Oxyrrhynchium speciosum (Brid.) Warnst. is a relatively uncommon moss that can be found in wetland habitats across Europe and New Zealand. In this paper, we address the morphological, molecular and ecological relationships between the aquatic form of O. speciosum discovered in a deep, Chara-dominated lake (Budzisławskie, NW Poland) and its terrestrial relatives. Morphological assessments revealed a considerable difference between terretrial and deep-water samples of O.speciosum. The aquatic form of O. speciosum was, on average, 12 times larger, with more branched stems (4–30 times) and longer leaves (1–2 times).
Investigation of ITS1-5·8S-ITS2-26S region sequences, however, revealed no distinction between the terrestrial and aquatic forms. An analysis of the ecological data suggests that the presence of O. speciosum in deep lake habitats is not incidental (as with many land species developing in aquatic environments). On the contrary, aquatic forms have a distinct ecological niche. Our results confirm that both forms of O. speciosum are closely related to O. hians (Hedw.) Loeske (a terrestrial species). The data indicate that O. speciosum is nested within a well-supported O. hians clade and separation of these species may be connected with polyploidization that occurred during their evolution.