
The Rise of the Creative Class - Revisited

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... Öncelikle kapitalist toplumların kentleşme biçimleri neoliberalizmi etkilerken; kentler sosyal refah devletinin aksine eşitleyici olmaktan çok büyüme odaklı ve kitlesel tüketimin merkezi olmuş, Neoliberalizm de toplumsal hayatın bütün yönlerini dönüştürme bağlamında kentsel kültür ve yaratıcılık unsurlarını etkilemeye başlamıştır. Neoliberal dönüşümde yaratıcılık, yeni bilgi yoğun sektörlerde çalışacak yaratıcı orta sınıfı kentlerde beşeri sermaye ve ekonomik kalkınmanın temel güdüleyicisi olarak değerlendirirken, kent kültürü de kentler arası rekabette yatırım ve turist çekmek için kullanılan bir unsur olarak ele alınmaya başlamıştır (Florida, 2012). ...
... Başka ifadeyle sanayi sonrası kent için kültür-turizm-ekonomi ilişkileri değişmiş, kitlesel standartlaşmış üretim biçiminden esnek üretim biçimine ve niş ekonomilere geçişin kültürel ürünlerde yarattığı çeşitlenme önem kazanmış (Scott, 1997), değişen kent kültürü, birbiriyle rekabet eden kentlerin; yatırım ve turist çekmek için strateji geliştirmesine neden olmuştur. Belirtmek gerekir ki bugün bilgi yoğun hizmet sektöründe çalışacak yeni yaratıcı profesyonel orta sınıfları çekebilmek için (Florida, 2012) kent kültürü önemli belirleyici olmaktadır. Konuya turizm bağlamından bakıldığında kültürel alana ilişkin artan ürünler, otel-restoran-eğlence vb tesislerdeki farklılaşmalar, paylaşım ekonomisine ilişkin yapılanmalar kentleri etkilemektedir. ...
... Yaratıcılık ve turizm arasında güçlenen ilişki; esneklik, samimiyet, deneyimleme, bilgi birikimi ve beceri geliştirme gibi etmenlere dayalı yeni nesil turizm hareketi ortaya çıkmakta (Hall, 2004), bu yaklaşım turistlerin ilgi ve merakları doğrultusunda seyahatlerini kendilerinin planladığı, deneyimlemeye dayalı beceri kazanımını önceleyen uygulamalara sahip, aktif olmak isteyen turist tipinin beklentilerini karşılamaktadır ( Zoğal, Emekli, 2017, Florida, 2002. Florida (2012), kentlerin en önemli ekonomik güçlerinin yaratıcı ekonomilerden geldiğini belirtmekte; yaratıcı ekonomileri yaratıcı sınıfın varlığına dayandırmaktadır. Yaratıcı sınıf; bireysellik, liyakat, çeşitlilik ve yeniliklere açıklık değerlerine bağlı, bilgi yoğun, katma değeri yüksek mesleklerde çalışan bireyler üzerinden tanımlanmaktadır. ...
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... A Creative City came to be known as a model for cities that were able to mobilize a set of people and set the right conditions to bring about a more innovative and holistic approach to urban planning ( van Boom 2017, p. 359). Florida's (2002) creative class concept is based on a narrower idea of certain groups of people being creative. The creative class comprises people in occupations such as IT, design and architecture, who arguably account for around a third of the total workforce in developed economies. ...
... The creative industries approach therefore tended to develop links between creativity and specific areas of the citysignalling the start of a spatial turn in thinking about creative development. The emphasis on place continued with the idea of 'urban success', which according to Florida (2002), is brought about by the existence of creative human capital (talent) in place. ...
... There has been increasing attention for soft factors of location, and a move towards economic geography. Florida's (2002) main contribution was to turn to traditional discourse about firm location on its headjobs no longer attract people, but (creative) people attract jobs. Although this argument has been severely criticised for conceptualising those in creative occupations as a class, and for a rather loose classification of creative jobs, the general idea that the presence of the creative class is linked to high levels of economic growth seems to stand up to empirical testing (Rutten, Gelissen, 2008). ...
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With growing urban competition, smaller cities in particular face challenges in 'putting themselves on the map'. Richards and Duif (2019) suggest that smaller places can succeed if they collaborate rather than compete, enabling them to 'borrow size' to stimulate development. By collaborating, small cities also have opportunities to 'create size' through joint actions. This chapter focusses on the role of events in generating creative development powered by the 'Middleground' of the creative city, and highlights the effects of networking across regional and international borders. A review of traditional creative industries, creative class and creative city approaches leads to an integrative creative development model based on the work of Sacco et al. (2014) and the placemaking perspective of Richards (2020). This model analyses the different layers of the creative city proposed by Cohendet et al. (2010), integrating different forms of creative capital and accounting for the dynamic links between actors and institutions. These ideas are applied to cases from the Netherlands and Luxemburg, with a particular focus on cross-border collaboration stimulated through the European Capital of Culture programme.
... Yaratıcı şehir kavramı, İngiliz C. Landry tarafından öne sürülmüş olmasına rağmen Amerikalı Richard Florida'nın ilk kez 2002 yılında yayımlanan "The Rise of the Creative Class" adlı çalışmasıyla popülerlik kazanmıştır. Florida (2012), yaratıcı sınıf üzerinden yaratıcı şehirleri anlattığı güncellenen bu çalışmasında her ne kadar yaratıcı şehir kavramını kullanmamış olsa da kullandığı yaratıcı merkezler kavramı ile yukarıda anlatılan yaratıcı şehir kavramlarının birbirlerine paralellik gösterdiği anlaşılmaktadır. O, yaratıcı merkezlerden bahsederken yukarıda anlatılanlara benzer bir bakış açısıyla yaratıcı merkezlerin; sanatsal, kültürel, teknolojik ve ekonomik olmak üzere her türlü yaratıcılığın kök salabileceği ve gelişebileceği entegre bir ekosistem veya yaşam alanı sağlayabilecek özelliklere sahip olduğundan bahsetmektedir. ...
... Bölgesel olanakların yüksek düzeyde ve çeşitlilikte olduğu şehirler ve bölgeler, inovasyonu ve yüksek teknolojik gelişimi teşvik eden daha yetenekli yaratıcı sınıfları kendine çeker (Florida, 2002). Yaratıcı sınıfın özünü yükümlülüğü yeni fikirler, yeni teknolojiler ve yeni yaratıcı içerikler üretmek olan; bunun için kendilerine ödeme yapılan bilim, mühendislik, mimarlık, tasarım, eğitim, sanat, müzik ve eğlence alanlarından insanlar oluşturmaktadır (Florida, 2012). ...
... Bunlar (Florida, 2003): Yaratıcı insanlar, belirli bir şirkette, belirli bir işgünü süresince, sürekli tekrar eden bir döngüdeki kültürde yaşamak yerine; işgücü piyasasının yoğun olduğu dinamik, farklı ve hareketli yaşam tarzlarının egemen olduğu; yüksek düzey sosyal etkileşim imkânı veren; ortak değerlere sahip bir partnerle tanışma olanağı sunan; düşünce, açık fikirlilik, etnik grup, yaş, ırk vb. çeşitliliğine sahip; yapılar, tarih, mekânlar, müzik veya kültürel özellikler açısından otantik olan; müzik dışı sesler, görüntüler, faaliyetler, manzaralar ve kimliklerine uygun statü olanağı sunan ortamları tercih etmektedir (Florida, 2012). Anlatılanlardan anlaşılacağı üzere yaratıcı sınıflar ilham veren, yaratıcılığı tetikleme potansiyeli bulunan, sosyal dünyaya farklı bir bakış açısıyla bakmaya olanak tanıyan ortamlarda bulunmayı tercih etmekte, içinde bulundukları çevrelerin potansiyelinden yararlanarak gelişimi teşvik eden adımlar atmaktadır. ...
... Despite Istanbul's abundance of job opportunities, professionals increasingly relocate to Izmir, drawn by its higher quality of life, tolerance, and supportive social environment. This aligns with the hypothesis that creative individuals favor cities offering enhanced social indicators and tolerance (Florida, 2002). ...
... Creativity fosters societal progress, involving the generation and enhancement of ideas and products (May, 1994;Florida, 2012). Hartley (2005) argues that societal advancement depends on infrastructure, content, and creativity, while Florida's concept of "creative cities" emphasizes the 3Ts: Talent, Technology, and Tolerance. ...
... Furthermore, the findings are consistent with Florida's (2002) assertion that cities providing a conducive environment for creativity are more likely to attract and retain talent. This aligns with the notion that quality of life is a paramount consideration for creative professionals, who prioritize environments that foster innovation, personal freedom, and a vibrant community life. ...
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The place attractiveness determines the movement of creative people in a city. Young and skilled people migrate to Izmir from istanbul because Izmir offers higher standards of life with respect to social indicators and tolerance for people who are different than others. It was observed from the migrated creative people that Izmir has the social and cultural advantage over istanbul to attract these free-thinking talented people. In the case comparative study, it was evident that Izmir has the potential to be creative milieu to develop into creative smart city in the region but Istanbul has some negative externalities such as over population, inaccessibility, conservatism, expensive city. This paper examines the migration of creative professionals from Istanbul to Izmir, testing Florida’s creative class concept and the 3T model (Talent, Technology, Tolerance) via QoL parameters regarding creative migration. A mixed-method approach was used to gather and analyse both quantitative and qualitative data for locational preferences of the creative class. The study finds that young, innovative individuals are attracted to cities with high tolerance, advanced technology, and favourable work conditions. These factors not only enhance their quality of life but also drive economic growth and job creation in Izmir, highlighting that while quality of life attracts talent, career opportunities are crucial for their retention.
... On a regional or country level, tolerance attracts talents that act innovatively [56] . As Florida [57] shows, a combination of talent, technology, and tolerance in a region is conducive to creativity and innovation. Thus, tolerance fosters "talent attraction; diverse knowledge and diverse perspectives of thinking; and increased communication and knowledge spillovers" [56] . ...
... measured by Uz [79] that increases the innovativeness of a nation [77] . The importance of tolerance for creativity and innovation has been further highlighted by Florida [57] who nds a mix of talent, technology, and tolerance to be conducive to higher levels of creativity in urban areas. As tolerance -however ...
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While national innovativeness is of pivotal relevance for economic development, so far, relatively little attention has been paid to the social drivers of innovativeness. Thus, the role of social norms and values as drivers of innovativeness is somewhat blurry. Tackling this gap, the article at hand reflects the concepts of social capital, trust, and tolerance, before a model of social capital and innovativeness is developed and tested empirically, followed by the presentation and discussion of the results and a brief conclusion.
... The growth pole theory postulates that economic development is concentrated around specific industries or institutions, which, due to their dynamic nature, stimulate growth in adjacent areas (Perroux, 1950). Universities, particularly in developing regions, function as growth poles by attracting capital, labour, and auxiliary businesses, thus acting as core agents of local development (Florida, 2002; [5] Odularu & Okafor, 2018). [9] This study investigates FUOYE's impact as a growth pole, aligning with previous findings that universities serve as regional catalysts (Arbo &Benneworth, 2007). ...
... The growth pole theory postulates that economic development is concentrated around specific industries or institutions, which, due to their dynamic nature, stimulate growth in adjacent areas (Perroux, 1950). Universities, particularly in developing regions, function as growth poles by attracting capital, labour, and auxiliary businesses, thus acting as core agents of local development (Florida, 2002; [5] Odularu & Okafor, 2018). [9] This study investigates FUOYE's impact as a growth pole, aligning with previous findings that universities serve as regional catalysts (Arbo &Benneworth, 2007). ...
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This study examines the Federal University Oye-Ekiti (FUOYE) as a growth pole and its multifaceted impact on the socioeconomic , infrastructural, and cultural development of Oye-Ekiti, Ekiti State, Nigeria, in alignment with relevant Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Utilizing data from surveys, interviews, and econometric analysis, the study explores FUOYE's transformative role in achieving SDG 4 (Quality Education) by fostering knowledge, skills, and innovation. It highlights FUOYE's contribution to SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) through employment creation and economic stimulation, as well as its role in advancing SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) by enhancing local infrastructure. Additionally, the study investigates FUOYE's impact on SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) by reshaping Oye-Ekiti into a vibrant university town, while addressing challenges such as increased crime and environmental strain that pose risks to SDG 16 (Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions). By comparing these impacts to growth pole theories and previous studies on university-community interactions, this research provides actionable insights for policymakers to maximize the positive effects of university establishments and ensure sustainable development in similar locales.
... The role of these activities in the economy is constantly growing, as shown by empirical studies conducted in various parts of the world (cf. Florida, 2002Florida, , 2005Florida, , 2008 In order to achieve the research objective, content analysis was carried out on leading databases of scientific publications, including conference articles, such as BASE, Emerald, ScienceDirect, Scopus, SpringerLink, Web of Science and Wiley. To streamline the research process, the EBSCO Discovery Service tool was used, which allows simultaneous searching of the aforementioned databases through a unified interface. ...
... Creative industries encompass activities at the intersection of art, business and technology, producing symbolic products that rely heavily on intellectual property (UNCTAD, 2004, p. 4). The significant size of creative sector industries and the dynamic pace of their development over the past two decades have attracted the attention of both theorists and practitioners eager to learn more about its characteristics and opportunities (Caves, 2000;Landry, 2000;Florida, 2002Florida, , 2005Hesmondhalgh, 2002Hesmondhalgh, , 2013Miles, Green, 2008). As Caves (2000, p. 40) points out, the creative sector is distinguished from other sectors by, among other things, the hard-to-predict demand for its products. ...
... Over the past four decades, arts and culture have emerged as significant subjects in urban studies. This development is rooted in the 'cultural turn' in geography and urban planning during the late 1970s, the rise of the creative class and creative city discourses in the early 2000s (Charlse, 2000;Florida, 2002Florida, , 2005, and the enthusiasm for culture-led urban regeneration (Evans, 2001;McCarthy, 2006;Paddison & Miles, 2020) and the cultural and creative industries during the same period (Scott, 2000(Scott, , 2004Throsby, 2001). The growing interest in arts and culture within geography has, in turn, influenced its counterpart in the arts and humanities. ...
... Cities, as focal points for cultural policies, concentrate networks conducive to creativity (Amin&Thrift, 1995;Florida, 2002;Hall, 2000;Montgomery&Robinson, 1993;Fleming, 2004). ...
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This paper presents a comprehensive digital mapping of artists’ residential locations and social networks in Republican Shanghai, aiming to enhance our understanding of the role of spatial proximity in the development and expansion of artists’ networks, and, based on this, to reconceptualize the ‘art world.’ Our findings suggest that spatial proximity does not influence the development or maintenance of artists’ networks, which instead form a city-wide network of pipelines. However, the clustering of key nodes in primary art clusters indicates that spatial proximity is a necessary but insufficient condition for artists to expand their networks and establish themselves as leading figures. The paper further explores the dynamics of these primary art clusters, revealing mechanisms such as spatial-network synergies, the formation of intimate master-pupil relationships through co-residence, and group imaging and place branding centered around prominent artists.
... This stage also requires individuals to use theoretical backgrounds in order to prepare them cognitively, activate the role of memory, and provide different readings on the subject. The studied, and after that, the trend is towards making many attempts in order to work on finding solutions to the problems, but this problem remains, meaning that at this stage the individual acquires knowledge about the subject, and then begins to collect data and search for an actual solution to the problem, and the problem is identified and studied from all sides and information is collected about it (Florida, 2012). ...
... In this stage, the solution or a decisive part of it is found, as a sudden brilliance occurs in reaching creative solutions to the problem. This is also related to the individual's feeling of comfort when finding the creative flash (Florida, 2012). ...
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The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a training program based on the Wallace model in developing teaching performance skills among first-grade teachers. To achieve this, the researchers adopted an experimental method with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The study sample consisted of 20 first-grade teachers, who were trained according to the Wallace-based program for four weeks. The study tool was then applied, which included an observation checklist to measure teaching performance skills, consisting of three skills: implementation, learning management, and evaluation. The results of the study showed statistically significant differences between the pretest and posttest scores of the first-grade teachers on the observation checklist in all dimensions and the overall score, with the differences favoring the posttest after they underwent the training program based on the Wallace model. In light of these results, the study recommended several recommendations, most notably the design of continuous training programs for teachers based on creative models such as the Wallace model, and assessing their effectiveness in creative thinking, problem-solving, and developing innovative teaching methods. Additionally, integrating critical and creative thinking strategies and tools into the curricula was recommended to motivate teachers to apply these skills in addressing classroom challenges.
... This stage also requires individuals to use theoretical backgrounds in order to prepare them cognitively, activate the role of memory, and provide different readings on the subject. The studied, and after that, the trend is towards making many attempts in order to work on finding solutions to the problems, but this problem remains, meaning that at this stage the individual acquires knowledge about the subject, and then begins to collect data and search for an actual solution to the problem, and the problem is identified and studied from all sides and information is collected about it (Florida, 2012). ...
... In this stage, the solution or a decisive part of it is found, as a sudden brilliance occurs in reaching creative solutions to the problem. This is also related to the individual's feeling of comfort when finding the creative flash (Florida, 2012). ...
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The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a training program based on the Wallace model in developing teaching performance skills among first-grade teachers. To achieve this, the researchers adopted an experimental method with a one-group pretest-posttest design. The study sample consisted of 20 first-grade teachers, who were trained according to the Wallace-based program for four weeks. The study tool was then applied, which included an observation checklist to measure teaching performance skills, consisting of three skills: implementation, learning management, and evaluation. The results of the study showed statistically significant differences between the pretest and posttest scores of the first-grade teachers on the observation checklist in all dimensions and the overall score, with the differences favoring the posttest after they underwent the training program based on the Wallace model. In light of these results, the study recommended several recommendations, most notably the design of continuous training programs for teachers based on creative models such as the Wallace model, and assessing their effectiveness in creative thinking, problem-solving, and developing innovative teaching methods. Additionally, integrating critical and creative thinking strategies and tools into the curricula was recommended to motivate teachers to apply these skills in addressing classroom challenges.
... La flexibilidad en coeficientes constructivos y los aportes en aumento de la edificación son aspectos que también aportan a la construcción vertical de manera deliberada, siendo un atractivo de las ciudades para las industrias creativas y para los intereses del mercado, y generando una demanda de construcción residencial vertical (Florida, 2019;Shoup, 2011). Salinas y Soto (2019) argumentan que además de los vacíos legales existen acuerdos que se construyen entre la normativa impuesta por los diferentes niveles de gobierno y las empresas inmobiliarias, como un aspecto coyuntural en el desarrollo inmobiliario. ...
... Esto se refleja en la cantidad de SA solicitadas en cada comuna, así como en la diferencia en alturas máximas registradas, denotando comunas como Vitacura con alturas máximas de 15 pisos y mientras que Concepción, Viña Del Mar, La Florida y Ñuñoa sobrepasan los 30 pisos, lo que conforma escenarios de mayor verticalidad y polos de interés para el desarrollo económico (Florida, 2019;Shoup, 2011). ...
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En los últimos 20 años, la vivienda en altura se ha convertido en la principal forma de expresión del desarrollo inmobiliario en Chile. La desregularización urbana preexistente, en cuanto a la política habitacional y la flexibilidad en las directrices regulatorias, desencadenó un proceso explosivo de verticalización, que desencadenó una percepción negativa en la población, la que ha rechazado los proyectos en altura ejerciendo presión hacia los municipios para modificar sus planes reguladores comunales (PRC) y restringir la verticalización. El presente artículo se basa en el estudio de 10 comunas con mayor desarrollo habitacional vertical residencial de las principales áreas metropolitanas chilenas (Santiago, Valparaíso y Concepción), desde el año 2002 a 2021. La metodología consiste en caracterizar el rol de la planificación urbana comunal y la accesibilidad al transporte público en la verticalización residencial. Los resultados muestran dos tendencias relacionadas con los instrumentos territoriales de planificación vinculados con el acceso del transporte público. La discusión se centra en dos hallazgos: 1) Intensificación de la verticalización residencial vinculada con cambios al PRC; 2) Intensificación de la verticalización residencial sin relación con modificaciones al PRC. Se constata que, ante los procesos de planificación, se desencadenan procesos de intensidad vertical adversos a lo planteado.
... Additionally, strong knowledge-intensive sectors contribute both direct and indirect tax revenues, enabling local governments to make further investments in infrastructure and amenities. This fosters a cycle of development, attracting highskilled workers and their families to thriving localities (Florida 2014). ...
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Recent work on the rise of the knowledge economy has identified the importance of economic context in shaping individual perceptions and preferences. Combining novel survey and locally fine-grained data for the case of Germany, we analyze the association between local knowledge economies and individual perceptions of social mobility and economic opportunity. We find that individual perceptions of mobility, access to affordable housing, and employment security are negatively associated with thriving local knowledge economies. This finding is partly at odds with accounts of ‘aspirational voters’ being the beneficiaries of local economic growth. Rather, we interpret our findings as supporting the ‘status anxiety’ hypothesis, which attributes negative mobility perceptions with competition for scarce economic and social resources. In time, these perceptions can become fertile ground for the development of populist attitudes and vote choices.
... Namun, untuk dapat bersaing di pasar yang lebih luas, diperlukan inovasi dan peningkatan nilai jual produk. Menurut Florida (2002), ekonomi kreatif dapat menjadi pendorong utama pertumbuhan ekonomi jika dikelola dengan baik. Dalam bimtek ini, pelaku usaha lokal diajarkan tentang pentingnya inovasi dalam pengembangan produk, baik dari segi desain, material, maupun fungsionalitas. ...
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Analysis of Training Needs in Darubia Tourist Village, Bulukumba Regency. Darubia Tourism Village in Bulukumba Regency, South Sulawesi, has great tourism potential with its natural beauty and rich local culture. However, challenges such as inadequate infrastructure and low awareness of the importance of cleanliness pose obstacles to developing tourism in this village. This report documents community service activities aimed at improving the cleanliness management of homestays and diversifying creative economy products. Through surveys and interviews with the local community, a need for training in homestay cleanliness management, hygiene and sanitation, and local product development was identified. The designed training program includes technical guidance on hygiene standards, sanitation management, and enhancing creativity in craft products. The results of this activity are expected to improve the quality of homestay services and the competitiveness of local products, which in turn will support the sustainable development of tourism in Darubia Village.
... Urban vitality is a defining characteristic of successful cities and serves as a foundation for enhancing their capacity to promote social interaction, economic activity, and cultural expression (Liu, Gou, et al., 2022;Lynch, 1984). High urban vitality indicates that a city is more attractive to talent and capital, which, in turn, strengthens its competitiveness and offers more benefits and opportunities to its residents (Florida, 2002;McGranahan & Wojan, 2007;Wu et al., 2018). However, maintaining urban vitality has become an increasingly pressing challenge for modern cities due to a combination of factors. ...
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Urban vitality is a defining characteristic of successful cities and a cornerstone of sustainable development. However, sustaining this vitality has become an increasingly complex challenge as cities worldwide grapple with multifaceted urban issues. This dissertation explores how urban planning strategies can foster vibrant cities through three empirical studies that evaluate approaches at multiple scales. These studies offer insights relevant to both developed countries addressing urban decline and developing nations undergoing rapid urbanization, with a focus on South Korea, which serves as a representative case highlighting both the opportunities and challenges of contemporary urban planning. The first study evaluates the Yonsei-ro Transit Mall, a pedestrian-friendly street in Seoul. It leverages location-based big data and employs a controlled interrupted time series design to assess its impacts on pedestrian activity and commercial dynamics. The second study examines the economic effects of urban revitalization projects in Seongnam by applying a spatial hedonic model to analyze variations in land prices and the spatial effects of these initiatives. The third study investigates the spillover effects of public sector relocation policies on the socioeconomic vitality of adjacent primary cities. This analysis utilizes nighttime light data to determine whether these strategies foster intra-regional synergy or exacerbate competition. Collectively, this dissertation delivers a nuanced understanding of how multi-scale planning strategies can enhance urban vitality and provides practical implications for policymakers and urban planners.
... ii. Creciente desigualdad social y pobreza. A partir de los cambios en la estructura social se refuerzan inequidades entre grupos de población, asociadas al incremento de población dedicada a los negocios y profesionistas relacionados con los servicios al productor o intensivos en conocimiento (Florida, 2010;Santiago, 2019), muy selectivos en sus patrones de consumo y probablemente con conexiones globales. La mayor segmentación y la polarización en los mercados de trabajo favorecen altos niveles de pobreza y precariedad, que influyen en el aumento tanto de la informalidad como de la criminalidad y violencia. ...
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El objetivo de este estudio es analizar las principales transformaciones metropolitanas en la ciudad de Mérida, Yucatán, que representa una metrópolis emergente de dimensión media. Metodológicamente se utilizan imágenes de satélite, censos de población y económicos, y datos de desarrollos inmobiliarios recopilados en la propia ciudad. Se analizan tres principales procesos: la expansión urbana dispersa, que muestra una marcada fragmentación territorial a través del surgimiento de manchones urbanos distantes entre sí; la promoción inmobiliaria de desarrollos residenciales con un papel preponderante en la configuración de la ciudad a través de urbanizaciones privadas residenciales, incremento en el precio del suelo y mayor plusvalía de ciertos sectores urbanos; y la segregación socio-territorial que se ha profundizado entre los sectores del norte y del sur, y entre zonas centrales y periféricas, por la falta de regulación y flexibilidad de los instrumentos de planeación del uso del suelo.
... To maintain the high availability and efficiency of these public cultural facilities, substantial public expenditure is allocated to the procurement and deployment of smart devices to enhance management efficiency and user experience [14]. These advanced smart devices, such as smart self-service equipment, intelligent climate control devices, and smart security devices, have significantly improved the user experience [15]; see Figure 1. ...
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This paper presents a new Large Language Model (LLM)-based Smart Device Management framework, a pioneering approach designed to address the intricate challenges of managing intelligent devices within public facilities, with a particular emphasis on applications to libraries. Our framework leverages state-of-the-art LLMs to analyze and predict device failures, thereby enhancing operational efficiency and reliability. Through prototype validation in real-world library settings, we demonstrate the framework's practical applicability and its capacity to significantly reduce budgetary constraints on public facilities. The advanced and innovative nature of our model is evident from its successful implementation in prototype testing. We plan to extend the framework's scope to include a wider array of public facilities and to integrate it with cutting-edge cybersecurity technologies, such as Internet of Things (IoT) security and machine learning algorithms for threat detection and response. This will result in a comprehensive and proactive maintenance system that not only bolsters the security of intelligent devices but also utilizes machine learning for automated analysis and real-time threat mitigation. By incorporating these advanced cybersecurity elements, our framework will be well-positioned to tackle the dynamic challenges of modern public infrastructure, ensuring robust protection against potential threats and enabling facilities to anticipate and prevent failures, leading to substantial cost savings and enhanced service quality.
... В подтверждение к исследованиям Гонсалеса, в своих совместных исследованиях Д. Чарницки и К. Лопес-Бенто [15] показывают, что получатели государственных субсидий не только более активны в патентовании, но и более высокие показатели научно-исследовательских результатов (с точки зрения прямых цитирований в международных научных базах). Далее, примеры, основанные на данных китайских компаний, показывают, что программы государственного субсидирования увеличивают количество заявок на патенты и гранты более чем на 30% [21]. Кроме того, в своих исследованиях Й. Гао [25], проводя различия в системе государственного субсидирования между центральными и местными субсидиями, приходит к выводу, что местные субсидии более эффективны в стимулировании исследовательских инноваций фирм. ...
This article presents the results of a study of individual theoretical, methodological and empirical aspects of the relationship between innovative macrofinancial policy and long-term economic growth. The research revealed that the scale of innovation largely depends on government subsidies and investment preferences. Improving the quality of innovation requires innovation in the relevant field and contributions to subsequent technological innovations. The quality of innovation depends more on another level of factors and the flow of information. Firms prefer to engage in high-quality innovation activities for the sake of market competition, and the factor of institutional conjuncture has less impact on the quality of innovation. Thus, the article explores the hypothesis that, all other things being equal, deviation from the GDP target weakens the innovative effect of government subsidies. The study was conducted based on the empirical experience of countries with fast-growing economies, in particular, such as China, India, etc. The results also show that asymmetric effects affect the number of innovations rather than their quality. The heterogeneity shows that R&D subsidies are more dependent on the deviation of the GDP target and reduce the effectiveness of corporate innovation compared to non-R&D subsidies. In addition, the asymmetric innovation effect of government subsidies is more noticeable in companies that are subject to less institutional control. Empirical results obtained as a result of econometric calculations and estimates allow us to take a fresh look at the innovative effect of government subsidies through the prism of deviations from the GDP target
... The study points out that small retailers are being replaced by cafes and coffee shops that enable the consumption of 'art' and 'culture' in a fast and glamorous fashion. In his work, Florida (2012) argues that there is a confluence between economic and technological innovation and artistic and cultural creativity. The rise of the creative economy has led to a closer integration of these domains, with a shift towards emphasizing experiences over physical goods. ...
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Having been subject to various spatial interferences amid rapid urbanization, Karaköy is one of Istanbul’s central neighbourhoods whose identity has significantly transformed in the last years. This paper focuses on Karaköy’s streets which were once the centre of trade, have now been replaced by artistic collective constructs. The study aims to document this transformation, considering various physical and social aspects of urban space, while highlighting a new form of “urban intervention” through virtual spaces. It questions how virtual environments can be considered as a mode of intervention in urban space and delves into the transitions from ordinary commerce places to artistic urban spaces. Validating user-space interaction, the technological interference of social networks with physical space creates virtual centres of attraction, improving the popularity of places. The field research focuses on the environs of Tersane Avenue, Mumhane Avenue and Ali Paşa Değirmeni Street in Karaköy, attending to spaces where commerce once took place –now replaced by artistic collective constructs and articulations. Captured virtual-spatial interventions are operationalized in three stages: First, functional transformations are analysed at the street-scale. This is followed by analyzing images and quantitative data extracted from social network databases. Finally, the up-to-date spatial analyses are constructed, and the intersections of virtual and urban spaces are evaluated. Findings show that the user experience and pleasure-based design elements bear the interaction between virtual and urban space, additionally, the virtual-spatial intervention encompasses the transformation of urban space beyond conventional practices aimed at structural and functional change.
... In our modern age, human creativity has become a cornerstone for economic development and though often neglected the systems and processes that have been designed to harness creativity touch upon every sector (Florida, 2002). As such, an academic investigation into creative value could help to unlock and deepen values across all industries. ...
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**Preprint Title:** *Exploring the Intrinsic and Instrumental Values of the Creative Economy: A Comparative Study of France and Britain in the Post-COVID Context* **Abstract:** In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, Europe's cultural and creative sectors have faced unprecedented challenges, including severe funding cuts and policy instability (IDEA Consult et al., 2021). These sectors, long recognized for their economic and social importance, now face the dual challenge of rebuilding and reshaping policy frameworks to ensure a sustainable, inclusive, and creatively vibrant future. This paper examines the evolving role of the intrinsic and instrumental values within the creative economies of France and Britain, exploring how these values shape funding mechanisms, policy decisions, and the resilience of cultural and creative industries in both countries. Drawing on a comparative analysis, the study delves into how the intrinsic cultural value of creativity—often tied to identity, diversity, and societal well-being—intersects with the instrumental value that emphasizes economic growth, innovation, and job creation. The paper interrogates whether a renewed focus on the intrinsic value of the cultural and creative sectors can drive more robust, equitable policy reform and provide a sustainable foundation for these industries post-pandemic. By exploring the interplay between these values and the ongoing policy debates in France and Britain, this paper offers insights into how creative economies can adapt to shifting priorities in funding and governance. It also proposes pathways toward more inclusive and creative futures for Europe's cultural and creative sectors, where both the economic and societal contributions of the arts are fully recognized and supported. **Keywords:** Creative Economy, Cultural Policy, Intrinsic Value, Instrumental Value, Post-COVID Recovery, Europe, France, Britain, Sustainable Futures, Cultural and Creative Industries, Policy Reform
... Creativity is becoming a key skill that helps organizations adapt in today's dynamic environment. As early as the beginning of the 21st century, Richard Florida argued that creativity has become the main driver of economic growth (Florida, R. L. 2002(Florida, R. L. , 2012. According to the of the study (which surveyed 11.3 million employees from 803 organizations from around the world, for the period November 2022 -February 2023), more then 70% of companies believe that creative thinking will become even more in demand between 2023 and 2027 (Statista). ...
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The article examines both the theoretical foundations and practical aspects of organizational creativity in the context of the modern knowledge economy. The author pays attention to different approaches to studying creativity, analyzing the most influential models and theories applied in an organizational context. This has enabled the creation of a systematic classification of factors that determine the effectiveness of employees' creative activities in modern companies. In particular, both internal and external influences, as well as their interaction within the organization, are considered. The article pays special attention to the study of mixed factors, which combine internal resources and external opportunities to stimulate innovative thinking. The author emphasizes that knowledge and experience in using creativity techniques play a central role in the process of generating new ideas productively and transforming them into real innovations. The proposed classification of factors enables organizations not only to identify the factors they can influence but also to develop adaptive strategies to respond to external challenges beyond their control. This article contains a thorough study of the evolutionary development of creativity techniques.
... Þessar kenningar gera ráð fyrir því að staðbundin nálaegð og þéttbýlishagkerfi séu gagnleg eða jafnvel nauðsynleg fyrir nýsköpun. Meðal annars er talið að fjölbreytileiki og aðrir óformlegir þaettir einkenni þéttbýliskjarna, sem auki aðdrátt arafl þeirra fyrir hinar skapandi stéttir og hafi þannig jákvaeð áhrif á nýsköpun (Jacobs, 1969;Florida, 2010). ...
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Gjarna er horft til frumkvöðlastarfsemi og nýsköpunar í einkageiranum í samhengi við þátt nýsköpunar í auknum lífsgæðum. Slík nýsköpun er vissulega mikilvæg, en ekki er síður nauðsynlegt að sá hluti hagkerfisins sem tilheyrir hinu opinbera þróist í takt við nýja tíma. Í þessari grein er til rannsóknar nýsköpun í opinbera geiranum á Íslandi, nánar tiltekið nýsköpun hjá ríkisstofnunum og hjá vinnustöðum á sveitarfélagastiginu. Fræðileg nálgun rannsóknarinnar byggir á kenningum um svæðisbundna nýsköpun og var gagna aflað með ítarlegri könnun sem fram fór meðal opinberra vinnustaða um allt land, bæði hjá ríki og sveitarfélögunum. Í rannsókninni er aðhvarfsgreiningu og myndrænni framsetningu beitt til að bera saman umfang og áherslur opinberrar nýsköpunar á Íslandi eftir landsvæðum og leggja mat á hvernig hún fellur að fræðilegum kenningum um svæðisbundna nýsköpun. Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar eru að nýsköpun sé minni á hinum landfræðilega jaðri, þ.e. utan höfuðborgarsvæðisins, og eru þær niðurstöður í samræmi við hefðbundnar kenningar um svæðisbundna nýsköpun. En einnig kemur fram í gögnunum að þessi munur er minni þegar kemur að vinnustöðum á sveitarfélagastiginu heldur en hjá ríkisstofnunum, sem fellur að nokkru leyti að nýrri kenningum um nýsköpun á jaðrinum. Þær kenningar leggja áherslu á að margar leiðir eru til að skilgreina samhengið milli kjarna og jaðars, svo sem tengslanet og skipulagsleg atriði. Við skoðum einnig hvaða hvatar liggja að baki nýsköpunarverkefnum og hvaða virði þau eru talin hafa skilað, bæði á höfuðborgarsvæðinu og utan þess.
... Creativity has been increasingly emphasized as an essential 21st century skill that moves students beyond basic literacy and mathematics (Programme for International Student Assessment [PISA], 2021). Globally, employment in creative sectors has increased by at least 20 million jobs within a five-year period (Florida, 2006(Florida, , 2011, and that number has since grown. In the United States (2011 -2013), the creative economy provided over 14 million jobs, almost 10 % of all employment in the country (National Endowment for Science, Technology & the Arts [Nesta], 2016). ...
Creative self-efficacy has increasingly gained traction in the field of creativity research and has been described as a key component of creative outcomes. However, most studies have used short scales or author-developed instruments consisting of three items to measure the construct of creative self-efficacy. The purpose of this study was to respond to the call for additional research in this area and the development of a longer, reliable scale to measure creative self-efficacy. The authors of this study present findings that support the validity and reliability of the creative self-efficacy scale developed and examined in this study. Exploratory and confirmatory analyses were conducted and supported a single factor structure of creative self-efficacy. A set of 20 items that all had pattern coefficients greater than 0.61 with the single factor were retained to create the final version of the creative self-efficacy scale. Implications and future areas of research are also discussed.
... Although the simplicity of the model must be kept in mind before jumping to conclusions, the results of Experiments Two and Three are consistent with empirical findings concerning the value of imitation in collaborative groups, e.g., when people have access to their peers' solutions, imitation facilitates not just scrounging but the propagation of good solutions for further cumulative exploration (Wisdom, Song, & Goldstone, 2013). These results fit in well with evidence compiled by Florida (2002) that a natural distinction emerges in societies between the conventional workforce and the creative class. Our results further suggest that this division of labor is adaptive; when social regulation was in place the society as a whole benefited. ...
Although creativity is encouraged in the abstract it is often discouraged in educational and workplace settings. Using an agent-based model of cultural evolution, we investigated the idea that tempering the novelty-generating effects of creativity with the novelty-preserving effects of imitation is beneficial for society. In Experiment One we systematically introduced individual differences in creativity, and observed a trade-off between the ratio of creators to imitators, and how creative the creators were. Excess creativity was detrimental because creators invested in unproven ideas at the expense of propagating proven ones. Experiment Two tested the hypothesis that society as a whole benefits if individuals adjust how creative they are in accordance with their creative success. When effective creators created more, and ineffective creators created less (social regulation), the agents segregated into creators and imitators, and the mean fitness of outputs was temporarily higher. We hypothesized that the temporary nature of the effect was due to a ceiling on output fitness. In Experiment Three we made the space of possible outputs open-ended by giving agents the capacity to chain simple outputs into arbitrarily complex ones such that fitter outputs were always possible. With the capacity for chained outputs, the effect of social regulation could indeed be maintained indefinitely. The results are discussed in light of empirical data.
... In this vein, especially ethnographic work in the past years provides key insights into the specific group understandings around which a new cleavage may well crystallize: pride in national or rural communities, identification with hard work, or adherence to traditional, conservative, more patriarchal moral standards of success provide a path to positive identity even for objective "losers" of economic and social change (the lower-educated, routine workers, etc.) (Cramer 2016;Hochschild 2016;Damhuis 2020;Westheuser 2021). By contrast, cultural capital is becoming increasingly associated with the cosmopolitan, urban, culturally diverse lifestyles and consumption patterns of the highly educated middle class (Florida 2012;Savage et al. 2013;Flemmen, Jarness, and Rosenlund 2019). ...
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Western Europe is experiencing growing levels of political polarization between parties of the New Left and the Far Right. The authors argue that this antagonism reflects the emergence of a social cleavage between universalism and particularism. To understand cleavage formation in the midst of party system fragmentation and the proliferation of new competitors, they emphasize the crucial role of group identities. Anchored in social structure, group identities help us understand why specific party appeals resonate with certain groups, thereby mediating the link between socio-structural change and broader party blocks defined by their distinctive ideologies along the new cleavage. Based on original survey data from France, Germany, Switzerland, and the UK, this Element presents evidence for the formation of a universalism–particularism cleavage across European party systems that diverge strongly on institutional and political characteristics. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.
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The concept of well-being has garnered significant attention across diverse academic disciplines due to its important role in understanding quality of life and societal progress. In this study, well-being is studied through various strands, including objective well-being based on the fulfilment of basic human needs, subjective well-being encompassing positive mental states, and the capability approach assessing individuals' opportunities and freedoms. This study aims to investigate the emergence of creative cities within an international context through the theoretical frameworks of happiness and well-being by examining country-specific factors such as happiness , life satisfaction, freedom of choice, innovation, and economic inequality in relation to the number of creative cities designated by the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. Employing Poisson regression methodologies on data from international organizations, our findings reveal positive associations between happiness and life satisfaction with the number of creative cities, while economic inequality within a country slightly negatively impacts the emergence of creative cities. The paper ends with a discussion of the results and proposes future avenues for research and several policy implications.
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos kūrybos bei kultūros industrijų idėjos iš filosofinės, sociologinės bei komunikacinės perspektyvos, drauge kritikuojama pastarųjų mokslų orientacija į „grynąjį protą“ nesiremiant socialiniais fenomenais. Nors kūrybos ir kultūros industrijų idėjos gali būti filosofijos, sociologijos ir komunikacijos mokslų sąveikos kanalas, autorius pažymi, kad netgi giminingi kultūros industrijų ir kūrybos industrijų diskursai plėtojami kaip nebendramačiai diskursai. Pasak autoriaus, čia kaltas ne tik teoretikų cechinis uždarumas, bet apskritai komunikacijos fenomenų ignoravimas filosofijoje ir sociologijoje. Straipsnyje pateikiamos kūrybos ekologijos ir kūrybos etikos gairės bei pabrėžiamas egzistencialiosios fenomenologijos indėlis plėtojantis komunikacijos mokslo šakoms, įskaitant kūrybos ir kultūros industrijas.
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The interest in clusters in the economy and regional space, which has persisted for nearly three decades, has reignited the understanding of the economy as a system of interdependencies between industries. Although the concept of clusters can be traced back to contributions dating from the early 20th century, they have become a central focus of regional development policies in recent decades, as they have been linked to enhancements of innovation, the knowledge economy, and ultimately, territorial competitiveness. Arguably, the most effective and comprehensive way to present the systemic nature of the economy is through input–output tables. The main feature of these tables, on which this work is based, is that they describe the relationships and flows between industries (or products) during the production process. These fundamental relationships among the industries in the production system are depicted in the inter-industry (and intra-industry) transaction matrix of an economy’s input–output tables. To analyze these relationships, we use network theory, in the context of which the transaction matrix can be seen as the adjacency matrix of a directed, weighted graph (or network) with loops. In this study, clusters are identified for the case of Greece, using two different approaches based on the modularity of the network, utilizing the 2010 input–output tables for this country. As a result, five clusters of industries that structure the country’s production system across 62 industries are identified, which are also presented through graphical visualizations.
Bu çalışmada sanayisizleşme sürecinin Detroit kenti üzerindeki tesirleri konu edilmektedir. 20. yüzyılın ilk yarısında bir otomobil üretim merkezi olarak yükselişe geçen Detroit 1940’lı yıllardan itibaren sermayedarlar ile örgütlü iş gücü arasındaki ihtilaflara sahne olmuştur. Bu ihtilaflar sonucunda otomotiv şirketleri kenti terk etmeye başlamıştır. Bunun yol açtığı sanayisizleşme kentte uzun vadeli bir işsizliğe, yoksullaşmaya ve nüfus kaybına yol açmıştır. Kenti iflasa kadar sürükleyen bu sorunlar karşısında Detroit, on yılı aşkın bir süredir yeni birtakım stratejilerle tekrar ayağa kalkmaya çalışmaktadır.
This article aims to evaluate urban planning instruments and projects’ urban creativity performance and their capacity to offer favorable conditions for the evolution of Constantine towards the model of the creative city. Thus, we have opted for a multicriteria analysis, and we have constructed an “urban creativity index”, from a review of the literature and from empirical and theoretical indices. 14 dimensions and 100 criteria were identified. The results show that creativity is represented by reference to culture and innovation, and by reference to the process of modernization and transformation implying renovation in thinking in the urban. Constantine’s three main planning instruments contribute to urban creativity and to the city’s evolution towards the ‘creative city model’ by providing the most necessary factors. Both hard and soft infrastructures, through urban projects, events, urban renewal, requalification, and restoration operations aim to contribute to urban and economic development, attractiveness and competitiveness, and quality improvement. The cultural and strategic dimensions have enregistered the high scores in the three instruments with the dominance of: social dimensions in the Modernization Plan for the Constantine Metropolis, innovative and business dimensions in the Urban Modernization Project, and Cultural dimensions in Constantine Capital of Arab Culture. In terms of creative action, the urban planning in Constantine since 2007 has become strategic planning. Three creative city strategies and policies have been employed: ‘image transformation’, ‘place marketing’, and ‘territorialized production systems’. With these projects and events, urban development and planning is moving from an urban engineering-driven approach to creative city-making.
Theatres in Serbia face the challenges of adapting to the 21st century while preserving artistic values. These challenges include limited funding, lack of clear criteria for establishment and operation and difficulty in attracting a younger audience. The theatre system in Serbia, among other things, is characterized by a lack of longterm planning, unclear division of responsibilities and greater centralization. If theatres in Serbia want to develop in accordance with modern trends in this area, they will have to adopt and implement a kind of modern management model which is based on teamwork, strategic planning, clear definition of responsibility and an efficient financial policy. By addressing the identified challenges, passing a national law on theatre and adopting innovative strategies for audience engagement, theatre in Serbia can continue to be a vital part of the country's cultural identity and creative sector.
Straipsnyje iš medijų studijų perspektyvos nagrinėjamos kūrybinių industrijų sritys, lyginami jų skirtingi sąrašai. Pasak autoriaus, tai – dinamiškas kultūros sektorius, kuris keičiasi plėtojantis tiek medijoms, tiek ekonomikai, tiek technologijoms. Skirtingi kūrybinių industrijų sąrašai liudija, kad jų ribos – neaiškios, dažnai susiklojančios. Nors kūrybinės industrijos papildo ir maitina viena kitą, jų teritorijos veikiau yra priešiškos. Valstybės politika jų atžvilgiu nors ir rodo dėmesį šiam sektoriui, kuris yra svarbus ekonomikai, dažnai dar labiau supriešina atskiras jo teritorijas. Apskritai kūrybinės industrijos iškyla kūrybos visuomenėje, kuri drauge – postindustrinė, medijuota ir postmoderni.
Straipsnyje gvildenama kūrybiškumo ir kūrybingumo problematika šiuolaikiniuose humanitariniuose bei socialiniuose moksluose. Pirmoje dalyje įrodinėjama, kad kūrybiškumas ir kūrybingumas yra organiški vienas kitam ir kad kūrybiškumas nutiesia kelią link kūrybingumo. Antroje dalyje atskleidžiama, kad kūrybiškumas ir kūrybingumas yra pagrindinis mokslo pažangos variklis, nes tik kūrybiška mokslinė mintis ir turimi kūrybos gebėjimai generuoja įvairius išradimus bei inovacijas. Trečioje dalyje tvirtinama, kad šiuolaikiniuose humanitariniuose bei socialiniuose moksluose kūrybiškumas ir kūrybingumas skleidžiasi taip pat intensyviai ir kryptingai, kaip ir kitose (pavyzdžiui, fizinių ir technologijos) mokslų srityse, darydamas įtaką kultūrai bei visuomenei, jų raidai ir ateities perspektyvoms.
This study examines the phenomenon of multi-sited consumption within the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA) and investigates the interplay of national policies, individual consumer behaviours, and the evolving urban landscape in this region by proposing the analytical concepts of multi-sited consumption and urban cluster amenities. Drawing on qualitative interviews and secondary data, this research finds that macro-level efforts, such as regional economic integration, improved infrastructure, and streamlined border controls, increase cross-border mobilities which facilitate multi-sited consumption. Moreover, driven by the desires for cost-effectiveness, scarcity, and uniqueness, GBA residents increasingly engage in multi-sited consumption. Lastly, we find that the interactions between macro-level strategies and aggregated micro-level consumer behaviours have led to meso-level transformations, such as the redistribution and specialisation of urban cluster amenities across the GBA. These findings offer insights into the recent and ongoing shifting urban hierarchies in the GBA and highlight the broader implications of multi-sited consumption for regional economic integration.
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The rapid development of artificial intelligence has recently provoked anxiety among many professional groups, including artists, art critics and curators. The sale of AI-made objects at art auctions and art prizes awarded to computer-generated images have undermined many beliefs about art that exist both in the art community and among the general public. It seems, however, that the fear of AI is a result of wishful thinking about artistic creation and its characteristics. Referring to the categories of originality, professionalism, empathy and 'black boxes', this article argues that AI is devalued for the same features we find in the works of humans and art created by humans is overrated for features we can also find in the work of AI.
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La transformación urbana en Vila Rodrigues encapsula los desafíos y oportunidades generados por el rápido desarrollo urbano. A través de un enfoque multidisciplinario, exploramos cómo los cambios en el tejido urbano afectan la movilidad, la sostenibilidad ambiental y la cohesión socioeconómica de la comunidad. Utilizando una combinación de análisis de datos y modelado de tráfico, la investigación busca comprender las dinámicas actuales, así como proyectar soluciones sostenibles para los desafíos identificados. Se encuentra que, a pesar de los avances evidentes, como la mejora en la infraestructura de transporte y el fomento de espacios verdes, Vila Rodrigues enfrenta desafíos significativos, incluido el aumento de la congestión y la emergencia de tensiones socioeconómicas resultantes de la gentrificación. El análisis revela una necesidad urgente de enfoques integrados que armonicen el crecimiento urbano con la preservación ambiental y la inclusión social, sugiriendo que la clave para una comunidad resiliente reside en el equilibrio entre desarrollo y sostenibilidad. Este estudio contribuye al diálogo sobre planificación urbana sostenible, ofreciendo perspectivas valiosas sobre la interconexión entre el desarrollo urbano, la movilidad urbana y la sostenibilidad. Las lecciones aprendidas en Vila Rodrigues pueden iluminar caminos para otras comunidades que enfrentan transformaciones similares, destacando la importancia de estrategias proactivas y participativas en la planificación de nuestras ciudades.
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1. Bir Kültür Aktarım Aracı Olarak Kuzey Makedonya Türk Tiyatrosu 2. The Interrelation Between Culturally Learned Helplessness and Economic Underdevelopment 3. The Paradigm of Creative Class in a Global Milieu 4. Antik Yunan’dan Viyana Kongresi’ne Avrupa Diplomasi Tarihinde Elçiler 5. I Kings 12:1-24 and The Challenge of Religion and Ethnicity in Nigeria
The study aims to evaluate the impact of a public art project within the framework of ecological urban planning on various parameters: the perception of the environment, the image of the area, and the level of neighborhood attachment among residents and visitors. The objective of the public art project was to integrate artistic design into ecological urban planning. The primary research method involved surveying local residents and visitors in the Xiangjiang New District (Changsha, China) in 2020 and 2023. A statistical analysis of the survey results revealed significant changes in the perception of certain properties of the urban environment, such as complexity, naturalness, typicality, openness, and consistency. The results also indicated that the project enhanced the overall image of the city and key aspects such as dynamism, sociability, innovation, creativity, and quality of life. These findings can facilitate the more effective integration of public art into ecological design and deepen the understanding of its impact on positive socio-cultural and environmental aspects in cities, thereby benefiting urban planners, designers, and government authorities.
This chapter takes the aesthetic conceptualisation of kitsch in management as defined by Michał Szostak and Łukasz Sułkowski and examines how the translation and interpreting profession can be said to have become kitschified in the light of recent developments in the sector, including new patterns of work such as the gig economy and technological advances related to machine translation and artificial intelligence. After a brief presentation of the history and current status of the translational professions, links with management studies and with managerial kitsch are outlined. With regard to the current professional context of translation and interpreting, the analysis illustrates that Szostak and Sułkowski’s framework is found to be particularly relevant in the areas of ‘simplification’, ‘functional stupidity’, and ‘bullshit jobs’, as well as propagated by ‘mendacious CEOs and owners’. These aspects are discussed with reference to relevant literature before providing final observations on whether the continued kitschification of the translation and interpreting professions can be seen as an inevitable progression in the future.
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Розглянуто зміни в розвитку креативних індустрій України з початку російсько-української війни. Виявлено певні особливості диджиталізованих аудіовізуальних проєктів, які становлять майбутнє креативних індустрій нашої країни в умовах руйнування агресором об’єктів інфраструктури. Підкреслено необхідність диверсифікації економічних моделей формування аудіовізуальних проєктів у креативних індустріях України в умовах підвищеної турбулентності. Надано характеристику основних економічних моделей, завдяки яким можлива реалізація проєктів в аудіовізуальній сфері України нині. Доведено, що ролі аудіовізуальних проєктів у креативних індустріях України потребують додаткового наукового осмислення.
Urban agglomerations in the regions of Ukraine play an important role in the development of the economy and social infrastructure, especially in the context of a full-scale war, when new challenges and opportunities for adaptation arise. In view of this, the purpose of the study is to review the development of agglomeration processes in Ukraine in the context of current global urban trends and wartime challenges. The article poses the following research questions: 1) What are the peculiarities of the development of agglomeration processes in Ukraine? 2) What is the place of agglomerations in the strategic vision of the development of Ukrainian regions? 3) What are the challenges and opportunities for the further development of urban agglomerations in the regions? It has been established that global trends in the development of urban agglomerations are focused on polycentric development, transport integration, greening, and the introduction of digital technologies to improve management efficiency. In Ukraine, these trends are party being implemented through the development of decentralisation, attempts to integrate public transport within agglomerations, and environmental initiatives, although their progress is slowed down by limited resources and the impact of the war. The article reviews the prerequisites for the development of urban agglomerations in the regions of Ukraine since independence, including demographic changes, economic concentration in large cities, transport infrastructure, and decentralisation reforms, which have created conditions for the spatial integration of settlements. The article studies the transformation of the role of agglomerations in the state vision of the strategic development of Ukrainian regions. The role of agglomerations in the state strategies of regional development of Ukraine has increased significantly in recent years. They have become important tools for stimulating economic growth, creating new jobs, and improving social services. In addition, agglomerations have become key to post-war recovery and adaptation to new economic realities, especially in the context of integration of internally displaced persons and infrastructure rehabilitation. The article examines the current challenges and opportunities for the development of urban agglomerations in Ukraine in the context of a full-scale war. It is established that the development of agglomerations in the regions of Ukraine faces a number of challenges, such as imbalances in the development of cities and suburbs, weak infrastructure, the influx of IDPs, environmental problems, and the impact of war. However, decentralisation creates opportunities for more effective governance. Continued adaptation of global trends can contribute to the sustainable development of Ukrainian agglomerations. Urban agglomerations in Ukraine have significant potential for development due to decentralisation, which creates conditions for cooperation between communities, and the growth of urbanisation processes. Integrating transport infrastructure, attracting investment in satellite cities, and implementing sustainable environmental and digital solutions can drive their progress. An important factor is the development of a legislative framework for the functioning of agglomerations in Ukraine, which is critical to ensure effective management of territories, infrastructure development, and improvement of the quality of life of the population. Such a legal framework will help to stimulate inter-municipal cooperation, integration of public transport, and implementation of environmental and economic initiatives within agglomerations.
This chapter investigates the pivotal role of the metaverse in reshaping knowledge management's geographical dimensions. It delves into the differentiation of knowledge types—tacit, codified, and place-based—and their relevance within organizational strategies, emphasizing the importance of contextualizing place-based knowledge to leverage industrial diversity. The chapter elaborates on how the metaverse, an embodiment of Web 3.0 technologies, can transcend traditional geographical limitations, fostering a new global collaboration and innovation era. Analyzing the metaverse's capacity to host dynamic, immersive environments for knowledge exchange underscores the potential for virtual spaces to facilitate unprecedented levels of collaboration and knowledge dissemination. The discussion extends to the implications of these developments for regional innovation, arguing for a nuanced understanding of knowledge management that incorporates both technical and geographical insights. This synthesis of concepts highlights the metaverse's transformative potential in bridging the gap between local context and global reach, proposing a future where knowledge management is intricately linked with virtual environments to drive innovation and competitive advantage in a globally interconnected world.
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Reseña del libro de Thibault Muzergues; La quadrature des classes, Bordeaux, Le Bord de l'Eau, 2018 (172 páginas), ISBN: 9782356875792
The article examines the importance of branding and marketing information as key tools for ensuring the economic security of enterprises in the conditions of a modern creative economy. The growing role of the creative economy, which is based on intellectual capital, cultural values, and innovations, creates new challenges for business that require the adaptation of traditional approaches to management. In this context, branding acts as a strategic element that not only forms the market identity of the enterprise, but also helps to strengthen the trust of consumers, partners, and investors. It is trust based on a strong brand that becomes the basis of the company's economic stability in conditions of high competition and instability of the external environment. Marketing information plays an equally important role, providing enterprises with the necessary data for effective management decision-making. Analysis of market trends, consumer behavior, and competitor activities allows you to identify new opportunities, minimize risks, and create competitive advantages. The article emphasizes that the use of modern marketing analytics tools is becoming an important factor in ensuring the economic security of enterprises, allowing them to adapt to changes more quickly and maintain leadership positions in the market. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the relationship between creative approaches to business management and ensuring its sustainable development. It highlights how the integration of branding and marketing information into the overall strategy of the enterprise contributes to strengthening its economic security, creating unique market offers and forming sustainable competitive advantages. The article also notes that in the conditions of the creative economy, enterprises that actively use innovative approaches to brand formation and information management are able not only to maintain their stability, but also to develop effectively, responding to the challenges of the modern market. The results of the study can be used to develop practical recommendations for improving the efficiency of enterprise management, especially in sectors focused on the creative economy. The presented ideas and methodological approaches are of interest to specialists in the fields of branding, marketing, strategic management, as well as to scholars who study issues of economic security and innovative business development.
The activities of a wide range of business entities are related to the development and implementation of innovative products at enterprises that require staff to acquire new knowledge, skills, as well as methodological approaches that can be used to solve organizational issues in the field of innovation creation. The implementation of such tasks involves encouraging non-standard, creative approaches to solving complex functional situations that arise in the process of enterprise management; implementation of professional and qualification reorientation of personnel in accordance with innovative transformations; the use of creativity as one of the key factors of self-development, self-realization, self-improvement of employees and ensuring the innovative development of the enterprise. At the same time, despite numerous experimental and theoretical studies by domestic and foreign scientists, the problematic nature of the study of creativity requires additional research aimed at improving and developing new theoretical and methodological provisions. The implementation of innovative programs by the personnel of enterprises for decision-making requires a non-standard approach, which assumes sufficient freedom of action for participants in the innovation process and the creation of positive motives for their activities. The aim of the research is to expand and deepen the theoretical foundations and methodological support for the innovative development of creative economy enterprises based on management improvement. The methodological and theoretical basis of the study included the fundamental provisions of economic theory, scientific works of leading domestic and foreign scientists in the field of ensuring the innovative development of creative economy enterprises based on management. In the course of the research, general scientific methods of cognition were used: theoretical generalization (to study the theoretical foundations and features of the application of creativity management by enterprise personnel in the process of creating innovative products, producing creative ideas, making managerial decisions); grouping and classification (to determine the structure of the components of an employee’s intellectual and creative resources); comparison (to identify systemic obstacles in the process of improving management). The research results in the philosophical reflection of creativity as a factor of managerial changes in the creative management system, the object of which is the personal and collective creative development of employees who are the main participants in creative ideas aimed at improving the formation of the organization as a whole.
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