We investigate an interacting particle model to simulate a foraging colony of ants, where each ant is represented as an active Brownian particle. The interactions among ants are mediated through chemotaxis, aligning their orientations with the upward gradient of the pheromone field. Unlike conventional models, our study introduces a parameter that enables the reproduction of two distinctive behaviors: the well-known Keller-Segel collapse and the formation of traveling clusters, without relying on external constraints such as food sources or nests. We consider the associated mean-field limit partial differential equation (PDE) of this system and establish the analytical and numerical foundations for understanding these particle behaviors. Remarkably, the mean-field PDE not only supports Keller-Segel collapse and lane formation but also unveils a bistable region where these two behaviors compete. The patterns associated with these phenomena are elucidated by the shape of the growing eigenfunctions derived from linear stability analysis. This study not only contributes to our understanding of complex ant colony dynamics but also introduces a novel parameter-dependent perspective on pattern formation in collective systems. 1. Introduction. Collective behaviours of animals can persist over large distances and for long times. One example can be found in the self-organisation of ants. Amongst the different known species of ants (Formicidae), ranging in the 20.000s, there are many ways in which they use chemicals to organise collectively. Using chemical (olfactory) cues, they organise themselves into trails connecting their nests and food sources or into ant armies to capture moving prey [4, 40]. The foraging trails can last for months and extend over vast distances. It is common to see ants move bidirectionally along the trails, split into incoming and outgoing groups, either bringing food back to the nest or going out to get new food [37, 48]. Ant colonies have long amazed researchers with their ability to regulate traffic and prevent jams in crowded conditions, as may occur in trails along confined spaces. In fact, ants appear to do better than humans at traffic regulation at high densities [32]. In lab experiments using narrow bridges connecting the nest and a food source, researchers found that ants can sustain a constant flow at high densities as opposed to the typical reduction in flow due to congestion in traffic models [63]. To understand such behaviour, one may turn to microscopic or individual-based models that track every single ant in the colony and their interactions. In the case of ants, as customary in active matter systems, one typically accounts for the time evolution of the position and the orientation of each ant. Microscopic models of active matter have been used to study a vast array of different complex behaviours such as lane formation [5, 21, 67], bird flocking [24, 27, 30, 50], biological flows [59, 65] and clustering [17, 22, 25, 51]. Ants utilise different pheromone molecules for various tasks such as trail formation, navigation , bridge building, nestmate recognition and alarming in cases of danger; see, for example, [10, 28, 29] and references therein. Our starting point is an individual-based model proposed in [31], following the experimental data of [63]. It consists of a set of stochastic differential equations (SDEs) for the position and orientation of each ant and a partial differential equation (PDE) describing the evolution of the pheromone concentration. The SDE model represents each ant as an active Brownian particle; that is, the position evolves according to a Brownian motion with a bias in the direction of the orientation, and the orientation changes gradually by a periodic Brownian motion. Ants change their orientations to align with the upward gradient of a pheromone field they lay. This mechanism is akin to that of autophoretic colloids studied in [53, 62], leading to a so-called Active Attractive Alignment (AAA) model in [52]. These active colloids, which are synthetically manufactured and used as micro-engines and cargo carriers, are seen in experiments to undergo dynamic clustering even at slow densities of less than 10% [52]. The ant model in [31] differs from the AAA model in that the chemical sensing is not at the particle' centre but at a look-ahead distance that represents the location of the ants' antennas. We will show that this difference is