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Diplopoda and Chilopoda from a special protection area in the Huy mountain range in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany


Abstract and Figures

In the Natura 2000 Habitats Directive site “Huy nördlich Halberstadt” in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, 11 sites with typical regional plant associations (2 rupicolous calcareous or basophilic grasslands of the Alysso-Sedion albi, 2 semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates, 3 Asperulo-Fagetum beech forests, 1 Medio-European limestone beech forest of the Cephalanthero-Fagion and 3 Galio-Carpinetum oak-hornbeam forests) were sampled for millipedes and centipedes using pitfall traps over a period of one and a half years. In addition 11 further sites and different microhabitats were investigated using hand sampling, soil cores and sieving. With a total of 30 diplopod and 17 chilopod species, the Huy can be classified as markedly species rich. The community structures and species compositions were of special importance and characteristic for all sites. Ecologically notable species were Ophiodesmus albonanus (Latzel, 1895), Megaphyllum unilineatum (C.L. Koch 1838), Brachyiulus pusillus (Leach, 1814), Mycogona germanica (Verhoeff, 1892), Polyxenus lagurus Linne, 1758, Geophilus electricus (Linné, 1758), Lithobius nodulipes Latzel, 1880 and Lithobius pelidnus Haase, 1880.
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... When thick Posidonia "banquettes" were present, these were examined in depth in many places. We note that pitfall traps (= Barber traps), frequently used to study soil arthropods such as ground spiders and carabids, are not effective for the collection of centipedes, as a many of these do not fall into these traps, particularly the Geophilomorpha (GerlaCh et al., 2009;voIGtlänDer & DeCker, 2014;IorIo & raCIne, 2018). Also, De matthaeIS et al. (2019) have observed that manual collection in litter and in natural shelters is preferable to pitfall traps when collecting seashore geophilomorphs. ...
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A study on centipedes living on beaches within and around Port-Cros National Park was conducted during the spring of 2019, using hand-collection along transects. One hundred and twenty chilopods (108 of them being Geophilomorpha) were collected, including the halophilous species Henia bicarinata (Dignathodontidae), Geophilus fucorum and Tuoba poseidonis (Geophilidae). The halophilic character of H. bicarinata and G. fucorum was confirmed on the seashore of continental France while T. poseidonis was considered strictly halophilic. Pachymerium ferrugineum (Geophilidae) was considered only halotolerant, in the way it is not restricted to the coastline area. The dominant sediments were observed to have a moderate influence on the presence of halophilous and halobiontic geophilomorphs, with gravel sediments having a more favourable effect. In addition, microhabitats provided by pebbles are of significant importance for halophilic species while the presence of stranded Posidonia seems useful for these species. The availability of driftwood is favourable only when it gives a limited contact with the substrate or the stranded Posidonia layer. Lastly, the impact of human frequentation was very significant regarding halophilic species; all these species were found to be absent where human activity was high. The presence or absence of halophilic centipedes well shows the conservation state of the shore for species living in this habitat. An experimental easy monitoring with identification sheets is given to determine the conservation state of beaches in South-Eastern France.
... Il se pourrait cependant que les exigences écologiques de cette espèce soient un peu plus larges puisqu'elle a, dans de très rares cas, été trouvée dans des biotopes très différents tels que des pinèdes, des boisements à bouleaux ou des bruyères (LINDNER et al., 2010). Cette espèce sylvicole affectionne les troncs d'arbres vivants et peut se trouver sous les écorces, mais peut également trouver refuge dans le bois mort, la mousse et la litière forestière (VOIGTLÄNDER & DECKER, 2014). Selon certains auteurs, l'habitat arboricole pourrait expliquer en partie la rareté des observations de L. pelidnus (SPELDA, 1999). ...
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The Chilopoda Lithobius pelidnus is recorded from two new localities in the departments of Haute-Savoie and Loire. These discoveries markedly enlarge the geographical distribution of this rare species and constitute the first record from the French region of Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
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The collection Myriapoda belongs to the younger collections of the Görlitz museum. Its establishment initiated in connection with the development of the museum's profile as a museum of soil zoological research and was based on sampling campaigns and field studies done by Wolfram Dunger (†) during the 1960s and 1970s. In 1979 Karin Voigtländer was employed as curator and from then on increased the collection continuously. In addition to the museum's own collecting activities, new acquisitions came to the museum through various institutions and persons. The collections Diplopoda and Chilopoda currently incorporate over 100,000 digitally registered individuals from more than 460 (valid) species with over 48,200 records from more than 45 countries at 4,400 localities worldwide. Over a long period of time they were concentrated on Central European species with few exceptions. Recently, the focus has been extended to the Mediterranean and Alpine regions as well as Southeastern Europe. The collection of Symphyla currently includes 10 species, that of Pauropoda 15 species, both from about 50 localities mainly in Germany. Zusammenfassung. Die Sammlung Myriapoda des Senckenberg Museums für Naturkunde Görlitz. Die Sammlung Myriapoda gehört zu den jüngeren Sammlungen des Görlitzer Museums. Ihre Entstehung hängt unmittelbar mit der Profilierung des Museums als bodenzoologische Forschungsstelle durch Wolfram Dunger (†) zusammen. Sie begann im Wesentlichen mit den in den 1960er und 70er Jahren durchgeführten Probennahmen zu bodenzoologisch-ökologischen Fragestellungen. 1979 wurde Karin Voigtländer als Kuratorin eingestellt und vergrößerte von da an die Sammlung kontinuierlich. Neben der eigenen Sammeltätigkeit kamen Neuzugänge über verschiedene Institutionen und Personen an das Museum. Die Sammlungen Diplopoda und Chilopoda umfassen derzeit über 100.000 digital erfasste Individuen aus mehr als 460 Arten mit über 48.200 Nachweisen von ca. 4.400 Lokalitäten aus ca. 45 Ländern. Sie konzentrierten sich über einen langen Zeitraum mit wenigen Ausnahmen auf mitteleuropäische Arten. In jüngster Zeit wurde der Fokus auf den Mittelmeer-und Alpenraum sowie Südosteuropa ausgedehnt. Die Sammlung an Symphylen umfasst gegenwärtig 10 Arten, die der Pauropoden 15 Arten, beide von ca. 50 Lokalitäten vor allem Deutschlands.
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Die Weberknechte konnten im Huy mit mindestens 12 Arten aus 4 Familien nachgewiesen werden. Mit neun Arten zeigte ein untersuchter Labkraut-Eichen-Hainbuchenwald - FFH-LRT 9170 die größte Artenvielfalt. Zwei Arten – der Westeuropäische Krümelkanker Anelasmocephalus cambridgei (Gef.-Kat. 3 gefährdet) und der Kleine Brettkanker Trogulus tricarinatus (Gef.-Kat. G Gefährdung anzunehmen) – werden in der Roten Liste Sachsen-Anhalts (Komposch et al. 2004) aufgeführt. Trogulus tricarinatus stellt gleichzeitig auch die größte arachnologische Besonderheit im Huy dar. In Sachsen-Anhalt wurden bisher nur weibliche Tiere dieser Art erfasst. Bekannte Populationen dürften allesamt parthenogenetisch sein (Komposch 2003). Im Huy gelangte nun zum ersten Mal der Nachweis von Männchen dieser Spezies, was genitalmorphologische Analysen und eine Neubewertung dieses Taxons im Land ermöglicht. In den untersuchten FFH-LRT des Huys konnten insgesamt sechs LRT-kennzeichnende Weberknechte der Tierartenliste des LAU (2002) bestätigt werden. Von den im LRT 9130 erfassten Arten gilt bisher nur eine als LRT-kennzeichnend. Eine Erweiterung der Liste unter Berücksichtigung der Ergebnisse aus dem Huy erscheint daher sinnvoll.
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The Red Lists of endangered species published by the German Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN - the Federal Agency of Nature Conservation) are essential tools for the nature protection in Germany since the 1970s. Although many groups of insects appear in the German Red Lists, small and inconspicuous soil organisms, among them millipedes and centipedes, have in the past been ignored. In the last few years great efforts have been made to assess these two groups, resulting in Red Lists of German Myriapoda. However, difficulties were encountered in strictly applying the Red List classification criteria to myriapods. Here we discuss those problems and some sources of error. A species list of all German Diplopoda and Chilopoda including Red List status and frequency of occurrence is provided in an Appendix.
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Based on 1195 records of 13914 specimen, the ecological differences of several Lithobiida have been worked out, especially the changes between woodland and open habitats. In forests two species (L. pelidnus and L. valesiacus) dominated at the trunk region. In forest litter L. mutabilis dominated the species spectrum at lower and L. macilentus at higher altitudes. Some species prefer (L. borealis, L. latro) or are restricted (L. glacialis, L. lucifugus) to the high mountains above the timberline. L. glacialis ist reported for Germany the first time.
As part of a large-scale research program investigating endangered biotopes in the state of Saxony-Anhalt in eastern Germany, the centipede fauna of 50 sites, belonging to five types of xeric biotopes, was studied by pitfall trapping from 1995 to 1998 (each site for one year). The most abundant species was Lithobius calcaratus. By applying a combination of the criteria dominance, constancy and representativity, 'characteristic species' and 'companion species' were defined. For seven of the 20 recorded centipede species, it was possible to delineate biotope-characteristic assemblages. Mesoxeric meadows are characterised by L. calcaratus and L. forficatus, mesoxeric meadows with shrub and pioneer forest (advanced succession sites) by L. crassipes, L. mutabilis and L. forficatus and Schendyla nemorensis. In grassland contaminated by heavy metals, a typical group consisting of L. melanops and L. forficatus with Cryptops parisi was found. Dwarf-shrub heaths (L. calcaratus) and sandy xeric-meadows (Lamyctes emarginatus and Lithobius e. erythrocephalus) were only characterised by companion species. The results show that some centipede species and characteristic species assemblages are very good indicators for minor habitat differences.
Within an extensive study on endangered biotopes in the State of Saxony-Anhalt/Eastern Germany, the millipede fauna of 50 dry habitats, belonging to 5 types of biotopes was studied from 1995 to 1998 using pitfall traps. The most abundant species were Glomeris marginata and Cylindroiulus caeruleocinctus. By applying a combination of the criteria repraesentanz, constancy and dominance a new criterion, the “common-habitat-relation”, has been introduced to establish biotope-characteristic species and communities of millipedes. The results show that by using these criteria together, distinct groups can be formed consisting of “characteristic” and “companion species”. Eleven out of 34 species that occurred on the sites fitted into this grouping. Characteristic species groups were determined for mesoxeric meadows (C. caeruleocinctus, G. marginata and Glomeris hexasticha) and “succession” sites (Allaiulus nitidus and Polydesmus angustus). The sandy dry meadows were characterized by companion species only (Megaphyllum unilineatum and Ommatoiulus sabulosus), the heavy-metal grassland by the characteristic species Craspedosoma rawlinsii without companion species. For dwarf-shrub heaths no typical species groups could be found.
Liste der Myriapoden Sachsen-Anhalts und des Kyffhäusers. I. Chilopoda
VOIGTLÄNDER K. 2003b. Liste der Myriapoden Sachsen-Anhalts und des Kyffhäusers. I. Chilopoda. Entomologische Nachrichten und Berichte 47: 191–193.
Die kennzeichnenden Tierarten der FFH-Lebensraumtypen des FFH-Gebietes
  • Umweltschutz Landesamt Für
  • Sachsen-Anhalt
LANDESAMT FÜR UMWELTSCHUTZ SACHSEN-ANHALT. Die kennzeichnenden Tierarten der FFH-Lebensraumtypen des FFH-Gebietes "Huy nördlich Halberstadt" (FFH0047, DE 4031 301). Berichte des Landesamtes für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt 4 ( in press).
Die Laufkäfer (Coleoptera:Carabidae) der FFH-Lebensraumtypen im FFH-Gebiet
MEYER P. 2011. Die Laufkäfer (Coleoptera:Carabidae) der FFH-Lebensraumtypen im FFH-Gebiet "Huy nördlich Halberstadt" (DE 4031 301). Internship report p.p. State Office for Environmental Protection Saxony-Anhalt, 18 pp.
Tausendfüßer, Doppelfüßer (Diplopoda) Arten-und Biotopschutzprogramm Sachsen-Anhalt. Biologische Vielfalt und FFH-Management im Landschaftsraum Saale-Unstrut-Triasland
VOIGTLÄNDER K. 2008. Tausendfüßer, Doppelfüßer (Diplopoda). In: LANDESAMT FÜR UMWELTSCHUTZ SACHSEN- ANHALT (ed.), Arten-und Biotopschutzprogramm Sachsen-Anhalt. Biologische Vielfalt und FFH-Management im Landschaftsraum Saale-Unstrut-Triasland. Berichte des Landesamtes für Umweltschutz Sachsen-Anhalt Sonderheft 1 / 2008: 217–220.