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The effects of ketogenic diet on oxidative stress and antioxidative capacity markers of Taekwondo athletes


Abstract and Figures

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the ketogenic diet through 3 weeks on oxidative stress and antioxidative capacity markers in Taekwondo athletes. The participants selected for this research were 18 high school taekwondo contestants aged 15-18 who had at least 5 yr of career as contestant. The subjects were randomly assigned to the ketogenic diet (KD) group and the Non ketogenic diet (NDK) group. Body composition and oxidative stress and antioxidative capacity markers (LDH, MDA, ROS, HDL, and SOD) were analysed before and after 3 weeks of ketogenic diet. No significant difference was found between the groups in body composition, ROS and SOD level. The KD group showed an elevated HDL level and NKD group showed an elevated LDH and MDA level after ketogenic diet by 3 weeks. This result suggests that weight loss by 3 weeks of calorie restriction and exercise can cause oxidative stress, and that ketogenic diet can be effective for preventing it. It could also be inferred that ketogenic diet can be effective for increasing blood antioxidative capacity.
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Copyright © 2014 Korean Society of Exercise Rehabilitation
pISSN 2288-176X
eISSN 2288-1778
*Corresponding author: Hee-Tae Roh
Department of Physical Education, Yonsei University, 50 Yonsei-ro,
Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-749, Korea
Tel: +82-2-2123-3199, Fax: +82-2-2123-3199, E-mail:
Received: December 2, 2014 / Accepted: December 17, 2014
The effects of ketogenic diet on oxidative stress and
antioxidative capacity markers of Taekwondo athletes
Hyun-seung Rhyu
, Su-Youn Cho
, Hee-Tae Roh
Department of Sports Health Medicine, College of Health Science, Jungwon University, Goesan-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea
Department of Human Movement Science, Seoul Women’s University, Seoul, Korea
Department of Physical Education, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the ketogenic
diet through 3 weeks on oxidative stress and antioxidative capacity
markers in Taekwondo athletes. The participants selected for this re-
search were 18 high school taekwondo contestants aged 15-18 who
had at least 5 yr of career as contestant. The subjects were randomly
assigned to the ketogenic diet (KD) group and the Non ketogenic diet
(NDK) group. Body composition and oxidative stress and antioxidative
capacity markers (LDH, MDA, ROS, HDL, and SOD) were analysed be-
fore and after 3 weeks of ketogenic diet. No significant difference was
found between the groups in body composition, ROS and SOD level.
The KD group showed an elevated HDL level and NKD group showed
an elevated LDH and MDA level after ketogenic diet by 3 weeks. This
result suggests that weight loss by 3 weeks of calorie restriction and
exercise can cause oxidative stress, and that ketogenic diet can be ef-
fective for preventing it. It could also be inferred that ketogenic diet can
be effective for increasing blood antioxidative capacity.
Keywords: Taekwondo, Ketogenic diet, Oxidative stress, Antioxidative
Contestants participating in a weight class contest must meet a
certain weight limit. Since a contestant with a heavier weight usually
has relatively stronger muscle power than one with a lighter weight,
most contestants with heavier weights attempt to lose weight in ab-
normal ways so as to take advantage of their stronger muscle power
by participating in contests of lower weight classes than their nor-
mal weight classes. Most of the weight loss methods used by weight
class contestants involve artificially induced short-term dehydra-
tion, restricted diet, and severe exercise inducing body fluid loss. It
has been reported that such methods might cause increased reac-
tive oxygen species (ROS) production (Anuradha and Balakrish-
nan, 1998).
ROS, produced by physiological metabolism or external stimuli,
are receiving growing recognition as a major factor that induces ox-
idative stress and thereby causes not only cell and tissue damage
but also accelerated aging and various diseases (including cardio-
vascular diseases, cancers, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s dis-
ease) (Fruehauf and Meyskens, 2007; Weinberg and Chandel,
2009). In addition, it was reported that accelerated lipid peroxida-
tion caused by ROS had a positive correlation with skeletal muscle
damage (Daekeun et al., 2012).
For this reason, an effective weight loss method has continuously
been demanded that does not deteriorate the performance and
health of the weight class contestants who definitely need weight
loss (Paoli et al., 2012). Meanwhile, Nazarewicz et al. (2007) re-
ported that 14 days of ketogenic diet with dietary restriction in-
volving healthy adult women resulted in weight loss and signifi-
cant improvement in total antioxidative status, without causing
blood oxidative stress. Ketogenic diet is a low carbohydrate and
high fat diet that causes the concentration of ketone bodies, which
are by-products of fat burning, to become higher than that of glu-
cose in the blood. When such a physiological state, called ketosis,
Original Article
Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation 2014;10(6):362-366
Rhyu H, et al. Effect of ketogenic diet on oxidative stress
is reached, fat begins to be burned fast, fat accumulation stops, and
fat becomes the main source of energy metabolism (Pethick and
Lindsay, 1982). In the research of Nazarewicz et al. (2007), howev-
er, ketogenic diet was conducted without a control group, and
therefore it is not clear whether the antioxidant effect was due to
ketogenic diet or due to weight loss caused by dietary restriction.
There have been some other researches reporting the oxidative
stress and antioxidant effect by ketogenic diet, but most of their
research subjects were patients with diseases; moreover, their re-
sults disagree with each other (Gasior et al., 2006; Jain et al., 1999;
Leornardi et al., 2010; Nazarewicz et al., 2007).
Therefore, the present research involved male high school tae-
kwondo contestants to verify the efficacy of ketogenic diet for
weight loss by examining the effect of 3 weeks of diet on oxidative
stress and antioxidative capacity.
The participants selected for this research were 18 high school
taekwondo contestants aged 15-18 who had at least 5 yr of career
as contestant and who neither had particular medical diseases (such
as muscular skeletal diseases, genetic diseases and heart diseases)
nor was taking dietary supplements (such as vitamins).
The participants were randomly assigned to 2 groups: 9 of them
to the ketogenic diet (KD) group, and the remaining 9 to the non
ketogenic diet (NDK) group. Their physical characteristics are
presented in Table 1.
Experimental procedures
Evaluation of body mass and body composition
Before and after the 3 weeks of experimental diet period, the sub-
jects fasted 12 h. Then, wearing a simple cloth in the morning, they
were subjected to the measurement of body composition. In order
to evaluate changes in body composition caused by the 3 weeks of
KD and NKD, respectively, measurements were taken of height,
weight and BMI, as well as of %body fat and lean body mass us-
ing the electric resistance method.
Method and procedure for diet
Before the experimental diet period, every research subject pre-
pared a document stating calorie intake for 3 days, and their daily
mean calorie intake was calculated. Then each of the KD and
NKD groups was provided with a different menu containing 75%
of the calculated daily mean calories.
Based on the menu used by Paoli et al. (2012), the menu for the
KD group consisted of high fat foods (such as beef, pork, fish,
bean, egg and cheese) whose lipid, protein and carbohydrate con-
tents were 55.0%, 40.7%, and 4.3%, respectively; while alcohol,
bread, rice, noodles, coffee and tea were restricted. Whereas the
NKD group was provided with a menu whose lipid, protein and
carbohydrate contents were 30%, 30%, and 40%, respectively.
Exercise program
Six days a week for 3 weeks during the weight loss period, both
groups participated in a training program that emphasized physi-
cal strength improvement. The daily plan of the program consisted
of 1 h of low intensity dawn exercise; 2 h of morning exercise, most-
ly for physical strength improvement; and 2 h of afternoon exer-
cise, mostly for taekwondo skills training.
Blood collection and analysis
Blood was collected from the antecubital vein using 22 gage
needles, in the morning of the day before the beginning of the
study, and in the morning after the 3 weeks of the study. The col-
lected blood was subjected to analysis of lactatedehydrogenase
(LDH), malondialdehyde (MDA), ROS, superoxide dismutase
(SOD) , high density lipoprotein (HDL). Serum LDH and HDL
concentrations were detected by biochemical analyzer (Kodak,
USA). Serum ROS levels were determined using an OxiSelect
Vitro ROS/RNS Assay Kit (#STA-347, CELL BIOLABS, USA).
The MDA concentrations in the sera were determined by the Col-
orimetric Assay, using commercially available BIOXYTECH
LPO-586 kit (#21012, Oxis, USA). The SOD concentrations in
the sera were determined by the Colorimetric Assay, using com-
mercially available Superoxide Dismutase Assay Kit(#CM706002,
IBL-Internationall, Germany). All reagents, dilutions, and calcula-
tions were applied according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
The absorbance was measured at 450 nm with a microplate reader
(GENios, TECAN, Austria).
Statistical analyses
Data are presented as means
standard deviation (SD). The sig-
nificance of differences among mean values between pre and post-
Table 1. Physical characteristics of the subjects
Group (n = 20) Age (yr) Height (cm) Weight (kg)
KD (n = 10) 16.22 ± 0.79 174.41 ± 5.30 64.37 ± 5.21
NKD (n = 10) 16.67 ± 0.82 172.48 ± 6.19 62.51 ± 6.684
Values are means ± SD. KD, ketogenic diet; NKD, non-ketogenic diet.
Rhyu H, et al. Effect of ketogenic diet on oxidative stress
diet, as well as between KD and NKD groups, were determined by
two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SPSS 18.0 for Win-
dows. Statistical significance was set at
Body composition
Changes in body mass and body composition after diet, com-
pared to before diet, by the diet groups are presented in Table 2.
Compared to before the diet period, there was significant de-
crease in weight after the period, as well as in %body fat, fat free
mass and BMI (P
0.05). However, no difference was found be-
tween the KD and NKD groups, and there was also no effect of
interaction between the independent variables.
Oxidative stress and antioxidative capacity markers
Changes in oxidative stress and antioxidative capacity markers
after diet during 3 weeks, compared to before diet, by the diet groups
are presented in Table 3.
In the cases of ROS and SOD, no significant difference was found
Table 2. Changes in body composition
KD (n = 10) NKD (n = 10)
Pre Post Pre Post
Weight (kg) 64.37 ± 5.52 60.99 ± 6.65 62.51 ± 7.08 60.11 ± 7.54 G 0.188
T 50.971*
T 1.460
%Body fat (%) 13.04 ± 3.88 11.90 ± 3.19 10.93 ± 1.36 10.21 ± 2.03 G 2.186
T 10.420*
T 0.533
Lean body mass (kg) 55.01 ± 3.99 52.72 ± 4.88 54.97 ± 6.90 52.78 ± 8.26 G 0.000
T 28.782*
T 0.014
BMI (kg/m
) 21.13 ± 0.98 19.97 ± 1.15 20.94 ± 1.30 20.13 ± 1.44 G 0.000
T 53.656*
T 1.734
Values are means ± SD. KD, ketogenic diet; NKD, non-ketogenic diet. *P < 0.05.
Table 3. Oxidative stress and antioxidative capacity markers
KD (n = 10) NKD (n = 10)
Pre Post Pre Post
LDH (U/L) 404.89 ± 55.94 399.78 ± 76.39 395.56 ± 32.12 422.00 ± 33.47 G 0.074
T 2.125
T 4.650*
MDA (pmol/mg) 0.134 ± 0.080 0.131 ± 0.064 0.131 ± 0.07 0.184 ± 0.048 G 0.745
T 4.171
T 5.316*
ROS (pg/mL) 87.16 ± 30.31 88.84 ± 21.57 77.73 ± 15.89 82.63 ± 30.23 G 0.638
T 0.241
T 0.057
HDL (mg/dL) 59.21 ± 8.41 73.32 ± 13.15 61.14 ± 6.67 63.81 ± 7.86 G 0.863
T 25.029*
T 11.646*
SOD (%SOD activity) 50.34 ± 5.32 46.70 ± 3.52 47.98 ± 2.55 47.25 ± 3.1 G 0.518
T 3.75
T 1.661
Values are means ± SD. KD, ketogenic diet; NKD, non-ketogenic diet. *P < 0.05.
Rhyu H, et al. Effect of ketogenic diet on oxidative stress
between the independent variables. In contrast, in the case of LDH,
MDA and HDL interaction effect was found when comparison was
made between before and after diet and between diet groups
0.05). According to result of the main effect analysis, the KD
group showed an elevated HDL level and NKD group showed an
elevated both LDH and MDA level after diet compared to before
diet (P
During the last several yr, there have been many research reports
that proved the effects of ketogenic diet on short-term weight loss,
as well as on metabolic profile with regard to insulin sensitivity,
glycemic control and serum lipid values (Nazarewicz et al., 2007;
Stafford et al., 2010; Veech, 2004). In addition, Paoli et al. (2012)
reported that 30 days of ketogenic diet could decrease the weight
and body fat mass of elite artistic gymnasts without affecting their
performance. Such research results show that ketogenic diet can be
very effective for weight class contestants who need rapid short-
term weight loss without negative effect on performance. Howev-
er, in spite of many reports on the effect of ketogenic diet, there
have been rare researches that involved athletic contestants to in-
vestigate the effect of short-term ketogenic diet on body mass and
body composition.
Therefore the present research involved taekwondo contestants
to examine the weight loss effect of 3 weeks of ketogenic diet vs
common diet, with calorie restriction. The result showed that 3
weeks of Ketogenic diet and Non ketogenic diet both caused de-
creases of weight, body fat mass and BMI, and that there was no
difference between the 2 groups in the extent of such decreases. In
addition, although Paoli et al. (2012) reported that ketogenic diet
could increase muscle mass, the result of the present research
showed decrease of lean body mass in both groups. Such a differ-
ence is considered due to the effect of the 25% calorie restriction
and extensive aerobic exercise program that were used for both
groups in this research, because preceding researches on ketogenic
diet did not involve calorie restriction.
Ketogenic diet leads to the production of ketone bodies, such as
-hydroxybutyrate and acetoacetate, which can be used as an alter-
native energy source. There is a recent report that ketone bodies
potentially decreased ROS production (Bough and Rho, 2007;
Gredilla and Barja, 2005). In the present research, however, both of
the 2 groups showed no change in ROS after the 3 weeks of diet.
Instead, increases in LDH and MDA were shown by the NKD
group after the 3 weeks of diet, but not by the KD group. Oxida-
tive stress caused by exercise can results in damage to skeletal mus-
cle cells, which in turn leads to increase of LDH (Brancaccio et al.,
2010). MDA is produced as the result of the degradation of poly-
unsaturated fatty acid peroxidation products, and it has been used
as a traditional oxidative stress index (Rachmilewitz et al., 1976).
In addition, increase of HDL was also shown after the 3 weeks of
KD diet in the present research. HDL has been known to be a po-
tential antioxidant suppressing the accumulation of oxidized lipids
(Vohl et al., 1999). In a research involving healthy women, Naza-
rewicz et al. (2007) showed that 14 days of ketogenic diet resulted
in improved total antioxidative status as well as increased uric acid
and HDL levels. They interpreted this result as demonstrating the
effect of ketogenic diet on antioxidative capacity. Accordingly, the
result of the present research indicates that weight loss by 3 weeks
of calorie restriction and exercise can cause oxidative stress, and
that ketogenic diet can be effective for preventing it. It could also
be inferred that ketogenic diet can be effective for increasing blood
antioxidative capacity.
Researches concerning the effects of ketogenic diet on oxidative
stress and antioxidative capacity have reported opposite results ac-
cording to the kinds of the diseases of research subjects, while re-
search involving healthy individuals has been very insufficient. Es-
pecially, there has been no research report involving weight class
contestants, and additional research would have to be carried out in
this regard.
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was re-
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... Another study was performed in a group of 18 Taekwondo players following KD for three weeks [Rhyu et al., 2014]. There was no notable difference observed in body composition, ROS, and SOD levels between the individuals following KD and the control group. ...
... However, the KD group exhibited an increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol level, while the control group demonstrated elevated lactate dehydrogenase and MDA levels after three weeks. The authors have implied that weight loss due to three weeks of calorie restriction and exercise may induce OS and that the KD could be beneficial in preventing it [Rhyu et al., 2014]. However, it has to be kept in mind that the adaptation to ketosis takes at least 4 weeks; hence, it was also not achieved in this study. ...
... Studies that label diets as ketogenic with more liberal protein and carbohydrate distributions than true ketogenic diets highlight the difficulty in terminology of research regarding ketogenic vs. low-carbohydrate diets. In a study that assessed body composition and athletic performance outcomes in ten Taekwondo athletes randomized to a reported KD group versus ten Taekwondo athletes randomized to a non-KD group, those adhering to carbohydrate restriction had noted improvement in a 2000-m timed run and increased weight loss, in addition to subjective reports of feeling less fatigued [62]. Though this paper reports the outcome of a presumed KD, when looking into details of the diet of the KD group in particular, the diet was actually limited to only 55.0% fat and had a high 40.7% protein intake, which would technically make this diet lowcarbohydrate instead of KD. ...
... The low-carbohydrate (HI-LO) athlete group had significant improvement in 250 kJ time trial compared to the HI-HI group [65]. While performance improvements between groups varied, expression of mitochondrial enzymes, such as citrate synthase and cytochrome c oxidase, did not significantly differ between groups [62,66]. This was one of the first studies to support the theory of "train low, compete high"-training while glycogen levels are low, and competing when glycogen stores are repleted-promoting improvement in exercise capacity in athletes by physiologically optimizing the body for performance. ...
Full-text available
Background: Nutrition fuels optimal performance for athletes. With increased research developments, numerous diets available, and publicity from professional athletes, a review of dietary patterns impact on athletic performance is warranted. Results: The Mediterranean diet is a low inflammatory diet linked to improved power and muscle endurance and body composition. Ketogenic diets are restrictive of carbohydrates and proteins. Though both show no decrements in weight loss, ketogenic diets, which is a more restrictive form of low-carbohydrate diets, can be more difficult to follow. High-protein and protein-paced versions of low-carbohydrate diets have also shown to benefit athletic performance. Plant-based diets have many variations. Vegans are at risk of micronutrient deficiencies and decreased leucine content, and therefore, decreased muscle protein synthesis. However, the literature has not shown decreases in performance compared to omnivores. Intermittent fasting has many different versions, which may not suit those with comorbidities or specific needs as well as lead to decreases in sprint speed and worsening time to exhaustion. Conclusions: This paper critically evaluates the research on diets in relation to athletic performance and details some of the potential risks that should be monitored. No one diet is universally recommend for athletes; however, this article provides the information for athletes to analyze, in conjunction with medical professional counsel, their own diet and consider sustainable changes that can help achieve performance and body habitus goals.
... Key regulators of oxidative stress increased after KD treatment and anti-in ammatory effects were exhibited through the inhibition of in ammation-related signaling pathways (Lu et al., 2018). On the contrary, a randomized controlled study in healthy teenage athletes with a limited 3-week time frame showed that KD did not decrease ROS levels but did affect body composition (Rhyu, Cho, & Roh, 2014) and showed a signi cant increase in levels of HDL cholesterol compared to the non-KD group, indicating that the products of ketosis might be acting as antioxidants by impacting cholesterol ratios instead of affecting ROS levels (Rhyu, Cho, & Roh, 2014). Further investigation is required to determine speci c mechanisms of a KD on oxidative stress through in uences on ROS and antioxidant levels. ...
... Key regulators of oxidative stress increased after KD treatment and anti-in ammatory effects were exhibited through the inhibition of in ammation-related signaling pathways (Lu et al., 2018). On the contrary, a randomized controlled study in healthy teenage athletes with a limited 3-week time frame showed that KD did not decrease ROS levels but did affect body composition (Rhyu, Cho, & Roh, 2014) and showed a signi cant increase in levels of HDL cholesterol compared to the non-KD group, indicating that the products of ketosis might be acting as antioxidants by impacting cholesterol ratios instead of affecting ROS levels (Rhyu, Cho, & Roh, 2014). Further investigation is required to determine speci c mechanisms of a KD on oxidative stress through in uences on ROS and antioxidant levels. ...
Full-text available
Background: Bipolar disorder is a neurodevelopmental illness characterized by severe biphasic changes in mood, energy, or thought. Key underlying metabolic pathologies thought to play a role include dysfunction in energy metabolism. The purpose of this article is to review the findings to date of the effects of a low carbohydrate ketogenic diet (KD) on mood symptoms in preclinical and clinical models of bipolar illness. The review highlights the underlying metabolic pathologies of bipolar disorder (BD) and potential therapeutic effects of the KD on these pathologies. The article also explores the potential effects of a KD on metabolic health in BD, including proposed mechanisms of action. Summary: Recent findings support the idea that bipolar disorder, along with other psychiatric disease, may have roots of metabolic dysfunction: cerebral glucose hypometabolism, oxidative stress, as well as mitochondrial and neurotransmitter dysfunction which has downstream effects on synapse connections. A KD provides alternative fuel to the brain aside from glucose and is believed to contain beneficial neuroprotective effects, including stabilization of brain networks, reduction of inflammation and oxidative stress. Several beneficial metabolic effects on insulin resistance, weight, and lipids have been shown. Based on its effectiveness in treating epilepsy, the KD has garnered recent interest in its application for mood disorders as it may imitate the pharmacological effects of mood stabilizers, commonly prescribed agents in the treatment of both BD and epilepsy. Additionally, it may improve metabolic dysfunction often seen in BD and repair deficits in energy metabolism. Limited case studies on KD treatment in BD have been reported; however, studies addressing the potential therapeutic effects of KD on metabolic abnormalities in mental illness are promising. Literature of plausible mechanisms and reports of improvements in psychosis, cognition and mood symptoms have been increasing. Conclusions: Preliminary findings support further testing of a low carbohydrate KD as a potential therapeutic tool in repairing energy metabolism in bipolar illness. Further research and clinical trials are needed to evaluate the efficacy of a KD as a supplemental or co-treatment of bipolar illness and the first open-label trial testing the diet in bipolar illness is currently underway at Stanford.
... Most of the research concerns physical and health effects (e.g. Chiodo et al., 2011;Falco et al., 2013;Gaamouri et al., 2019;Kim et al., 2010;Kim et al., 2015;Kim et al., 2021;Nam & Lim, 2019;Rhyu et al., 2014). Lakes with colleagues (Lakes et al., 2013) confirmed the positive effects of taekwondo on the control of attention and behaviour in children and young people, but also on cognitive functioning and the performance of tasks with greater precision. ...
In a world that strives for superdiversity, it is very important that inclusiveness is present at all levels of social stratification and in different social groups. This paper provides a unique review of literature dealing with social mobility, community sport and the effects of martial arts, especially taekwondo, on the lives of children and young people. Ultimately, the aim of this paper is to provide a view of the possibilities of taekwondo as a sport and leisure activity, which could be an instrument for the vertical social mobility of children and young people who practice this sport. Likewise, the aim of the paper is to present the perspective of future research, especially in the Republic of Croatia since such research is lacking, and it is precisely these that are a possible foundation for community development in the context of equal opportunities for all.
... The endometrial inflammation environment triggered by IR may lead to progesterone resistance as a cause of endometrial dysfunction, infertility, and pregnancy complications in patients with PCOS [39]. Ketogenic diets were shown to reduce markers for inflammation as well as reactive oxygen species [13,40,41]. Subsequently, potential mechanisms that led to the ketogenic diet-induced improvement of the endometrium could involve a better glucose metabolism, a modified hormone profile that supports embryo implantation, and reduced inflammation and reactive oxygen species. ...
Patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) on a high-carbohydrate diet intrinsically suffer from exacerbated glucotoxicity, insulin resistance (IR), and infertility. Lowering the carbohydrate content has improved fertility in patients with IR and PCOS; however, the effects of a well-controlled ketogenic diet on IR and fertility in PCOS patients undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF) have not been reported. Twelve PCOS patients with a previous failed IVF cycle and positive for IR (HOMA1-IR>1.96) were retrospectively evaluated. Patients followed a ketogenic diet (50g of total carbohydrates/1800 calories/day). Ketosis was considered when urinary concentrations were >40mg/dL. Once ketosis was achieved, and IR diminished, patients underwent another IVF cycle. The nutritional intervention lasted for 14±11 weeks. Carbohydrate consumption decreased from 208±50.5g/day to 41.71±10.1g/day, which resulted in significant weight loss (-7.9±1.1kg). Urine ketones appeared in most patients within 13.4±8.1 days. In addition, there was a decrease in fasting glucose (-11.4±3.5mg/dl), triglycerides (-43.8±11.6mg/dl), fasting insulin (-11.6±3.7 mIU/ml), and HOMA-IR (-3.28±1.27). All patients underwent ovarian stimulation, and compared to the previous cycle, there was no difference in oocyte number, fertilization rate, and viable embryos produced. However, there was a significant improvement in the implantation (83.3 vs. 8.3%), clinical pregnancy (66.7 vs. 0%), and ongoing pregnancy/live birth rates (66.7 vs. 0%). Here, restriction in carbohydrate consumption in PCOS patients induced ketosis, improved key metabolic parameters, and decreased IR. Even though this did not affect oocyte or embryo quality or quantity, the subsequent IVF cycle significantly improved embryo implantation and pregnancy rates.
... Our study failed to reveal any significant effect of the KD alone or combined with Zamzam water on oxidant-antioxidant balance. Our results are like Rhyu, Cho, and Roh (2014), who reported that the KD did not produce any significant change in levels of reactive oxygen species and superoxide dismutase enzyme. Zamzam water has also been reported to produce no effect on lipid peroxidation, as determined by serum concentrations of TBARS by Al Meheithif, Elnour, Bamosa, and Aleissa (2012) and Bamosa et al. (2013). ...
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Purpose The ketogenic diet (KD) has gained popularity due to its ability to improve type 2 diabetes, weight loss, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity. However, long-term use of the KD might not be safe due to its adverse effects. This study examined the effects of the KD alone or in combination with Zamzam water (holy water for Muslims) on glucose homeostasis, lipid parameters and oxidant-antioxidant variables in rats. Design/methodology/approach Based on the diet given for ten weeks, three groups of adult male Wistar rats were made (12 rats/group): (1) rats which fed on a chow diet and ordinary water, (2) rats which fed on KD and ordinary water and (3) rats which were given KD along with Zamzam. Fasting blood glucose (FBG), serum insulin, insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, superoxide dismutase and malondialdehyde were compared by one-way ANOVA followed by post-hoc Tukey’s HSD test among groups. Findings Rats which fed on KD and Zamzam water had significantly reduced FBG and LDL cholesterol compared to the rats which fed on a chow diet and ordinary water ( p -values 0.001), and KD and ordinary water ( p -value 0.004 and 0.006, respectively). Serum insulin, insulin resistance, HDL cholesterol, superoxide dismutase and malondialdehyde did not differ significantly. Originality/value Consumption of KD along with Zamzam for ten weeks significantly reduces FBG and LDL cholesterol. KD alone does not decrease these parameters in ten weeks duration.
... Arsyad et al. [24] reported that SOD decreased significantly after 60 days of KD in healthy Wistar rats. On the other hand, 3 weeks of KD in Taekwondo players were able to prevent the oxidative stress caused by exercises [56]. Nazarewicz et al. [53] did not observe any changes in the antioxidant enzymes; however, total oxidative status was improved in healthy women following KD for 2 weeks. ...
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Over the past few years, the interest in the application of the ketogenic diet (KD) for obesity management is growing. Although many studies have been performed on the effects of KD, the metabolic and physiological impact of KD is still not fully understood. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of calorie-restricted KD on the body weight and composition, oxidative stress, and advanced glycation end products (AGEs) assessed in an animal model with young Wistar rats. KD was followed for 4 weeks in maturity after an obesity-inducing high-fat diet during adolescence, resulting in a slowing down of the weight gain but higher adiposity compared to a standard diet. Increased adiposity resulted in an deterioration of liver parameters, suggesting negative changes in this organ. No adverse effects of KD were determined in haematological parameters in young rats. KD did not affect AGEs; however, a decrease in oxidative stress was observed. Based on the presented results, it can be concluded that KD applied for weight loss in obesity induced in adolescence may reduce oxidative stress without compromising the haematological status; however, caution may be required to control adiposity, glucose level and liver health. Thus, KD therapy should be carefully controlled, especially in young subjects.
... 12,13 Studies on the status of oxidative stress markers on ketogenic diet have been shown mostly in athletes and animal experiment. [14][15][16] However, data on oxidative stress amongst obese women appears to be limited. The literature on changes in oxidative stress markers among obese women on ketogenic diet in Nigeria has been scarcely documented. ...
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Background: Sub-Saharan Africa is not insusceptible to the obesity epidemic, regardless of the continued problem of undernutrition. Increases in the rates of overweight and obesity are being identified in Sub-Saharan Africa, especially among women and people dwelling in urban populations. This study, therefore, is aimed at evaluating the effects of ketogenic diet on markers of oxidative stress (reduced glutathione (GSH), catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), and malondialdehyde (MDA)) in obese female subjects on eight weeks ketogenic diet.Methods: A total of forty (40) participants, 10 overweight (25.0–29.9 kg/m2) and 30 obese (≥30 kg/m2) female subjects, were recruited and investigated via informed consent and approval obtained. The sera of the participants were collected by standard, sterile with a minimal invasive procedure for reduced glutathione, catalase, superoxide dismutase, malondialdehyde at weeks 0, 4, and 8 of ingestion of low carbohydrate ketogenic diet (LCKD).Results: There was a statistically significant increase in mean superoxide dismutase levels of participants at the 4th and 8th week after the introduction of low carbohydrate ketogenic diet (LCKD). There were also statistically insignificant changes in catalase and malondialdehyde levels in the participants between the baseline (week 0) and 4th and 8th weeks. Mean reduced glutathione was statistically significant at week 4 when compared with the baseline.Conclusions: Ketogenic diet reduces oxidative stress as evidenced by increased reduced glutathione and superoxide dismutase.
Childhood epilepsy affects up to 1 % of children. It has been shown that 30 % of patients are resistant to drug treatments, making further investigation of other potential treatment strategies necessary. One such approach is the ketogenic diet (KD) showing promising results and potential benefits beyond the use of current antiepileptic drugs. This study aims to investigate the effects of KD on inflammation and oxidative stress, as one of the main suggested mechanisms of neuroprotection, in children with epilepsy. This narrative review was conducted using the Medline and Google Scholar databases, and by searching epilepsy, drug-resistant epilepsy, child, children, ketogenic, ketogenic diet, diet, ketogenic, keto, ketone bodies (BHB), PUFA, gut microbiota, inflammation, inflammation mediators, neurogenic inflammation, neuroinflammation, inflammatory marker, adenosine modulation, mitochondrial function, MTOR pathway, Nrf2 pathway, mitochondrial dysfunction, PPARɣ, oxidative stress, ROS/RNS, and stress oxidative as keywords. Compelling evidence underscores inflammation and oxidative stress as pivotal factors in epilepsy, even in cases with genetic origins. The ketogenic diet effectively addresses these factors by reducing ROS and RNS, enhancing antioxidant defenses, improving mitochondrial function, and regulating inflammatory genes. Additionally, KD curbs pro-inflammatory cytokine and chemokine production by dampening NF-κB activation, inhibiting the NLRP3 inflammasome, increasing brain adenosine levels, mTOR pathway inhibition, upregulating PPARɣ expression, and promoting a healthy gut microbiota while emphasizing the consumption of healthy fats. KD could be considered a promising therapeutic intervention in patients with epilepsy particularly in drug-resistant epilepsy cases, due to its targeted approach addressing oxidative stress and inflammatory mechanisms.
Background Key underlying metabolic pathologies are thought to play a role in bipolar disorder (BD), including dysfunctions in energy metabolism. This review highlights underlying metabolic mechanisms of BD and potential therapeutic effects of a low carbohydrate ketogenic diet (KD) on mood symptoms. Based on its robust effectiveness in treating epilepsy, the KD has garnered recent interest in its application for mood disorders as it may imitate the pharmacological effects of mood stabilizers, commonly prescribed agents in the treatment of both BD and epilepsy, amongst other effects on stabilizing neural networks in the brain. Methods A literature review was conducted on current metabolic mechanisms of BD and clinical developments in KD. Results Recent findings support the idea that BD may have roots of metabolic dysfunction: cerebral glucose hypometabolism, oxidative stress, as well as mitochondrial and neurotransmitter dysfunction. A KD provides alternative fuel to the brain and is believed to contain beneficial neuroprotective effects, including neural network stabilization and inflammation reduction. Several beneficial metabolic effects on insulin resistance, weight, and lipid composition have been shown. Limitations Limited case studies on KD treatment in BD have been reported to date. Conclusions Preliminary data support further testing of a low carbohydrate KD as a potential therapeutic tool in repairing energy metabolism in bipolar illness. Additionally, it may repair deficits in energy metabolism often seen in BD. Further research and clinical trials are needed to evaluate the efficacy of a KD as a supplemental or co-treatment of bipolar illness and an open-label pilot trial testing the diet in bipolar illness is currently underway at Stanford.
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The composition of membrane lipids was studied in 17 splenectomized and eight unsplenectomized patients with β thalassemia major and compared to normal controls. The results showed a nearly twofold increase in total cell lipids; a reduction in the percentage, but not the absolute amount of phosphatidylethanolamine, and a corresponding increase in phosphatidylcholine in the lipids; a considerable increase in the percentage of the saturated fatty acid, palmitic acid, and a reciprocal decrease in the polyunsaturated fatty acid, arachidonic acid; a twofold increase in the amount of malonyldialdehyde (MDA) generated after peroxide threat to the RBC when calculated either per gram hemoglobin or per cell; no change in the amount of MDA generated when calculated per microgram of membrane phosphorus at risk per cell; and a considerable decrease in serum α tocopherol (vitamin E) levels. Thalassemic erythrocytes contain more lipid per cell which is susceptible to peroxidation. In addition, the distribution of fatty acids in these cells suggests that autooxidation of that lipid may have occurred. Autooxidation may be initiated by free radicals, which are constantly formed in the normal red cell, and may be especially prevalent when unstable hemoglobins are present. The low MCHC or some other intracellular defect of thalassemic cells may allow such potent oxidants to find their way to the cell membrane. Vitamin E, a biologic antioxidant, is decreased in these patients, and clinical supplementation may be indicated to prevent some of the membrane damage in thalassemia.
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Background: Despite the increasing use of very low carbohydrate ketogenic diets (VLCKD) in weight control and management of the metabolic syndrome there is a paucity of research about effects of VLCKD on sport performance. Ketogenic diets may be useful in sports that include weight class divisions and the aim of our study was to investigate the influence of VLCKD on explosive strength performance. Methods: 8 athletes, elite artistic gymnasts (age 20.9 ± 5.5 yrs) were recruited. We analyzed body composition and various performance aspects (hanging straight leg raise, ground push up, parallel bar dips, pull up, squat jump, countermovement jump, 30 sec continuous jumps) before and after 30 days of a modified ketogenic diet. The diet was based on green vegetables, olive oil, fish and meat plus dishes composed of high quality protein and virtually zero carbohydrates, but which mimicked their taste, with the addition of some herbal extracts. During the VLCKD the athletes performed the normal training program. After three months the same protocol, tests were performed before and after 30 days of the athletes' usual diet (a typically western diet, WD). A one-way Anova for repeated measurements was used. Results: No significant differences were detected between VLCKD and WD in all strength tests. Significant differences were found in body weight and body composition: after VLCKD there was a decrease in body weight (from 69.6 ± 7.3 Kg to 68.0 ± 7.5 Kg) and fat mass (from 5.3 ± 1.3 Kg to 3.4 ± 0.8 Kg p < 0.001) with a non-significant increase in muscle mass. Conclusions: Despite concerns of coaches and doctors about the possible detrimental effects of low carbohydrate diets on athletic performance and the well known importance of carbohydrates there are no data about VLCKD and strength performance. The undeniable and sudden effect of VLCKD on fat loss may be useful for those athletes who compete in sports based on weight class. We have demonstrated that using VLCKD for a relatively short time period (i.e. 30 days) can decrease body weight and body fat without negative effects on strength performance in high level athletes.
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Malignant brain tumors affect people of all ages and are the second leading cause of cancer deaths in children. While current treatments are effective and improve survival, there remains a substantial need for more efficacious therapeutic modalities. The ketogenic diet (KD) - a high-fat, low-carbohydrate treatment for medically refractory epilepsy - has been suggested as an alternative strategy to inhibit tumor growth by altering intrinsic metabolism, especially by inducing glycopenia. Here, we examined the effects of an experimental KD on a mouse model of glioma, and compared patterns of gene expression in tumors vs. normal brain from animals fed either a KD or a standard diet. Animals received intracranial injections of bioluminescent GL261-luc cells and tumor growth was followed in vivo. KD treatment significantly reduced the rate of tumor growth and prolonged survival. Further, the KD reduced reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in tumor cells. Gene expression profiling demonstrated that the KD induces an overall reversion to expression patterns seen in non-tumor specimens. Notably, genes involved in modulating ROS levels and oxidative stress were altered, including those encoding cyclooxygenase 2, glutathione peroxidases 3 and 7, and periredoxin 4. Our data demonstrate that the KD improves survivability in our mouse model of glioma, and suggests that the mechanisms accounting for this protective effect likely involve complex alterations in cellular metabolism beyond simply a reduction in glucose.
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The present work looked for to evaluate in rats the impact of different diets (high-lipid and high-lipid+high-protein) on liver, verifying the occurrence of oxidative stress and steatosis. The animals were treated with the respective diets (Group HLS: high-lipid diet with 50% of saturated fat; Group HPLS: high-lipid and high-protein diet with 50% of saturated fat and 40% of protein; Group Control: control diet AIN-93) for 28 days. After this period the animals were sacrificed for hepatic determinations of MDA, reduced GSH, vitamin E, steatosis and glycemia. The results showed higher glycemia in the group HPLS, high concentration of MDA and GSH in the group Control and decreased hepatic vitamin E concentration in the groups that received the high-lipid diets. The hepatic fat was higher in the groups HPLS and HLS in relation to the Group Control, however HPLS presenting high level of fat concentration, showing similar results as the steatosis. the fat increase in the diet promoted increase of the oxidative stress, evidenced by the decrease in the hepatic concentration of vitamin E, showing its antioxidant role against the probable generated free radicals, the ones which possibly exercised a role in the steatosis occurrence.
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Muscle tissue may be damaged following intense prolonged training as a consequence of both metabolic and mechanical factors. Serum levels of skeletal muscle enzymes or proteins are markers of the functional status of muscle tissue, and vary widely in both pathological and physiological conditions. Creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, aldolase, myoglobin, troponin, aspartate aminotransferase, and carbonic anhydrase CAIII are the most useful serum markers of muscle injury, but apoptosis in muscle tissues subsequent to strenuous exercise may be also triggered by increased oxidative stress. Therefore, total antioxidant status can be used to evaluate the level of stress in muscle by other markers, such as thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances, malondialdehyde, sulfhydril groups, reduced glutathione, oxidized glutathione, superoxide dismutase, catalase and others. As the various markers provide a composite picture of muscle status, we recommend using more than one to provide a better estimation of muscle stress. Clin Chem Lab Med 2010;48:757–67.
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The composition of membrane lipids was studied in 17 splenectomized and eight unsplenectomized patients with beta-thalassemia major and compared to normal controls. The results showed a nearly twofold increase in total cell lipids; a reduction in the percentage, but not the absolute amount of phosphatidylethanolamine, and a corresponding increase in phosphatidylcholine in the lipids; a considerable increase in the percentage of the saturated fatty acid, palmitic acid, and a reciprocal decrease in the polyunsaturated fatty acid, arachidonic acid; a twofold increase in the amount of malonyldialdehyde (MDA) generated after peroxide threat to the RBC when calculated either per gram hemoglobin or per cell; no change in the amount of MDA generated when calculated per microgram of membrane phosphorus at risk per cell; and a considerable decrease in serum alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) levels. Thalassemic erythrocytes contain more lipid per cell which is susceptible to peroxidation. In addition, the distribution of fatty acids in these cells suggests that autooxidation of that lipid may have occurred. Autooxidation may be initiated by free radicals, which are constantly formed in the normal red cell, and may be especially prevalent when unstable hemoglobins are present. The low MCHC or some other intracellular defect of thalassemic cells may allow such potent oxidants to find their way to the cell membrane. Vitamin E, a biologic antioxidant is decreased in these patients, and clinical supplementation may be indicated to prevent some of the membrane damage in thalassemia.
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1. A combination of isotope-dilution and arteriovenous-difference techniques was used to determine the significance of ketones to energy homoeostasis in fasted pregnant ewes. 2. There was incomplete interconversion of D(−) 3-hydroxybutyrate (3HB) and acetoacetate (AcAc) and therefore neither entry rate nor oxidation of total ketone bodies could be estimated by assuming circulating ketone bodies represent a single metabolic compartment. Total ketone body metabolism was satisfactorily summarized using a three-compartment model. In fasted pregnant ewes the mean entry rate of total ketones was 1 mmol/h per kg body-weight and of the ketones entering the circulation 87% were promptly oxidized to carbon dioxide accounting for 30% of the total CO a production. 3. Ketone bodies are readily utilized by hind-limb skeletal muscle such that if completely oxidized, 18±4 and 48±3% of the oxygen utilized could be accounted for in fed and fasted pregnant ewes respectively. For both 3HB and AcAc there was a hyperbolic relationship between utilization and arterial concentration. The apparent Michaelis constant ( K m ) values were 0·55 and 1–42 mM respectively and the maximum velocity ( V max ) 2·9 and 5·6 mmol/h per kg muscle. The arterial concentration of AcAc is always below the K m value and this limits the utilization rate. The D(−) 3HB concentration, however, may surpass that required for maximum utilization and ketoacidosis may be a consequence of this. 4. A two-compartment model was used to analyse ketone body metabolism by hind-limb skeletal muscle. The results suggested substantial intercon version and production of AcAc and 3HB. 5. The pregnant uterus utilized 3HB which if completely oxidized accounted for 12±2 (fed) and 25±4 (fasted) % of its O 2 consumption. At least 64% of the net 3HB utilized was oxidized. AcAc was not utilized in significant quantities.
The composition of membrane lipids was studied in 17 splenectomized and eight unsplenectomized patients with beta-thalassemia major and compared to normal controls. The results showed a nearly twofold increase in total cell lipids; a reduction in the percentage, but not the absolute amount of phosphatidylethanolamine, and a corresponding increase in phosphatidylcholine in the lipids; a considerable increase in the percentage of the saturated fatty acid, palmitic acid, and a reciprocal decrease in the polyunsaturated fatty acid, arachidonic acid; a twofold increase in the amount of malonyldialdehyde (MDA) generated after peroxide threat to the RBC when calculated either per gram hemoglobin or per cell; no change in the amount of MDA generated when calculated per microgram of membrane phosphorus at risk per cell; and a considerable decrease in serum alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) levels. Thalassemic erythrocytes contain more lipid per cell which is susceptible to peroxidation. In addition, the distribution of fatty acids in these cells suggests that autooxidation of that lipid may have occurred. Autooxidation may be initiated by free radicals, which are constantly formed in the normal red cell, and may be especially prevalent when unstable hemoglobins are present. The low MCHC or some other intracellular defect of thalassemic cells may allow such potent oxidants to find their way to the cell membrane. Vitamin E, a biologic antioxidant is decreased in these patients, and clinical supplementation may be indicated to prevent some of the membrane damage in thalassemia.
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of Opuntia humifusa supplementation on lipid peroxidation and superoxide dismutase (SOD) protein expression at resting state in various organs of rats fed a high-fat diet. Sixteen Sprague-Dawley male rats, 6 weeks of age, were randomly divided into two groups: a control diet group (CG, n
Historically, it has been assumed that oxidative stress contributes to tumor initiation and progression solely by inducing genomic instability. Recent studies indicate that reactive oxygen species are upregulated in tumors and can lead to aberrant induction of signaling networks that cause tumorigenesis and metastasis. Here we review the role of redox-dependent signaling pathways and transcription factors that regulate tumorigenesis.