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Abstract— this article is aimed at the software development
process of modern applications. The first part of this article
starts with the general classification of information systems
based on user interaction characteristics. After an insight into
methodologies, methods, design patterns and tools, which are
part of modern software development, a life cycle is presented.
The second part is devoted to implementing the details of the
presented modern trends within a real world application. Lastly,
selected drawbacks with proposed solutions are presented. The
main goal of this article is to provide an overview of the current
modern trends in software development and to point out
problems which could be uncovered during the adaptation
phase of these disciplines.
Index Terms—composite application, design patterns, ORM.
The domain of information technology belongs to one of
the most rapidly developing areas in the world. Nowadays,
software companies, which intend to be successful within the
software development market, must keep their knowledge
bases up to date. The task of picking up the right
methodologies, techniques and tools is critical when we are
talking about delivering high-quality and maintainable
software products whilst still keeping time and money costs
within reasonable limits. Current modern trends in the
development of software applications could help companies
in their business but they have to be used correctly and there
is the fact that some of them could have a negative impact on
the attributes of the resulting software (e.g. performance).
A. Application Posture
The term Application Posture [1] was introduced by Alan
Cooper and it basically refers to the way how end users
interact with software applications. This characteristic is
really fundamental, mainly because it indicates how
important the software is for its users. According to Alan
Cooper and Robert Reimann there is the following
classification of software systems [1]:
1) Sovereign – An application that takes the user’s full
attention, such as Outlook or Word.
2) Transient – Application in the periphery of the user’s
Manuscript received September 20, 2011, revised September 21, 2011.
Oliver Moravcik and Peter Schreiber are with the Institute of Applied
Informatics, Automation and Mathematics, Slovak University of Technology,
Trnava, SK 917 24, Slovakia (e-mail:;
Tomas Skripcak is with the Institute of Applied Informatics, Automation
and Mathematics, Slovak University of Technology, Trnava, SK 917 24,
Slovakia (e-mail: and with the Department of
Information Technology, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Dresden
01328, Germany (email:
Daniel Petrik is with MMS SOFTEC Ltd., Trnava, SK 917 01, Slovakia
attention, calling the user for short moments, such as
(for most people) a calculator.
3) Daemonic – Alerting systems.
4) Parasitic – Support interaction mode for both sovereign
and transient applications, such as chat.
From a business perspective, sovereign information
systems are the most interesting field for the development
process. These applications are planned to be used by many
users for a long term period, this is why they have to be
designed to not only work well now, but also in the future.
Designing and building applications in a monolithic style
can lead to an application that is very difficult and inefficient
to maintain. On the other hand there is another class of
system developed according to the composite approach. A
composite application is created from a group of loosely
coupled, semi-independent modules which are easily
integrated to a coherent solution called a “shell” [16]. A
graphical mock up of such an application is shown in Fig. 1.
B. Cloud Computing
Cloud computing is one of the newest technology words
which is used nowadays in many business propagation
materials. The definition of cloud gives us an overall idea
about how the software based on cloud architecture should
behave. [29] describes cloud computing as a term that covers
any system which involves delivering hosted services over
the internet. Matthieu Hug provides a more precious
technological definition of cloud computing:
An emerging computing paradigm where data and
services reside in massively scalable data centres and can be
ubiquitously accessed from any connected devices over the
internet [30].
According to [31] there are three types of cloud computing
models which define what types of services cloud offers:
1) Software as a Service (SaaS): application running on
top of the cloud infrastructure is offered to the end user.
This means that the customer can access an underlying
infrastructure only via application functions.
Approaches of the Modern Software Development
Oliver Moravcik, Tomas Skripcak, Daniel Petrik and Peter Schreiber
Module 1
Fig. 1. Composite Application with two data sources
International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 1, No. 5, December 2011
2) Platform as a Service (PaaS): users are normally
allowed to deploy developed or purchased software
applications (build on top of supported languages and
tools). Control of an infrastructure is restricted similarly
as in SaaS.
3) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): users (in this case
they will probably be developers) obtain a full featured
platform, which is ready for the development of new
software applications with access to all infrastructures
which cloud provides.
When we are talking about features which form
advantages (and motivation) of building software with cloud
foundation, we often end up with following list:
1) Reliability.
2) Scalability.
3) Security.
4) Maintainability.
5) Performance.
However as it is described in [28] the biggest
disadvantages known from the birth of cloud services are:
privacy and ownership; these remain unchanged. There is a
bias that cloud computing is always connected with public
available services which usually lead to the conclusion that it
is not suited for companies (privacy issues). As long as we
live in an information era it is quite common that information
itself will form the largest fortune for businesses. It is
unimaginable for such a company to consign their valuable
and critical data to a third party organization. In theory [31]
we classify cloud computing according to the deployment
models in order to reduce privacy and ownership issues:
1) Private: hardware and infrastructure is running in the
company. No privacy and ownership issues, but the
price of the solution is increasing rapidly.
2) Community: hardware and the infrastructure are shared
between several companies (which share some
concerns). A compromise solution is where we can
reduce privacy and ownership issues and keep the price
at a maintainable level.
3) Public: most known cloud solutions can only be used in
scenarios where data and information are not critical.
4) Hybrid: is a composition between two or more cloud
systems, where each of them is deployed in one of the
previously mentioned ways and integrated via a
standard or proprietary technology.
From a software development perspective, PaaS is the
biggest advantage of cloud computing. Having one standard
which supports software development companies from the
process of design through implementation to deployment and
maintenance seems like a perfect working environment. [29]
labelled this as the “Dream of Platform Independency”. This
is only half of the truth. For the end user the application is
truly platform independent, because all infrastructure
specific tasks are using grid resources and everything else is
distributed to the user over the internet. The infrastructure
resources which are offered to the developers via an API
(Application Interface) are specific for each of the grid
providers. It is not possible to take a running system from one
grid and move it to a different grid provider without changes.
Infrastructure offered by providers consists mainly from
large building blocks developed for specific languages and
technologies. Currently the only way how the software
developers can use a different infrastructure together is by the
deployment of a hybrid cloud system, which is not the
cheapest solution at all.
Cloud computing is an interesting solution which could
finally lead to better, more economic and maintainable
software. There are many areas where advantages of cloud
overlay its trade off, but it is still only one option for software
development. It is hard to believe that cloud could offer
enough freedom for young start up projects, which need to
have full freedom at an infrastructure level in order to
develop new ideas.
C. Modern Methodologies in Software Development
Small and midsized software development companies are
often fighting with the need of having high quality
methodologies for software’s developing process and the
possibility of being agile enough to quickly react on the
changing requirements from the users plus to reduce the time
needed for the iteration cycle in order to produce prototypes
of a system and to provide customers with an opportunity to
get an insight of the resulting application.
An ideal solution for the previously mentioned problem is
to simply compose a basis of trends, disciplines, methods and
tools in such a way which will be suitable for the current
software project. Below is an overview of the most followed
approaches for software design:
1) Model-Driven Architecture (MDA)
Most modern information systems are developed
according to an object oriented paradigm. MDA was initially
introduced by an Object Management Group (OMG) and
provides an approach for capturing system-specifications via
the usage of formal models. In MDA, platform-independent
models (PMIs) are initially expressed in a
platform-independent modelling language, thus as a Unified
Modelling Language (UML). The platform-independent
model is subsequently translated to a platform-specific model
(PSM) by mapping the PIM to some implementation
language or platform (e.g. C#) using formal rules [21].
2) Agile Software Development
The idea of agility was firstly used by Kent Beck and
transformed into a methodology called Extreme
Programming (XP). This methodology is described as being
easy, effective, low risk, flexible, predictable, scientific and a
funny way of software development [2]. The core of agile
software development is to use light, but sufficient rules of
project behaviour and the use of human and communication
oriented rules [3]. In the world of agile development
everything is focused on processes in order to deliver a good
product, this is why the use of a method or process is always
depended on the current project’s needs.
3) X-Driven Design/Development (XDD)
The effort of developing better applications does not only
present a problem for the use of the latest technologies, one
must also have an insight into the stakeholder’s domain
problem in order to develop a good product. Eric Evans
summarized some well known facts about domain modelling
International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 1, No. 5, December 2011
in an object oriented world in his book Domain-Driven
Design [6]. Independent from DDD, Richard Pawson
introduced an idea of Naked Objects in his dissertation thesis
[19]. It basically tries to reduce the development of the
software application to the creation of a complex domain
model with metadata information, which is used to generate
all other modules including User Interface (UI) in runtime.
Systems developed on top of the Naked Objects paradigm are
presented in a special kind of UI known as Object-Oriented
User Interface (OOUI) [19]. As a response to the need of
testing the Domain Model early in the software’s
development life cycle, together with progress of
dynamically typed languages, Test-Driven Development was
introduced mostly to build on top of the developers Unit
Testing. According to [18] a unit test is described as a piece
of code (usually a method) that invokes another piece of code
and checks the correctness of some assumptions afterwards.
If the assumptions turn out to be wrong, the unit test has
failed. A unit is a method or a function. There is also one
modification of TDD which has spread around the software
developer’s world called Behaviour-Driven Development
(BDD), as described in [10]. The main purpose for
implementing BDD was due to complexity and a wide range
of TDD. BDD is trying to specify a good convention in the
process of test writing and execution. Another aspect is that
according to BDD only functional user requirements are
covered by tests. This means that tests practically become
functional user requirement specifications which can be read,
but also modified easily. These practices go hand in hand
with an agile methodology for software development.
4) Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP)
Aspect Oriented Programming is aimed at cross-cutting
problems in object oriented applications, which could not be
modelled within the object oriented paradigm [11]. An
example of such a problem is functionality (e.g. logging
application messages) which should be applicable on
different types of classes (Business Entities, Infrastructure
Services, etc.). This type of functionality is encapsulated into
a routine called Aspect which makes software more reusable
and maintainable. Nowadays there are AOP frameworks, for
most software programming languages, which have become
mainstream in application programming. These frameworks
could be taken as an enhancement of the object oriented
5) Data Access Strategy
Relational Database Management Systems (RDMS) were
and still are standard preferred solutions in the market of
corporate information systems, mainly because they are
mature enough and their wide field of usability is a
determining factor for many types of software systems. They
build on top of relational algebra, which give them a solid
mathematical background. Modern RDMS were also able to
adapt themselves to the needs of the developers (e.g. there is
no problem to work with documents in eXtensible Markup
Language XML). In order to allow fluent usage of RDMS in
today’s modern object objected applications, we need to
create a software bridge between the object and the relational
area. Object Relational Mapping (ORM) [12] is the
technology which is normally used to accomplish this goal.
ORM frameworks are able to generate a connection between
your application and RDMS in a semiautomatic/automatic
way. Best of all is that by incorporating an ORM layer into
the system design we can use it as a generic way to access the
data from any supported data storage. An example of the
layered business application with ORM’s persistence layer is
shown in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2. Standard three layered architecture of a business system [12]
Of course we know about other data storage paradigms as
Object Oriented Database Managements Systems (OODMS)
or Document Oriented Database Management Systems
(DODMS). According to [26] from the beginning of 2009 we
could identify movement in the usage of the data storage
strategy. Especially in the field of scalable web applications a
demand for a schema-free database system arises. The world
knows this initiative under the name NoSQL (usually
translated as not only sql) or Next Generation Databases.
Common features of NoSQL databases are enumerated
1) Flexible.
2) Scalable.
3) Distributed.
4) Schema-free.
It is important to say that nowadays the NoSQL approach
is mainly used in the development of modern web
applications running on top of cloud services. It will be
interesting to see how this field of informatics will evolve in
the future, however for now when we are developing an OO
application with an RDMS system as a storage background,
ORM simple wins the battle.
D. Architectonic Design Patterns
Design patterns are standardized solutions for solving
typical and not elemental problems in object oriented
programming. The special class of design patterns is used for
an overview of the whole architecture for an object oriented
system. These patterns are called architectonic. Current
trends are mainly based on an idea of eliminating
dependencies between various components of a software
system. One of the most successful architectonic design
patterns nowadays is the Model-View-Controller (MVC).
Presentation Layer
Business Layer
Persistence Layer
International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 1, No. 5, December 2011
The idea of MVC is quite old. It was developed at Xerox
PARC in 1978/79 by Trygve Reenskaug, but it gained its
position in the world of mainstream software development
only a few years ago. The basic idea was that the model will
be an abstraction of the domain model, the view will contain
a user presentable interface and the controller will coordinate
the capabilities of several views making it a comprehensive
tool [19]. Variations of the MVC pattern, like
Model-View-Presenter (MVP) and Model-View-View
Model (MVVM – in some literature you can also find View
Model under the name Presentation Model) are commonly
used in modern software in order to fully utilize the
underlying framework of software applications. In Fig. 3,
there is an example of how MVC, MVP and MVVM patterns
We would like to point out another pattern, which was
introduced by Rinat Abdullin and is called Command and
Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) [1]. It is still in the
process of transforming into its final form, but provides us
with some interesting ideas. First of all, CQRS differentiates
between commands, with a purpose to modify data in a
storage system and to query the produced readable
information for users in order to make responsiveness
applications. Read operations are much more often needed in
comparison with operations for data manipulation. Secondly,
usage of CQRS entails that the domain model and especially
domain objects are not presented to end users in their base
form. The domain model in CQRS is only used as an
abstraction of the domain problem, which contains all
business logic for data modifications and also business events.
However, for presentational purposes Data Transfer Objects
(DTO) are used as a lightweight wrapper when presenting
readable data to the user interface [1]. CQRS was designed in
order to benefit from cloud computing architecture of the
system. One characteristic of the cloud system is that
resources like computing power, storage services, etc. are
outsourced. It gives us an opportunity to be more scalable and
more cost efficient, however it is still up to developer to
access these outsourced services in an efficient manner.
E. Loosely Coupled System
Systems that consist of many modules and infrastructure
code which depends on each other are known as close
coupled systems. Direct dependences are a sign of the bad
design in modern object oriented applications. The inversion
of control is technique where the control of the specific tasks
is not strictly dependent on the application itself but rather
allows the user (which is in this context usually a developer)
to plug-in task functionality by oneself. There are two design
patterns which take advantage of inversion regarding the
control idea:
1) Dependency Injector (DI) – provides a structured way
for the organisation of dependencies so one never has to
request the dependency directly in order to use it, but
the dependency is provided by default (e.g. via the
interface in the constructor or as a class property).
2) Service Locator – hides the dependency into the locator
and so in order to use it we simple have to ask the
locator for it.
DI has a much wider effect and introduces new complexity
into application development. The objectives of DI are
summarized in [27] :
1) Object composition.
2) Lifetime management.
3) Interception.
According to [22] the benefits of using the Dependency
Injection technique are as follows:
1) Late binding – services can be exchanged easily.
2) Extensibility – there is a possibility of extending and
reusing components without a predefined plan.
3) Parallel development – development of a different part
of the system which depends on each other (large
4) Maintainability – responsibilities are clearly defined.
5) Testability – everything can be covered with unit tests.
It is up to developer to choose which pattern he will use in
order to decouple a developed information system.
Dependency injection gives him a lot of power but could
potentially lead to code which is harder to debug. On the
other hand a service locator is quite straightforward but each
module which is using it and has to have a dependency on the
locator. For more deeper information about the
implementation and usage of the inversion of control please
refer to [22][27].
F. Domain Framework Languages
Optimisation of the internal business processes is one of
the aspects necessary for a successful company. We can see a
trend that each branch of industry is trying to formalize and
store workflows and processes in order to evaluate and
optimize them. Having a formal process description is also
valuable when it comes to information and automation of
specific tasks in a company’s information systems.
Nowadays it is possible to work with domain experts and
create a graphical description for processes which have to be
implemented in software applications. We can go even
further and use this graphical description as an execution
language. In the list below we enumerate some of the
technologies used for this purpose:
1) UML (Unified Modelling Language): as a standard
modelling language used in software development, it
data data
Fig. 3. Behavior of MVC, MVP and MVVM patterns
International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 1, No. 5, December 2011
can also be used for a description of processes and
connect the generated implementation code with a
UML model.
2) BPML (Business Process Management Language),
BPEL (Business Process Execution Language): a mix
of these three technologies allows us to create a visual
representation of processes for a company in the way
that non IT people can understand, so they can
contribute during the creation of a formal workflow.
This standard is used by companies like IBM, Oracle
within their products. BPEL gives us an opportunity to
transfer a visual representation of the process into a
running implementation [33].
3) Windows Workflow Foundation: in technology used for
design and execution of workflows on top of the
Microsoft .NET platform. It was radically rewritten and
extended in version 4.0 and forms a direct competition
to the BPML + BPEL group.
All techniques mentioned above count on the graphical
design of workflows. The biggest problem with them is that
in order to develop an application with a standardized
workflow, developers have to follow a specific methodology
and they are also restricted on usage of the concrete stack of
development tools directly connected to them. As an opposite
to this rigid style of development the DSL (Domain Specific
Languages) [34] differs, which should provide us with a
lightweight way for expressing domain experts’ rules and
processes in a textual way which is readable for them but are
also executable in the information system. The domain
specific language is defined as:
A computer language that is targeted to a particular kind
of problem, rather than a general purpose language that is
aimed at any kind of software problem [34].
Many people think that in order to use DSL they have to
develop their own language and write a compiler for it (this
type of DSL is called external DSL). This can of course be
done and it also offers us a lot of flexibility, however we
could use existing languages like C# or java (which do not
have enough syntax flexibility) for the purpose of creating a
simple DSL language (internal DSL). Fluent Interfaces is the
name of the design guideline which teaches us how to
organize our domain logic and infrastructure application
code in order to form an internal DSL language. By following
the rules like: object methods that always return affected
objects, adding support for generics and modern constructs
which form functional languages (lambda expressions) we
can reach a point when constructs in standard programming
languages are easily readable for non IT people and so we can
share knowledge with them and even let domain experts
express their domain processes in computer executable
language (be aware that such a code should be always
checked and approved by the developer).
G. Continuous Integration
The term integration is used for describing an activity for
combined software components into a system as a complex
unit [15]. Continuous Integration is a software development
practice where members of a team integrate their work
frequently. Usually each person integrates at least daily –
leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is
verified by an automated build (including test) to detect
integration errors as quickly as possible [7]. Integration is
also related with Version Control, which is one of the aspects
in the Software Configuration Management [13]. Having
Version Control within the system is necessarily when we
want to develop a high quality software application. There
are two main classes of the Version Control system:
1) Centralized – This is built on top of client-server
architecture. The server plays the role of source code, is
primary a repository and each client has to
communicate with the server in order to perform some
action such as: commit/check in, check out, view
history, revert changes etc. A typical workflow consists
of the following actions: check status, update if
necessary, resolve conflicts, perform changes and at the
end commit changes.
2) Decentralized – Nowadays the decentralized version
controls solutions and has become more popular than
the centralized version. These systems are built on top
of peer to peer architecture, where each peer contains a
repository and changes are distributed from peer to peer
as patches. The advantage of this approach is that many
operations do not need access to the network and that is
why they have better performance in comparison with
the centralized control systems. The typical workflow in
a decentralized version control system allows each
developer to only perform an update operation in order
to obtain the most current version of code. His part of an
implementation is newly committed but instead of that it
is packed into a so called patch. Then it is up to the one
developer authority to update all the patches from active
members and integrate everything together.
In the real world, there is always a risk involved when the
decision to adopt a new technology, methodology or
paradigm is made. Each member of the team usually has to
change their way of thinking about problems and this can
take some time. The implementation of new tools could also
involve some problems, e.g. performance (because we
usually create another level of abstraction) and the errors
which were not visible during the change preparation time
will be exposed in the development process.
A. Usage and Limitation of ORM
The main reason for the usage of ORM technology was in
shielding the software developer form any interaction with
the database level of an application. The developer can be
fully focused on the domain model, which contains all
domain logic and does not have to bother with SQL
(Structured Query Language) commands and relational
database schema [20], [23]. This is the reason why the
developer is much closer to the world of the end user and can
express ideas in a language called Ubiquitous Language
which is [6]) understandable for both of them.
There are many ORM frameworks on the market, so
preliminary research and tests are necessary before choosing
the product which will be used in the software project. For
International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 1, No. 5, December 2011
the purpose of a persistence strategy, we have chosen ORM
framework as described in [5]. In the following list, there are
outlined features that are important for ORM, when used as a
persistence mechanism for a composite system, which is
developed according to modern trends [20]:
1) Support for many database systems and persistence
storages (at least MS SQL and Oracle).
2) Schema creation and schema update – Ability to create
database schema and update it if necessary from a class
model or domain object. It enabled us to have one object
oriented domain model modelled in CASE (Computer
Aides Software Engineering) tool. It meets MDA but is
also an agile way of thinking about software
3) Automatic mapping relations between objects (1:1, 1:N,
M:N) to the database structure.
4) Support for transactions – Unit of Work design pattern
(for more information please refer to [8])
5) Superior query mechanism (ideally strongly typed) –
Query should not be typed as a string. Enables the
compiler to check queries (in our case, we required the
implementation of LINQ [14] technology).
6) Automatic notification when a change in an attribute
value occurred – It enables rich UI experience in a
Composite Application.
During the development process we have discovered some
limitations and problems which were involved with the
application of ORM into the real life development cycle.
They are listed in the following list [20]:
1) Processing large amounts of data – Modification of any
object’s attributes require the reading of the object in
memory. This can lower performance, e.g. when the
aggregation of a root domain object with many
associated objects takes place or with a more deeper
hierarchy (object in tree) is deleted, all objects waiting
for deletion should first be read from the database to the
memory and the deletion process takes place afterwards.
We solved this issue by analysis of the application of
bottlenecks and by defining the cascade delete rule in
the relational database system.
2) The impossibility to join objects, which do not have
relations between them, in the query. The only working
solution that we discovered is the definition of a
database view. It can be wrapped into the object and
used in the query afterwards.
3) The problem with querying calculated attributes – In
some cases calculated attributes of the domain object
are needed as a part of the query expression. In order to
gain a value of the calculated attribute the whole object
has to be read from the database, which has a significant
negative impact on the query performance. The solution
is to define the procedure which will be calculating the
value on the relational database system but the negative
side of this is that we will have duplicated business
logic. This is recommended only in bottlenecks of the
B. Modern User Interface Composition
Actual “rich” business applications typically feature
multiple screens, rich, flexible user interaction, data
visualization and role-determined behaviour. The
application’s expected lifetime is measured in years and that
it will change in response to new, unforeseen requirements.
This application may start as small and over time evolve into
a composite client [20].
We have based our project on the guidance [16] for
building the next generation application in WPF (Windows
Presentation Foundation) technology provided by Microsoft.
This contains a set of standards, design patterns and libraries
which help to solve common problems in composite
application development. The most important is probably the
implementation of the architectonic design pattern called
MVVM. We have slightly modified it to meet all our needs:
1) View
XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language) is
used for the purpose of the View implementation. We
decided to use “in view” constructing of UI and composition
technique like templating, styling and data binding with
automatic change notification. WPF provides us with all the
necessary foundations. View should contain only functions
directly connected with the application UI.
2) View Model
View Model class have access to all data and actions which
the user can perform through UI. It transforms the data in for
the purpose of displaying it to the UI. We implement the
View Model’s class as simple and reusable as possible. In the
context of a composite application VM is created with the
help of the DI approach and it automatically runs the
initialization of the View component which is provided to the
end user to work with immediately.
3) Model
Model is defined and generated from UML (Unified
Modelling Language) Class diagrams [24], [25]. It contains
all business logic and is extended with checking validation
and business rules. It also serves as a basis for ORM database
generation and manipulation.
Model-View-View Model design pattern is not only
applicable for the architecture of a software system. Some of
the new software’s frameworks use this approach
successfully in order to obtain a higher configurability of its
components. As an example we can state WPF framework for
building a user interface. In the terms of WPF every control
or component which will be displayed on the screen is, by
default, look less. When we need to define a graphical shape
of the user control, we create an element called a control
template. The control templates are defined by a framework
of course, but there is still a possibility to override these
settings and to modify them to meet our needs. The other
purpose of the control template is for specifying the place
where the data will be presented on the control. Most LOB
(Line of Business) applications are data driven and binding
declarative binding of data to UI and also changes from UI
back to data, are another aspect of the modern UI
composition. In WPF the data template can be used to define
the UI element in which the provided data will be presented.
Converters can also be used to shape the data. Finally the
style is applied on the user control to create a delightful
graphical feeling. In the context of an object oriented model
International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 1, No. 5, December 2011
we would say that composition is the feature which is used in
the modern UI paradigm, where the user control is directly
composed from other base controls and this process can be
done recursively until the final stage is reached.
Fig. 4. Visual output composition [20].
Fig. 4, shows how all this could work together in order to
provide a consistent and responsive user interface. This way
of thinking about UI could be applied to different platforms,
e.g. mobile, web and client. WPF is oriented on rich desktop
applications but it is a big step forward. When we are
considering the web, which is actually much less interactive
(in the context of web applications), it has its own user
interface description language (HTML – Hypertext Markup
Language) and styles written as CSS (Cascading Style Sheet)
rules have been used for defining graphical visuals for many
years, desktop UI development, on the other hand, has been
very limited until present times.
C. Business Rules and Validation
One of the problems with a rich composite application is
that users except detailed validation and business rules to be
checked on the client’s side. Most of the frameworks
including WPF offer features which are able to provide such
a type of user experience. However the disadvantage is that it
often leads to duplication of the business rules and a
validation code (special WPF validation classes plus
validation and business rules included in the domain model).
This tends to make everything less maintainable. In order to
make the process more flexible we designed our domain
model with a core set of business rules which have to be valid
no matter what. This helps us use the domain model out of the
field of the main information system (e.g. supporting
importing/exporting applications). Validation rules
themselves, which are not specific for the business entity but
differ depending on the view or application where it is used,
are stored in special metadata classes (without any WPF
specific constructs). This validation is loaded dynamically
during the construction of user interface. Usually each
amount of metadata is relevant for a specific purpose but
nothing holds us from using it in different cases (if it meets
our needs). Some of the frameworks on the market (e.g.
ORM frameworks used in the context of a domain model [5])
offer each entity a validation, but we want to make it clear
that in practice a business entity is in a valid state that mostly
depends on usage of an entity. This means that it is never a
good idea to enclose full featured validation into domain
D. Convention over Configuration
Convention over configuration is a useful paradigm and
used in agile application development and is focused on the
problem of application infrastructure complexity. In the
conventional software company, developers are trying to
implement infrastructure components (which support the
application domain model) in a most generic way. The
original idea is that the component is developed only once
and that it can be used in different projects. This means that
before we use such a generic component, we have to perform
specific configurations for each project. Our empirical
experiences (and also experiences of others experts in
industry, e.g. [32]) shows us that it is very unlikely that we
will share an application infrastructure between different
systems. So we can get rid of configuration complexity by
implementing the idea of convention over configuration. In
order to do this, it is necessary to determine a specific set of
rules, which will be respected during the development. These
rules cover, e.g. naming conventions (for classes, modules,
features etc…), workflows, patterns and structures. The
advantage is clear and easy to maintain an application’s
infrastructure code, which does not suffer due to
overdeveloped complexity because we restricted it for the
purpose of one application.
E. Managed Languages and Performance
In object oriented applications written on top of a software
framework there is a component responsible for memory
management called a “garbage collector” (GC). Its main goal
is to delete unused objects from the memory heap in order to
prevent performance problems. However there are situations
when dependency between objects does not allow GS to
dispose of objects from memory. We had also discovered this
problem, when we were dealing with the implementation of
MVVM patterns in the composite WPF application. We
found out that some View-Model components exist in
memory more than once, which has a negative impact on
performance. We examined this behaviour and it seems that it
occurred only when a data object from the View Model is
presented by the user control (technical speaking property
DataContext of any user control keeps reference to the data
object), but has not implemented
the ”INotifyPropertyChanged” interface (.NET interface for
propagating change in data immediately to the UI) [20].
According to [9,17] WPF uses the “ValueChanged” event,
which involves calling the
“PropertyDescriptor.AddValueChanged” method on the
“PropertyDescriptor” object that corresponds to property.
Unfortunately, this action causes that the Common Language
Runtime (CLR) which also keeps a reference to the
“PropertyDescriptor” object in a global table.
The diagnosis of memory leaking seems to be simple
especially when a memory profiler is used. This tool can help
International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 1, No. 5, December 2011
to find out “paths to a GC root”, which can be used to identify
a problem object and its references [20].
Development of modern information systems is a complex
process and many tasks are still very difficult to accomplish.
For example there is not a well defined standard on executing
parallel operations with an asynchronous user interface.
Another issue involves complex testing (involving testing
components for other vendors) of an application. Currently
an ideal solution for this task is the utilization of the UI
testing tool.
The aim of this article is to provide an overview of modern
disciplines during the development process. It outlined some
problems which are likely to come along during learning and
the adoption of these techniques and solutions which are
offered in the context of a real world information system.
Modern trends in the application development industry have
of course a positive effect and try to simplify the routine tasks
of the developer. We have to make it clear that all progress
needs time so that software companies can adopt and use it
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Oliver Moravcik was born in Male Levare/Slovakia
in 1952, studied Automation at Technische
Hochschule Ilmenau/Germany, in 1976 gained his
master’s degree and completed his Doctoral study at
the same university in 1982 in the field of Automation
and Computer Science. Since 1982 he was contracted
as a senior lecturer and in 1990 became an associated
professor of automation and informatics at the Slovak
University of Technology in Bratislava /Slovakia. In
1998 he became a full professor of automation and informatics at the same
university and from 2006 became the Dean of the Faculty of Materials
International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 1, No. 5, December 2011
Science and Technology of the Slovak University of Technology in
Bratislava/Slovakia. During 1986 – 1988 he was a visiting professor at the
University of Applied Sciences Koethen/Ger,many and during 1990-1992 at
the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt/Germany. The spheres of his
interest are software engineering and intelligent control methods. He
published more than 120 articles in international journals and in the
proceedings of international conferences. He participated or leaded the
solution of more than 20 grant projects and/or industry contracts.
Professor Moravcik is at present a member of AC SEFI in Brussels, IFAC
and also a member of the International Informatisation Academy
Daniel Petrik was born in Ilava/Slovakia in 1968. He
received his diploma degree in the field of
Manufacturing Systems and Robotics from Slovak
University of Technology in Bratislava in 1991. After
finishing his studies he worked at the Slovak
University of Technology in the field of process
automation and information (1991-1996). In 1994 he
started his part time job in MMS Softec Ltd (Trnava/
Slovakia) as a junior software developer. In November 1996 he left the
Slovak University of Technology and became a software architect in MMS
Softec Ltd (Trnava/Slovakia). In MMS Softec Ltd. he designed the
architecture of the following information systems: easy, e-VEGA, Proman
NG®, participated on the design of the system Proman W®.
He is publishing papers in national and international conferences and
journals. MSc Daniel Petrik’s research area of interest is software systems
design, testing and its automation.
Tomas Skripcak was born in Trnava Slovakia in 1986.
He received his Diploma degree, in the field of applied
informatics and automation in industry, from the
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava in
During his studies (2005-2011), he worked as a
software developer in MMS Softec Ltd. (Trnava,
Slovakia), where he was responsible for design,
development, documentation and testing of
information systems based on .NET technology. In 2008, he obtained the
dean’s award for excellent bachelor thesis (Design and the implementation of
a helpdesk). During February - May 2010, he was an Erasmus student at
KaHo Sint-Lieven (Gent, Belgium), where he worked on a Diploma project
(Generation of medical knowledge out of data) for Agfa HealthCare (Gent,
Belgium). At present, he is a PhD student at the Slovak University of
Technology in the field of process automation and information. Since
February 2011, he has been situated in Germany at Helmholtz-Zentrum
Dresden-Rossendorf. Here, he is dealing with the problem of natural human
machine interaction in virtual reality applications. He is publishing papers in
national and international conferences and journals.
Ing. Skripcak’s research area of interest includes software systems design
and testing, natural user interface design and novel ways of human-computer
Peter Schreiber was born in Bratislava, Slovakia, in
1960. He received his diploma degree in the field of
Control Theory from the Slovak University of
Technology in 1984 and a PhD. degree in the field of
Automation from the same university in 1992. He
became an associated professor of the Slovak
University of Technology for Applied Informatics and
Automation in the year 2000.
He has worked as assistant lecturer and lecturer in
the Slovak University of Technology. In the years 1995 – 1996 he was a
lecturer in Koethen in Germany. The spheres of his interest are software
systems development and intelligent control methods. He published more
than 100 articles in international journals and in the proceedings of
international conferences. He participated or leaded the solution of more than
10 grant projects in the areas of software development and control systems.
Assoc. prof. Schreiber, PhD. is a member of the international
organisations IFAC (International Federation of Automatic Control) and the
International Union of Machine Builders.
International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing, Vol. 1, No. 5, December 2011
... The abstraction component retrieves and processes the data, the presentation component formats the visual and audio presentation of data, and the control component handles things such as the flow of control and communication between the other two components. In the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern (Fig. 4), the Model consists of application data and business rules, the Controller acts as mediator like the Dialogue component in the Seeheim architecture, and a View can be any output representation of data [52]. Model-View-Presenter (MVP) is a derivative of MVC, where the presenter assumes the role of the Controller, retrieves and formats data for the View, the View is responsible for handling the user interface events, which is the controller's role in MVC, and the Model is strictly a domain model. ...
Conference Paper
The spread of social networks and other online collaboration-related practices changes the target of software products from a single user to virtual communities. Such communities view user interfaces of social websites as communication partners (facilitators) rather than mere communication medium. Effective communication requires proper feedback from community-driven systems that create the illusion of active participation and control. Furthermore, feedback combined with community effort and evaluation mechanisms such as crowdvoting can be used as a vehicle for adaptation of interfaces to the requests of community. The implementation of community-driven interfaces requires the extension of existing user interface development architectures and design patterns. In this paper we analyse known user interaction and user interface models and present the contextual feedback based adaptation (CFBA) meta-model, the four-tiered user interface (4TUI) architecture, and the Model-Control-View-Adapter (MCVA) pattern. A case study in the community-driven interface adaptation is presented.
... L'informatique donne une place prépondérante aux langages utilisés pour produire les modèles car la nature du langage conditionne les capacités d'exploitation des modèles par une machine. Steve Cook identifie trois aspects principaux d'un langage de modélisation : la syntaxe concrète, la syntaxe abstraite et la sémantique (Cook 2002) : la syntaxe concrète peut être définie sous la forme d'une grammaire, d'un dialecte XML ou d'un ensemble de formes graphiques. La syntaxe abstraite définit les concepts de base du langage. ...
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Fortement marqués par les avancées en Génie Logiciel, les travaux présentés dans ce mémoire ont pour objectif de proposer un langage permettant de produire des modèles acceptables d'un EIAH c'est-à-dire dire des modèles dont il est possible d'évaluer la pertinence. Ceci signifie que les modèles sont explicites, non ambigus et qu'ils rendent possible des échanges entre les acteurs de la conception pour faire évoluer des modèles d'un état inaccepté à un état accepté. L'idée est donc de capitaliser sur la base des modèles de conception plutôt que sur le code des EIAH produits. L'explicitation des modèles de conception (théories d'apprentissage sur lesquelles s'appuie l'EIAH à construire, scénarios d'apprentissage et principes d'interaction) doit permettre de mieux partager les expertises au sein des équipes de développement et donc de diffuser les savoirs et bonnes pratiques. Par ailleurs, il s'agit d'examiner les conditions de transformations des modèles de conception en modèles computationnels afin de pouvoir réutiliser / transformer ces modèles vers des modèles exploitables par des plates-formes de formation à distance et faciliter ainsi le travail de mise en œuvre. Dans ce document, je positionne tout d'abord les travaux proposés au sein de la communauté EIAH (chapitre 1) ce qui me permet d'expliciter les théories d'apprentissage auxquelles ces travaux se réfèrent ainsi que les principaux verrous scientifiques posés par l'ingénierie des EIAH. Le chapitre 2 présente ma démarche de recherche au cours de ces travaux ainsi que les questions de recherche spécifiques qui sont au cœur des activités menées. Ce chapitre me permet donc de positionner mes travaux par rapport à ceux que mènent d'autres équipes nationales et internationales sur des problématiques identiques. Je présente ensuite (chapitre 3) les principaux résultats qui portent sur l'ingénierie de modèles de conception pour les situations d'apprentissage de type situations-problèmes coopératives, mais aussi sur l'usage de ces modèles et la démarche de conception qu'ils supposent. Les travaux qui se sont succédés ont permis de définir et d'expérimenter différents langages visuels, ce qui nous a conduit à proposer un profil UML dédié à la description des situations problèmes coopératives, le langage CPM. Le chapitre 4 me permet enfin de dresser un bilan de mon activité d'enseignant chercheur à l'Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour.
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Today's software systems are developed and targeted for satisfying sometimes very critical functions. Reliability is considered to be one of the most important nonfunctional quality attribute of such software systems. The aim of reliability estimation in early stages of software development process – analysis and design – should reduce the future costs for possible failure repairing through increasing the reliability before the construction of the software system. Because, the Unified Modeling Language (UML) becomes the standard for software system's specification, the last works done in architecture based reliability estimation and assessment use UML as the base for software architecture specification. In this paper, we discuss the existing approaches with critical overview and outline the directions for future research.
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The aim of this article is to suggest the partial proposal of datawarehouse testing methodology. The analysis of relevant standards and guidelines proved the lack of information on actions and activities concerning data warehouse testing. The absence of the complex data warehouse testing methodology seems to be crucial particularly in the phase of the data warehouse implementation.
Unit testing allows you to test your software in isolation.