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Gamification: Making work fun, or making fun of work?

  • Collabor8now (UK)

Abstract and Figures

Gamification is about understanding and influencing human behaviours that organizations want to encourage amongst their workforce or customers. Gamification seeks to take enjoyable aspects of games – fun, play and challenge – and apply them to real-world business processes. Analysts are predicting massive growth of gamification over the next few years, but is there any substance to the benefits being touted? This article takes a critical look at the potential of gamification as a business change agent that can deliver a more motivated and engaged workforce.
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... Se um aluno se opuser a uma dada tecnologia, o aluno pode não gostar da capacitação, em contrapartida, se as atitudes do aluno em relação a uma tecnologia forem positivas, ele poderá desfrutar da capacitação, achar mais relevante para seu trabalho e aprender mais com a capacitação, sentindo-se motivado (Landers & Callan, 2012;Landers & Armstrong, 2017). A gamificação utiliza de elementos dos jogos que contribuem para a gamificação efetiva, como a narrativa, que fornece um contexto, um desafio, um feedback imediato, um senso de curiosidade, uma solução de problemas, um sentimento de realização, autonomia e maestria (Dale, 2014). (2019), tanto a gamificação lúdica, como a séria, a exemplo da aplicada no ambiente organizacional, utilizam-se de elementos de jogos de diversão. ...
... (2019), tanto a gamificação lúdica, como a séria, a exemplo da aplicada no ambiente organizacional, utilizam-se de elementos de jogos de diversão. As mecânicas mais comuns em gamificação, conforme Dale (2014), são: 1) recompensas: pontos, níveis, bônus, etc.; 2) tarefas: desafios, missões, descobertas, etc.; 3) entrosamento: líderes, colaboração, equipes, etc.; 4) transparência do resultado: rankings, feedback continuo, etc.; 5) tempo: contagem regressiva, velocidade etc.; 6) sorte: sorteios, realizações aleatórias, entre outros. Segundo o autor, para que um comportamento mude há necessidade de estar presente um gatilho, comportamento e motivação. ...
... Conforme Dale (2014), não se pode limitar os incentivos a recompensas extrínsecas como pontos, distintivos e troféus, que são razoavelmente unidimensionais, assim como, é melhor evitar dar incentivos e recompensas financeiras, já que isso está mais associado ao "trabalho normal" do que ao "divertimento" -um elemento importante de qualquer estratégia de gamificação. Para que a implementação de uma estratégia de gamificação seja bem-sucedida deve-se atentar aos cuidados necessários para que o efeito contrário ao que se quer não ocorra. ...
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Este artigo objetiva analisar a contribuição da aplicação da gamificação nos processos de capacitação profissional, por meio de uma pesquisa experimental com abordagem qualitativa, junto a um hospital veterinário. Os resultados remetem a importância de se utilizar da gamificação como mais uma técnica de capacitação, sem desconsiderar as técnicas mais tradicionais existentes. Além dos cuidados que a literatura aponta no momento da implementação da gamificação em uma organização, este estudo revela outras questões importantes, como o contexto da organização, momento atual, dinâmica utilizada e perfil dos trabalhadores. Além das contribuições teóricas, o estudo traz contribuição metodológica, com o experimento qualitativo.
... With 486 citations in Scopus, Hamari (2013) is the most highly influential paper, followed by Yang et al. (2017). Harwood's (2015) paper ranks below Yang in terms of its impact, followed by Robson (2016), with 167 citations, and Dale (2014), with 164 citations bearing testimony to their impact on the field (see Table 2). ...
... Co-citation analysis (Acedo et al., 2006) is a popular bibliometric analysis method that helps map the intellectual structure of a discipline and explore the intellectual linkages between (2015) "An investigation into gamification as a customer engagement experience environment" 171 Dale (2014) "Gamification: Making work fun or making fun of work?" 164 Hamari (2017) "Transforming homo economicus into homo ludens: A field experiment on gamification in a utilitarian peer-to-peer trading service" 486 Note(s): TC: total citations (White and McCain, 1998). The co-citation approach counts the number of times a later work cites two earlier works (Small, 1973). ...
Purpose Extant literature shows that gamification is an effective tool for enhancing customer brand engagement. However, there is a need for a structured review of the literature on how and to what extent gamification fosters customer brand engagement. This hybrid literature review synthesizes extant research on gamification and its impact on customer brand engagement. Design/methodology/approach The study is based on 45 articles drawn from 33 journals from the Scopus database. This article conducts a systematic review of theory, context, characteristics and methods employed in extant research, identifies contemporary themes and presents future research avenues. It also conducts a bibliometric analysis to identify the most prominent journals, authors, articles and themes. Findings This review identifies various patterns and trends of psychological capital research, and it unfolds four major themes – gamification and customer engagement, gamification and e-marketing, gamification and sustainable marketing and gamification and customer experience. Practical implications This review offers key insights into managerial implications. Originality/value It is one of the first endeavors to conduct a structured review of research related to gamification and customer engagement. It presents a conceptual framework that shows the relationships between gamification and customer engagement. This systematic review offers several future research agendas to spur scholarly research and presents key insights into the process of gamification in marketing to enhance customer brand engagement.
... Individual participation motivation (express, compete, explore, collaborate) moderates the relationship between gamification and consumer engagement [75]. Gamification can either enhance engagement or detract from it, depending on its implementation. ...
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Gamification has been extensively employed in marketing practices to meet the diverse needs of consumers. Previous research suggests that gamification marketing plays a pivotal role in influencing customer purchase intention. However, the precise mechanism through which gamification marketing impacts purchase intention requires further investigation. Drawing on the self-determination theory (SDT), this study explores the relationship between gamification marketing and purchase intention, with customers’ perceived brand coolness as a mediating variable and time poverty as a moderating variable. Using data collected from 184 participants in the experiment, our research demonstrates that, in comparison to non-gamification marketing, gamification marketing significantly influences purchase intention. Furthermore, perceived brand coolness emerges as a mediating factor in this relationship, providing new insights into the gamification mechanism. Customers who are in low time poverty exert more perceived brand coolness and purchase intentions compared with high time poverty in the context of gamification marketing. This study expands the research of gamification by introducing perceived brand coolness to the relationship between gamification marketing and purchase intention. It also contributes to the study of time poverty under the context of gamification marketing.
... Furthermore, gamification can foster a more motivated and engaged workforce, potentially enhancing health promotion efforts, as (Dale, 2014) posited. ...
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Purpose: This article aims to explore and explain the importance of gamification in health promotion within the framework of the Health 2.0 concept based on a comparative analysis of selected health mobile apps. Design/Methodology/Approach: The following research methods were used in this paper: content analysis of health mobile apps and their comparative analysis. Based on the 2023 rankings, 12 apps were selected from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store, the most interesting, in the author's opinion, in terms of gamification elements. The chosen apps were tabulated in terms of purpose, target group, gamification elements, and use benefits. The study consists of the following sections: introduction, literature review, research methodology, results, discussion, limitations, conclusions, and practical implications. Findings: The utilisation of gamification in the promotion of health possesses the potential to captivate audiences, furnish amusement, and bring forth motivational and cognitive advantages, consequently potentially serving the objectives of Health 2.0. Implementing gamification in mobile health applications can enhance user involvement and cultivate specific health-related behaviours. Furthermore, gamification can be pivotal in inspiring individuals within higher education establishments, thus contributing to the goals of Health 2.0 by endorsing healthy environments and lifestyles among students and educators. Moreover, gamification can effectively provoke employee engagement, stimulate customers, and enhance learning in healthcare institutions. Limitations: Limitations of the study that may have affected the overall picture of considerations were identified. Firstly, only selected health mobile apps were taken for comparative analysis. Secondly, the collation and comparative study of the mobile apps in question focused on the most popular gamification elements, which aligns with the results of the literature review. Thirdly, only mobile health apps appearing simultaneously in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store were taken for comparative analysis. These three limitations may have limited the study with additional findings and suggestions. Originality/value: The comparative analysis of mobile health applications is based on applications resulting from the 2023 rankings of such applications. The inclusion of issues treating gamification in health promotion in the context of creating the concept of Health 2.0 is based on the latest literature on the subject, Polish and foreign, enriching the previous Applications 986 scientific output concerning the healthcare industry and management, signalling the author's contribution to the development of the discipline of management and quality sciences.
... The definition helps to distinguish gamification from full-fledged games by stressing the characteristics of using the "element" in a non-game context. Some researchers defined gamification as the use of game elements, mechanics, features, design, and structure in a non-game environment or context (Attali & Arieli-Attali, 2015;Bruder, 2015;Dale, 2014;Hamari et al., 2014;Hanus & Fox, 2015;Powers et al., 2013). ...
Crowdfunding platforms are seen as potential solutions to facilitate disintermediated giving, where people can go directly to the public for help with their difficulties. Although disintermediation is widespread and active in the crowdfunding industry, the fiercely competitive environment, combined with concerns about personal data use and unethical conduct, has resulted in an enormous number of campaigns failing. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate factors that influence contributors’ intention to participate in the crowdfunding platform. Using a self-administered survey, this research collected data from 339 individuals with initial knowledge of crowdfunding activities. The results of hypothesis testing indicate that gamification has a direct positive impact on affective user experience and trust in the platform but insignificantly affects donation intention on a crowdfunding platform. Interestingly, the mediating role of affective user experience and trust are established. The results lead to the discussion that gamification alone not directly impact donors' intentions to contribute on crowdfunding platforms, it significantly influences intention when mediated by affective user experience and trust in the platform. The substantial contribution of the relationship between gamification and trust in the platform, emphasizing the importance of user experience as a key precursor to positive behavioural intentions in online and gamified environments.
... Por otro lado, el estudio de las aportaciones estratégicas emergentes como la gamificación en el Hype-Cycle de Gartner, la coloca en el pico de las expectativas sobredimensionadas por lo que es relevante su desarrollo e impulso para los próximos años, de forma que pueda conseguir su estabilización en la meseta de productividad, como ha sido, la tecnología para el análisis predictivo (Dale, 2014). En el ámbito tecnológico, se cuenta con algunas exploraciones sobre módulos de inteligencia artificial y big data, como las soluciones en el campo del reclutamiento de personal, donde a través del análisis tanto de las habilidades técnicas como de las competencias conductuales de los candidatos se puede crear un emparejamiento con los perfiles del puesto (Vedapradha, Hariharan y Shivakami, 2019). ...
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Objetivo: realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre las líneas de investigación existentes, así como identificar las limitaciones de estudio y principales contribuciones que se han desarrollado acerca del concepto de gamificación aplicados a entornos de producción que permitan proponer trabajos futuros con una contribución científica de relevancia. Diseño metodológico: se definieron cinco preguntas de investigación y cuatro criterios de calidad basados en la metodología de Kitchenham sobre la revisión sistemática de literatura, por lo que se realizó una consulta de palabras clave en la base de datos Scopus, con la cual se ejecutó un análisis bibliométrico con una herramienta específica para dicho propósito que permitió desarrollar una discusión de los resultados obtenidos. Resultados: se identificaron tres conceptos principales enfocados que se encuentran en etapas de desarrollo dentro de los entornos de producción: Operador 4.0, Gamification for Manufacturing (GfM) y la aplicación de sistemas hmi (Human Machine Interaction), además de una contribución importante en afiliaciones de Alemania por su pertinencia en la creación y difusión del concepto Industria 4.0. Limitaciones de la investigación: la utilización de una única fuente de datos (Scopus) omitiendo otras bases de datos científicas. Hallazgos: Se categorizaron 37 de 162 documentos que relacionan diversos estudios tanto teóricos, experimentales y marcos de trabajo sobre la gamificación en entornos de producción, dentro de los cuales el 64% concluyó con promover exploraciones más prolongadas sobre el concepto en cuestión en áreas de la industria reales.
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Zusammenfassung Vor dem Hintergrund hoher biogener Anteile im Restmüll und zu verbessernder Bioabfallverwertung wurde das Projekt „KüKeN – Küchenküberl für energetische Nutzung“ gestartet, das neue Wege bei der Sammlung und kaskadischen Verwertung von biogenen Abfällen aus Haushalten erproben soll. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf dem Einsatz digitaler Medientechnologie zur Steigerung der Motivation und zur Verbesserung der Sammelqualität. Als Grundlage für Entwicklungen im Rahmen dieses Projekts werden der Hintergrund zur Gamification, der Stand der Sensorik in Hinblick auf die technische Umsetzung des Küchenküberls sowie der Stand der Technik bei abfallwirtschaftlichen Apps dargestellt. Die Konzeption des interaktiven Küchenküberls in Kombination mit einer Motivations-App basiert auf einem nutzer:innenzentrierten Designprozess, wobei Nudging als Ansatz für die Trenn- und Sammelmotivation zur Anwendung kommt. Hauptzielgruppe der KüKeN-App sind Kinder und Jugendliche, die als Multiplikator:innen Kenntnisse und Engagement für das Thema Abfalltrennung in ihrem Umfeld verbreiten. Auf Basis von User- und Stakeholder-Workshops wurde die KüKeN-App mit drei Komponenten – ein ChatBot für Information, ein Spiel zur Wissensvermittlung sowie ein Spiel zur Aufrechterhaltung der Motivation – entwickelt. Nach der Vorstellung des Ergebnisses der Smartphone-Applikation gibt der Artikel einen Ausblick auf den bevorstehenden Einsatz der App in der Testregion.
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Whether you're a manager, company psychologist, quality control specialist, or involved with motivating people to work harder in any capacity—Locke and Latham's guide will hand you the keen insight and practical advice you need to reach even your toughest cases. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)
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Gamification in e-learning' White Paper: nsf/wELNVLR/Resources:þGamificationþinþe-Learning? opendocument 10. A Brief History of Gamification
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Ashridge Business School 'Gamification in e-learning' White Paper: nsf/wELNVLR/Resources:þGamificationþinþe-Learning? opendocument 10. A Brief History of Gamification: a-brief-history-of-gamification/
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Gamify: How gamification motivates people to do extraordi-nary things (Bibliomotion, April 2014), Brian Burke.
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The-5-Easiest-Ways-to-Fail-with-Gami- fication-95975.aspx 21
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Tony Ventrice: Exclusives/Viewpoints/The-5-Easiest-Ways-to-Fail-with-Gami- fication-95975.aspx 21. Dan Pink TED talk: motivation Further reading
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Game frame: Unlocking the power of game dynamics in business and in life
Game frame: Unlocking the power of game dynamics in business and in life (Simon & Schuster 12 May 2011), Aaron Dignon.