
Determinants of employee engagement and their impact on employee performance

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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify the key determinants of employee engagement and their predictability of the concept. It also studies the impact of employee engagement on employee performance. Design/methodology/approach – Causal study was done to study the impact of relationships. A survey questionnaire was developed and validated using a pilot data ( a =0.975). Simple random sampling was used to select the employees from middle and lower managerial levels from small-scale organisations. A total of 700 questionnaires were distributed and 383 valid responses collected. Regression and structural equation modelling were used to predict and estimate the relationships. Findings – It was found that all the identified factors were predictors of employee engagement ( r 2, 0.672), however, the variables that had major impact were working environment and team and co-worker relationship. Employee engagement had significant impact on employee performance ( r 2, 0.597). Practical implications – Special focus and effort is required specifically on the factors working-environment and team and co-worker relationship as they have shown significantly higher impact on employee engagement and hence employee performance. Organisations shall focus on presenting a great environment for employees to work and promote programmes that would enhance peer relationships. Social implications – The determinants of employee engagement connote a healthy working atmosphere that reflects on the social impact created by the organisation. Employees would enjoy considerable attention in terms of the determinants being addressed. Originality/value – The research emphasises the growing importance and need for crystallisation of the concept of employee engagement. The research is unique in respect to the comprehensive model that is developed and validated.

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... Nurses, as the dominant human resource in patient care, bear significant responsibility for ensuring highquality health services. However, they face challenges such as high workloads, psychological pressure, and increasing task complexity (Anitha, 2014). These conditions often result in stress, fatigue, and decreased performance, leading to substandard service quality and impacting patient satisfaction. ...
... The research framework consists of two models: the first examines determinants of Employee Engagement (EE), and the second evaluates how EE influences performance through creativity, moderated by Psychological Capital (PsyCap). The model development was inspired by Anitha's (2014) framework applied to the healthcare sector. ...
... An environment that encourages innovation, freedom of expression, and recognition of creative contributions can provide a stronger stimulus for employees to develop their creative potential. By fostering a workplace atmosphere that facilitates collaboration and courage to experiment with new ideas, organizations can enhance the effectiveness of Employee Engagement in influencing creativity (Anitha, 2014). Therefore, organizations should integrate employee engagement with other strategies that support key elements of creativity. ...
This study aims to analyze the impact of employee engagement on organizational performance in government hospitals, with particular attention to the moderating role of Psychological Capital – comprising resilience, optimism, self-efficacy, and hope - in strengthening this relationship. Grounded in theories of employee engagement and Positive Organizational Behavior, this research positions Psychological Capital as a critical construct that enhances an individual’s motivational and cognitive resources. By integrating these theoretical perspectives, the study elucidates how engagement and Psychological Capital jointly influence performance outcomes. Using a quantitative research design, data were collected via structured surveys from hospital employees in various administrative and clinical departments. Statistical analyses were then conducted to assess the direct influence of employee engagement on performance, as well as the interaction effect (moderation) of Psychological Capital. Findings confirm that employee engagement has a significant positive effect on performance, underscoring the importance of motivational and supportive work environments in government hospitals. Moreover, the moderating role of Psychological Capital is evident, as higher levels of resilience, optimism, self-efficacy, and hope substantially strengthen the engagement–performance linkage. These results underscore the necessity of strategies - such as organizational learning programs, clear alignment with the hospital's vision and mission, and active employee participation - to cultivate both engagement and Psychological Capital. By highlighting the combined importance of engagement and Psychological Capital, this study offers practical insights for hospital management to refine human resource strategies. Interventions designed to enhance Psychological Capital can bolster engagement, thereby improving service quality and operational efficiency, ultimately contributing to better patient outcomes. While previous research has established the positive association between engagement and performance, this study uniquely contributes by empirically testing the moderating role of Psychological Capital within the government hospital context. The findings offer a novel framework for developing targeted interventions that elevate employee motivation, well-being, and organizational success in a setting marked by administrative challenges and resource constraints.
... evaluation, and promotional practices are factors that influence employee performance. Anitha (2014) defines employee performance as a measure of the financial or other results achieved by an employee, which directly impacts the organization's performance and success. Anitha also identifies several key factors that influence employee performance, including the work environment, leadership, teamwork, relationships with colleagues, training and career development opportunities, reward programs, guidelines and procedures, and employee engagement. ...
... In addition, they mentioned that the practices of compensation, evaluation of performance, and practices concerning the promotion of an employee are the benchmarks for determining the performance of a worker. In addition, Anitha (2014) stated that the performance of an employee is a gauge or pointer of the monetary or other result of the employee and that this result has an unchanging relationship with the performance and accomplishments of the organization. Additionally, Anitha (2014) reveals that the environment in which employees perform tasks and other schedules, the relationship with supervisors, the relationship between co-workers and the team, the compensation procedures, and the level of engagement of an employee are all factors that determine performance. ...
... In addition, Anitha (2014) stated that the performance of an employee is a gauge or pointer of the monetary or other result of the employee and that this result has an unchanging relationship with the performance and accomplishments of the organization. Additionally, Anitha (2014) reveals that the environment in which employees perform tasks and other schedules, the relationship with supervisors, the relationship between co-workers and the team, the compensation procedures, and the level of engagement of an employee are all factors that determine performance. ...
The study aims to highlight the critical role of HR practice in shaping tourist experience and satisfaction, ultimately contributing to the success and reputation of tourism enterprises. Additionally, it aims to understand how eff ective HR management influences the overall experience and satisfaction of tourists. Using a mixed-methods approach, data was collected from 112 employees and tourists in Lebanese resorts. Structural Equation Modelling revealed significant relationships between HRP and employee satisfaction and performance. Employee satisfaction strongly correlated with tourist satisfaction, while employee performance showed a weaker correlation. Notably, tourists prioritized employee friendliness over professional expertise. This study contributes to the literature by highlighting the importance of employee attitude in shaping tourist experience in a developing country context. The findings have implications for HR strategies in the tourism industry, emphasizing the need to focus on fostering positive employee attitudes alongside professional skills.
... Employee engagement and job performance. A plethora of studies have examined the positive nexus between employee engagement and job performance [25,[41][42][43][44][45]. [41] investigated the impact of employee engagement on performance of employees in India and found that employee engagement had a significant positive impact on job performance. ...
... A plethora of studies have examined the positive nexus between employee engagement and job performance [25,[41][42][43][44][45]. [41] investigated the impact of employee engagement on performance of employees in India and found that employee engagement had a significant positive impact on job performance. [25] also found that some drivers of employee engagement such as communication and leadership had a significant effect on job performance. ...
... The preceding findings are consistent with the findings of [41] that employee engagement has significant effect on the job performance of managerial employees from small-medium scale organizations in India. The findings are equally consistent with the submissions by [25] that drivers of employee engagement such as work-life balance, communication, and leadership had a significant effect on employee job performance. ...
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This study examined the moderating effect of perceived organizational support on the link between employee engagement and the job performance of medical staff at the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital. The study adopted a purely quantitative approach, using the explanatory research design. Data were collected from 310 full-time nurses and midwives of the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital in the Central Region of Ghana. The available data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Modelling technique. The study’s results revealed that employee engagement significantly influences the job performance of nurses and midwives in the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital. The study further revealed that perceived organizational support moderates the link between employee engagement and the job performance of nurses and midwives in the hospital. Given these findings, the study recommended that to effectively improve the job performance of nurses and midwives, the management of the Cape Coast Teaching Hospital must adopt policies such as effective leadership and fair HR practices to stimulate employee engagement and their perceived organizational support.
... Work environment: employee engagement is a result of the various factors in the workplace such as management that fosters a supportive working environment by mostly showing concern for employee's needs and feelings, encourages employees to voice out their concerns is all matters related to increasing employee engagement (Anitha, 2014). ...
... Leadership: employees become more engaged in the organisation when they see themselves getting praised by their supervisors and further when employees perceive their leaders as committed to the organisation (Chandani, 2016). Leaders are responsible for communicating with employees and their overall effort matters to business success (Anitha, 2014). ...
... There are various types of employees that could be found in organisations, one that is engaged; one that is not engaged and others that are actively disengaged employees (Anitha, 2014). ...
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There is a disconnect between corporate communication and employee engagement which often leads to poor organizational culture and ultimately poor performance. Therefore, the study aims to address this phenomenon and connect corporate communication to employee engagement for organisational success. Organizations are aware of the indisputable connection between their success and employee engagement in the current competitive environment. With a qualitative method using an interpretivism research paradigm, this study explores how corporate communication at Bakoena Services Pty Ltd. promotes employee engagement. Senior, middle, and junior staff members provide detailed perspectives. The study used semi-structured interviews to investigate how employees feel about the channels of communication that are currently in place, as well as how effective they are perceived to be and how they affect engagement. It also looked at tactics and planned communication enhancements that Bakoena Services Pty Ltd. might use to encourage employee engagement. This study added to our knowledge of the complex interplay within a particular organizational setting between corporate communication and employee engagement as well as made contributions theoretically to the stakeholder theory which underpinned the study. The conclusions provided Bakoena Services Pty Ltd. with insightful information about modifying its communication strategies to foster a workforce that is more engaged, content, and eventually more productive. The study's findings give suggestions for enhancement as well as insight into the role of corporate communication in promoting employee engagement at Bakoena Services Pty Ltd. The study's main recommendation is to strengthen the role of human resources, which is crucial in addition to communication reform. The study also concludes that human resource staff members ought to be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in communication, engagement strategies, feedback management, and leadership development.
... Well-designed recruitment, selection, training programs, and career opportunities, along with appropriate rewards, have the potential to foster work engagement within organizations (Aladwan, Bhanugopan & D'Netto, 2015). Previous studies (Hearthfield, 2012;Anitha, 2014;Ahmetoglu et al., 2015;Osborne & Hammoud, 2017) have demonstrated that transparent recruitment and selection policies not only help achieve business objectives but also enhance engagement levels in the workplace. An organization's recruitment policy significantly impacts an employee's long-term commitment and engagement (Ahmetoglu et al., 2015;Osborne & Hammoud, 2017). ...
... Rewards and career opportunities are critical indicators of work engagement, as they are key elements that contribute to it (Anitha, 2014;Osborne & Hammoud, 2017;Wood et al., 2020). Rewards motivate employees to commit to meeting performance targets, making them an indispensable aspect of employee engagement (Andrew & Sofian, 2012;Anitha, 2014;Barrick, Thurgood, Smith & Courtright, 2015). ...
... Rewards and career opportunities are critical indicators of work engagement, as they are key elements that contribute to it (Anitha, 2014;Osborne & Hammoud, 2017;Wood et al., 2020). Rewards motivate employees to commit to meeting performance targets, making them an indispensable aspect of employee engagement (Andrew & Sofian, 2012;Anitha, 2014;Barrick, Thurgood, Smith & Courtright, 2015). Additionally, recognition and rewards have been found to be important factors in encouraging work engagement (Barrick et al., 2015;Karanges et al., 2015). ...
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This study investigates the impact of digital transformation on human capital management practices (HCMPs) and their influence on work engagement. The research aims to evaluate the effects of recruitment and selection, training, career opportunities, and reward on employee engagement, and to examine whether digital transformation moderates these relationships. Using a sample of 607 employees, data were collected through online questionnaires from the banking and hospitality sectors in South Africa and analyzed using partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The study finds that HCMPs such as recruitment and selection, training, career opportunities, and reward positively affect work engagement. However, contrary to expectations, digital transformation did not significantly moderate the effect of HCMPs on Work engagement. This suggests that the impact of digitalization may be more complex and context dependent. The significance of this study lies in highlighting the stability of HCMP impacts amidst technological change, providing insights for organizations to manage work engagement effectively without over-relying on digital transformation as a moderating factor.
... Penelitian terdahulu terkait employee engagement dan team and co-worker relationship telah diteliti oleh (Anitha, 2014) Faktor eksternal berikutnya yang dapat memberikan pengaruh bagi employee engagement salah satunya ialah career development (Chandani dkk., 2016). Puah dan Ananthram (2006) menyatakan bahwa career development adalah suatu proses pengembangan yang kompleks dan diperuntukkan bagi karyawan melalui career planning (perencanaan karir) dan career management (management karir) yang tepat. ...
... Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia Port. Hasil penelitian ini berkontribusi mendukung penelitian terdahulu berkaitan dengan manajemen sumberdaya manusia, terutama berkaitan dengan employee engagement, team and co-worker relationship, career development (Anitha, 2014;Kahn, 1990;Lina & Silvianita, 2019;May dkk., 2004;Suryaningrum & Silvianita, 2018). Pada penelitian ini juga diketahui bahwa faktor relationships between coworker lebih dominan berpengaruh terhadap employee engagement, dibandingkan yang lainnya. ...
... Berlian Jasa Terminal Indonesia Port. Team and co-worker relationship dapat didefinisikan sebagai sebuah hubungan dan interaksi yang dilakukan antar karyawan di dalam tim dalam mencapai tujuan bersama yang dapat dilihat dari Kinerja tim yang efektif bergantung pada talenta, lingkungan tim, kebanggaan kolektif, komitmen, leadership, tujuan, komunikasi, peningkatan terus menerus, etis tim, dan komitmen tim (Anitha, 2014). Team and co-worker relationship ini diibaratkan seperti persahabatan, penerimaan, dan kesetiaan yang dikembangkan di antara anggota kelompok, yang juga mengacu pada tahap kepercayaan diri karyawan, kepercayaan, dan juga rasa hormat pada pimpinannya. ...
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The importance of having employee engagement is when employees are bound to form positive emotional relationships with the company, it will affect employees' attitude toward clients, so it will give benefits to the company because it can improve the services provided and customer satisfaction obtained. This research aims to examine the effect of team and co-worker relationships and career development on employee engagement. Data collection of as many as 84 employees, using an incidental sampling technique. The measuring instruments used are the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) which has been modified, the Team and Co-worker Scale, and the Career Development Scale. The results show there are influence between team and co-worker relationships and career development on employee engagement together or partially in back office employees. Team and co-worker relationships are important external factors because mutually supportive interpersonal relationships can lead to high employee engagement. After all, they are built based on harmonious relationships. Likewise, career development is also an important external factor because if employees are provided with adequate development programs, they have the potential to engage by work role and organization. This research can be a recommendation for companies to make strategies to increase employee engagement especially involving team and co-worker relationships and career development factors.
... Job performance was significantly impacted by employee involvement; however, its impact on organizational commitment was relatively modest. Anitha (2014) conducted a study that investigated the impact of employee engagement on employee performance. The research identified a number of factors that impact employee engagement, including the work environment, leadership, team and coworker interactions, training and career advancement, remuneration schemes, organizational policies, and workplace well-being. ...
... Effective leadership requires internalized morality, balanced information processing, relational openness, and self-awareness (Anitha, 2014, cited in Walumbwa et al., 2008. Research shows that inspiring leaders engage people (Wallace & Trinka, 2009). ...
... Valued and meaningful employment instantly boosts interest and engagement. An honest and encouraging leader can increase employees' engagement, satisfaction, and passion at work (Anitha, 2014, cited in Schneider et al., 2009). On the evidence, the following hypothesis was formed. ...
Employee engagement is a powerful instrument for organizations to gain a competitive advantage, regardless of size or structure. Engaged employees are acknowledged as invaluable assets and contribute to improved productivity, commitment, and overall performance. This investigation examined the impact of various antecedents of employee engagement on the academic staff of private schools in Birendranagar, Surkhet. The impact of various factors on teacher performance was examined, including work environment, leadership, team and coworker relationships, training and professional development, compensation, organizational policies, and workplace well-being. Employing a positivist perspective, the study embraced a causal-comparative research strategy to explore the relationship between these constructs. After removing extreme outliers, only 389 of the 403 registered responses to the survey were retained for analysis. As revealed by multiple regression analysis, the work environment, training and career development, organizational policies, and workplace well-being significantly influenced teachers' performance. Conversely, compensation, team and coworker relationships, and leadership have insignificant impacts on employee performance. The results of the investigation can be used to establish new policies and programs that are designed to enhance the well-being of teachers. The results of this study provide a comprehensive understanding of the employee engagement factors that significantly influence employee performance in private schools. This information can be used to reinforce or rectify the organization's organizational practices and design features.
... For Damanpour and Evan (1984); Richard et al., (2009);and Farooq (2014), organizational performance is it! In another vein, Anitha (2014) and Luthans et al., (2008) held employee productivity to mean same as employee performance. While the rebranding of the concept was going on, Carbonara and Schiuma (2004) used the term: new product development performance and Dana et al., (2021) zeroed it down to corporate performance respectively. ...
... While the rebranding of the concept was going on, Carbonara and Schiuma (2004) used the term: new product development performance and Dana et al., (2021) zeroed it down to corporate performance respectively. In a nutshell, employee performance indicates the financial and non-financial outcome of the employee that directly affects the performance of an organization (Anitha, 2014). While there are several ways to explain performance measures, the most popular, according to Bommer et al., (1995) has been between objective and subjective measures. ...
... Scholars have studied employee involvement in India (Anitha, 2014), Japan (Shimazu & Schaufeli, 2009), Greece, Spain (Schaufeli et al., 2002), and other countries. The premise that employee engagement creates positive employee outcomes and favorably improves organizational performance is continuously supported by the literature (Biswas & Bhatnagar, 2013). ...
... Studies from various countries, including Greece, Spain, Japan, and India, consistently show a favorable relationship between employee engagement and organizational success (Schaufeli et al., 2002;Anitha, 2014). Furthermore, the global consequences of disengaged employees are clear, with research revealing significant economic losses in countries like the United States and Australia, emphasizing the need for organizations to implement effective engagement interventions (Kelleher, 2011;Hooper, 2006). ...
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This interpretive investigation, utilizing extensive interaction and participant observation, explores the situational, temporal, and long-term sensemaking processes of married working women in the Finance and Accounts (F&A) department of Power Ltd [a pseudonym], a notable manufacturing company in Vadodara in Western India. Avoiding behavioral reductionism, we begin with Weick’s sensemaking principles, recognize their limitations, and investigate workplace subjectivity through Archer ’s theory of reflexivity. This methodology holistically and temporally integrates affect, cognition, and action within the evolving Indian socio-cultural context, drawing from everyday individual experiences and narratives. This novel, creative, bottom-up situational, and long-term personalized comprehension of work experiences examine the iterative interaction between individual cognition and the asynchronous multidimensional generative mechanisms. It prioritises a proce ss- base d anal ysi s of ge nde re d performativity.
... por sua vez, também promove o desempenho organizacional. Portanto, a gamificação pode ser considerada como uma capacidade organizacional (Anitha, 2014). Na visão de Bezerra e Mozzato (2021), a gamificação está conquistando cada vez mais espaço nas organizações como forma de melhorar o desempenho e os resultados na tomada de decisão e trabalho em grupo entre trabalhadores. ...
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Pesquisa bibliográfica, cujo objetivo foi identificar e analisar os estudos referentes às organizações que adotam iniciativas de gamificação para aumento da produtividade. Foram selecionados 23 estudos, predominando o Reino Unido e o setor de tecnologia. As empresas utilizaram iniciativas próprias de gamificação e soluções de mercado. Além da melhoria na produtividade, constataram-se outros benefícios, como aumento das vendas, integração, motivação, engajamento e saúde, além de mitigar resistência à mudança, reter conhecimento e atrair talentos. Como limitação citam-se os poucos estudos relacionando gamificação à produtividade, desde a criação do termo em 2008, até o início dos estudos, em 2013.
... Lebih jauh lagi, lingkungan kerja yang adil dan inklusif mendukung keterlibatan karyawan yang lebih tinggi, yang merupakan prediktor utama dari peningkatan kinerja kerja individu dan tim (Anitha, 2014;Baran & Sypniewska, 2020). ...
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Mengapa keberagaman begitu penting dalam organisasi saat ini? Buku ini memberikan jawaban komprehensif dengan menggali manfaat luar biasa dari manajemen keberagaman bagi individu dan organisasi. Mengelola Keberagaman membawa Anda melalui perjalanan mendalam tentang sejarah, teori, dan model praktik terbaik dalam keberagaman di tempat kerja. Anda akan menemukan bagaimana keberagaman dapat membangun kepercayaan, mendorong kreativitas, dan meningkatkan keterlibatan karyawan. Buku ini juga menyajikan studi kasus inspiratif dari perusahaan-perusahaan terbaik dunia, memberikan pelajaran berharga dan panduan praktis untuk mengimplementasikan manajemen keberagaman di organisasi Anda sendiri. Dengan panduan langkah demi langkah, buku ini adalah alat yang tak ternilai bagi para pemimpin, manajer, dan profesional HR yang ingin membawa organisasi mereka ke level berikutnya dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan keberagaman. Ambil langkah pertama menuju masa depan yang lebih inklusif dan sukses dengan Mengelola Keberagaman.
... Engagement and performance have both direct and indirect relationships, according to the research literature. In terms of immediate interactions, it has been demonstrated that individual and group engagement is related to organizational and employee performance [50,51,52]. ...
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Strong job results require a lot of work and assistance from many people, particularly when it comes to aca-demic accomplishment. Therefore, the justification for this research is that success at universities involves knowledge, effort, and significant academic engagement. To encourage change and success in universities. Also, it is crucial to possess the necessary skills even when achieving this goal. Therefore, this research seeks to explain the relationship between knowledge management, core competencies, and university suc-cess with employee engagement as mediating. The data was gathered from ten Jordanian public universities. was also chose respondents were chosen using convenience sampling, and the data, which included respons-es from 365 respondents, were analyzed using the Partial Least Squares (PLS) modeling technique. The results of the research found that knowledge management and core competencies are significantly influ-enced by employee engagement and organizational success. Moreover, employee engagement has a signifi-cant relationship with organizational success. More importantly, the analysis revealed that employee en-gagement plays a mediating role between knowledge management, core competencies, and organizational success. Top management must begin planning the changes required to meet the demands of knowledge management and core competencies while also capitalizing on opportunities to improve organization success and employee engagement.
... Previous research shows that a positive organizational culture and a good work environment can increase job satisfaction, which significantly influences employee performance. For example, research by (Nguyen et al., 2021) shows that a strong organizational culture contributes to increased job satisfaction and employee performance in the health sector-likewise, a study by (Anitha, 2014). ...
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This research aims to find out the determinants of job satisfaction and its impact on the performance of ATLM Hospital employees in West Java Province (Bekasi, Sukabumi, Karawang). The research method used in this research is a quantitative method with an associative approach. The number of research respondents used was 120 hospital employees, namely Medical Laboratory Technologists (ATLM) in West Java Province (Bekasi, Sukabumi, Karawang), while the sampling technique was probability sampling with stratified sampling with a methodical approach used to ensure that each subgroup (strata) in the population is well represented in the sample. The results of the research are (a) organizational culture has no and no significant effect on ATLM job satisfaction, (b) organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, (c) job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, (d) the work environment has an effect positive and significant on employee job satisfaction, (e) the work environment has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, (f) organizational culture has no and no significant effect on employee performance through job satisfaction, and (g) the work environment has a positive and significant effect on performance employees through job satisfaction.
... It encompasses various dimensions, including the quality, quantity, and efficiency of work produced. According to Anitha (2014), employees' performance should always be improved, as this predicts how an organization's goals can be achieved. Andreas (2022) postulated that employee performance is a way of maintaining the selfpreservation and well-being of employees. ...
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Workplace culture drives the transformation of individual employee performance. This study assessed the workplace culture across four dimensions in terms of communication, leadership, teamwork, and recognition, and determined its relationship with employee performance in terms of motivation, job satisfaction, and productivity. This descriptive-quantitative study employed a researcher-structured approach to examine the relationship of workplace culture on employee performance in a higher education institution (HEI) in the Philippines. The data were collected from 56 employees of the subject HEI using a researcher-structured questionnaire administered in-person. Statistical tests such as frequency, percentage, weighted mean, and multiple regression analysis using Partial Least Square SEM were employed in the data analysis. The findings revealed that the HEI has an appropriate and relevant workplace culture supportive of achieving common goals and making employees productively engaged in their work, though the employee performance can still be improved. Likewise, the study also confirmed that workplace culture is significantly related to employee performance in terms of productivity. On the other hand, no significant relationships exist between the dimensions of workplace culture and the motivation and job satisfaction dimensions of employee performance were revealed. While problems related to workplace culture rarely occur in the HEI, the researchers suggest a strategy roadmap for a more positive workplace culture to further improve employee performance. This study can be used as a reference in formulating workplace culture enhancement measures to increase employee performance.
... Furthermore, in a competitive labour market where rivals offer favourable working conditions, employers may need to raise wages to attract and retain skilled workers. Anitha, (2014) underscores the significance of the physical working environment, emphasising its impact on employee output. Poorly ventilated or excessively hot workplaces can significantly impair employee effort and productivity. ...
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This study examines the influence of working circumstances on the performance of professionals within the Nigerian construction sector, with a particular emphasis on Abuja as the focal area of study. This study reveals a deficiency in comprehending the correlation between working conditions and employee performance within the Nigerian construction sector. A quantitative approach is adopted, employing a questionnaire-based survey administered to construction professionals registered with relevant professional bodies. Findings reveal that professionals predominantly work in the private sector, with a diverse representation of architects, builders, engineers, and quantity surveyors. The study underscores the significance of physical environment, health and safety, and organisational communication in influencing employee performance. Customer satisfaction, time management, and effectiveness of employees emerge as pivotal variables in measuring performance within the construction industry. Results indicate a positive perception of working conditions among respondents, emphasising physical environment and health and safety measures. Moreover, the study finds a strong association between certain working conditions and key performance indicators such as customer satisfaction and quality output. This study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by illuminating the unique dynamics of working circumstances and their influence on employee performance in the Nigerian construction industry, this study adds to the body of knowledge already in existence. It underscores the importance of addressing working conditions to enhance productivity and organisational effectiveness. The findings provide valuable insights for policymakers, industry practitioners, and organisational leaders seeking to improve working conditions and optimise performance within the construction sector.
... Benzer şekilde Pukkeeree, Na-Nan ve Wongsuwan'ın (2020), 348 insan kaynakları görevlisi örnekleminde yaptıkları çalışmada, olumlu düşüncenin yenilikçi iş davranışı açısından başarı değerini ve çalışan katılımını etkili bir şekilde düzenlediğini tespit etmiştir. Bu nedenle çalışan katılımı, işletmelerin rekabet gücüne, başarısına ve sürdürülebilirliğine katkıda bulunan önemli bir faktör olduğu bilinen yaygın bir kavramdır (Anitha, 2014). Bununla birlikte işletmelerin kurumsal sürdürülebilirliği benimsemesi için katalizör görevi gören çalışanlar, bir işletmenin ekonomik, sosyal ve çevresel sorumluluklarını yerine getirmesini sağlamada en hayati kaynaklardan birini temsil eder (Exter, 2013). ...
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Yirmi birinci yüzyılın sürekli değişen dünyasında, örgütler yalnızca ekonomik büyüme hedeflerini gerçekleştirmek değil, aynı zamanda çevresel ve toplumsal sorunlarla başa çıkmak için stratejik sorumluluklar da üstlenmektedir. Artan rekabet, kaynakların hızla tükenmesi, iklim değişikliği, küresel eşitsizlikler ve toplumsal adaletsizlikler, iş yaşamını sürdürülebilirlik ekseninde yeniden düşünmeye zorlayan temel unsurlardan bazılarıdır. Bu bağlamda, örgütlerin faaliyetlerini yalnızca kar odaklı olmaktan çıkararak daha geniş bir açıdan ele almaları, sürdürülebilir bir gelecek için hayati önem taşımaktadır. Sürdürülebilirlik, çevresel koruma, toplumsal refah ve ekonomik dayanıklılık unsurlarını bir arada barındıran bütüncül bir yaklaşımı temsil etmektedir. Bu anlayış, örgütlerin yalnızca doğaya daha az zarar vermesini değil, aynı zamanda toplumun ihtiyaçlarına duyarlı bir şekilde hareket etmelerini ve uzun vadeli değer yaratmalarını sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Günümüzde sürdürülebilir yönetim, örgütlerin rekabet üstünlüğünü artırmakla birlikte, marka güvenilirliğini güçlendiren ve paydaşlar arasında olumlu bir algı oluşturan önemli bir stratejik araç haline gelmiştir. Elinizdeki bu kitap, sürdürülebilir yönetim kavramını çok yönlü bir bakış açısıyla ele alarak, okuyuculara bu alanda kapsamlı bir bilgi kaynağı sunmayı amaçlamaktadır. Kitap, ekonomik sürdürülebilirlikten çevresel sorumluluklara, sosyal sürdürülebilirlikten dijital dönüşüm süreçlerine kadar geniş bir yelpazede sürdürülebilir yönetimin farklı boyutlarını ele almaktadır. Her biri kendi alanında uzman olan yazarlarımızın katkılarıyla zenginleşen bu çalışma, sürdürülebilir yönetim anlayışını teorik bir çerçeve ile somut uygulamalar ışığında değerlendiriyor. Bu çalışma hem akademik hem de pratik açıdan önemli bir boşluğu doldurmayı hedeflemektedir. Akademisyenler, öğrenciler ve konuya ilgi duyan tüm okuyucular için sürdürülebilir yönetim konusunda derinlemesine bir kaynak sunarken, yöneticilere ve karar alıcılara örgüt süreçlerini sürdürülebilirlik ilkelerine uygun bir şekilde yeniden yapılandırma konusunda ilham vereceğine inanıyoruz. Kitabımız aynı zamanda sürdürülebilir yönetim anlayışının, bireylerin günlük yaşamlarından uluslararası iş birliklerine kadar her alanda etkili bir değişim yaratabileceğini göstermeyi amaçlamaktadır. Kitabımızın, sürdürülebilirlik yolculuğunda olan örgütlere ve bu alanda araştırma yapan akademisyenlere rehberlik etmesini temenni ediyoruz. Ayrıca, sürdürülebilir bir gelecek inşa etme hedefiyle yola çıkan herkes için ilham kaynağı olmasını ümit ediyoruz. İş yaşamında ve toplumda daha sorumlu ve bilinçli bir yönetim anlayışı oluşturmaya katkıda bulunmak, bu kitabın en temel amaçlarından biridir. Son olarak, bu çalışmada emeği geçen tüm yazarlarımıza, sürdürülebilirlik konusuna olan tutkularını ve bilgi birikimlerini okuyucularımızla paylaştıkları için teşekkürü bir borç biliyoruz. Kitabın, bu alanda yeni ufuklar açarak daha yaşanabilir bir dünyanın inşasına katkı sağlayacağına olan inancımız tamdır. Saygılarımızla, Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Nida PALABIYIK Öğr. Gör. Esra Akay
... In contrast, languishing employees experience lower levels of emotional, psychological, and social well-being (Rossouw & Rothmann, 2020). The well-being of employees and its importance within the workplace has been established by various researchers (Anitha, 2014;Rothmann, 2013;Sieberhagen et al., 2011;Vyas-Doorgapersad & Surujlal, 2014). However, since the experience of high levels of wellness/well-being is not static, the health-protective features of PWB must be present to reduce the risk of disease and promote length and quality of life (Hitge & Van Schalkwyk, 2018;Ryff, 2014). ...
... Indeed, employee performance assessment is one of the most relevant areas of application of Big Data and machine learning to transform the way companies manage their teams for effective and efficient management. Certainly, many empirical studies on factors affecting performance have been published, but these studies have focused just on one or at most two factors, namely: training [4], workforce diversity [5], leadership style [6], employee engagement [7], employee satisfaction [8] or communication and culture [9]. ...
Nowadays, the human factor is becoming more decisive in achieving the overall performance of companies and subsequently in improving their competitiveness and their productivity, which makes Human Resources (HR) practices, in particular the performance management, a strategic function of companies.However, the mass of data generated by the HR Information System (HRIS) continues to multiply. Moreover, new external information resources are now available, such as social networks or measurements from physical devices, which constitute a profound digital transformation of HR data and its management. Thus, traditional Information Technology (IT) tools are no longer able to keep up with this growth of HR data in terms of volume, variety, veracity, velocity, and added Value, companies are not able to understand past phenomena such as the causes of non-performance of employees or to anticipate the departure risk of their key skills. Therefore, a big data project is no longer an option, it becomes unavoidable to stay in the race for competitiveness, productivity, and profitability [1].In this study, we establish a model to predict employee’s performance using machine learning algorithms in particular Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for dimensionality reduction and multinomial logistic regression (MLR) for classification. The result of this work represents a decision support model for managers to develop a tailor-made team around the overall strategy of the company, to set up an action plan to anticipate the departure of high performers.
... Studies have demonstrated that employment resources such as remuneration, training programs, and effective communication have an impact on employee engagement (Markos and Sridevi, 2010). According to Anitha (2014), compensation, which includes both monetary and non-monetary benefits such as overtime pay, health insurance, and life cover, is closely connected to employee engagement. In a meta-analysis of 155 studies, Bailey et al. (2017) found that employees' opinions of organizational culture, job design, leadership, and psychological states have an impact on employee engagement (EE). ...
Employer branding has become a strategic tool for employee retention, and firms have used it as a means of maintaining a staff that is both stable and competitive. An employer brand that is strong is characterized by values that include social, economic, reputational, development, and diversity opportunities. The literature demonstrates that there are variances in employee engagement in terms of values, preferences, and demands pertaining to the workplace. This is significant when taking into consideration the dynamic and ever-changing character of an organization's workforce. It is the objective of this study to describe how the branding of an employer affects the level of engagement experienced by employees. The methodology utilized in this study was quantitative, and deductive reasoning was utilized throughout the process. Workers in Almaty, Kazakhstan who are employed in the information technology field were given a questionnaire to fill out. The sample consisted of a total of 111 replies. Preliminary findings suggest a direct correlation between employer branding values (social, economic, reputational, development, and diversity) and employee engagement. Moreover, social, economic, reputational, and development values significantly impact employee satisfaction. However, it's important to note that our study is ongoing, and final results will be presented in the thesis work.
... Indeed, employee performance assessment is one of the most relevant areas of application of Big Data and machine learning to transform the way companies manage their teams for effective and efficient management. Certainly, many empirical studies on factors affecting performance have been published, but these studies have focused just on one or at most two factors, namely: training [4], workforce diversity [5], leadership style [6], employee engagement [7], employee satisfaction [8] or communication and culture [9]. ...
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Nowadays, and with the digital transformation of companies, obtaining the best possible return on the company's human capital to participate in the performance of the company is becoming a challenge for the management of human resources, practices are undergoing a profound transformation. Indeed, conventional IT tools can no longer keep up with the mass of data generated by the internal tools of companies in the volume of data to be processed, in the speed of its real-time exploitation, in variety of sources and formats, and in veracity to create the added value, the use of new, more sophisticated IT tools using more complex statistical methods is no longer an option to both better understand a phenomenon and to improve performance evaluation way which allows companies to stay on the competitive path and wait for their overall goals. In this article, we are going to propose a new approach that makes it possible to classify the performance of individuals based on several performance factors and using machine learning algorithms. The result of this work allows the human resources manager to make an objective evaluation based on data and to be able to anticipate HR phenomena instead of undergoing them, namely the departure of high performers or skills gaps.
... To increase employee engagement and motivate employees to perform tasks effectively, the leader/manager in the organization should formulate and communicate clear guidelines regarding organizational policies on such issues (Maclaclan, 2012). The various determinants of employee engagement in the organization cover job satisfaction, leadership, work-life balance, career paths, teamwork, job characteristics, training, job flexibility, work environment and value for opinions (Anitha, 2014;Joshi, 2011;Shirina et al., 2023). For this specific research context, the operationalization of engagement was defined from a myriad of sources. ...
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Myriad research studies across the spectrum continue to emphasize one common goal, namely, sustained desired performance/results. Such an outcome is dependent on employees’ commitment and engagement among others and is a function of astute leadership. This study aimed to contribute empirically to an understanding of and determine the effect of leadership on organizational commitment and engagement among the workforce, especially during and post-crisis. The study adopted a deductive i.e., quantitative research approach, that is descriptive in nature. It used a cross-sectional survey research design in a five-point Likert scale to randomly collect data from 220 dispatched questionnaires to participants across various sectors of the economy in the Free State Province. A total of 181 questionnaires were collected for data analysis, yielding a response rate of 82%. The standard multiple regression analysis (MRA) and interpretation were conducted to assess the relationship between independent and dependent variables. The MRA results reveal that both leadership (?= 0.332) and ownership/accountability (?= 0.346) have a positive and statistically significant (p-values <0.05) impact on organisational commitment/engagement. Leadership and ownership/accountability reflect a significant power of predictability towards organisational commitment/engagement (F = 44.106; R2= 0.361; p<0.05) of the respondents. To ensure sustained exceptional performance, advocating for a servant-leadership culture, and being fearless of being led, will most likely inspire confidence, engagement and commitment among the workforce. The study provides empirical evidence of the positive effect of leadership on commitment and engagement, confirming that these independent variables are predictors of the dependent variables namely, employee commitment and engagement.
... Numerous studies have explored the factors that influence sleep quality among nurses globally, with consistent findings that rotating shifts, high workloads, and the emotional stress of caregiving are key contributors (11)(12). However, there is limited research focusing specifically on Malaysian nurses. ...
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Background Poor sleep quality among nurses can negatively impact their performance, leading to increased risks of errors in nursing practice, which directly affect patient safety. However, there is limited research on the factors influencing sleep quality and its subsequent consequences on patient safety, particularly in tertiary hospitals in Kelantan, Malaysia. This study aimed to determine the factors influencing sleep quality and the prevalence of poor sleep quality among nurses at tertiary hospitals in Kelantan. Methodology A cross-sectional study was conducted in two tertiary care hospitals in Kelantan between December 2023 and February 2024. A proportionate stratified random sampling method was employed to recruit a sample of 470 registered nurses. Data were collected using a validated self-administered questionnaire comprising 19 items across seven component scores. Results The prevalence of poor sleep quality among nurses was found to be 69.8%. The study identified several significant factors associated with poor sleep quality, including sleep duration (aOR 0.291; 95% CI: 0.215–0.393; p < 0.001), years of work experience (aOR 0.953; 95% CI: 0.924–0.984; p = 0.003), history of involvement in medication errors (aOR 2.669; 95% CI: 1.413–5.041; p = 0.002), and experiences of commuting injury (aOR 1.869; 95% CI: 1.119–3.121; p = 0.017). Conclusion The high prevalence of poor sleep quality among nurses highlights the need for targeted interventions to address this issue. In addition to ongoing education, implementing sleep hygiene programs, offering stress management workshops, and introducing flexible work schedules could significantly improve sleep quality. Creating a supportive work environment that prioritizes nurse well-being is crucial for enhancing patient safety and overall healthcare outcomes.
... Employee development, which encompasses career growth opportunities and skill enhancement, has a substantial effect on both job satisfaction and engagement. Saks (2006) and Anitha (2014) highlighted that organizations investing in development initiatives witness higher levels of employee loyalty and engagement. Recent studies (Shuck et al., 2022) reinforce the importance of employee development in fostering engagement, especially in industries such as manufacturing, where skills evolve rapidly. ...
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The aim of the study was to examine the extent to which organisational factors, namely, training development, employee development, reward recognition, leadership style, organisational climate and employee communication, influence employee work engagement in the manufacturing sector of India, with job satisfaction as a mediating variable. Data were collected from 640 employees in companies across all Indian states, where there were more than 500 employees. The study revealed that employee engagement was significantly predicted by job satisfaction, leadership style and employee development. The relationship between employee engagement and reward recognition and communication was positive, although of limited significance. The study suggested that employee engagement was facilitated by the quality of leadership and tailor-made reward systems. The study has limitations, namely, that it covered only large companies and included a few constructs, restricting its generalizability to SMEs or other sectors as well. Future mandatory strategic efforts should focus on identifying constructs such as organisational culture and additional mediators such as emotional design to understand employee engagement behavior in multiple industries for further development.
... Engaged employees are often viewed as crucial to an organisation's ability to maintain a competitive advantage, navigate change and foster work-related advancements (Hanaysha, 2016). Employee engagement is characterised by an employee's level of involvement, participation and alignment with the organisation's values (Anitha, 2014). Investing in employee engagement is advisable for employers, as empirical research has demonstrated a positive relationship between job engagement and performance outcomes such as employee retention and productivity (Markos and Sridevi, 2010). ...
Purpose Transformational leadership has attained immense attraction in contemporary research for its positive contribution in implementation of Education 4.0. Drawing on social bond theory and employee stewardship theory, this study aims to examine the mediating roles of employee engagement and organisational citizenship behaviour between transformational leadership and Education 4.0 in higher educational institutions. Design/methodology/approach Data was collected through survey questionnaire by using three-wave time lagged study design from regular faculty members of Indian higher educational institutions. Hayes Process Macro was used for testing the parallel mediation model. Findings Transformational leadership has a positive and significant impact on Education 4.0. The results of this study indicate that employee engagement and organisational citizenship behaviour partially mediate the relationship between transformational leadership and Education 4.0. Furthermore, the analysis explains that employee engagement and organisational citizenship behaviour leveraged under transformational leadership act as parallel mediators, and there is no statistical difference between them. Originality/value To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this study is first in itself to consider more than one factor influencing the relationship between transformational leadership and Education 4.0, thus making ground for parallel mediation. This study addresses the urgent call by United Nations for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by ensuring quality education (SDG 4) and reducing inequality (SDG 10), thereby giving peaceful and strong intuitions (SDG 16).
... Key performance indicators include quality and quantity of work, timeliness, effectiveness, and independence [57]. Improving employee performance is a fundamental goal for organisations [58] and is associated with workplace success and results [59]. ...
... Organizations with higher employee engagement build better culture of motivation, commitment and work (Harter et al., 2002;Cheese and Cantrell, 2005). Effectively designed PMS have the potential to increase employee engagement and involvement in work (Medlin and Green, 2009;Mone et al., 2011;Saks, 2019;Scott and McMullen, 2010), leading to increased efforts to achieve organizational goals and improved performance (Anitha, 2014;Awan et al., 2020). Parzefall and Hakanen (2010) found a positive relationship between perceived psychological contract fulfilment and work commitment, with work engagement fully mediating the relationship between perceived contract fulfilment and affective work commitment. ...
Performance management systems (PMS) are an essential tool in shaping employee behaviour in organizations. PMSs are also an important part of today's organizations and provide a framework for improving employee performance, productivity and leadership. Previous studies have not examined how PMSs influence employee behaviour, i.e. what are the mediating and moderating roles in this relationship. This article reviews and synthesizes current scientific knowledge on the influence of performance management systems on employee behaviour and examines the role of mediating and moderating mechanisms in this relationship. A systematic review of 83 research articles published in English up to 2022 was conducted. The review investigated various mechanisms through which PMS influences employee behaviour (specifically employee commitment, motivation and satisfaction). Promising trends and research trajectories were identified through content analysis with a mediating and moderating role. The PMS influences employee behaviour primarily through three constructs - clearly set goals, properly set rewards, and effective feedback delivery. A consistent (effective) PMS subsequently contributes to employee engagement and empowerment, which mediate the relationship. Organizational culture is a moderator because it can deepen the relationship between PMS and employee behaviour. The performance-oriented organizational culture in a company helps to create an effective PMS that positively influences employee behaviour. From a theoretical perspective, this paper synthesizes the results of each research, assesses the knowledge base in our selected research area, and clarifies potential avenues for future research and trends. This research contributes valuable insights for organizations seeking to improve their PMS for sustained employee success and satisfaction, as the literature search described the impact of PMS on employee behaviour through the identification and examination of individual mediating and moderating roles. Managers who pay attention to employee engagement and empowerment can then set up activities to have a good and necessary impact on employee commitment, motivation and satisfaction.
This research investigated the impact of conflict management on the work performance of secretaries within a company. The methodology employed a survey design. The research population comprised fifty-one secretaries at Federal Polytechnic Ede, Osun State. Three research enquiries were posed. A standardised questionnaire, entitled "Influence of Conflict Management on Job Performance of Secretaries in an Organisation Questionnaire (ICMJPSOQ)," was utilized for data collection. The instrument's reliability coefficient was calculated using the Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient, resulting in a value of 0.61. The study issues were addressed using mean and standard deviation. The findings indicated that comprehensive elimination of conflict is unattainable; managers who attempt to eradicate conflict are unlikely to survive. But those who effectively manage it tend to reap institutional advantages and personal fulfilment. Although disagreements, when adeptly handled, may be very beneficial to secretaries, they exist in both personal and professional contexts. This underscores the complexity of conflict dynamics in organizational settings. It was advised among other recommendations that management should implement conflict management strategies that enhance organisational performance; facilitate open communication between management and employees and foster interpersonal relationships among colleagues to elevate morale.
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Introduction: Human resources are one of the important factors in an organization or company, besides other factors such as assets and capital. Every organization and company will always try to improve its employee performance to achieve company goals. Performance is often a problem that arises among employees. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to show the effect of Employee Engagement and employee organizational commitment on Employee Performance. Methods: The design used in this study is the cross-sectional method. This type of research uses a quantitative method with an explanatory survey. The sampling technique used is the probability sampling technique using a sampling of 100 respondents through the distribution of questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is Partial Least Squares (PLS) with the help of the smartPLS version 4.0 computer software program. Results: Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that there is an influence of Employee Engagement and employee organizational commitment on Employee Performance. Organizational Commitment is able to mediate the influence of employee organizational commitment on employee performance. Conclusions: Based on the results of the research that has been conducted using verification analysis, it can be concluded that the influence of Employee Engagement on Employee Performance is mediated by Organizational Commitment. This shows that the higher the Employee Engagement, the higher the Employee Performance mediated by Organizational Commitment. The existence of this research is expected to help subsequent researchers in conducting research on job involvement and Organizational Commitment using different indicators from more diverse theoretical sources, and on different objects, because there are still many limitations in this research, especially those related to research methods and data collection techniques.
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Although sales employees are drivers of every organization, amid this economic contraction, they are uncomfortable with unfit sales targets. So, the employees tend to leave, unless organizational support emerges. Under this scenario, organizations light on the retention strategy in this regard. With that objective, the present study was taken to identify the impact of perceived organizational support on turnover intention with the mediating effect of sales employee engagement referring to a leading insurance company in Sri Lanka. Even if there are theoretical and empirical findings well documented for the problem, those may change according to economic fluctuations; the study is based on the specific time in 2022 in Sri Lanka, which was economically difficult for everyone. The study was quantitative, and a sample of 350 non-executive sales employees was selected utilizing the convenience sampling method. The primary data was collected using self-administered questionnaires and analyzed using the SPSS statistical package. The study found that perceived organizational support is significantly related to employee engagement, which in turn has an impact on the turnover intention of the respective employees. Further, employee engagement is found to be a partial mediator (EE =-1.1459) between independent and dependent variables but the direct effect of POS on the DV remains statistically significant (p < 0.001). The study concludes that organizational supportiveness supports eliminating turnover intentions when considering the effect of employee engagement things. Therefore, it suggests practicing more and more engagement activities at the workplace.
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh kemampuan kerja dan kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja dukuh di Padukuhan Jetak 1. Kinerja dukuh mengalami kendala akibat ketidakcakapannya dalam menggunakan teknologi. Dampaknya, dukuh mengalami kesulitan dalam menjalankan tugasnya secara efektif, terutama dalam hal komunikasi dan distribusi informasi melalui teknologi. Keterbatasan kemampuan dukuh dalam menggunakan teknologi digital tentunya membuat pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya sebagai seorang pemimpin di Padukuhan Jetak 1 belum terlaksana dengan baik dan dapat menjadi pengaruh dalam pencapaian kinerjanya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode pengambilan data melalui wawancara dan kuesioner. Populasi yang ditetapkan adalah sejumlah 294 KK (Kartu Keluarga) di Padukuhan Jetak 1. Serta ukuran sampel dihitung menggunakan metode proportionate stratified random sampling dan memperoleh hasil sampel berjumlah 75 orang dari total populasi KK. Teknik analisis penelitian yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda, dengan bantuan program SPSS Versi 24. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kemampuan kerja (X1) dan Kepemimpinan (X2) masing-masing memiliki pengaruh signifikan secara parsial terhadap kinerja (Y). Melalui hasil dalam uji F, disimpulkan bahwa kemampuan kerja dan kepemimpinan memiliki pengaruh signifikan secara simultan terhadap kinerja dukuh di Padukuhan Jetak 1..
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The Information Technology (IT) Industry is the fastest-growing industry. In India after 2002 is growing day by day. This is made up of the software industry and the ITES industry and these industries contribute to our Indian economy. It creates employment, revenue, and other benefits for our country. On the basis of the March 2022 report, almost 5 million people are working in the IT sector in India, and for any organization, employees are the lifeblood.
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The current research aims to study the organizational agility and its reflection on functional engagement in the left sector of health and primary care in Nineveh. To achieve this, a tool was built to collect data (questionnaire) directed to the directors of the centers and their assistants in the Al-Issar Primary and Health Care Sector, as well as the director, his assistants, and heads of departments in the center of the sector with (90) questionnaires, and the statistical laboratory procedure and statistical tools represented in (stability factor, Cronbach's alpha, reliability, Arithmetic mean, standard deviation, Spearman's correlation coefficient, multiple regression coefficient) using the SPSS-Vr24 software package. The study reached a number of results, the most important of which is that organizational agility plays a prominent role in job engagement, as well as the effect of decision-making agility with job engagement. The study presented recommendations
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This study investigates performance appraisal practices (PAPs), such as performance feedback, financial reward, job promotion, performance recognition, and training and their respective influence on employee engagement and performance. Responses were gathered from 203 employees of Malaysian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) using a stratified sampling technique while PLS-SEM was used as data analysis technique. The findings reveal that training and financial rewards significantly and positively affect employee engagement, while performance feedback, job promotion, and performance recognition have no significant influence on employee engagement. On the other hand, the results show a significant positive relationship between all PAPs and employee performance, except in the case of financial reward. Similarly, employee engagement has a significant effect on employee performance. This outcome suggests that there is a distinction between employee engagement and performance in academic settings. The study uncovers why there is a need for policy and decision makers in the education sector to focus more on how job promotion, performance feedback, and performance recognition can be optimized for job engagement among academic staff of Tertiary Institutions and financial rewards for effective employee performance.
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This study aims to provide empirical evidence on the factors influencing the hybrid workplace model from the employer's perspective, as well as the intention of adopting hybrid work as the future of work to enhance performance. The theoretical framework combines the Theory of Performance and Development as a reference for the study. This is a quantitative research study that employs purposive sampling, selecting participants based on specific criteria. Data collection was conducted through a survey method using questionnaires distributed to 170 respondents. The analysis was performed using the SmartPLS 4.0 software.The empirical results show a strong correlation between work engagement and employee performance, with the integration of mediating factors. The findings indicate that better acceptance of the benefits of hybrid work and work-life balance by employees contributes to improved employee performance. Furthermore, evidence suggests that the path coefficient of hybrid work has the most dominant role in influencing employee performance and work engagement, particularly among Generation Z. This indicates that Generation Z possesses a forward-thinking approach to self-quality, enabling them to align their interests with their efforts to maintain their work quality.
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Green Human Resource Management (HRM) is considered an emerging field of management that evaluates and ensures green performance and outcomes in organizations. In today’s dynamic business environment, work-life balance has become one of the key issues faced by many employees all over the world. Maintaining work-life balance is an issue increasingly recognized as of strategic importance to the organization and significance to employees. In doing so, the present study introduced independent and dependent variables to explain the underlying mechanisms of green HRM and work-life balance and its impact on employee performance. A total of 90 employees of the calibration services company have completed a set of questionnaires through Google Forms to provide data for the analysis. This study is using census method as one of the best probability sampling techniques to be used it’s a systematic method that collects and records the data about the members of the population and is suitable when the case-intensive study is required or the area is limited. This study has adopted the quantitative method in this research as the method allows the researcher to focus on the research. The data were analyzed through SPSS which facilitates descriptive statistics, correlation, and multiple regressions. Multiple regression analysis was used to test the hypotheses in this research. The findings showed that green HRM and work-life balance were the significant variables influencing employee performance in the study. In addition, the significance of the study included providing new knowledge from the theoretical perspective, obtaining a better understanding of the importance of green HRM and work-life balance from the perspective of employee performance, and contributing to the efforts made by the government to improve the probability of green culture in organizational and balancing professional life and family life employment of employees through policies from the perspective of the government. Lastly, recommendations for employers, employees, government, and future research are made to improve employee performance.
In today’s workplace, supervisors often communicate with direct reports using technology that could influence the perceived relationship employees have with their managers. The purpose of this convergent mixed methods study was to describe the perception of how media richness, when using technology to communicate, influences the relationship direct reports have with their supervisors. To address the research question, a survey was used with a sample of 100 direct reports who frequently receive communication from their supervisors in different technology formats. The results from the study suggest that technology media influences the perceived relationship between direct reports and their supervisors. According to the results of this study, technology media may be especially helpful in bolstering the availability of supervisors, which may positively influence other elements of the supervisory relationship. The results further suggest that it may be important for all leaders to choose technology media that is personalized and preferred by the employee while also using the most effective media for the type of message. Finally, leaders should understand the concerns that employees may have around privacy and overuse of technology media.
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This research investigates the impact of Transformational Leadership and Career Development on Employee Engagement, with Work Environment serving as a mediating variable. This study employs a quantitative research method, targeting employees of BBPPMPV BOE in Malang City. A sample of 144 participants was selected using Slovin's formula, maintaining an error level of 5%, and the sampling technique utilized was Simple Random Sampling. Data collection occurred through an online questionnaire, followed by data analysis using smartPLS. The findings reveal that Transformational Leadership and Career Development do not directly influence Employee Engagement. However, Employee Engagement significantly impacts the Work Environment, which in turn plays a crucial role in enhancing Transformational Leadership and Career Development. Furthermore, Employee Engagement lacks a direct effect on Transformational Leadership and Career Development; rather, its influence is mediated by the Work Environment. These results imply that while fostering a supportive Work Environment can strengthen the effects of Transformational Leadership and Career Development on Employee Engagement, organizations should focus on improving this environment to enhance overall employee involvement and satisfaction. This research underscores the importance of cultivating a positive workplace atmosphere to optimize leadership efficacy and career growth opportunities.
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The researcher examines how the working environment of the Department's districts influences job satisfaction. The study further examines the correlation between job satisfaction and employee turnover at the Department of Education, as well as how intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors influence job satisfaction. A mixed method approach employed both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis.
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The goal of this research is to identify the impact of IEB on employee engagement and retention in IT companies. The quantitative research involved 203 IT professionals. The significant relationship between IEB, employee engagement, employee retention and social identity was revealed. The study showed that employee engagement is mostly affected by the following dimensions of IEB: organizational values, rewards and recognition, while in addition, internal communication has a positive effect on employee retention.
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Introduction and objectives: Today, hardly in higher institutions, employees perform their duties and responsibilities without asking for some kind of encouragement from managers, colleagues, and students. In addition, the occurrence of deviant behavior in the workplace is common among many academic and non-academic employees of higher institutions. These behaviors negate the code of conduct in the university. In addition, cases of poor work attitude, absenteeism, tardiness, bullying, gender discrimination, aggression, and anti-social behavior have also been reported among the employees of higher institutions in Iran. The concept of civility in the workplace has been widely discussed in the related scientific literature. Some researchers see civility as the opposite of incivility, while others allow people to interpret the term in their way. In addition, there is heterogeneity in how civility is measured, with some studies using civility scales and others using tools to measure incivility. This lack of consensus makes it challenging to determine the exact meaning of civility in the workplace and the most effective way to measure it. Therefore, more research is needed to develop a clear and agreed-upon definition and measurement tool for this critical concept. In this regard, civility in the workplace plays an important role in promoting the welfare of employees, improving organizational results, and reducing deviant behaviors in the workplace. The present research shows that a set of mild civilities, such as respect, smile, love, civility, intimacy, cordiality, kindness, and civility can encourage employees' participation (joyfulness, dedication, and attraction) and as a result deviant behavior discourages employees in the workplace. Therefore, taking into account the gap in the current research literature, it is clear that less research has addressed work participation with a mediating role in the relationship between politeness in the workplace and deviant behavior in the workplace. Thus, the current research aims to investigate the effect of civility in the user environment of deviant behavior in the workplace among the employees of Isfahan Islamic Azad University (Khorasgan branch) and to determine the mediating role of work participation in this regard. Method: The research method is practical in terms of the purpose and terms of the method of data collection, it is descriptive of the correlation type, the statistical population of this research is 660 employees working in Isfahan Islamic Azad University (Khorasgan), and using Cochran's formula, 242 people were selected as a sample size. The sample people were selected using a stratified sampling method according to the volume. The research tool was the politeness questionnaire in the work environment by Ojali et al. (2021), the deviant behaviors questionnaire in the workplace by Penney, L. M., & Spector, P. E. (2005), and the work participation questionnaire by Saks, A. M., & Gruman, J. A. (2014). To determine and check content validity, the questionnaires were reviewed using the opinions of professors and experts before implementation. To check the formal validity of the aforementioned questionnaires, 10 people from the statistical population of the study completed it and after conceptual editing of some questions, the measurement tool was given formal validity. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed that all the fit indices of the questions were above 0.9 and this indicates the acceptability of the items. Therefore the reliability of the questionnaires with Cronbach's alpha method was 0.88 and .090 and 0.92 were estimated and data analysis was done using structural equation modeling. Results: The findings showed that civility in the work environment has a negative relationship with deviant behaviors in the work environment, whose influence coefficient was 0.66, and work participation hurts deviant behaviors in the work environment, whose influence coefficient was 0.44, and also civility in the work environment work participation has a positive effect, the coefficient of which was 0.55. Moreover, the results showed that the lower limit of the confidence interval for work participation, as a mediating variable between civility in the work environment and deviant behavior in the work environment was (0.0990) and its upper limit was (0.0110). The confidence level for this confidence interval was 95 and the number of bootstrap resampling method was 5000. Considering that zero is outside this confidence interval, this relationship is a significant mediator; therefore, work participation plays a role as a mediating variable in the relationship between civility in the workplace and deviant behavior in the workplace. Discussion and Conclusions: The present study was conducted to determine the effect of civility in the user environment of deviant behaviors in the workplace through work participation in Isfahan Islamic Azad University (Khorasgan branch). The findings showed that civility in the work environment has an inverse and significant effect on deviant behavior in the work environment. The results of the present study with the findings of Jafari et al. (2020); Soo and Arslan (2023); Abdullah et al. (2021), Zahid and Nauman (2023) and Ojali et al. (2021) have a direct alignment in examining the relationship between politeness in the workplace and deviant behavior in the workplace. The current research has important implications for intervention strategies aimed at reducing deviant behavior in the workplace. The findings of the current research showed that creating and maintaining decency is a complex process that includes personal, work, and social factors that interact with each other. Therefore, interventions should not only target individual employees but also include groups and organizations. While some personality traits or orientations may help employees manage workplace stress, the analysis of the current research shows that an organizational culture that values civility is more effective in encouraging such behavior among employees. Therefore, it is important to assess organizational cultures and identify those that are more likely to tolerate impolite and aggressive behavior and to intervene to promote civility. Intervention programs should be comprehensive and open to innovative methods, including conscious speech. This research showed that civility predicts positive outcomes for employees and can be increased through various programs. Masculinity versus femininity, i.e., organizations that value masculinity may prioritize competitiveness over consensus and show less cooperation and concern for the well-being of others. On the other hand, organizations that value femininity may be more consensual, humble, and cooperative and promote stronger cultural norms of civility in a less hierarchical, male-dominated, or competitive environment. In addition, there may be differences in workplace civil behavior among employees of different national cultures due to differences in implicit norms for expressing differences between collectivist and individualistic cultures. In today's diverse workplace, understanding these differences can improve communication and increase cooperation between employees. Finally, empirical research should examine the potential impact of leaders' responses to employees' uncivil behavior, as these responses are observed by co-workers and may affect long-term outcomes, such as perceptions of organizational justice. In summary, this study emphasizes that promoting civility at work can lead to healthier organizations and happier workers (Di Fabio et al., 2016) while preventing the wastage of human capital. Acknowledgment: I would like to thank the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Studies in Religion, Spirituality & Management, and the participants in the study. Conflict of Interests: There is no conflict of interest in this research. Keywords Civility in the workplace Deviant behavior in the workplace Work participation Social exchange theory
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Background This paper investigated the connection between transactional leadership styles, contingent rewards, punishments, and employee performance while emphasizing employee engagement’s mediating role. Existing research has predominantly focused on isolated associations between contingent rewards, punishment, and employee performance, leaving gaps in the empirical exploration of these mediating mechanisms. To address this research gap, our study has introduced a conceptual framework to understand the multifaceted connection between contingent rewards, punishment, and their effects on employee performance, with a specific emphasis on the mediating function of employee engagement. Methods We involved 273 full-time non-clinical healthcare professionals employed in NABH-accredited hospitals in Jharkhand, India. A structured survey instrument was employed for data collection from the specific survey participants, with the investigation of the research hypotheses conducted through the application of partial least squares-structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Results Preliminary findings suggested that contingent rewards and punishment do not directly influence employee performance. Instead, our study highlighted the critical mediating role of employee engagement, particularly its dimensions of Vigor, absorption, and dedication. Conclusions This research has underscored rewards and punishments as essential tools for influencing employee behaviour, motivation, and performance. Employee engagement, as a multifaceted construct, not only benefits individual employees but also significantly impacts overall organizational performance and success.
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Examining employee engagement with a view to job satisfaction through mediated Job Security is the aim of this study. All respondent who have made worked from Senior High School and who meet the criteria listed constitute the population of this study. Purposive sampling was used to select 58 respondents. Data collection methods rely on survey methods, with research instruments in the form of a questionnaire. The statistical program was used for causal qualitative analysis. Employee Engagement (X1) and Job Security (X2), are variables exogen and endogen variable is job satisfaction (Y) to this study. This study uses Smartpls program to process and analyze data. The results showed that Employee Engagement had a positive and significant effect on Job Satisfaction, Job Security had a positive and significant effect on Job Satisfaction and Employee Engagement had a positive and significant effect on Job Satisfaction which was mediated by Job Security for the teaching staff.
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The aim of the study is to investigate the influence of hotel reward systems on employee motivation and retention. Structured questionnaire was prepared to collect data from hotel employees of Bhubaneswar city of Odisha state. For first objective, questions on 12 parameters of hotel reward systems were framed and asked to respondents how these parameters influence employee motivation to work. For second objective, questions on 10 parameters were framed and asked to respondents how these parameters influence employee retention in hotels. Data is collected in the month of April 2024. Convenience sampling technique is used for data collection. Total 76 responses are found valid. Central tendency technique is used for the achievement of first objective and percentile method is used for the achievement of second objective. The findings of the first objective have concluded that promotions, increase in salaries, cash awards and training & development opportunities are the parameters of hotel reward systems which has the highest impact on employee motivation to work more effectively in their hotels. The findings of the second objective have concluded that Employees who feel valued and appreciated through the hotel's reward system are more likely to exhibit loyalty and commitment to the organization over the long term. The findings of the second objective have also concluded that non-monetary rewards, such as recognition programs or career advancement opportunities, contribute significantly to employee retention in the hotel industry.
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The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 significantly impacted Australia’s resources sector, particularly mining, oil, and gas industries, posing challenges for operational leaders. This study applied Adaptive Crisis Management Theory (ACMT) to understand how these leaders adapted during the crisis. Through interviews with 32 operational leaders, it was found that their roles evolved as crisis demands changed. Initially, they addressed immediate needs, then shifted focus to remote work facilitation and digital transformation, and finally emphasised recovery, trust, and resilience. These adaptations influenced leaders’ behaviours, highlighting the importance of flexibility in supporting employee wellbeing and organisational continuity during crises.
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Orientation: The information technology (IT) sector, a global economic driver, faces high employee turnover because of low work engagement. This study examines the relationship between human resource management (HRM) practices and their impact on work engagement and turnover intention (TI) in IT companies.Research purpose: The primary purpose of this research article is to investigate how HRM practices influence employee work engagement and TI in the IT sector.Motivation for the study: This study is motivated by the need to address this critical issue by exploring the role of HRM practices in shaping employee engagement and TI.Research approach/design and method: The research data came from 10 IT organisations in Pune IT parks. Non-probability convenience sampling was used to collect data. Data were analysed using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM), Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Moment Structure Analysis to evaluate the hypotheses.Main findings: The study found that HRM practices such as effective communication (EC), training satisfaction (TS), performance appraisal satisfaction (PAS), pay satisfaction (PS) and opportunities for development (OFD) positively influence work engagement among IT employees. Addressing these HRM practices can enhance employee retention and engagement in the IT sector.Practical/managerial implications: Implementing these strategies can lead to a more committed and productive workforce, improving overall organisational performance and retention.Contribution/value-add: This research offers actionable recommendations for IT companies to improve employee retention and engagement, filling a gap in existing literature by focussing exclusively on the unique challenges and dynamics of the IT industry.
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We theorize that engagement, conceptualized as the investment of an individual's complete self into a role, provides a more comprehensive explanation of relationships with performance than do well-known concepts that reflect narrower aspects of the individual's self. Results of a study of 245 firefighters and their supervisors supported our hypotheses that engagement mediates relationships between value congruence, perceived organizational support, and core self-evaluations, and two job performance dimensions: task performance and organizational citizenship behavior. Job involvement, job satisfaction, and intrinsic motivation were included as mediators but did not exceed engagement in explaining relationships among the antecedents and performance outcomes.
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Purpose – Employee engagement has become a hot topic in recent years among consulting firms and in the popular business press. However, employee engagement has rarely been studied in the academic literature and relatively little is known about its antecedents and consequences. The purpose of this study was to test a model of the antecedents and consequences of job and organization engagements based on social exchange theory. Design/methodology/approach – A survey was completed by 102 employees working in a variety of jobs and organizations. The average age was 34 and 60 percent were female. Participants had been in their current job for an average of four years, in their organization an average of five years, and had on average 12 years of work experience. The survey included measures of job and organization engagement as well as the antecedents and consequences of engagement. Findings – Results indicate that there is a meaningful difference between job and organization engagements and that perceived organizational support predicts both job and organization engagement; job characteristics predicts job engagement; and procedural justice predicts organization engagement. In addition, job and organization engagement mediated the relationships between the antecedents and job satisfaction, organizational commitment, intentions to quit, and organizational citizenship behavior. Originality/value – This is the first study to make a distinction between job and organization engagement and to measure a variety of antecedents and consequences of job and organization engagement. As a result, this study addresses concerns about that lack of academic research on employee engagement and speculation that it might just be the latest management fad.
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The meaning of employee engagement is ambiguous among both academic researchers and among practitioners who use it in conversations with clients. We show that the term is used at different times to refer to psychological states, traits, and behaviors as well as their antecedents and outcomes. Drawing on diverse relevant literatures, we offer a series of propositions about (a) psychological state engagement; (b) behavioral engagement; and (c) trait engagement. In addition, we offer propositions regarding the effects of job attributes and leadership as main effects on state and behavioral engagement and as moderators of the relationships among the 3 facets of engagement. We conclude with thoughts about the measurement of the 3 facets of engagement and potential antecedents, especially measurement via employee surveys.
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This study examines the relationship of perceived workplace flexibility and supportive work�life policies to employee engagement and expectations to remain with the organization (expected retention). It also explores the association of formal and occasional (informal) use of flexibility with these outcomes. Data are from a multi- organization database created by WFD Consulting of studies conducted between 1996 and 2006. Results revealed that perceived flexibility and supportive work�life policies were related to greater employee engagement and longer than expected retention. Employee engagement fully mediated the relationship between perceived flexibility and expected retention and partially mediated the relationship between supportive work�life policies and expected retention. Both formal and occasional use of flexibility were positively associated with perceived flexibility, employee engagement, and expected retention. These analyses provide evidence that workplace flexibility may enhance employee engagement, which may in turn lead to longer job tenure.
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This chapter presents an overview of the way engagement is conceptualized and measured, particularly in academia but also in business. Our purpose is not only to present a state-of-the art review of current scientific knowledge, but also to link this with notions of engagement that are being used in business contexts, particularly by leading international consultancy firms. In doing so, we focus on work engagement across all kinds of jobs and not on such specific types of engagement as school engagement, athlete engagement, soldier engagement or student engagement that have been described in the literature as well. The chapter sets out with an overview of various concepts of engagement, including a discussion of related concepts such as extra-role behavior, personal initiative, job involvement, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, positive affectivity, flow, and workaholism. Next, various engagement questionnaires are presented and their psychometric quality is discussed in terms of reliability and validity. The closing section attempts to integrate the various conceptualizations of engagement into a more comprehensive model of employee motivation and engagement. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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This study developed and tested a theory-based measure of authentic leadership using five separate samples obtained from China, Kenya, and the United States. Confirmatory factor analyses supported a higher order, multidimensional model of the authentic leadership con-struct (the Authentic Leadership Questionnaire [ALQ]) comprising leader self-awareness, rela-tional transparency, internalized moral perspective, and balanced processing. Structural equation modeling (SEM) demonstrated the predictive validity for the ALQ measure for important work-related attitudes and behaviors, beyond what ethical and transformational leadership offered. Finally, results revealed a positive relationship between authentic leadership and supervisor-rated performance. Implications for research and practice are discussed.
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Burnout is a prolonged response to chronic emotional and interpersonal stressors on the job, and is defined by the three dimensions of exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficacy. The past 25 years of research has established the complexity of the construct, and places the individual stress experience within a larger organizational context of people's relation to their work. Recently, the work on burnout has expanded internationally and has led to new conceptual models. The focus on engagement, the positive antithesis of burnout, promises to yield new perspectives on interventions to alleviate burnout. The social focus of burnout, the solid research basis concerning the syndrome, and its specific ties to the work domain make a distinct and valuable contribution to people's health and well-being.
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Many researchers have concerns about work engagement's distinction from other constructs and its theoretical merit. The goals of this study were to identify an agreed-upon definition of engagement, to investigate its uniqueness, and to clarify its nomological network of constructs. Using a conceptual framework based on Macey and Schneider (2008; Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 1, 3-30), we found that engagement exhibits discriminant validity from, and criterion related validity over, job attitudes. We also found that engagement is related to several key antecedents and consequences. Finally, we used meta-analytic path modeling to test the role of engagement as a mediator of the relation between distal antecedents and job performance, finding support for our conceptual framework. In sum, our results suggest that work engagement is a useful construct that deserves further attention. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] Copyright of Personnel Psychology is the property of Wiley-Blackwell and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
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In this article we suggest that events and contexts relevant to the initiation and regulation of intentional behavior can function either to support autonomy (i.e., to promote choice) or to control behavior (i.e., to pressure one toward specific outcomes). Research herein reviewed indicates that this distinction is relevant to specific external events and to general interpersonal contexts as well as to specific internal events and to general personality orientations. That is, the distinction is relevant whether one's analysis focuses on social psychological variables or on personality variables. The research review details those contextual and person factors that tend to promote autonomy and those that tend to control. Furthermore, it shows that autonomy support has generally been associated with more intrinsic motivation, greater interest, less pressure and tension, more creativity, more cognitive flexibility, better conceptual learning, a more positive emotional tone, higher self-esteem, more trust, greater persistence of behavior change, and better physical and psychological health than has control. Also, these results have converged across different assessment procedures, different research methods, and different subject populations. On the basis of these results, we present an organismic perspective in which we argue that the regulation of intentional behavior varies along a continuum from autonomous (i.e., self-determined) to controlled. The relation of this organismic perspective to historical developments in empirical psychology is discussed, with a particular emphasis on its implications for the study of social psychology and personality.
This study began with the premise that people can use varying degrees of their selves. physically. cognitively. and emotionally. in work role performances. which has implications for both their work and experi­ ences. Two qualitative. theory-generating studies of summer camp counselors and members of an architecture firm were conducted to explore the conditions at work in which people personally engage. or express and employ their personal selves. and disengage. or withdraw and defend their personal selves. This article describes and illustrates three psychological conditions-meaningfulness. safety. and availabil­ ity-and their individual and contextual sources. These psychological conditions are linked to existing theoretical concepts. and directions for future research are described. People occupy roles at work; they are the occupants of the houses that roles provide. These events are relatively well understood; researchers have focused on "role sending" and "receiving" (Katz & Kahn. 1978). role sets (Merton. 1957). role taking and socialization (Van Maanen. 1976), and on how people and their roles shape each other (Graen. 1976). Researchers have given less attention to how people occupy roles to varying degrees-to how fully they are psychologically present during particular moments of role performances. People can use varying degrees of their selves. physically, cognitively, and emotionally. in the roles they perform. even as they main­ tain the integrity of the boundaries between who they are and the roles they occupy. Presumably, the more people draw on their selves to perform their roles within those boundaries. the more stirring are their performances and the more content they are with the fit of the costumes they don. The research reported here was designed to generate a theoretical frame­ work within which to understand these "self-in-role" processes and to sug­ gest directions for future research. My specific concern was the moments in which people bring themselves into or remove themselves from particular task behaviors, My guiding assumption was that people are constantly bring­ ing in and leaving out various depths of their selves during the course of The guidance and support of David Berg, Richard Hackman, and Seymour Sarason in the research described here are gratefully acknowledged. I also greatly appreciated the personal engagements of this journal's two anonymous reviewers in their roles, as well as the comments on an earlier draft of Tim Hall, Kathy Kram, and Vicky Parker.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to make a contribution to corporate communication theory by considering the evolution of employee engagement and the role of communication in enhancing employee engagement. Design/methodology/approach Despite its importance for organisation leaders, there is considerable confusion about the meaning of employee engagement. This paper aims to provide a degree of clarity on the concept by identifying stages in its evolution and discussing its definition. Findings Surprisingly, corporate communication literature has not yet adequately considered the concept. This may be due to confusion concerning the concept, and to concerns about overlaps with other constructs such as commitment. This paper tackles the gap in the literature with a proposed model of the role of internal corporate communication in enhancing employee engagement. Research limitations/implications The article discusses linkages between engagement and communication which suggest research potential for the communication disciplines. Practical implications There are practical implications of the model proposed here since it encourages communicators to consider potential engagement effects of communication strategies and tactics. Social implications The paper encourages communicators to consider the communication needs of employees. Originality/value This conceptual paper provides an overview of employee engagement literature with a novel contribution identifying evolutionary waves in the development of the concept. It suggests a definition of organisation engagement as a dynamic, changeable psychological state which links employees to their organisations, manifest in organisation member role performances expressed physically, cognitively and emotionally, and influenced by organisation‐level internal communication.
Purpose The purpose of this study is to address the impact of three issues: degree of skills, favorable working environment and R&D on manufacturing productivity of labor‐intensive industries. Design/methodology/approach Convenience sampling method has been used to conduct this study. Three categories of labor‐intensive manufacturing industries (A, B and C) have been chosen to perform this research. Industrial category A represents the manufacturing operations which are based on skill of labor. Category B is a group of industries which provides a favorable working environment to utilize the potential of skill in manufacturing process. Category C is a specialized group of industries and its manufacturing process is dependent on R&D. Input–output data for manufacturing operations of the sample industries have been analyzed by using standard statistical techniques to establish the relationship between dependent and independent variables. Findings The degree of skill and productivity is positively correlated, but not strongly ( r <0.5). The study found that productivity is positively ( r >0.5) associated with favorable working environment. However, a significantly positive correlation ( r >0.7) is found between R&D expenditure and productivity. The study concludes that a higher degree of skills, favorable working environment and R&D are important inputs to a labor‐intensive manufacturing process, which is positively associated with productivity. Research limitations/implications Manufacturing productivity is an important parameter of industrial growth, and this paper addresses this issue. The current work addresses the garments sector, i.e. a part of the labor‐intensive industries. Though this work is focused on only one part of this sector; the findings of this study have significant policy implications. The results would be useful for manufacturing business executives and policy makers. Originality/value This study addresses the important issue of productivity of labor‐intensive manufacturing industries, and generates quantitative evidence of the impact of degree of skills, favorable working environment and R&D on productivity. The generated information enriches the present knowledge stock of manufacturing systems. The findings could be the basis for further academic research on manufacturing systems.
Purpose To explain that a fully‐engaged employee is an extremely important commercial asset. Design/methodology/approach In the absence of detailed research, the author draws on his extensive experience of working with numerous large organizations on maximizing the extent to which their employees are engaged. His experience is practical and has involved working with employees who themselves toil at the “coal‐face” of organizational success. The research presents an informed anecdotal approach to the subject and is made systematic through a range of practical guidelines. Findings The nature of the research means that it discusses general strategic issues in business rather than specific statistical findings. But inherent in the paper is the fact that these general strategic issues are unchanging and are of permanent importance. Practical implications The practical implications of the paper are enormous. The author is saying nothing less momentous than that the difference between an engaged employee (i.e. one who is fully emotionally and intellectually motivated by his or her work) compared with an employee who is not engaged, is prodigious and can make a huge commercial difference to an organization's performance. Originality/value Perhaps the most important observation of all given by the author is that engaged employees provide a discretionary input, that is, they give a level of energy and commitment to the job which the job does not require from a contractual perspective.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to highlight the significance of creating a retention‐rich organizational culture and discuss the drivers of employee engagement. Design/methodology/approach The paper presents the personal view of the author, based on research findings and practical experience. Findings The paper advances the view that finding and retaining talent are critical elements of an organization's ability to improve profitability, manage costs, grow by acquisition, innovate, develop new products and services, and discover new markets. Corporate cultures characterized by teamwork, pleasant working conditions, considerate treatment of employees, growth opportunities, flexible‐working practices, and good leadership and management practices foster employee engagement. Practical implications The paper argues that, in today's competitive environment, companies need to acknowledge the importance of the manager in retaining employees. Originality/value The paper illustrates why employee engagement is based on a two‐way relationship between employer and employee.
Performance management methods are receiving increased attention as organizations seek performance gains from their workforces during challenging economic times. In this paper, the construct of performance management is challenged along two lines: how applied models do not take full advantage of existing theories of work motivation; and how the impact of performance management will continue to be constrained as long it remains a predominantly top-down process. Several relevant theories of motivation are examined to illustrate gaps between theory and practice and to provide a basis for looking at performance management from the performer's perspective. Resulting implications for the human resource development (HRD) field are discussed.
This paper describes a study of a collegial teacher education program aimed at helping student teachers learn interdependent instructional skills and professional behaviors which support the development of authentic collegiality before they experienced the isolation many teachers perceive. The program arranged an environment where student teachers were guided in pairs by supervising teachers and university coordinators to participate in collaborative decision making, pedagogical reflection, and talk about teaching. The program hypothesized that collegiality would develop and systematically integrate students' instructional and professional learning. This study examined whether the program would result in collaborative relationships. Data from 12 cycles of partnered student teachers participating in public school placements were used to examine the issue. Data came from questionnaires, journals, interviews, conferences, observations, and audio and video tapes. Results indicated that the pairings: prepared student teachers to work with other teachers in a professional community; enhanced critical thought about teaching; and identified a continuum of collaborative development stages and behaviors. When partners differed in beliefs about teaching, conflicts emerged that sometimes required assistance. When partners' teaching talents differed significantly, jealousy and rancor were seen. University faculty influenced professional behaviors leading to collegial relationships. (Contains 29 references.) (SM)
The field of strategic human resource management (SHRM) has been criticized for lacking a solid theoretical foundation. This article documents that, contrary to this criticism, the SHRM literature draws on three dominant modes of theorizing: universalistic, contingency, and configurational perspectives, Seven key strategic human resource practices are identified and used to develop theoretical arguments consistent with each perspective, The results demonstrate that each perspective can be used to structure theoretical arguments that explain significant levels of variation in financial performance.
argue that individuals seek to derive certain values from work (e.g., material, a sense of purpose, enhancement of one's self concept) / when the work environment conflicts with the individual's attainment of these values, stress is experienced / go beyond an emphasis on environmental forces in the workplace causing stress to an emphasis on how individuals interact and cope with such environmental forces (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
As research on engagement has expanded very quickly, a need has emerged for a synthesis of existing empirical studies. Thus, the purpose of this chapter is to provide a meta-analysis of the correlates of engagement. To that end, the author offers a very brief summary of the expected relationships from the literature. I discuss the manner in which the meta-analysis was carried out along with its primary findings. Based on the previous literature, the author hypothesizes the following: Hypothesis 1: Dimensions of engagement should be negatively associated with dimensions of burnout. Specifically, it is expected that vigor will be most strongly and negatively associated with exhaustion and dedication will be most strongly and negatively associated with cynicism. Hypothesis 2: Resources will be positively associated with engagement. Specifically, social support, autonomy, feedback, positive organizational climate, and self-efficacy will be positively associated with engagement. Hypothesis 3a: Demands will be negatively associated with work engagement. Specifically, work overload, work-family conflict, and family-work conflict will be negatively associated with engagement. Hypothesis 3b: The relationship between job demands and engagement will be weaker than the relationship between resources and engagement. Hypothesis 4: Work engagement will be positively associated with positive outcomes at work. Specifically, engagement will be positively associated with organizational commitment, performance, and health. Engagement will be negatively associated with turnover intentions. To summarize, the author found, with a few exceptions, that work engagement constructs were negatively associated with burnout as predicted by the literature. Also as predicted, resources were positively related and demands were negatively related to engagement, but resources were much more strongly related. Finally, engagement was positively associated with positive outcomes at work, including a stronger relationship between dedication—an identification-based component of engagement—and commitment and turnover intention. The chapter ends with a discussion of the current state of the empirical engagement literature and suggestions for future research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
For at least the last decade, it has been hard to pick up a business book, article, or corporate annual report without seeing statements that stress the importance of human capital. Surveys of executives confirm that many believe that finding and developing the right people should be one of their top priorities. However, it is one thing to stress the importance of human capital; it is another for organizations to be designed to reflect the importance of human capital.This article looks at four areas where human capital should have a major impact on design: corporate boards, leadership, the human resource department, and information practices. In all of these areas there is a large gap between how most organizations operate and how they should operate in an organization that is built for human capital.Corporate boards should have both the expertise and the information needed in order to understand and advise on talent issues at all levels of the organization. They should focus on developing managers who can provide leadership.The HR Department should be the most important staff group. HR should have the best talent, the best information technology resources, and it should be a valued expert resource to the firm when it comes to strategy, change management, organization design, and talent management.
Building on Kahn's (1990) ethnographic work, a field study in a U.S. Midwestern insurance company explored the determinants and mediating effects of three psychological conditions — meaningfulness, safety and availability — on employees' engagement in their work. Results from the revised theoretical framework revealed that all three psychological conditions exhibited significant positive relations with engagement. Meaningfulness displayed the strongest relation. Job enrichment and work role fit were positively linked to psychological meaningfulness. Rewarding co-worker and supportive supervisor relations were positively associated with psychological safety, whereas adherence to co-worker norms and self-consciousness were negatively associated. Psychological availability was positively related to resources available and negatively related to participation in outside activities. Finally, the relations of job enrichment and work role fit with engagement were both fully mediated by the psychological condition of meaningfulness. The association between adherence to co-worker norms and engagement was partially mediated by psychological safety. Theoretical and practical implications related to psychological engagement at work are discussed.
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Human sigma The high cost of disengaged employees
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Understanding Research Methods and Statistics: An Integrated Introduction for Psychology
  • G W Heiman
Heiman, G.W. (1998), Understanding Research Methods and Statistics: An Integrated Introduction for Psychology, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA, pp. 244-266.
Research brief: employee engagement higher at double-digit growth companies
  • Hewitt Associates
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Drivers of employee engagement in Indian organizations
  • R J Joshi
  • J S Sodhi
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Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements Job engagement: antecedents and effects on job performance
  • T Rath
  • J K Harter
  • Ny
  • B L Rich
  • J A Lepine
  • E R Crawford
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Leadership and employee engagement
  • L Wallace
  • J Trinka
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The high cost of disengaged employees
  • Gallup
Collegial relationships: what does it mean to be a colleague
  • H S Hertzog
  • M T Pensavelle
  • J K Lemlech
Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements
  • T Rath
  • J K Harter