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The influence of juggling on mental rotation performance


Abstract and Figures

The influence of juggling on mental rotation performance in children Study aim: To assess the influence of juggling training on mental rotation performance in children. Material and methods: Two groups of girls aged 6 - 14 years were studied: experimental (EG; n = 26) and control (CG; n = 24). All girls solved a mental rotation task with 3-D block figures on computer screen (pre-test). After the initial test, EG girls participated in juggling training for 3 months; the CG girls participated in light strength training with theraband stretch bands. After 3 months, all girls solved the mental rotation task again (post-test). The post-pre differences in the mental rotation performance were recorded. Results: Children who learned juggling performed the mental rotation task significantly (p<0.05 - 0.01) faster, in terms of reaction time, at non-zero angular disparity than their mates who were strength-trained. Conclusions: Since mental rotation skills enhance spatial imagination, problem solving and mathematical skills, it may be assumed that juggling training enhances also other cognitive domains and is worth implementing in the education process.
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Original Paper. Biomedical Human Kinetics, 3, 18 – 22, 2011
DOI: 10.2478/v10101-011-0005-6
The influence of juggling on mental rotation performance in children
Petra Jansen 1, Léonie F. Lange 2, Martin Heil 3
1 Institute of Sport Science, University of Regensburg; 2 Institute of Anaesthesiology, University of Medicine,
Berlin; 3 Institute of Experimental Psychology, University of Düsseldorf, Germany
Study aim: To assess the influence of juggling training on mental rotation performance in children.
Material and methods: Two groups of girls aged 6 – 14 years were studied: experimental (EG; n = 26) and control
(CG; n = 24). All girls solved a mental rotation task with 3-D block figures on computer screen (pre-test). After the
initial test, EG girls participated in juggling training for 3 months; the CG girls participated in light strength training
with theraband stretch bands. After 3 months, all girls solved the mental rotation task again (post-test). The post-
differences in the mental rotation performance were recorded.
Results: Children who learned juggling performed the mental rotation task significantly (p<0.05 – 0.01) faster, in
terms of reaction time, at non-zero angular disparity than their mates who were strength-trained.
Conclusions: Since mental rotation skills enhance spatial imagination, problem solving and mathematical skills, it may
be assumed that juggling training enhances also other cognitive domains and is worth implementing in the education
Key words: Motor behaviour – Spatial performance – Juggling – Mental rotation – Children
Research in the developmental, as well as in cognitive
science, is focused on the relations between motor abili-
ties and cognitive performance. Since Piaget’s work [19],
it has been assumed that the sensorimotor system is im-
portant for mental representation. Evidence supporting
this assumption came recently from modality theories
which emphasise the importance not only of a central
control executive function, but also of modal functions
[7]. It was shown that a dysfunction in motor develop-
ment is often associated with a dysfunction in cognitive
development and vice versa [8]. This relates to the spe-
cific assumption [3] that motor development and move-
ment experience are relevant factors for cognitive per-
formance, especially for spatial abilities [1]. Spatial abili-
ties are cognitive processes that involve visualisation,
orientation, and mental rotation [17]. Thereby, mental
rotation is the ability to imagine how an object would
look if rotated away from the orientation in which it is
actually presented [21].
The influence of motor processes on solving a men-
tal rotation task in adults was already demonstrated [22].
Mental rotation tests result in faster times and fewer errors
when manual and mental rotations were compatible. In
another study with adults [24], it could be shown that men-
tal rotation could be trained with the help of a manual
rotation programme, where mental rotation was trained
via motor rotation consisting of moving a joystick.
The effects of motor processes on solving a mental
rotation task were also investigated in children. A sam-
ple of 5, 8, and 11-year old children and of adults per-
formed a mental rotation task while simultaneously ro-
tating their hand, guided with a handle, in the direction
compatible/ incompatible with the mental rotation task.
The 5 and 8-year old children solved the mental rotation
task, compatible with the motor task, easier than the 11-
year old or adults, showing association between motor
and mental rotations in younger children [6]. In contrast
to that, a motor effect during mental transformations of
body parts was only found in one of two experiments
(performed with children aged 5 - 6 years, 7 years, and
adults) and this effect was less pronounced in younger
children [16].
An experimental study of body-oriented motor train-
ing, without using a handle or a joystick, on visual spa-
tial tasks in children is missing until now. In a study on
adults it was shown that juggling training over a period
Author’s address Prof. Petra Jansen, Institute of Sport Science, Universitätsstr. 31, 93053 Regensburg, Germany
P. Jansen et al. 19
of 3 months improved mental rotation performance com-
pared with a control, untrained group [12]. That result is
valid from a neurological point of view because increase
in brain plasticity was shown after juggling training [4]
in exactly that brain area (intraparietal sulcus) which is
involved in mental rotation [15].
It is not yet known if motor and imagery processes
in children and adults are alike [6,16]. The main goal of
this study was to find out if coordinative motor training
(here: juggling training) would lead to an enhancement
of mental rotation performance in children as shown earlier
for adults [12]. Beyond that, the present study expands
on that former study. Because a purely motor benefit
could also explain the reported differences in the reaction
velocity in juggling subjects compared to the control
ones [12], the control group in this study was subjected
to another conditional form of motor training, namely
strength training with theraband stretch-bands. The study
included only girls for the well-known gender differences
in mental rotation performance, even in children [18],
were not our objective.
Material and Methods
Participants: A group of 57 girls aged 6 – 14 years
participated in this study; 29 of them were randomly as-
signed to the juggling group and 28 to the strength train-
ing group. Seven girls did not participate in the post-test,
thus the experimental group (EG) counted 26, and the
control group (CG) 24 subjects. The girls were trained
in gymnastics, in Wesel, Germany, during their regular
gym classes. The girls from each group were trained by
two instructors at different corners of the gym. The par-
ents of children gave their informed consent for children’s
participation and data utilisation after having been made
familiar with the objective and protocol of the study which
was approved by the local Committee of Ethics. In addi-
tion, the club committee and the gymnastics instructors
agreed to carry out the experiments during the lessons.
The children received juggling balls or the theraband
stretch bands as gifts and the entire gymnastics group
received €300 for their participation. The girls had nor-
mal or appropriately corrected visual acuity. None of
the children were able to juggle before participating in
this study.
Procedure: All participants were subjected to timed
pre- and post-study mental rotation tasks which took place
in a quiet locker room or in a first-aid room, in two dif-
ferent gyms in Wesel, in groups of three children. Each
girl worked with her own laptop (15-inch monitor at about
50-cm distance) not seeing her mates and had her personal
test leader. The experimental stimuli consisted of 18 per-
spective line drawings of three-dimensional forms (each
one composed of 10 cubes) [13,21] and were 3D-rotated
around the horizontal or vertical axis. Each form had a
maximum size of 7 × 7 cm on the screen spaced by 14
cm. In each trial, two drawings of the same form were
presented together. The stimulus presented on the right
side of the monitor was either identical to the left side or
mirror-reversed. The angular disparity between the two
stimuli was 0, 90 or 180° (see Fig. 1 as an example). The
subjects responded “same” by pressing the left touchpad
button with index finger and “different” by pressing the
right touchpad button with the middle finger.
Individual sessions lasted about 50 min each; every
trial started with a grey-background screen and after 500
ms the pair of stimuli appeared and the subject had to de-
cide whether the two stimuli were “same” or “different”
(mirror-reversed). The stimuli remained on the screen
until the subject responded by pressing a touchpad-button.
The participants were instructed to react as quickly and
as accurately as possible. The “+” or “–” sign was dis-
played for 500 ms in the centre of the screen to indicate
the correctness of given response. The trials were spaced
by 1500-ms grey-background screen intervals. After a
block of 27 trials, the participants could choose to take a
short break. They were asked to start the new block by
pressing the space key. Each combination of objects (18
different drawings), normal or mirror-reversed, and an-
gular disparity (0, 90 or 180°) was presented 4 times
during the test, which resulted in a total number of 432
trials. In order to make the participants familiar with the
test sequence, 54 unrecorded test trials were performed
at the beginning of the experiment. The stimulus items
were the same in the pre- and post-study mental rotation
tests separated by a 3-month interval. In that time period,
the children of the experimental group (EG, juggling)
were subjected to juggling training twice weekly, 15 min
at the beginning and 15 min at the end of regular gym-
nastics classes. The training was based on the Rehoruli’s
method and designed by a German juggler, Stephan Eh-
lers [5]. The children practiced various throw-and-catch
tasks, their difficulty increasing every week. The children
were instructed to train at home for about 10 min daily.
At every session, the exercise time and the numbers of
successful throws were recorded – how often a ball was
successfully thrown from one hand to the other during
the juggle performance.
Control children subjected to strength training (CG)
were underwent a light strength training with theraband
stretch bands. The following exercises were applied: “Bi-
ceps curls”– the girl stood with one foot on the theraband,
its ends being grasped with one hand each and wrapped up
until tight, then both arms were bent alternately, and
20 Mental rotation training of children
“Knee bend” – the girl stood on both feet on the theraband,
shoulder length apart, then bent down and wrapped the
ends of the theraband round her hands; after that, she sat
up and stretched up her arms simultaneously. Control
girls were also asked to train at home for 10 min a day
and the numbers of repetitions of the “Knee bend” exer-
cise they were able to perform were recorded during the
training sessions.
The motor training effect in the juggling group (EG)
was expressed as the difference between the first and
the last training sessions in the numbers of successful
throws. That effect in the strength-training group (CG)
was expressed as the difference in the numbers of “knee
band” exercise.
Data analysis: Only trials with correct response were
used for reaction time (RT) analysis which was further
restricted to “same” responses only, for angular dispar-
ity could not be unequivocally defined for “different”
responses [14]. Moreover, all RT values outside the
mean ± 2SD interval were eliminated prior to the analy-
sis. Nevertheless, the analysis of all data combined re-
vealed identical results.
The percent differences in the error rate scores (dif-
ference score error) and the post-pre RT differences (dif-
ference score RT) were dependent variables [24]. The
data were subjected to one-way ANOVA for each group
separately, the significance levels being corrected ac-
cording to Huynh and Feldt [11] in order to compensate
for non-sphericity of the data. Pearson’s coefficients of
correlation were computed for age, mental rotation per-
formance and motor behaviour (difference score between
the first and last training session for juggling or strength
performance). The level of p0.05 was considered sig-
No significant between-group difference in the reac-
tion time (mental rotation task) was found at baseline. In
the experimental group, juggling performance signifi-
cantly (p<0.01) increased following the 3-month training
compared with the pre-training status (baseline). The same
was true for the control group performing “knee bend”
exercises (Table 1). An example of the items of the
mental rotation task is presented in Fig. 1.
The results of the training-induced differences in the
reaction time are presented in Fig. 2. Significantly (p<0.01)
better results were attained by girls from the experimen-
tal group (EG) than from the control one (CG) at angu-
lar disparities equal to 90 or 180º. Moreover, mean RT
improvement in EG was significantly (p<0.01) highest
at 90º. No significant angle-related differences were
noted in CG. Regarding the error rate scores, no sig-
nificant differences either between groups or between
angular disparities were found.
Table 1. Mean values (±SD) of age, reaction time pre-
training and of training effects
Variable Juggling
n = 26 Strength
n = 24
Age (years) 10.4 ± 2.2 10.5 ± 2.4
Reaction time (ms) pre 3704 ± 1055 3297 ± 1061
Motor training effect
Range 16.8 ± 30.8**
0 – 117 2.33 ± 1.76**
0 – 6
** p<0.01
Fig. 1. An example of the items of the mental rotation
Fig. 2. Post-pre differences in reaction time in the men-
tal rotation task (Means ±SE)
** Significant (p<0.01) difference between groups; ºº Signifi-
cantly (p<0.01) different from mans at 0 and 180º
Training effects were significantly (p<0.05) corre-
lated with age in both groups but no significant correla-
tions were noted with either difference scores in RT or
with error rates (Table 2). Multiple regression calculus
applied to data in the experimental group showed that a
significant contribution to the mental rotation task had
90º 180º
Angular disparity
P. Jansen et al. 21
only age (p<0.05), that of motor performance remaining
Table 2. Coefficients of correlation of training effects
with age or difference scores in the mental rotation task
Correlated variable Juggling
n = 26 Strength
n = 24
Age 0.466* 0.443*
Difference score (RT) -0.012 0.160
Difference score (Error) -0.142 0.216
* p<0.05
This study was a continuation of our earlier report
on juggling [12] and showed the relations between jug-
gling and the mental rotation performance in school-
children. The results indicated that the training effect was
specific for juggling and not for a general motor effect.
The juggling training affected the reaction time (RT) in
trials, in which the angular disparity was 90 or 180°, that
at 0° remaining unchanged. Of course, no mental rota-
tion is required to compare the two stimuli at 0° dispar-
ity, that condition serving thus as a kind of reference for
the other two. In contrast to RT, there was no effect of
juggling training on error rates. This finding is in accor-
dance with many other studies showing that reaction
time is the substantially more sensitive measurement for
mental rotation effects than error rates [10].
This study confirmed the results of an earlier study
[23] that manual rotation training can improve the men-
tal rotation performance of school-aged children but the
results depended on age [6]. It was demonstrated that
only those aged 5 or 8 years but not the 11 years old had
shorter RT in mental rotation tasks when the spinning of
a hand crank matched the assumed path of mental rota-
tion, rather than the other way round. When mental rota-
tion of pictures showing body parts were studied, motor
effects in mental rotation were not stable [16] and it was
concluded that imagery and motor planning shared com-
mon resources. This is in accordance with the view that
mental representations such as mental rotation are con-
trolled by different modal functions connected to sen-
sory and action systems [16,19]. When interpreting the
results of mental rotation processes in terms of embodi-
ment [25] and modal functions, the experimental design
has to be very precise. It might be speculated why jug-
gling and not a strength task is effective in mental rota-
tion. Both motor tasks imply a performance feedback;
girls from both groups received feedback from their
training improvement, although the feedback in the jug-
gling group was coordinative and that in the strength
group was a strength one; it could be assumed that jug-
gling and mental rotation shared common features, since
both juggling and mental rotation required a cyclic ac-
tivity and had temporal and spatial constraints [12]. In
juggling, the hands move along more or less elliptical
trajectories while throwing and catching balls move in a
regular fashion [20]. In mental rotation, one object is
brought along a cyclic trajectory around the three axes
to bring it in the position of the standard object. While
juggling may be thought of as a “spatial clock” [20], men-
tal rotation seems to be a covert manual rotation [26].
The latter authors showed that rotational hand move-
ments interfered with mental rotation and vice versa.
Furthermore, juggling requires mirrored movements of
hands while mental rotation requires the decision of
whether two rotated objects are superimposable or mir-
rored. Further studies are needed to compare the effects
of mental rotation and of other motor tasks involving
cyclic arms or body activity, e.g. swimming or discus
The here presented data suggest that the age, not mo-
tor development, is the key factor in the improvement.
This assumption has to be investigated in further studies
with cognitive development monitoring in order to more
precisely assess the effects of the cognitive and motor
processes on mental rotation performance. That latter is
not influenced automatically by the motor system but
since it shares common features with higher motor pro-
cesses, such as juggling, it might be influenced by a spe-
cific motor task. Another issue to be investigated into
are the known gender-related differences (cf. [13]); a
stronger activation of motor cortex was noted in women
than in men when observing hand vs. dot movement, in
men the situation being reversed [2].
Furthermore, the role of hormones ought to be dis-
cussed in more detail. The girls in this study were 6 – 14
years old and differed in their hormonal status. Because
at least the effect of testosterone level on mental rotation
performance has been shown [9], the varying hormonal
status before and during puberty has to be regarded in
further studies.
Summing up, a relation between juggling and mental
rotation performance and, in a broader sense, between
motor and cognitive performance was demonstrated.
Further studies are needed to evaluate, in detail, the ef-
fects of age, gender and training duration on how cogni-
tive the motor tasks need to be to have a positive influ-
ence on other higher-level cognitive tasks such as problem-
solving, as well the stability of such effects.
22 Mental rotation training of children
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Received 19.01.2011
Accepted 19.02.2011
© University of Physical Education, Warsaw, Poland
... While one study investigated 4-6-year-olds (Boccia et al., 2017), one study 12-13-year-olds (Ben-Zeev et al., 2020) and one study 14-15-year-olds (Latino et al., 2021), the mean age in the remaining studies ranged from 7.6 to 12.0 years. One record contained girls only (Jansen et al., 2011a), two boys only (Boraczyński et al., 2019;Ben-Zeev et al., 2020), one study had a male-female ratio of 19 to one (Pietsch and Jansen, 2018) and one did not give details on the amount of boys and girls participating but performed their intervention in regular school classes (Dirksen et al., 2015). The remaining studies had a more balanced gender distribution. ...
... Of all included studies, three implemented their training with participants engaged in regular sporting activities (i.e., soccer (Pietsch and Jansen, 2018;Boraczyński et al., 2019) or gymnastics (Jansen et al., 2011a)) while all other studies were conducted with regular school classes. Physical exercise programs that were eligible for inclusion comprised sport-specific activities (i.e., juggling, soccer and creative dance training) (Jansen et al., 2011aPietsch and Jansen, 2018), motor-coordinative exercises (i.e., Life Kinetik motion program, coordinative motor training or multi-mode proprioceptive-coordinative training) (Bluechel et al., 2013;Dirksen et al., 2015;Pietsch et al., 2017;Boraczyński et al., 2019;Latino et al., 2021), functional exercises at high intensity (Ben-Zeev et al., 2020), and training programs focusing on orientation and navigation (i.e., orienteering or navigation games) (Notarnicola et al., 2012;Boccia et al., 2017). ...
... Of all included studies, three implemented their training with participants engaged in regular sporting activities (i.e., soccer (Pietsch and Jansen, 2018;Boraczyński et al., 2019) or gymnastics (Jansen et al., 2011a)) while all other studies were conducted with regular school classes. Physical exercise programs that were eligible for inclusion comprised sport-specific activities (i.e., juggling, soccer and creative dance training) (Jansen et al., 2011aPietsch and Jansen, 2018), motor-coordinative exercises (i.e., Life Kinetik motion program, coordinative motor training or multi-mode proprioceptive-coordinative training) (Bluechel et al., 2013;Dirksen et al., 2015;Pietsch et al., 2017;Boraczyński et al., 2019;Latino et al., 2021), functional exercises at high intensity (Ben-Zeev et al., 2020), and training programs focusing on orientation and navigation (i.e., orienteering or navigation games) (Notarnicola et al., 2012;Boccia et al., 2017). Training programs were either conducted in a sports club (Jansen et al., 2011a;Boraczyński et al., 2019) or within a school setting (Notarnicola et al., 2012;Bluechel et al., 2013;Dirksen et al., 2015;Boccia et al., 2017;Pietsch et al., 2017;Pietsch and Jansen, 2018;Ben-Zeev et al., 2020;Latino et al., 2021). ...
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Background: Regular physical exercise plays an integral part in the psychomotor and psychosocial development of children and adolescents, with complex motor and cognitive processes closely linked. Spatial abilities, one aspect of cognitive functioning start to evolve from earliest childhood and reach adult-like levels by early adolescence. As they have been associated with good spatial orientation, wayfinding, map-reading skills, problem solving or analyzing spatial information, these skills facilitate independence and autonomy while growing up. Despite promising results, only few studies investigate this relation between physical exercise and spatial abilities. To use this benefit and develop purposive physical exercise interventions, it is essential to summarize the current evidence. Objectives: This literature review aims to systematically summarize findings regarding the impact of physical exercise interventions on spatial abilities in healthy children and adolescents and identify knowledge gaps. Methods: A systematic search of the literature according to the PRISMA guidelines was conducted on the databases Pubmed, Web of Science, Cochrane Library, SportDiscus, and PsycInfo from their inception date till March 2021. Additionally, Google Scholar and refence lists of relevant publications were searched. A descriptive analysis of results was conducted. Results: The literature search identified a total of N = 1,215 records, 11 of which met the inclusion criteria and were analyzed in this review. A total of 621 participants aged 4 to 15 years participated in the studies. Exercise interventions included sport-specific activities, motor-coordinative exercises, high-intensity functional training or spatial orientation/navigation training. Five studies evaluated training effects on mental rotation performance (i.e., Mental Rotation Test), four studies investigated visuo-spatial working memory function/spatial memory (i.e., Corsi Block Test, Virtual Reality Morris Water Maze) and two studies tested spatial orientation capacity (i.e., Orientation-Running Test). Overall, results show a potential for improvement of spatial abilities through physical exercise interventions. However, keeping the diversity of study designs, populations and outcomes in mind, findings need to be interpreted with care. Conclusions: Despite growing interest on the effects of physical exercise interventions on spatial abilities and promising findings of available studies, evidence to date remains limited. Future research is needed to establish how spatial ability development of healthy children and adolescents can be positively supported.
... Additionally, the neuroplasticity potential of juggling has been confirmed by numerous studies (24)(25)(26)(27). There is evidence showing a link between juggling and mental rotation performance and, more broadly, between motor and cognitive performance (28)(29)(30). In the juggling cascade, hands toss and catch balls alternately. ...
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Background Age-related changes in attentional abilities can lead to a decline in body segment awareness in space. However, studies have reported that physical activity can improve proprioception among older adults, although proven activities with this potential are limited. Juggling is a promising activity for enhancing proprioception, as it requires high levels of attention and sensory precision. The first hypothesis posited that a juggling intervention would positively impact ipsilateral and contralateral elbow joint position matching without visual input. The second hypothesis suggested a correlation between cognitive abilities and joint position sense efficiency. Methods A total of 20 older women (mean age: 69.95 ± 4.58) participated in a repeated-measures study using a Latin square design. Measurements were taken at three time points (baseline, post-juggling, and control). Ipsilateral and contralateral elbow joint position matchings without visual or verbal feedback of accuracy were used to assess proprioception. Attention and reaction time variables were measured using the Vienna Test System protocols. Results Although significant changes were observed between baseline and subsequent time points in joint position sense accuracy, no specific effect of juggling was detected. Low and medium correlations were found between decision time and the variability of choice reaction time with contralateral accuracy. For ipsilateral accuracy, a relationship was observed only with handedness. No correlations were found between attention test scores and joint position sense accuracy. Conclusion The study did not demonstrate a significant effect of juggling on position-matching ability. However, cognitive abilities such as decision speed and the stability of choice reaction time may play a role in enhancing position-matching in older women. Clinical trial registration, identifier NCT06108713.
... This inconsistency may be accounted for by the different mental rotation tasks being used. Jansen et al. (2011) used a more complex mental rotation task involving 3D block figures and only assessed this on girls' juggling performance, a complex object manipulation skill, whereas the current research used 2D animal stimuli and assessed the performance on this skill in relation to an accumulation of one's performance in all three FMS constructs. In addition, the results highlight that all four spatial abilities were significantly positively related, albeit weakly, with all three of the mathematics abilities assessed and total mathematics score, which is in line with the findings from recent systematic reviews and meta-analyses (Atit et al. 2022;Xie et al. 2020). ...
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Research has demonstrated positive relationships between fundamental movement skills (FMS) and mathematics achievement in children, and this relationship may be mediated by spatial ability. Engaging in physical activity (PA) may also have positive outcomes on mathematics achievement; however, no study has investigated this network of relationships together. This study aimed to examine the relationship between PA and mathematics achievement, and the mediating effects of FMS and spatial abilities, in primary school children. Using a cross-sectional design, data were collected from 182 children (aged 7 to 8 years old) across four schools in England. Objective moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) levels and subjective parental reports of their children’s PA participation were collected. Children’s FMS were assessed, along with their performance on four spatial ability tasks and a mathematics test. Mediation analyses revealed no significant mediation effects of FMS and spatial abilities on the positive significant relationship between MVPA and mathematics achievement; however, spatial ability partially mediated the relationship between FMS and mathematics achievement. These results suggest that FMS and spatial ability may not be related to MVPA in this network of relationships, but children with more mature FMS perform better in mathematics due to them performing better on specific spatial ability tasks.
... In general, for the relationship between the visuospatial ability mental rotation and motor function it has been assumed that motor and mental rotations share common processes (Wohlschläger and Wohlschläger, 1998), in other words the mental rotation process can be considered as a covert motor rotation (Wexler et al., 1998). Moreover, motor capabilities seem to be involved in mental rotation processes, because motor experts perform better in mental rotation test than non-motor experts (Steggemann et al., 2011;Pietsch and Jansen, 2012;Voyer and Jansen, 2017) and motor training has positive effects on mental rotation ability in children (Jansen et al., 2011;Blüchel et al., 2013;Pietsch et al., 2017). Dual-task paradigms have consistently shown a stabilizing effect of mental rotation tasks on postural stability in healthy young adults (Dault et al., 2001;Burcal et al., 2014;Budde et al., 2021;. ...
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This study investigated the relationship between mental rotation ability and postural stability, with a focus on the role of the visuospatial sketchpad of working memory, as it has been found to be correlated with both concepts. A total of 87 healthy young adults completed a postural stability task on a force plate, a mental rotation task, and both spatial and object working memory tasks in a counterbalanced order. Bayesian correlations revealed weak positive correlations between mental rotation and postural stability, as well as a correlation between mental rotation and spatial working memory. A weak association was also observed between mental rotation and object working memory. No correlation was found between the working memory components and postural stability. Furthermore, the results showed that spatial working memory did not play a crucial role in predicting postural stability. We conclude that the visuospatial sketchpad, particularly the spatial working memory component, cannot explain the relationship between mental rotation and postural stability.
... It is probable that structural changes in the brain after the juggling intervention may also improve cognitive function among participants who practice this form of activity. This may be supported by the studies of Jansen et al. [42,43] andLehmann et al. [31], who examined the effects of juggling on the outcome of mental rotations among different groups of individuals. The results of all these studies clearly indicated a relationship between motor training in the form of juggling and a shorter reaction time in a mental rotation test, which is associated with improved spatial imagination or mathematical skills. ...
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This systematic review formulated a research question based on the PICO method in accordance with the Guidelines for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA), "What is the effect of juggling as dual-task activity on neuroplasticity in the human brain?" In total, 1982 studies were analysed, 11 of which met the inclusion criteria and were included in the review. These studies included 400 participants who had no prior juggling experience or were expert jugglers. The research methodology in seven studies was based on a long-term intervention with juggling. Three studies were based on brain imaging during the act of juggling, and one study was based on comparing differences between experienced jugglers and non-jugglers without the intervention. In all of these selected studies, positive structural changes in the human brain were found, including changes mainly in the gray matter (GM) volume in the visual motion complex area (hMT/V5) and the white matter (WM) volume in fractional anisotropy (FA). Based on this evidence, it can be concluded that the bimanual juggling task, as a dual-task activity, may effectively integrate brain areas to improve neuroplasticity. The small number of well-designed studies and the high risk of bias call for further research using a juggling intervention to identify conclusive evidence.
... Draganski et al. (2004) analyzed juggling and its role in neuroplasticity with cognitive gains and Nakahara et al. (2007) in the treatment of anxiety. Jansen, Lange and Heil (2011) showed that juggling practice was significantly more effective in improving performance in mental rotation than simple strength training; Shi et al. (2021) observed improvement in working memory from football juggling training -a practice similar to traditional juggling in many aspects -compared to a passive control group. ...
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This article reports the author’s experience with the use of circus therapy activities in online neuropsychological rehabilitation of children with learning difficulties. It describes the results of free observation of one session in the PANDA Project. Four children were present, who previously underwent the neuropsychological assessment (NA) process and belong to a recurrent neuropsychological rehabilitation group. Three activities were performed in the meeting: the exhibition of a short film with paper dolls, "A Dor Azul" (The Blue Pain) (Cia dos Afetos, 2020); juggling with grocery bags; and look, feel, act (Trupe Trapia, 2021) an introductory exercise to clowning. According to the author's perception, three of the four children were more committed and motivated to participate in the proposed activities compared to the previous rehabilitation sessions, especially juggling with grocery bags. The fourth child, diagnosed with Childhood Autism (World Health Organization 1992), was resistant to most activities - except the last one, in which he was able to select an object of his interest. Based on the authors' experience, a bank of activities is being created for the permanent use of circus practices by the neuropsychological rehabilitation groups of the PANDA project.
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Research has demonstrated links between sport and mathematics learning, and their relationship with spatial abilities in children. This study explored the association between the development of fundamental movement skills (FMS) and mathematics achievement, and whether the understanding of specific spatial concepts mediated these relationships. Overall, 154 Year 3 children (69 males, 85 females , aged 7-8 years) from four schools in England completed an FMS assessment involving six skills; four spatial tasks assessing intrinsic-static, intrinsic-dynamic, extrinsic-static, and extrinsic-dynamic spatial abilities; and a mathematics test assessing numerical, geometrical, and arithmetical abilities. Overall FMS ability (a combined score across the six skills) was significantly positively correlated to overall mathematics achievement. This relationship was mediated by children's performance on the intrinsic-static spatial ability test. These findings suggest that children who have more mature FMS perform better in mathematics tasks, and this could be due to more developed intrinsic-static spatial ability. However, further research is necessary to determine the mediation effects of intrinsic-dynamic and extrinsic-static spatial ability.
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Numerous studies have shown cognitive enhancement through sport and physical exercise. Despite the variety of studies, the extent to which physical activity before or after a cognitive learning session leads to more effective cognitive enhancement remains largely unresolved. Moreover, little attention has been paid to the dependence of the motor learning approach then applied. In this study, we compare the influence of differential with uniformly rope skipping directly succeeding an acquisition phase in arithmetic mathematics. For three weeks 26 pupils, 14 female, 12 male, and 13.9 ± 0.7 years old, completed nine 15 min exercises in arithmetic math, each followed by 3 min rope skipping with heart rate measurement. Arithmetic performance was tested in a pre-, post-and retention test design. The results showed a statistically significant difference between the differential and the control groups within the development of arithmetic performance, especially in the retention test. There was no statistical difference in heart rate. It is suggested that the results provide evidence for sustainable improvements of cognitive learning performance by means of highly variable rope skipping.
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Physical training has beneficial effects not only on physical fitness, but also on cognitive functions. The most effective way to improve cognitive functions via physical training as well as the degree to which training effects transfer to untrained cognitive functions is still unclear, however. Here, we investigated the effects of adaptive and multi-modal short-term training interventions on cognitive training gains and transfer effects. Over a period of 12 weeks, 102 employees of a car manufacturing company (age range 20 to 61 years) received trainer-guided exercises, consisting of either two adaptive training interventions, physical (strength) training and multi-modal (motor–cognitive) training, or non-adaptive strength training (active control group). For the multi-modal intervention, the “Agility Board” was employed, a novel, multi-modal training device. Pre- and post-training, psychometric tests were conducted to measure cognitive abilities, such as perceptual speed, attention, short-term memory, working memory, inhibition, and mental rotation. In addition, motor–cognitive performance was assessed. Compared with the active control group, both training groups showed enhanced performance at posttest. While multi-modal training yielded performance improvements only in trained tasks, physical training was associated with improvements in untrained working memory updating and immediate recall tasks, suggesting transfer effects to short-term and working memory functioning. In summary, the results demonstrate the importance of adaptive difficulty settings for short-term physical training interventions, at least for the enhancement of working memory.
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Does the structure of an adult human brain alter in response to environmental demands? Here we use whole-brain magnetic-resonance imaging to visualize learning-induced plasticity in the brains of volunteers who have learned to juggle. We find that these individuals show a transient and selective structural change in brain areas that are associated with the processing and storage of complex visual motion. This discovery of a stimulus-dependent alteration in the brain's macroscopic structure contradicts the traditionally held view that cortical plasticity is associated with functional rather than anatomical changes.
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This study investigated the relation between motor development, intelligence and mental rotation ability in 5 to 6-year-old children. 80 children performed a standardized motor test (MOT 4-6), a paper-pencil mental rotation test (BIRT) and a non-verbal reasoning test (CPM). A multiple regression analysis revealed that intelligence and motor control abilities were significant and independent predictors of mental rotation performance.
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The present study contrasts 3 theories which provide explanations for performance improvement in mental rotation tasks. Wallace and Hofelich conjectured that the process as such may be executed more rapidly after training, while Bethell-Fox and Shepard attributed practice effects to the fact that images may be transformed, first elementwise but later as a Gestalt. In contrast, Tarr and Pinker assumed that a transformation of an image will no longer be computed after training but simply be retrieved from memory. Thirty-seven subjects participated in 3 test sessions in which they had to decide on the parity of 3-D block figures presented from different perspectives. Experimental group subjects underwent 4 additional practice sessions in which a subset of the figures and a subset of perspective views were used. Tests adapted to the predictions of the 3 theories revealed specific learning effects but no transfer, either to old objects presented in new perspectives nor to new objects. This supports an instance-based explanation of practice effects which states that objects are represented in multiple perspective views.
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The onset of locomotion heralds one of the major life transitions in early development and involves a pervasive set of changes in perception, spatial cognition, and social and emotional development. Through a synthesis of published and hitherto unpublished findings, gathered from a number of converging research designs and methods, this article provides a comprehensive review and reanalysis of the consequences of self-produced locomotor experience. Specifically, we focus on the role of locomotor experience in changes in social and emotional development, referential gestural communication, wariness of heights, the perception of self-motion, distance perception, spatial search, and spatial coding strategies. Our analysis reveals new insights into the specific processes by which locomotor experience brings about psychological changes. We elaborate these processes and provide new predictions about previously unsuspected links between locomotor experience and psychological function. The research we describe is relevant to our broad understanding of the developmental process, particularly as it pertains to developmental transitions. Although acknowledging the role of genetically mediated developmental changes, our viewpoint is a transactional one in which a single acquisition, in this case the onset of locomotion, sets in motion a family of experiences and processes that in turn mobilize both broad-based and context-specific psychological reorganizations. We conclude that, in infancy, the onset of locomotor experience brings about widespread consequences, and after infancy, can be responsible for an enduring role in development by maintaining and updating existing skills.
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In mental rotation tasks, reaction time increases linearly with increasing angular disparity (Shepard & Metzler, 1971). Extensive repetition of mental rotation has been shown to reduce reaction times (e.g., Tarr & Pinker, 1989). This training effect, however, seems to be based on the retrieval of memory representations rather than on a faster execution of the rotation process itself (e.g., Heil, Roesler, Link, & Bajric, 1998). The main purpose of the present experiments was to investigate whether mental rotation can be trained by a manual rotation task in a virtual environment. Since manual rotation does visualise the process of mental rotation and as mental rotation is assumed to be a covert motor rotation (Wexler, Kosslyn, & Berthoz, 1998), it should train the rotation process itself and thus should not be memory based. In Experiment 1, a new virtual mental rotation test was validated successfully. Experiment 2 shows that manual training of mental rotation in a virtual environment is effective but limited to trained objects.
The strongest sex differences on any cognitive task, favoring men, are found for tasks that require the mental rotation of three-dimensional objects. A number of studies have explored functional brain activation during mental rotation tasks, and sex differences have been noted in some. However, in these studies there was a substantial confounding factor because male and female subjects differed in overall performance levels. In contrast, our functional brain activation study examined cortical activation patterns for males and females who did not differ in overall level of performance on three mental rotation tasks. This allowed us to eliminate any confounding influences of overall performance levels. Women exhibited significant bilateral activations in the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) and the superior and inferior parietal lobule, as well as in the inferior temporal gyrus (ITG) and the premotor areas. Men showed significant activation in the right parieto-occitpital sulcus (POS), the left intraparietal sulcus and the left superior parietal lobule (SPL). Both men and women showed activation of the premotor areas but men also showed an additional significant activation of the left motor cortex. No significant activation was found in the inferior temporal gyrus. Our results suggest that there are genuine between-sex differences in cerebral activation patterns during mental rotation activities even when performances are similar. Such differences suggest that the sexes use different strategies in solving mental rotation tasks.
Nearly 200 studies have examined the impact that either acute or long-term exercise has upon cognition. Subsets of these studies have been reviewed using the traditional narrative method, and the common conclusion has been that the results are mixed. Therefore, a more comprehensive review is needed that includes all available studies and that provides a more objective and reproducible review process. Thus, a meta-analytic review was conducted that included all relevant studies with sufficient information for the calculation of effect size (W = 134). The overall effect size was 0.25, suggesting that exercise has a small positive effect on cognition. Examination of the moderator variables indicated that characteristics related to the exercise paradigm, the participants, the cognitive tests, and the quality of the study influence effect size. However, the most important finding was that as experimental rigor decreased, effect size increased. Therefore, more studies need to be conducted that emphasize experimental rigor.
Two groups of engineering students were tested for spatial ability (Mental Rotation Test = MRT). There were sex differences favouring males, similar to those seen in other academic programs. There were no significant sex differences in academic course performance, suggesting that differences in spatial ability as measured by the MRT do not have an impact on course performance. In addition, minimal experience with the mental rotation task produced large gains in performance and reduced the magnitude of sex differences. The results suggest that sweeping statements about the relation between differences in spatial ability and performance in science and mathematics subject areas, especially with reference to females, must be viewed with caution.
Developmental and child psychology remains a vital area in modern psychology. This comprehensive set covers a broad spectrum of developmenal issues, from the psychology of the infant, the family, abilities and disabilities, children's art, imagination, play, speech, mental development, perception, intelligence, mental health and education. In looking at areas which continue to be very important today, these volumes provide a fascinating look at how approaches and attitudes to children have changed over the years. The set includes nine volumes by key development psychologist Jean Piaget, as well as titles by Charlotte Buhler and Susan Isaacs.