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Lost Worlds: A predictive model to locate submerged archaeological sites in SE Alaska, USA

  • Sealaska Heritage Institute

Abstract and Figures

The primary objectives of this research are to develop and test an archaeological settlement pattern model designed to identify areas of high archaeological potential on the continental shelf of Southeast (SE) Alaska. Sea level history and glacial geology suggest that the archaeological record prior to 10,600 cal BP 2 (9,400 RCYBP 3) may be submerged on the continental shelf. To locate and test for sites older than 10,600, it is essential to extend archaeological survey to the continental shelf in areas that were either unglaciated refugia or areas that were deglaciated during the interval between 18,000 -10,600 cal BP (15,000 – 9,400 RCYBP). This research facilitates the exploration and interpretation of the origins and character of early maritime adaptations along the Northwest Coast (NWC) of North America. Archaeological sites document continuous occupation of SE Alaska following sea level rise above modern levels around 10,600 cal BP. 2 cal BP = calibrated using Calib 6.0 ( calib/calib.html). IntCal 09 (Reimer et al. 2009) 3 RCYBP = radiocarbon years before present The few documented earlier occupations are small interior sites that include locations where people occasionally engaged in hunting bears at hibernacula. These sites, which date between 12,500 and 10,600 cal BP, demonstrate that the region was occupied at times of lower sea level (Dixon 1999; Fedje et al. 2008; Fedje and Mathews 2005). They support the possibility of submerged coastal sites located on the continental shelf where maritime subsistence resources were abundant. High potential areas are defined based on synthesis and interpretation of archaeologically and ethnographically documented settlement patterns applied to reconstructions of the submerged landscape. Both inductive and deductive modelling methods were utilized (Verhagen and Whitley 2012); the scale of measurement is interval or ratio and both the analytic and the systemic contexts were assessed to develop the model (Kohler 1988: 35-37, Schiffer 1972). The model was produced at 500 RCY intervals from 10,790 to 18,100 cal BP (9,500 to 15,000 RCYBP).
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The primary objectives of this research
are to develop and test an archaeological
settlement pattern model designed to identify
areas of high archaeological potential on the
continental shelf of Southeast (SE) Alaska.
Sea level history and glacial geology suggest
that the archaeological record prior to 10,600
cal BP2 (9,400 RCYBP3) may be submerged
on the continental shelf. To locate and test for
sites older than 10,600, it is essential to extend
archaeological survey to the continental shelf
in areas that were either unglaciated refugia or
areas that were deglaciated during the interval
between 18,000 -10,600 cal BP (15,000
9,400 RCYBP). This research facilitates the
exploration and interpretation of the origins
and character of early maritime adaptations
along the Northwest Coast (NWC) of North
Archaeological sites document continuous
occupation of SE Alaska following sea level rise
above modern levels around 10,600 cal BP.
Corresponding author:
2 cal BP = calibrated using Calib 6.0 (
calib/calib.html). IntCal 09 (Reimer et al. 2009)
3 RCYBP = radiocarbon years before present
The few documented earlier occupations are
small interior sites that include locations where
people occasionally engaged in hunting bears
at hibernacula. These sites, which date between
12,500 and 10,600 cal BP, demonstrate that
the region was occupied at times of lower sea
level (Dixon 1999; Fedje et al. 2008; Fedje and
Mathews 2005). They support the possibility
of submerged coastal sites located on the
continental shelf where maritime subsistence
resources were abundant.
High potential areas are dened based on
synthesis and interpretation of archaeologically
and ethnographically documented settlement
patterns applied to reconstructions of the
submerged landscape. Both inductive and
deductive modelling methods were utilized
(Verhagen and Whitley 2012); the scale of
measurement is interval or ratio and both
the analytic and the systemic contexts were
assessed to develop the model (Kohler 1988:
35-37, Schier 1972). The model was produced
at 500 RCY intervals from 10,790 to 18,100 cal
BP (9,500 to 15,000 RCYBP).
Lost Worlds: A Predictive Model to Locate
Submerged Archaeological Sites in SE Alaska, USA
Kelly R. Monteleone and E. James Dixon
University of New Mexico, USA
Andrew D. Wickert
University of Colorado, USA
The archaeological record of the northern Northwest Coast (NWC) extends to approximately 12,200 cal
BP; however, much of the habitable area dating to before 10,600 cal BP is now submerged. Recent research
indicates that large areas of Southeast Alaska and western British Columbia were glaciated from 21,000
to 17,000 cal BP, albeit with refugia (unglaciated areas able to support life) existing along the coast. By
16,000 cal BP, much of the region was deglaciated and ecologically viable for human habitation. This
project develops and tests a model to identify high potential areas for the occurrence and preservation of
archaeological sites on the continental shelf of Southeast Alaska. The paleolandscapes are developed from
bathymetric data and paleoecological data.
Marine Survey, Underwater Archaeology, SE Alaska, Sea Level, Paleolandscape
Lost Worlds: A Predictive Model to Locate Submerged Archaeological Sites in SE Alaska, USA
Kelly R. Monteleone, E. James Dixon and Andrew D. Wickert
1. Study Area
The study region is part of the NWC
culture area of North America that extends
from the south end of Haida Gwaii (Queen
Charlotte Islands), BC to the Gulf of Alaska
in the north (Ames and Maschner 1999, 18),
crossing the international boundary between
Canada’s British Columbia (BC) and the US
(Alaska). This research is centred (study area)
on the Alexander Archipelago in SE Alaska,
but also draws on previous work in Haida
Gwaii. The model covers the entire study area
including areas that are currently submerged
and subaerial.
The Alexander Archipelago is a chain of
over 10,000 islands and islets in SE Alaska.
The islands rise to a maximum elevation of
approximately 1100 m (3600 ft). The largest
island is Prince of Wales Island (POWI) (Fig.
1). The Alexander Archipelago is the traditional
home to Native American groups of Tlingit,
Haida, and Tsimshian. The region is a coastal
temperate rainforest and has a rich supply of
maritime resources including shellsh, sh,
marine birds, and marine mammals, along
with a variety of terrestrial plants and animals
(O’Clair et al. 1992). The shorelines contain
numerous embayments and coves that harbour
estuarine environments and biotic resources
(Moss 1998, 91). The submerged nearshore
landscape was previously glaciated and is
characterized by fjords and submerged valleys
that have been drowned by post Last Glacial
Maximum (LGM) sea level rise.
There are 11 large rivers in southeast
Alaska. These rivers are all on the mainland;
there are no major river systems on the islands
in the Alexander Archipelago (Johnson et
al. 2008, 3-5). The regional absence of large
sediment laden rivers indicates that no
mechanism is present to route signicant
amounts of terrigenous sediment to the ocean.
This is important because heavy sediment
loads can deeply bury archaeological sites on
the continental shelf, making them dicult to
detect and sample.
1.1 Glaciation
Based on coral records from Barbados,
the LGM occurred approximately 21,000 cal BP
(Peltier and Fairbanks 2006, 3326). However,
the record for the northern NWC appears to
be diachronous. Evidence from Haida Gwaii
suggests the maximum glacial extent was
reached at approximately 19,000 cal BP (16,
000 RCYBP) (Blaise et al. 1990, 292). In SE
Alaska, the maximum glaciation occurred
between 29,000 and 18,000 cal BP (25,000
– 15,000 RCYBP) (Clague et al. 2004, 86).
This large temporal range largely results from
limited research in the region (Kaufman and
Manley 2004, 22; Mann and Hamilton 1995,
In the early twentieth century, glacial
geologists believed that the Cordilleran ice sheet
owed across SE Alaska and its continental
Figure 1. Northern NWC including Alexander
Archipelago, Study Area, and pre-9000 cal BP
archaeological sites.
CAA2012 Proceedings of the 40th Conference in Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology,
Southampton, United Kingdom, 26-30 March 2012
shelf as a contiguous ice mass (Antevs 1929,
651; O’Clair et al. 1992, 21). More recent work,
however, shows that the Cordilleran ice sheet
merged with local valley glaciers to create
discrete ice lobes that owed westward to the
sea. Between these ice lobes existed refugia,
ice-free areas that continued to support life
(Carrara et al. 2007, 232; Heaton and Grady
2003; Kaufman and Manley 2004, 22; Mann
1986). The presence of faunal remains dating
to the LGM in both the Alexander Archipelago
and Haida Gwaii document the presence
of Late Wisconsin age refugia (Heaton and
Grady 2003; Fedje and Mathewes 2005).
Paleoenvironmental research suggests that
refugia may have played a signicant role in
biotic colonization following deglaciation,
in conjunction with subsequent northward
migration of plant species following deglaciation
about 16,340 cal BP (14,000 RCYBP; Ager
and Rosenbaum 2007; Ager et al. 2010). This
evidence indicates that these environments
could have supported humans migrating along
the NWC during the Late Wisconsin (Heaton
and Grady 2003; Shafer et al. 2010).
1.2 Sea Level
During the LGM, eustatic (i.e. globally
averaged) sea level was approximately 120 m
below modern levels (Peltier and Fairbanks
2006). Local relative sea level history for SE
Alaska is complicated by the glacial history.
The load and westward ow of the Cordilleran
Glacier on and adjacent to the region produced
dierential subsidence (glacial isostatic
depression) and uplift (in a glacial forebulge).
The complexity of the regional lithospheric
structure precludes simple isostatic calculations;
instead, “hinge” points between uplifting and
subsiding areas are drawn empirically from
local relative sea level data. This requires sea
level curves to be regionalized based on these
hinge areas. Baichtal and Carlson (2010) have
compared the sea level record for the outer
islands of the Alexander Archipelago to that
of Josenhans (et al. 1997) and Hetherington
and Reid (2003) for Haida Gwaii, and nd that
they are similar (Fig. 2). As Haida Gwaii and
the Alexander Archipelago were both formed
by the geologically recent accretion of new
material to the North American continental
margin, it is reasonable to assume that they
have similar lithospheric properties that allow
them to isostatically respond in a comparable
way (Anderson 1991).
The sea level history for Haida Gwaii
was determined using subaerial and marine
cores, which record the transition from fresh to
Figure 3. Change in sea level from 18,100 cal BP (15,000
RCYBP) to 10,160 cal BP (9,000 RCYBP) in 1000 RCY
Figure 2. Sea level curves.
Lost Worlds: A Predictive Model to Locate Submerged Archaeological Sites in SE Alaska, USA
Kelly R. Monteleone, E. James Dixon and Andrew D. Wickert
marine sediments (Fig. 2: light grey line with
diamonds; Josenhans et al. 1997). At the LGM,
Haida Gwaii was raised due to a combination
of isostatic uplift and eustatic sea level fall. In
the early postglacial, Haida Gwaii lowered as
the forebulge subsided. In the early Holocene,
local relative sea level rose above the modern
sea level by approximately 15 m. Finally, during
the late Holocene, sea levels stabilized (Fedje
et al. 2005, 24). Hetherington (et al. 2004)
calculated the forebulge on Hecata Strait and
Queen Charlotte Sound to be an upwarp of over
100 m, and that it lasted until 9,700 BP. The
total sea level change for Haida Gwaii was 150
m from the LGM to 5000 BP (Fig. 2). There
were some small (few metres) dierences
between the northern and southern areas of
Haida Gwaii (Hetherington and Reid 2003:
Fig. 2 circles).
Baichtal and Carlson (2010) have been
working to develop a sea level curve for the
outer islands of the Alexander Archipelago
(Fig. 2: dark line with squares, Fig. 3). Carlson
(2007) focuses on the elevations
of shell middens to dene sea level
history. She identies three terrace
levels on the west side of POWI
where people could have lived. The
Upper Terraces are 16–21 m above
modern sea level and would have been
occupied during the highest sea level
(9,400 to 5000 RCYBP). The middle
terraces are between 8.5 and 13 m
above modern sea level and would
have been occupied from 5,000 to
2,000 RCYBP. Finally, the lower or
modern terraces are 6–7 m above
modern sea level and would have
been occupied from 2,000 RCYBP to
present. Baichtal and Carlson (2010)
have identied 430 shell middens,
of which 231 have been dated. This
provides reliable dates for the part
of the sea level curve that is above
modern sea level. However, there are
currently only two data points below
modern sea level. The rst is the -165
m point, which Baichtal refers to as a terrace.
Carrara (et al. 2007, 235) indicates there was
a minimum depression of the sea oor in Sitka
Sound of 160 m. Barron et al. (2009) analysed a
dated sediment core (EW0408-11JC) from the
Gulf of Esquibel (Fig. 1). The core documents
the change from freshwater to salt-water
at 10,600 RCYBP based on a radiocarbon
determination run on a marine shell. Applying
the circa -600 year marine reservoir correction
from Fedje et al. (1996), the date of inundation
can be estimated to approximately 10,000
RCYBP or 11,325 to 11,775 cal BP. The core
provides the second point below modern sea
level documenting local sea level rise (Baichtal
and Carlson 2010, Barron et al. 2009). When
sea level was signicantly lower, the Gulf of
Esquibel would have been a fresh water lake
(Baichtal and Carlson 2010).
1.3 Archaeology and Ethnography
The earliest archaeological sites in the
northern NWC demonstrate that the regional
Region Site Component Mean of Calibrated
Age Ranges
SE Alaska
Ground Hog Bay 2 Lower 11,528
Hidden Falls110,157
49 PET 408 (On Your
Knees Cave)
Bone Tool 12,129
Chuck Lake Loc 1
Haida Gwaii
K1 Cave112,650
Lyell Bay East 9,906
South 10,241
Echo Bay19,916
Richardson1 10,442
Arrow Creek 2110,584
Gaadu Din Cave 1112,683
Gaadu Din Cave 2112,480
Werner Bay 12,481
Kilgii Gwaii110,511
BC Mainland Namu (ElSx1) 11,049
1 Average of several mean calibrated age ranges
Table 1. Average calibrated 14C Dates for sites older than 9000 cal
BP (Lee 2007, 32, 46).
CAA2012 Proceedings of the 40th Conference in Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology,
Southampton, United Kingdom, 26-30 March 2012
archaeological record extends to the time
of LGM sea level rise. Table 1 depicts mean
calibrated ages for the oldest component at
sites that are older than 9000 cal BP (Fig. 1).
The mean ages of these sites were calculated
following the same method as Lee (2007), but
are updated to use the IntCal 09 calibration
curves (Reimer et al. 2009).
The archaeological implications of sea
level are important. Early researchers primarily
relied on bathymetric maps to evaluate and
explore the sea oor (Bailey and Flemming
2008, 2153). However, the advent of GIS
modelling enables bathymetry to be more
precisely correlated with other data sets, or
layers. In total, there are 7,447 archaeological
sites in the project’s current database. Alaska
State Historic and Preservation Ocer (SHPO)
and BC Archaeology Branch provided the
archaeological site data (AK SHPO 2009, BC
Arch Branch 2009). Of these sites, 1077 are
within the projects study area. These sites are
above mean low water; there are currently
no underwater archaeological sites recorded
within the study area, except for presumed
For each of the model parametres, site-
specic values were collect for the entire
region. These values are slope, aspect, distance
from stream, lakes, tributaries, coast and other
archaeological sites, and coastal sinuosity. Each
parametre utilized the modern environment.
The sites within the study area also were
compared to the appropriate temporally
reconstruction parametres for each of the
model inputs. Originally processed in ArcGIS
using the “near” tool in proximity analysis,
the GRASS “v.what.rast” was more ecient
at calculating values from the raster layers
developed for the model. The values calculated
derived the weight and values used in the model
via an inductive modelling approach (Kohler
1988, 37; Verhagen and Whitley 2012).
Ethnographic data were utilized to better
approximate values and weights for the model
utilizing a deductive modelling approach
(Kohler 1988, 37; Verhagen and Whitley 2012).
The purpose of using the ethnographic data in
this research is twofold. First, this information
provides insights for establishing a framework
for environmental conditions that are important
for human subsistence (Maschner 1992). In
other words, similarities in site locations tend
to exist due to basic human needs and resource
distributions; demonstrated by the statistical
analysis of known archaeological sites with the
region. Secondly, ethnographic data provide
insights into the seasonal round as it pertains
to human land use based on the distribution
of resources. NWC people used a system of
ownership, or stewardship, to ensure returns
and adequate storage of resources. They also
responded to the uncertainties of resource
abundance by incorporating an amount of
exibility and widening their resources;
for example, shifting from mainly salmon
to ratsh, shellsh and deer in years when
salmon harvests were not as abundant (Moss
2011,78). This information can be applied to
paleolandscapes to help determine areas most
likely to have been used by people in ancient
2. Methods
The archaeological predictive model
(Fig. 4) was developed in three stages. Stage 1
is the assembly of the ArcGIS database. Stage
2 can be divided into two types of products:
intermediate and nal. Intermediate products
are the raster data sets derived from Stage 1
data. These include slope; aspect; type of coast;
coastal sinuosity; and, distance from coast, fresh
water, tributary junctions, and archaeological
sites. The second stage is derived using metrics
that were computed in GRASS GIS (GRASS
Development Team 2012) and in ArcGIS 10. The
nal products of stage 2 are weighted overlays
that depict high potential areas for the probable
occurrence of archaeological sites based on the
geomorphic characteristics documented for
known sites. The third stage of the modelling
Lost Worlds: A Predictive Model to Locate Submerged Archaeological Sites in SE Alaska, USA
Kelly R. Monteleone, E. James Dixon and Andrew D. Wickert
process is testing. This was conducted in
two ways. The rst is through statistical tests
including cross-validation, Kvamme’s Gain,
and spatial autocorrelation. The second test
was through marine geophysical surveying
and bottom sampling. The surveys included
multibeam sonar, side-scan sonar, sub-bottom
proles, ROV (remotely operated vehicle),
and bottom sampling (Van Veen sampler).
The dierent geophysical survey instruments
provide a view of the sea oor used in a similar
way to an aerial photograph (multibeam and
side scan sonars), and a prole of the sediments
below the sea oor (sub-bottom) similar to
ground penetrating radar. The ROV provides
an interactive view of the seaoor with video
camera and the ability to collect small objects
using a robotic arm. The model incorporates
an iterative process where model values are
rened to reect testing results and can be
2.1 Bathymetry and DEM
Bathymetry is the topography of the sea
oor. Unlike land features, there are few sources
from which to download compiled elevation
data of the surface of sea oor. Initially, a one
arc-second grid le (EPOPO1) was downloaded
from the NOAA website. This le had too
many data errors to be useful for this analysis.
Regional data from early soundings, multibeam
Figure 4. Flow chart of three stages for developing the
Figure 5. Distribution of data points included in the
seamless DEM (both bathymetry and land topography).
Figure 6. Comparison of spline and IDW DEM methods.
A) Spline DEM. B) IDW DEM. C) IDW minus spline
DEMs with land. Comparison was conducted between
the IDW and a Spline version of the DEM to determine if
there would be a signicant difference in results between
the two different methods.
CAA2012 Proceedings of the 40th Conference in Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology,
Southampton, United Kingdom, 26-30 March 2012
sonar surveys, and other surveys in the region
were downloaded as xyz les from the hydrology
section of the NOAA website (NOAA 2011).
These les were processed using a Python script
that converted the data to point shape les.
Other bathymetric data were purchased from
Scientic Fishers Inc. (SciFish Inc.). These
included coastal points and bathymetry points
throughout the study area. The NOAA data
were merged in ArcGIS 10.0 with the coastal
and bathymetric data from SciFish Inc. to form
a comprehensive bathymetric dataset used for
The adjacent terrestrial topography was
downloaded from the USGS website (NED 2)
(Gesch et al. 2002) These DEMs were merged
to form a single land surface for the study
area with a resolution of 25 m. The DEM
was converted to points at 25 m intervals. To
create the nal seamless DEM including both
bathymetry and land, point les were merged
together to form a large (over 40 million point)
data le (Fig. 5). This le was converted to a
5 m resolution raster using Inverse Weighted
Distance (IWD) in ArcGIS’s 3D analyst toolbox
(Fig. 6b).
The Spline DEM (ArcGIS 10 3D analysis
tool) was generated at 5-metre resolution. Figure
6A is the Spline DEM using the same colour
ramp as gure 6B. Figure 6C was generated
by subtracting the Spline DEM from the IDW
DEM. Land was added as a semi-transparent
green for reference. The two DEMs are very
similar other than a few smaller anomalies. The
larger anomalies are outside the focus of this
study. This comparative analysis demonstrates
the two DEMs are analogous, and the IDW
DEM is adequate for this research.
The IDW DEM and the multibeam data
collected in May 2012 will be compared.
Preliminary analysis indicates that the two
data sets are very similar. Variables for the
archaeological site predictive model were
generated from the IDW DEM.
2.2 Water
An important factor for human settlement
is the distances from streams, lakes, and
tributary junctions. These fresh water-related
variables constitute 35% of the nal high
potential model (Table 4). A suite of topologic
and hydrologic analyses was used to predict
where streams and lakes might have existed
prior to inundation by the ocean.
Drainage paths were calculated from
the IDW DEM using an improved, highly-
ecient least-cost-path search (Metz et al.
2011) in GRASS GIS (GRASS Development
Team 2012). Flow accumulation was calculated
using a constant value for precipitation
minus evapotranspiration of 4×10-5 mm/s,
characteristic of the region based on the TraCE-
21K paleoclimate model (Liu 2009; He 2011). A
0.1 m3/s discharge threshold, based on records
from gaging stations in SE Alaska, were used to
dene the headwaters of streams. For each time
period, all of the stream paths were clipped
to the paleoshorelines. The shorelines were
dened as the edge between the land and open
water. The streams are routed through regions
that were locally below sea level and could
represent brackish wetlands or lakes. Tributary
junctions were determined by nding the ends
of stream segments that joined.
Archaeological site potential around
streams was ranked from 1 (lowest) to 5
(highest) in consecutive buer rings at 100,
500, 1000, 2000, and 3000 m. The 500 m
buer was ranked higher than the 100 m buer
based on statistical analysis of the distance
from archaeological sites in the region. The
median distance from sites to water sources
is 418 m. Higher outlier values could be
petroglyphs, pictographs, or specic resource
patches or other types of sites such as caves or
lithic sources that do not necessarily require
water resources.
Possible lake locations were generated
in a two-step process. First, depressions were
Lost Worlds: A Predictive Model to Locate Submerged Archaeological Sites in SE Alaska, USA
Kelly R. Monteleone, E. James Dixon and Andrew D. Wickert
identied in GRASS GIS with the basin lling
algorithm from the TerraFlow project (Arge,
Toma, and Vitter 2000; Arge et al 2001; Arge et
al 2003). This algorithm typically is used to ll
pits caused by data errors in the DEM, but also
lls enclosed depressions such as lake basins.
The goal of the second step was to extract only
those depressions that were lake basins. The
depressions were classied as lakes based on
their size and lack of compactness, the latter
being given by:
where N is non-compactness, P is
perimetre, and A is area. N equals one for a
circle, and increases as the shape becomes more
oblong and complex (GRASS Development
Team). Lakes tend to be circular, and small
basins are more likely to be DEM artefacts, so
larger and more compact regions are preferred.
Lakes were dened based on a good visually-
estimated match between modern lakes and
those computed by the DEM, which was found
for depressions that had an area >0.5 km2 and
a non-compactness of <5, or an area of >4 km2
and a non-compactness of <2. Archaeological
site potential with distance from lakes was
ranked using the same buer sizes and ranks
as streams.
2.3 Coasts
Coastlines are perhaps the most important
resource procurement areas for the NWC. In
historic and proto-historic times, ethnographic
accounts indicate that the largest native
settlements were located in sheltered bays or
harbours chosen for a good canoe-landing beach
(de Laguna 1960, 30; Mears 1790, 109). Winter
villages containing permanent houses were
situated in locations where “the people prized
a view of the more open water across which the
canoes of their friends or their enemies might
be seen approaching” (de Laguna 1960, 30).
The summer shing camps could be located
further up bays at salmon streams (de Laguna
1960; Moss 1992, 7). Thus, it is not just the
proximity to the coast, but the shape of coast
and character of the oshore environment that
is important.
The coastline was reconstructed at
500 RCY intervals based on the regional sea
level curve using a contour line at 0 m from
the DEM. This contour line was assumed to
approximate the paleocoastline. The coastal
sinuosity algorithm was then applied to the
paleocoastlines. The mean distance of recorded
archaeological sites from the coast is 676 m;
however, 50% of the sites are within 176 m from
the coast and 75% are within 550 m.
Mackie and Sumpter (2005) utilized
shoreline intricacy to analyse settlement
patterns on Haida Gwaii. They dened four
categories of shoreline intricacy: linear,
sinuous, elaborate, and intricate in increasing
complexity. Their premise was that greater
shoreline length near a site would allow for a
more readily accessible intertidal and subtidal
zone, and thus greater potential for food
production and higher biodiversity (Mackie
and Sumpter 2005, 350-351). They conclude
that early sites (9400-9500 BP) existed on
more “elaborate coasts” and late sites (2000-
200 BP) were more evenly distributed between
the shoreline intricacy categories.
Figure 7. Coastal sinuosity is measured by taking the line
length of the coast (lc) and dividing it by the diameter of
the circle (d). The diameter used was 3 km.
CAA2012 Proceedings of the 40th Conference in Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology,
Southampton, United Kingdom, 26-30 March 2012
This analysis measured coastal sinuosity
using adjacent 3 km diametre circles along the
reconstructed coast. The line length of the coast
(lc) was divided by the diametre of the circle
(d), which normalizes the values to the chosen
circle of size (Fig. 7). Values were produced for
the study area coastline that range from linear
(1) to sinuous (8) with a mean of 3.55 (Fig.
8). This is a new algorithm developed for this
A proximity analysis (ArcGIS 10: Analysis
Tools, Proximity, near) was run to determine
the distance between the location of the
recorded archaeological sites and coastal
sinuosity values. The mean coastal sinuosity
near archaeological sites is 2.72. A t-test
was run between all of the coastal sinuosity
values and coastal sinuosity values nearest to
archaeological sites. The p-value for the t-test is
less than 0.01, which demonstrates that the two
sinuosity values are dierent. The average or
mean coastal sinuosity in the region is 3.55, but
for archaeological sites is 2.72. This suggests
that people may have selected less complex
coastlines for settlement and subsistence
purposes. The coastal sinuosity values for the
region were classied into high, medium, and
low (Table 2) based on the proximity analysis
from archaeological sites to coastal sinuosity.
Distance from the paleoshoreline was combined
with the coastal sinuosity variable to form a
single ranked variable within the model. The
high, medium and low ranks were then buered
in 100, 500, 1000, and 2000 m groups. (See
Table 4 for the ranked values.)
2.4 Other Variables
From the DEM, slope and aspect were
generated using ArcGIS’s 3D analyst. The best
resolution for computing slope and aspect was
found to be 10 m. Table 3 has the ranking of
the slope and aspect used in the high potential
The nal variable used in the model was
distance between archaeological sites. Distance
from known archaeological sites was buered
and ranked in 100, 500, 1000, and 5000 m.
The highest weight was given to the 500 m
bin. Using the concept of home range, distance
from known archaeological sites is used as a
variable to increase the weight for areas known
to contain sites. Twenty-ve percent of the sites
in the study area are within 70 m of another site
and 50% of the sites are within 416 m.
Value Rank
< 1.5 Low
1.5 - 2.5 High
2.51 - 4.5 Medium
> 4.5 Low
Degrees Value
0- 2 ° 5
2-5 ° 4
5-10 ° 3
10-20 ° 2
20 °+ 1
Aspect 130°-275° 2 W, SW, S, SE
276°-129° 1 E, NE, N, NW
Figure 8. Coastal sinuosity of Shakan Bay area at 11,000
Table 2. Coastal complexity
ranks in relation to the
location of recorded sites.
Table 3. Example of ranking of variables (based on
Maschner 1992).
Lost Worlds: A Predictive Model to Locate Submerged Archaeological Sites in SE Alaska, USA
Kelly R. Monteleone, E. James Dixon and Andrew D. Wickert
Variable Degrees Value Weights Metadata
Slope 0 - 2 5 30% Calculated from DEM at 10 m resolution;
values based on Maschner (1992)
2.001 - 5 4
5.001 - 10 3
10.001 - 20 2
20.001 + 1
Aspect 130 - 275 2 5% Calculated from DEM at 10 m resolution;
values based on Maschner (1992)
Distance from streams 100 4 20% Calculated in GRASS; values based on
statistical analysis of archaeological sites
within region (at appropriate coastline)
500 5
1000 3
2000 2
3000 1
Distance from lakes 100 4 10% Calculated in GRASS; values based on
statistical analysis of archaeological sites
within region (at appropriate coastline)
500 5
1000 3
2000 2
3000 1
Distance from coast H 100 9 9% Calculated in GRASS; values and ranking
(high, medium, or low) based on statistical
analysis of archaeological sites within region
(at appropriate coastline). (Totals 18%)
500 8
1000 5
2000 4
M 100 8 6%
500 7
1000 4
2000 3
L 100 7 3%
500 6
1000 2
2000 1
Distance from tributary 100 5 5% Calculated in GRASS; values based on
statistical analysis of archaeological sites
within region (at appropriate coastline)
500 4
1000 3
2000 2
3000 1
Distance from archaeological
100 3 12% Calculated in ArcGIS; values based on
statistical analysis of distance from nearest
known archaeological site (inuences the
model towards current land surfaces)
500 4
1000 2
5000 1
Total 100%
Table 4. Weights used to create nal high potential model.
CAA2012 Proceedings of the 40th Conference in Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology,
Southampton, United Kingdom, 26-30 March 2012
2.5 High Potential Models
Each of the variables was converted
into raster format, incorporating the buers
reclassied by the associated value (Table 4).
In ArcGIS 10.0 spatial analyst, the weighted
overlay tool was used to create high potential
models for each time slice. The weights used
were a combination of values derived from the
statistical analysis of the known site locations in
the region and the study area, the ethnographic
literature, and from other models (Hamilton
and Larcombe 1994; Maschner 1992). The nal
values of the model ranged from 0 to 4. Based
on the distribution of results, moderately high
potential was determined to be value 3 and high
potential was determined to be value 4 (Fig. 9
The nal results were added using ArcGIS
spatial analyst math tool. This produced a
combined model that covered the entire study
area from 10,790 to 18,100 cal BP (9,500 to
15,000 RCYBP). The results ranged from 0 to
44 (Fig. 9 b-d). Moderately high potential was
determined to be above 23, and high potential
was determined to be above 30. These values
are slightly below the 20% threshold used in
the individual models to account for the lower
values further out on the continental shelf. This
nal model accurately incorporates the coasts,
lakes, rivers, and archaeological sites in high
potential areas. Both the individual temporal
intervals (in 500 RCY intervals) and the
combined model are being tested and utilized.
3. Results and Discussion
To test the model statistically, Kvamme’s
Gain statistic was utilized (Kvamme 1988,
329; Mink, Stokes, and Pollack 2006, 235).
The known 1077 sites and a 1000 randomly
generated collection of points were used to
calculate gain statistics (Table 5) on the modern
environmental variables. All of the known
archaeological site locations produced positive
gain values. The random locations produced
negative gain values for the moderately high
potential and the combined high potential
(values 3 and 4). The random locations did
not produce any values for high potential
sites (value 4). The combined model was not
utilized in the gain test because it was created
for locations that are currently underwater; this
means that there was little, if any, gain using
sites that are on the modern land surface. The
Data Set Gain
Utility (gain)
3 Known sites 0.5300 Positive
-3.5361 Negative
4 Known sites 0.9895 Positive
- None
3+4 Known sites 0.5352 Positive
-3.5373 Negative
Figure 9. Model results. A) Map of Shakan Bay at 11,000
RCYBP as an example of a time slice results. B) Map of
Shakan Bay with the sum of all the model results showing
nal high potential model. C) Histogram of model results
for 11,000 RCYBP. D) Histogram of model results for all
time slices combined. The histograms show the full values
of the weighted overlay.
Table 5. Gain statistics for known archaeological sites
and random points.
Lost Worlds: A Predictive Model to Locate Submerged Archaeological Sites in SE Alaska, USA
Kelly R. Monteleone, E. James Dixon and Andrew D. Wickert
goal of the iterative process is continually to
rene the model, increasing predictability and
eliminating additional areas of lower potential.
Underwater predictive modelling
presents several unique challenges. The
greatest challenge was to develop a DEM from
various sources and eld-testing the DEM.
Field survey is one of the primary means of
testing archaeological settlement models,
but is dicult and expensive in underwater
applications. This model investigates depths
down to 160 m (525 ft), recreational diving
is safe only to 43 m (140 feet) and even then
divers only stay at that depth for seven minutes.
Technical and commercial divers have dierent
limits and requirements, but training and
equipment can be very expensive. In addition to
the logistical constraints for recreational divers,
the state of Alaska requires special training for
archaeological SCUBA diving. SCUBA is not a
viable option for this project, and survey must
be conducted using geophysical instruments,
ROVs, and bottom sampling.
Geophysical surveying is not considered
equivalent to pedestrian surveys in terrestrial
archaeology, and it is not equivalent in submerged
archaeology either. Multibeam sonar and sub-
bottom proler provide information equivalent
to similar instruments employed in terrestrial
geophysics. The results of the surveys must
be ground truthed and/or veried using other
methods. It is essential to include the means to
verify and evaluate anomalies when conducting
submerged archaeology at depths below the
limits of conventional diving, such as using
ROV video camera investigation and sampling.
Like the geophysical surveys, the ROV requires
specialized technicians and is limited. The
particulate matter in the water column distorts
views, and the eld of view is often very small,
especially in deep, dark locations. These make
mosaicking imagery from the ROV dicult.
The ROV’s mechanical arm recovers only small
objects from the sea oor, and the Van Veen
samplers used collect no more than the top 25
centimetres of sediment. The costs associated
with underwater archaeology are high,
especially for archaeological budgets. Support
vessels capable of deploying an ROV and Van
Veen sampling are often too large for the slow
speed required for multibeam, sidescan, and
subottom sonar surveys and often multiple
vessels are required. Research conducted in
remote areas further increase logistic costs.
Because marine archaeological surveying
is expensive, models are needed to optimize
research eorts. Models to locate submerged
archaeological sites have been produced
in other parts of the world (Dixon 1979;
Ejstrud 2003; Evans and Keith 2011; Faught
2004; Fedje and Christensen 1999; Ganey,
Thomson and Fitch 2007; Momber 2000;
Ruppe 1988). As modelling progresses, it
has become increasingly apparent that they
must be regionally specic and tailored to the
geologic and paleoecological parametres of the
region for which they are being developed. This
requires generating precise regional DEMs,
sophisticated understanding of local land/sea
level relationships, in-depth knowledge of the
regional archaeology, and accurate paleographic
and paleoecological reconstructions.
The model has already proven useful for
identifying specic locales for eld survey.
Although no conclusive archaeological sites
have been located, several anomalies have been
identied that require additional eld-testing
to determine conclusively whether or not they
are archaeological sites. The iterative process
is designed to increase accuracy and eciency
over time, with the ultimate goal to identify
submerged sites, and extend the archaeological
record seaward, into early Holocene and late
Wisconsin times.
This research was supported by the
National Science Foundation, Oce of Polar
Programs award numbers 0703980 and
1108367. The authors would also like to
CAA2012 Proceedings of the 40th Conference in Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology,
Southampton, United Kingdom, 26-30 March 2012
thank Sealaska Heritage Institute and the two
anonymous reviewers.
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... HBE was used to formulate the research question: Where did people live, hunt and gather on the past landscape? The resource predictive model has been published and described in detail elsewhere (Monteleone, 2013(Monteleone, , 2019b(Monteleone, , 2020Monteleone et al., 2013). The model used both HBE and phenomenology when generating and testing the predictive model inputs and weights using both inductive and deductive variables. ...
... The model used both HBE and phenomenology when generating and testing the predictive model inputs and weights using both inductive and deductive variables. Temporal landscapes were developed using a series of digital elevation models (DEM) initially generated by combining point data from previous marine survey data from the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), National Elevation Data (NED), purchased shoreline lidar data by SciFish Inc. (Monteleone, 2013(Monteleone, , 2019b(Monteleone, , 2020Monteleone et al., 2013) with the sea level reconstruction (Monteleone & Dixon, n.d.) and dividing the result into time-slices ( Figure 3 and Video S1). Using this predictive model, locations were identified and selected for additional remote sensing and subsurface testing. ...
Full-text available
Recent advances in spatial and remote sensing technology have led to new methods in archaeological site identification and reconstruction, allowing archaeologists to investigate landscapes and sites on multiple scales. These remotely conducted surveys create virtual cultural landscapes and seascapes that archaeologists and the public interact with and experience, often better than traditional maps. Our study examines landscape reconstruction and archaeological site classifications from a phenomenological and human behavioural ecology (HBE) perspective. HBE aims to reconstruct how humans interacted with these places as part of their active and passive decision making. Through temporal reconstructions, archaeologists and others can experience and interpret past landscapes and subtle changes in cultural land- and seascapes. Here, we evaluate the use of remotely sensed data (lidar, satellite imagery, sonar, radar, etc.) for developing virtual cultural landscapes while also incorporating Indigenous perspectives. Our study compares two vastly different landscapes and perspectives: a seascape in coastal Alaska, USA, and a neotropical jungle in Belize, Central America. By incorporating ethnographic accounts, oral histories, Indigenous traditional knowledge and community engagement, archaeologists can develop new tools to understand decisions made in the past, especially pertaining to settlement selection and resource procurement. These virtual reconstructions become cognitive images of a possible place that the observer experiences. Virtual cultural landscapes allow archaeologists to reproduce landscapes that may otherwise be invisible and present them to different publics. These processes elucidate how landscapes changed over time based on human behaviours while simultaneously allowing archaeologists to engage with Indigenous communities and the public in the protection of prehistoric and historic sites and sacred spaces through cultural heritage management.
... Step 2: Generating detailed digital elevation models Digital elevation models derived through remote sensing are extremely important in the search for late Pleistocene archaeological sites along the Pacific coast, and constitute the second step in the methodical process outlined in this paper. Modeling past shorelines and areas of archaeological site potential has been aided in recent times by the use of high-density digital elevation models generated through remote sensing techniques such as LiDAR (Lausanne et al. 2019;Letham et al. 2018;Vogelaar 2017), photogrammetry (Fedje and Christensen 1999;McLaren et al. 2011), swath bathymetry (Fedje and Josenhans 2000;Gusick and Faught 2011;Mackie, Fedje, and McLaren 2018;Monteleone, Dixon, and Wickert 2012) and subbottom seismic profiling data (Davis, Cantelas, and Valette-Silver 2018;Josenhans et al. 1997). It is our experience that LiDAR provides more accurate land-based bare earth elevation models where there is significant forest cover as compared to digital photogrammetry. ...
... The third step in the investigative process involves generating predictive models to aid in archaeological site discovery for both drowned (Davis et al. 2009;Dixon 1979;Gusick and Davis 2010;ICF International et al. 2013;Jenevein 2010;Monteleone, Dixon, and Wickert 2012;Punke 2001) and raised paleoshorelines (Carlson and Baichtal 2015;Laussanne 2018;Vogelaar 2017). In general, these build on digital elevation models, employing criteria in a GIS system to predict where archaeological sites are most likely to be found. ...
Full-text available
The Pacific coast of North America is a hypothesized route by which the earliest inhabitants of the Americas moved southwards around the western margin of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet just after the last glacial maximum. To test this hypothesis, we have been using a stepwise process to aid in late Pleistocene archaeological site discovery along the coast. The steps involved include: (1) creating localized sea level curves; (2) generating detailed bare earth digital elevation models; (3) creating archaeological predictive models; (4) ground truthing these models using archaeological prospection; and (5) demonstrating that archaeological materials found date to the late Pleistocene. Here, we consider the use of these steps and how they have been employed to find late Pleistocene archaeological sites along the Pacific Coast of North America.
... However, the archaeological signature of early peoples on the postglacial landscape of the northwest coast of North America is difficult to detect because marine transgression during the Holocene has submerged many previously terrestrial archaeological sites (Josenhans et al., 1997;Fedje and Christensen, 1999;Fedje and Josenhans, 2000;Mackie et al. 2011Mackie et al. , 2018Monteleone et al., 2012;McLaren et al., 2020). Furthermore, inland sites are difficult to detect in thick rainforest environments which are resistant to erosion and exposure (Carlson and Baichtal, 2015;Fedje et al., 2018). ...
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Multi-proxy palaeoecological analyses of lake cores from two sites on northern Vancouver Island reveal previously undocumented non-arboreal environments in the region during the late Pleistocene. Radiocarbon, pollen, sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA), diatom, and grain size analyses indicate that Topknot Lake on the west coast of northern Vancouver Island was not glaciated in the last 18,500 years, extending into the hypothesized regional glacial maximum. A cold herb-shrub coastal tundra existed at the site from ca. 17,500–16,000 cal BP with species including willows (Salix), grasses (Poaceae), sedges (Cyperaceae), heathers (Ericaceae), and sagebrush (Artemisia). SedaDNA analysis also supports the presence of rare non-arboreal taxa at Topknot Lake during this interval including Jacob's-ladder (Polemonium), bistort (Bistorta), and wild berries (Rubus). After ca. 16,000 cal BP and through the terminal Pleistocene, pine (Pinus), alder (Alnus), and ferns formed open forests under cool and dry conditions. At Little Woss Lake in the mountains of north-central Vancouver Island, fir (Abies) stands dominated from ca. 14,200–14,100 cal BP, then were replaced by open pine woodland with alder and ferns from ca. 14,100–12,000 cal BP. SedaDNA corroborates these plant taxa as well as indicating grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) and Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in and around the basin by ca. 14,100 cal BP. Mixed conifer forests of pine, western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), and alder spread into the island's interior ca. 12,000–11,100 cal BP during the Pleistocene-Holocene transition. The records from these two lakes demonstrate the diachronous development of postglacial ecosystems on northern Vancouver Island. Furthermore, these data provide key evidence for environments that could have supported human populations on the northwest coast of North America for several millennia during the terminal Pleistocene.
... Identification of submerged terrestrial landforms along the Pacific continental shelf is important for archaeological studies of human migration into the Americas (Davis et al., 2009;Gusick and Faught, 2011;Laws et al., 2020), as evidence indicates a coastal migration pathway as early as 18-15 ka, during times of lower sea level (e.g., Davis et al., 2019;Dillehay et al., 2008;Erlandson, 2002;Erlandson et al., 2007;Fagundes et al., 2008;Gusick and Erlandson, 2019;Fedje et al., 2004;Mandryk et al., 2001). The continental shelf is a vast area to search for submerged archaeological resources, so predictive models are often employed to refine the search area (Monteleone et al., 2013;Reeder-Myers et al., 2015). Since coastal subaerial archaeological sites are often found along riverine terraces (Davis et al., 2004), submerged paleodrainages are key areas of interest for investigating early coastal migration. ...
The lowstand extensions of two fluvial systems from the Cascadia subduction margin are investigated using high-resolution seismic reflection data to determine the relative controls on paleodrainage morphology. We document distinct differences between the two systems, located ~40 km apart, attributed to underlying structure and lithology, shelf gradient, and drainage basin characteristics. A cross-shelf valley exists for only one of the drainage systems, the Umpqua River. The outer shelf part of the valley is a syncline, which formed a natural structural low for lowstand drainage, while the inner shelf part of the valley exhibits incision and is associated with a mid-shelf convex change is slope. The other drainage system, the Siuslaw River, did not develop an across-shelf valley and is only denoted in the seismic data by an erosional subaerial unconformity. Structural trends are perpendicular to cross-shelf drainage, supporting a more anastomosing stream morphology for the paleo-Siuslaw. The shelf edge for this system was not exposed for a long period of time during the last lowstand, preventing substantial outer shelf incision. Differences in fluvial elevation, discharge, and hinterland geology, also played a role in the cross-shelf morphologies of the paleo-Umpqua and paleo-Siuslaw. These results highlight how controls on lowstand paleodrainage morphology can change over short distances on an active margin.
... Points were then buffered by 25 m so they connected to create a continuous line of complexity values along the palaeo-shoreline and, then, clipped by a 5 m inland buffer to match the bounds of the palaeo-shoreline variable. These values were normalized following a method similar to the sinuosity value of Monteleone, Dixon, and Wickert (2012) and Monteleone (2016). All values were normalized to the value of a completely linear shoreline; buffer point count values were divided by 10 such that a completely linear shoreline (necessarily of 500 m length including 10 points spaced at 50 m spanning the 500 m diameter buffer) would therefore equal a score of 1 point. ...
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The dynamic environmental history and relative sea level (RSL) changes experienced on the Northwest Coast of North America during the early post-glacial period and the early Holocene resulted in significant archaeological visibility challenges for prospection of early coastal archaeological sites. This study offers an integrated methodological approach in support of locating palaeo-coastal sites by combining: (1) geomorphic interpretation of landscape attributes captured by LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) mapping; (2) GIS-based archaeological site potential mapping; and (3) local RSL history. The RSL history for the study site (Quadra Island, British Columbia, Canada) shows notable regression over the past 14,300 years from a highstand of at least 197 m resulting from post-glacial isostatic rebound. Late Pleistocene and early Holocene palaeo-shorelines are found inland from, and elevated above, modern sea level and represent key areas for archaeological prospecting. Bare-earth Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) derived from the LIDAR dataset were interpreted to identify palaeo-shorelines at 10 m and 30 m above mean sea level. A GIS-derived map was created to identify regions of high archaeological potential. Field validation suggests that this integrated methodology provides a promising approach for archaeological prospection that could be applied to other post-glacial coastal settings.
... We know humans occupied interior regions of the Americas as early as the terminal Pleistocene, meaning that the margins of the world they inhabited were flooded and reshaped by more than seven millennia of sealevel rise and post-glacial warming. Locating, sampling, and interpreting the archaeological evidence of Paleocoastal settlement along submerged coastlines is technically challenging, but this is an emerging focus for a variety of interdisciplinary scholars who are centering their research efforts off the Pacific Coast of North America Gusick, Maloney, Braje et al. 2019;Monteleone et al. 2013). ...
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Forty years ago, Knut Fladmark (1979) argued that the Pacific Coast offered a viable alternative to the ice-free corridor model for the initial peopling of the Americas—one of the first to support a “coastal migration theory” that remained marginal for decades. Today, the pre-Clovis occupation at the Monte Verde site is widely accepted, several other pre-Clovis sites are well documented, investigations of terminal Pleistocene subaerial and submerged Pacific Coast landscapes have increased, and multiple lines of evidence are helping decode the nature of early human dispersals into the Americas. Misconceptions remain, however, about the state of knowledge, productivity, and deglaciation chronology of Pleistocene coastlines and possible technological connections around the Pacific Rim. We review current evidence for several significant clusters of early Pacific Coast archaeological sites in North and South America that include sites as old or older than Clovis. We argue that stemmed points, foliate points, and crescents (lunates) found around the Pacific Rim may corroborate genomic studies that support an early Pacific Coast dispersal route into the Americas. Still, much remains to be learned about the Pleistocene colonization of the Americas, and multiple working hypotheses are warranted.
... The need to properly compute past lake and land cover motivates continued work with climate-and water-balance models (e.g., Collins et al., 2006;Matsubara and Howard, 2009;Liu et al., 2009;He, 2011;Blois et al., 2013;Fan et al., 2013;Ivanović et al., 2016a), which can in turn be used to improve past drainage basin and discharge reconstructions. These, together with paleogeographic reconstructions such as those presented here, can be used to reconstruct areas of archaeological interest, either as changes in shoreline positions and topography or as wholesale landscape reconstructions that incorporate site-potential modeling (Fedje and Christensen, 1999;Mandryk et al., 2001;Monteleone, 2013;Monteleone et al., 2013;Dixon and Monteleone, 2014). On a global scale, several current flow-routing algorithms could be made global for better integration with ice-sheet, climate, and GIA models (Metz et al., 2011;Qin and Zhan, 2012;Braun and Willett, 2013;Huang and Lee, 2013;Schwanghart and Scherler, 2014), with the possibility to include highresolution flow routing as part of a transient coupled GCM instead of an a posteriori analysis, as is presented here. ...
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Over the last glacial cycle, ice sheets and the resultant glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) rearranged river systems. As these riverine threads that tied the ice sheets to the sea were stretched, severed, and restructured, they also shrank and swelled with the pulse of meltwater inputs and time-varying drainage basin areas, and sometimes delivered enough meltwater to the oceans in the right places to influence global climate. Here I present a general method to compute past river flow paths, drainage basin geometries, and river discharges, by combining models of past ice sheets, glacial isostatic adjustment, and climate. The result is a time series of synthetic paleohydrographs and drainage basin maps from the Last Glacial Maximum to present for nine major drainage basins – the Mississippi, Rio Grande, Colorado, Columbia, Mackenzie, Hudson Bay, Saint Lawrence, Hudson, and Susquehanna/Chesapeake Bay. These are based on five published reconstructions of the North American ice sheets. I compare these maps with drainage reconstructions and discharge histories based on a review of observational evidence, including river deposits and terraces, isotopic records, mineral provenance markers, glacial moraine histories, and evidence of ice stream and tunnel valley flow directions. The sharp boundaries of the reconstructed past drainage basins complement the flexurally smoothed GIA signal that is more often used to validate ice-sheet reconstructions, and provide a complementary framework to reduce nonuniqueness in model reconstructions of the North American ice-sheet complex.
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Emerging archaeological, geological, and genetic evidence indicate that the first migration of humans to the Americas pre-dated the advent of Clovis technology (~13,000 cal. yr. BP). As a result, the coastal migration hypothesis has moved to the forefront of New World archaeology as the most plausible alternative to the Clovis-first model of human migration to the Americas. This thesis presents a comprehensive review of both the Clovis-first and coastal migration theories in light of archaeology and other multidisciplinary critiques. Geological studies have shown that a viable migration corridor was present from Beringia down the Northwest Pacific coast of North America, as early as 16,000 cal. yr. BP. During this time, and for much of the late Pleistocene, the Columbia River would have been the first major drainage into the interior of the North American continent south of the Cordilleran Ice Sheet. Therefore, the Columbia River may represent the earliest gateway through which humans entered the interior of North America. For this reason, a paleo-coastal reconstruction and predictive model of the Columbia River mouth and adjacent coastline was produced and is presented in this thesis. The paleo-coastal reconstruction is presented as a set of maps and models representing what the coast might have looked like at ~15,000 cal. yr. BP; the paleo-coastal reconstruction was made using QGIS software. The predictive model was produced using a combination of GIS and logical operators on GRASS software.
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Over the last glacial cycle, ice sheets and the resultant glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) rearranged river systems. As these riverine threads that tied the ice sheets to the sea were stretched, severed, and restructured, they also shrank and swelled with the pulse of meltwater inputs and time-varying drainage basin areas, and sometimes delivered enough meltwater to the oceans in the right places to influence global climate. Here I present a general method to compute past river flow paths, drainage basin geometries, and river discharges, by combining models of past ice-sheets, glacial isostatic adjustment, and climate. The result is a time series of synthetic paleohydrographs and drainage basin maps from the Last Glacial Maximum to present for five published models of the North American ice sheets. I compare these maps with drainage reconstructions based purely on field data, such as river deposits and terraces, isotopic records, mineral provenance markers, glacial moraine histories, and evidence of ice-stream and esker flow directions. The sharp boundaries of the reconstructed past drainage basins complement the flexurally-smoothed GIA signal more often used to validate ice-sheet reconstructions, and provide a complementary framework to reduce nonuniqueness in model reconstructions of the North American ice sheet complex.
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Southern Alaska's ethnographic peoples and prehistoric cultures are frequently assigned to different culture areas. The Tlingit of southeast Alaska are grouped with Indians of the Northwest Coast; Chugach and Koniag are classified as Alutiiq (Pacific Eskimo), and Aleuts form another category. Cultural affinities between maritime groups of southern Alaska often are overlooked. This paper examines some of the similarities in culture shared by the region's ethnographic groups, and explores the implications of these relationships for the study of prehistory. Some commonalities can be traced to similarities in the coastal environments inhabited by these peoples and their exploitation of marine and littoral resources. Other shared features may result from a shared heritage that might be traced to the early Holocene, or possibly the late Pleistocene. Contact and interaction throughout the past across the region contributed to patterns of shared culture that can be obscured by culture area boundaries. -from Author