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Ovoposición y ovodepredación en Dociostaurus maroccanus (Thunberg, 1815) ( Orthoptera: Acrididae )



Oviposition and egg predation in Dociostaurus maroccanus (Thunberg, 1815). (Orthoptera: Acrididae). The oviposition of a population of Dociostaurus maroccanus (Thunberg, 1815) from Cabo de Gata (Almería, Spain) is studied by field prospects and laboratory assays. The density of egg pods in the oviposition patches surpassed 130 pods per square meter. The oviposition patches overlapped in consecutive years. The number of eggs per pod reaches an overage of 33.5 and is dependent on the adult feeding and the population phase. In laboratory conditions with optimal temperature and food a locust female is able to oviposite a maximum of fifteen egg pods. Field prospects showed a maximum predation of 30.9% with a mean of 23%. The Bombyliid flys prey 91.8% of these cases. The predominant species is Cytherea obscura Fabricius, 1794.
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... Benlloch & del Cañizo, 1941) or 18-42 (A. V. Latchininsky, 2010) (see above) although the number of egg-pods deposited by a single female has not been clearly established yet (Barranco, Pascual, & Cabello, 2000;Moreno-Márquez, 1943;B. P. Uvarov, 1928). ...
... Receptors expressed in neurons of sensilla tricoidea are probably related to sexual recognition (Ochieng & Hansson, 1999). This parallels what occurs in other insects with their sensilla being specialized in the detection of pheromone components at low concentrations (Baker, 1989;Hansson, 1995). Studies on the locust antennal lobes, where all synaptic interactions between antennal-nerve axons and the second-order neurons of the lobe occur, have shown the presence of thousands of microglomeruli , much higher than in most other insects (less than 50 in the Drosophila fruit fly (Laissue et al., 1999), 65 in the moth Manduca sexta (Rospars & Hildebrand, 2000), or ca. ...
... P. Uvarov, 1977). As this species spend the main part of its life cycle in the embryonic stage, egg predators of the families Meloidae, Cleridae, and Bombyliidae, as well as some egg parasites (e.g., the beetle Trichodes laminatus (Chevrolat, 1843) or the fly Thyridanthrax sp.) could reduce significantly the number of insects (Barranco et al., 2000;Dempster, 1957). Their role during a population upsurge is usually negligible, except in Corsica and Sardinia where the introduction of the egg predator Mylabris variabilis Pall., and their consequent acclimatization appeared to maintain the Moroccan locust under control (Bonfils, Brun, & Botella, 1979;Boselli, 1954). ...
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The fourfold world population growth in the last 100 years has brought about an increased demand for food and a poor socio-economic development. In addition, the climatic change is seriously affecting plant health and, consequently, the biology and reproductive behavior of the associated herbivores. This is particularly important in non-developing countries wherein a great part of their crops largely depends on a reliable control of locust outbreaks. In this chapter, we present an overview of the biology, economic impact, behavior, major outbreaks and possible prediction of attacks by the Moroccan (also called Mediterranean) locust Dociostaurus maroccanus (Thunberg). This is a polyphagous crop pest in Southern Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, although devastating outbreaks have also been noticed in Iran, Afghanistan and adjacent countries of the former USSR. The antennal morphology of the locust with the different types of sensilla detected in relation to other acridids pests is also presented. In addition, the different approaches developed for monitoring and control of the locust have been reviewed.
... Otras especies son florícolas en estado adulto (como las del género Trichodes Herbst, 1792) y depredan sobre otros insectos antófilos y/o se alimentan de polen. Las larvas de algunas de estas especies se alimentan de larvas y pupas de abejas (Gerstmeier, 1998) o de ootecas de ortópteros, como sucede con Trichodes ammios (Fabricius, 1787) (Lichtenstein, 1883;Del Cañizo, 1956) y Trichodes flavocinctus (Spinola, 1844), que contribuyen así al control de plagas de langosta como Dociostaurus maroccanus (Thunberg, 1815) (Del Cañizo, 1956;Barranco et al., 2000). ...
... En Almería, Barranco et al., (2000) la citan en Cabo de Gata (t. m. de Almería), y en 2001, Bahillo de la Puebla y López-Colón la enmarcan en los municipios de Alhama de Almería, Almería (Cabo de Gata y Paraje Los Trancos), Laujar de Andarax, Roquetas de Mar y Sorbas; en el trabajo que nos ocupa las citas corresponden a los municipios de Cuevas del Almanzora, El Ejido, Felix, Níjar y Turre. En Almería, a excepción del registro bibliográfico de Laujar de Andarax, la mayoría de los registros corresponden a zonas cálidas cercanas al litoral almeriense, especialmente localizados sobre capítulos de cardos del género Onopordum L., lo que coincide con lo expresado por otros autores (De los Mozos & Martín, 1986;Bahillo de la Puebla et al., 1999;Du Chatenet, 2000;Bahillo de la Puebla & López-Colón, 2001, 2006Recalde & San Martín, 2002), indicando De los Mozos & Martín (1986) que dicha especialización puede deberse a los hábitos fitófagos de la larva de esta especie. ...
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The aim of the present study is to update the distribution and phenology of the species of the family Cleridae occurring in the province of Almeria. The main data were obtained in sampling campaigns carried out between 2008 and 2011, but occasional records available from diverse sources have also been included. Nineteen species have been studied, stressing the first record for Andalusia of Opilo lencinai and the first records of six species for the province of Almería: Clerus mutillarius, Tarsotenus univittatus, Teloclerus compressicornis, Allonyx quadrimaculatus, Necrobia violacea and Opetiopalus bicolor. New records of two species poorly known in the province, Denops albofasciatus and Tilloidea transversalis are provided. The phenology of Thanasimus femoralis, T. formicarius and Allonyx quadrimaculatus is analyzed.
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Resumen: A partir de la revisión bibliográfica y del estudio de muchas colecciones particulares y oficiales, se actualiza la corología ibero-balear de la familia Cleridae Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera) a fin de presentar un catálogo lo más detallado y completo posible. En total se han podido recopilar datos de 37 especies, una de las cuales, Clerus mutillarius Fabricius, 1775, está representada por dos subespecies. Finalmente, se aportan una clave de identificación, imágenes de los imagos y mapas de distribución de todas las especies ibéricas. Abstract: The family Cleridae Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera) in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands. After the bibliographic revision and the study of many particular and official collections, the Ibero-Balearic chorology of the family Cleridae Latreille, 1802 (Coleoptera) is updated, in order to present a catalogue as much detailed and complete as possible. As a total, data for 37 species have been compiled, being one of them, Clerus mutillarius Fabricius, 1775, represented by two subspecies. Finally, an identification key, pictures of the imagines and distribution maps of all the Iberian species are given.
Texto en Castellano. Las figuras y los mapas corresponden a los de la versión catalana.
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Distribution and habitat of the Moroccan locust Dociostaurus maroccanus (Thunberg, 1815) in the Almeria province (Spain) (Orthoptera, Acrididae). The distribution of Moroccan locust, Dociostaurus maroccanus (Thunberg), populations in Almeria province are set by mappíng in U.T.M. Their evolution from 1992 to 1996 are also studied. Thrce permanent breedind areas are situated in the province. Stripa capensis is the most typical grass of the ecologícal requeremcnts of the habitat founds in che breeding grounds in the province.
Environmental factors affecting egg development and survival in Locusta migratoria migratorioides (Reiche and Farimaire) (Orthoptera: Acrididae) were examined for four seasons in three soil habitats in the Chad basin outbreak area. During the early rainy season eggs survived in sandy habitats only; the survival rate was 29.2%. The fastest rate of egg development occurred in this season, as indicated by an incubation period of 9.5 days, which coincided with the highest air temperature (29.8–36–2°C) in the area. The lowest development rate occurred during the harmattan when incubation lasted 24 days in clay, the only suitable soil for egg survival (11.4%) during the season. The slow rate of development coincided with the lowest air temperatures, which ranged from 19.2 to 25.6°C. During the main rainy season eggs survived in all the three habitats and the development rates were intermediate to those in the two seasons already mentioned. Incubation lasted 13.6 days in sand, 16.0 days in sandy‐clay loam and 18.1 days in clay and these rates corresponded to intermediate temperatures ranging from 24.6 to 27.3°C. The best survival rates occurred during the main rainy season; 49.9% in sand, 25.1% in clay and 16.6% in sandy‐clay loam. Eggs did not survive in any habitat during the hot‐dry seasons. Predation was the major egg mortality factor, followed by parasitism. The predatory suspects were coleopterous larvae and the mite Allothrombium sp. The parasitoids were Scelio africanus Farriere, Scelio sudanensis Farriere and an unidentified enchytraeid worm. Desiccation and decay were minor mortality factors.
José Luis Ruiz García la determinación de los Coleópteros capturados, así como el aporte de bibliografía
  • D Agradecemos A
Agradecemos a D. José Luis Ruiz García la determinación de los Coleópteros capturados, así como el aporte de bibliografía.
La lucha contra la langosta Un método para determinar el limite económico del empleo de los cebos y la gasolina en comparación con el coste de las labores de invierno
B~ M., 1940. La lucha contra la langosta. Un método para determinar el limite económico del empleo de los cebos y la gasolina en comparación con el coste de las labores de invierno. Bol. Pat. Veg. Ent. Agr., 9: 138-144.
Observaciones biológicas de la langosta común (Dociostaurus maroccanus Thunb.) recogidas en los años 1940 y 1941
  • Beni
  • M Loch
  • Del Cañizo
BENI.LOCH, M. y DEL CAÑIZO, 1941. Observaciones biológicas de la langosta común (Dociostaurus maroccanus Thunb.) recogidas en los años 1940 y 1941. Bol. Pat. Veg. Ent. Agr., 10: 110-124.