract also repelled the pest (85.4%) and saved sorghum seeds (45.5%) significantly as compared with the untreated control. Moreover, in spite of what has been mentioned about the low mortality effect of mahogany leaves water extract, it recorded the superior saving of sorghum grains (54.5%) suggesting the presence of potent repellent and/or antifeedant active constituents in this extract. Therefore, additional studies are required to ascertain the actual bioactivities in mahogany leaves, and to proceed forwards in formulating botanical insecticides from the neem oil.
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The study of ethno botanical was carried out along with the ethnic groups (Villupuram district) in the South Western Ghats of India. In the present study, 46 plant species belonging to 31 families were included. In this assertion, the information collected from the traditional healers was used to compare with the already accessible literature on the ethnobotany of India. The conventional ethno medicinal plants were mostly used for fever, dysentery, skin diseases, poison bites, wounds, piles and rheumatism. The medicinal plants used by traditional users of Villupuram district are arranged alphabetically followed by botanical name, family name, local name and major chemical constituents, parts used, mode of preparation and medicinal uses.
Methanolic extracts of Andrographis paniculata and Aristolochia indica plants were tested for antivenom activity against Daboia russelli venom. Both plant extracts effectively neutralized the D. russelli venom induced lethal activity. About 0.15 mg of A. paniculata and 0.14 mg of A. indica plant extracts were able to completely neutralize the lethal activity of 2LD50 of D. russelli venom. Various pharmacological activities including edema, haemorrhagic, coagulant, fibrinolytic and phospholipase activities were studied and these pharmacological activities were significantly neutralized by both the plant extracts. The above observations confirmed that A. paniculata and A. indica plant extracts possess potent snake venom neutralizing capacity and could potentially be used for therapeutic purposes in case of snakebite envenomation.
Natural chemical compounds found in plants which termed phytochemicals, represent untapped reservoir of biologically active ingredients required for different purposes. Actually, plant derivatives include both primary and secondary metabolites of plant. The former are important for growth, development and reproduction of plants, whereas the latter are found in certain plant species and may play some other functions than the growth and development. However, these secondary metabolites are proved to be of prime importance in the defense mechanisms of plant against phytophagous species. This is reflected through various biological activities including repellent, antifeedant, toxic and hormonal actions on such plant feeders. Accordingly, several plant extracts were found to be potent in pests and diseases control. These plant derivatives are generally termed plant natural products, biologically active compounds, biopesticides or botanical pesticides. It is worthy to state that great concern has been given to the field of botanical pesticides during the last three decades; hence several plant extracts were screened and formulated in commercial natural products. This paper sheds light on the important classes of active compounds detected in some indigenous plants, and demonstrated the pesticidal activities of these compounds against agricultural pests and diseases and pests of public health. Finally, the importance of research followthrough and scientific cooperation in the field of phytochemical screening was stressed on the light of the country’s richness in bioactive flora.
The present study focuses on the antibacterial and antifungal activity of the medicinal plant Aristolochia bracteolata. Aqueous, methanol and chloroform extracts of this plant were evaluated against the bacterial strains Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Shigella flexneri, Proteus vulgaris and the fungal strains like Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus terreus, Penicillium notatum and Rhizopus stolonifer. Among the three extracts assessed, methanol extract was found to have the significant activity followed by the chloroform extract against certain bacteria. Water extract did not have any activity against bacteria. Antifungal activity assessment indicated that the tested fungal strains are more susceptible to aqueous extract followed by methanol extract and chloroform extract.
A facile reversed-phase HPLC method for the analysis of aristolochic acid (AA) and aristolactam (AL) analogues was developed and used for the quantitative determination and quality control of the traditional Chinese medicine. Homonymic Chinese crude drugs such as Stephania tetrandra () and Aristolochia fanchi (), Clematis armandii () and A. manshuriensis () can be easily identified by this method. The quantitative determination of AAs and ALs in 12 species of Aristolochia (A. elegans, A. zollingeriana, A. cucurbitifolia, A. mollis, A. kaempferi, A. shimadii, A. heterophylla, A. debilis, A. foveolata, A. contorta, A. trilobata and A. odoratissima) has been investigated. The chromatograms obtained in this study can serve as fingerprints to identify plant species in the Aristolochia genus, thus avoiding incorrect identification of herbal ingredients in manufacturing traditional Chinese medicine.