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There is an increasingly high relationship between reading and speaking skills. There is no question that people who develop large reading vocabularies tend to develop large speaking vocabularies. Indeed, reading power relies on continuous improvement in vocabulary knowledge that provides communication. The importance of word knowledge, which facilitates speaking skills, has been a major resource in the development of reading skills. Therefore fostering improvement in word knowledge through wide reading has the potential for fostering improvement in speaking skills. This article focuses on how printed words relate to spoken words and finally how reading contributes to speech.
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International Journal of English Linguistics; Vol. 2, No. 6; 2012
ISSN 1923-869X E-ISSN 1923-8703
Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education
Developing Speaking Skills through Reading
Çağrı Tuğrul Mart
Correspondence: Çağrı Tuğrul Mart, Department of Languages, Ishik University, Erbil, Iraq. Tel:
964-750-308-61-22. E-mail:
Received: October 17, 2012 Accepted: November 6, 2012 Online Published: November 29, 2012
doi:10.5539/ijel.v2n6p91 URL:
There is an increasingly high relationship between reading and speaking skills. There is no question that people
who develop large reading vocabularies tend to develop large speaking vocabularies. Indeed, reading power
relies on continuous improvement in vocabulary knowledge that provides communication. The importance of
word knowledge, which facilitates speaking skills, has been a major resource in the development of reading
skills. Therefore fostering improvement in word knowledge through wide reading has the potential for fostering
improvement in speaking skills. This article focuses on how printed words relate to spoken words and finally
how reading contributes to speech.
Keywords: reading skills, speaking skills, vocabulary knowledge
1. Introduction
“Where there is little reading there will be little language learning. ... the student who wants to learn English will
have to read himself into a knowledge of it unless he can move into an English environment” (Bright and
McGregor, 1970, p.52).
Language acquisition without reading is difficult. Reading is a good way of comprehension. A good reader is
able to understand sentences and structures of a written text. Bright and McGregor are of the opinion that reading
is ‘the most pleasant route to command of the language’, because it is via reading ‘the student is most likely to
find words used memorably with force and point.’(1970, p.53). It appears that reading is a key factor in language
learning. One important notion of developing reading skills and speaking skills is to use the language for
learning as well as communication. Reading can play a big part in successful language learning. It can develop
speaking skills. It needs to be noted that speaking holds a very significant place in foreign language learning
because through speech messages are conveyed. According to Ur (1996, p.120), “of all the four skills (listening,
speaking, reading and writing), speaking seems intuitively the most important”.
Reading outside the classroom is the most significant influence on oral communication ability. Students who
read a lot are more likely to speak well. Students through reading develop in both fluency and accuracy of
expression in their speaking. Davies and Pearse (2000) stresses the importance of communication as: “Real
success in English teaching and learning is when the learners can actually communicate in English inside and
outside the classroom.”
2. Speaking
Speaking is being capable of speech, expressing or exchanging thoughts through using language. “Speaking is a
productive aural/oral skill and it consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning (Nunan,
2003, p.48).” (Harmer, 2001) notes down that from the communicative point of view, speaking has many
different aspects including two major categories – accuracy, involving the correct use of vocabulary, grammar
and pronunciation practised through controlled and guided activities; and, fluency, considered to be ‘the ability
to keep going when speaking spontaneously’. Bygate (1991, p.3), also emphasizes knowledge of the language,
and skill in using this knowledge for an effective communication. Language knowledge and skill in using it, are
considered two fundamental elements of an effective communication.
Among the elements necessary for spoken production, are the following (Harmer, 2001, p.269).
Connected Speech: effective learners of English need to be able not only to produce the individual
phonemes of English (as in saying I would have gone) but also to use fluent ‘connected speech’ as in (I’d
‘ve gone). In connected speech sounds are modified, omitted, added or weakened. International Journal of English Linguistics Vol. 2, No. 6; 2012
Expressive Devices: native speakers of English change the pitch and stress of particular parts of utterances,
vary volume and speed, and show by other physical and non-verbal means how they are feeling.
Lexis and Grammar: spontaneous speech is marked by the use of number of common lexical phrases,
especially in the performance of certain language functions.
Negotiation and language: effective speaking benefits from the negotiatory language we use to seek
clarification and to show the structure of what we are saying.
This study highlights vocabulary and grammar knowledge among these elements. Reading will enable learners to
develop their vocabulary and grammar knowledge which will effectively contribute to their speaking skills.
Vocabulary and grammar knowledge will enable learners to understand so reading will increase learners’
understanding capability which they need for a better communication.
3. Reading
Reading is one of the most effective ways of foreign language learning. Reading simply is the interpretation of a
written message. Walter R. Hill (1979, p.4) briefly defines reading as what the reader does to get the meaning he
needs from contextual resources.
Reading is a fluent process of readers combining information from a text and their own background knowledge
to build meaning and the goal of reading is comprehension (Nunan, 2003, p.68). The ability to read requires that
the reader draw information from a text and combine it with information and expectations that the reader already
has (Grabe, Stoller, 2001, p.187). Alderson J.C. (2000) states that reading is built from two components: word
recognition and comprehension. These two components gained through reading will foster learners’ language
competence. Krashen and Terrell (1989, p.131) point out that reading enables learners to comprehend better
which is an important factor that can develop language competence.
Figure 1. Definition of reading (David Nunan. Practical English Language Teaching. 2003. p. 72)
Hedge (2003) writes the goals of learners’ in a reading process as:
The ability to read a wide range of texts in English.
Building a knowledge of language which will facilitate reading ability
Building schematic knowledge
The ability to adapt the reading style according to reading purpose (skimming, scanning)
Developing an awareness of the structure of written texts in English
Taking a critical stance to the contexts of the texts
Reading will add to learners’ conversational performance. Reading will help learners to decipher new words that
they need for conversations. Through reading language learners will have vocabulary knowledge which will
facilitate their speaking performance and their usage of structure in the target language will develop. These
components which are required through reading are all necessary for developing speaking skills. Similarly,
Williams (1984, p.13) suggests some reasons why language learners should read in a foreign language:
Learners can have further practice in the language that they have learnt,
Learners can practice language in order to reuse it in other skills such as speaking and writing, International Journal of English Linguistics Vol. 2, No. 6; 2012
Learners can learn how to get benefit from the texts to extract the information they need,
Learners can find enjoyment or interest through reading.
4. Integrating Reading and Speaking Skills
In a reading process six component skills have been suggested. Among these knowledge fields vocabulary and
structural knowledge which are acquired through reading, influence learner’s speaking achievement.
1) Automatic recognition skills
2) Vocabulary and structural knowledge
3) Formal discourse structure knowledge
4) Content/world background knowledge
5) Synthesis and evaluation skills/strategies
6) Metacognitive knowledge and skills monitoring (Grabe,1991, p.379).
How do these component skills contribute to speaking skills? Anne Lazaraton (2001, p.104) suggests that oral
communication is based on four dimensions or competences: grammatical competence (phonology, vocabulary,
word and sentence formation …); sociolinguistic competence (rules for interaction, social meanings); discourse
competence (cohesion and how sentences are liked together); and strategic competence (compensatory strategies
to use in difficult strategies).
Vocabulary knowledge and grammar are two essential factors of foreign language learning, and they both
influence learner’s speaking performance. Good knowledge of grammar is viewed as an essential aspect for
achievement in a foreign language. Grammar is important to learn the nature of language. Grammar helps
learners to build comprehensible sentences in speaking. In order to understand how language works, learners
should give attention to grammar. “If we only understand what others say partially and superficially, the
communication of ideas can’t be properly realized (Zhong-guo, Min-yan, 2007, p.63).” Reading will help
learners acquire vocabulary and grammar. Through reading learners see how words fit together. When learners
constantly engage in the target language, they begin noticing and mastering the patterns in the language.
Mccarthy (2000) states that lexical and grammatical knowledge are significantly correlated to reading
comprehension. This means learners will achieve better reading comprehension through grammar. Krashen (cited
in Hill and Holden, 1990, p.92) encourages reading because it is a great factor in foreign language improvement
and believes that students who read a lot are good at reading, good at writing and have a good vocabulary and
grammar knowledge. Learners see structure of a sentence and this enables them to build their own sentences and
Reading may contribute significantly to competence in a second language. There is good reason, in
fact, to hypothesize that reading makes a contribution to overall competence, to all four skills
(Krashen & Terrel, 1983, p.131)
Vocabulary knowledge is indispensable for effective communication. Lewis (1993, p.23) writes that learning
vocabulary is the core task in second language learning and any language skills of listening, speaking, reading,
writing, and translating cannot exist without vocabulary. Vocabulary is understanding the meaning of a word, so
communication does not occur if there are no words. Therefore reading is probably the best way to learn new
words. Reading results in incidental vocabulary acquisition (Lechmann, 2007). Nation supports this idea and
says: “Reading has long been seen as a major source of vocabulary growth” (Nation, 1995, p.7). Most people
recognize the important relationship between knowing words and reading well. Eskey, supporting this notion,
states that “the relationship between reading and vocabulary is well documented and reciprocal” (Eskey, 2005,
p.567). And, “in fact the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and reading comprehension is well
established in the reading literature” (Dole, Sloan, Trathen, 1995, p.452). Hedge (1985, p.77) also states that
through extensive reading learners advance their ability to of guessing the meanings of unknown words and
phrases from clues in the context and he concludes that students who read a lot outside the classroom may
increase both their comprehending the context and improving their vocabulary which are essential elements to
advance speaking skills.
A broad and deep vocabulary knowledge makes learners precise and articulate. Through reading learners see
how the new words connect to other words. “The more reading you will do, the more you will increase your
exposure to vocabulary that doesn’t usually make its way into the spoken language” (Cunningham, 1998). An
improved vocabulary will help learners develop their speaking skills. Speech without vocabulary cannot be
produced. Vocabulary is one of the essential and fundamental components of communication (Levelt, 1993). And International Journal of English Linguistics Vol. 2, No. 6; 2012
Laufer (1997) stresses the importance of vocabulary knowledge and adds that without words to express a wider
range of meaning, communication in a second language cannot happen in a meaningful way. Learners will
improve their speaking competence if they have better vocabulary knowledge which they can get through
Sanacore (1994, p.604), is of the opinion that encouraging learners to read will lead them guessing the meanings
of words, phrases from the context, and the more they read the more they will understand the meanings of
sentences and concepts. And an ongoing reading habit will enable learners understand a text easily, even they do
not know meanings of some words in the text. Reading extensively will enhance their comprehension. Learners
will easily comprehend in the foreign language if they advance their ability of guessing the meanings of words
from context which will promote their speaking performance.
Dubin and Olshtain (1977, p.97) also point out that through extensive reading learners learn much vocabulary.
They emphasize the benefits of extensive reading as:
Students develop an ability to gain pleasure and also satisfaction from reading on their own in the language
they are learning.
They are exposed to the language in a more natural and less structured way. In other words, they get
different unpressured feeling on the structure of the language since they read for pleasure, and not for a
grade or a test.
Extensive reading has also effect on other language skills such as writing and speaking.
Extensive reading, or reading for pleasure, will help the students comprehend more and also continue to use
the language after the instruction.
Oya, Manalo, and Greenwood suggest that better vocabulary knowledge produces better oral performance (2009,
p.11). Accuracy and fluency of learners will get better through reading. They also claim that having good
vocabulary knowledge is one of the essential components to gain fluency in speaking performance (Oya, Manalo,
Greenwood, 2009, p.19). It needs to be noted that good vocabulary knowledge will give learners confidence in
their speaking performance.
Better vocabulary knowledge and having more words at one’s disposal is likely to facilitate the ability
to tell a story better, to demonstrate a more extensive range of language resources, and to come across
more intelligibly. Better vocabulary knowledge could also contribute to boosting the speaker’s
confidence, which would come across when speaking and influence the overall impression created.
(Oya, Manalo, Greenwood, 2009, p.19)
In the theoretical model of L1 and L2 speaking (Levelt, 1989, 1993), vocabulary has a central position in
forming an utterance with appropriate meanings and with syntactic, morphological, and phonological structures.
Levelt’s model suggests two points. First, vocabulary is always required in the formulation stage. In other words,
no speech can be produced without vocabulary, and vocabulary is indispensable to speaking performance.
Second, the lexicon consisting of lemmas and lexemes includes not only vocabulary size (i.e., primary meaning
and form [phonology]) but also depth (i.e., syntax and morphology), which suggests that both size and depth are
related to speaking performance (adapted from Rie Koizumi, 2005, p.53).
The study by Adams (1980) and Higgs and Clifford (1982) indicates close relationships between vocabulary as
part of overall speaking performance and overall speaking performance at low levels than at intermediate and
advance levels (adapted from Koizumi, 2005, p.53).
For spoken English the best reading materials are dramas, plays and dialogues. Learners have the opportunity to
find sentences and phrases used in our daily conversation in dramas, plays and dialogues because they are all
based on one person talking to another. Some studies have shown that using authentic texts has a positive effect
on learning the target language by developing communicative competence (Peacock, 1997). “A text is usually
regarded as authentic if it is not written for teaching purposes but for a real-life communicative purpose, where
the writer has a certain message to pass on to the reader. As such, an authentic text is one that possesses an
intrinsically communicative quality” (Lee, 1995). It is real language created by native speakers of the target
language in pursuit of communicative outcomes (Little, Devitt, & Singleton, 1989).
Integrating speaking and reading skills deepens students’ understanding of the reading material, reveals any
problem they have understanding a text, and, most importantly, lets them apply the information they have read
into authentic speaking practice that improves their fluency (Zhang, 2009, p.34). International Journal of English Linguistics Vol. 2, No. 6; 2012
5. Conclusion
Communication without vocabulary will break down. One of the most useful ways to improve your
communication skills is extensive reading. Extensive reading will help you to develop your ability to express
ideas, whilst also enlarging the size of vocabulary. Vocabulary knowledge is one of the crucial factors that will
influence fluency in speaking. Reading introduces learners to a wider body of language and contexts. Reading
helps learners build up better grammar skills. As learners develop stronger reading skills, they develop more
sophisticated speaking skills.
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ABSTRAKSemua kemampuan dalam bahasa Inggris tidak dapat dipisahkan satu dengan yang lainnya. Menyatupadukan satu kemampuan dengan kemampuan yang lainnya diperlukan menghindari lemahnya salah satu sisi kemampuan. Berdasarkan adanya beberapa penelitian, kemampuan membaca dan berbicara bahasa Inggris mempunyai hubungan yang sangat besar dalam mengajar dan belajar Bahasa Inggris. Dengan membaca, para siswa bisa menanbah kosa kata sebagai suatu hal yang sangat penting dalam berbicara Bahasa Inggris. Suatu hal yang terpenting dalam ilmu pengetahuan kosa kata adalah untuk memudahkan dalam hal berbicara. Teks bacaan yang otentik bisa dijelaskan langsung dalam berbicara untuk membantu kemampuan para siswa. Para siswa bisa memahami teks bacaan yang otentik dengan berbagai cara. Salah satu cara adalah langsung mengatakan sesuatu tentang apa yang mereka telah baca. Prosedur strategi mengatakan sesuatu adalah membuat suatu prediksi, menanyakan suatu pertanyaan, menjelaskan suatu bagian yang tidak dipahami, membuat suatu komentar, dan membuat suatu hubungan. Semua prosedur memberikan para siswa suatu kesempatan untuk berfikir dan memahami apa yang mereka sedang baca sebelum melakukan berbicara yang interaktif di dalam suatu group. Karena itu, pelajaran sastra telah digunakan untuk mengetahui apakah strategi mengatakan sesuatu bisa menjadi suatu strategi terpadu yang potensial untuk meningkatkan kemampuan membaca dan kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini focus bagaimana strategi mengatakan sesuatu berhubungan meningkatkan kemampuan membaca dan akhirnya bagaimana kemampuan membaca ini berkontribusi kemampuan berbicara Bahasa Inggris di tingkat sekolah dasar.Kata Kunci: Kemampuan Membaca; Kemampuan Berbicara; Strategi MengucapkanSesuatu
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This study examines multilevel factors shaping Indonesian student performances attending non-madrasah/sekolah and madrasah schools. Using multistratified sample design and grouped based on their school system, data from 30 schools, 64 teachers, and 1,319 students were analysed. Focusing on student, teacher, and school-level variables, hierarchical linear modelling revealed that reading difficulties and anxiety, along with school climates emphasizing achievement pressure and discipline, significantly influenced reading outcomes in both groups. Students grappling with heightened learning complexities and anxiety faced the greatest challenges. Interestingly, madrasah students thrived within competitive environments emphasizing high achievement pressure and minimal disciplinary constraints, while sekolah students who excelled in settings that valued discipline over relentless achievement pressure performed better. Unique influences emerged: peer relationships and anxiety directly affected reading scores in sekolah, while gender was the sole predictor in madrasah. Interaction effects among these multilevel factors in shaping student reading achievement across diverse educational settings were revealed.
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Students' knowledge of academic vocabulary is a crucial aspect of learning English as a second or foreign language at the university level. Using academic vocabulary lists could be a valuable resource in teaching and learning vocabulary. This study measured the academic vocabulary size of Nepalese university students using Schmitt's (2010) Academic Vocabulary Level Test Version 2 as a data collection tool. The participants were 62 adult EFL students. The data were collected online via Google Forms. The results showed that the average academic vocabulary size of the students was 435 (76.3%) words out of 570 word-families in the academic vocabulary word list. The results also showed that the students had heterogeneous knowledge with varying degree of academic vocabulary achievement (M = 22.02, SD= 8.6 and Coefficient of Variation = 39.1%). The results of the study suggest that English education students at the university level in Nepal need explicit instruction, concentration, and practice to gain mastery over academic vocabulary with less variation of knowledge in their academic vocabulary achievement.
... Despite this, teachers fail to concentrate on teaching speaking (Bueno et al., 2006). EFL teaching and learning is successful when learners are able to communicate in English within or outside the classroom (Mart, 2012;Burkart and Sheppard, 2004). ...
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The objective of this qualitative parallel case study was to elicit the teacher cognition of grade 8 teachers in the Faroe Islands about teaching speaking in English as a foreign language (EFL). Teacher cognition and actions were studied in context based on data from semi-structured interviews, mixed questionnaire and observations. Manual thematic analysis through using a priori and post priori codes was adopted to parse data and establish the influence of teacher cognition on teaching in the classroom and identify any common trends among participants. The results show that teacher cognition has a marked influence on teaching speaking. Congruence between cognition and teaching is apparent, with some instances of incongruence. Congruence between teacher cognition and teaching speaking rests on two factors – the marked influence of ‘apprenticeship of observation’ i.e., the influence of teachers’ personal experiences from years of education that shapes their thoughts and teaching and teacher understanding of teaching speaking as ‘doing’ speaking i.e., providing opportunities for students to speak in the classroom. Incongruence stems from the core-peripheral belief dynamic, where the predominance of core beliefs over peripheral beliefs affects the efficacy of teaching speaking.
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Language is fundamentally built on its vocabulary, which is essential for communication, knowledge exchange, and relationship building. English Foreign language (EFL) students, like young children, initially use single words before progressing to complex structures, making vocabulary acquisition crucial for effective communication. David Wilkins (1972) aptly noted, "Without grammar, very little can be conveyed. Without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed" (as cited in Kurgat, 2014, p. 111). In EFL classrooms, teaching and learning vocabulary is vital. This study investigates the attitudes of teachers and students toward using short stories to enhance vocabulary acquisition. Utilizing a qualitative research approach, data were collected through semi-structured interviews with twenty participants-ten teachers and ten students. Findings reveal that both educators and learners view short stories as a significant tool for improving language skills, particularly speaking. Additionally, there were no notable differences in the perceptions of the two groups. The study underscores the importance of short stories in EFL education and suggests their integration into the curriculum to facilitate vocabulary development.
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This presentation will introduce different yet complementary empirical studies as part of the TOETOE (Technology for Open English – Training with Open E-resources) project, managed by Alannah Fitzgerald, with SCORE and Durham University’s English Language Centre (DUELC). Teaching participants involved in an OER cascade project carried out at DUELC, Terri Edwards, Jeff Davidson, Clare Carr and Lesley Kendall, all experienced practitioners in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) will present their first-hand experience of engaging with open practices for the first time with the design, development and delivery of innovative OER for EAP courses. OER in open file format were developed for teacher and learner training across two different EAP student cohorts (intermediate and proficient users of English) of two classes each for enhancing student writing and vocabulary acquisition in their specific subject domains. Both students and teachers made impactful changes in their language learning and teaching practice by utilising a range of open content and open tools. A variety of innovative OER were employed in the study, including: open corpora derived from Google and Wikipedia collections as part of the FLAX (Flexible Language Acquisition Project) based at the University of Waikato in New Zealand; open source tools for text analysis found in FLAX and in the Compleat Lexical Tutor centred at the Université du Québec à Montréal with the Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance at Concordia University in Canada, and; open source software for building your own corpora, AntConc, established at Waseda University in Japan Leading English Language Teaching (ELT) practitioners were also interviewed about their work in promoting openness in ELT. An exploration of the different motivations for those practitioners’ commitment to the open agenda will be presented, including reasons for: sharing and endorsing OER and open practices for ELT; building open corpora and open platforms for data driven language learning, and; developing open source software for interactive language learning tools. A widening OER for EAP stakeholder vision will also be presented in the context of informal and formal learning communities who are now engaging with these types of OER for language learning. This is based on two scoping exercises attached to the TOETOE project, involving the newly launched OER University’s (OERu) prototype 2012 plans for accreditation and curriculum development and exploring where OER for EAP would be a ‘good fit’, and the newly formed web resources sub committee within BALEAP, formerly a British organisation but now with an outreach mandate to become ‘the’ global forum for EAP practitioners. Identifying how these different stakeholders collaborate around OER for EAP within formal face-to-face and distance education as well as informal education routes via not-for-profit organisations such as the OERu will provide insights into how effectively OER are discovered, used, shared and sustained and whether greater synergy can be attained between these different communities of practice.
The paper deals with the challenges faced by a teacher of English as a foreign language, starting from the consideration that every lesson will be successful if there is a good discipline. However, disciplining students requires a lot of thought, planning, and self-confidence and young teachers have the greatest trouble with class management. By using devices such as rewards, punishments, appearance, behaviour, and a wide range of interactive tasks (e.g. listening and writing), many of the problems may be overcome successfully.
This article focuses on the skill of speaking. The study of speaking-like the study of other uses of language-is properly an interdisciplinary enterprise. It involves understanding the psycholinguistic and interpersonal factors of speech production, the forms, meanings, and processes involved, and how these can be developed. This article views speaking as a multilevel, hierarchical skill, in which high-level plans, in the form of speaker intentions, are realized through the processes of formulation and articulation under a range of conditions. For the purposes of this article, spoken language is taken to be colloquial in the two senses of representing dialogue and of representing the features typically associated with the everyday use of language. This article first outlines the need for an integrated account of oral language processing. It then presents such an account, considers the range of formal features that characterize spoken language, and reviews oral language pedagogy in the light of this account. The conclusion outlines issues for further exploration.