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Improvement in solar panel efficiency using solar concentration by simple mirrors and by cooling



Concentrated photovoltaic technology (CPV) uses optics such as mirrors and lens to focus sunlight on solar cells for the sake of generating electricity. CPV has advantage over non-concentrated photovoltaic as less number of solar cells are required for the same power output. Along with duration and intensity of sunlight, temperature also has great effect on the performance of PV module as high temperature significantly reduces output power. This research paper explains a practical approach to enhance the efficiency of solar panel by the use of mirrors and cooling mechanism. These reflectors are cheap, easy to handle, simple enough to use and need no extra equipment or devices to use. But CPV operate efficiently in concentrated light as long as the solar cells are kept cool by means of some heat sinks. Experimental results indicate appreciable enhancement in overall output of solar panel. Experimental readings obtained from a) without reflectors and without cooling b) with reflectors and without cooling c) with reflectors and with cooling are compared. Corresponding results obtained from different conditions showing improvement in efficiency up to 32% in case (b) and 52% in case (c) are tabled and plotted.
Improvement in Solar Panel Efficiency Using Solar
Concentration by Simple Mirrors and by Cooling
Rizwan Arshad*, Salman Tariq, Muhammad Umair Niaz, Mohsin Jamil††
* School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
National University of Science and Technology Islamabad
†Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Engineering and Technology Taxila
†† School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
National University of Science and Technology Islamabad
AbstractConcentrated photovoltaic technology (CPV) uses
optics such as mirrors and lens to focus sunlight on solar cells for
the sake of generating electricity. CPV has advantage over non-
concentrated photovoltaic as less number of solar cells are
required for the same power output. Along with duration and
intensity of sunlight, temperature also has great effect on the
performance of PV module as high temperature significantly
reduces output power.
This research paper explains a practical approach to enhance the
efficiency of solar panel by the use of mirrors and cooling
mechanism. These reflectors are cheap, easy to handle, simple
enough to use and need no extra equipment or devices to use. But
CPV operate efficiently in concentrated light as long as the solar
cells are kept cool by means of some heat sinks. Experimental
results indicate appreciable enhancement in overall output of
solar panel. Experimental readings obtained from a) without
reflectors and without cooling b) with reflectors and without
cooling c) with reflectors and with cooling are compared.
Corresponding results obtained from different conditions
showing improvement in efficiency up to 32%in case (b) and 52%
in case (c) are tabled and plotted.
Keywords Efficiency improvement, passive cooling, simple
mirrors, concentrated photovoltaic, four sun technology
nergy is the fundamental need for mankind today. It
ensures better quality of life. For daily use uninterrupted
energy has become a necessity for humanity now a days.
As blood is to body electricity is to economy of any country so
without it economy will tremble and it will be very hard to
sustain it. All over the world energy is one of the leading issues
and every country is looking for energy resources as its
demand is increasing sharply. Non-renewable energy resources
are either too expensive or damaging the environment and also
they are eventually going to end in near future. That’s why the
world is moving towards renewable energy resources which are
naturally replenished in a relatively small period of time.
Though hydroelectric is very cheap renewable energy source
but it is not available to all places in the world while on the
other hand solar has the potential to take over the whole power
generation [1],[13-14]. From over the centuries, sun is
providing energy in both forms: light and heat. Today, solar
energy is used to produce electricity by using photovoltaic
Solar cells are made up of semiconducting materials, such as
silicon, which are doped with different impurities [7]. This
produces unequal distribution of free electrons (n-type) on one
side of junction and excess of holes (p-type) on other side of
junction. Solar light has photons which hit the solar panel and
excite the loosely bound electrons which are designed to move
only in one direction in solar cells and thus electron-hole pairs
are created in respective junctions and electricity is obtained in
external circuit.
Whatever the size is, a typical solar cell produces 0.5-0.6 volt
DC under no load and open circuit condition. The current and
voltage (power) ratting of a PV cell mainly depends on its
efficiency, size (surface area) and is proportional to the
intensity of light striking the surface of cell. For example,
under peak sunlight conditions, a typical commercial PV panel
of surface area 160 cm-2 (25 inch-2) will produce 2 watts peak
power. If the intensity is 60 percent of peak it will produce
about 1.2 watts. So intensity adds a lot to efficiency [8].
Extensive research shows that output of a PV cell can be
increased by two methods: fabrications and passive devices [2-
6]. Passive devices are used widely to enhance the efficiency
as fabrication is expensive one.
Efficiency of solar cell is greatly affected by the amount of
solar irradiance. It is one of the most dynamic factors which
change the solar array performance [9]. It is measure of
amount of solar radiation from the sun striking on specific
It is commonly expressed in watts per square meter (W/m2).
Under ideal conditions a solar panel should receive an
2014 International Conference on Robotics and
Emerging Allied Technologies in Engineering (iCREATE)
Islamabad, Pakistan, April 22-24, 2014
978-1-4799-5132-1/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE
irradiance of 1000 W/m2 but unfortunately this is not true in
most environments. Irradiance depends on geographical
position, angle of sun to solar panel and amount of energy
wasted by reflection from dust particles or from fog or clouds.
Therefore change of irradiance means change of output
performance of solar panel.
Conducting materials consist of free electrons and some
electrons are held tightly by the nucleus of atoms. When
irradiance increases, more packets of photons strike the panel
and this energy is absorbed by the atoms and electrons and they
collide with each other emitting more electrons from the atoms
and thus raising the temperature. Increase in temperature leads
to increase in resistance to the flow of current. Efficiency is
also dependent on temperature. At high temperature output
performance of solar panel reduces as compared to a lower
temperature [10]. According to estimation for every degree
rise in temperature, efficiency of PV module decreases 0.5
percent. PV modules are usually manufactured at 25oC (77oF)
and can be operated above 20oC.
Based on the study of Akbarzadeh and Wadowaski [15],
under concentrated solar radiation the performance of solar cell
reduces 50% when its temperature rises from 460C to 84oC.
Therefore, an efficient cooling system is quite essential to
maximize solar cell’s efficiency and to prevent the cell from
degradation and damage. Photovoltaic panels can be cooled
actively or passively. The difference between active and
passive is that active system requires some external power
source to run while passive system needs no additional power
source [11-12].
The proposed following approach of improving solar panel
efficiency is based on experimental data (readings and graph)
obtained from three different methods. All these readings were
recorded during three bright sunny days of month April. A
mono crystalline solar panel made of silicon semiconductor
was used for this experiment. An iron made frame was
designed with space for solar panel and for three mirrors.
In this experimental technique active cooling system was used
for improving efficiency of PV module.
A PVC plastic pipe with holes at the bottom was fixed over
the solar panel frame which was further fed from a rubber pipe
from a water tank which was filled by an electric motor. One
mirror from above and two from sides were reflecting solar
radiation on the solar panel which was placed in the middle.
This technique can be named as four sun technology also. This
analysis is based on following three methods i.e. a) without
mirrors and without cooling b) with mirrors and without
cooling c) with mirrors and with cooling.
1 mirror
Plus cooling
2 mirrors
This table is giving information about how the performance
measures of solar cell are changing with respect to change in
environmental conditions which in this case are changing
concentration and cooling step by step. It can be clearly seen
from the experimental readings that without concentration
solar panel is not even producing its rated power i.e. 30 watts.
Just by adding a mirror increases its output power
approximately 4 watts. Similarly output power goes on
increasing by increasing concentration and cooling.
Fig.I Hourly changing Irradiance
mirrors and
8:30 AM
9:00 AM
9:30 AM
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
11:00 AM
12:00 PM
12:30 PM
01:00 PM
01:30 PM
02:00 PM
02:30 PM
03:00 PM
03:30 PM
04:00 PM
04:30 PM
Fig II. Hourly changing power output of solar panel under three different
conditions a) without mirrors and without cooling b) with mirrors and without
cooling c) with mirrors and with cooling
Fig III. Percentage improvement in solar panel efficiency using a)
three mirrors without cooling b) three mirrors plus cooling
A. Without mirrors and without cooling
Though this method was practiced by most of the people from
all over the world a few years ago but now a days this method
is almost losing its value due to its low efficiency. The curve
from fig.2 clearly shows that output power by using solar
panel without mirrors and without cooling is not only far less
than other two methods but also less than its rated power.
Solar irradiance, most of the time in this case is also round
about 750w/m2.
B. With mirrors and without cooling
Efficiency of solar panel can be increased by increasing solar
irradiation on solar panel. As we have seen from the graph that
irradiance is continuously changing with respect to time so
output power largely depends on irradiation. As earth has only
one sun so reflecting mirrors can also be named as sun. So
here in this case solar radiations from four suns are striking on
solar panel and the results are also encouraging. Second Curve
of fig.2 and first curve of fig.3 is showing the corresponding
output characteristics of this method. In fig.2 from 8:30 AM-
11 AM curve follows an increasing trend but then up to 1:30
PM follows a decreasing trend. This is because in these peak
hours as irradiance received is at its maximum so temperature
effect dominates in these hours of the day and power output
decreases. Collisions between atoms and electrons are
hindering the flow of current and thereby increasing resistance
which eventually leads to increase in temperature and cause
reduction of output power. It can also be verified from Fig.3
that efficiency of solar panel during these hours is less than the
other hours of the day but at the same time its efficiency is
better than using solar panel without mirrors and without
Approximately, on average 32% efficiency was improved by
this method.
C. With mirrors and with cooling
Results obtained from this method were encouraging as for
about 6 hours of the day its output power is far greater than the
method explained in section B. It can be observed form the
fig.2 that only for a single hour of morning from 8:30 AM-
9:30 AM and one hour in the evening from 3:30 PM-4:30 PM
its output is less than the second method. The reason of this
low power and low efficiency is that because for performing
this method cooling was started at sharp 8:30 AM and ended
at 4:30 PM as already discussed in previous sections that when
electrons absorbs sufficient heat energy they collide with each
other and with other atoms thus producing free electrons.
During these hours although solar panel is receiving same
amount of solar energy from the sun as the method in section
B but at the same time in this method cooling is removing
away some of heat energy from the solar panel so making it
less efficient than using mirror and without cooling method
only for two hours. This method was approximately 20% more
efficient than second one and 52% more efficient from the first
The results of the experiment for improving efficiency of solar
panel using mirrors and cooling were come out to be highly
encouraging. Using mirrors plus cooling is better than the
other two as efficiency is approximately 52% in this case.
Output power from simple solar panel without using mirrors
was 24 watts and from solar panel with mirrors and cooling
was 37.709 watts which means instead of purchasing new
solar panel one can obtain 52 percent more power from the
same solar panel using this technique.
Of all the other two methods, last one was efficient but it still
needs to be improved. One can enhance its efficiency beyond
52 percent by following these recommendations.
Stop cooling solar panel in the early and last hours of the day.
This will definitely increase further output power.
As this whole experiment was without following maximum
power point tracking technique (MPPT). So one can combine
these two techniques to improve efficiency.
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... At the high temperature, the output performance of the solar panel reduces as compared with lower temperatures. According to the previous case study, under concentrated solar radiation, the performance of the solar cell reduces 50%, when its temperature rises from 46°C to 84°C [19]. Therefore, to get the maximum solar cell's efficiency and to prevent the cell from degradation and damage, an efficient cooling system is quite essential. ...
... The photovoltaic solar panel can be cooled by using actively or passively method. In the active mode, some external power source is needed to cool the system and but in a passive way; there is no additional power source [19]. Table 1 shows the performance of the active cooling system solar panel under different concentration techniques. ...
... The change in current, voltage and power with respect to concentration and cooling[19] ...
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Energy resources can categorize as renewable energy resources and non-, renewable energy resources. Due to some harmful environmental impacts such as air pollution, climate change, and natural resources decay, people are focused on using renewable energy resources to generate energy. Solar energy is one of the widely discussing renewable energy resources. Recently with the rising human population and energy demand, new technologies and improvements should be made in the solar energy field to fulfill the global energy demands and increase energy efficiency. The electricity cannot generate at night is a massive weakness of the traditional solar cell. In this study mainly focus on solar energy and discusses innovation, improvements, and future view of solar energy technologies.
... By using actively or passively method, the photovoltaic solar panel can be cooled. In the active system, some external power source is needed to cool the system, but there is no additional power source [24]. Table 3 shows the performance of the active cooling system solar panel under different concentration techniques. ...
... The performance of the active cooling system solar panel under different concentration method[24] JOURNAL OF RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING, VOL 1, ISSUE 4, OCTOBER 2020 ...
... In the future works, I will also examine the rest of his articles . [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15] Introduction and Problem Statement: Photovoltaic (PV) systems are recognized as one of the primary means of producing clean and renewable energy. However, a major challenge in these systems is the limitation in harnessing sunlight due to the angle of incidence and geographical location. ...
Experiment Findings
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In this review, my aim is to provide criticism and suggestions to Mohammad Parhamr's article[1]. In the future works, I will also examine the rest of his articles .[2-15] Introduction and Problem Statement: Photovoltaic (PV) systems are recognized as one of the primary means of producing clean and renewable energy. However, a major challenge in these systems is the limitation in harnessing sunlight due to the angle of incidence and geographical location. These limitations can significantly impact the performance and efficiency of PV systems. Additionally, indirect radiation and the distribution of light across the surface of PV cells can effectively reduce the system's output power. This article examines how the use of mirrors can enhance the sunlight incident on PV cells, thereby increasing the output power of these systems. The installation of mirrors is investigated as a cost-effective method for improving the performance of PV systems. Objective of the Article: The main objective of this article is to evaluate the impact of installing mirrors on increasing the output power and sunlight radiation in PV systems. The goal of using mirrors in this study is to reflect more sunlight towards the PV cells, thereby enhancing the generated power of the PV system. The article particularly focuses on the various aspects of mirror application, their installation methods, and optimizing light radiation. To achieve this goal, the article conducts various analyses and presents the results of simulations and practical experiments to compare the performance of PV systems with and without mirrors. This research assists engineers and designers of PV systems in utilizing this technique to improve the efficiency of their systems. Key Points of the Article: 1. Increasing sunlight radiation on PV cells through mirror installation. 2. Boosting the output power of PV systems using mirrors. 3. Evaluating the performance of mirrors under different geographical and environmental conditions. 4. Proposing optimal methods for the effective installation of mirrors for maximum efficiency. Due to its simple and cost-effective approach, this research can be a suitable solution for enhancing the performance of PV systems in areas where access to advanced technologies is challenging. Advantages 1. Simple and Cost-Effective Solution for Increasing Output Power: One of the greatest advantages of this research is the proposal to use mirrors as a simple, affordable, and cost-effective method to increase the output power of PV systems. This method can improve the performance of PV systems without the need for heavy investment or complex equipment. 2. Increased Light Radiation and System Efficiency: The article demonstrates that installing mirrors can enhance the sunlight incident on PV cells, thereby significantly improving the efficiency of PV systems. This can lead to increased output power and efficiency of PV systems in regions with indirect light or specific geographical conditions.
... As represented in the result of [30], the efficiency of a solar panel using a mirror reflector and cooling method has increased by 20%. However, when the cooling system is combined with a reflector, the efficiency of the solar panel experiences an approximate 3.35% increase, reaching a value of 10.36%, and the efficiency using this method has increased by 48% compared to the cooling system method only. ...
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Energy that can be obtained from natural resources and constantly replenished by nature is called “renewable energy”. To harness solar energy and convert it into electricity, a device known as a solar panel is utilized. However, solar panels encounter certain drawbacks, including reduced efficiency as the panel temperature rises and the partial absorption of sunlight due to its reflection by the top glass layer. This study aims to optimize solar panel efficiency by innovatively integrating a cooling system with water treatments and an aluminum foil reflector to enhance energy output. The study focused on a 700 mm × 510 mm × 30 mm monocrystalline solar panel. Initial efficiency improved significantly after implementing the cooling and reflector system. Based on measurement data, incorporating the reflector, revealed an average temperature of 61.3°C and solar radiation of 871.10 W/m². The cooling duration of 40.64 seconds was achieved with a water pump flow rate of 0.29 lt/s. Notably, the combined approach yielded substantial efficiency enhancements, with the solar panel reaching peak efficiency levels of 10.36%.
Integrating photovoltaic (PV) technology into electric vehicles (EVs) promises an environmentally friendly transportation solution by increasing the energy efficiency of vehicles. On the other hand, the limited integration area of the vehicle causes PVs to have relatively lower power output. This situation creates a discussion about how reasonable a solution for PV-EV integration is from various perspectives. This study aims to provide a realistic assessment of PV-EV integration using manufacturer-provided data on solar-assisted EVs in the market. Assessments are examined in three categories: financial assessment based on payback period, environmental assessment based on carbon emissions, and usage-based assessment based on charging dependency. The findings indicate that the PV systems integrated into contemporary solar-assisted market vehicles demonstrate a return on investment within 8.7 years. From an environmental perspective, hybrid vehicles can provide up to a 12 % reduction in carbon emissions, while fully EVs can achieve reductions of up to 32.5 %. Usage-based assessments showed that PV-EV integration is especially advantageous for countries with low daily travel distances. According to the assessment, the use of PV panels in vehicles can potentially extend the usage time without recharging by up to 170 %.
We are interested in the amplification of very low voltages produced by solar cells during sunset or weak sunshine. The study uses a device consisting of a Duffing oscillator, which amplifies and automatically regulates a low-voltage input, an inverter that reverses the negative voltage of one of the outputs of the oscillator, and a summing device to add the voltages of the two oscillator outputs. Experimental and theoretical investigations are conducted, and it is observed from the results that the output voltage can reach to 7.03V for an input voltage of 0.43V, i.e. a gain of 24.3dB. Furthermore, we observe from the amplification factor, and the behavior of the cyclic ratio that the whole system nonlinearly amplifies the input voltage with a large factor for weak inputs. We finally compare the results produced by the proposed system and those produced by a conventional boost converter at very low voltages. It then results that the Duffing oscillator provides large amplification factors for low voltages.
Integrating copper and aluminum backings with advanced optical concentrators into photovoltaic (PV) solar panels can significantly increase efficiency. Copper’s excellent thermal and electrical conductivity helps in reducing resistive losses and maintaining optimal temperatures, thereby minimizing thermal degradation. Its reflective properties also enhance light absorption. Aluminum, known for its lightweight and cost-effective nature, offers good thermal conductivity and reflective properties, making it suitable for extensive installations. Optical concentrators, such as Fresnel lenses and parabolic mirrors, play a crucial role in this enhancement. Fresnel lenses, being lightweight and economical, focus sunlight efficiently to boost panel output. Parabolic mirrors provide precise light focusing, significantly increasing light intensity and energy capture. The combination of these backings with optical concentrators offers maximum benefits. Copper backings paired with parabolic mirrors can achieve up to 40% efficiency gains, while aluminum-backed panels with Fresnel lenses present a scalable and costeffective improvement. These enhanced PV systems promise substantial energy savings, high ROI, and shorter payback periods. Improved thermal management and increased light absorption lead to higher energy yields and reduced maintenance costs, ensuring long-term economic viability.
This paper addresses the issue of why concentrator systems have not gained a significant market share. The history of concentrator development is reviewed, and the status of existing concentrator efforts outlined. A critical look at the requirements to propel concentrators to a prominent market role in large-scale power production is presented. Various concentrator and flat-plate PV system approaches are compared by computing the expected cost of energy, and conclusions are drawn as to what the best course of action will be. Concentrator systems are projected to be the lowest-cost, lowest-risk PV option for medium and large PV power plants. Copyrights (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Dr. Subhendu Guha is the chairman of United Solar Ovonic, the world’s largest manufacturer of flexible solar laminates. Dr. Guha is an international authority in the science and technology of amorphous silicon alloy solar cells. He has published more than 250 papers and he is the inventor/co-inventor of more than 35 patents. His work has received recognition from the US Department of Energy (Bright Light Award), Popular Science magazine (Best of What’s New), and Discover magazine (Best invention in the Environment Category). He was also the recipient of World Technology Award in the Energy category in 2005 and PVSEC Award for outstanding contribution to science and technology of photovoltaic (PV) in 2009.
IntroductionBulk Monocrystalline MaterialBulk Multicrystalline SiliconWaferingSilicon Ribbon and Foil ProductionNumerical Simulations of Crystal Growth TechniquesConclusions References
Huge amount of Solar radiation reaching the earth can be harnessed to provide electricity through Photo voltaic (PV) panels. The solar PV is an exciting technology but suffers from low efficiency. A study on low efficiency in multi MW solar power plants reveals that the electric yield of the PV modules is reduced due to reflection of the irradiation from the sun and when a module's temperature is elevated, as there is decrease in the voltage and efficiency. We intend to improve the efficiency of the Solar Photo Voltaic Panels by active cooling to reduce the temperature losses considerably and decrease reflection losses to some extent. We deploy natural resources at the plant site to cool the panels which further results in efficient operation.
The paper introduces the very high-capacity, megawatt-rated (MW-rated), power electronics (PE) technology trends for the renewable energy (RE) and for the energy greening in industrial area. The PE is indispensable for energy conversion from the RE to the AC power network. In order to expand RE supply capacity, RE generation facilities are now scaled up above megawatt (MW) range. The paper introduces the power conditioning system (PCS) for photo-voltaic (PV) generation, the back to back (BTB) converter for wind power (WP) and PCS for the battery energy storage system (BESS) developed to catch up such demands. Owing to the recent development of the power semiconductor and control devices, even in the high power range, the conversion efficiency and the operation flexibility have been remarkably improved compared with the old generation. The paper also introduces the high efficiency uninterruptible power systems (UPS) technology contributing to the Green IT facilities. The extra large PE technology rated at several tens of MW is also introduced for the Green Factory.
The penetration level of a photovoltaic (PV) system is often limited due to the violation of voltage variation introduced by the large intermittent power generation. This paper discusses the use of an active power curtailment strategy to reduce PV power injection during peak solar irradiation to prevent voltage violation so that the PV penetration level of a distribution feeder can be increased to fully utilize solar energy. The PV power generation is simulated according to the hourly solar irradiation and temperature data provided by the weather bureau. The voltage variation at the point of common coupling (PCC) is also derived by executing the 3-φ\varphi load flow analysis to investigate the maximum PV power injection without causing a voltage violation problem. When using the proposed voltage control scheme for limiting PV power injection into the study distribution feeder during high solar irradiation periods, the total power generation and total energy delivered by the PV system over a one-year period are determined according to the annual duration of solar irradiation. The annual cash flow from sales of PV power, the O&M cost over the system life cycle, and the capital investment in the PV system are then used to calculate the payback years and the net present value (NPV) of the PV project. With the proposed voltage control to perform the partial generation rejection of PV systems, the optimal installation capacity of PV systems can be determined by maximizing the net present value of the system so that better cost effectiveness of the PV project and better utilization of solar energy can be obtained.
This paper addresses the issue of why concentrator systems have not gained a significant market share. The history of concentrator development is reviewed, and the status of existing concentrator eÄorts outlined. A critical look at the requirements to propel concentrators to a prominent market role in large-scale power production is presented. Various concentrator and flat-plate PV system approaches are compared by computing the expected cost of energy, and conclusions are drawn as to what the best course of action will be. Concentrator systems are projected to be the lowest-cost, lowest-risk PVoptionfor medium and large PV power plants. Copyright#2000John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Concentrating solar radiation onto photovoltaic solar cells does not generally produce a uniform distribution of solar radiation at the surface of the cells. In this work a unique profile for the reflecting surfaces has been developed such that the solar cells are evenly illuminated under any degree of concentration. Also introduced is a passive method based on thermosyphons which can effectively cool the solar cells under concentrated light. A prototype of an east-west trough solar concentrator using the profile developed for the reflecting surface, and incorporating a thermosyphon cooling system for the photovoltaic cells, has been manufactured and successfully tested. The results are reported.