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A new generic synonym in the Reduviinae of Australia, with an updated key to genera (Heteroptera: Reduviidae)


Abstract and Figures

The monotypic genus Horciniella Miller, 1958 is considered a junior synonym of Archilestidium Breddin, 1900 (new synonymy), resulting in the following taxonomic change for its type species: Archilestidium variabile (Miller, 1958) (new combination). The evidence supporting this conclusion and the new composition of the genus are discussed at length. Updated keys to the reduviine genera of Australia and the Australian species of Horcinia Stål, 1874 are included. Habitus images as well as a new distributional record are provided for several Australian reduviines.
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... Additionally, Villiers's (1948) and Cook's (1977) keys still facilitate separation of most African and Asian genera, respectively. However, as in the case of the reduviines noted by Swanson (2015), the Australian members of Ectrichodiini have been neglected. Nine genera are known from mainland Australia, and each is endemic, as well as monotypic: Antiopuloides formosus Miller, 1952;Austrokatanga monteithi Weirauch et al., 2009; Brisbanocoris fuscipennis Miller, 1957; Caloundranius formosus Miller, 1957;Colastocoris laetus Miller, 1959;Lyramna vigil Breddin, 1900;Mendola puellula Breddin, 1900;Nebriscoides nitens Miller, 1957;and Nebriscus pupus Bergroth, 1895. ...
... I have followed my prior methodology in establishing new generic synonyms (i.e., Swanson 2015Swanson , 2017: the original descriptions of all relevant taxa were compared, and when no exclusionary characters between the two genera were found, I requested photographs of corresponding type material from one of the institutions listed below to affirm my conclusions. All photographs of type material included are the property of their respective institutions; this is indicated in the caption of each figure, where relevant. ...
... The key to Old World genera was synthesized with Stål's (1874) conspectus serving as the initial framework, supplemented with the original descriptions of the taxa, key to the genera of Tribelocephalinae and Davranoglou's (2016) original description. I also have continued my use of bracketed characters (e.g., Swanson 2015), in which the contrast for a bracketed character will be encountered in one of the immediately successive couplets upon following the opposite lead. ...
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Malingeus tumidus gen. et sp. nov., a new millipede assassin from Queensland, and Yaramayahus rufescens gen. et sp. nov., a new millipede assassin from New South Wales, are herein described from the tribe Ectrichodiini (Ectrichodiinae). Additionally, Caloundranius formosus Miller, 1957, syn. nov. is here considered a junior synonym of Mendola puellula Breddin, 1900, which relegates the genus Caloundranius Miller, 1957, syn. nov. to a junior synonym of Mendola Breddin, 1900. The previously proposed status of Tasmanocoris evansi Miller, 1952, as a junior synonym of Nebriscus pupus Bergroth, 1895, is corroborated. Brisbanocoris fuscipennis Miller, 1957, syn. nov. is here considered a junior synonym of Lyramna vigil Breddin, 1900, which relegates the genus Brisbanocoris Miller, 1957, syn. nov. to a junior synonym of Lyramna Breddin, 1900. Finally, an updated generic key to the ectrichodiine genera of Australia is presented.
... I have followed my prior methodology in establishing generic synonyms (i.e. Swanson 2015Swanson , 2017Swanson , 2019aSwanson , 2019b, viz. comparing the original descriptions and images of type material of each taxon in the synonymous pair. ...
... Furthermore, Miller's proclivity for describing taxa without knowing the full complement of described fauna for an area or based on insignificant morphological or colour differences is well-established (e.g. Malipatil 1985Malipatil , 1986aMalipatil , 1986bMalipatil , 1988Malipatil , 1991Cassis and Gross 1995;Coscarón 2002;Swanson 2015Swanson , 2017Swanson , 2019aSwanson , 2019b. ...
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Knowledge of the biodiversity of a region can have wide-ranging implications for other disciplines and enterprises, including public health, agriculture and pest management, and conservation. However, in order to properly assess a region’s biodiversity, an accurate and up-to-date taxonomy is needed.While description of new taxa plays a sizeable role in how biodiversity changes over time, the re-assessment of previously described taxa and the recognition of synonyms are of equal importance. In this service, taxonomic study of ‘Rhaphidosomatini’ and its variously associated taxa was undertaken. ‘Rhaphidosomatini’ are a group of harpactorine assassin bugs centred around three predominantly sub-Saharan genera. However, its composition has remained obfuscated, as nine other small (mostly monotypic) genera have been subsequently associated with the group, either explicitly or through implied relationship. Its basic history, culminating in the rejection of ‘Rhaphidosomatini’ as a valid taxonomic group, is here discussed. Also, during this investigation, both a new species and a new generic synonym were discovered, necessitating the following taxonomic changes. Hoffmannocoris sinuatus sp. nov. is herein described from Grahamstown, South Africa. Harrisocoris africanus Miller, 1959 is here considered a junior synonym of Igora repraesentatus Hesse, 1925 syn. nov.; this taxonomic change relegates the genus Harrisocoris Miller, 1959 to a junior synonym of Igora Hesse, 1925 syn. nov. Finally, a single new country record for Rhaphidosoma collarti Schouteden, 1952 from Uganda is reported.
... Species without records from the state but likely residing in the state based on literature records are included and marked with an asterisk (*) in the key. Occasionally, brackets occur in the key, and these are used to indicate that the opposing condition for the bracketed characters do not appear in the opposite lead of that couplet but may be found by following the opposite lead to the next couplet (see Swanson 2015). Morphological characters were photographed using specimens from the INHS Insect Collection, as well as the DRS and CSC personal collections. ...
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Alabama is one of the most speciose states in the United States, yet many common groups of organisms, including assassin bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae), have yet to be fully documented. The purpose of this manuscript is to identify all known assassin bug species occurring in the state using literature records and specimens from natural history collections, most notably the Auburn University Museum of Natural History Entomology Collection, to provide new state records, a checklist, and a morphological species key of the Alabama Reduviidae. All total, 61 species within 36 genera and 10 subfamilies are reported from Alabama. Additionally, 40 new state literature records are documented: 34 from Alabama and six from other states.
... Key.-Use of brackets in the key follows my prior methods (i.e., Swanson 2015). ...
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A new harpactorine species is herein described: Authenta nigriventris Swanson, n. sp. from Tanzania. An updated key to the species of Authenta Bergroth, 1894 and the first record of Authenta subsimilis Horváth, 1914 from Nigeria also are included. © 2018 Entomological Society of Washington. All rights reserved.
... Murugan & Livingstone (1990) also noted variability in the color pattern as "colouration varies from dark to light brown depending on the colouration of the soil of the respective microhabitat." Admittedly, it is known that color pattern may be unreliable for delimiting species and this has been shown in many instances in the Reduviidae (see examples in Swanson 2015). However, in the case of these two taxa, there are no apparent differences in the color and color pattern that might render dubious a conspecific status. ...
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The genera of Salyavatinae are briefly discussed. Nudiscutella frontispina Murugan & Livingstone, 1990 is considered a junior synonym of Paralisarda malabarica Miller, 1957 syn. nov. Thirteen species are transferred from Petalocheirus Palisot de Beauvois, 1805 and the following new combinations are proposed: Alvilla gulosa (Miller, 1940) comb. nov.; Alvilla obesa (Miller, 1940) comb. nov.; Alvilla spinosissima (Distant, 1903) comb. nov.; Alvilla tyrannus (Miller, 1940) comb. nov.; Platychiria congolensis (Miller, 1950) comb. nov.; Platychiria lapidaria (Miller, 1950) comb. nov.; Platychiria montana (Miller, 1950) comb. nov.; Platychiria praecox (Miller, 1950) comb. nov.; Platychiria similis (Miller, 1950) comb. nov.; Platychiria striata (Miller, 1950) comb. nov.; Platychiria ugandensis (Miller, 1950) comb. nov.; Platychiria unicolor (Miller, 1950) comb. nov.; and Rhachicephala fasciata (Distant, 1903) comb. nov.. Petalocheirus singularis Walker, 1873 is resurrected from synonymy under Petalocheirus malayus Stål, 1859 and transferred to Rhachicephala Truong, Zhao & Cai, 2007, resulting in Rhachicephala singularis (Walker, 1873) stat. rev. et comb. nov. A supplementary description of the female of Valentia langkawiensis Miller, 1940 is included. An updated key to the world genera of Salyavatinae concludes the study.
... In the keys, certain characters are occasionally set apart using brackets following Swanson (2015). The brackets indicate that the contrasting character comes in one of the subsequent couplets upon following the opposite lead. ...
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Six heteropteran species are reported for the first time from Illinois based on recently caught specimens from various bioinventories: the flat bug Neuroctenus pseudonymus Bergroth (Aradidae: Mezirinae), the stilt bug Metacanthus multispinus (Ashmead) (Berytidae: Metacanthinae), the leaf-footed bugs Anasa repetita Heidemann and Chelinidea vittiger Uhler (Coreidae: Coreinae), the ambush bug Phymata fasciata fasciata (Gray) (Reduviidae: Phymatinae), and the scentless plant bug Arhyssus nigristernum (Signoret) (Rhopalidae: Rhopalinae). Additionally, three more records for the flat bug Nannium pusio Heidemann (Aradidae) and the scentless plant bugs Aufeius impressicollis Stål and Niesthrea louisianica Sailer (Rhopalidae) are newly-reported for the state based on material in the Illinois Natural History Insect Collection (INHS). Supplementing these notes are dichotomous keys to the species of Mezirinae, Berytidae, Coreidae, Phymatinae, and Rhopalidae of Illinois.
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The concept of the previously monogeneric subfamily Pseudocetherinae (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae) is revised and expanded. We here transfer Gerbelius Distant, 1903, Kayanocoris Miller, 1954, Microvarus Jeannel, 1917, Paragerbelius Miller, 1958, and Voconia Stål, 1866 from Reduviinae to Pseudocetherinae and treat Kayanocoris, Microvarus, Paragerbelius, and Pseudocethera Villiers, 1963 as junior synonyms of Voconia, resulting in new combinations for Voconia conradti (Jeannel, 1917) comb. nov., V. ifana (Villiers, 1963) comb. nov., V. monodi (Villiers, 1963) comb. nov., V. motoensis (Schouteden, 1929) comb. nov., V. ornata (Distant, 1903) comb. nov., V. schoutedeni (Villiers, 1964) comb. nov., V. typica (Miller, 1958) comb. nov., and V. wegneri (Miller, 1954) comb. nov. We also describe 23 new species of Voconia: V. bakeri sp. nov., V. bracata sp. nov., V. brachycephala sp. nov., V. chrysoptera sp. nov., V. coronata sp. nov., V. decorata sp. nov., V. dolichocephala sp. nov., V. fasciata sp. nov., V. grandioculata sp. nov., V. hemera sp. nov., V. isosceles sp. nov., V. laosensis sp. nov., V. lasiosoma sp. nov., V. lirophleps sp. nov., V. loki sp. nov., V. mexicana sp. nov., V. minima sp. nov., V. nyx sp. nov., V. smithae sp. nov., V. tridens sp. nov., V. trinidadensis sp. nov., V. tuberculata sp. nov., and V. vittata sp. nov. Lectotypes are designated for Gerbelius confluens Distant, 1903, G. typicus Distant, 1903, V. conradti comb. nov., V. ornata comb. nov., and V. pallidipes Stål, 1866. A revised diagnosis and description of Pseudocetherinae are provided along with photographs of the species and of the male genitalia of 13 pseudocetherine and five closely related reduviine species. An identification key to the two genera of Pseudocetherinae as well as a key to species of Voconia are presented. A phylogenetic hypothesis is proposed for the relationships of Pseudocetherinae using parsimony analyses of 77 morphological characters.
We describe a new Eocene fossil assassin bug, Aphelicophontes danjuddi gen. et sp. nov. (Reduviidae: Harpactorinae), from the Green River Formation of Colorado. The specimens informing this description are extraordinarily preserved, particularly in the external and internal structures of the adult male genitalia. We discuss implications of the new species for the systematics and evolutionary history of the group, as well as the strength of phylogenetic signal in harpactorine genitalia.
Herein are erected several new taxa and taxonomic changes based on a study of the Old World genera of Peiratinae: Sphodrembas gen. nov. is erected for a single new species, Sphodrembas fumipennis sp. nov. from Kenya and Tanzania. Ectomocoris caccabatus sp. nov. is newly described and represents the first record of the genus from the Korean Peninsula. Chaulioleistes gen. nov. is erected for Peirates singularis Stål, 1874, resulting in Chaulioleistes singularis (Stål, 1874) comb. nov. Isdegardes Distant, 1909, described in Acanthaspidinae (=Reduviinae), is considered a junior synonym of the peiratine genus Phalantus Stål, 1863 syn. nov., resulting in Phalantus melanocephalus (Distant, 1909) comb. nov. for the type species of Isdegardes. Lestomerus wroughtoni Bergroth, 1915 is transferred to Brachysandalus Stål, 1866, resulting in Brachysandalus wroughtoni (Bergroth, 1915) comb. nov. The previously proposed synonymy of Polychitonocoris formosus Miller, 1940 with Calistocoris caesareus Reuter, 1881 is corroborated. All of the above taxonomic acts are supplemented with a key to the species of Calistocoris, a key to the species of Pachysandalus, and a key to the peiratine genera of the Old World. Also reported are thirteen new country records for eleven other species: Brachysandalus bicolor (Villiers, 1948) (Kenya, Tanzania); Ectomocoris bimaculatus Schouteden, 1909 (Ghana); Ectomocoris fenestratus (Klug, 1830) (Ghana); Ectomocoris maculicrus (Fairmaire, 1858) (Uganda, Zimbabwe); Lestomerus affinis (Audinet-Serville, 1831) (Malaysia); Lestomerus basilewskyi Villiers, 1962 (Kenya); Lestomerus bicolor (Villiers, 1948) (Kenya); Lestomerus dubius Villiers, 1948 (Cameroon); Pachysandalus schoutedeni Villiers, 1962 (Sudan); Peirates collarti Schouteden, 1931 (Cameroon); Peirates quadrinotatus (Fabricius, 1798) (Malaysia); and Phalantus africanus Stål, 1874 (Ghana).
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Three new peiratine species in the genus Rasahus Amyot & Audinet-Serville, 1843 (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Reduviidae: Peiratinae) are described: Rasahus nesiotes sp. nov. from Grand Bahama, Rasahus deliquus sp. nov. from Panama, and Rasahus abolitus sp. nov. from French Guiana. Rasahus castaneus Coscarón, 1983 is reported for the first time from French Guiana. The identity of Reduvius scutellaris Fabricius, 1787 is clarified, resulting in the following taxonomic and nomenclatural changes: Rasahus rufiventris (Walker, 1873) is considered a junior synonym of Rasahus scutellaris (Fabricius, 1787) stat. rev. et syn. nov., and Pirates myrmecinus Erichson, 1848 is resurrected and transferred, resulting in Rasahus myrmecinus (Erichson, 1848) stat. rev. et comb. nov. Most records of Rasahus scutellaris auct. (nec Fabricius) prior to this study remain indeterminate. Additionally, the peiratine fauna known from Panama and French Guiana are enumerated, and an updated key to the species of Rasahus is provided. Lastly, Pirates digramma Walker, 1873 (p. 102), tentatively considered to belong to Rasahus by previous authors, is discussed and transferred to Tydides Stål, 1866, resulting in Tydides digramma (Walker, 1873) comb. nov.
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Apiomerus barrocoloradoi sp. nov. is described from Costa Rica and Panama. This new species is highly polychromatic,a judgment based on specimens of the same locality. Dorsal habitus images documenting the range of variation of the color pattern are provided. Male and female genitalia are documented in detail to provide unambiguous characters for species recognition. Color variation is discussed with regard to traditional species limits.
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The crassipes and pictipes species groups of Apiomerus Hahn together contain 12 species, many with high intraspecific chromatic variability, which represent the majority of Nearctic species in this New World assassin bug genus. Because of their geographical distribution and their varying degrees of polychromatism, these two species groups provide a unique opportunity to study the evolution of polychromatism and analyse relationships among areas of endemism in the Nearctic, as well as determine the boundary between the Nearctic and Neotropical regions. The results of a morphology based phylogenetic analysis allowed investigation of these questions while also determining relationships among the 12 species in the two species groups. The crassipes and pictipes species groups were each supported as monophyletic and as sister taxa. Apiomerus rufipennis (Fallou) was not included in the original concept of the crassipes species group, but is shown here to be a member of the group. Apiomerus barrocoloradoi Forero, Berniker & Szerlip, which had been hypothesized previously to belong to the pictipes species group, is excluded from this group. Intraspecific polychromatism for each species was identified as being present in one of three states: no polychromatism; limited polychromatism; or polychromatism as discrete colour morphs. Limited polychromatism was here found to be the ancestral state for Apiomerus, and species with discrete colour morphs are restricted to the crassipes and pictipes species groups. Polychromatism appears to be a greatly homoplastic character within the genus. A Brooks parsimony analysis recovered distinct Nearctic and Neotropical clades. The Nearctic clade is divided between areas in the central and eastern U.S.A. and areas in the Western U.S.A. and Mexico. The Nearctic–Neotropical boundary for the taxa included in the analysis is along the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in southern Mexico.
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The following new species are described: Ptilocnemus darwinensis. sp, nov.; P. distinctus, sp, nov.; P. kakaduensis. sp. nov.; P. borealis, sp. nov. The following synonymies are made: Ptilocnemus plumifer Horvath, 1902 with P. lemur (Westwood. 1840); Ptilocnemus velutinus Miller, 1950, P. occidentalis Miller. 1950. P. glis Miller, 1950, P. tasmaniae Miller, 1950, P. funereus Miller, 1950, and P. opacus Miller, 1950 with P. sidnicus Mayr. 1865: Ptilocnemus vittatus Miller, 1957 with P. pallidus Miller, 1950; Platycnemocoris Miller. 1950 with Smiliopus Bergroth, 1909; Smiliopus compressipes Bergroth, 1909 and Platycnemocoris musculus Miller, 1950 with Ptilocnemus quadrinotatus Reuter, 1883, which is transferred to Smiliopus. Keys to the genera of Australian Holoptilinae and the species of the Australian endemic genus Ptilocnemus are provided. Lectotypes have been designated for Ptilocnemus lemur (Westwood) and P sidnicus Mayr.
Apiomerus barrocoloradoi sp. nov. is described from Costa Rica and Panama. This new species is highly polychromatic, a judgment based on specimens of the same locality. Dorsal habitus images documenting the range of variation of the color pattern are provided. Male and female genitalia are documented in detail to provide unambiguous characters for species recognition. Color variation is discussed with regard to traditional species limits.
Thirty genera of Harpactorinae are recognised from Australia. -from Author