Conference PaperPDF Available

PREFIT – The Preparation of Remote Handling Engineers for ITER



A major challenge for the ITER project is to develop and implement a remote handling capability which can deliver efficient and effective remote maintenance of the Tokamak. In 2006 the PREFIT partnership was awarded one of the first EFTS contracts with the remit to identify and train the next generation of remote handling engineers for ITER. The PREFIT partnership brings together the experience of four organisations; Oxford Technologies Ltd (UK), CEA List (France), Tampere University of Technology(TUT) and VTT (Finland), each of whom have ITER and remote handling relevant experience. The PREFIT scheme offers Masters level qualified engineers the opportunity to work and train over a 3 year period towards the award of a PhD in remote handling. The scheme comprises a PhD quality research project integrated with periods of training for the researchers at each of the partner sites. The overall structure, quality and content is controlled by a Project Board and the academic quality is guaranteed by TUT. The exchange of researchers between the partners sites gives them valuable experience in the partners differing cultures and styles of working with the aim to facilite their final integration into the ITER project. Annually the PREFIT partnership also convenes a two week Common School during which all of the researchers receive specialized remote handling relevant formal training followed by a two day remote handling workshop which provides a forum for the researchers to present their project progress plus hear from invited experts from around the world who present their own experiences. This paper will describe the overall aims, implementation and present status of the PREFIT training scheme and will also present researchers experiences as lived from the inside.
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PREFIT – The Preparation of Remote Handling Engineers for ITER
Alan Rolfe a*, Jean-Pierre Friconneau b, Jouni Mattila c, Arto Timperi d,
Gregory Dubus b , Robin Shuff a, Ryan King a, Karoliina Salminen d, Teemu
Kekalainen c and Jean-Baptiste Izard b
a Oxford Technologies Ltd, 7 Nuffield Way, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 1RJ, United Kingdom
b CEA List, Interactive Robotics Unit, 18 route du Panorama, 92265 Fontenay-aux-Roses, France
c Tampere University of Technology - Department of Intelligent Hydraulics and Automation, 33101 Tampere, Finland
d VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, P.O. Box 1300, 33101 Tampere, Finland
A major challenge for the ITER project is to develop and implement a remote handling capability which can
deliver efficient and effective remote maintenance of the Tokamak. In 2006 the PREFIT partnership was
awarded one of the first EFTS contracts with the remit to identify and train the next generation of remote
handling engineers for ITER.
The PREFIT partnership brings together the experience of four organisations; Oxford Technologies Ltd (UK),
CEA List (France), Tampere University of Technology(TUT) and VTT (Finland), each of whom have ITER
and remote handling relevant experience.
The PREFIT scheme offers Masters level qualified engineers the opportunity to work and train over a 3 year
period towards the award of a PhD in remote handling. The scheme comprises a PhD quality research project
integrated with periods of training for the researchers at each of the partner sites.
The overall structure, quality and content is controlled by a Project Board and the academic quality is
guaranteed by TUT.
The exchange of researchers between the partners sites gives them valuable experience in the partners
differing cultures and styles of working with the aim to facilite their final integration into the ITER project.
Annually the PREFIT partnership also convenes a two week Common School during which all of the
researchers receive specialized remote handling relevant formal training followed by a two day remote
handling workshop which provides a forum for the researchers to present their project progress plus hear from
invited experts from around the world who present their own experiences.
This paper will describe the overall aims, implementation and present status of the PREFIT training scheme
and will also present researchers experiences as lived from the inside.
Keywords: Remote Handling, Remote Operations, Training, EFTS
* Corresponding author. Tel: +44 1235 522119; fax +44 1235 522124
E-mail address:
© 2008 Authors. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
In 2006 a partnership lead by Oxford Technologies Ltd (OTL) was awarded a contract by the European
Commission under the European Fusion Training Scheme (EFTS) initiative. Since Sept 2006 the partnership
of OTL, CEA List, VTT and Tampere University of Technology (TUT) has organized and managed the
training of 6 researchers who were specifically recruited from outside the fusion community. The so-called
PREFIT scheme has successfully invested in the researchers with the aim to prepare them for working on
ITER related remote handling activities after the completion of their training.
This paper describes the PREFIT scheme, its aims, features, benefits and personal experiences.
2. Implementation and Strategy
The PREFIT scheme is organized with the aim to provide new researchers with access to facilities, training
and research resources which will enable them to gain the award of Phd in remote handling. Researchers have
been recruited from outside fusion and are engaged as full time employees of a partner. In this first phase two
Authors' copy - Article presented at the 25th Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT-25), Sept. 2008, Rostock, Germany
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researchers are employed each by OTL and CEA with one researcher employed by TUT and one by VTT.
The researchers were selected as the result of a comprehensive recruitment campaign with the aim to bring
into the Fusion community the best young candidates from European universities.
The highest academic quality is assured and the award of Phd is made by the TUT. In order to complete a
doctoral degree, students need to complete the studies confirmed by the TUT department council in
accordance with the degree requirements, demonstrate the capacity for independent and critical thinking in
their respective fields, prepare a doctoral dissertation and defend it in public.
Each PREFIT researcher undertakes a research project of relevance to remote handling for ITER. The
thematic areas covered by PREFIT research projects are:-
Advancing the Effectiveness and Safety of Remote Handling Operations.
Standardisation for Remote Handling.
Actuation Technologies for use in Tokamak Operational Conditions.
The researchers perform their research projects whilst based at their home organization and are separately
provided with specialized training over a period of 6 months when the researcher attends the partner site. The
training and research periods are organized as shown in Fig.1.
OTL brings to the partnership many years of first hand experience in remote handling for fusion having over
20 years experience in the design, development and operation of remote handling systems at the JET project.
CEA brings to the partnership a long history of nuclear engineering and robotics expertise and the List
laboratory at Fontenay-aux-Roses has 30 years experience in the development of advanced robotic systems
for use in remote applications in the nuclear industry. TUT/IHA ('Department of Intelligent Hydraulics and
Automation') has participated in ITER remote handling design, research and development since 1994 and is a
co-host of DTP2 facility. VTT offers researchers the benefit of extensive experience in the development of
intelligent handling equipment for forestry, industry and energy systems and also has been selected by EFDA-
CSU Garching to host and operate the ITER full scale remote handling divertor mock-up facility, DTP2.
The PREFIT scheme is day-to-day managed by a co-ordinator from OTL and the long term strategy and
direction is given by a Project Board which meets twice each year with members from each of the partners.
One of the additional aims of PREFIT is to nurture a network of engineers working in remote handling for
Fusion within Europe. To this end the PREFIT scheme is promoted using a website ( which
invites participation and contacts from others working in the field, to date around 50 users have registered and
are able to monitor the PREFIT activities.
3. Research Projects
The six research projects presently being studied within PREFIT cover topics related to the three main
Remote jointing of pipes
Augmented Reality for remote handling operations
Human-technology Interaction Aspects in Remote Handling of ITER
Development and Design Optimization of Water Hydraulic Manipulator for ITER
Integration of Man-In-Loop and automation for manipulation of heavy loads and forces
Development of In-Vessel multi sensor inspection system
The projects are supervised by experts from each partner and the academic monitoring is made by TUT. The
aims, methods and progress made in these projects is reported by the researchers in [1][2][3][4][5][6]
In view of the fact that the partners are also generally engaged in other funded ITER and EFDA/F4E projects
particular care has been taken to ensure that the selected research projects do not interfere in any way the
mainstream ITER projects and yet if they are successful the projects will lead to significant benefits for ITER.
The research is presented by the participants in the form of two documents, after one year the researcher
publishes and presents a ‘state-of-the-art’ report outlining their background research study and a justification
for proceeding to new research activities. At the end of the 3 years the researcher publishes, presents and
defends in an oral examination a major thesis describing their research activity. The successful completion of
the thesis and its defence is a mandatory element of the award of Phd regardless of the number of credits also
gained for other work.
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4. Training
Over the three years of PREFIT the researchers spend 6 months of each year at a partner site for training. The
training is delivered as a combination of small projects and on-the-job, or “shadowing”, activities. With the a-
priori permission of the JET Operator (UKAEA) the researchers, when assigned to OTL, spend a significant
period of their training period studying alongside the OTL staff at JET. When the researchers are at CEA List
and TUT/VTT they undertake project work related to the specializations of the experts in each laboratory. At
the end of the training period the researchers deliver a report of their activities describing project undertaken
and the knowledge transferred to them during on-the-job activities. The report is evaluated by TUT and
appropriate credits awarded.
The PREFIT partners have many employees with expert knowledge in remote handling specializations. In
order to further transfer their knowledge to the researchers in an efficient way the PREFIT partnership
organizes and runs a two week Common School at one partner site each year. The first Common School was
hosted by OTL and convened in Abingdon where lectures on remote handling were delivered by the OTL
staff and supplemented by experts from UKAEA and CEA. The second Common School was hosted by
TUT/VTT in Tampere with a range of talks from experts involved with the application of water hydraulics to
ITER remote handling equipment. The third Common School will be hosted by CEA in Fontenay and/or
5. Workshops
Each year PREFIT organizes a two day workshop as part of the effort to foster the creation and development
of a network of workers engaged in ITER relevant remote handling. The workshop is convened immediately
at the end of the Common School each year and is formatted with the PREFIT researchers presenting their
projects and progress on day one with invited speakers from around the world presenting their experience on
day two. There have been two workshops since the start of PREFIT and the invited talks have covered the
following range of topics:-
ITER Remote Handling - The Challenge
RH experience from MAGNOX nuclear fission facilities
RH experience from the WAGR nuclear decommissioning project
RH experience from development of the European Space Arm
US Robotics and Remote Systems Experience
Teleoperated Mining Machines
F16: Remotely controlled demolition machine
Qualification of safety critical software
Designing, Analyzing and Optimizing the RAM factors of your process.
Benefits of digital manufacturing, Industrial cases
6. Researcher experiences
The following sections contain first hand experiences from each of the PREFIT researchers.
Gregory Dubus (CEA, List)
“In 2005 I graduated a master degree in robotics and automatic control engineering. Then CEA LIST gave
me the opportunity to complete my skills in interactive robotic, working on the qualification of a water
hydraulic joint and the development of a water hydraulic servovalve for fusion RH applications, [8][9].
Becoming in 2007 a PREFIT trainee at CEA LIST I’ve been offered to work through my research project on
the development of a relevant control scheme for the man-in-the-loop handling of heavy loads, [1][10]. This
technical project is giving me an excellent knowledge of the key issues that must be taken into account when
developing control strategies in such a constrained environment as ITER. But to me one real strength of
PREFIT is to provide not only ITER relevant research opportunities but also concrete involvement thanks to
the placements at JET and DTP2. Through the knowledge of fusion RH requirements by the experts I’ve met,
I now have a vision of RH much more complete than what I would ever have while only being involved in a
single research project. To me this cross-disciplinary awareness is essential to build an effective RH team.
It’s also a way to foster professional networking, bringing us closer to the fusion community and particularly
to all participants to RH relevant activities. The international aspect of the PREFIT project is something
incredibly exciting as well. Beyond the professional networking aspect, PREFIT implies a real human
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experience. It’s a chance to enhance communication and develop exchanges between three cultures very
close in some ways but also with their own specificities. From my point of view this cross-fertilisation is an
exceptional chance for personal self improvement. At last I particularly appreciate the pioneer aspect of
PREFIT. It is really motivating for me to know that our feedback will be taken into account to arrange
something even better if there is ever a sequel. In my view it makes us want to get involved even further in
the project. And this will necessarily have a positive impact on the success of this training scheme.
Teemu Kekäläinen (TUT)
“I joined the PREFIT programme in the end of 2006. I continued to work in PREFIT straight after finishing
my master's degree in hydraulics and automation at the Department of Intelligent Hydraulics and Automation
of Tampere University of Technology. The work I have done during the PREFIT project is water hydraulic
manipulator design and optimization including vane actuator design improvements, water quality issues and
different valve technologies [4]. During the PREFIT programme I was last summer at JET, UK and worked
with the remote handling engineers there and I am working at the moment at CEA, France. During the annual
Common Schools, I have learned a lot of things about remote handling. On top of this the international
collaboration and friendship between the PREFIT researchers has kept surprising me.”
Ryan King (OTL)
“The PREFIT program appealed to me after completing a masters in Cybernetics and Control Engineering at
the University of Reading as a way of continuing my academic studies whilst gaining experience and
knowledge of industry within an exciting area. The program has proved to offer ample opportunities to learn
from experienced engineers working within the field which I have found to be immensely valuable. The
placements and common schools arranged by the three PREFIT partners are both very informative and have
presented further networking opportunities to me in addition to bringing me into contact with more
experienced engineers with different ways of working. Throughout the course of the PREFIT program to date
I have pursued my research into Augmented Virtualised Reality for fusion as my main PhD project. This has
focused on the development of a novel method of keeping a virtual model of an environment up to date in
real-time and the consideration of the potential benefits of such a system [3]. The time spent training and
working alongside the 5 other trainees of the PREFIT scheme has also been beneficial to me both in terms of
the knowledge and experiences exchanged and the friendship formed between us.”
Jean-Baptiste Izard (CEA, List)
“I have accepted to be part of PREFIT for the CEA LIST right after I received my degree in mechanical
engineering. The main reason was because of the technical challenges that ITER had arisen. Thus, I am now
working on mecatronics hardening against inspection conditions of ITER [2].
But in addition to the ideal conditions offered to work on high-end technological project, by giving access to
the know-how of 4 different partners labs and firms during the different common workshops, and ensure
technical recognition by offering quality research and the distinction of a Ph.D, PREFIT proves to be an
opportunity to develop human and cultural aspects as well. The way the different participants - researchers
and supervisors - are countenanced to share and work together, the way it allows a researcher to measure the
real stakes of ITER, to create a network throughout the Fusion, Remote Handling or project-related
communities : PREFIT could offer it all thanks to its unique structure. This is what had the different persons
bonded to the program end up really bonded to each other, which is already, considering the large scope of
backgrounds, cultures and personalities, a success in itself.
Even considering the different organisational buffeting that every new project suffers, PREFIT has already
proven to be a great scheme example in preparing engineers for ITER in particular, and international project
in general. ”
Karoliina Salminen (VTT)
“I joined the PREFIT programme after finishing my master’s degree in electrical engineering. I also gained
some professional experience from the industry before starting to work at VTT Technical Research Centre of
Finland. My research work concentrates on the human technology interactions in remote handling of ITER
[5], which differs from other PREFIT projects by being more interdisciplinary in combining knowledge from
several different fields, not only technical. Since the research has a big emphasis on working cultures,
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working environments and cultural differences, the PREFIT project and the possibilities it has given to work
in different countries and to build a professional remote handling network has been very rewarding and a
unique opportunity. Studying human technology interactions in remote handling without working in different
locations where remote handling is either fully operational or on development stage would be much more
difficult. Common schools and workshops have given me a lot of new information about remote handling and
different fields related to it. This information would have been a lot more difficult to get elsewhere without
the support of the PREFIT programme. Also the good cooperation and communication between all six
PREFIT researchers has been one of the advantages of PREFIT. PREFIT prepares the researchers to work at
ITER but based on my experiences so far, it gives good competence in working in other big international
projects as well.”
Robin Shuff (OTL)
“Having completed a master’s degree in product life cycle management with specialisation in Mechanical
Engineering, I went on to manage a two year industry / university partnership organised for the development
of medical equipment [6]. The cut and thrust of working for a small company during this time completely
transformed my understanding of the commercial engineering world, delivering unique experience. With an
arsenal of new skills and confidence but missing the added rigor of academic rated research, I enrolled in the
PREFIT programme. Working on a PhD project in RH pipe tooling for ITER [7], the PREFIT experience has
delivered the perfect mix of the ‘buzz’ of science and the economic realities of industry. In addition, the
opportunity to work at the partner institutes has allowed me to build a supportive network of RH handling
tooling specialists within the fusion community. Working in different places with different people has also
added greatly to the quality of the research project, with each and every new perspective and unique piece of
feed back that comes my way. The chance to live and work in the different cultures hasn't just added to my
professional outlook and working knowledge of the subject, it has been a greatly life enhancing experience. I
hope that this winning episode of multinational project working is just the pilot for the tour de force that will
be ITER.”
7. Benefits
The PREFIT scheme benefits the researchers, ITER, F4E and the partners.
The PREFIT researchers are top quality, highly motivated young engineers and when they have completed
their Phd will be available and seeking employment to join the European effort in support of ITER. The skill
sets, knowledge, understanding and networking embedded in the PREFIT researchers will be a significant
positive resource available for deployment at the ITER Organization, F4E, any of the European Associations
or within European industry.
The researchers will have gained a unique and thorough exposure to the issues of remote handling for ITER
and will leave the scheme with new skills, new motivations and a Phd.
ITER and F4E stands to benefit from the fully qualified PREFIT researchers becoming available at a key
moment in the development of Fusion. Additionally the development of the network of engineers engaged in
remote handling for Fusion will offer ITER and F4E with a previously unavailable opportunity to engage with
all experts through a single portal.
The partners will benefit from establishing a close working relationship and from bringing their own legacy
networks together with each other to facilitate creation of consortia and other joint ventures to apply to the
European Fusion effort.
The PREFIT programme is funded by the EC under the European Fusion Training Scheme.
[1] G.Dubus, O.David, Y.Measson, J.-P.Friconneau, PREFIT project: Integration of man-in-loop and
automation for manipulation of heavy loads and forces in ITER, 25th Symposium on Fusion Technology,
SOFT08, Rostock, Sept 2008.
[2] JB. Izard, Y. Perrot, JP. Friconneau, Review of Design Principles for ITER VV Remote Inspection in
Magnetic Field, , 25th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Rostock, Sept 2008
Page 6
[3] R. King, D. Hamilton (2008) Augmented Virtualised Reality - Applications and benefits in Remote
Handling for Fusion, 25th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Rostock, Sept 2008.
[4] T.Kekalainen, J.Mattila, T.Virvalo, “Development and Design Optimization of Water Hydraulic
Manipulator for ITER”, 25th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Rostock, Sept 2008
[5] K.Salminen, “Observations on Human-Technology Interaction Aspects in Remote Handling for Fusion”,
25th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Rostock, Sept 2008
[6] R. Shuff, R. Morris, “Turning Small to Medium Sized Enterprize business strategy into action, how
Felcon Ltd used a Knowledge Transfer Partnership as a mechanism for change” , 2006 Business Innovation
for Small to Medium Sized Enterprises (BISME), Conference proceedings
[7] R. Shuff, S. Mills “A study of Remote Handling Pipe Jointing technology with reference to ITER
requirements”, 25th Symposium on Fusion Technology, Rostock, Sept 2008
[8] G.Dubus, O.David, F.Nozais, Y.Measson, J.-P.Friconneau, J.Palmer, Assessment of a water hydraulic
joint for remote handling operations in the divertor region, in: Proceedings of the 8th International
Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology, ISFNT8, Heidelberg, Germany, 2007.
[9] G.Dubus, O.David, Y.Measson, J.-P.Friconneau, J.Palmer, Making hydraulic manipulators cleaner and
safer: from oil to demineralized water hydraulics, in: IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems, IROS08, Nice, France, 2008.
[10] T.Gagarina-Sasia, O. David, G. Dubus, E. Gabellini, N. Zanardo, F. Nozais, Y. Perrot, P. Pretot, A.
Riwan, Remote handling dynamical modelling: assessment on a new approach to enhance positioning
accuracy with heavy load manipulation, in: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Fusion
Nuclear Technology, ISFNT8, Heidelberg, Germany, 2007.
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Research Project Periods
Training Periods
Tampere location JBI & GD (CEA)
OTL location
CEA location
& KS (VTT)
2 week common
school & 2 day
workshop at OTL
2 week common
school & 2 day
workshop at IHA
2 week common
school & 2 day
workshop at CEA
& KS
2008 2009
4 1
Robin Shuff
Ryan King
Jean-Baptiste Izard
Gregory Dubus
Teemu Kekalainen
Karoliina Salminen
Fig.1 Timetable for PREFIT researcher training and research activities
... Within the framework of the Euratom Fusion Training Scheme (EFTS), the PREFIT partnership prepares remote handling (RH) engineers for ITER with an integrated programme of training and research over 3 years [1]. During this period six engineers are familiarised with the technological and operational key issues of RH for ITER. ...
Operating within the framework of the Euratom Fusion Training Scheme (EFTS), the PREFIT partnership prepares remote handling (RH) engineers for ITER with an integrated programme of training and research over 3 years.One of the research topics aims at improving effectiveness and safety of remote handling manipulation of heavy loads, a significant challenge associated with ITER’s maintenance scheme.In all areas needing scheduled maintenance work – in-vessel components, neutral beam injector, hot cells – introduction of man-in-the-loop technologies would provide very useful help in case of unexpected events. The focus of this work is the problem of vibrations experienced when handling heavy loads using flexible robotic structures. Vibrations are induced during start and stop movements, high accelerations or in the case of collision. It is therefore necessary to develop strategies to remove undesired effects of stimulating dynamics or critical trajectories.Analysis of previous works on flexible arms proves that model-based control of light structures gives good performance providing that dynamic terms take into account the compliance of the joints and the structural deformation.
Over the last 10 years VR has been used at JET in an increasingly important role. It now finds use in various aspects of task preparation including planning, mock-up, training and task overview. It also plays an important role in actual operations where it is used to gain a more complete view of the work area. The JET VR implementation does not have on-line monitoring of the remote environment and the robot modelling has accuracy limitations, so this system cannot be used as the primary means of viewing. Work is currently underway with the aim of allowing such as system to run at ITER with full remote environment monitoring with high enough precision and accuracy so as to allow its use as the primary viewing method.This paper looks at how this augmented virtualised reality solution would be applied and considers some of the additional benefits AVR could have in remote handling for fusion.
Conference Paper
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This paper presents the developments carried out at CEA LIST to adapt the 6-DOF hydraulic manipulator Maestro to work with pure water instead of oil. Its elbow joint has been redesigned for water applications and a prototype of water hydraulic pressure servovalve has been manufactured. Both performances of the actuator and its pre-actuator are discussed. A model of the servovalve is proposed to identify its driving parameters and validate the next evolutions in its design, anticipating the second generation of prototypes.
Operating within the framework of the Euratom Fusion Training Scheme (EFTS), the PREFIT partnership prepares remote handling (RH) engineers for ITER with an integrated programme of training and research over 3 years.One of the research topics aims at improving effectiveness and safety of remote handling manipulation of heavy loads, a significant challenge associated with ITER’s maintenance scheme.In all areas needing scheduled maintenance work – in-vessel components, neutral beam injector, hot cells – introduction of man-in-the-loop technologies would provide very useful help in case of unexpected events. The focus of this work is the problem of vibrations experienced when handling heavy loads using flexible robotic structures. Vibrations are induced during start and stop movements, high accelerations or in the case of collision. It is therefore necessary to develop strategies to remove undesired effects of stimulating dynamics or critical trajectories.Analysis of previous works on flexible arms proves that model-based control of light structures gives good performance providing that dynamic terms take into account the compliance of the joints and the structural deformation.
The successful performance of remote automated welding of pipe joints depends on the precise control of many parameters. In practice, small variations in geometry, metallurgy and weld power prevent the creation of the optimum joint every time. To minimise the risks of producing welded joints of unacceptable quality, the approach at JET was to simplify the joint design. This meant specifying autogenous, single pass welds for pipe joints wherever possible. The requirements of ITER are such that this simplification of the weld process cannot necessarily be achieved. The pipe sizes and thicknesses will probably demand the use of multi-pass welds with the addition of filler metal. This paper looks back at the experience of the JET project in endeavouring to achieve this type of joint and highlights the difficulties that ITER will need to overcome. Similarly for the pipe cutting process, the JET team was able to develop tooling that was simple and reliable due largely to the thin pipe wall thickness used on the project. The ITER requirement for all processes to be fully remote will demand the development of more sophisticated welding and cutting tools with particular capabilities for recovery from failure. In response to the difficulties foreseen with applying welding and cutting principles to the pipe jointing challenges at ITER, research is currently underway with the aim of identifying an approach that is more amenable to Remote Handling (RH). This paper documents a proposal for a novel UHV pipe jointing system based on an in situ reversible brazing technique.
This paper describes one of the research projects carried out in The Preparation of Remote Handling Engineers for ITER (PREFIT) program within the European Fusion Training Scheme (EFTS). This research project is focusing on the design and optimization of water hydraulic manipulators used to test several remote handling tasks of ITER at Divertor Test Platform 2 (DTP2), Tampere, Finland, and later in ITER. In this project, a water hydraulic manipulator designed and build by Department of Intelligent Hydraulics and Automation in Tampere University of Technology, Finland (TUT/IHA) is further optimized as a case study for a given manipulator requirement specification in order to illustrate and verify developed comprehensive design guidelines and performance metrics. Without meaningful manipulator performance parameters, the evaluation of alternative robot manipulators designs remains ad hoc at best. Therefore, more comprehensive design guidelines and performance metrics are needed for comparing and improving different existing manipulators versus task requirements or for comparing different digital prototypes at early design phase of manipulators. In this paper the description of the project, its background and developments are presented and discussed.
Remote handling can been seen as cooperation between human and machine. One of the characteristics of remote handling is that there is always a human involved in the technique: there is always a human guiding and supervising the movements and deciding the actions of the machine. Unlike many other fields of remote handling for fusion, the human–technology interaction side has not been studied carefully recently. The state-of-the-art research about different kinds of remote handling systems shows that there is a lot of information available in this subject, but there is a clear need for studies where the special needs of ITER are taken into account.During the PREFIT programme, the human-interaction aspects of remote handling have been studied, and the goal has been to find solutions compatible with ITER. Some of the aspects that make ITER a unique system are its new technology combining state-of-the-art knowledge from several different fields, and its very international working environment. When discussing the human aspects, the fact of the multinational cooperation cannot be neglected.Since the majority of the information found in the literature review is not about remote handling, references need to be taken from other industries, like aviation. This article consists of ITER remote handling relevant findings in state-of-the-art research and information and knowledge gained during the PREFIT programme, especially during the training periods at JET in Culham and at CEA in Fontenay-aux-Roses. It also discusses the importance of human–technology interaction field in remote handling, especially in ITER.
Because ITER magnet system has a limited number of mechanical and thermal stress cycles, shut down number of the toroidal field is limited during lifetime of ITER. Any inspection device able to withstand the toroidal field between two plasma shots will enhance the inspection frequency capacity of ITER during operation phase. In addition to the high magnetic field the system should also cope with high temperature, ultra-high vacuum and high radiation, in order to keep the reactor availability high.Radiation, ultra-high vacuum and temperature constraints already addressed by on going R&D activities within Europe—considering the required level of radiation is to date the highest encountered in remote handling, and that facing all these constraints at once is an additional issue to overcome. Whereas, operating remote handling systems in high magnetic field is quite new field of investigation. This paper aims to be a guideline for future designers to help them choose among options the adequate solution for an ITER relevant inspection device. It provides the designer an objective view of the different effects that stem from technical choices and help them deciding whether a technology is relevant or not depending on the task's requirements.We have selected a set of technologies and products available for structural design, actuation, sensing and data transmission in order to design inspection remote handling equipment for ITER in the given constraints. These different solutions are commented with specific considerations and directions to have them fit in the specifications. Different design strategies to cope with magnetic field are then discussed, which imply either insensitive design or using the magnetic field as a potential energy source and as a positioning help.This analysis is the first result of one of the projects in the PREFIT partnership, part of the European Fusion Training Scheme.
Over the last 10 years VR has been used at JET in an increasingly important role. It now finds use in various aspects of task preparation including planning, mock-up, training and task overview. It also plays an important role in actual operations where it is used to gain a more complete view of the work area. The JET VR implementation does not have on-line monitoring of the remote environment and the robot modelling has accuracy limitations, so this system cannot be used as the primary means of viewing. Work is currently underway with the aim of allowing such as system to run at ITER with full remote environment monitoring with high enough precision and accuracy so as to allow its use as the primary viewing method.This paper looks at how this augmented virtualised reality solution would be applied and considers some of the additional benefits AVR could have in remote handling for fusion.
Due to the high level of radiations, all the nominal maintenance in the divertor region of ITER will be carried out with help of robotic means. Due to their high power/weight ratio, hydraulic actuators are interesting in space constrained areas. Pure water is the only fluid medium able to ensure the cleanliness requirements of ITER during maintenance operations. Although basic hydraulic elements like pumps, on–off valves, filters running with pure water are already available on the market, actuators are not so many and generally limited to linear motions.Starting from the standard oil hydraulic Maestro arm, a six-degrees-of-freedom hydraulic manipulator manufactured by Cybernetix and used in decommissioning activities, CEA LIST redesigned for water applications the elbow vane actuator of the arm.Servovalves are essential components of the joint's control loop. To improve performance, stability and safety of the force control loop, CEA LIST launched the development of a pressure control servovalve fitting the space constraints of the Maestro.Both performances of the modified vane actuator and of this new servovalve are presented in this paper.
In-vessel maintenance work in Fusion Tokamak will be carried out by the help of several sets of robotic devices. Handling of heavy loads in constrained space is identified by all players of the RH community as a key-issue in behalf of the ITER. To deal with high-level dexterity tasks, characterized by high payload to mass ratio and limited operating space RH equipment designers propose systems whose mechanical flexibility is no longer negligible and needs to be taken into account in the control scheme. A traditional approach where control system includes a linear model of deformation of the structure only leads to poor positioning accuracy. During maintenance operations in the ITER facility, uncontrolled or under-evaluated errors can damage in-vessel components. To address the control of complex flexible systems, we will investigate the use of specific mechanical software that combines both finite element and kinematical joint analyses with a strong-coupled formulation to perform system dynamics simulations. This approach will be applied to a single axis mock-up of robotic joint, supplied by a highly flexible structure. A comparison of experimental results with the traditional linear approach and the specified software model is carried out.
Turning Small to Medium Sized Enterprize business strategy into action, how Felcon Ltd used a Knowledge Transfer Partnership as a mechanism for change
  • R Shuff
  • R Morris
R. Shuff, R. Morris, "Turning Small to Medium Sized Enterprize business strategy into action, how Felcon Ltd used a Knowledge Transfer Partnership as a mechanism for change", 2006 Business Innovation for Small to Medium Sized Enterprises (BISME), Conference proceedings