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The submitted article deals with the evaluation of the somatotype of persons and determination of a suitable somatotype for selected sports. In the introduction the method for determining and evaluating a somatotype according to Carter and Heath is characterised. The processes used for calculating the individual components - endomorphy, mesomorphy, ectomorphy - are presented as well as a description of these elements. The calculated components are subsequently put into a somatograph. The evaluation of a somatotype is of great benefit and offers a guideline with the selection of sporting activities; it subsequently helps assign athletes into a suitable position where they will be able to best develop their talents in view of their bodily construction. In this work two types of sports are evaluated - basketball and bodybuilding. With each sport the measurements which give the prerequisites for the given sport are presented. The selection of the presented sports was made with regard to the different requirements and demands in the scope of bodily constitution. The aim of the presented paper is to assess physical parameters of subjects groups in relation to selected sports (basketball and bodybuilding). Based on the body constitution to determine the conditions for developing the physical condition and success in the appointed sports. Another objective is to compare the rating form and equation methods for somatotype determination. The sample consist 32 subjects with age between 22-28 years of both sexes, who are dedicated to basketball, or bodybuilding at amateur level.
acta mechanica et automatica, vol.8 no.1 (2014), DOI 10.2478/ama-2014-0005
*Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Measurement,
Technical University, Letná 9, Košice, Slovak Republic
**Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Department of Biomedical Technology,
Czech Technical University, Nám. Sítná 3105, Kladno, Czech Republic,,,,
Abstract: The submitted article deals with the evaluation of the somatotype of persons and determination of a suitable somatotype for se-
lected sports. In the introduction the method for determining and evaluating a somatotype according to Carter and Heath is characterised.
The processes used for calculating the individual components endomorphy, mesomorphy, ectomorphy are presented as well as a de-
scription of these elements. The calculated components are subsequently put into a somatograph. The evaluation of a somatotype
is of great benefit and offers a guideline with the selection of sporting activities; it subsequently helps assign athletes into a suitable posi-
tion where they will be able to best develop their talents in view of their bodily construction. In this work two types of sports are evaluated
basketball and bodybuilding. With each sport the measurements which give the prerequisites for the given sport are presented. The selec-
tion of the presented sports was made with regard to the different requirements and demands in the scope of bodily constitution. The aim
of the presented paper is to assess physical parameters of subjects groups in relation to selected sports (basketball and bodybuilding).
Based on the body constitution to determine the conditions for developing the physical condition and success in the appointed sports.
Another objective is to compare the rating form and equation methods for somatotype determination. The sample consist 32 subjects
with age between 22-28 years of both sexes, who are dedicated to basketball, or bodybuilding at amateur level.
Key words: Somatotypes, Somatometry, Sport
Somatometry is a fundamental research method in anthropol-
ogy. It involves the measurement of bodily proportions and sizes
in living individuals. Before the start of measuring it is necessary
to ask three basic questions:
What is necessary to measure and evaluate and what kind
of data should be obtained by measuring?
How will the given dimensions be obtained? (determination
of anthropometric points)
What instruments should be chosen?
A somatotype is understood as the description of the current
morphological condition of an individual, expressed through
3 numbers, where each of them represents one of the 3 basic
components of body composition (Carter, 1996).
The values of the components and their mutual ratio express
the specific individual variations in the shape and composition
of a human body and its parts. Sheldon typoogy is a new version
of somatotypology by classifying people into endomorphic,
mesomorphic, and ectomorphic, based on many photographs
and measurements of nude figures at Ivy League schools (Carter
and Heath, 1990).
Division of somatotypes:
Ectomorph: the slim and thin type, signs of slenderness pre-
dominate, fragility, weak bones and musculature, anterodorsal
diameters small, sloped shoulders, a relatively short torso,
relatively long limbs, not always a tall figure, a flat and narrow
thorax, rounded arms, aliform protrusion of the shoulder
blades, weak thighs and arms, fragile and long fingers, weak
dry skin. Rapid energetic expenditure, few fat cells. Gains
muscle mass poorly, requires less demanding training, longer
pauses between series, a high intake of protein and sufficient
rest (Carter and Heath, 1990).
Endomorph: The chunky type with a large number of fat cells,
rounded shapes, the appearance of softer musculature, an-
terodorsal diameters are balanced by the frontal diameter, the
circumference of the waist is larger than that of the thorax,
a large head, a wide face, short neck, rounded features of the
shoulders, relatively short and weak limbs and fingers, rela-
tively small feet and hands, relatively strong bones. Endomor-
phic types often have good potential for adding muscle,
but have difficulty losing fat. Little activity leads to a risk
of obesity and heart diseases (Carter and Heath, 1990).
Mesomorph: the muscular type with a strong skeleton, sharp
musculature relief, broad shoulders and thorax, muscular
limbs, a firm stomach wall that does not protrude, a massive
pelvis, good posture, medium fast energetic expenditure. Re-
acts to strength training with rapid accumulation of muscle
mass (Carter and Heath, 1990, Isak, 2001).
The technique of somatotyping is used to appraise body
shape and composition. The somatotype is defined as the quanti-
fication of the present shape and composition of the human body.
The Heath-Carter method of somatotyping is the most com-
monly used today. There are three ways of obtaining the somato-
The anthropometric method, in which anthropometry is used
to estimate the criterion somatotype.
The photoscopic method, in which ratings are made from
a standardized photograph.
The anthropometric plus photoscopic method, which com-
bines anthropometry and ratings from a photograph - it is the
criterion method.
A somatotype is evaluated on the basis of three numbers
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Teodor Tóth, Monika Michalíková, Lucia Bednarčíková, Jozef Živčák, Peter Kneppo
Somatotypes in Sport
the first number indicates the endomorphic, the second number
the mesomorphic and the third the ectomorphic component.
If a component is lower than 2.5 it is considered to be low,
from 3.0 to 5.0 medium and from 5.5 to 7.0 as high. Values higher
than 7.5 are considered as extreme. The calculated triple-
numbers are applied to a spherical triangle (a somatograph)
on which the peaks are like the marginal types, the centre the
balanced types and inside the medium types.
For determination of a somatotype, it is necessary to obtain
the following measurements:
Body heigh (BH) [cm] - Taken against a height scale or stadi-
ometer. Take height with the subject standing straight, against
an upright wall or stadiometer, touching the wall with heels,
buttocks and back. Orient the head in the Frankfort plane
(the upper border of the ear opening and the lower border
of the eye socket on a horizontal line), and the heels together.
Instruct the subject to stretch upward and to take and hold
a full breath. Lower the headboard until it firmly touches
the vertex.
Weight (W) [kg] - The subject, wearing minimal clothing,
stands in the center of the scale platform. Record weight
to the nearest tenth of a kilogram. A correction is made
for clothing so that nude weight is used in subsequent calcula-
Triceps skinfold (TS) [mm] - With the subject's arm hanging
loosely in the anatomical position, raise a fold at the back
of the arm at a level halfway on a line connecting the acromi-
on and the olecranon processes.
Subscapular skinfold (SbS) [mm] - Raise the subscapular
skinfold on a line from the inferior angle of the scapula in a di-
rection that is obliquely downwards and laterally at 45 de-
Supraspinal skinfold (SpS) [mm] - Raise the fold 5-7 cm (de-
pending on the size of the subject) above the anterior superior
iliac spine on a line to the anterior axillary border and on a di-
agonal line going downwards and medially at 45 degrees.
Calf skinfold (CS) [mm] - Raise a vertical skinfold on the me-
dial side of the leg, at the level of the maximum girth of the
Width of the elbow joint (EW) [cm] - The width between the
medial and lateral epicondyles of the humerus, with the shoul-
der and elbow flexed to 90 degrees. Apply the caliper at an
angle approximately bisecting the angle of the elbow. Place
firm pressure on the crossbars in order to compress the sub-
cutaneous tissue.
Width of the knee joint (KW) [cm] - Seat the subject with knee
bent at a right angle. Measure the greatest distance between
the lateral and medial epicondyles of the femur with firm pres-
sure on the crossbars in order to compress the subcutaneous
Circumference of the flexed bicep (BC) [cm] - The subject
flexes the shoulder to 90 degrees and the elbow to 45 de-
grees, clenches the hand, and maximally contracts the elbow
flexors and extensors. Take the measurement at the greatest
girth of the arm.
Circumference of the calf muscle (CC) [cm] - The subject
stands with feet slightly apart. Place the tape around the calf
and measure the maximum circumference (Carter and
Heath, 1990, Duquet, Carter, 2001).
All measurements are recorded in the measurements list.
There are two ways to calculate the anthropometric somato-
1. Enter the data into equations derived from the rating form
2. Enter the data onto a somatotype rating form (2.2).
2.1. Enter the data into equations derived from the rating form
Endomorphy: relates to the relative fatness or relative thin-
ness (slimness) of a person. The degree of endomorphy reflects
the amount of subcutaneous fat and is placed on a continuum
from the lowest to the highest values. The equation according
to Carter and Heath (1990):
     
        
where: BH, TS, SbS, SpS are from measurements list.
One degree of endomorphy corresponds approximately to 5%
fat (Carter and Heath, 1990).
Mesomorphy: relates to the relative muscular and skeletal de-
velopment relating to body height.
At first it is necessary to adjust the circumference of the bi-
ceps by subtracting the thickness of the skinfold of the triceps
[cm]. The same is performed with the circumference of the calf
The equation according to Carter and Heath:
      
     
where: BH, EW, KW, BC, CC are from measurements list (Carter
and Heath, 1990).
Ectomorphy: relates to the length of part of the body. Determi-
nation is based on the index of the ratio of height and the third
power of the weight. A low value establishes the assumption
of relative shortness of different bodily dimensions and a high one,
in contrast, their relative length. It also evaluates the form
and degree of the lengthwise distribution of endomorphy and
  
where: BH, W are from measurements list.
This ratio is called height-weight ratio (HWR).
If HRW is (Carter and Heath, 1990):
greater than or equal to 40.75: EC = 0.732(HWR) 28.58.
between 40.75-38.25: EC = 0.463(HWR) 17.63.
smaller than or equal to 38,25: EC = 0.1.
2.2. Enter the data onto a somatotype rating form
For somatotype rating is used the form in Fig. 1. The determi-
nation of somatotype is perform via following steps.
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acta mechanica et automatica, vol.8 no.1 (2014), DOI 10.2478/ama-2014-0005
Endomorphy rating:
Record the measurements for each of the four skinfolds.
Sum the triceps, subscapular, and supraspinale skinfolds;
record the sum in the box opposite SUM3 SKINFOLDS. Cor-
rect for height by multiplying this sum by (170.18/height
in cm). See equation 2.
Circle the closest value from equation 2 in SKINFOLDS table
to the right. The table is read vertically from low to high in col-
umns and horizontally from left to right in rows. "Lower limit"
and "upper limit" on the rows provide exact boundaries for
each column. These values are circled only when SUM3
SKINFOLDS are within 1 mm of the limit. In most cases circle
the value in the row "midpoint".
In the row for endomorphy circle the value directly under the
column for the value circled in previous step above.
Mesomorphy rating
Record height and breadths of humerus and femur in the
appropriate boxes. Make the corrections for skinfolds before
recording girths of biceps and calf.
In the height row directly to the right of the recorded value,
circle the height value nearest to the measured height of the
For each bone breadth and girth circle the number nearest the
measured value in the appropriate row.
Deal only with columns, not numerical values for the two
procedures below. Find the average deviation of the circled
values for breadths and girths from the circled value in the
height column. Column deviations to the right of the height
column are positive deviations. Deviations to the left are nega-
tive deviations. (Circled values directly under the height col-
umn have deviations of zero and are ignored.) Calculate the
algebraic sum of the ± deviations (D). Use this formula: mes-
omorphy = (D/8) + 4.0. Round the obtained value of meso-
morphy to the nearest one-half (½) rating unit.
In the row for mesomorphy circle the closest value for meso-
Fig. 1 Blank somatotype rating form
Ectomorphy rating:
Record weight (kg).
Obtain height divided by cube root of weight (HWR). Record
HWR in the appropriate box.
Circle the closest value in the HWR table to the right.
In the row for ectomorphy circle the ectomorphy value directly
below the circled HWR.
In the bottom section of the rating form in the row for Anthro-
pometric Somatotype, record the circled ratings for Endomorphy,
Mesomorphy and Ectomorphy. (Singh, Mehta,2009)
Traditionally, the three-number somatotype rating is plotted
on a two-dimensional somatochart using X,Y coordinates derived
from the rating. The coordinates are calculated as follows:
X = ectomorphy endomorphy
Y = 2 x mesomorphy - (endomorphy + ectomorphy)
These points on the somatochart are called somatoplots
(Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 The 2-D somatochart and X,Y coordinates
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Teodor Tóth, Monika Michalíková, Lucia Bednarčíková, Jozef Živčák, Peter Kneppo
Somatotypes in Sport
Presumptions regarding movement activities can be deter-
mined according to location on a somatograph (Fig. 3).
A. individuals with the most all-around talent for sports,
B. individuals with a talent for endurance sports and finesse,
C. a lower degree of talent due to a low mesomorphic compo-
D. individuals with the worst prerequisites for sports activities,
E. individuals with the worst prerequisites for sports activities,
F. individuals with a very good prerequisites for power sports
Fig. 3. Relationship of somatotype to movement capabilities
4.1. Somatometry in basketball and bodybuilding
In Department of biomedical engineering and measurement
was assessed the sample of 32 subjects with age between 22-28
years of both sexes, who are dedicated to basketball (19 sub-
jects), or bodybuilding (13 subjects) at amateur level.
The determination of the conditions for developing the physi-
cal condition and success in the appointed sports is based on the
rating form and equation methods for somatotype determination.
For basketball a fluctuating intensity of the weight is typical.
During a game a player runs perhaps 5 - 7 km, jumps up approx-
imately 40-50 times, changes directions up to 640x and changes
speed up to 440x. Basketball is a collective sport with great differ-
ences in the somatotypes and physiologies among the player
positions (Vitek, 2012).
Player positions in basketball:
PG, point guard,
SG, shooting guard,
SF, small forward,
PF, power forward,
C, centre.
The tallest, with a large arm span, are used also during defen-
sive and attacking activities and play in the post position, in the
centre. Their primary domain is rebounding. Because of the signif-
icant bodily dimensions they are athletically the least efficient. The
forwards (SF,PF) need to have a combination of the characteris-
tics of the centre and the guards, and thus sufficient mass and
strength for the ability of guarding the ball (the centre) but also
quickness and leaping (guards). A guard is usually the smallest
player with the lowest centre of gravity and is the best at keeping
the ball (Komadel, 1985; Vitek, 2012; Novotny, 2013; Pavlik,
Anthropometric measurements in basketball:
The arm span measured as the direct distance from the left
and right dactylion point upon maximum spreading of the
Bodily fat from the endomorphy formula, where one degree
of endomorphy corresponds to 5% fat
Reach when standing is measured as the distance of the point
of the dactylion from the ground, when arms are raised and
stretched upward and the fingers are together and stretched
The length of the hand measured as the direct distance linking
both points of the styloid point on the upper limb from the
dactylion point.
The width of the hand measured as the direct distance in the
broadest area of the palm of the hand.
Tab. 1. Calculated values of somatotypes for basketball players
Height rises according to the positions: the closer to the bas-
ket, the taller the player is, and this allows in connection with the
jump and span of the arms the highest chance for a successful
rebound. Weight likewise rises from the guards to the pivot man.
In the position of the guards mobility is important, which is,
in combination with the high mass, a unique phenomenon. Pro-
fessionals in basketball do not have a high value of bodily fat
because of preservation the lowest mass possible so that their
mass does not inhibit their jumping and the time they spend in the
air after a jump. Specific traits of guards are relatively small height
and weight, a lower arm span and a low content of fat. Specific
traits of forwards are a higher value of bodily height and weight
than in the guards, a higher arm span but reduced mobility. Spe-
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acta mechanica et automatica, vol.8 no.1 (2014), DOI 10.2478/ama-2014-0005
cific traits of the pivot position are very high values of bodily height
and weight and of reach when standing.
The study presents the most frequent averages of somato-
types of basketball players: 2 4.5 3.5. The highest difference
is in the values of mesomorphy and endomorphy. The average
somatotype of the measured subjects were 3.7 2.7 2.7
(Grasgruber and Cacek, 2008, Bernacíková, Kapounková and
Novotný, 2010).
In Tab. 1 are calculated values of somatotypes for basketball
players. The variance of somatotypes for basketbal players
is affected with player position.
Bodybuilding is a sport which places emphasis on physical
appearance, the shape of the muscles and the symmetry of the
body. The goal of training is maximum musculature and physical
symmetry with the lowest amount of preserved fat. The somato-
type of bodybuilders is the closest to the ideal mesomorph
and often achieves extreme mesomorphic values (Grasgruber
and Cacek, 2008).
Tab. 2. Calculated values of somatotypes for bodybuilders
Anthropometric measurements in bodybuilding:
The circumference of the thorax meter applied at the height
of the nipples, arms located freely along the body, without in-
The circumference of the waist measured at the narrowest
location, upon relaxation of the abdominal muscles (without
The circumference of the thigh upon bending the leg at a right
angle, upon relaxation of the musculature.
The circumference of the calf measured at the widest place,
the knee is bent at a right angle.
The circumference of the forearm measured at the widest
place, the muscle flexed, the fist closed and tilted in the direc-
tion of the biceps.
The circumference of the wrist is measured at the narrowest
place, while the muscles are relaxed.
The circumference of the biceps at the location of the largest
From our measured results it was found that the measured
subjects who participate in bodybuilding have a very low value
of ectomorphy in the range of 0.63 to 1.22, which is caused
by higher values of fat and muscle mass. These attributes again
cause a high number of endomorphy and mesomorphy. Subject
no. 6 and 13 shows the lowest value of endomorphy, because
of the differently oriented of the training (training for reduction
of fat) (Tab. 2).
The measurements of basketball player are located in the
centre of the somatograph so that it is not possible to assign them
to categories. The measurements of bodybuilders belong to cate-
gory F, thus, individuals with a talent for power sports (Fig. 4).
Example of somatotype evaluation with somatotype rating
form is in Fig. 5
Fig. 4. Location of measured reults in somatograph
Fig. 5. Evaluated Heat Carter somatotype rating form
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Teodor Tóth, Monika Michalíková, Lucia Bednarčíková, Jozef Živčák, Peter Kneppo
Somatotypes in Sport
The main advantage of the equation method of calculating the
somatotype is its accuracy. If the computer support is available
(eg MS Excel, etc.), this method is faster than table form. Ad-
vantage of equation method is template creation for input parame-
ters. In another case, the equation method is more difficult and
time consuming. Table form method is less accurate, opened
to random and rough errors. Its lower accuracy is caused by the
need to choose the numerical value from the table it is not con-
sidered directly with the measured value. It is also necessary
to know and precede procedures and methodology in the evalua-
tion using the table form. However, without the use of computer
technology the table form method is faster and less difficult
in terms of calculations.
The accuracy of both methods is affected by the measure-
ment errors by the collection of the body dimensions, which de-
pends on the experience of the person performing the measure-
Group of bodybuilders is localized in endo - mesomorphic ar-
ea. The average value of somatotype is 1.17 3.61 to 6.03. Bas-
ketball players group is distributed over the entire surface of so-
matoplot. Types of players in basketball at individual positions are
diverse. For this reason, it is not determinative of an individual
somatotype for basketball.
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This contribution is the result of the project implementation KEGA
031TUKE-4/2013: Prosthetic and orthotic proposal process in education.
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... Somatotyping is a measuring technique to evaluate the shape and composition of the human build [22,31]. This technique quantifies the morphology and body composition by a three-number rating [5,37]. Matiegka in 1921 was the first person to describe human somatotype and he divided human body structure into four components: body weight, subcutaneous fat mass, muscle weight, and residual weight [22,31]. ...
... According to this, three-number rating, somatotype includes three components in-relation to height: endomorphy, mesomorphy, and ectomorphy. Endomorphy defines and quantifies relative adiposity, mesomorphy quantifies musculoskeletal development and ectomorphy defines relative linearity of the body[5, 22,31,37]. To calculate the anthropometric somatotype by Heath-Carter's method, ten anthropometric measurements are needed. ...
... Exercise endurance is decided by a person's aerobic capacity. Cardiorespiratory functions decide the aerobic capacity [33,37]. Athletes' aerobic capacity is described in VO2 max which is the maximum consumption of oxygen during sustained physical activity. ...
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PURPOSE:In recent times, the incidence of sudden cardiac death in athletes has increased. Therefore, this study aimed to establish the influence of somatotype components and lipid profile on VO2 max, a cardiovascular risk indicator in physically active young South Indian males.METHODS:Eighty-six male athletes were included (Age 21.99 ± 2.78 years, Body mass 65.24 ± 8.77 Kg, Height 171.42 ± 6.19 cm) and somatotyped by the Heath-Carter method. Bruce protocol treadmill test was done and VO2 max norms were calculated using the total exercise time in the treadmill test. Based on the VO2 max, subjects were grouped into Fair VO2 max (36.5 – 42.4, Good VO2 max (42.5 – 46.4), Excellent VO2 max (46.5 – 52.4), and Superior VO2 max group (> 52.4).Blood tests were done for fasting cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Spearman correlation was done to understand the relationship between the VO2 max groups, somatotype components, and lipid profile. RESULTS:An increase in endomorphy and mesomorphy components negatively correlated with VO2 max in young male athletes. A significant influence of somatotype components on lipid profile was observed only in the Excellent and Superior VO2 max groups. In these groups, a negative relationship was observed between ectomorphy and cholesterol level, low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C), and Cholesterol High-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (Chol-HDL-C) ratio. Similarly, an increase in the endomorphy component showed a positive relationship with LDL-C and the Chol-HDL-C ratio. An increase in endomorph had a negative relationship with high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) in these groups. Athletes in the Fair, Good, and Excellent VO2 max categories demonstrated LDL-C levels in the "Near Optimum" range, while those in the Superior VO2 max group exhibited LDL-C levels within the "Optimum" range as per the Adult Treatment Panel, (ATP) III classification of serum lipid parameters and this is a new clinical observation recorded.CONCLUSION:These findings suggest that the somatotype components and lipid profile have an impact on VO2 max, a determinant of cardiovascular endurance, and a risk various Scopus indexed journals was examined bibliometrically, for the years 2014-2024.
... The ectomorphic somatotype is described as a slender body with predominant signs of slenderness, fragility, weak bones and musculature, small antero-dorsal diameters, rapid energy expenditure, few fat cells, and poor muscle mass increase (Tóth et al., 2014). Ectomorphy is prevalent in various sports such as elite rhythmic gymnastics, goalkeepers, and forwards in football (Cárdenas-Fernández et al., 2019;Purenović -Ivanović & Popović , 2014). ...
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The 2D:4D ratio in various sports has revealed significant relationships between this digit indicator and sports performance, but few studies have focused on elite wrestlers. Thus, the present study has two main objectives: firstly, to present descriptive data comparing it between genders, and secondly, to identify significant correlations with the 2D:4D ratio. Methods: A total of 22 wrestlers participated in the study, and their anthropometric variables, bilateral 2D:4D ratio, muscle power (CMJ), isometric traction strength, and handgrip strength were compared. Results: The findings show significant correlations between the right 2D:4D ratio and residual mass (r = .46; p < .05); Z-Score transverse thorax (r = .61; p < .01); inversely with ectomorphy (r = -.46; p < .05) and handgrip strength (r = .43; p = .042); and the left 2D:4D with Z-Score chest girths (r = .45; p < .05) and Z-Score weight (r = .43; p = .042). Conclusions: It is concluded that the 2D:4D ratio could be a predictive indicator of body composition components as well as a measure of handgrip strength performance and respiratory capacity in Olympic wrestling athletes.
... The anthropometric somatotype was determined using the Heath-Carter method from 1990 [12,13], using the following equations for endomorphy (EnC), mesomorphy (MeC), and ectomorphy (EcC): To visualize the 2D somatotype in a somatograph, we used software shklyn/somatotype nKpWAQoG5WcujbxCYJPILQf6A (accessed on 18 July 2024) [14] by entering the values of the endomorphy, mesomorphy, and ectomorphy components. ...
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Background/objectives: This study aims to analyze and compare the somatotypes of professional football players from Slovakia with a non-athletic population. Methods: Comparative analysis of professional soccer players by their positions, goalkeepers (n = 4; 8%), defenders (n = 16; 32%), strikers (n = 15; 30%), and midfielders (n = 15; 30%), in average age 16.88 ± 1.29 years, based on selected anthropometric parameters, somatotype components, and the resultant somatotype using the Heath-Carter method. Results: The average somatotype of the soccer players was categorized as an ectomorphic mesomorph (40%). Goalkeepers showed significantly greater body height (BH 187.98 ± 3.166 cm) and weight (BW 82.33 ± 4.922 kg) than midfielders (BH 179.25 ± 6.126 cm; p = 0.03; BW 68 ± 6.304 kg; p = 0.014) and strikers (BH 176.04 ± 4.998 cm; p = 0.026; BW 68.93 ± 6.591 kg; p = 0.026). Defenders had significantly greater BH (182.14 ± 4.853 cm; p = 0.026) than strikers. Goalkeepers also had a significantly higher BMI than midfielders (23.28 ± 0.698 vs. 21.14 ± 1.282 kg/m2; p = 0.02) and greater epicondylar width of the humerus (EWH 7.36 ± 0.14 cm) compared to strikers (EWH 6.79 ± 0.308 cm; p = 0.014). The average somatotype values identified goalkeepers [2.0-4.1-3.1], defenders [1.6-3.9-3.2], and strikers [1.7-4.2-2.9] as ectomorphic mesomorphs, while midfielders were identified as mesomorph-ectomorphs [1.6-3.7-3.6]. Conclusions: The results highlight the importance of somatotype in player position suitability and its impact on physical attributes in football.
... The somatotype quantifies the current shape and composition of the human body, serving as a key indicator of physical structure [33,34]. Somatotypes, categorized into endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph, provide insights into relative fatness, musculoskeletal robustness, and thinness, respectively, offering valuable information about individuals' body composition and physical characteristics [35][36][37]. Derived by Carter into thirteen subcategories, each somatotype reflects the dominance and relationship between its components [38]. The ideal somatotype for soccer athletes varies based on sports requirements and playing positions. ...
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OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to analyze the body composition and somatotype of professional soccer players, investigating variations across categories and playing positions. METHODS: An observational, cross-sectional, and analytical study was conducted with 51 male professional soccer players in the U-19 and U-20 categories. Data about sex, age, height, and weight were collected between March and May 2023. Body composition analysis utilized the ISAK protocol for the restricted profile, while somatotype categorization employed the Heath and Carter formula. Statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics V.26, which involved the application of Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests to discern differences in body composition variables and proportionality based on categories and playing positions. The Dunn test further identified specific positions exhibiting significant differences. RESULTS: The study encompassed 51 players, highlighting meaningful differences in body composition. The average body mass in kg was 75.8 (±6.9) for U-20 players and 70.5 (±6.1) for U-19 players. The somatotype values were 2.6-4.6-2.3 for U-20 players and 2.5-4.3-2.8 for U-19 players, with a predominance of muscle mass in all categories, characterizing them as balanced mesomorphs. CONCLUSIONS: Body composition and somatotype findings underscore distinctions in body mass across categories and playing positions, with notably higher body mass and muscle mass predominance in elevated categories. However, the prevailing skeletal muscle development establishes a significant semblance with the recognized somatotype standard for soccer.
... In other words, somatotype is the formation of body composition regardless of size. Somatotype is a method that defines the characteristics of the human body as a whole (7,8). Considering all sports branches, it may be wrong to say that a single somatotype character is superior to others. ...
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Background: Body composition, which is affected by body fat ratio is an important factor affecting parameters such as strength, endurance, flexibility and agility required for superiority in sportive performance. Objectives: The aim of this study is to compare visual (VRT) and auditory (ART) reaction times of athletes and sedentary individuals with different somatotypes. Methods: The study included 148 individuals (73 athletes and 75 sedentary) with no symptoms. Somatotype character analysis was performed with Somatotype (1.2.6 trial) program using Heath-Carter formula after the determined anthropometric measurements were taken. Reaction time measurements were performed with Hubbard reaction meter. Results: Six different somatotypes were determined in both sedentary and athlete groups that participated in the study. In the comparison of VRT and ART scores of athletes and sedentary individuals in terms of each somatotype, statistically significant difference was found in VRT score in balanced ectomorph somatotype and in both VRT and ART scores of endomorphic mesomorph somatotype (P < 0.05). Conclusions: We think that regular training and sports shorten VRT and ART. We presume that these characteristics of athletes shorten their reaction times since sports events require more concentration. The results of our study are interesting in terms of being a new subject for scientists working in this field.
... A similar study substantiated a strong link between the anthropometric measurements of swimmers (such as height) and their recorded times (Jeyapal et al., 2017). The identification of athletes' somatotypes is a scientific approach that aids in understanding their physical capacities and the potential influence on performance, particularly in sports where body characteristics may affect biomechanics of movement and subsequent performance outcomes (Armendáriz et al., 2023;Gutnik et al., 2015;Jakovljević et al., 2022;Tóth et al., 2014). Researchers defined somatotype as a three-number system that depicts the endomorphic, mesomorphic, and ectomorphic parts of the human body in a way that always stays the same. ...
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Introduction: The aim of this study was:1) to ascertain the anthropometric characteristics of Indian swimmers and 2) to investigate the potential association between these characteristics and countermovement jump metrics. Method: Forty-two national level Indian swimmers (18 females and 24 males) who regularly compete in national and/or international competitions, took part in the study. Anthropometric measurements were performed for body mass, stature, 8 skinfold sites, 3 girths, and 2 breadths. Somatotypes, body fat %, fat mass and lean body mass for all athletes were also calculated. A CMJ test was performed to measure vertical jump height, peak power output, and relative peak power output. Results: The Pearson correlation analysis of body composition variables and CMJ measures revealed a very large negative association between body fat percent and vertical jump height (R = - 0.726; p = 0.000) and between body fat percent and relative peak power (R = -0.757; p = 0.000); a large negative association between body fat percent and peak power (R = - 0.577; p = 0.000) and between fat mass and relative peak power (R = -0.560, p = 0.000); a moderately negative association between fat mass and vertical jump height (R = -0.490, p = 0.001); a very large positive association between lean body mass and peak power (R = 0.862, p = 0.000); and a large positive association between lean body mass and vertical jump height (R = 0.599, p = 0.000) and a large positive association between lean body mass and relative peak power (R = 0.530, p = 0.000); and a moderately positive association between BMI and peak power (R = 0.413, p = 0.007). Conclusion: There are significant differences in anthropometric characteristics when analyzing the anthropometric characteristics of Indian swimmers which could be attributed to the specific demands of each event. Anthropometric characteristics and body composition differences influence swim performance and vary according to gender, age and maturation status. A robust and significant positive correlation exists between lean body mass and vertical jump height suggesting that an enhancement of an individual's lean mass seems to have a positive impact on lower body power production in swimmers. Individualised training plans that focus on lower limb strength will have a potential positive effect on swim performance.
... Por outro lado, o somatótipo é um método de investigação fundamental em antropologia, usado para estudar dimensões e proporções morfológicas em indivíduos vivos (Tóth et al., 2014). ...
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We found that production parameters of a European Portuguese corpus are influenced by body composition: more prominently in the frequency parameters (f0, DP f0 and formants), perturbation parameters and noise parameters, for vowel segments [a] and [i]. We concluded that extralinguistic patterns of voice quality were significantly correlated with body composition and somatotype. The vocal quality characterization of a speaker can allow the identification of his particular phonetic settings and the use of his anatomic mechanism, during speech.
... Somatotype combines an appraisal of the body physical componentsendomorphy or relative adiposity; mesomorphy or relative musculoskeletal robustness; and ectomorphy or relative linearityinto a threenumber rating (Carter & Heath, 1990). Somatotyping has been used in talent identification for many sports such as gymnastics, rowing, strength training, basketball, martial arts, swimming, netball, and figure skating (Berry, 1972;Biswas & Ghosh, 2020;Gakhar & Malik, 2002;Gualdi-Russo & Graziani, 1993;Gupta et al., 2011;Parnell, 1954;Smith & Norton, 2002;Sterkowicz-Przybycien & Gualdi-Russo, 2019;Sterkowicz-Przybycień et al., 2011;Tóth et al., 2014). The purpose of this study is to examine variations in anthropometric characteristics and somatotypes among the weight categories. ...
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Introduction: Limited research exists on the anthropometric characteristics and somatotypes of elite Indian male boxers, motivating this study to fill the gap and provide insights into the variations across weight categories for talent identification and performance enhancement in Indian boxing. The study aimed to examine variations in anthropometric characteristics and somatotypes of elite Indian boxers in three different weight categories: light weight boxers (< 60 kg), middle weight boxers (61-74 kg), and heavy weight boxers (> 75 kg). Methods: Data were collected from 35 elite Indian male boxers with age ranges from 19 - 29 years at NSNIS, Patiala during the boxing national camp 2021. Anthropometric variables were measured following the International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK) standardized methods, Heath and Carter’s somatotype equation were used for somatotype calculation. Results: Mean height, weight and somatotype of the elite Indian male boxers were 175.2 ± 8.4, 69 ± 15.3 and 2.3 ± 1.0 – 4.9 ± 0.9 – 2.9 ± 1.1 respectively. Conclusions: Light weight boxers are ectomorphic mesomorph, middle weight boxers are balanced mesomorph and heavy weight boxers are endomorphic mesomorph with greater height and BMI.
... Many factors are important in achieving significant performance in sport, and these include physical and mental determinants and properly designed and performed training [19], [23], [27]. One of the com-______________________________ ponents of athletic success is the high force and power generated by the athlete. ...
Purpose The purpose of this study was to investigate the correlations of lower limb power and jump height in the SJ, CMJ, ACMJ, and CJ30s tests with time, speed, force, power, and work done during dolphin kick. Methods Seventeen female swimmers and seventeen male swimmers of an elite swimming sports school in Poland participated in the study. The parameters that were recorded and used in the analysis were the jump height and lower limb power in jump tests. In the test of 25 meters of dolphin kick in swimming at maximum pace, the results used in the analysis were the mean values of time, velocity, power, force, and work. Results were expressed as means ± standard deviations. Descriptive statistics of the groups were then compiled to finally perform Pearson correlation calculations. Results The highest correlations occurred between lower limb power during jumps and swimming speed, especially for men in the ACMJ (r=0.5468, p=.023) and SJ (r=0.5411, r=.025) tests. Jump height was not as often and strongly correlated with swimming time and speed as lower limb power. An important observation is that no statistically significant correlations were found for lower limb power, force, and work during dolphin kick with lower limb power and jump height. Conclusions The present study showed strong correlations between the performance variables of swimmers on dry land and in water. The most important finding is that the power during all the jumps (ACMJ, SJ, CJ30s, and CMJ) was strongly correlated with the time and speed of swimming using dolphin kick.
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Introduction: Anthropometry is a technique employed to evaluate body dimensions and ratios by examining body length, width, circumference, and skinfold thickness. It is cost-effective, uncomplicated, and easily transportable, and it may be used in diverse industries. Somatotyping is a primary method used to classify the human physique based on three main components: endomorphy, mesomorphy, and ectomorphy. Heath and Carter established and modified the standards of somatotype, which continue to be employed for global measurements. Several software tools have been created for somatoploting, including SAS/GRAPH, Houcine, Orhan, and machine-learning models. Nevertheless, most of these tools are not open-source, resulting in laborious manual enumeration and hindering the accurate representation of differences among groups. A functional, open-source, precise tool is required to categorise somatotypes of extensive sample sizes and illustrate their differences. Method: R programming is a powerful and versatile programme language, particularly popular in statistical computing and graphics. It is widely used in various fields, like biostatistics, bioinformatics, and financial market analysis. R incorporates original programming concepts like object-oriented programming, which users can use transparently. This paper introduces how to use R programming as a tool for somatoploting, introduces the code for somatoploting, inserts x and y data, and executes the program to get a somatochart. It uses anthropometric data of 34 school-going students collected in Shindikurbet, Karnataka, aged between 10 and 12 years, collected through ISAK protocol guidelines to develop somatotypes and further plot them. Result: The paper holistically demonstrates using R programming to plot somatotypes in a 2-D Somatochart. Using this process, the reader can develop high-quality somatocharts in image or PDF formats. Conclusion: This study explores using R programming, an open-source software, for somatoploting and generating somatocharts. This method aids in understanding complex information, fact-explaining, and guiding action in various fields. It offers accessible data processing, analysis, and presentation, making implementing and saving budgets for students, researchers, and institutions easy. Further research could be conducted to make the code easier to use in Excel sheets or mobile applications.
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A perfect body is desired by every human being. Be it in terms of height, weight or mass-the increased awakening to stay fit and to be in shape has led to an urge to be familiar with the human anatomy and its measurements. A compendium of numerous conceptual issues on human body physique,
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Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) has been reported to show altered activity in patients with neurological diseases. The recent studies found that a 287 bp insertion/deletion (I/D) polymorphism of the ACE gene may be associated with susceptibility to Alzheimer’s disease (AD) but the results have been heterogenous between studies in Europe. In the present study we examined for the first time the association of ACE I/D polymorphism along with APOE genotype in 70 sporadic AD and 126 control subjects in Slovak Caucasians (Central Europe). An increased risk for AD was observed in subjects with at least one APOE*E4 allele (OR=3.99, 95% CI=1.97–8.08). No significant differences for the genotype distribution or the allele frequency were revealed comparing controls and patients for ACE gene. Gene-gene interaction analysis showed increase of the risk to develop AD in subjects carrying both the ACE DD genotype and the APOE*E4 allele (OR=10.32, 95% C.I. 2.67–39.81).
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In this work, we explored the existence of genetic variant within the apolipoprotein E gene transcriptional regulatory region. Upon a population study, three polymorphic sites (-491, -427 and -219) and two mutations were found. We investigated newly reported -427T/C promoter polymorphism in association with sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD), vascular (VD) and mixed dementia (MD) along with APOE genotype and gender. Observed polymorphisms were investigated in 267 subjects, 122 of them formed a control group, the group of patients consisted of 145 subjects. Sixty patients were diagnosed with AD, 41 patients were diagnosed with VD and 35 patients left were diagnosed with MD in Slovak Caucasians (Central Europe). Gene-gene interaction analysis showed increase of the risk to develop AD in subjects carrying both the at least one C allele and the APOE E4 allele (OR = 17.93, 95%CI = 3.50-171.54).
Somatotyping is a method of description and assessment of the body on three shape and composition scales: endomorphy (relative fatness), mesomorphy (relative musculoskeletal robustness), and ectomorphy (relative linearity). This book (the first major account of the field for thirty years) presents a comprehensive history of somatotyping, beginning with W. J. Sheldon's introduction of the method in 1940. The controversies regarding the validity of Sheldon's method are described, as are the various attempts to modify the technique, particularly the Heath-Carter method, which has come into widespread use. The book reviews present knowledge of somatotypes around the world, how they change with growth, ageing and exercise, and the contributions of genetics and environment to the rating. Also reviewed are the relationships between somatotypes and sport, physical performance, health and behaviour. Students and research workers in human biology, physical and biological anthropology and physical education will all find valuable information in this book.
The association between fat distribution and Heath-Carter anthropometric somatotypes was studied in a sample of Basque children and youth aged 8–19 years. About mid-adolescence, mean somatotype of Basque males changed, diminishing in endomorphy and mesomorphy, and increasing slightly in ectomorphy. For the same period, reduced mesomorphy was the most striking change in the female mean somatotype; meanwhile, there was an increase in endomorphy and a decrease in ectomorphy. Two groups of fat distribution were identified: centripetal and peripheral. Centripetal fat increased with age in both sexes. Fat distribution groups showed the following characteristics: a) mean somatotypes of centripetal and peripheral subjects were significantly different; b) centripetal boys and girls were extreme endomorphs prior to adolescent somatotype change; c) centripetal girls showed high ratings of endomorphy after adolescence; d) mesomorphy was related to a centripetal fat distribution pattern in both sexes; e) using the BMI as a criterion of obesity, only 16.3% of centripetal males and 21.8% of centripetal females were classified as obese; f) obesity was absent among subjects with a peripheral pattern, except for one male showing an endomorphic-mesomorph somatotype; h) the obese showed extreme somatotypes with high endomorphy and mesomorphy, and minimal ectomorphy. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Anthropology in sport -electronic teaching materials
  • J Novotný
Novotný J. (2013), Anthropology in sport -electronic teaching materials, in Masaryk University Brno, ~novotny/Antropologie.pdf (in Czech).
Somatotype Evaluation of Czech Woman Alpine Ski Team -Master thesis
  • L Hrstková
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Basketball in: Masaryk University Brno multimedial internet book http
  • M Bernacíková
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Anthropometrica: A Textbook of Body Measurement for Sports and Health Courses
  • K Norton
  • T Olds
Norton K., Olds T. (1996), Anthropometrica: A Textbook of Body Measurement for Sports and Health Courses, UNSW Press.