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Vaccine Adjuvant MF59 Promotes Retention of Unprocessed Antigen in Lymph Node Macrophage Compartments and Follicular Dendritic Cells

  • Independent Researcher

Abstract and Figures

Ag retention within lymph nodes (LNs) upon vaccination is critical for the development of adaptive immune responses, because it facilitates the encounter of the Ag with cognate lymphocytes. During a secondary exposure of the immune system to an Ag, immune complexes (ICs) that contain the unprocessed Ag are captured by subcapsular sinus macrophages and are transferred onto follicular dendritic cells, where they persist for weeks, facilitating Ag presentation to cognate memory B cells. The impact of adjuvants on Ag retention within the draining LNs is unknown. In this article, we provide the first evidence, to our knowledge, that the oil-in-water emulsion adjuvant MF59 localizes in subcapsular sinus and medullary macrophage compartments of mouse draining LNs, where it persists for at least 2 wk. In addition, we demonstrate that MF59 promotes accumulation of the unprocessed Ag within these LN compartments and facilitates the consequent deposition of the IC-trapped Ag onto activated follicular dendritic cells. These findings correlate with the ability of MF59 to boost germinal center generation and Ag-specific Ab titers. Our data suggest that the adjuvant effect of MF59 is, at least in part, due to an enhancement of IC-bound Ag retention within the LN and offer insights to improve the efficacy of new vaccine adjuvants. Copyright © 2015 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.
MF59 adjuvant induces Ag retention within SCS and medullary compartments of draining LNs. (A–C and E) Wilde type (A–C) or C3 2/2 (E) C57BL/6 mice were immunized twice i.m. with PE (upper panels) and PE + MF59 (lower panels). Inguinal draining LNs were collected 1 h (A), 6 h (B), or 7 d (C and E) after the second immunization and analyzed by confocal microscopy to detect SCSMs (CD169-FITC) and MMs (F4/80-Alexa Fluor 450) (A) or FDCs (CD21/35-Pacific Blue) and GC B cells (GL7-FITC) (B, C, and E). Signals that localize CD169, F4/80, CD21/35, or GL7 expression and PE are shown separately or merged as indicated. The image of one section is shown, in each panel, as an example of consecutive sections of a whole LN, which is representative of three organs from different mice. Original magnification 35. Scale bar, 100 mm. One representative experiment of two is shown. (D) AntiPE IgG titers in the sera of the same mice that LNs are shown in (B) (6 h after the second immunization) and (C) (7 d after the second immunization). Each symbol represents the serum anti-PE IgG titer of a single mouse. Anti-PE IgG titers were measured by ELISA. **p , 0.01, unpaired Student t test. (F) Schematic representation of a LN to facilitate the interpretation of the confocal microscopy images. (G) Typical confocal microscopy detection of MMs (F4/80) and SCSMs (CD169) of inguinal LN from naive untreated mice. Signals that localize F4/80 or CD169 expression are shown separately or merged as indicated. The image of one section is shown, as an example of consecutive sections of a whole LN, which is representative of several organs from different mice. Original magnification 35. Scale bar, 100 mm.
Quantitation of Ag retention induced by MF59 within draining LNs. Similar experiments of Fig. 1. Inguinal draining LNs were collected 6 h after the second immunization and analyzed by flow cytometry. (A) Number (left panel) or percentage (right panel) of PE + cells within total draining LN cells from mice immunized with PE alone (black bars) or PE adjuvanted with MF59 (white bars). (B) Number (left panel) or percentage (right panel) of PE + SCSMs (phenotypically distinguished as CD169 +-F4/80 2-CD11c 2 ), MMs (phenotypically distinguished as CD169 +-F4/80 + CD11c 2 ), DCs (phenotypically distinguished as CD169 2to+-F4/80 2to+-CD11c + ) and B cells (phenotypically distinguished as CD19 + ) as indicated, within total draining LN cells from mice immunized with PE alone (black bars) or PE adjuvanted with MF59 (white bars). (C) Percentage of PE + B cells among the PE + total LN cells from mice immunized with PE alone (black bar) or adjuvanted with MF59 (white bar). (D) Comparison of PE loading by B cells (green bars), MMs (blue bars), and SCSMs (red bars) in immunization with MF59. The mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of PE for each cell population is depicted as the difference (DMFI; left panel) or the ratio (MFI fold increase; right panel) with the background (PBS-injected mice). The DMFI reveals that the net PE fluorescence of macrophages is roughly one logarithmic higher than the net PE fluorescence of B cells, whereas the MFI fold increase confirms that the PE uptake by macrophages is higher than the PE uptake by B cells. Inguinal draining LNs from three different mice per treatment were pooled. Results from one representative experiment of two are depicted.
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of June 19, 2017.
This information is current as Dendritic Cells
Macrophage Compartments and Follicular
of Unprocessed Antigen in Lymph Node
Vaccine Adjuvant MF59 Promotes Retention
Diego Piccioli
Carmine Malzone, Ennio De Gregorio, Ugo D'Oro and
Rocco Cantisani, Alfredo Pezzicoli, Rossella Cioncada,
doi: 10.4049/jimmunol.1400623
January 2015;
2015; 194:1717-1725; Prepublished online 14J Immunol
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by guest on June 19, 2017 from by guest on June 19, 2017 from
The Journal of Immunology
Vaccine Adjuvant MF59 Promotes Retention of Unprocessed
Antigen in Lymph Node Macrophage Compartments and
Follicular Dendritic Cells
Rocco Cantisani, Alfredo Pezzicoli, Rossella Cioncada, Carmine Malzone,
Ennio De Gregorio, Ugo D’Oro, and Diego Piccioli
Ag retention within lymph nodes (LNs) upon vaccination is critical for the development of adaptive immune responses, because it
facilitates the encounter of the Ag with cognate lymphocytes. During a secondary exposure of the immune system to an Ag, immune
complexes (ICs) that contain the unprocessed Ag are captured by subcapsular sinus macrophages and are transferred onto follicular
dendritic cells, where they persist for weeks, facilitating Ag presentation to cognate memory B cells. The impact of adjuvants on Ag
retention within the draining LNs is unknown. In this article, we provide the first evidence, to our knowledge, that the oil-in-water
emulsion adjuvant MF59 localizes in subcapsular sinus and medullary macrophage compartments of mouse draining LNs, where
it persists for at least 2 wk. In addition, we demonstrate that MF59 promotes accumulation of the unprocessed Ag within these LN
compartments and facilitates the consequent deposition of the IC-trapped Ag onto activated follicular dendritic cells. These
findings correlate with the ability of MF59 to boost germinal center generation and Ag-specific Ab titers. Our data suggest that
the adjuvant effect of MF59 is, at least in part, due to an enhancement of IC-bound Ag retention within the LN and offer insights
to improve the efficacy of new vaccine adjuvants. The Journal of Immunology, 2015, 194: 1717–1725.
Antigen uptake within lymphoid organs is a crucial step for
the development of an immune response (1–3). Follicular
dendritic cells (FDCs) have been described to play a key
role in the induction of B cell responses, particularly during re-
exposure of the immune system to a protein Ag (3–6). FDCs
capture circulating immune complexes (ICs) through the CR2
(CD21/35) and retain them for a long period (up to 3 wk) (3, 5, 7–
9). A prolonged exposure of the ICs on the FDC surface facilitates
the encounter of the unprocessed Ag with cognate memory B cells
(9, 10). Moreover, FDCs secrete chemokines, such as CXCL13, to
attract and interact with cognate B cells (5, 6, 9). Through this
interaction, FDCs provide Ag-specific B cells with signals from
the cognate Ag and the costimulatory surface or soluble mole-
cules, which have to be integrated to achieve the selective acti-
vation of the memory B cells (4–6, 8–11). FDCs maintain intact
and unprocessed ICs, internalizing and recirculating them on the
surface through a nondegradative vesicle trafficking pathway (12).
In addition, it has been demonstrated that cognate B cells acquire
a portion of the FDC membrane together with the Ag (9). B cell
activation determines both the expansion of the Ag-specific
memory B cell compartment and the formation of plasma cells
(13–15). Thus, FDCs exert a primary role in the induction of
a humoral immune response. In addition, it has been discovered
that lymphoid organ dendritic cells (DCs) sample the Ag-loaded
FDCs to acquire Ag for T cell activation, suggesting that FDCs
have a broader function in the immune response and highlighting
their importance (16). Also, the lymphoid organ macrophages
have been described to play a critical role in the induction of the
humoral immune response (3, 17–20). In particular, it has been
observed that the subcapsular sinus macrophages (SCSMs)
transport ICs onto noncognate B cells that shuttle them onto FDCs
(3, 19, 20). At the same time, IC-loaded SCSMs can relay intact
Ag directly to cognate memory B cells, providing the signal for
B cell activation (3, 17–20). These findings unveiled an unex-
pected and peculiar feature of the SCSMs that, differently from
the “conventional” macrophages, display a low degradation rate of
the engulfed Ag (20).
Adjuvants can be added to vaccine formulations, to significantly
enhance the humoral and cellular immune response to a vaccine
Ag, and this may be particularly relevant for subunit vaccines,
which tend to be poorly immunogenic (21–24). The oil-in-water
emulsion MF59 is a very potent and safe adjuvant licensed for
human use in the European Union (21–24). Previous studies have
shown that, upon i.m. immunization, MF59 facilitates Ag uptake
by immune cells (25), stimulates the expression of innate immune
genes at the injection site, resulting in the recruitment of immune
cells within the muscle, and increases the number of Ag-positive
leukocytes in the draining lymph nodes (LNs) (26, 27). It has
also been demonstrated that MF59 promotes the differentiation of
human monocytes to DCs in vitro (25). However, no information
exists on the effect of MF59 or other adjuvants on the Ag distri-
bution within the intact lymphoid organs during vaccination.
Further, most of the studies analyzing Ag deposition in LNs were
performed in passively immunized animals (9, 10, 19, 20).
In this study, we evaluated Ag capture within draining LNs of
mice, during an endogenous immune response to an Ag formulated
with MF59. As a model Ag, we used PE, taking advantage of the
strong intrinsic fluorescence of this protein (28). Because the char-
acteristic fluorescence of PE is sensitive to protein processing and
Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, 53100, Siena, Italy
Received for publication March 7, 2014. Accepted for publication December 9, 2014.
This work was supported by Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Universita
`e della Ricerca
Grant PON01_00117.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Diego Piccioli, Novartis Vaccines
and Diagnostics, via Fiorentina 1, 53100, Siena, Italy. E-mail address: diego.
The online version of this article contains supplemental material.
Abbreviations used in this article: DC, dendritic cell; FDC, follicular dendritic cell;
GC, germinal center; IC, immune complex; LN, lymph node; MM, medullary mac-
rophage; SCS, subcapsular sinus; SCSM, subcapsular sinus macrophage.
Copyright Ó2015 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc. 0022-1767/15/$25.00
by guest on June 19, 2017 from
requires the integrity of PE phycobilosome (28, 29), the use of this
protein allows the detection of intact and unprocessed Ag, which
retains all B cell epitopes and their immunogenic potential for B cell
activation. Although previous studies on Ag deposition have been
conducted upon s.c. or footpad injection of the Ag (10, 15, 19, 20,
30, 31), we decided to use i.m. immunization because this is the
preferred route for vaccine administration in humans.
Materials and Methods
Mice and immunizations
C57BL/6 mice aged 4–6 wk were purchased from Charles River Labora-
tories. Animal experiments were performed in compliance with the Eu-
ropean guidelines and approved by the Novartis internal Animal Welfare
Body. Mice were immunized i.m. (quadriceps) in one leg (unless stated
otherwise) with a volume of 50 ml, using PBS as dilution buffer. PE
(Molecular Probes, Invitrogen Life Technologies) Ag was used at 6 mg/
dose. MF59 was diluted 50% v/v per dose. Immunization schedules are
described in the Results. MF59 labeled with DiD lipophilic tracer (Mo-
lecular Probes, Invitrogen Life Technologies) was used to track the adju-
vant localization within LNs.
Confocal microscopy
LNs of mice were collected under dry conditions at the appropriate time
points, were immediately frozen using liquid nitrogen, and were stored at
280˚C until processing. Cryosections of LNs obtained with the cryostat
CM1950 (Leica) were stained using the following Abs: anti–CD21/35-
Pacific Blue (Biolegend) or -FITC (eBioscience) to identify FDCs; anti–
CD169-FITC (Serotec) to identify SCSMs; anti–F4/80-Alexa Fluor 450 to
identify medullary macrophages (MMs); anti–GL7-FITC (BD Pharmin-
gen) and anti–IgD-biotin (eBioscience) plus streptavidin-Alexa Fluor 405
(Invitrogen Life Technologies) to identify germinal center (GC) B cells;
and anti-CD16/32-Pacific Blue or -PE to identify FDC activation. The
cryosections (8 mm thick) were cut along the entire organ to analyze all the
planes of the organs. The cryosections were fixed using PBS/3% formal-
dehyde for 10 min at room temperature, washed twice with PBS, and
permeabilized with PBS/3% BSA/1% saponin (permeabilization buffer)
for 30 min at room temperature. Tissue sections were then incubated with
the appropriate Abs diluted in permeabilization buffer for 1 h at room
temperature in the dark. An additional incubation step with streptavidin
after washing was performed for IgD staining. After washing three times
with permeabilization buffer and once with PBS, stained tissue sections
were sealed using Gold Antifade reagent (Invitrogen Life Technologies)
and a coverslip. Images were acquired with the Axio Observer LSM700
confocal microscope (Zeiss) at 20˚C, using FLUAR 53or Plan-
Apochromat 403objective lenses with 0.25 or 1.3 of numerical aperture,
respectively. The 403objective lens was used with the Zeiss Immersol
518F imaging medium. Images were processed with Zen 2008 software
Flow cytometry
LNs of mice were collected and immediately subjected to enzymatic di-
gestion. In brief, LNs of each group of mice specifically treated were pooled
in RPMI 1640 medium (Life Technologies, Invitrogen Life Technologies)
containing Liberase Research Grade (Roche) at the working concentration
of 500 mg/ml and DNase I (Roche) at the working concentration of 250 mg/
ml (digestion buffer). LNs were incubated for 30 min at 37˚C and then
agitated by pipetting every 15 min. Supernatant was collected and fresh
digestion buffer was added. The procedure was repeated three times. When
the LNs were totally disintegrated, all the supernatants were pooled and the
total LN cells were collected by centrifugation at 300 3gfor 10 min, at
room temperature. Then the LN cells were washed with RPMI 1640 me-
dium (repeating the centrifugation) and were suspended in RPMI 1640
medium supplemented with 10% FCS (HyClone), 1% PSG (EuroClone).
Cells were filtered with a 70-mm cell strainer (Falcon, Becton Dickinson)
and counted with a hematocytometer. Total LN cells were labeled with
live/dead yellow (Invitrogen Life Technologies), anti–CD169-Alexa Fluor
488 (Serotec), anti–F4/80-Pacific Blue (eBioscience), anti–CD11c-allo-
phycocyanin (Becton Dickinson), and anti–CD19-allophycocyanin-Cy7
(Pharmingen, Becton Dickinson). In brief, LN cells were incubated with
live/dead staining and Abs for 20 min at 4˚C in dark conditions. Cells were
washed with PBS by centrifugation at 300 3gfor 10 min at room tem-
perature. Washed cells were suspended in PBS and analyzed by flow
cytometry using an LSR II cytometer (Becton Dickinson).
Detection of anti-PE Abs
Serum PE-specific total IgG were measured by ELISA. In brief, Maxisorb
96-well plates (Nunc) were coated with a PE solution (2.5 mg/ml) in
carbonate buffer (100 ml/well) overnight at 4˚C. Plates were then blocked
by addition of PBS 3%/polyvinylpyrrolidone (SERVA) (200 ml/well), in-
cubated for 2 h at 37˚C, and then washed once with PBS, 0.05%/Tween 20
(washing buffer). Serial dilutions (3-fold step) of standard and serum
samples in PBS/0.05% Tween 20/1% BSA were added to the wells and
incubated for 2 h at 37˚C. Plates were then washed three times with
washing buffer and incubated for 1 h at 37˚C with anti-mouse IgG-alkaline
phosphatase (Sigma-Aldrich) solution (100 ml/well). After three washes,
the substrate p-nitrophenylphosphate (100 ml/well; Sigma-Aldrich) was
added for 30 min at room temperature. Absorbance to 405 nm was then
measured by a plate spectrophotometer (BioTek-ASHI).
Adjuvant MF59 induces Ag retention within draining LNs
We sought to determine whether the adjuvant MF59 affects Ag
uptake and distribution within LNs. To analyze the distribution of
the injected Ag in the presence of naturally formed ICs, we im-
munized mice twice (14 d apart) with PE in the presence or absence
of MF59 and collected draining LNs and sera of mice 1 h, 6 h, and
7 d after the second immunization (Fig. 1). After just 1 h, the Ag
was already detectable within the subcapsular sinus (SCS) and
medullary compartments of the LN in MF59-treated mice, as
shown by colocalization with CD169 (SCSM) and F4/80 (MM),
whereas no Ag was detected in mice immunized with PE alone
(Fig. 1A, 1F, 1G). The PE Ag was undetectable after the primary
immunization either at early or at late time points, such as 14 d
upon priming, which is the booster time point (data not shown).
As previously established in passively immunized mice, 6 h after
the second immunization we found some of the Ag colocalized
with FDCs in mice immunized with MF59-adjuvanted PE,
whereas no Ag was detectable in the absence of adjuvant (Fig. 1B,
1F, 1G). Surprisingly, at this time point, most of the Ag was still
present in the area of the LN corresponding to SCS and medullary
compartments (Fig. 1B, 1F, 1G), indicating a persistence of the Ag
in the macrophage compartments, in the presence of MF59. Fi-
nally, as expected, 7 d after the second immunization with MF59,
the Ag was totally retained by FDCs, as indicated by colocaliza-
tion with the CD21/35 marker, whereas no PE was detectable onto
FDCs in absence of MF59 (Fig. 1C, 1F). In addition, MF59 in-
duced a marked generation of GCs, as detected by GL7 staining
(Fig. 1C), which is consistent with a greater production of anti-PE
Abs compared with immunization in the absence of adjuvant
(Fig. 1D). Complement activation and binding of ICs to CD21/35
through the C3d complement fragment are both required for Ag
deposition onto FDCs in passively immunized mice and for the
generation of an optimal humoral immune response (8). To verify
whether complement activation was necessary for PE deposition
onto FDCs also in our experimental setting, we used C3
in which the formation of ICs containing C3 fragments is abol-
ished. When these mice were immunized with PE in the presence
or absence of MF59, we observed an impaired Ag deposition onto
FDCs and, more importantly, an impaired GC formation, even in
the presence of the adjuvant (Fig. 1E, 1F). This finding, which is
in agreement with published data, demonstrates that the increased
IC-bound Ag deposition onto FDCs observed in the presence of
MF59 is dependent on complement activation and is required for
an optimal B cell response.
To quantify the Ag retention within draining LNs in our ex-
perimental setting, we analyzed the LNs by flow cytometry (Fig. 2).
Because 6 h after the second immunization is the key time point
for Ag retention in our experimental setting, we focused our at-
tention on this time point. Quantitation of PE-loaded cells by flow
by guest on June 19, 2017 from
cytometry recapitulates and extends what was observed by con-
focal microscopy (Fig. 2). We found a notable increase in the
number and percentage of PE
total LN cells in mice immunized
in the presence of MF59 (Fig. 2A), and this result was observed
FIGURE 1. MF59 adjuvant induces Ag retention within SCS and medullary compartments of draining LNs. (ACand E) Wilde type (AC)orC3
C57BL/6 mice were immunized twice i.m. with PE (upper panels) and PE + MF59 (lower panels). Inguinal draining LNs were collected 1 h (A),6h(B), or
7d(Cand E) after the second immunization and analyzed by confocal microscopy to detect SCSMs (CD169-FITC) and MMs (F4/80-Alexa Fluor 450) (A)
or FDCs (CD21/35-Pacific Blue) and GC B cells (GL7-FITC) (B,C, and E). Signals that localize CD169, F4/80, CD21/35, or GL7 expression and PE are
shown separately or merged as indicated. The image of one section is shown, in each panel, as an example of consecutive sections of a whole LN, which is
representative of three organs from different mice. Original magnification 35. Scale bar, 100 mm. One representative experiment of two is shown. (D) Anti-
PE IgG titers in the sera of the same mice that LNs are shown in (B) (6 h after the second immunization) and (C) (7 d after the second immunization). Each
symbol represents the serum anti-PE IgG titer of a single mouse. Anti-PE IgG titers were measured by ELISA. **p,0.01, unpaired Student ttest. (F)
Schematic representation of a LN to facilitate the interpretation of the confocal microscopy images. (G) Typical confocal microscopy detection of MMs
(F4/80) and SCSMs (CD169) of inguinal LN from naive untreated mice. Signals that localize F4/80 or CD169 expression are shown separately or merged as
indicated. The image of one section is shown, as an example of consecutive sections of a whole LN, which is representative of several organs from different
mice. Original magnification 35. Scale bar, 100 mm.
The Journal of Immunology 1719
by guest on June 19, 2017 from
for all APC subsets, including not only SCSMs and MMs, but also
DCs and B cells (Fig. 2B). Unlike confocal microscopy, by using
flow cytometry, we were able to detect PE within the draining LNs
even in the absence of MF59 coadministration (Fig. 2). This dif-
ference was presumably due to the greater sensitivity of flow
cytometry compared with confocal microscopy. Interestingly, fo-
cusing on PE
cells, we observed that, on immunization with
MF59, most PE-loaded cells are B cells (Fig. 2C). However, the
Ag loading by macrophages, revealed as PE fluorescence intensity,
is much higher than the Ag loading by B cells (Fig. 2D). Similar
results were obtained also at 1 h after the boost, albeit to a lesser
extent (data not shown). Taken together, these findings are con-
FIGURE 2. Quantitation of Ag retention induced by MF59 within draining LNs. Similar experiments of Fig. 1. Inguinal draining LNs were collected 6 h
after the second immunization and analyzed by flow cytometry. (A) Number (left panel) or percentage (right panel)ofPE
cells within total draining LN
cells from mice immunized with PE alone (black bars) or PE adjuvanted with MF59 (white bars). (B) Number (left panel) or percentage (right panel)ofPE
SCSMs (phenotypically distinguished as CD169
), MMs (phenotypically distinguished as CD169
), DCs (phenotypically
distinguished as CD169
) and B cells (phenotypically distinguished as CD19
) as indicated, within total draining LN cells from mice
immunized with PE alone (black bars) or PE adjuvanted with MF59 (white bars). (C) Percentage of PE
B cells among the PE
total LN cells from mice
immunized with PE alone (black bar) or adjuvanted with MF59 (white bar). (D) Comparison of PE loading by B cells (green bars), MMs (blue bars), and
SCSMs (red bars) in immunization with MF59. The mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of PE for each cell population is depicted as the difference (DMFI;
left panel) or the ratio (MFI fold increase; right panel) with the background (PBS-injected mice). The DMFI reveals that the net PE fluorescence of
macrophages is roughly one logarithmic higher than the net PE fluorescence of B cells, whereas the MFI fold increase confirms that the PE uptake by
macrophages is higher than the PE uptake by B cells. Inguinal draining LNs from three different mice per treatment were pooled. Results from one
representative experiment of two are depicted.
by guest on June 19, 2017 from
sistent with the confocal microscopy observation and confirm the
IC-bound Ag translocation model from macrophages to non-
cognate B cells toward FDCs. Thus, we demonstrated that MF59
adjuvant enhances Ag accumulation by macrophages and conse-
quently by noncognate B cells, over the first 6 h, ultimately
leading to Ag retention onto FDCs. In contrast with the confocal
microscopy data, at 7 d after the boost, we were able to detect very
low amounts of PE
cells within the total LN cells (data not shown).
This expected result is likely due to the fact that the enzymatic
digestion of LNs induces the loss of stromal cells, including FDCs,
in Fig. 1 and as reported in the literature (1–3, 5, 6, 9).
FIGURE 3. MF59 directly affects Ag retention
within SCS and medullary compartments. (AC) Mice
were immunized i.m. in both legs with PE alone (B)or
PE + MF59 (C), and serum anti-PE IgG titers were
measured by ELISA after 2 wk (A). (A) Anti-PE IgG
titers. Each symbol represents the serum anti-PE IgG
titer of a single mouse. Unpaired Student ttest does not
reveal any statistical significant difference between the
two groups. (Band C) Each group of mice was suc-
cessively reimmunized in the left leg with PE alone
(upper panels) and in the right leg with MF59-adju-
vanted PE (PE + MF59, lower panels). Then 6 h after
the second immunization, inguinal draining LNs were
collected and analyzed by confocal microscopy to de-
tect FDCs (CD21/35-Pacific Blue), SCSMs (CD169-
FITC), and PE (Band C). Signals that localize CD21/35
or CD169 expression and PE are shown separately or
merged as indicated. The image of one section is
shown, in each panel, as example of consecutive sec-
tions of a whole LN, which is representative of three
(B) or two (C) organs from three different mice. Orig-
inal magnification 35. Scale bar, 100 mm. (C)Bottom
panels 1 and 2are enlargements of the areas indicated
as 1and 2in the Merge panel above. One representative
experiment of two is shown.
The Journal of Immunology 1721
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Adjuvant MF59 directly affects Ag retention within draining LNs
Detection of the Ag in the macrophage area after a booster im-
munization in the presence of MF59 could theoretically be a
consequence of a superior primary Ab response and an increased
amount of circulating ICs, because of the MF59 adjuvant effect
during priming immunization. Indeed, the anti-PE Ab titer 6 h after
the second immunization is higher in the presence of MF59, al-
though this difference is not statistically significant (Fig. 1D). We
therefore designed an experiment to better evaluate the Ag re-
tention within LN macrophage compartments after secondary
immunization with or without MF59, but in the presence of an
identical amount of circulating ICs. We first immunized mice in
both legs with PE alone or adjuvanted with MF59; then for the
secondary immunization (2 wk later), the animals of both groups
were injected with PE alone in the left leg and with MF59-
adjuvanted PE in the right leg, and the draining LNs of both
legs were analyzed. In animals treated with PE alone as the first
immunization and thus in the presence of very low amounts of Ag-
specific Abs (and consequently ICs) (Fig. 3A), we did not detect
Ag in SCS or medullary compartment 6 h after the secondary
injection with either plain or adjuvanted PE (Fig. 3B). Thus, the
secondary immunization with MF59 is not sufficient to accumu-
late within the draining LN enough Ag to be detected after
priming with PE alone (in the presence of low amounts of Ag-
specific Abs). On the contrary, in animals that received MF59-
adjuvanted PE as the primary immunization and that displayed
higher (but not statistically significant) anti-PE Ab titers (Fig. 3A),
MF59 was required at the secondary immunization to promote an
optimal retention of PE within the SCS and medullary compart-
ments in the draining LNs (Fig. 3C). Indeed, the second immu-
nization with PE resulted in an efficient Ag retention within the
draining LN of the leg treated with two immunizations in the
presence of MF59 (Fig. 3C). On the contrary, in the same mouse,
within the draining LN of the leg that received the primary im-
munization with MF59-adjuvanted PE and the boost with PE
alone, we did not observe an efficient Ag retention (Fig. 3C), and
in only one mouse of three could we detect some PE signal within
the macrophage compartments (Supplemental Fig. 1). Thus, ad-
juvant MF59 play a significant role for an optimal LN retention
of the IC-bound Ag during the secondary immunization in the
presence of determined amounts of Ag-specific Abs. These results
also confirm that the primary immunization with MF59 does not
promote enough Ag accumulation to be detectable at the booster
time point. The IC-bound Ag was clearly detectable in the mac-
rophage area and, as expected, in the process of translocation
toward FDCs (enlarged images 1 and 2 at bottom of Fig. 3C). Ag
retention by macrophages precedes its translocation inside the
B cell follicles, and this step allows the subsequent deposition of
the Ag onto FDCs. Thus, MF59 directly stimulates IC-bound Ag
accumulation within LNs, even if the contribution of circulating
ICs could be critical over a threshold amount.
To further assess the direct contribution of MF59 in the retention
of the Ag within macrophage compartments, we evaluated whether
MF59 reaches draining LNs upon injection. Indeed, labeled MF59
injection (Fig. 4A, 4B) and remained in these compartments for a
long time, being detectable after 7 (Fig. 4C) and 14 d (Fig. 4D). In
addition, at day 7, some MF59 was also detected within the para-
cortex of the LN, which is the T cell area where DCs reside (Fig. 4C
and its magnification). Therefore, MF59 never reaches the FDC area
or the B cell follicles, but remains mainly within the macrophage area.
Upon immunizations with MF59, FDC activation is associated
with Ag trapping and GC generation
Given the importance of FDCs for the development of a humoral
immune response, we asked whether the MF59 adjuvant could
affect FDC activation and whether this activation correlates with
generation of GCs and Ag uptake by FDCs. We first analyzed
activation of FDCs in the LNs of mice immunized with PE in the
presence or absence of MF59, 7 d after a secondary immunization,
checking the expression of CD16/32, a described marker for FDC
activation (7, 32). The activation of FDCs was generally more
evident after immunization with MF59, although it was also ob-
served in the absence of adjuvant (Fig. 5A). However, in mice
immunized with MF59-adjuvanted PE, Ag deposition onto FDCs
was observed only in follicles displaying activated FDCs and
FIGURE 4. MF59 is retained within SCS and medullary compartments. Mice were injected i.m. with DiD-labeled MF59, and inguinal draining LNs were
collected after 1 h (A),6h(B),7d(C), and 14 d (D) and analyzed by confocal microscopy to detect SCSMs (CD169-FITC), MMs (F4/80-Alexa Fluor 450),
FDCs (CD21/35-Pacific Blue), and labeled MF59. Signals that localize CD169, F4/80, or CD21/35 expression and MF59 are shown separately or merged as
indicated. (C,bottom panel) Magnification of the indicated area in the Merge image. The image of one section is shown, in each panel, as an example of
consecutive sections of a whole LN, which is representative of three organs from different mice. Original magnification 35. Scale bar, 100 mm. One
representative experiment of two is shown.
by guest on June 19, 2017 from
matched with CD16/32-expressing cells (Fig. 5B, upper and
central panels), whereas CD16/32 expression could be detected
also in the absence of Ag uptake by FDCs (Fig. 5B, lower panel).
Using a nonfluorescent Ag (RrgB protein from the S. pneumoniae
pilus), we confirmed that FDC activation within draining LNs,
measured detecting the CD16/32 expression, also occurred in the
absence of adjuvant (data not shown). More importantly, in this
experimental system, we found that GC formation correlates with
activation of FDCs. In fact, GCs could be observed only in the
presence of FDC activation (Supplemental Fig. 2), even though
B cell follicles without detectable GC reaction, but with CD16/32
expression in the FDC area, were observed (data not shown).
These results suggest that after immunizations with adjuvant
MF59, FDC activation is necessary, but not sufficient, for Ag trapping
and GC generation.
Ag trapping onto FDCs or by SCSMs was previously assessed in
passively immunized mice, to artificially induce IC formation,
using s.c. (flank, tail) or footpad as route of Ag administration (9,
10, 19, 20). In these models, it has been demonstrated that the Ag
reaches the SCS in minutes and within a few hours (6–24 h) is
almost completely deposited in the FDC area, where it can be
trapped for days and can be readily detectable at 1 wk, when GCs
can be observed (9, 10, 15, 19, 20, 30, 31, 33). All these previous
studies have been performed administrating a soluble Ag in mice
artificially reconstituted with circulating Ag-specific Abs, whereas
no study to date has evaluated the effect of vaccine adjuvants on
Ag deposition on the macrophage and FDC area of draining LNs,
in the context of an endogenous immune response.
We decided to investigate whether the vaccine adjuvant MF59
is able to modulate Ag distribution within LNs upon a booster
immunization, by affecting trafficking of an IC-trapped Ag. The
analysis of the kinetics of Ag translocation within the draining LNs
during an endogenous response to an MF59-adjuvanted vaccine
enables a better understanding of the mechanism of action of this
adjuvant. Clarifying this mechanism is highly important because
MF59 is currently used to formulate seasonal and pandemic in-
fluenza vaccines used in humans and has the potential to greatly
improve the efficacy of poorly immunogenic vaccine Ags. All
experiments in our study were performed using i.m. immunization,
because this is the preferred route of administration for human
vaccines. We chose the PE as model Ag because of its strong
intrinsic fluorescent property and its rather poor immunogenicity,
FIGURE 5. Upon immunizations with MF59, FDC
activation is associated with Ag trapping. (Aand B)
Confocal microscopy images of the same LNs of
Fig. 1C analyzed to detect FDCs (CD21/35-FITC) or
FcgRII/III expression (CD16/32-Pacific Blue) and PE.
(A) Images of an entire draining LN from mice im-
munized with PE (upper panel) or PE + MF59 (lower
panel). (B) Magnified images of representative follicles
from LNs depicted in (A,lower panel) display colo-
calization of activated FDCs and PE (upper panel),
nonactivated FDCs in the absence of PE (central
panel), and activated FDCs in the absence of PE (lower
panel). Signals that localize the expression of CD21/
35, or CD16/32 and PE are shown separately or
merged as indicated. The image of one section is
shown, in each panel, as example of consecutive sec-
tions of a whole LN, which is representative of three
organs from different mice. Original magnification 35
(A), 340 (B). Scale bar, 100 mm.
The Journal of Immunology 1723
by guest on June 19, 2017 from
which allowed us to better evaluate the effect of an adjuvant on the
enhancement of a specific immune response.
Consistently with the described model for the trafficking of
IC-trapped Ags within the LN of passively immunized mice (1, 2,
10, 17–20), we observed that PE formulated with MF59, drained
to the LN from the injection site, first encounters SCSMs and is
then translocated onto FDCs. Interestingly, however, we discov-
ered that MF59 promotes accumulation within the SCSM and MM
compartments, of the unprocessed Ag trapped in ICs, enhancing
its subsequent deposition onto noncognate B cells and then FDCs.
Indeed, no Ag translocation onto FDCs was detected in the ab-
sence of complement C3 factor and, therefore, in the absence of
IC formation. In addition, the Ag accumulation observed after
immunization with MF59 correlates with GC formation and the
increase in the magnitude of the humoral immune response, which
is consistent with the ability of SCSMs and FDCs to deliver Ag to
cognate memory B cells, resulting in their activation. Thus, our
results confirm a correlation between retention of the intact IC-
bound Ag within LNs and development of an optimal humoral
immune response. The novel finding that MF59 adjuvant exerts
a direct effect on this process remaining mainly localized in the
macrophage compartments highlights the importance of this cel-
lular population in adjuvant activity and identifies macrophages as
a critical target of MF59 function. Taken together, our data rep-
resent the first demonstration that, during a secondary immune
response after re-exposure to an Ag upon i.m. immunization, the
presence of the vaccine adjuvant MF59 directly induces retention
for several hours of the intact, unprocessed Ag, trapped in ICs, by
the compartment of SCSMs and MMs. Interestingly, noncognate
B cells play a central role in Ag accumulation within the SCS
and medullary compartments, either confirming the translocation
model of IC-bound Ag from macrophages to B cells or demon-
strating that MF59 enhances the accumulation of the Ag by all the
cells involved in the process of Ag translocation onto FDCs. In
addition, it is conceivable that MF59 induces the recruitment of
noncognate B cells within the LN macrophage compartments to
potentiate the mechanism of translocation onto FDCs. Moreover,
the accumulation of unprocessed IC-bound Ag in the SCS and
medullary compartments is followed by its strong deposition onto
FDCs, which correlates with a robust humoral response.
The exact mechanism by which MF59 exerts this effect on Ag
accumulation is still poorly understood. MF59 might affect the
degradation of IC-bound Ag by APCs once engulfed, but this
hypothesis has not been addressed. However, it was previously
proposed that peripheral macrophages, loaded with Ag and MF59,
promote Ag translocation into LNs (27); further experiments are
needed to confirm this hypothesis. Certainly, it has been demon-
strated that MF59 induces inflammation at injection site and
increases the Ag-positive leukocytes within the draining LNs (26,
27). Thus, the migration of immune cells from injection site into
the draining LN could play a critical role in the enhancement of
Ag and MF59 accumulation within the node. In conclusion, al-
though the details of these phenomena are still to be elucidated,
our study has provided the first demonstration, to our knowledge,
that MF59 promotes IC-bound Ag retention within draining LNs
during the booster response.
FDCs are critical for the induction of a complete humoral im-
mune response, because these cells are required to capture IC-bound
Ags and stimulate cognate B cells (9, 10), leading to an increase of
the Ag-specific memory B cell population and expansion of the
Ab-secreting plasma cells (13–15). FDCs have also been shown to
function as a reservoir of Ag for uptake by lymphonodal DCs (16).
However, no study has investigated FDC activation, in vivo, after
vaccination. We discovered that FDCs undergo activation upon
immunization with a poorly immunogenic Ag, such as PE, even in
the absence of an adjuvant, and that FDC activation is increased by
addition of MF59. Therefore, we propose that, although a weak
immune response can induce FDC activation, the presence of ad-
juvant MF59 in the immunization can modulate the function of
FDCs. Moreover, our study provides the first demonstration that,
upon vaccination, the activation of FDCs is necessary for both GC
generation and Ag deposition. In fact, consistent with the ability of
FDCs to be activated after immunization with a poorly immuno-
genic Ag, we observed LN follicles displaying activated FDCs
without detectable GCs or Ag deposition. However, in the same
organ, we also observed GC formation and Ag deposition only in
follicles containing activated FDCs. In addition, the deposited Ag
is clearly colocalized with the activated cells of the FDC network,
indicated by the expression of CD16/32. In a study of passively
immunized mice, it has previously been demonstrated that ex-
pression of CD21/35 is required for Ag deposition onto FDCs,
whereas CD16/32 is dispensable (8). Therefore, based on this
finding and on our data, we suggest that CD16/32 represents
simply an activation marker for FDCs, and that, upon vaccination,
the activation of FDCs is required, but not sufficient, for Ag re-
tention by the cells and GC formation within a single B cell fol-
licle. Interestingly, MF59 may partially modulate this process.
IC-trapped Ag retention by LN macrophages facilitates Ag
translocation to FDCs and Ag uptake by cognate B cells or DCs,
which are key steps in the initiation of an immune response. It is
therefore important to evaluate how this process is modulated by
vaccine adjuvants (9, 10, 16–20). Our study demonstrates that
vaccine adjuvant MF59 promotes retention of the intact, unpro-
cessed Ag trapped in ICs within the LN macrophage compart-
ments, affecting the cascade of events leading to a marked
deposition of this IC-bound Ag onto activated FDCs. This increase
of the overall accumulation of unprocessed Ag within the LNs is
associated with the ability of MF59 to enhance the humoral im-
mune response. In conclusion, our work identifies a new mecha-
nism by which MF59 may increase vaccine immunogenicity and
will help to improve the efficacy of new vaccine adjuvants.
We thank Marco Tortoli and Elena Amantini for performing injection and
collections of sera and LNs, Luis Brito and Dinorah Jean-Gilles for provid-
ing DiD-labeled MF59, Simone Vecchi, Donatello Laera, and Francesco
Doro for providing MF59 formulations, Elena Cartocci and Claudia
Facciotti for purifying RrgB protein from S. pneumoniae pilus, Sydney Lavoie
and Michael C. Carroll for providing C3
mice, Matthew Bottomley for
linguistic assistance on the manuscript, Marco Soriani for advice on confocal
microscopy experiments, and Matthew Woodruff, Stefano Sammicheli, and
Matteo Iannacone for critical review of the manuscript.
All authors are employees or managers of Novartis Vaccines. MF59 is
a proprietary adjuvant of Novartis.
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The Journal of Immunology 1725
by guest on June 19, 2017 from
... CMS:O/W adjuvant promotes antigen retention in the draining lymph node O/W emulsions are highly effective adjuvants and act through multiple mechanisms, including (1) induction of a proinflammatory milieu at the injection site 66 and/or (2) antigen targeting to and retention in the dLN 67 . We, therefore, assessed whether the enhanced adjuvanticity of CMS:O/W could be explained by any of these two mechanisms. ...
... To define a mechanistic basis for CMS adjuvanticity, we hypothesized that CMS:O/W could induce significant local cytokine and chemokine production at the injection site and/or antigen retention in the dLN. We focused on these mechanisms as they have been described previously for O/W emulsions 66,67 . By comparing CMS:O/W and AddaVax adjuvants, we found that both induced high antigen retention in the dLN and expression of proinflammatory genes at the injection site. ...
Full-text available
Development of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines that protect vulnerable populations is a public health priority. Here, we took a systematic and iterative approach by testing several adjuvants and SARS-CoV-2 antigens to identify a combination that elicits antibodies and protection in young and aged mice. While demonstrating superior immunogenicity to soluble receptor-binding domain (RBD), RBD displayed as a protein nanoparticle (RBD-NP) generated limited antibody responses. Comparison of multiple adjuvants including AddaVax , AddaS03 , and AS01B in young and aged mice demonstrated that an oil-in-water emulsion containing carbohydrate fatty acid monosulphate derivative (CMS:O/W) most effectively enhanced RBD-NP-induced cross-neutralizing antibodies and protection across age groups. CMS:O/W enhanced antigen retention in the draining lymph node, induced injection site, and lymph node cytokines, with CMS inducing MyD88-dependent Th1 cytokine polarization. Furthermore, CMS and O/W synergistically induced chemokine production from human PBMCs. Overall, CMS:O/W adjuvant may enhance immunogenicity and protection of vulnerable populations against SARS-CoV-2 and other infectious pathogens.
... Duration of retention depends on the physicochemical characteristics of the protein and the adjuvant with which it is formulated. 17,29,50 For example, antigen formulated with the adjuvant MF59, which is a component of some influenza vaccines, is evident in the draining lymph nodes of mice up to 7 days after administration (duration of the study). Another study in mice demonstrated vaccine antigen retention in the draining lymph nodes up to 3 weeks after administration. ...
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SARS-CoV-2 spread rapidly across the globe, contributing to the death of millions of individuals from 2019 to 2023, and has continued to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality after the pandemic. At the start of the pandemic, no vaccines or anti-viral treatments were available to reduce the burden of disease associated with this virus, as it was a novel SARS coronavirus. Because of the tremendous need, the development of vaccines to protect against COVID-19 was critically important. The flexibility and ease of manufacture of nucleic acid–based vaccines, specifically mRNA-based products, allowed the accelerated development of COVID-19 vaccines. Although mRNA-based vaccines and therapeutics had been in clinical trials for over a decade, there were no licensed mRNA vaccines on the market at the start of the pandemic. The rapid development of mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines reduced serious complications and death from the virus but also engendered significant public concerns, which continue now, years after emergency-use authorization and subsequent licensure of these vaccines. This article summarizes and addresses some of the safety concerns that continue to be expressed about these vaccines and their underlying technology.
... Extending the release of vaccine antigens has been shown to produce stronger immune responses as compared to bolus doses, [9][10][11] as has increasing the residence time of antigen within the LN. 12,13 Similarly, direct antigen injection into LNs has been shown to vastly improve vaccine immunogenicity [14][15][16] and has been utilized effectively in the treatment of cancer, multiple sclerosis, and allergies. [17][18][19][20] However, intra-LN injection is infeasible to broadly implement for vaccination against infectious diseases due to a much larger number of individuals requiring injection, the need for imaging technology to precisely guide needle placement, and the lack of sufficiently trained personnel in low-resource settings where infectious diseases are most prevalent. ...
Full-text available
Lymph node (LN)‐resident dendritic cells (DCs) are a promising target for vaccination given their professional antigen‐presenting capabilities and proximity to a high concentration of immune cells. Direct intra‐LN injection has been shown to greatly enhance the immune response to vaccine antigens compared to traditional intramuscular injection, but it is infeasible to implement clinically in a vaccination campaign context. Employing the passive lymphatic flow of antigens to target LNs has been shown to increase total antigen uptake by DCs more than inflammatory adjuvants, which recruit peripheral DCs. Herein, we describe a novel vaccination platform in which two complementary multi‐arm poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) polymers—one covalently bound to the model antigen ovalbumin (OVA)—are injected subcutaneously into two distinct sites. These materials then drain to the same LN through different lymphatic vessels and, upon meeting in the LN, rapidly crosslink. This system improves OVA delivery to, and residence time within, the draining LN compared to all control groups. The crosslinking of the two PEG components also improves humoral immunity without the need for any pathogen‐mimicking adjuvants. Further, we observed a significant increase in non‐B/T lymphocytes in LNs cross‐presenting the OVA peptide SIINFEKL on MHC I over a dose‐matched control containing alum, the most common clinical adjuvant, as well as an increase in DC activation in the LN. These data suggest that this platform can be used to deliver antigens to LN‐resident immune cells to produce a stronger humoral and cellular immune response over materials‐matched controls without the use of traditional adjuvants.
... Extending the release of vaccine antigens has been shown to produce stronger immune responses as compared to bolus doses, [9][10][11] as has increasing the residence time of antigen within the LN. 12,13 Similarly, direct antigen injection into LNs has been shown to vastly improve vaccine immunogenicity, but is infeasible at scale due to the need for imaging technology to precisely guide needle placement and the consequences of an off-target injection. 14 Various nanoparticle carriers have been used to target vaccines to the LN and, while this strategy has generally increased LN residence time, the improvement is typically marginal-on the order of 24-48 h. ...
Lymph node (LN)-resident dendritic cells (DCs) are a promising target for vaccination given their professional antigen-presenting capabilities and proximity to a high concentration of immune cells. Direct intra-LN injection has been shown to greatly enhance the immune response to vaccine antigens compared to traditional intramuscular injection but is infeasible to implement clinically. Employing the passive lymphatic flow of antigens to target LNs has been shown to increase total antigen uptake by DCs more than inflammatory adjuvants, which recruit peripheral DCs. Herein, we describe a novel vaccination platform in which two complementary multi-arm poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) polymers - one covalently bound to the model antigen ovalbumin (OVA) - are injected subcutaneously into two distinct sites that drain to the same LN through different lymphatic vessels and, upon meeting in the LN, rapidly crosslink. This system improves OVA delivery to, and residence time within, the draining LN compared to all control groups, with the crosslinking of the two PEG components improving humoral immunity without the need for any pathogen-mimicking adjuvants. Further, we observed a significant increase in non-B/T lymphocytes in LNs cross-presenting the OVA peptide SIINFEKL on MHC I over a dose-matched control containing alum, the most common clinical adjuvant, as well as an increase in DC activation in the LN. These data suggest that this platform can be used to deliver antigens to LN-resident immune cells to produce a stronger humoral and cellular immune response over materials-matched controls without the use of traditional adjuvants.
... MF59 can mobilize immune cells to the injection site, and the main cell type that MF59 acting mainly on monocytes [9], which can be recruited to the site of adjuvant action, absorb antigens, and participate in the adjuvant-induced differentiation of the dendritic cell phenotype [41]. MF59 recruits APC for antigen presentation and transport to draining lymph nodes [42] and promotes antigen retention in lymph nodes and follicular dendritic cells [43]. ...
Full-text available
Vaccination is the most cost-effective method for preventing various infectious diseases. Compared with conventional vaccines, new-generation vaccines, especially recombinant protein or synthetic peptide vaccines, are safer but less immunogenic than crude inactivated microbial vaccines. The immunogenicity of these vaccines can be enhanced using suitable adjuvants. This is the main reason why adjuvants are of great importance in vaccine development. Several novel human emulsion-based vaccine adjuvants (MF59, AS03) have been approved for clinical use. This paper reviews the research progress on emulsion-based adjuvants and focuses on their mechanism of action. An outlook can be provided for the development of emulsion-based vaccine adjuvants.
... MF59 can be used as an emulsion delivery system that, when co-delivered with antigen, it can prolongate antigen interaction with the immune system and increase antigen presentation by slowly releasing antigens in the lymph nodes. 150,151 This results in more antigenic signals being presented on the surface of APCs, and therefore, the body produces a stronger specific immune response against the antigens. 152 In addition, MF59 also acts as an immunostimulant. ...
Full-text available
Adjuvants are indispensable components of vaccines. Despite being widely used in vaccines, their action mechanisms are not yet clear. With a greater understanding of the mechanisms by which the innate immune response controls the antigen-specific response, the adjuvants' action mechanisms are beginning to be elucidated. Adjuvants can be categorized as immunostimulants and delivery systems. Immunostimulants are danger signal molecules that lead to the maturation and activation of antigen-presenting cells (APCs) by targeting Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and other pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) to promote the production of antigen signals and co-stimulatory signals, which in turn enhance the adaptive immune responses. On the other hand, delivery systems are carrier materials that facilitate antigen presentation by prolonging the bioavailability of the loaded antigens, as well as targeting antigens to lymph nodes or APCs. The adjuvants' action mechanisms are systematically summarized at the beginning of this review. This is followed by an introduction of the mechanisms, properties, and progress of classical vaccine adjuvants. Furthermore, since some of the adjuvants under investigation exhibit greater immune activation potency than classical adjuvants, which could compensate for the deficiencies of classical adjuvants, a summary of the adjuvant platforms under investigation is subsequently presented. Notably, we highlight the different action mechanisms and immunological properties of these adjuvant platforms, which will provide a wide range of options for the rational design of different vaccines. On this basis, this review points out the development prospects of vaccine adjuvants and the problems that should be paid attention to in the future.
Vaccines deliver an immunogen in a manner designed to safely provoke an immune response, leading to the generation of memory T and B cells and long-lived antibody-producing plasma cells. Adjuvants play a critical role in vaccines by controlling how the immune system is exposed to the immunogen and providing inflammatory cues that enable productive immune priming. However, mechanisms of action underlying adjuvant function at the molecular, cell, and tissue levels are diverse and often poorly understood. Here, we review the current understanding of mechanisms of action underlying adjuvants used in subunit protein/polysaccharide vaccines and mRNA vaccines, discuss where possible how these mechanisms of action link to downstream effects on the immune response, and identify knowledge gaps that will be important to fill in order to enable the continued development of more effective adjuvants for challenging pathogens such as HIV and emerging threats.
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Vaccines are an effective way to prevent the emergence and spread of antibiotic resistance by preventing diseases and establishing herd immunity. However, the reduced effectiveness of vaccines in the elderly due to immunosenescence is one of the significant contributors to the increasing antibiotic resistance. To counteract this decline and enhance vaccine effectiveness in the elderly, adjuvants play a pivotal role. Adjuvants are designed to augment the effectiveness of vaccines by activating the innate immune system, particularly through pattern recognition receptors on antigen-presenting cells. To improve vaccine effectiveness in the elderly using adjuvants, it is imperative to select the appropriate adjuvants based on an understanding of immunosenescence and the mechanisms of adjuvant functions. This review demonstrates the phenomenon of immunosenescence and explores various types of adjuvants, including their mechanisms and their potential in improving vaccine effectiveness for the elderly, thereby contributing to developing more effective vaccines for this vulnerable demographic.
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Follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) retain and display opsonized antigens in primary follicles and germinal centers (GCs). However, their roles beyond antigen presentation have been incompletely defined. In this study, we tested the impact of selective FDC ablation on short-term follicle and GC function. Within 2 d of FDC ablation, primary follicles lost their homogeneity and became disorganized bands of cells around T zones. These B cell areas retained CXCL13-expressing stromal cells but often exhibited inappropriate ER-TR7 and CCL21 expression. Ablation of GC FDCs led to the disappearance of GCs. When B cell death was prevented using a Bcl2 transgene, FDC ablation led to splenic GC B cell dispersal. Mesenteric lymph node GCs were more resistant but became dispersed when sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor-2 was also removed. These experiments indicate that FDCs help maintain primary follicles as a B cell exclusive niche and define a critical role for FDCs in cell retention within GCs.
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Oil-in-water emulsions are potent human adjuvants used for effective pandemic influenza vaccines; however, their mechanism of action is still unknown. By combining microarray and immunofluorescence analysis, we monitored the effects of the adjuvants MF59 oil-in-water emulsion, CpG, and alum in the mouse muscle. MF59 induced a time-dependent change in the expression of 891 genes, whereas CpG and alum regulated 387 and 312 genes, respectively. All adjuvants modulated a common set of 168 genes and promoted antigen-presenting cell recruitment. MF59 was the stronger inducer of cytokines, cytokine receptors, adhesion molecules involved in leukocyte migration, and antigen-presentation genes. In addition, MF59 triggered a more rapid influx of CD11b+ blood cells compared with other adjuvants. The early biomarkers selected by microarray, JunB and Ptx3, were used to identify skeletal muscle as a direct target of MF59. We propose that oil-in-water emulsions are the most efficient human vaccine adjuvants, because they induce an early and strong immunocompetent environment at the injection site by targeting muscle cells. • innate immunity • microarray • MF59 • alum • CpG • oligonucleotide
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Follicular dendritic cells (DCs [FDCs]) are prominent stromal cell constituents of B cell follicles with the remarkable ability to retain complement-fixed antigens on their cell surface for extended periods of time. These retained immune complexes have long been known to provide the antigenic stimulus that drives antibody affinity maturation, but their role in cellular immunity has remained unclear. In this study, we show that FDC-retained antigens are continually sampled by lymph node-resident DCs for presentation to CD8 T cells. This novel pathway of antigen acquisition was detectable when FDCs were loaded with purified antigens bound into classical antigen-antibody immune complexes, as well as after pregnancy, when they are loaded physiologically with antigens associated with the complement-fixed microparticles released from the placenta into maternal blood. In both cases, ensuing antigen presentation was profoundly tolerogenic, as it induced T cell deletion even under inflammatory conditions. These results significantly broaden the scope of FDC function and suggest new ways that the complement system and persistent antigen presentation might influence T cell activation and the maintenance of peripheral immune tolerance.
Stromal-derived follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) are a major reservoir for antigen that are essential for formation of germinal centers, the site where memory and effector B cells differentiate. A long-standing question is how FDCs retain antigen in its native form for extended periods and how they display it to specific B cells. Here we found that FDCs acquired complement-coated immune complexes (ICs) from noncognate B cells via complement receptors 1 and 2 (CD35 and CD21, respectively) and rapidly internalized them by an actin-dependent pathway. ICs were retained intact within a nondegradative cycling compartment and were displayed periodically on the cell surface where they were accessible to antigen-specific B cells. This would explain how antigens are protected from damage and retained over long periods of time, while remaining accessible for B cells.
Vaccine adjuvants such as alum and the oil-in-water emulsion MF59 are used to enhance immune responses towards pure soluble antigens, but their mechanism of action is still largely unclear. Since most adjuvanted vaccines are administered intramuscularly, we studied immune responses in the mouse muscle and found that both adjuvants were potent inducers of chemokine production and promoted rapid recruitment of CD11b+ cells. The earliest and most abundantly recruited cell type are neutrophils, followed by monocytes, eosinophils and later dendritic cells (DCs) and macrophages. Using fluorescent forms of MF59 and ovalbumin (OVA) antigen, we show that all recruited cell types take up both adjuvant and antigen to transport them to the draining lymph nodes (LNs). There, we found antigen-positive neutrophils and monocytes within hours of injection, later followed by B cells and DCs. Compared to alum, MF59-injection lead to a more prominent neutrophil recruitment and a more efficient antigen re-localization from the injection site to the LN. As antigen-transporting neutrophils were observed in draining LNs, we asked whether these cells play an essential role in MF59-mediated adjuvanticity. However, antibody-mediated neutrophil ablation left MF59-adjuvanticity unaltered. Further studies will reveal whether other single cell types are crucial or whether the different recruited cell populations are redundant with overlapping functions.
The clonal selection theory first proposed by Macfarlane Burnet is a cornerstone of immunology (1). At the time, it revolutionized the thinking of immunologists because it provided a simple explanation for lymphocyte specificity, immunological memory, and elimination of self-reactive clones (2). The experimental demonstration by Nossal & Lederberg (3) that B lymphocytes bear receptors for a single antigen raised the central question of where B lymphocytes encounter antigen. This question has remained mostly unanswered until recently. Advances in techniques such as multiphoton intravital microscopy (4, 5) have provided new insights into the trafficking of B cells and their antigen. In this review, we summarize these advances in the context of our current view of B cell circulation and activation.
Studying the spread of influenza in human populations and protection by influenza vaccines provides important insights into immunity against influenza. The 2009 H1N1 pandemic has taught the most recent lessons. Neutralizing and receptor-blocking antibodies against hemagglutinin are the primary means of protection from the spread of pandemic and seasonal strains. Anti-neuraminidase antibodies seem to play a secondary role. More broadly cross-reactive forms of immunity may lessen disease severity but are insufficient to prevent epidemic spread. Priming by prior exposure to related influenza strains through infection or immunization permits rapid, potent antibody responses to immunization. Priming is of greater importance to the design of immunization strategies than the immunologically fascinating phenomenon of dominant recall responses to previously encountered strains (original antigenic sin). Comparisons between non-adjuvanted inactivated vaccines and live attenuated vaccines demonstrate that both can protect, with some advantage of live attenuated vaccines in children and some advantage of inactivated vaccines in those with multiple prior exposures to influenza antigens. The addition of oil-in-water emulsion adjuvants to inactivated vaccines provides enhanced functional antibody titers, greater breadth of antibody cross-reactivity, and antigen dose sparing. The MF59 adjuvant broadens the distribution of B-cell epitopes recognized on HA and NA following immunization.
The germinal center (GC) reaction produces high-affinity antibodies by random mutation and selective clonal expansion of B cells with high-affinity receptors. The mechanism by which B cells are selected remains unclear, as does the role of the two anatomically defined areas of the GC, light zone (LZ) and dark zone (DZ). We combined a transgenic photoactivatable fluorescent protein tracer with multiphoton laser-scanning microscopy and flow cytometry to examine anatomically defined LZ and DZ B cells and GC selection. We find that B cell division is restricted to the DZ, with a net vector of B cell movement from the DZ to the LZ. The decision to return to the DZ and undergo clonal expansion is controlled by T helper cells in the GC LZ, which discern between LZ B cells based on the amount of antigen captured and presented. Thus, T cell help, and not direct competition for antigen, is the limiting factor in GC selection.
Adjuvants enhance immunity to vaccines and experimental antigens by a variety of mechanisms. In the past decade, many receptors and signaling pathways in the innate immune system have been defined and these innate responses strongly influence the adaptive immune response. The focus of this review is to delineate the innate mechanisms by which adjuvants mediate their effects. We highlight how adjuvants can be used to influence the magnitude and alter the quality of the adaptive response in order to provide maximum protection against specific pathogens. Despite the impressive success of currently approved adjuvants for generating immunity to viral and bacterial infections, there remains a need for improved adjuvants that enhance protective antibody responses, especially in populations that respond poorly to current vaccines. However, the larger challenge is to develop vaccines that generate strong T cell immunity with purified or recombinant vaccine antigens.
Defining where and in what form lymphocytes encounter antigen is fundamental to understanding how immune responses occur. Although knowledge of the recognition of antigen by CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells has advanced greatly, understanding of the dynamics of B cell-antigen encounters has lagged. With the application of advanced imaging approaches, encounters of this third kind are now being brought into focus. Multiple processes facilitate these encounters, from the filtering functions of lymphoid tissues and migration paths of B cells to the antigen-presenting properties of macrophages and follicular dendritic cells. This Review will discuss how these factors work together in the lymph node to ensure efficient and persistent exposure of B cells to diverse forms of antigen and thus effective triggering of the humoral response.