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Mugwort ( Artemisia vulgaris , Artemisia douglasiana , Artemisia argyi ) in the Treatment of Menopause, Premenstrual Syndrome, Dysmenorrhea and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder



Mugwort has many traditional uses around the world. The Chumash Indians of California use it to treat imbalances that women may suffer such as premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea and menopausal symptoms. The plant contains a sesquiterpene that appears to work through a serotonergic mechanism and may be beneficial for women. Mugwort therapy is safer for menopausal women than hormone replacement therapy. Children affected by attention deficit hy-peractivity disorder benefit from mugwort therapy. There is no doubt that mugwort therapy is safer for these children than methylphenidate or amphetamine.
Chinese Medicine, 2012, 3, 116-123 Published Online September 2012 (
Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris, Artemisia douglasiana,
Artemisia argyi) in the Treatment of Menopause,
Premenstrual Syndrome, Dysmenorrhea and Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
James David Adams, Cecilia Garcia, Garima Garg
University of Southern California, School of Pharmacy, Los Angeles, USA
Received June 19, 2012; revised July 16, 2012; accepted July 30, 2012
Mugwort has many traditional uses around the world. The Chumash Indians of California use it to treat imbalances that
women may suffer such as premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea and menopausal symptoms. The plant contains a
sesquiterpene that appears to work through a serotonergic mechanism and may be beneficial for women. Mugwort
therapy is safer for menopausal women than hormone replacement therapy. Children affected by attention deficit hy-
peractivity disorder benefit from mugwort therapy. There is no doubt that mugwort therapy is safer for these children
than methylphenidate or amphetamine.
Keywords: Mugwort; Artemisia vulgaris; Artemisia argyi; Artemisia douglasiana; Menopause; Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
1. Introduction
Mugwort is found in Europe (Artemisia vulgaris), Africa
(Artemisia vulgaris), India (Artemisia vulgaris), Asia
(Artemisia argyi) and America (Artemisia douglasiana).
This plant may have been transported throughout the
world by early humans who needed it for its medicinal
and food value. It can be easily transported as seeds. The
meaning of mugwort may be marsh root since it grows
near permanent sources of water. In Chinese, mugwort is
lou hao. In Chumash Indian, mugwort is molush. The
scientific name Artemisia comes from Artemis, Greek
Goddess of the hunt, wild animals, wilderness, childbirth
and virginity. Artemis is capable of bringing or relieving
disease in women.
The three species of mugwort differ somewhat in ap-
pearance, perhaps the result of growing in different habi-
tats for thousands of years. Mugwort is easy to grow
from seeds and likes shade. The perennial plants grow to
2.5 meters high and have variably lobed oblanceolate
leaves with 1 to 7 lobes. The leaves can be up to 15 cm
long, are green on top and white, tomentose on the un-
derside. The stem and roots are woody. The flowers grow
in panicles as small disciform heads, less than 5 mm in
diameter, contain 5 - 9 pistillate flowers and 6 - 25 disk
2. European Traditional Uses
Mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris, is used in Europe as a bit-
ter aromatic and is rarely used [1]. It is intended to
stimulate gastric secretions in patients with poor appetite,
is used against flatulence, distention, colic, diarrhea, consti-
pation, cramps, worm infestations, hysteria, epilepsy, vom-
iting, menstrual problems, irregular periods, to promote
circulation and as a sedative. This sedative effect may be
responsible for internet reports of the use of A. vulgaris
to induce dreams. The root has different uses, as a tonic,
for psychoneuroses, neurasthenia, depression, autonomic
neuroses, irritability, restlessness, insomnia and anxiety.
A. vulgaris is described as an abortifacient without dis-
cussion of the preparation used [1].
The plant contains many active compounds including
the monoterpenes, eucalyptol, camphor, linalool, thujone,
4-terpineol, borneol, α-cadinol, spathulenol and 21 others
[1]. These monoterpenes are present in the essential oil
that makes up 0.03% - 0.3% of the plant. The plant also
contains sesquiterpenes and sesquiterpene lactones such
as eudesmane, vulgarin, psilostachyin and psilostachyin
C [1]. Flavonol glycosides are present including quercitin
3-O-glucoside, rutin and isorhamnetin 3-O-glucoside [1].
Coumarins are found such as aesculetin, aesculin, um-
belliferone, scopoletin, coumarin and 6-methoxy-7,8-
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methylene-dioxycoumarin [1]. Polyacetylenes, carote-
noids and pentacyclic triterpenes are present such as si-
tosterol and stigmasterol [1].
3. Pharmacology of Artemisia Plants
Many monoterpenoids are pain and anxiety relievers due
to inhibition of transient receptor potential cation chan-
nels [2]. These channels are found on sensory afferent
neurons of the skin and are usually responsive to heat or
cold. They are also found in the brain, spinal cord and
lungs [2]. The involvement of the brain transient receptor
potential channels in anxiety has not been investigated.
Most of these channels have six transmembrane spanning
units and large intracellular amino and carboxy terminal
portions [2]. Most of them allow sodium and calcium to
enter the cell. The vanilloid receptors (TRPV) have
amino terminal ankyrin repeat domains and a carboxy
terminal TRP box. The TRPA channels (ankyrin) have
many ankyrin repeats in the amino terminal. The TRPM
channels (melastatin) have a TRP box in the carboxy ter-
minal. Several drugs are available that act on these chan-
nels, such as capsaicin (TRPV1) and menthol (TRPM8).
More than a dozen drug candidates are in clinical trials
that act on these channels to relieve pain. Typically an
agonist at these channels causes transient channel open-
ing that is followed by long term channel closing and
pain relief [2].
Several monoterpenoids have reported pain relieving
activity such as camphor [3-5], eucalyptol [4-6, also
called 1,8-cineole], camphene [4,5], β-pinene [4-6], bor-
neol [4,5,7] and thujone [8]. Most of the pain relieving
monoterpenoids found in A. vulgaris are agonists for
TRPV3 (heat sensing) including camphor [3,9,10], bor-
neol, thujone and eucalyptol [10]. Camphor is also an
antagonist for the TRPA1 (TRP ankyrin-repeat1, cold-
sensitive) receptor and an agonist for the TRPV1 (heat-
sensitive) receptor [3]. Eucalyptol has been shown to also
be a TRPM8 (cold-sensitive) receptor agonist and to ex-
hibit an antinociceptive activity comparable to or greater
than that of morphine [11].
Some monoterpenoids have reported anti-inflamma-
tory properties such as camphene and β-pinene [12,13].
The monoterpene, borneol has been shown to have high
anti-inflammatory activity [14], which results from the
inhibition of nitric oxide (NO) and prostaglandin E2
(PGE2) production due to inhibition of NF-κB activation
(nuclear factor κB). The NF-κB mechanism involves
increasing the expression of IKK (inhibitor of NF-κB
kinase), iNOS (inducible nitric oxide synthase) and de-
creasing IκBα (inhibitor of NF-κBα) expression in
dose-dependent manners [13,14].
Some sesquiterpenoids are anti-inflammatory agents
[12]. In fact, a sesquiterpene from Artemisia pallens is
reported to have strong anti-inflammatory activity and is
topically active [15]. In other words, it penetrates the
skin after topical administration and relieves inflamma-
tion. The mechanism of anti-inflammatory action of a
sesquiterpene, 7-hydroxyfrullanolide, appears to be inhi-
bition of an NF-κB pathway [16]. IKKβ phosphorylation
was shown to be inhibited by 7-hydroxyfrullanolide,
which resulted in inhibition of NF-κB translocation into
the nucleus. Several sesquiterpenes inhibit the production
of inflammatory cytokines and adipokines. 7-Hydroxy-
frullanolide inhibits the production of inflammatory ad-
hesion proteins such as ICAM-1, VCAM-1 and E-se-
lectin [16]. This inhibits monocyte induced inflammation.
Patchouli alcohol, a tricyclic sequiterpene, inhibits tumor
necrosis factor-α, IL-1β (interleukin-1β), cyclooxyge-
nase-2, and iNOS production [17]. This results in less
NO and PGE2 production, less inflammation and less
edema. Parthenolide, a sesquiterpene lactone present in
several plants, inhibits inflammation in the brain and
other organs by decreasing IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-α
and cyclooxygenase-2 production [18]. This results in
lowered body temperature and occurs through an NF-κB
inhibition mechanism. NF-κB activation is inhibited,
especially in the hypothalamus. Alpha-bisabolol is an-
other anti-inflammatory sesquiterpene that is found in
several plants. Alpha-bisabolol has been shown to de-
crease iNOS and cyclooxygenase-2 production by inhib-
iting NF-κB activation [19]. A plant used by Native
Americans, Eupatorium perfoliatum, has been found to
be anti-inflammatory due to the presence of sesquiter-
penes [20]. A structure-activity study of 26 sesquiterpene
lactones was conducted to elucidate the structural re-
quirements for inhibition of iNOS production and found
potent inhibition down to micromolar levels [21]. This
clearly indicates that sesquiterpenes are very useful
anti-inflammatory and fever decreasing agents that have
been used for centuries in plant medicines around the
Flavonols can be anti-inflammatory agents. For in-
stance, women who have higher intake of flavonol rich
foods, especially citrus fruits, have lower blood levels of
inflammatory proteins, including VCAM, C-reactive pro-
tein, soluble tumor necrosis factor receptor-2 and IL-18
[22]. Kaempferol, kaempferol
side and quercetin 3-O-alpha-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1-6)-
beta-D-glucopyranoside have been found to be anti-in-
flammatory agents and can be topically active in paw
edema tests [23]. These flavonols inhibit production of
iNOS [23]. Some flavonols, such as papyriflavonol A,
are phospholipase A2 inhibitors and potently inhibit the
enzyme with IC50 values of 4 micromolar [24]. Inhibi-
tion of phospholipase A2 decreases leukotriene C4 pro-
duction, decreases allergic reactions and results in less
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. CM
inflammation [24]. A nasal spray made from Artemisia
abrotanum is anti-inflammatory, contains monoterpenes
and flavonols [25]. This spray was tested in a clinical
trial and found to relieve bronchoconstriction in 50% of
patients [25]. Allergic rhinitis was relieved by the nasal
spray in 100% of patients [25].
Coumarins are pharmacologically important agents
found in Artemisia plants. Umbelliferone, also called
7-hydroxycoumarin, is a pain relieving agent, relieves in-
flammation and relieves fever in animal tests [26]. It is
also topically active. Umbelliferone also inhibits inflam-
matory cytokine production, such as IL-12 and inter-
feron-gamma, produced by viral infections [27]. Um-
belliferone is antihyperglycemic in rats and has activity
comparable to glibenclamide [28]. It also decreases blood
levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids,
free fatty acids, LDL-C, VLDL-C and increases HDL-C
in diabetic rats [29]. Aesculetin, also called 6,7-dihy-
droxycoumarin, is a lipoxygenase inhibitor that inhibits
the proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells in a
model of atherosclerosis [30]. Aesculetin inhibits the
activation of p42/44 mitogen activated protein kinase by
inhibiting c-fos and c-jun transcription [30]. Aesculetin
also inhibits activation of NF-κB, activator protein-1 and
phosphoinositide 3-kinase [30]. Coumarin, umbelliferone
and esculetin have antitumor activity [31,32] even in hu-
man clinical trials [32].
It may be important that Artemisia plants contain high
amounts of both monoterpenoids and sesquiterpenes.
Both classes of agents have anti-inflammatory activity
due to inhibition of NF-κB activation. It is not known
how monoterpenoids and sesquiterpenes may interact in
this mechanism, perhaps to enhance anti-inflammatory
activity and decrease fevers. This may involve decreas-
ing cyclooxygenase-2 synthesis. The presence of flavo-
nols may add to the anti-inflammatory effects of Ar-
temisia plants due to inhibition of iNOS production and
phospholipase A2 inhibition. Coumarins may increase
the anti-inflammatory activity of the plants by inhibition
of lipoxygenase. Artemisia plants may be potent pain
relieving and anti-inflammatory medicines due to these
compounds. Each class of compound may enhance the
activity of the other classes through additive or synergis-
tic mechanisms.
4. Traditional Recipes for the Use of
Mugwort in Europe and India
In Europe a tea is made from 150 ml of boiling water
poured over 1.2 g of dried A. vulgaris leaves, stems and
flowers [1]. This is allowed to steep in a covered vessel
for 5 min before it is strained and consumed. Two or
three cups of this strong tea are drunk daily before meals.
The German Commission E has not substantiated the
efficacy of this preparation.
In India, mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris, nagadamni in
Sanskrit) is used as an antispasmodic, expectorant, sto-
machic, tonic, laxative, antihysteric and anthelmintic [33].
It is used for menstrual problems, metorrhagia and to
prevent abortion. In children it is used as a decoction
against measles and as a leaf juice against whooping
cough. Leaf powder is used against hemorrhage, dysen-
tery, intestinal complaints, urinary tract problems and
skin diseases. A strong tea is made from 14 - 28 ml of
boiling water and 0.5 - 1 g of powdered leaves.
5. Chinese Traditional Uses
In China, mugwort (Artemisia argyi) is used mostly for
moxibustion [34,35]. Moxibustion is direct or indirect.
For direct moxibustion, a cone of dried A. argyi leaf pow-
der is placed on the skin and burned. The cone can be
taken off before the skin burns or can be allowed to burn
and scar the skin. Indirect moxibustion involves using a
cigar of A. argyi leaves to heat the skin. A. argyi is used
to stimulate blood flow and qi at specific points on the
skin, sometimes acupuncture points. This can be benefi-
cial in pain, weakness, fatigue associated with aging and
in turning fetuses for head down delivery. The dried
leaves are also used as a tea for analgesia, excessive men-
struation and bleeding during pregnancy.
A. argyi contains carveol, α-phellandrene, α-terpineol,
4-terpineol, eucalyptol, borneol, spathulenol, camphor, ca-
mazulene, β-caryophyllene, β-caryophyllene alcohol,
chrysartemin A, chrystemin B, arteminolides, and mox-
artenolide. Triterpenes include glutinone, fernenone, lu-
penone, simiarenol, α-amyrin acetate and β-amyrin ace-
tate. Flavones present are scopoletin, isoscopoletin, eu-
patilin, jaceosidin, apigenin, chrysoeriol and naringenin
[35]. Several of these compounds have antiasthmatic
effects including carveol, α-terpineol, 4-terpineol and
β-caryophyllene alcohol [35]. Several compounds are
analgesics including 4-terpineol, several of the monoter-
penes, α-amyrin and β-amyrin as discussed in the phar-
macology section [35]. Anxiolytic effects have been re-
ported for β-amyrin and several monoterpenes [35].
6. Chumash Indian Traditional Uses
Mugwort, Artemisia douglasiana, is a traditional medi-
cine of the Chumash Indians of California and is used in
the treatment of menopausal symptoms, premenstrual
syndrome and dysmenorrhea [36,37]. The traditional
treatment for menopause is a mild, A. douglasiana tea.
This tea is much milder than the European A. vulgaris tea
above. A. douglasiana tea is made by placing a fresh or
dried leaf in 300 ml of water. The mixture is warmed
until it starts to boil at which time it is removed from the
heat. The tea is allowed to steep for a few minutes prior
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to drinking. Sugar, honey or other sweeteners are not
Anxiety is a learned disorder that must be unlearned
[38]. It is treated, in part, with A. douglasiana. People
with anxiety attacks are treated once with sagebrush tea
in the evening. California sagebrush, Artemisia califor-
nica, leaves and stems are collected and put into a cloth
sack. The patient sleeps with this sack for one week.
During this time, meat must not be eaten. The sagebrush
leaves are measured in the palm of the hand. About a half
teaspoon of the dried leaves from the sack are mixed
with 300 ml of water and allowed to sit in the sun for 2
hours. This is heated with a stick of cinnamon (Cinna-
momum species) until it simmers. The patient drinks this
tea and does not add sugar or honey. Overweight people
should use a quarter of a teaspoon of sagebrush leaves,
since sagebrush can produce a strong reaction in them.
At the same time, four to six yerba santa leaves, Eriodic-
tyon crassifolium, seven flowers and seven leaves of
California jimson weed, Datura wrightii, and about ten
leaves of white sage, Salvia apiana, are put in 1.5 l of
water and allowed to boil moderately until the entire
house smells of the preparation. The patient drinks the
sagebrush tea while vaporizing over the E. crassifolium,
D. wrightii and S. apiana steam.
The next step, that evening, is a massage. The massage
oil is prepared by making a sun tea of four to six tobacco
leaves, Nicotiana quadrivalvis or Nicotiana glauca, and
four to seven leaves of S. apiana in 1.5 l of sea water.
This is brewed in the sun for a few hours, then put on the
stove to boil moderately until the entire house smells of
the preparation. Some of the tea is cooled, strained and
mixed with olive oil or baby oil to make a massage oil.
The massage should especially treat the areas under the
arms and below the butt.
For the next several weeks, the patient drinks 300 ml
of hot chocolate containing a S. apiana leaf and an A.
douglasiana leaf, every night before bed. It is best to use
a traditional chocolate such as Chocolate Ibarra that is
high in flavonols. Heat 300 ml of water to boiling. Re-
move it from the heat. Melt two or three tablespoons, 55
g, of the chocolate in the water with a whisk. Add the S.
apiana leaf and A. douglasiana leaf to this and steep for
a few minutes. Remove the leaves and drink the tea.
When the anxiety attacks decrease, the patient puts a
stick of cinnamon in 300 ml of water and heats it to a
simmer. The patient removes this from the heat and adds
a leaf of S. apiana. The tea is allowed to steep for five
min before drinking. This continues until the anxiety is
no longer a problem. One month or more of treatment is
needed to relieve anxiety attacks. Overweight people
may need to be treated longer than a month.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is treated by
stuffing dried A. douglasiana leaves into a cloth 5 pointed
star. The star should be the size of the palm and fingers
of the adult making the star. The child should play with
the star daily, especially during times of excessive activ-
ity. The child should also sleep with the star. After a few
weeks, the child will respond and become less active.
A. douglasiana is also called dream sage (sagebrush)
by Chumash Healers [36]. To induce dreams, place the
stems and leaves, under a pillow and sleep on the pillow.
The fragrance helps with dreaming. When the plant dries,
strip the leaves and stuff them into a small pillow. Place
this under the regular pillow and continue sleeping on
both pillows. This is a traditional use of A. douglasiana
especially in very ill or aged people who cannot dream.
Dreaming is considered an essential part of life and
American A. douglasiana contains a variety of phar-
macologically active compounds including many ses-
quiterpene lactones such as vulgarin and psilostachyin
[39-50], and probably monoterpenoids such as thujone
and alpha-pinene [51]. Of course, the very lipophilic mo-
noterpenoids, such as thujone, will not extract into an
aqueous tea. However, the sesquiterpene lactones can be
extracted into hot water [52]. A sesquiterpene lactone
isolated from A. douglasiana, dehydroleucodine, inhibits
the release of serotonin from gastroduodenal and other
cells [39-41]. It is possible that A. douglasiana may have
a serotonergic mechanism of action in decreasing meno-
pausal symptoms and attention deficit hyperactivity dis-
order. On the other hand, if dehydroleucodine inhibits
NF-κB activation, like other sesquiterpenes, it may de-
crease body temperature and inflammation. This is dis-
cussed in the pharmacology section.
Many of the monoterpenes found in A. douglasiana
are pain relievers and anxiolytic [53-60]. Pain relief
comes from inhibition of transient receptor potential ca-
tion channels [53,57,58]. The mechanism of relief of
anxiety is not known but may involve brain transient
receptor potential cation channel inhibition. The monoter-
pene thujone, found in A. douglasiana, has been found to
be safe in European medicines and foods [61].
The biochemical imbalance that results in attention
deficit hyperactivity disorder is not known. The fact that
amphetamine like compounds are used to treat the disor-
der, suggests that inadequate neurotransmitter release
may be involved in the disorder. Amphetamine is known
to enhance the release of dopamine, norepinephrine and
serotonin in the brain and neuronal synapses. Recent
evidence suggests that aberrant kinase activity is in-
volved in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. An
aberrant deactivation of striatal dopamine (D1) receptor
cAMP protein kinase A DARP32 may be important [62].
DARP32 is dopamine and cAMP regulated neuronal
phosphoprotein 32. G-Protein coupled receptor kinase
interacting protein-1 (GIT1) has also been implicated in
Copyright © 2012 SciRes. CM
the disorder [63]. In addition, guanylyl cyclase-C may be
involved in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder [64].
Of course, guanylyl cyclase-C makes cGMP that acti-
vates several kinases. It is interesting that a recent meta
analysis suggests that several drugs that do not act
through an amphetamine like mechanism are effective in
the disorder [65]. These drugs include clonidine, desip-
ramine, guanfacine and atomoxetine. Clearly, the disor-
der is more complex and less well understood than some
reviews suggest.
A. douglasiana has been reported to induce abortion
[36]. It is not clear what preparation of A. douglasiana
was used or the mechanism of induction of abortion.
Estragole has been found in some species of Artemisia
(Artemisia dracunculus, tarragon). Estragole induces
cancer, especially in female mice. However, A. dracun-
culus is on the FDA list of GRAS agents and is not
known to induce cancer in humans. Mugwort (A. doug-
lasiana) has not been reported to contain estragole.
Desvenlafaxine has been found to effectively decrease
the incidence of hot flashes in menopausal women [66].
Desvenlafaxine is a serotonin and norepinephrine reup-
take inhibitor [67]. It is not known how this mechanism
relates to the relief of menopausal hot flashes. Desvenla-
faxine has adverse drug effects including increased sui-
cidality, serotonin syndrome, increased blood pressure,
and increased blood cholesterol [68]. Gabapentin also
appears to decrease the incidence of hot flashes [69] and
has an off label indication for hot flashes. Gabapentin
activates presynaptic GABAB heteroreceptors on gluta-
matergic neurons resulting in less release of glutamate
[70]. How this mechanism decreases hot flashes is not
known. Gabapentin has adverse drug effects including
seizures and sudden unexplained death [66]. A. doug-
lasiana is much safer therapy for menopausal symptoms
than these drugs.
Hormone replacement therapy was used until the about
10 years ago for menopausal symptoms when it was
found that hormone replacement therapy is hazardous to
women. The hazards may include increased heart attack,
stroke, breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease [71-75]. A.
douglasiana is much safer than hormone replacement
There are several medicines, such as antimalarials and
drugs used against AIDS, which induce vivid dreams and
nightmares. Dreaming is not considered essential to the
clinical uses of these drugs. A. douglasiana is a safe and
effective way to produce dreams, even in cancer chemo-
therapy patients. Patients find these dreams comforting.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is normally
treated with amphetamine and methylphenidate. Both of
these drugs are addictive and can cause seizures. A.
douglasiana is much safer and should be the therapy of
choice in this condition.
The essential oil of mugwort (A. vulgaris) is available
from several sources. Some people have tried to use the
essential oil in place of mugwort leaves (A. douglasiana)
to make a tea. The essential oil of mugwort is made by
steam distillation of the leaves, flowers and stems of
mugwort. It contains only those compounds in mugwort
that vaporize below 100˚, especially the monoterpenoids
α-thujone, β-thujone, cineole, camphene and camphone.
Vendors of mugwort essential oil (armoise, A. vulgaris)
recommend using it for aromatherapy, massage therapy
and other external uses, not internally. The authors know
of people who have suffered seizures and kidney damage
from drinking A. douglasiana essential oil tea. Several
internet sites claim the essential oil causes abortions.
7. Conclusion
Mugwort is used similarly wherever it is found, espe-
cially for menstrual concerns, such as premenstrual syn-
drome and dysmenorrhea. Mugwort should be tested in
clinical trials for menopausal symptoms. Abortions or
protection against miscarriage are both uses of mugwort.
It is likely that high dose mugwort is used for abortions
and lower doses are used to prevent miscarriage. It is also
likely that other plants are added to mugwort in the in-
duction of abortions. Mugwort should be tested in clini-
cal trials for use in attention deficit, hyperactivity disor-
der. The sedative, antianxiety and dreaming effects of
mugwort should be tested in clinical trials. Medicine
frequently neglects dreaming as an essential part of heal-
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... One of the important medicinal plant species in the genus Artemisia, which is best known for its volatile oil, is Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort). 1 It is frequently used as a sedative, to improve circulation, to treat fevers, diarrhea, rheumatic aches, and dyspepsia. 2 Essential oils are intricate blends of naturally occurring materials with fragrant scents. ...
Full-text available
Background Artemisia vulgaris L. (AV) is a beneficial herb with therapeutic properties. This work aims to evaluate the compositions and bioactivity of essential oil from AV grown in Tiengiang, Vietnam. Methods The essential oils (AVEO) were extracted by hydrodistillation (HD), and the headspace volatiles (HS) were collected using the static headspace technique. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) was used to examine the compositions of oils in detail. The agar well-diffusion technique was used to conduct the antibacterial test. Multi-concentration dilution method was used for minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) determination. The cell viability was determined by the MTT method. Nitric oxide and TNF-α in RAW 264.7 were analyzed by Griess reagent or ELISA as described by the manufacturer. In addition, DPPH, ABTS, and reducing power assay were used to determine the antioxidant activity. Results The HD method yielded 1,8-cineole, α-pinene, β -caryophyllene, borneol, camphor, and δ-elemene were the most abundant components. In contrast, the HS approach produced the primary constituents being camphor, 2-methylbutanal, 1,8-cineole, and camphene. The HD showed antibacterial activities against E.coli, S.typhimurium, S.aureus, P.aeruginosa, and S.mutans, and inhibited the production of NO, TNF-α in lipopolysaccharide-induced RAW264.7. Furthermore, the HD indicated moderate antioxidant activity. A hierarchical cluster analysis of essential oils from 22 regions shows that mugwort oils in Tiengiang, Vietnam, have a high level of δ-elemene (more than 5%), which is not common in oils from other species. The study's findings enhance our comprehension of the chemical components and chemical variety of mugwort oil across different sites and to help in the identification of the predominant species suitable for extracting essential oils for different purposes within the Artemisia vulgaris L. species. Conclusion These findings collectively suggest that essential oils derived from A. vulgaris have a range of potential therapeutic uses.
... Việt Nam được thiên nhiên ưu ái ban tặng một thảm thực vật phong phú đa dạng bao gồm nhiều loại cây thuốc quí, trong đó Ngải cứu với tên khoa học Artemisia vulgaris -Asteraceae, cũng là một vị thuốc quen thuộc được ứng dụng rất lâu trong cuộc sống của người dân [1]. Nghiên cứu từ các tài liệu nước ngoài cho thấy, lá Ngải cứu có chứa một số hợp chất có hoạt tính sinh học cao như các hoạt chất nhóm flavonoid, terpenoid… Các chất này là những chất có hoạt tính mạnh với khả năng kháng khuẩn [2], điều hòa kinh nguyệt [3], tăng sinh tế bào [4], giảm co thắt cơ trơn phế quản hỗ trợ điều trị hen suyễn [5]. Ngoài ra nhiều nghiên cứu cũng chứng minh Ngải cứu có tác dụng làm giảm sự tăng sinh các tế bào gây chết [6] 3 Khảo sát tác dụng kháng viêm Chuột được gây viêm bằng cách tiêm vào dưới da gan bàn chân trái 0,025ml dung dịch carrageenan 1% pha trong dung dịch sinh lí. ...
Mở đầu: Ở Việt Nam, Ngải cứu (Artemisia vulgaris – Asteraceae) là một dược liệu có vị đắng và thơm được sử dụng trong y học cổ truyền từ thời cổ đại. Tuy nhiên, những nghiên cứu về Ngải cứu vẫn còn rất hạn chế. Chính vì vậy, đề tài tiến hành khảo sát tác động kháng viêm của một số hợp chất terpenoid phân lập từ cây ngải cứu: NC11 (Dehydromatricarin), NC12 (Moxartenolid), NC16 (Santamarin) nhằm góp phần tạo nguồn nguyên liệu mới từ tự nhiên có tác động trị liệu tốt và ít tác dụng phụ. Đối tượng và phương pháp nghiên cứu: Đối tượng: NC11, NC12, NC16 được chiết xuất từ cây Ngải cứu. Phương pháp: Tác động kháng viêm được khảo sát theo mô hình gây phù chân chuột bằng carrageenan 1%. Thể tích chân chuột được đo trước khi gây viêm, ba giờ sau khi gây viêm xác định lại độ phù. Lô chứng uống nước cất, lô thử nghiệm uống NC11, NC12, NC16 và lô đối chứng uống diclofenac 5mg/kg, theo dõi độ phù trong 6 ngày thử nghiệm. Kết quả - thảo luận: Các chất khảo sát đều chứng tỏ có tác động kháng viêm. Hiệu quả kháng viêm của hợp chất Moxartenolid và Santamarin thể hiện tác động tương đương nhau và mạnh hơn Dehydromatricarin ở liều 5mg/kg . Kết luận: Đề tài đã khảo sát được hiệu quả kháng viêm của nhóm hợp chất terpenoid phân lập từ cây Ngải cứu. Kết quả chứng tỏ ngải cứu là cây thuốc có tiềm năng cao để điều trị các bệnh về viêm.
... Artemisia vulgaris has a shrub habitus, rarely seen in the form of perennial herbs, annual herbs or biennial herbs, this shrub habitus is common in most plants of the Artemisia genus (Abuhadra et al., 2017) ( Figure 1A). A. vulgaris is a very common plant growing on nitrogenous soils, like weedy and uncultivated areas, such as waste places and roadsides (Setyawati et al., 2015). The plant has woody and brown root ( Figure 1B) (Adams et al., 2012;Setiawati et al., 2008). The plant from the genus Artemisia has an erect stem, semiwoody, and the upper third of the stem is branched ( Figure 1C). ...
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Artemisia vulgaris L. belongs to Asteraceae, is a herbal plant that has various benefits in the medical field, so that its use in the medical field can be explored optimally, the plant must be thoroughly identified. This study aims to identify A. vulgaris both in terms of descriptive morpho-anatomy and DNA barcoding using BLAST and phylogenetic tree reconstruction. The morpho-anatomical character was observed on root, stem, and leaf. DNA barcoding analysis was carried out through amplification and alignment of the rbcL and matK genes. All studies were conducted on three samples from Taman Husada (Medicinal Plant Garden) Graha Famili Surabaya, Indonesia. The anatomical slide was prepared by the paraffin method. Morphological studies revealed that the leaves of A. vulgaris both on the lower-middle part and on the upper part of the stem have differences, especially in the character of the stipules, petioles, and incisions they have. Meanwhile, from the study of anatomy, A. vulgaris has an anomocytic type of stomata and its distribution is mostly on the ventral part of the leaves. Through the BLAST process and phylogenetic tree reconstruction, the plant sequences being studied are closely related to several species of the genus Artemisia as indicated by a percentage identity above 98% and branch proximity between taxa in the reconstructed phylogenetic tree.
... Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) is a plant that is used in traditional medicine and folklore in various cultures. It is believed that consuming mugwort before bed can improve sleep quality and promote lucid dreaming [26]. ...
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Recently, there has been a significant increase in interest in the sale of NFTs. These digital assets can be used not only to address the issue of owning digital assets but also to form the basis of a business model for funding fundamental academic research, alongside cryptocurrencies and other blockchain technologies. Concurrently, a scientific study conducted by Daniele Pepe from the University of Leuven revealed that the scientific interest in lucid dreaming is growing at a rate of 5.6% annually. Moreover, a completely new trend has emerged, with major investors allocating funds to research on lucid dreaming. The aim of this article is to demonstrate the feasibility of using a business model for financing scientific research, exemplified by the establishment of a new "Banchenko Market” (Lucid Dreams and Other Transcendental States of Consciousness Market) based on the application of NFTs, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain technologies. Successful projects in the field of lucid dreaming research, such as the collaborative study between the Research Institute of Sleep and Dreams in Moscow and D.Y. Banchenko on exploring techniques for inducing and experiencing lucid dreams, serve as notable examples utilizing NFTs for partial project financing. This work identifies four NFT business models: (1) NFT creator; (2) NFT market selling author's NFT tokens; (3) company offering proprietary NFTs (fan tokens); and (4) computer game with NFT sales. In this research, the financing model for research is based on the sale of authors' NFT tokens. The study combines literature on business models and NFTs to bring clarity to established NFT business models in the context of the “Banchenko Market”.
... (AJ) has anthelmintic, antibacterial, antiinflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects. [5,6] cancer [16] anti-tumor [17] anti-helminthic [13] anti-diabetic [18][19][20] anti-spasmodic [15] hepatoprotective [21] anti-pyretic [22] anti-parasitic [23] anti-oxidant [16,21,24,25] antifertility [18] acaricidal [26] anti-rheumatic [27] anti-hypertensive [28,29] trypanocidal, trichomonacidal [30] wormicidal [31] emmenagogue, diuretic, abortive [32] anti-arthritis [33] immunomodulatory [34] neuroprotective [35] menopause, premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. [36] Antiulcerogenic [37] analgesic, bile stimulant [27] antinociceptive [38] anti-plasmodial [39] anti-venom [40] anti-coccidal [41] anti-leishmanial [42,43] antihyperlipidemic [44,45] anti-epileptic and anti-convulsant [46] anti-cholesterolemic, cholagogue, diuretic, febrifuge and vasodilator [47] disinfectant [48] , choleretic, balsamic, depurative, digestive, emmenagogue, and anti-leukaemia and ant-sclerosis [49] vermifuges, febrifuge, antibiotic, urine stimulant [27] anti-migraine [50] insecticidal [51] anti-feedant [52] abortifacient [53] antiherpes virus [54] and antidote to insect poison. ...
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Artemisia arborescence plant widely distributed in Yemen, traditionally used to treat dermatitis, allergic reactions, itchiness lymphatic drainage, venous congestions Asthma, hay fever, asthmatic bronchitis. The essential oil of this plant was traditionally used as an insect repellant, as flavourings and for fragrances. Inhalation of the oil is used to dilate and stimulate the bronchi, blood vessels of the heart and to stimulate the kidneys. The oil is for inhalation only. Artemisia arborescence has been used traditionally as an anti-inflammatory remedy. The essential oil of Artemisia arborescence has been reported to have antibacterial and antifungal activities as well as antiviral activity against HSV-1 and HSV-2. Artemisia arborescence essential oil also exhibited antifungal activity against Cladosporium cucumerinum. The antitumor activity of Artemisia arborescence can be attributed to the presence of α-bisabolol and palmitic acid. Artemisia arborescence is commonly used in traditional medicine for a wide range of ailments including gastritis and gastric ulcer. Food poisoning commonly caused by salmonella typhimurium pathogenic gram-negative short rods. Artemisia arborescence is commonly used in World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research SJIF Impact Factor 8.084 7105-2277 ISSN Article search Re. 114-95 Volume 13, Issue 3, │ 96 traditional medicine for a wide range of ailments including gastritis, gastric ulcer and food poisoning. The antitumor activity of ethanol extract of Artemisia arborescence was evaluated at the dose of 100mg/kg and showed a significant activity for breast cancer. Artemisia arborescence was formulated as capsules and evaluate for organoleptic properties of ethanol extract of Artemisia arborescence. The results show that the extract was the best formulation F4 according to dissolution was 96.6% after 45 min, and stability under various storage condition were evaluated. KEYWORDS: Artemisia arborescence, Extract, Capsules, Herbal medicines, Breast cancer, Antitumor activity.
... [22] anti-parasitic, [23] antioxidant, [16,21,24,25] antifertility, [18] acaricidal [26] antirheumatic. [27] anti-hypertensive [28,29] trypanocidal, trichomonacidal, [30] wormicidal, [31] emmenagogue, diuretic, abortive [32] anti-arthritis, [33] immunomodulatory [34] neuroprotective [35] menopause, premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. [36] Antiulcerogenic, [37] analgesic, bile stimulant, [27] antinociceptive [38] antiplasmodial, [39] anti-venom, [40] anti-coccidal, [41] antileishmanial, [42,43] anti-hyperlipidemic [44,45] anti-epileptic and anti-convulsant, [46] anti-cholesterolemic, cholagogue, diuretic, febrifuge and vasodilator, [47] disinfectant, [48] choleretic, balsamic, depurative, digestive, emmenagogue, and anti-leukaemia and ant-sclerosis [49] vermifuges, febrifuge, anti-biotic, urine stimulant [27] antimigraine [50] insecticidal [51] anti-feedant [52] abortifacient [53] anti-herpes virus [54] and antidote to insect poison. ...
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Artemisia arborescence plant widely distributed in Yemen, traditionally used to treat dermatitis, allergic reactions, itchiness Lymphatic drainage, venous congestions asthma, hay fever, asthmatic bronchitis. The essential oil of this plant was traditionally used as an insect repellant, as flavorings and for fragrances. Inhalation of the oil is used to dilate and stimulate the bronchi, blood vessels of the heart and to stimulate the kidneys. The oil is for inhalation only. Artemisia arborescence has been used traditionally as an anti-inflammatory remedy. The essential oil of Artemisia arborescence has been reported to have antibacterial and antifungal activities as well as antiviral activity against HSV-1 and HSV-2. Artemisia arborescence essential oil also exhibited antifungal activity against Cladosporium cucumerinum. The cytotoxic activity of Artemisia arborescence can be attributed to the presence of α-bisabolol and palmitic acid. The extract has high the antibacterial and antiviral activity. Artemisia arborescence is commonly used in traditional medicine for a wide range of ailments including gastritis, gastric ulcer and food poisoning. Antibacterial activity of ethanol extract of Artemisia arborescence was evaluated at the dose of 250mg/kg and showed a significant activity. Artemisia arborescence was formulated as Orodispersible tablets ODTs and evaluate for organoleptic properties of ethanol extract of Artemisia arborescence. The results show that the extract was sparingly soluble, excellent flowability of extract powder, the best formulation of Orodispersible tablets, ODTs is F4 the release rate was 95.51% after 5min and disintegration time within 4min. KEYWORDS: Artemisia arborescence, Extract, Orodispersible tablets, ODTs, Herbal Products.
... According to The Chinese Pharmacopoeia, A. argyi has the effects of warming the meridian, stopping bleeding, dispersing cold, and relieving pain [4]. Additionally, in China, A. argyi is used for moxibustion, where a cone of dried leaf powder is placed on the skin and burned to stimulate blood flow at specific points [5]. ...
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Artemisia argyi, Chinese mugwort, is a plant widely used in China for various purposes from traditional medicine to food. The plant is less known in Europe. From plants grown in Austria, essential oils and their respective hydrolates were obtained, and their compositions were studied. Oxidized monoterpenes 1,8-cineole (32–42%), camphor (12–14%), and borneol (10–12%) were the main components present in both the essential oils and hydrolates. The essential oils also contained 6.6–10.5% monoterpene hydrocarbons such as β-caroyphyllene, camphene, and p-cymene. The hydrolate volatile fractions were devoid of hydrocarbons because of the low solubility of these compounds in water. Neointermedeol (selin-11-en-4-α-ol), a rather rare compound, and caryophyllene oxide were the major oxidized sesquiterpenes in the essential oils and were also present in low levels in the hydrolate volatiles. Furthermore, small amounts of eugenol were in the hydrolate volatiles. The essential oils and hydrolates showed some antioxidant activities in the DPPH and FRAP assays. Essential oils diluted 1:100 corresponded to gallic acid equivalents of 212–274 µg/mL in the FRAP assay and 26.1–30.7 µg/mL in the DPPH assay, while the ranges of activity for the hydrolates corresponded to gallic acid equivalents of 109–597 and 10.5–31.7 µg/mL for FRAP and DPPH assays, respectively.
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Artemisia arborescence plant widely distributed in Yemen, traditionally used to treat Dermatitis, allergic reactions, itchiness lymphatic drainage, venous congestions Asthma, hay fever, asthmatic bronchitis. The essential oil of this plant was traditionally used as an insect repellant, as flavourings and for fragrances. Inhalation of the oil is used to dilate and stimulate the bronchi, blood vessels of the heart and to stimulate the kidneys. The oil is for inhalation only. Artemisia arborescence has been used traditionally as an anti-inflammatory remedy. The essential oil of Artemisia arborescence has been reported to have antibacterial and antifungal activities as well as antiviral activity against HSV-1 and HSV-2. Artemisia arborescence essential oil also exhibited antifungal activity against Cladosporium cucumerinum. The cytotoxic activity of Artemisia arborescence can be attributed to the presence of α-bisabolol and palmitic acid. Artemisia arborescence is commonly used in traditional medicine for a wide range of ailments including gastritis and gastric ulcer. Food poisoning commonly caused by salmonella typhimurium pathogenic gram-negative short rods. For food poisoning of ethanol extract of Artemisia arborescence was evaluated at the dose of 250mg/kg and showed a significant activity. Artemisia arborescence was formulated as effervescent granules and evaluate for organoleptic properties of ethanol extract of Artemisia arborescence. The results show that the extract was sparingly soluble, excellent flowability of extract powder, the best formula of effervescent granules is F3 showed the best result in dissolution was 100% after 5min.
There is no clear-cut distinction between medicine and food. Artemisia is one of the best species of medicinal plants that have been widely used in numerous parts of the world for it is believed to have numerous medicinal benefits. Not only is it widely used for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), but Artemisia has also gained popularity in terms of its use for culinary purposes. Hence, Artemisia vulgaris samples used for culinary purposes and Artemisia argyi used for medicinal purposes were analysed and compared. For this purpose, we used Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectroscopy (GC-MS), a commonly used technique to analyse chemical compositions in volatile organic compounds. Different drying methods were experimented on the fresh culinary A. vulgaris samples before analysis, where a total of 52 volatile compounds were identified from these samples. Sun-drying was determined to be the best drying method as the dried samples yielded the most amount of volatile compounds. The A. argyi samples used for medicinal purposes were sourced from five different parts of China. The various samples showed varying amounts of volatile compounds present with those from Shanxi having the highest amount present. The samples from Shandong and Hebei were both found to have the lowest amounts of volatile compounds in multiple compounds. The environmental conditions at the different locations in China were then studied to determine its effect on the amount of volatile compounds in each sample. Extreme conditions were found to be unfavourable to yield the most amount of volatile compounds, as Shanxi had median temperature and rainfalls compared to the rest.
To evaluate the chemical composition and effects of Artemisia vulgaris (AV) hydroalcoholic extract (HEAV) on breast cancer cells (MCF-7 and SKBR-3), chronic myeloid leukemia (K562) and NIH/3T3 fibroblasts. Phytochemical analysis of HEAV was done by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass (HPLC) spectrometry. Viability and cell death studies were performed using trypan blue and Annexin/FITC-7AAD, respectively. Ferrostatin-1 (Fer-1) and necrostatin-1 (Nec-1) were used to assess the mode of HEAV-induced cell death and acetoxymethylester (BAPTA-AM) was used to verify the involvement of cytosolic calcium in this event. Cytosolic calcium measurements were made using Fura-2-AM. HEAV decreased the viability of MCF-7, SKBR-3 and K562 cells (P<0.05). The viability of HEAV-treated K562 cells was reduced compared to HEAV-exposed fibroblasts (P<0.05). Treatment of K562 cells with HEAV induced cell death primarily by late apoptosis and necrosis in assays using annexin V-FITC/7-AAD (P<0.05). The use of Nec-1 and Fer-1 increased the viability of K562 cells treated with HEAV relative to cells exposed to HEAV alone (P<0.01). HEAV-induced Ca2+ release mainly from lysosomes in K562 cells (P<0.01). Furthermore, BAPTA-AM, an intracellular Ca2+ chelator, decreased the number of non-viable cells treated with HEAV (P<0.05). HEAV is cytotoxic and activates several modalities of cell death, which are partially dependent on lysosomal release of Ca2+. These effects may be related to artemisinin and caffeoylquinic acids, the main compounds identified in HEAV.
In contrast to spring growth, in which only santanolides were found, mature, flowering fall growth of Artemisia douglasiana Bess, contains guaianolides. Two new lactones, arteglasin-A and -B, have been isolated and their structure established. It is possible to relate the structures of the santanolides and the guaianolides by a simple change in early stages of a rational course of biosynthesis.
Artemisia douglasiana afforded, in addition to known compounds, two new C14-acetylenes, five longipinene derivatives, three nerolidol derivatives, a lactone and a ketone with a new carbon skeleton and lavendulol-2-methylbutyrate. The structures were elucidated by spectroscopic methods and some chemical transformations. The configurations of several oxo longipinene-7, 9-di- and 7, 8, 9-triesters isolated previously were corrected. The biogenesis of the new lactones is discussed briefly.
The aerial parts of Artemisia douglasiana afforded, in addition to ludartin, dehydroleucodin, scopoletin and α- and β-amirin, one new guaianolide 1β,10β-epoxydehydroleucodin. Its structure was established by spectral means.
The aerial parts of Artemisia douglasiana afforded, in addition to some known sesquiterpene lactones, 22 new closely related guaianolides. A new thiophene acetylene was isolated from the aerial parts of A. schmidtiana together with some known sesquiterpene lactones. The structures were elucidated by high field 1H NMR spectroscopy.
In the present study, new sesquiterpene lactones (1) and (2) were isolated from the EtOAc soluble fraction of the water extract of Linderae Radix through bioassay-guided fractionation and isolation methods. The structure of these compounds was elucidated by spectroscopic analysis of their 2D NMR spectra, including COSY, HMBC, and HMQC techniques. Two isolates showed significant cytotoxicity against the human small cell lung cancer cell SBC-3, and lesser cytotoxicity against mouse fibroblast cell 3T3-L1.