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The effectiveness of using movies in the EFL classroom-a study conducted at South East European University
Abstract: Being exposed to different media and technology resources, from audio to printed material students lack the motivation for learning in conventional way. This is
the main reason why English language teachers always keep searching for more motivating teaching sources. Course books and CD‘s offered in English classes turn out to
be artificial and not very engaging for students. One way of bringing variety into the classroom is the use of movies in EFL teaching. . This paper analyzes the effects of
using movies in the EFL classroom. It reveals its effects on developing students listening and communication skill. The study was conducted on a sample of two groups: an
experimental and a control group taught conventionally .The study was carried out at the South East European University in the academic year 2011/2012. The participants
in this study were pre-intermediate and intermediate level of students, aged 18-25.
The results of the study have shown that significant differences between experimental and control group of students on integrated skills, using video incorporated in the
teaching material. The study concluded that movies attract students’ attention, present language in a more natural way that found in course-books. What is more important
movies offer a visual context aids which help students understanding and improve their learning skills.
Key words: media, movies, teaching English, communication skill, comprehension.
1. Introduction
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“Video is lauded for contextualizing language (i.e., linking language form to meaning) and depicting the foreign culture more effectively than
other instructional materials. Videotapes permit students to hear native speakers interacting in everyday conversational situations and to
practice important linguistic structures. Unlike audiocassettes, video's visual dimension is thought to reduce ambiguities present in native
speaker voices and to motivate students to want to learn the foreign language” (Herron, et al., 1995, p. 775).
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3. Participants
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6.Interpretation of Findings / Results
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1. What are the teachers’ attitudes towards the using movies on development of the students’ language competence and
performance in academic settings?
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2. What are students’ perceptions towards using movies in EFL classroom?
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you think watching
English movies has a
beneficial effect on
learning English?
Do you think your
movie preferences
will affect your
Do you think English
subtitle are good in
learning English?
I am interested in
learning English if the
teacher uses English
films as teaching
Do you think this film
is useful in learning
Does watching the movies serve as a bridge between learning skills?
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7.Advantages and disadvantages of using the movies as a supplementary resource
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8. Pedagogical Implications and Suggestions for Further Research
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9. Limitation
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The Questionnaire for English Teachers &AA)9FP)73!-3P=-9F./5/
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1. Have you received training at some point in some of the following?
R R( !
R;& ! &"!
2. Movies should be used in the EFL classroom?
!!R !RGRI!R !I!R
3. I have used _______________ as teaching material in English class:
RE !P#
4. What types of movies have you used as teaching material in English class?
RG# R3 R<%!*7
5.How often have you used the movies / video clips in your classroom?
R; R" RG
6. I think that using movies in English classes takes too much time!
R!! R! RGRI! R!I!
7. I think it’s very hard to find suitable movies for ESL students.
R!! R! RGRI! R!I!
8. It is very difficult to incorporate movies into curriculum.
R!! R! RGRI!R!I!
9. I think that movies are suitable for the classroom only to fill the time.
R!! R! RGRI! R!I!
10. I think movies are a useful resource for oral English language teaching.
R!! R! RGRI!R!I!
11. The feedback I received from students when using movies in teaching has been positive
R!! R! RGRI! R!I!
12. I think movies are a useful resource for teaching English vocabulary.
R!! R!R RGRI! R!I!
13. I’ve been using movies in English class oral language skills teaching assignments in the following:
R4I D#
RI&* !
14.I've been using movies in English class to write teaching assignments in the following
The Questionnaire for Students &AA)9FP)73!-3P=-9F./5/
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