
Visible Learning: A Synthesis of Over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement



This unique and ground-breaking book is the result of 15 years research and synthesises over 800 meta-analyses on the influences on achievement in school-aged students. It builds a story about the power of teachers, feedback, and a model of learning and understanding. The research involves many millions of students and represents the largest ever evidence based research into what actually works in schools to improve learning. Areas covered include the influence of the student, home, school, curricula, teacher, and teaching strategies. A model of teaching and learning is developed based on the notion of visible teaching and visible learning. A major message is that what works best for students is similar to what works best for teachers - an attention to setting challenging learning intentions, being clear about what success means, and an attention to learning strategies for developing conceptual understanding about what teachers and students know and understand. Although the current evidence based fad has turned into a debate about test scores, this book is about using evidence to build and defend a model of teaching and learning. A major contribution is a fascinating benchmark/dashboard for comparing many innovations in teaching and schools.
... Regular classroom teachers are the key to the effective implementation of CM practices to ensure better academic gains . They are expected to adapt their CM approaches, requiring individualized attention and strategies that meet the diverse needs, to create an environment that fosters effective teacher-student relationships (Florian, 2014;Hattie, 2009;Tomlinson, 2014;Wubbels, Brekelmans, Tartwijk & Admiraal, 1999). Nevertheless, they often rely on traditional, reactive CM strategies, including disciplinary measures to control students' misbehaviour in a mechanical, authoritarian manner to enforce obedience, which appears ineffective in addressing the diverse needs of all students (Doyle, 1986;Pianta, Hamre, & Allen, 2012;Weinstein, Tomlinson-Clarke & Curran, 2004;Wong & Wong, 2009). ...
... It is certainly noteworthy that while the CM variable, constituting 'minimal classroom disruptions', 'group alerting', 'learner accountability', 'transitions', and 'teacher with-it-ness', categorized under the classroom practices in this study, the 'student-teacher social interactions' variable, was treated differently from the CM variable. However, in contemporary studies, when conceptualizing CM, the caring and supportive student-teacher interaction variable has been included as one of the constituents and or a moderator of CM, which is a prerequisite to creating and maintaining a learning environment conducive to student learning (Hattie, 2009;Korpershoek et al., 2016;O'Neill & Stephenson, 2011a). meta-analysis reviewed 100 studies published for decades to identify effective CM strategies promoting student success. ...
... A recent study by Hattie's (2009) meta-analysis did not exclusively focus on CM; rather, it synthesized a wide range of educational practices, including CM, and their impact on student achievement. CM was identified as one of the key factors influencing student success. ...
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In the successful implementation of inclusive education, classroom management (CM) is considered one of the significant tasks of teachers to ensure that the classroom is supportive and conducive to students’ academic and social-emotional development. However, CM has become a challenge for pre-service teachers (PSTs) due to accommodating more learners with unique and diverse needs in regular classrooms. It is a mandate of the teacher education institutions to prepare PSTs with adequate knowledge and competence to manage inclusive classrooms effectively; however, how adequately they are prepared to perform this task is a persisting question. Using a descriptive survey design, this study mainly focused on how pre-service teachers’ perceptions of the courses offered by the teacher education programs that included coursework related to CM impact confidence in their ability to manage inclusive classrooms. Online data were collected from 243 PSTs from the teacher education institutions of Sri Lanka by administering the Tamil Inclusive Classroom Management Self-Efficacy scale and the Teacher Perceptions of Teacher Training Courses scale. Data were analyzed using structural equation modelling, and results show that teachers’ increased perceptions affected their reactive CM actions more than other CM strategies. The study suggests more focused attention on the multifaceted aspects of CMSE by emphasizing the developmental nature of students’ appropriate behaviour rather than relying on correcting disruptive behaviours to enable inclusive, student-friendly classrooms, thereby ensuring equality of educational opportunities for all.
... International students contribute diverse perspectives to UK universities, including varying psychomotor skills, religious backgrounds, socioeconomic statuses, educational experiences, self-concept, engagement, motivation, and age (Brennan & Osborne, 2008;Hattie, 2009). These can also affect their academic achievement. ...
... Therefore, the evidence suggests that student characteristics, such as aspirations, learning gained, health conditions, ability to manage their emotions, being a novice at writing ICLBEs, and typing proficiency; academic factors, such as meta-cognition, amount of studying done, [not or] finishing the exams, module management, and complexity of the subject; and social factors, such as traveling to and from the campus, and acoustics; contributed to their experiences. Similar to Hattie (2009), students' motivations and other factors greatly affect their achievement. For instance, one motivation for studying in the UK is to find employment there (Binsardi & Ekwulugo, 2003). ...
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Aim/Purpose: This study examined the experiences of international students writing a typed e-assessment at the on-campus computer lab on the ExamOnline system. Background: After a computer-based typed summative examination was introduced for one of the MSc degree’s modules in a UK university, it was critical to ascertain its inclusivity. The context is that departments in universities select criteria to ser-vice their diverse students, which oblige students to adapt or request assistance that can accommodate their academic needs. Methodology: Through both questionnaires and interviews, the data was collected from sixteen international students who were part of the students who enrolled in the affected master's module in 2023/24 academic year. Contribution: This study provides an understanding of international students’ characteristics and other factors that may likely influence them to desire individualised as-sessments when typed e-assessments are used in a higher education institution. Findings: The students had positive experiences of writing a typed e-assessment at the on-campus computer lab. This was due to students’ individual characteristics, academic and social factors, such as aspirations, learning gained, ability to manage their emotions, typing proficiency, meta-cognition, amount of study-ing done, [not or] finishing the exams, travelling to and from the campus, and acoustics. Also, the good thing is that some students adapted to this typed e-assessment. However, some students expected support for their weak comput-er skills and modifications, including an option to use familiar computer key-boards and repeated practice sessions. Recommendations for Practitioners: To support international students' adaptation to e-assessments, typing proficiency tests, practice sessions, and modifications, such as early communication of assessment modes, must be introduced to improve their ability to write typed e-assessments. Recommendation for Researchers: Researchers must be vigilant at all times so that they can detect discriminatory practices and policies that may complicate student learning and achievement in higher education. This is because inclusive education also means inclusive and fair assessment methods. Impact on Society: E-assessments must not be adopted because they benefit instructors in terms of their ease of marking and are an accepted norm. They must also be in the students’ best interest. This research demonstrates how to align typed e-assessments and the skills students use to complete them through inclusivity approaches to e-assessments. Future Research: Future research must examine whether this study's findings can be generalised to students who are novices at writing typed timed e-assessments on the ExamOnline system in various subjects and levels of study. Also, further research could help understand the effect of this study's proposed changes on the inclusiveness of typed e-assessments according to the international students enrolled in this module.
... El conocimiento previo es considerado por muchos investigadores como el factor más importante en el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudiantes (Alexander y Judy, 1988;Ambrose, Bridges, Lovett, DiPietro y Norman, 2010;Ausubel, Novak y Hanesian, 2006;Bloom, 1956;Carey, 1999;Chi, 2008;Chi y Ceci, 1987;Dochy, 1991;Dochy y Alexander, 1995;Goris y Dyrenfurth, 2010;Hailikari, 2009;Hattie, 2009; pág. 12895 Marzano, 2004;McClelland, 2013;McNeil, 2008;Meltzer, 2002;Roschelle, 1995;Sagastizabal, Perlo, Pivetta y San Martín , 2009;Shapiro, 2004;Smith, diSessa y Roschelle, 1993;Thompson y Zamboanga, 2004;Tinto, 1992) es decir, identifican que la principal causa del aprendizaje está determinada por el conocimiento previo, el cual puede favorecer o complicar que se adquiera nuevo conocimiento. ...
... Es necesario entonces construir el aprendizaje a partir de los conocimientos previos del estudiante para que él mismo le dé un significado propio a lo que aprende. Identificar los prerrequisitos de un nuevo aprendizaje (Bloom, 1956) marca la pauta para diseñar instrumentos adecuados, que identifiquen los conocimientos previos de los estudiantes, puesto que los conocimientos previos son el mayor contribuyente del aprendizaje (Alexander y Judy, 1988;Ambrose, et al., 2010;Ausubel, Novak y Hanesian, 2006;Bloom, 1956;Chi y Ceci, 1987;Dochy, 1991;Dochy y Alexander, 1995;Hailikari, 2009;Hattie, 2009;Marzano, 2004;Meltzer, 2002;Roschelle, 1995;Sagastizabal, Perlo, Pivetta y San Martín , 2009;Shapiro, 2004;Thompson y Zamboanga, 2004). El diseño de instrumentos adecuados a los contenidos y que sean sensibles a identificar el dominio de los temas por parte de los estudiantes, representa un reto para las instituciones educativas tener instrumentos de evaluación idóneos. ...
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Se diseñaron dos instrumentos de medición: conocimientos previos de cálculo diferencial y aprendizaje de derivadas en cálculo diferencial. Ambos instrumentos cuentan con validez de expertos y de contenido, son pruebas de rendimiento máximo con reactivos de opción múltiple que miden conocimientos declarativos y procedimentales. Los prerrequisitos de cálculo incluyen temas de álgebra, trigonometría, aritmética, geometría y algunos conceptos relacionados a las matemáticas; el instrumento de aprendizaje de cálculo diferencial incluye temas de la definición de la derivada, diferenciales, derivación con regla de la cadena, de orden superior e implícita. Participan 893 estudiantes en 2 semestres. El instrumento de conocimientos previos tiene confiabilidad con un alfa de Cronbach de 0.761 y el de aprendizaje de derivadas un valor de 0.722. Los temas de conocimientos previos con mayor recurrencia de error son: operaciones de aritmética con signos, paréntesis y fracciones, así como también productos notables de álgebra. Los temas de aprendizaje de cálculo diferencial con recurrencia de error son: el cálculo de derivadas de funciones compuestas, derivadas de orden superior y cálculo de diferenciales, así como conceptos de diferencial y derivada como límite y como razón de cambio. Los instrumentos se utilizarán para validar un modelo que identifique a estudiantes en riesgo de reprobación en la materia de Cálculo diferencial.
... Their ability to implement the curriculum consistently and effectively is essential for fostering an environment conducive to learning. Teachers are responsible for translating curriculum goals into actionable teaching strategies (Hattie, 2009). Their understanding of the curriculum and their students' needs allows them to adapt lessons to ensure that all students can engage with the material effectively. ...
... Professionalisation of HE academic programmes might be difficult to attain if ways to improve on the teacher's competencies are lacking in educational reforms or if present and not effectively implemented. According to the Law of orientation to HE (MINESUP, 2001), teachers have been described as guarantors of quality education and Hattie (2009) stated that the quality of teachers, quality of the curriculum, the teaching methods, have a larger impact on the relevance of HE system. ...
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This study was designed to examine pedagogic, and programme change and the enhancement of relevance of state higher education system in Cameroon. The study was guided by two objectives which examine how change in teaching methods and change in programmes enhances the relevance in state higher education system in Cameroon. This is supported by the Improvement Theory of Benthum, Gulikers, Jong and Mulder (2011) who holds that the world has evolved and that the type of university education, skills and knowledge in the past can no longer effectively serve the needs of the modern era/labour market (relevance). The concurrent mixed-methods research designed specifically the concurrent triangulation design was adopted for the study. Both close and open-ended questions for lecturers and an interview guide for university administrators (HODs) were the instruments used for the study. The sample consist of 1,915 lecturers, and 40 administrators (HODs) from the universities of Buea, Yaounde II, Douala, Bamenda, Yaounde I, Dschang, Maroua and Ngaoundere. The purposive and stratified sampling techniques was adopted for the study. Data from close ended questions was analysed using SPSS 23.0, with the aid of descriptive and inferential statistical tools while open ended questions and the interview were analysed thematically. The Spearman’s rho was used to test the lone research hypotheses formulated in the study. Findings shows that most of the lecturers (73.0%) agree that there is a need for change in teaching methods to enhance relevance of Higher Education and most of the lecturers (74.7%) equally agreed that there is a need for change in universities programmes to enhance relevance of Higher Education. Hypothetically, there is a significant, positive and moderate relationship between pedagogic change and the enhancement of relevance of state Universities (Rvalue 0.246**, p-value < 0.001 < 0.05) implying that changes in pedagogy will contribute to the enhancement of higher education relevance. It is recommended that; workshops and capacity building programmes should constantly be organized to improve on the pedagogical competences of academic staff. Internship/ placement, field work and industrial training should be actively incorporated in the curriculum for each degree programme where applicable while effective follow up, supervision and monitoring should be accompanied.
... automated question generation, computer science, generative AI, GPT-4, large language models, retrieval-augmented generation 1 | INTRODUCTION The determinants of learning success have been extensively researched in various disciplines [1,2]. Numerous empirical studies support the hypothesis that tailoring learning materials to learner's needs significantly increases the effectiveness of learning outcomes [3,4]. ...
... It concatenates them to the prompt itself before passing it into the model. 1 See, e.g., for a regularly updated comparison across several dimensions 2 It should be mentioned, that the precise meaning of "context window" is not necessarily clear. ...
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Background: Over the past few decades, the process and methodology of automated question generation (AQG) have undergone significant transformations. Recent progress in generative natural language models has opened up new potential in the generation of educational content. Objectives: This paper explores the potential of large language models (LLMs) for generating computer science questions that are sufficiently annotated for automatic learner model updates, are fully situated in the context of a particular course, and address the cognitive dimension understand. Methods: Unlike previous attempts that might use basic methods like ChatGPT, our approach involves more targeted strategies such as retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) to produce contextually relevant and pedagogically meaningful learning objects. Results and Conclusions: Our results show that generating structural, semantic annotations works well. However, this success was not reflected in the case of relational annotations. The quality of the generated questions often did not meet educational standards, highlighting that although LLMs can contribute to the pool of learning materials, their current level of performance requires significant human intervention to refine and validate the generated content.
... Diversas investigaciones han demostrado que la tutoría entre pares es una estrategia eficaz, ya que permite a los estudiantes aprender mutuamente en un ambiente menos formal y más accesible (Topping, 2005). Además, al involucrar a los docentes en este proceso, se garantiza una orientación adecuada y un seguimiento continuo del progreso de los alumnos (Hattie, 2009). ...
... Por ejemplo, Topping (2005) destaca que esta estrategia no solo mejora el rendimiento académico, sino que también eleva la autoestima y la motivación de los estudiantes. De igual manera, investigaciones en el campo educativo han revelado que los alumnos que participan en programas de tutoría tienden a desarrollar mejores habilidades interpersonales y una mayor disposición para trabajar en equipo (Hattie, 2009). Estos resultados subrayan la importancia de aplicar este tipo de estrategias en el entorno educativo contemporáneo. ...
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Resultados mostraron una mejora significativa en el rendimiento académico, con un aumento del 40% en las calificaciones de los estudiantes que participaron en las tutorías. Además, se observó un incremento del 60% en la motivación hacia la asignatura. En conclusión, la implementación de tutorías entre pares no solo mejoró el rendimiento académico, sino que también fortaleció las habilidades sociales y comunicativas de los estudiantes, contribuyendo a su formación integral.
... Emerging literature on the topic of students-as-partners (SaP) and student-staff partnerships identifies effective ways to promote student engagement and addresses the positive outcomes of allowing students to initiate changes in the instructional and curricular design of university classes for instructors and students alike. The effort to integrate democratic pedagogies which create different expectations from and of students is not new, as co-creative approaches have long been acknowledged in the academic development scholarship under such names as "radical collegiality" (Fielding, 1999) and "visible teaching and learning" (Hattie, 2009). When students become full participants in HE at undergraduate, postgraduate taught and postgraduate research level, gains in terms of well-being, career prospects, attainment and confidence are reported (Marie, 2018). ...
... Since engaged learning is one of the core objectives and cherished values of many universities across the world, I do hope that the students-as-partners approach in classes where thinking and writing in university contexts is are most prominentwith its shifts from passivity to agency, from merely observing to developing metacognitive skills by enacting what is required to learnbecomes standard practice in the Romanian HE system. To set a benchmark of what student-faculty partnerships look like, however, one may borrow Hattie's (2009) pertinent model of visible teachingvisible learning. When teachers see through the eyes of the students and students see themselves as their own teachers, the power differential between them is broken down and student learning results in tangible products. ...
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This study examines how peer-review practices improved academic writing skills in second-year English majors and minors at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași. Involving 277 students during the 2023-24 academic year, it implemented a feedback framework inspired by John C. Bean and Dan Melzer's "Engaging Ideas: The Professor's Guide to Integrating Writing, Critical Thinking, and Active Learning in the Classroom" (2021). Using this framework, students provided both oral and written feedback on their peers' argumentative texts via Microsoft Teams. Results revealed that peer review enhanced students' understanding of writing essentials such as grammar, structure, and argumentation, while also fostering collaboration and ownership of the learning process. Despite challenges with feedback quality and workload, the findings highlight the potential of structured peer review to bridge theory and practice, cultivate critical thinking, and position students as active, visible contributors to higher education. This approach emphasizes the value of students as co-creators in the feedback process, raising awareness of textual patterns and preparing them for academic excellence.
... Traditional approaches to teaching often rely on standardized curricula and top-down instructional methods. Therefore, they are critically scrutinized for their lack of adaptability and limitations in addressing the diverse needs of contemporary educators and learners (7,8). ...
... SDT encourages educators to move beyond traditional teaching approaches and acknowledge the unique learning styles of their students and adopt flexibly and personalize their teaching approaches (66). For instance, continuous self-assessment and reflection, key components of SDT, enables educators to timely identify critical areas where their students require different teaching approaches or additional support and adjust their teaching methods to better meet the needs of students (8). Students who may struggle with traditional teaching methods, might learn better if visual aids, interactive tools, or differentiated instruction are incorporating in the teaching materials. ...
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Over recent decades, the complexity of higher education in general, and teaching specifically, has increased significantly, resulting in a myriad of challenges for educators. Traditional approaches to teaching often rely on standardized curricula and top-down instructional methods. Therefore, they are critically scrutinized for their lack of adaptability and limitations in addressing the diverse needs of contemporary educators and learners. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of self-directed teaching (SDT) as a response to the contemporary challenges in education and explore its relevance and potential impact on educators and learners. SDT is proposed as a holistic, theory-based, proactive approach that integrates multiple core aspects of the teaching process into a cohesive framework. It aims to empower educators to embrace their autonomy, control their professional development, and adapt their teaching strategies, much like the concept of self-directed learning (SDL) applies to students. SDT has the potential to promote educator autonomy, provide strategies to address burnout, and offer adaptable approaches to meet diverse educational contexts. It encourages educators to tailor their teaching strategies and engage in continuous professional development, positioning them to respond flexibly to changing educational demands. Furthermore, this article outlines the theoretical foundations of SDT, grounded in theories such as self-directed learning, self-determination theory, and constructivist theory. Key components of SDT including autonomy awareness, teaching needs diagnosis, goal setting, resource identification, and continuous evaluation and reflection are discussed including strategies for successful implementation of SDT.
... It is possible that the quantity of education received by teachers is less relevant than its quality, which might be the reason why there is conflicting evidence on the impact of teachers' education on academic achievement. Relatively few studies have looked at how different types of teachers' knowledge affect students' performance, nevertheless there is some evidence suggesting that pedagogical skills and differentiated teaching methods have a positive effect on student performance (Baumert et al. 2010;Hattie, 2009;Valiandes, 2015). However, research on this topic is lacking and the research that has been produced is often countryspecific, or qualitative in nature, relying on case studies or observational research. ...
... Since it is widely recognized that students within a classroom vary in their abilities and levels of development, attention has been given to the ways in which teachers manage to promote learning to all students within this mixed ability setting while ensuring that nobody is left behind. There is evidence that differentiated instruction techniques for students with different abilities increases students' performance (Hattie, 2009;Kim, 2005;McCrea Simpkins, Mastopieri & Scruggs, 2008;Muthomi & Mbugua, 2014;Valiandes, 2015) and that teachers who engaged in this type of teaching believed that in-depth training was necessary for them to develop these skills (Valiandes, 2015). Part of the research concerned with improving teaching methods suggests the use of cross-curricular skills such as critical thinking, selfassessment, teamwork, research design, etc. ...
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Improving the quality of education is imperative for economic development, and educating teachers has been seen as one of the main ways to increase educational quality. Yet, there is conflicting evidence about the importance or effectiveness of teacher's education to improve student outcomes. This text makes use of the TALIS-PISA link from the OECD to disaggregate teachers' education into the different elements included in it and to test the relationship between those different elements and student performance. Results show that general pedagogy has a positive association with academic achievement, and so does subject content to a lower extent. Yet the relationship is negative for elements such as training in how to teach cross-curricular skills or how to use ICT for teaching. Classroom practice during teachers' studies is also negatively associated with student outcomes. Other elements do not seem to have consistent statistically significant relationships across subjects. The results from this study may help motivate further research into the specific training that teachers must receive to become better educators and contribute to improve educational outcomes and economic development.
... Effect sizes are calculated as Cohen d, using the usual effect-size levels (small (0.2 < d < 0.5), medium (0.5 ≤ d < 0.8), or large (0.8 ≤ d; [68]). Another reference value of d = 0.4 is used by Hattie [69] as a "hinge point" between influences of smaller and larger size 4 . ...
... We agree with Hattie[69] that these thresholds are an element of discussion to be used with circumspection, not a value to be applied blindly. Lower effect sizes might well be worth considering, depending on available alternatives, effort, and so on, and vice versa for higher effect sizes. ...
Cosmology and GR remain largely inaccessible to high-school teaching due to the advanced prerequisites to master these topics. Integrating them into upper secondary teaching is a significant challenge that remains unresolved. This contribution reports on an implementation study of a GR and cosmology course for upper secondary school students as part of an educational project launched during the centenary of GR and tested ever since for several years. The course aimed to expand students' knowledge to include current physics topics while highlighting their foundations in areas of classical physics such as Newtonian mechanics, electromagnetism, and waves. Targeted teaching and learning materials are focused on conceptual and qualitative understanding, while systematically combined with a mathematical treatment accessible at the upper secondary level, avoiding oversimplification. A key element is an active learning approach, incorporating activities and tasks such as engaging applications related to current research, reflective exercises, thought experiments, and hands-on tasks. The main research objective was to explore whether a conceptually deep and educationally effective GR and cosmology course could be successfully implemented for non-specialist upper secondary students. A pre-post study assessed both conceptual learning and affective outcomes, including interest, curiosity, self-concept, and perceived relevance of science. Results showed encouraging gains in both learning and motivation, with large to very large effect sizes for conceptual learning of core principles. Additionally, no or small effects of predictors such as gender were observed. We conclude that the integration of GR and cosmology into upper secondary physics teaching, in the form of courses and materials that are engaging, comprehensible, and impactful, is feasible.
... Les formateurs et formatrices mettaient en lumière l'importance de la formation à la pensée critique pour les étudiants en kinésiologie. Selon Prevost et al. (2015), Hattie (2008). Davies (2006) souligne que l'approche par infusion peut enrichir le débat sur la pensée critique. ...
... De plus, la résolution de problème et la pédagogie par projet, chacune à 12 %, soulignaient l'importance d'une approche pratique et collaborative (Hattie, 2008). En revanche, les questionnaires à choix multiples, avec seulement 2 %, illustraient une préférence marquée pour des méthodes d'évaluation plus dynamiques. ...
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L'objectif de cette étude est d'acquérir une compréhension plus approfondie de la manière dont les formateurs universitaires en kinésiologie perçoivent et abordent la question du développement de la pensée critique des étudiant.e.s dans la formation initiale en kinésiologie. Trente formateurs et formatrices en kinésiologie de l’Ontario ont volontairement participé à un sondage par questionnaire. Les données recueillies ont été analysées selon la technique de la statistique descriptive. Les résultats révèlent diverses conceptions de la pensée critique : 47% philosophique, 27% psychologique, 12% psychopédagogique, 10% sociologique et 4% pédagogie critique. Les formateurs soulignent l'importance d'utiliser des méthodes d'enseignement mixtes et diverses stratégies pour stimuler la pensée critique. L'étude a ainsi mis en lumière la diversité des perspectives sur la pensée critique en kinésiologie, offrant des implications pratiques pour la formation des futurs professionnels. Elle souligne l'importance d'une compréhension approfondie des conceptions des formateurs sur la pensée critique pour améliorer la formation initiale des étudiants. Mots clés : pensée critique ; formateurs ; université ; kinésiologie ; perceptions Abstract This study aims to gain a deeper understanding of how university kinesiology instructors perceive and approach the development of critical thinking in students during their initial training in kinesiology. Thirty kinesiology instructors from Ontario voluntarily participated in a questionnaire survey. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistical techniques. The results reveal various conceptions of critical thinking: 47% philosophical, 27% psychological, 12% psychopedagogical, 10% sociological, and 4% critical pedagogy. Instructors emphasize the importance of using mixed teaching methods and diverse strategies to foster critical thinking. So, the study highlights the diversity of perspectives on critical thinking in kinesiology, offering practical implications for the training of future professionals. It underscores the importance of thoroughly understanding instructors' conceptions of critical thinking to improve students' initial training. Keywords : critical thinking ; instructors ; university ; kinesiology ; perceptions
... Feedback plays a pivotal role in mathematics education, exerting a profound influence on enhanced academic performance, with a considerable impact on student learning (Hattie, 2010). When designing feedback, it is essential to determine whether it is incorporated into a formative or summative assessment. ...
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The increasing prevalence of computer-based teaching and learning opportunities in recent years has led to the emergence of novel approaches for providing informative tutoring feedback (ITF). For mathematical tasks, the tool STACK represents a promising avenue for exploration. STACK enables the automated evaluation of open mathematical tasks and the provision of immediate feedback for learners. This paper will therefore investigate the potential of STACK in designing ITF-strategies for mathematical tasks. In light of this question, two distinct strategies are presented, which differ in the case of incorrect answers with unclear causes. While in one strategy learners are then provided with solution-specific hints for processing the task, in the other strategy they enter a task loop in which they must work out these hints on their own. Finally, the strategies are compared in terms of their characteristics and possible effects on students’ learning processes.
... Furthermore, students' grasp of the instructional syntax related to the 21 st -century skills-based teaching models also require further development. To address this, strategic initiatives such as offering comprehensive training and workshops on teaching models like project-based learning and problem-based learning can be implemented, alongside the integration of case studies and real-world examples into the curriculum to enhance the learning experience (Hattie, 2009;Kurt & Akoglu, 2023;Nurhasnah et al., 2022). Moreover, the application of project-based learning that fosters collaboration and addresses real-world problems has been shown to significantly improve students' understanding of these instructional models (Thomas, 2000). ...
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This research addresses the limited availability of reference books that comprehensively explain the syntax of the 21st-century learning and socio-scientific issues. It focuses on designing and developing educational resources that integrate the 21st-century skills instructional models with socio-scientific issues, utilizing the 4D (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate) development model by Thiagarajan (1974). Conducted from March to September 2024 at an Islamic public university in Medan, Sumatera Utara, the subjects were Biology Education students currently enrolled in or who had completed the Biology Learning Strategies course. Data collection involved questionnaires and documentation studies. Initial analysis indicated that students struggled to understand the steps and processes of instructional models supporting the 21st-century skills and socio-scientific issues. To address these challenges, a comprehensive instructional book was developed, emphasizing the 21st-century skills, learning syntax, and socio-scientific issue integration. The book received validation from experts, including a biology learning strategies expert (98.3%), a 21st-century skills expert (100%), and a socio-scientific issues expert (91.7%), all within the highly valid category. It was also deemed highly practical by users, namely students (94.3%) and lecturers (93.7%). The findings underscore the necessity of enhancing learning resources in the course, highlighting the significance of socio-scientific issues in fostering 21st-century skills. This study contributes to advancing learning strategies and offers valuable resources for educators and students preparing for the demands of the 21st-century.
... Investing in AI technologies can offer long-term economic benefits by improving educational outcomes and student employability. AI-driven personalised learning platforms can enhance student performance, leading to higher graduation rates and better job placement (Hattie, 2009). Improved educational outcomes can result in a more skilled workforce, contributing positively to the economy. ...
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This paper explores the advantages and challenges of integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into research and community service within higher education. AI offers transformative benefits, such as advanced data analysis, new research methodologies, and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration. These capabilities enhance research quality and accelerate innovation. Additionally, AI-driven solutions in community service contribute to local problem-solving, lifelong learning, social outreach, and skills development. However, the adoption of AI in higher education faces obstacles like high implementation costs, data privacy concerns, resistance to change, and biases in algorithms. To address these challenges, the paper proposes solutions such as public-private partnerships, investment in digital infrastructure, ethical AI governance, and faculty development programmes. Through these initiatives, universities can unlock AI's potential to drive economic growth, improve community outcomes, and foster a more resilient knowledge-based economy. The paper provides case studies that illustrate AI's impact in research and community service initiatives.
... These tablets are more narrowly defined by the New Media Consortium in 2012 as iPads, Windows or Android devices, i.e. small, wireless, mobile personal computers which have finger-driven touch screens and are backed-up by diverse applications in a well-provisioned application market place (Melhuish, 2010, Clark & Luckin, 2013. Hattie, (2013) claimed that the following conditions should be fulfilled in order to integrate technology into the classroom; namely the role of the teacher, the need of professionalization, and the need of adapted teaching and learning approaches. ...
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In most tertiary institutions in Nigeria, mobile Phones are not officially allowed in the classroom session for teaching and learning. This paper therefore, investigated the use of mobile technology for learning by undergraduate students of Kogi State University, Anyigba. It was conceived as a result of the overcrowding situation in the Nigeria university system. Quasi-experimental research design was used to elicit responses from 235 undergraduate students of the university who were purposively selected from 300L to form both the control and experimental group. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. A researchers made essay test was used with Instructional Mobile Technology Package (IMTP) to elicit responses from the students. Mean and standard deviation were used to answer research questions while ANCOVA was used to test the hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of this study revealed that the use of mobile technology by undergraduate students enhances better performance and also help to solve some of the challenges of overcrowding in the classroom but this is not without its attendant challenges. Among the recommendations is that the use of mobile technology should be in cooperated into the undergraduate curriculum at all levels of the university system.
... Regarding the results from the testing method, it is revealed that homework shows little significant impact on students' academic success in both groups. This result aligns with previous studies ( [18]; [4]; [17]; [19]; [5]) while differing from some findings that highlight the positive impact of English homework on academic success ( [16]; [2]). Cooper (2006) found that this could be attributed to excessive homework, resulting in diminishing returns, particularly stress and sleep deprivation. ...
This study explores the impact of homework on students' academic performance and their perceptions of homework. A quantitative research design was adopted to analyze data collected from two high schools in Vietnam by employing a homework tracking sheet and test records. Additionally, a survey in the form of a questionnaire was conducted to investigate students' perceptions of homework's influence on their academic outcomes. Participants include forty-three 12th graders from a mainstream school and thirty-three 12th graders from a gifted school. The test records reveal that homework poses little impact on students' academic achievements and that homework poses different impacts on students’ achievements on various types of tests. The survey, however, indicates that students from both schools generally perceived homework as beneficial to their academic performance. The findings highlight the importance of thoughtful homework design, suggesting several key considerations to help students develop the skills and confidence needed for academic success.
... Os principais achados destacam que a ciência cidadã engaja alunos em problemas reais de suas comunidades enquanto desenvolve competências críticas e reflexivas essenciais para a formação de cidadãos ativos. A participação em projetos de ciência cidadã promove o pensamento crítico, a colaboração e a capacidade de resolver problemas, habilidades que são fundamentais em um mundo em constante mudança (Bonney et al., 2014;Hattie, 2009). ...
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A ciência cidadã, caracterizada pela participação ativa de cidadãos em pesquisas científicas, tem se consolidado como uma prática inovadora, especialmente no âmbito educacional, ao promover a educação crítica e reflexiva. Este trabalho tem como objetivo examinar a integração da ciência cidadã na formação de professores e no cotidiano escolar, a fim de analisar como essas práticas podem contribuir para a construção coletiva do conhecimento e para o desenvolvimento de competências críticas nos educadores. A metodologia baseou-se em uma análise qualitativa da literatura, privilegiando estudos de caso e exemplos teóricos que exploram o tema. Os resultados indicam que a ciência cidadã, ao ser incorporada em contextos educacionais, facilita a aprendizagem significativa e valoriza os contextos culturais dos alunos, uma ve que amplia a conexão entre teoria e prática. Além disso, evidencia-se que a aplicação dessas práticas pode fortalecer a autonomia pedagógica e fomentar a coautoria entre professores e estudantes. Contudo, verificou-se uma lacuna na literatura quanto ao uso sistemático da ciência cidadã na formação de professores, apontando para a necessidade de investigações mais abrangentes. Conclui-se que essa abordagem apresenta grande potencial para transformar práticas educacionais e enriquecer a formação docente, ao articular ciência, cultura e educação.
... Given that these assumptions held, for RQ3, comparisons of latent factor mean differences were carried out with the effect of being female (as opposed to being male) and completing the survey in Kazakh (as opposed to Russian) examined (Appendix A). For group differences, standardized differences in latent factor means (Cohen's d) were interpreted as follows: small, 0.20 ≤ d < 0.40; medium, 0.40 ≤ d < 0.60, and large 0.60 ≤ d (Hattie, 2009). For all analyses, the threshold for statistical significance was set at p < .05. ...
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Introduction: The study of emotional intelligence (EI) has garnered significant attention due to its relevance to diverse age- and population-groups, and persons of various social and academic backgrounds. The capacity for an individual to effectively understand and manage one’s own emotions and understand and manage the emotions of others has been identified as important life skill and antecedent to personal, social, and professional success. While the dimensionality of EI has been explored extensively in Western contexts, there is a relative dearth of research in post-Soviet and Central Asian contexts. Methodology: Building upon the EI instrumentation developed in Russia by Lyusin and a large sample of adolescents (N = 658) from 12 schools, we find very little differences in average levels of EI in the schools sampled. Thereafter, using first-order confirmatory factor analysis, this study finds evidence for a Four-Factor Model of EI inclusive of Understanding and Managing One’s Own Emotions, and Understanding and Managing Others’ Emotions. Results: The model exhibits adequate model fit, discriminant validity, inter-factor correlations similar to those in other studies, and is strongly invariant for gender (though partially invariant for language). We also find evidence for female adolescents exhibiting slightly higher levels of Understanding Other’s Emotions, and lower levels of Managing Own Emotions. Conclusions: The four-factor model may be a useful tool for gauging the EI of adolescents, though further research as to its utility in other post-Soviet, Central Asian, and other contexts is required. Introducción: El estudio de la inteligencia emocional (IE) ha suscitado una atención significativa debido a su relevancia para diversos grupos de edades y poblaciones, así como para personas de diferentes contextos sociales y académicos. La capacidad de un individuo para comprender y gestionar eficazmente sus propias emociones, así como comprender y manejar las emociones de los demás, se ha identificado como una habilidad vital y un antecedente del éxito personal, social y profesional. Aunque la dimensionalidad de la IE se ha explorado ampliamente en contextos occidentales, existe una relativa falta de investigación en contextos post-soviéticos y en Asia Central. Metodología: Basándonos en una herramienta construida en Rusia por Lyusin y en una muestra amplia de adolescentes (N = 658) de 12 escuelas, encontramos muy pocas diferencias en la media de la IE las escuelas muestreadas. Utilizando un análisis factorial confirmatorio de primer orden, este estudio encontró evidencia de un modelo de IE de cuatro factores que incluye la comprensión y gestión de las propias emociones, así como la comprensión y gestión de las emociones de los demás. Results: El modelo presenta un ajuste de modelo adecuado, validez discriminante, correlaciones entre factores similares a las de otros estudios, así como una sólida invarianza según el género (aunque parcialmente invariance para el idioma). También encontramos evidencia de que las adolescentes muestran niveles ligeramente más altos de comprensión de las emociones de los demás y niveles más bajos de gestión de sus propias emociones. Conclusión: El modelo de cuatro factores puede ser una herramienta útil para medir la IE de los adolescentes, aunque se requieren más investigaciones sobre su utilidad en otros contextos postsoviéticos, de Asia Central y más allá.
... This feedback implies that the subject content is relevant and reflects the learners' interests. It is argued that increased student engagement is linked to improved academic performance and greater enthusiasm for learning (Hattie, 2009). Improved Learning Strategies: Curriculum reform has created an effective pedagogy and incorporates advanced pedagogical strategies such as inquirybased learning collaborative projects, and differentiated instructions. ...
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The need to undertake curriculum reform to improve education quality has become one of the crucial issues in the current world education reform agenda. This study examined the perceived impact of curriculum reform on the quality of primary education in Zanzibar. The aim was to generate an understanding of the assumptions for the reform, its impact on the teaching and learning process and pupils learning outcomes and finally to understand its relevance to individuals and communities. A hybrid phenomenology design was used to guide the study. The study sample was obtained using purposive and snowball sampling techniques. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, documentary reviews, focused group discussions and non-participatory observation. Collected data were thematically analysed. The findings indicate that the leadership influence (political stance) and recommendations from the 2019 Need Assessment Report were the two main assumed triggers of the reform. Changing the teaching and learning approaches, reducing the number of subjects, using new assessment procedures, delaying the delivery of curriculum materials to schools, and lack of teachers in some new subjects were among the impacts of the reform. Activities-based learning and, a competence-based approach which encourages active participation for the learners are among the missing relevance included in this new reform since their inclusion improved in the current teaching and learning process. The study recommends a thorough analysis of the reform needs before final decisions for curriculum change are made, and there should be adequate preparation for curriculum reform specifically considering the timely delivery of necessary curriculum materials and thorough teacher training as a prior requirement for new curriculum implementation
... Feedback has been the subject of extensive research in a great number of disciplines. According to a meta-analysis, it is one of the most influential factors for learning [5]. At the same time, it is crucial to consider how feedback is delivered and presented [16]. ...
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Background: Feedback as one of the most influential factors for learning has been subject to a great body of research. It plays a key role in the development of educational technology systems and is traditionally rooted in deterministic feedback defined by experts and their experience. However, with the rise of generative AI and especially Large Language Models (LLMs), we expect feedback as part of learning systems to transform, especially for the context of programming. In the past, it was challenging to automate feedback for learners of programming. LLMs may create new possibilities to provide richer, and more individual feedback than ever before. Objectives: This paper aims to generate specific types of feedback for introductory programming tasks using LLMs. We revisit existing feedback taxonomies to capture the specifics of the generated feedback, such as randomness, uncertainty, and degrees of variation. Methods: We iteratively designed prompts for the generation of specific feedback types (as part of existing feedback taxonomies) in response to authentic student programs. We then evaluated the generated output and determined to what extent it reflected certain feedback types. Results and Conclusion: The present work provides a better understanding of different feedback dimensions and characteristics. The results have implications for future feedback research with regard to, for example, feedback effects and learners' informational needs. It further provides a basis for the development of new tools and learning systems for novice programmers including feedback generated by AI.
... Pembelajaran berbasis deep learning menuntut guru untuk tidak hanya menguasai materi, tetapi juga memiliki keterampilan dalam menciptakan pengalaman belajar yang mendalam dan penuh makna bagi siswa. Oleh karena itu, pelatihan dan pengembangan profesi guru menjadi hal yang sangat penting dalam memastikan keberhasilan implementasi model ini (Hattie, 2008). ...
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The deep learning model, as proposed by Abdul Mu`ti, emphasizes a mindful, meaningful, and enjoyable learning experience, allowing students not only to memorize but to deeply understand and internalize the material. This study aims to examine the implementation of the deep learning model in the context of primary and secondary education in Indonesia through a literature review method. Based on the analysis of various recent sources, it was found that this model contributes positively to enhancing critical thinking skills, active participation, and student engagement in the learning process. However, several challenges in its implementation were also identified, including limitations in infrastructure, teacher readiness, and the constraints of the traditional curriculum that hinder flexibility. This article offers recommendations to support more effective deep learning implementation, particularly by strengthening teacher training and providing adequate facilities. With the right support, this model holds great potential to optimize the quality of education in Indonesia, preparing a highly competitive generation.
... Students may also support each other's learning, which involves peer-assessment and subsequent suggestions to peers on how to reach their learning goals. The reviews by Black and Wiliam (1998) and Hattie (2009) included approaches to formative assessment with different foci. In addition, some scholars include all of the above-mentioned approaches in their conceptualisation of formative assessment (e.g. ...
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Research shows that substantial learning gains are possible through the use of formative assessment. However, little is known about Swedish mathematics teachers’ use of formative assessment, and thus about the possible value of professional development programmes. This study uses teacher interviews and classroom observations to examine the classroom practice of 38 randomly selected primary and secondary school teachers in a mid-sized Swedish municipality. A framework of formative assessment comprising one big idea and five Key strategies structured the analysis. The study identifies characteristics of current formative assessment practices. The results show that the teachers do use a variety of formative assessment activities, but also that there is much room for development towards a more effective formative classroom practice.
... Previous research surveys (Black & Wiliam, 1998a) and meta-analyses (Hattie, 2009) have concluded that formative assessment is one of the most effective ways to raise student achievement. Both Black and Wiliam and Hattie concluded that this applied to students of different ages and in different school subjects, and they indicated effect sizes in the range 0.4-0.7 (Black & Wiliam, 1998b) and 0.5-0.9 ...
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Research reviews show that formative assessment has great potential for raising student achievement in general, but there is a need for reviews of formative assessment in individual subjects. This review examines its impact on student achievement in mathematics through an assessment of scientific journal articles published between 2005 and 2014 and indexed in Web of science. Through the use of search terms such as ”formative assessment”, ”assessment for learning” and ”self-regulated learning”, different approaches to formative assessment were included in the review. While varying in approach, they all share the defining characteristic of formative assessment: agents in the classroom collect evidence of student learning and, based on this information, adjust their teaching and/or learning. The results show positive relations between student achievement in mathematics and the ways of doing formative assessment included in the review.
... Assessment and feedback, widely recognised as having a significant effect on students' performance (e.g. Black & Wiliam, 1998;Hattie, 2009) becomes more difficult, and often checking assignments and small group work (these may still be as large as 50 students) is often devolved to student or graduate teaching assistants who have very little pedagogical or didactical education. This is hardly a conducive context in which to learn and the results of a meta-analysis of 225 studies by Freeman et al. (2014) that pointed to Students in [STEM] classes with traditional lecturing were 1.5 times more likely to fail than students with active learning. ...
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The paper provides a very brief outline review of research into some key issues that affect students’ performance in mathematics in higher education. Community of practice theory is used to frame and focus the discussion. Policies regarding the recruitment of students, institutional practices for grouping students and the cultures of teaching and learning mathematics are considered. The research reviewed provides a context for examining the contributions of the research reports included within this thematic issue of NOMAD. The reports address three themes: regular approaches adopted in teaching mathematics in higher education, innovative approaches to teaching and learning, with emphasis on student participation in the educational process, and the characteristics of mathematical knowledge students appropriate. The paper endorses calls for large scale studies, especially those which relate teaching approaches, both regular and innovative, to the qualities and characteristics of students’ learning. The absence of a single overarching theoretical framework that embraces all the studies is also perceived as an obstacle that interferes with scientific developments in the field of researching university mathematics education. However, the value of teachers researching their own practice and their students’ learning is argued to be crucial for developing knowledge ”in practice” and this underscores the value of the papers included in this issue of NOMAD, both for the authors and the inspiration of other higher education mathematics teachers who, it is hoped, will be inspired to engage in similar studies.
... Feedback has been identified as a highly influential factor with a substantial effect size in improving student learning outcomes, as evidenced by numerous metaanalyses (Hattie & Timperley, 2007;Hattie, 2009;Wisniewski et al., 2020). This highlights feedback's potential to significantly enhance learning. ...
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This exploratory case study examines how AI technologies, specifically a GPT-4-based synopsis chatbot, can serve as a sparring partner for doctoral students in Norway. Despite favourable conditions, only two-thirds of Norwegian PhD candidates complete their doctorates, partly due to challenges with article-based dissertations that require a comprehensive synopsis (60–90 pages). Ambiguities and unintended double standards exist across disciplines regarding this format, despite national guidelines. To address this, we developed a synopsis chatbot by training GPT-4 on Norwegian doctoral rubrics and literature about article-based dissertations, making it more domain-specific, context-specific, and multilingual. The goal was to determine if and how the chatbot could support PhD candidates in writing their synopses. Preliminary results indicate varying levels of AI acceptance among PhD supervisors, with 60% expressing scepticism about using AI for academic writing. However, the chatbot performed well in providing formative assessment and handling multimodal illustrations, proving to be a valuable sparring partner for doctoral students. This suggests the need to update conventional theories of formative assessment to include AI and chatbots as complementary "digital supervisors" in doctoral education. While the chatbot shows promise in mitigating issues related to unwritten rules and vague genre requirements, this early-phase exploratory study acknowledges several limitations and emphasizes the need to address ethical considerations regarding AI in academia.
... Within the SDL framework, educators play a critical role by providing individualized support through documentation of learning trajectories and personalized feedback, guided by action plans and learning diaries. Such tailored feedback aligns with each student's needs and has been shown to enhance intrinsic motivation (Hattie, 2009;Reeve, 2002). While TDI is not part of the SDL framework, it can benefit from the integration of students' learning outcomes generated through SDL processes. ...
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This study analyzed the motivational profiles of 754 students in grades 6 to 9, exploring shifts under the Self-Determination Theory across self-directed learning (SDL) and teacher-directed instruction (TDI). Utilizing latent profile and transition analysis, five profiles were identified: high-quality, high-quantity, low-quality, low-quantity, and moderately motivated. Results demonstrated that shifts in profiles are influenced by the fulfillment of psychological needs-autonomy, competence, and relatedness-and instructional context. Positive motivational shifts occurred more frequently during SDL phases, while TDI phases often led to stagnation or decline. This research underscores the importance of designing instructional environments that enhance self-determined motivation.
... Given the linear relationship between intelligence and academic achievement (e.g., Roth et al. 2015), it is also plausible to assume the opposite and expect a weaker association between SES and academic achievement at the lower and higher ends of the intelligence distribution. Among all student characteristics, intelligence is the most important single predictor of academic achievement (Hattie 2008). Thus, at the lower end of the intelligence distribution, a lower level of intelligence should be more difficult to compensate than in the medium-intelligence range. ...
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The association between school students’ social background and school achievement is well documented. Recent studies demonstrated that this association might be moderated by the level of cognitive potential. Based on these results, we recruited an elementary school sample (N = 837) and an adolescent sample at the end of their compulsory school time (N = 2100) to investigate whether the associations between students’ social background and their academic achievement in math and language arts were moderated by the level of their general cognitive competencies, i.e., intelligence. To this end, we assessed intelligence, math and reading competencies, teacher-reported grades, and students’ socio-economic background (number of books at home). In both samples, the association between students’ socio-economic background and language arts grades was moderated by their intelligence level but not the ones with math grades, reading, and math competencies. The association between socio-economic background and language arts grades was strongest in the average intelligence sample and smaller in the above-average intelligence sample. Results are discussed with regard to their implications for the discussion of social injustice in schools.
... In a similar study by Hattie (2019) feedback as used in assessment for learning is generally recognized as a valuable tool to promote student learning and engagement; Providing timely, specific, and actionable feedback during assessment helps students understand their strengths, identify areas for improvement, and make necessary adjustments to their learning strategies. This, in turn, can enhance learning retention by reinforcing and consolidating knowledge and skills (Hattie, 2019). Nicol and Macfarlane-Dick (2016) argue that feedback should focus on self-regulated learning providing information and guidance to students, which promotes deep learning, metacognitive awareness towards greater retention of knowledge and skills. ...
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The growth of artificial intelligence (AI) has ignited significant concern regarding their effect on universal development in education. Nevertheless, the scarcity of research addressing the effects of AI tools on evaluating students' educational retention, particularly within the Nigerian educational landscape, is disconcerting. Hence, the purpose of the study was to determine the effects of Computer adaptive test on students' retention in Educational Research. The study employed a quasi-experimental post-test-only design with non-equivalent groups, focusing on a population of 698 students at 300-level from the Faculty of Education. The researcher utilized a convenience sampling technique to select 44 volunteers as study participants. Data were collected through the administration of the ERT retention test, which underwent validation by three experts from the Department of Science Education. The instrument was trial tested on 50 respondents and was found with an estimate of (α = .76) using Kuder-Richardson (KR-20) statistics which shows a high degree of reliability. The experimental group received the computer adaptive test treatment, while the control group underwent the traditional computer-based test. Statistical analyses were conducted using the Mean and standard deviation to address the research question, and a two-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was employed to test the statistical hypothesis. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 25 facilitated the data analysis. This comprehensive research design and methodology ensure the reliability and validity of the study's findings regarding the impact of computer adaptive testing on student retention. The findings of the study showed that the students assessed using Computer Adaptive test had posttest mean retention score of (M = 71.45, SD = 7.22) while the students assessed using the Computer-based test had posttest mean retention score of (M = 31.82, SD = 14.52), There was a significant mean difference between Artificial intelligence mode of assessment and computer-based test on students' retention,(F(1,40) = 135.005, p = .000. Educational institutions are advised to contemplate the integration of AI-driven assessments such as CAT for an improved learning retention for students in the learning of educational research.
... Los estudios e investigaciones han buscado identificar qué estrategias pedagógicas aportan más a los aprendizajes de las y los estudiantes coinciden en que la evaluación formativa es una de las prácticas de mayor impacto en esto (Black & Wiliam, 1998;Hattie, 2009). ...
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Esta obra, prologado por la Dra. Beatrice Avalos, es una guía esencial para profesores en ejercicio y en formación, equipos de liderazgo escolar, académicos y responsables de políticas públicas. Organizado en tres secciones, este volumen ofrece una perspectiva integral y actualizada sobre los desafíos y oportunidades en el desarrollo profesional docente. La primera sección explora el marco normativo y político que guía la formación continua de los docentes en Chile, destacando la importancia de la reflexión y la colaboración en un contexto educativo en constante transformación. La segunda sección analiza cómo los equipos de liderazgo y sostenedores pueden ser catalizadores clave para mejorar las prácticas pedagógicas, a través de colaboraciones efectivas que fortalecen tanto el liderazgo como la satisfacción laboral de los docentes. Finalmente, la tercera sección presenta experiencias concretas de desarrollo profesional docente, mostrando cómo la investigación y la práctica pueden converger para generar un impacto real en las escuelas. Este libro no solo examina las políticas y prácticas actuales, sino que también ofrece estrategias innovadoras para liderar procesos de mejoramiento continuo en la enseñanza. Desarrollo Profesional Docente es una obra imprescindible para quienes buscan entender y mejorar la calidad de la educación, convirtiéndose en una herramienta valiosa para liderar el cambio y potenciar las capacidades docentes en un mundo educativo en evolución.
... Guruguru yang mengikuti pelatihan mampu merancang pembelajaran yang lebih interaktif dan menarik dengan memanfaatkan teknologi. Penelitian oleh Hattie (2009) menunjukkan bahwa metode pengajaran yang interaktif dan terlibat secara positif memengaruhi pencapaian siswa. ...
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Kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengingkatkan technological knowledge guru dalam merancang pembelajaran matematika interaktif dengan mengintegrasikan PhET Simulation berbasis TalentLMS. Program pengabdian ini dijalankan dengan menerapkan siklus lesson study plan-do-see. Sebelum tahap plan, para guru terlebih dahulu memperoleh pelatihan tentang integrasi PhET Simulation dan TalentLMS. Selanjutnya pada tahap plan, para guru merancang pembelajaran matematika. Pada tahap do, para guru menerapkan pembelajaran matematika di kelas dengan memperoleh observasi dari rekan sejawat dan tim pengabdian. Selanjutnya pada tahap see, seluruh peserta yang terlibat melakukan refleksi dari seluruh proses yang telah dilalui. Hasil pengabdian ini menunjukan adanya peningkatan technological knowledge guru dalam merancang pembelajaran matematika interaktif.
... Esta teoría es fundamental para la implementación de estrategias pedagógicas flexibles que se adapten a las vivencias cotidianas de los estudiantes. Además, se considera la importancia de la retroalimentación continua, como lo enfatiza Hattie (2009), que es crucial para potenciar el aprendizaje cognitivo en contextos donde los recursos son limitados. La combinación de estas teorías proporciona una base sólida para el desarrollo de enfoque pedagógico que responda a las necesidades específicas de la educación rural. ...
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En la actualidad, la educación media rural enfrenta grandes desafíos para garantizar un aprendizaje significativo, por lo cual es urgente incorporar tecnologías digitales en este ámbito, no como un simple complemento, sino como una necesidad imperiosa. En la educación media rural es evidente, por un lado, la escasa formación docente en el uso de herramientas digitales, lo cual limita las oportunidades en el aprendizaje y, por otro lado, la pandemia del Covid-19 dejó en evidencia la urgencia de adoptar metodologías pedagógicas que responda a las nuevas realidades educativas. El estudio utilizó un enfoque cualitativo, basado en la metodología etnográfica y el paradigma interpretativo. De este modo, se buscó obtener una visión holística de las prácticas pedagógicas implementadas en la E-A de las Ciencias Naturales. Para la recolección de datos, se emplearon entrevistas abiertas, grupos focales y el análisis documental, el software ATLAS.ti se utilizó para el análisis. Este enfoque permitió una interpretación profunda de los hallazgos, el cual permitió integrar de manera efectiva la Realidad Virtual en la enseñanza. Entre las principales conclusiones, se resalta la necesidad de implementar estrategias pedagógicas flexibles, inclusivas y adaptadas a las realidades de los estudiantes. También, se destaca la importancia en la diversificación en los métodos de evaluación. Finalmente, la integración de la RV en nivel educativo, es un recurso valioso, que promueve la interacción y el aprendizaje experiencial.
... Consequently, it appeared that experiences predominantly benefit those starting from a lower baseline. In accordance with Hattie (2009), this phenomenon is not exclusive to the use of VEs but generally applies to all interventions targeting students with lower initial academic performance. The comparison between the post-test and delayed results indicated that the acquired concepts were retained over time. ...
This study investigated the impact of virtual environments (VEs), such as Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), on learning processes within Natural Sciences course of second-grade primary education. To address this objective, an experimental study was designed using a sample of 24 students aged 7 to 8 years from Spain. The subjects used VR and AR to teach about the human body. Knowledge gains were evaluated with pre-tests, post-tests, and delayed tests. Results showed significant improvements in student understanding of the human body. All students improved their results after the experience using VEs, and 14 students achieved post-test scores 80% higher than their pre-test results. The gains obtained through the experience were sustained over time, even after 52 days. While VEs were generally well-received and sparked interest among students in continuing their use, some expressed a preference for traditional learning methods. This research highlights the potential of using VR and AR to overcome challenges in learning abstract or inscrutable concepts in Natural Sciences, such as understanding the internal elements of the human body. By offering immersive experiences, these tools provide a more realistic and tangible view of the subject matter. However, they should be used to complement, not replace, other methodologies, ensuring they align with the student' interests and needs.
... Most of these factors will generally be expected to positively affect students' learning outcomes, cf. (Hattie, 2009). The consequence of this is that the circumstances for didactic integration seem to be better in both STIC and STAC, compared to OT. ...
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In this article, I compare three teaching situations: ordinary mathematics teaching, special education teaching in mathematics located within the ordinary class, and special education teaching in mathematics located outside the ordinary class, in order to find the main differences between them with respect to what the teacher and the students do. The findings are discussed in light of various aspects of the inclusion concept. The empirical material has been collected in the SPEED-project and consists of observations throughout an entire school day of 108 individual students, their teachers and the classes they belong to. The discussion reveals that the special education teaching is more individual, the student is more frequently engaged in subject-related activities and in communication with the teacher, and that each of the two different organizational forms of the special education teaching in mathematics separately seem to fulfil different aspects of the concept of inclusion in a best way.
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ABSTRAKPembelajaran matematika di sekolah menengah sering kali menjadi tantangan bagi siswa dan guru akibat kesulitan dalam memahami konsep-konsep abstrak. Artikel ini mengeksplorasi penerapan pendekatan kreatif dalam pembelajaran matematika dengan memanfaatkan alat peraga dan teknologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus yang melibatkan 30 siswa dan 3 guru di sebuah sekolah menengah di SMP 3 Air Besar. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi kelas, wawancara, dan kuesioner, dan dianalisis menggunakan analisis tematik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan alat peraga dan teknologi tidak hanya meningkatkan pemahaman konsep, tetapi juga meningkatkan motivasi dan keterlibatan siswa dalam proses belajar. Meskipun terdapat tantangan dalam penerapan, seperti keterbatasan akses terhadap teknologi, solusi kreatif dapat diimplementasikan untuk mengatasi masalah ini. Artikel ini diharapkan dapat memberikan wawasan dan rekomendasi bagi pendidik dalam merancang pembelajaran matematika yang lebih efektif dan menarik.Kata Kunci: Alat Peraga, Teknologi, Pendekatan Kreatif, MotivasiABSTRACTLearning mathematics in secondary schools is often a challenge for students and teachers due to difficulties in understanding abstract concepts. This article explores the application of a creative approach to mathematics learning by utilizing teaching aids and technology. This research uses a qualitative method with a case study design involving 30 students and 3 teachers at a middle school at SMP 3 Air Besar. Data was collected through classroom observations, interviews, and questionnaires, and analyzed using thematic analysis. The research results show that the use of teaching aids and technology not only increases understanding of concepts, but also increases student motivation and involvement in the learning process. Although there are challenges in implementation, such as limited access to technology, creative solutions can be implemented to overcome these problems. It is hoped that this article can provide insight and recommendations for educators in designing mathematics learning that is more effective and interesting.Keywords: Props, Technology, Creative Approach, Motivation
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Foundational Research Paper Zaner-Bloser Building Fact Fluency deepens students' conceptual understanding of arithmetic operations, increasing procedural fluency, bolstering access to rich problem-solving experiences, and strengthening identity as mathematicians to build community, curiosity, and confidence in math learning. This document provides evidence for ESSA Tier IV.
The importance of online open elective courses (OOECs) in contemporary education is examined in this study, along with the difficulties teachers have when instructing them. Despite the advantages of OOECs—accessibility, flexibility, range of subjects, and individualized learning—teachers still have challenges in maintaining student engagement, supervising big classes, guaranteeing high-quality assessment systems, overcoming technological problems, and encouraging diversity.This study's primary focus is on the tactics and best practices that educators can use to overcome these obstacles and increase OOEC effectiveness. This work is important because it has the potential to improve the caliber of online education. It responds to the growing need for online education, provides teachers with the resources and information they require to improve student learning outcomes, trains them in research-based techniques, and works in tandem with
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Feedback processes are central to learning but not every feedback process is equally beneficial. Even though there is a growing number of criteria catalogs for "good feedback", these reach their limits in practice. One of the reasons for this is that there are many different understandings of feedback and that very different goals can be pursued with feedback processes. We might hypothesize that the characterization of good feedback is closely linked to the understanding and goal of feedback. This paper is based on an understanding of feedback that places the student at the center. Accordingly, the goal of the feedback process is to support students in their learning and professionalization processes. Based on an interactional-constructivist understanding of learning, it is argued that students should take a central-active-role in feedback processes and that feedback can only be successful if students are open for feedback and not only understand and comprehend it but are also willing and able to transfer it to future situations and to change their learning behavior. Starting from this hypothesis, a model of feedback communication processes is presented, which foregrounds the role of students in feedback processes from a constructivist view. These theoretical assumptions are contrasted with the results of a questionnaire study conducted in 2021, which analyzed the role students play in feedback processes from their own perspective. The comparison of theory and practice shows that students still see themselves primarily in a passive role in feedback processes. Implications are given for how feedback practices need to change. In addition, limitations and research perspectives are pointed out.
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Raphael Koßmann widmet sich in diesem Beitrag unter anderem den Fragen, inwiefern Schuldidaktiken dazu tendieren, Individuen zu ignorieren, und wie hierzu Diagnostik in den Dienst genommen wurde. Nun könnte sich das Blatt wenden. Die empirisch avancierten, oftmals leicht verfügbaren Verfahren schulinterner Diagnostik könnten dazu herangezogen werden, den alltäglichen Unterricht sowie schulische Settings auf den Prüfstand zu stellen, was für inklusiven Unterricht ungemein viele Chancen birgt. In this article, Raphael Koßmann addresses in a first step how school didactics tend to ignore individuals and how diagnostics have been brought into service for this purpose. Now, the tide could be turning. The advanced empirical methods of in-school behavioural and learning assessments, which are often readily available, could be used to test everyday teaching and concrete school settings, which provides many opportunities for inclusive education.
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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) which is also known as hyperkinetic syndrome. It is the most common behavioral disorder in childhood and one of the key causes of learning disability in children. Children suffering from ADHD have normal or nearly normal intelligence. Main clinical feature includes a shorter attention span than other children in their group age. pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies are available for the management of symptoms and to improve function but sometimes it will often fail to normalize symptoms of children suffering from ADHD. The interaction between parents and child with ADHD have great impact on parenting style and it always give negative outcomes. Parents of children suffering with ADHD also have stress to use several coping strategies to deal with ADHD symptoms impacting family life. The aim of this systematic review is to give brief introduction about ADHD and its impact on parents and caregivers daily lifestyle.
This study explores how collaborative expertise and professional competence among teachers impact the implementation of School-Based Management (SBM). By gathering insights from a group of teachers, we found that they generally feel confident in their ability to work together and in their teaching skills. This strong foundation supports effective SBM practices in schools. Our findings also show that when teachers communicate well, engage in professional development, and participate in decision-making, it positively influences how well SBM is implemented. However, we acknowledge some limitations, such as relying on teachers' selfreports and the fact that our sample comes from specific areas, which may not represent all schools. Overall, this research features the importance of encouraging collaboration and providing professional growth opportunities to improve SBM practices in education.
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This study explores the role of teacher support, collaboration, and group discussions in enhancing students' critical thinking skills during project-based learning (PBL). Through qualitative analysis, the study examines students' perceptions of the additional support provided by teachers, suggestions for improving PBL to foster critical thinking, and the challenges faced during the project. Results indicate that teachers' involvement as facilitators is crucial for guiding students through complex tasks and ensuring they remain on track. Students reported a perceived improvement in their critical thinking skills, attributing it to the inquiry-based nature of PBL that encouraged deep engagement with the subject matter. However, several challenges emerged, including time constraints, difficulties with resource access, and issues related to group dynamics, such as coordination and leadership. Suggestions for improvement emphasized the need for clearer project guidelines, more diverse resources, and a structured approach to problem-solving. The study also highlights the essential role of teachers not just as instructors but as mentors, guiding students' learning while encouraging collaboration and communication within groups. Overall, PBL was found to foster high levels of student engagement, motivation, and active participation, contributing to the development of critical thinking. However, overcoming logistical and interpersonal challenges is essential to fully realizing the benefits of PBL in enhancing students' cognitive and collaborative skills.
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This study explored teachers’ questions and learners’ responses in teaching and learning English as a foreign language in Tanzania’s secondary schools. The study aimed to: (a) identify learners’ feelings of teachers’ questions in the English language classroom, (b) examine how learners respond to these questions in ways that facilitate language learning, and (c) investigate how teachers react to learners’ responses during English language instruction. A qualitative approach was employed, with data generated through classroom observations and focus group discussions. The study involved 362 participants from six secondary schools, including 350 Form Three students, among whom, 60 students were involved in the FGD. Also, the study involved 12 English language teacherswhose classes were observed. The data were analysed using thematic analysis. The findings reveal that learners viewed questions as a learning strategy, but also as a source of shyness and discomfort, as well as a reminder of previous lessons. Learners responded to questions using single words or phrases, complete sentences, silence, or chorus answers. Teachers reacted to learners’ responses by offering verbal praise, instructing the class to clap, affirming and repeating learners’ responses, and asking follow-up questions. The study recommends, among other things, the creation of a friendly and conducive learning environment where each learner feels free and comfortable to participate in classroom activities.
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Percepcja zmysłowa, a w szczególności widzenie, nieustannie wzbudza uwagę pedagogów. W tym artykule omówiono projekt edukacji moralnej jako kształcenia do widzenia i przez widzenie idei praktycznych, który opracował Johann F. Herbart. Artykuł dzieli się na trzy sekcje. Najpierw zarysowano dzieje widzenia jako ciągle mało zbadanego problemu dydaktycznego. Następnie omówiono węzłowe punkty koncepcji kształcenia do widzenia i przez widzenie, której Herbart poświęcił swoje wczesne prace pedagogiczne i filozoficzne. Na zakończenie prześledzono idee praktyczne jako fundament edukacji moralnej.
Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag verfolgt das Ziel, ausgehend von einem Überblick über die Beiträge von Info DaF in den 2010er Jahren, die Entwicklung der Forschung zur Aus- und Fortbildung von DaF-Lehrkräften im Ausland in diesem Jahrzehnt nachzuzeichnen. Dabei betont er das Potenzial insbesondere internationaler Kooperationen darin, Fortschritte in Praxis und Beforschung dieses Felds zu ermöglichen.
Zusammenfassung Der vorliegende Beitrag setzt sich zum Ziel, zum Ersten einen Überblick über diejenigen Themen der Hefte der Zeitschrift Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache ( Info DaF ) aus dem ersten Jahrzehnt des einundzwanzigsten Jahrhunderts zu geben, die für die Praxis und für die Forschung im DaF-Bereich als besonders relevant und interessant erachtet werden. Zweitens werden die Fremdsprachenlehrendenausbildung und ihre notwendige inhaltliche Neugestaltung als wichtige Schwerpunkte in den Beiträgen von Info DaF und in den Fachdiskussionen außerhalb von Info DaF in diesem Jahrzehnt ins Visier genommen.
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The abstract for this document is available on CSA Illumina.To view the Abstract, click the Abstract button above the document title.
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This meta-analysis examines the effectiveness of functional mathematics instruction, specifically purchasing skill instruction, for individuals with disabilities. Twenty-eight intervention studies were identified and reviewed. Because all studies employed single-subject research designs, a nonparametric procedure, the percentage of nonoverlapping data (PND), was used to estimate treatment effects. Results indicated a moderately positive effect for purchasing skill instruction (median PND = 87%). Maintenance (median PND = 100%) and generalization effects (median PND = 86%) revealed large and moderate effects, respectively. Further categorical comparisons indicated that variables such as participants' entry skills, money skill adaptations, type of purchase, error correction procedure, and instructional setting were related to the treatment effectiveness.
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Providing students an appropriate level of challenge, called the instructional level, is an important component of effective instruction. Research regarding the optimal ratio of known to unknown items for drill tasks has been inconsistent. The author of the current article conducted an empirical meta-analysis of research on drill ratios by using the following groupings: < 50% known, 50% to 69% known, 70% to 85% known, and 90% known. Fifty-five effect size coefficients were computed, after eliminating outlying data, from 13 articles, with the 3 least challenging ratios resulting in strong mean effects. The most challenging (< 50% known) ratio resulted in a small to moderate effect. A mean effect size of .82 computed for various student outcomes compared to .43 for student preferences. Much stronger effects were also noted for tasks involving acquisition of new skills compared to proficiency tasks. Implications for research and practice are discussed.
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Over the past decade there has been increased pressure in the public discourse for accountability in educational outcomes. There has been a growing sense that ESL students are not being well served by the delivery of supports meant to facilitate their development of English language acquisition and enable them to participate with their classmates in the mainstream. In short, educational outcomes measured by way of dropout, failure, and low achievement on standardized tests all suggest that for some reason ESL learners do not benefit from ESL programming. This article begins with a synthesis and meta-analysis of 12 major studies of effective ESL programs conducted over the past 14 years, providing a backdrop for our reflections on our program development and successful outcomes for ESL learners, documented and published previously. By identifying major themes that pervade these studies across time and relating them to our work, we pinpoint the gaps in program design and implementation that should lead to instructional and policy reform. These reforms must be guided and directed by further research efforts in the Canadian context, implemented and supported at the jurisdictional and ministerial levels.
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This study examined the relative benefits of mastery learning, overlearning, and fluency-building instructions for academic performance and long-term retention. College students enrolled in introductory quantitative methods classes (n = 168) were asked to practice every week with a computerized flashcard program until they attained various mastery criteria. The results confirmed that practicing until mastery improved individual exam scores, group success rates, and long-term retention. Moreover, overlearning provided additional benefits, especially in long-term retention. However, fluencybuilding instructions did not further increase academic achievement or longterm retention. Despite the alleged detrimental effects of drill and practice on motivation, a positive relationship was found between amount of practice and attitudes toward the course, the subject matter, and practice activities.
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The need for tertiary education screening in South Africa has highlighted the role dynamic assessment has to play in this regard, and as no cumulative statistical conclusions can be drawn from single case studies, it was considered timely to do so. In order to address this gap in the field, a meta-analysis was conducted on studies that focused on the efficacy of dynamic assessment interventions within various settings. Fewer research studies dealing with dynamic assessment have been conducted in South Africa as compared to overseas research in the same area. The study served a two-fold purpose: first, to assess the significance of the synthesized effect size from a number of individual studies whose original intention was an investigation of the significance of dynamic assessment interventions; second, to compare two meta-analytic software programs that are freely available online. Small to average effect sizes of 0.3354 and 0.3481 were generated respectively by both programs, with the typical effect size ranging from 0.2–0.8. The method and results of this meta-analysis are discussed along with the limitations inherent in both the programs and we conclude with recommendations for further meta-analytic studies in South Africa within the field of dynamic assessment.
Cognitive load theory provides instructional recommendations based on our knowledge of human cognition. Evolutionary psychology is used to assume that knowledge should be divided into biologically primary information that we have specifically evolved to acquire and biologically secondary information that we have not specifically evolved to acquire. Primary knowledge frequently consists of generic-cognitive skills that are important to human survival and cannot be taught because they are acquired unconsciously while secondary knowledge is usually domain-specific in nature and requires explicit instruction in education and training contexts. Secondary knowledge is first processed by a limited capacity, limited duration working memory before being permanently stored in long-term memory from where unlimited amounts of information can be transferred back to working memory to govern action appropriate for the environment. The theory uses this cognitive architecture to design instructional procedures largely relevant to complex information that requires a reduction in working memory load. Many of those instructional procedures can be most readily used with the assistance of educational technology.
The literature which compared spatial task performance of blind and sighted subjects was analyzed using a meta-analytic approach. Effect sizes were computed for comparisons between early versus late onset visually impaired subjects, early onset versus sighted, late onset versus sighted, and mixed onset versus sighted. The results are based on 47 studies that analyzed the spatial task performance of 1,289 sighted subjects, 691 early onset subjects, 183 late onset, and 657 mixed onset. The early onset group generally showed poorer performance in comparisons with either the late onset or the sighted groups. Comparisons involving the mixed onset group showed inconsistent results. This finding is discussed in light of the need to more exactly specify the variable of age of onset. The findings from this study synthesize the past research efforts in this field. Suggestions for a future research agenda include a shift toward examining within group differences among visually impaired persons.
It's time to leave teachers alone and let them do their jobs, Mr. Carpenter avers. Maybe 10 years of spent silver bullets can suggest some cheaper and simpler ways to make a major impact on schools.
Based on an analysis of over 300 previous studies of early intervention efficacy, this article explains how the steps in the scientific method can be used to organize and draw conclusions from existing research. Although it is concluded that early intervention has positive benefits for most children, it is pointed out that there is little, if any, empirical support for the types of intervention that are most effective. Suggestions for future research are given.
This study employed a meta-analytic technique to compare the academic achievement during a 12-year period of secondary students across a broad latitude of academic areas who were instructed through traditional methodology, traditional methodology supplemented with computer-assisted instruction (CAI), or CAI alone. Moreover, the study compared more recent with earlier research findings. An overall mean effect size of 0.187 was calculated, indicating that, on the average, students receiving traditional instruction supplemented with CAI attained higher academic achievement than did 57.2% of those receiving only traditional instruction. However, a -0.762 correlation between effect size and years indicates that the effect of CAI on academic achievement has declined during this period.
Forty-eight studies on computer based instruction (CBI) in the elementary schools were coded on 45 variables using meta-analytic techniques. Results of the synthesis indicated computer assisted instruction (CAI) raised outcome measures by .45 standard deviation units. This is interpreted to mean that students in CAI treatment groups performed on the 65th percentile of the control group distribution. Results indicated that younger and lower achieving students profit most from exposure to CAI. Drill and practice is most effective in raising student achievement scores. The effects of computer managed instruction are minimal. The computer functions best when the task to be learned is relatively simple paired association.
A meta-analysis was performed to synthesize existing research comparing the effects of hypermedia and traditional instruction en students’ achievement. Thirty-five studies were located from three sources, and their quantitative data were transformed into effect size (ES). The overall grand mean of the study-weighted ES for all 35 studies was 0.48. In addition, 3 of the 17 variables selected for this study (instructor bias, type of research design, and type of delivery system) had a statistically significant impact on the mean ES. The results from this study suggest that the effects of using hypermedia in instruction are positive when compared to the effects of traditional instruction. The results of this study also provide classroom teachers with accumulated research-based evidence for positive outcomes of using technology in instruction.
The present study investigated the effects of individualized instruction on mathematics achievement at the elementary and secondary school levels. The meta-analysis technique developed by Glass was applied to the same sample of studies used by Schoen in his previous voting-method analysis of individualization. The analysis of the 129 effect sizes revealed important trends for the use of self-paced modular instruction in mathematics. This study is also significant in its comparison of the conclusions drawn from a voting-method analysis and Glass’s meta-analysis technique.
To assess research on elementary school- based programs for increasing the educationally-stimulating qualities of the home environment, the learning outcomes from 29 controlled studies, found in standard reference indexes for the period 1970 through 1980, were statistically synthesized and related to 43 characteristics of the studies such as treatment conditions, design features, and types of students. Of 121 comparisons, 109 or 91.1 percent favor treatment over control groups; the median effect size of .50 suggests that the typical program raises treatment students from the 50th to the 69th percentile of the control group distribution, although the mean effect corresponds to the 76th percentile, and the range is from the 21st to the 99th percentiles. The relative sizes of the effects are attributable to study methodologies such as reliability of treatment implementation as well as program features such as length of intervention.
This review used "meta-analytic," or statistical, techniques to integrate findings from 48 independent evaluations of the effectiveness of programmed instruction in secondary schools. The meta-analysis showed that results from programmed instruction were on the average very similar to those from conventional teaching. Programmed instruction did not typically raise student achievement on final examinations; nor did it make students feel more positively about the subjects they were studying or about the quality of the teaching at their schools. The most favorable evaluation findings on programmed instruction came from recent studies and from applications in the social sciences.
The use of college grade point average (GPA) as a predictor of adult achievement has been debated. Prior reviews of this literature have relied on qualitative analysis to determine the usefulness of GPA in predicting future success. Since qualitative reviews are subject to our human information processing limitations, they often fail to provide definitive conclusions. This research uses meta-analytic techniques to review a substantial subset of the published research on this topic. The results generated are mixed. The overall analysis suggests that no relationship exists while subgroup analyses of success in business and success in teaching suggest that significant relationships do exist. Empirical analysis of an additional data set generally supports the finding of the meta-analysis. Three barely significant relationships are found. Based on the relative weakness of these relationships and confidence in the overall meta-analytic results, it is suggested that if a relationship does exist between GPA and job success it is tenuous at best. Since other more significant predictors of success are available, the use of GPA in this capacity is not recommended.
A meta-analytic review of the relationship between control expectancies and academic achievement was conducted for studies published between 1983 and 1994. The purpose of this investigation was to replicate the results from a meta-analysis completed in 1983 and to use Rotter's (1954) social learning theory to generate predictions regarding the relations between generalized and specific control expectancies and academic achievement. Consistent with the results of Findley and Cooper's (1983) analysis, both generalized and specific control expectancies were related to academic achievement, but in no instance did specific control expectancies predict academic achievement better than generalized control expectancies. The control expectancy-academic achievement relation was not moderated by variables such as gender or type of dependent measure. Age moderated the relationship so that it was significant and similar for elementary- and college-aged individuals but significantly greater for secondary school-aged children. The implications of these findings with regard to the validity of assumptions made by Rotter are discussed.
Vita. Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Idaho, 1989. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 54-77).
Proponents of Feuerstein’s Instrumental Enrichment (FIE) claim that the program results in an improvement in school achievement, cognitive ability and classroom behaviour. However, because some outcome studies have produced negative results, a meta-analysis was undertaken to provide a reliable and comprehensive assessment of the efficacy of FIE. A total of 40 controlled studies, comprising 47 different samples, were examined. Significant, though modest, average effect sizes were found in all three areas – achievement, ability, and behaviour – with the most extensive improvement being made in ability. Gains in spatial/perceptual ability were related to the length of the intervention (number of hours), and self-esteem was related to age, with older children showing increases and young children showing decreases. These and other findings are discussed and suggestions made for future research.
This paper seeks to partition achievement variance into an individual level component, and a component related to the school attended by the individual. Through the use of Hierarchical Linear Modelling the paper also sets up a model of effective schools (based on residual scores) as those exceeding expectations given the social background and ability levels of their student intakes. The sample was a cohort of 5,393 students attending 37 schools from throughout New Zealand and the criterion variables were School Certificate marks in English, Mathematics and Science.
Follow Through has been the largest and most expensive federal educational experiment in this country's history. Conceived in 1967 as an extension of Head Start, Follow Through was designed as a service program to improve the schooling of disadvantaged children in the early elementary grades. Before it was under way, however, an expected 120millionappropriationwasslashedtoonly120 million appropriation was slashed to only 15 milion for the first year. A decision was then made by the U.S. Office of Education to convert the program into a planned variation experiment, which systematically would compare pupils enrolled in different models of early childhood education— the Follow Through models—to each other and to pupils from non-Follow Through classes.
This study examined the impact of retention at kindergarten on academic achievement and behavior. Subjects were 53 children, retained at kin dergarten, who were matched to a group of 53 promoted peers on demo graphic characteristics, a measure of school readiness, and preacademic achievement in reading and mathematics. The data were analyzed using both same-age and same-grade comparisons. Results indicated an academic advantage of the retained children during their second year in kindergarten. This advantage was not maintained past kindergarten. Although retained children demonstrated a decline in attention problems during their second year of kindergarten, they continued to perform below the norm for their school districts on academic achievement. The data in this report do not suggest that retention is an effective policy for the young at-risk child.
This investigation contrasts two review lessons of two secondary mathematics student teachers with those of their high school cooperating teachers. The data included lesson descriptions constructed from field observations and audiotapes, pre- and post-lesson interviews, and planning materials. Differences between the review lessons were analyzed by interpreting teaching as a complex cognitive skill and as improvisational performance. Despite extensive preparation, the novices' review lessons were less comprehensive than those of the experts, and their explanations were less conceptual. The experts more skillfully improvised activities and explanations around student questions and comments. These differences are explained by the assumption that novices' cognitive schemata for content and pedagogy are less elaborated, interconnected, and accessible than those of the experts.
Previous reviews of literature of Locke's model of goal setting have noted the percentage of confirming studies but have ignored questions of effect size and practical significance. A meta-analysis of the literature was performed. The results support the two central themes of Locke's model: that hard goals lead to better performance than easy goals and that specific goals are superior to "do best" or no goals. However, several variables are found to moderate the strength of these relationships, for example, participative vs. assigned goal setting. The implications of the results for motivational theory and industrial applications are discussed.
This meta-analysis summarizes research studies of evaluations of a technology-based curriculum of the Lightspan Partnership. The curriculum presents for elementary schools multimedia reading, language arts, and mathematics content on CD disks that utilize personal and video-game computers. The game-like curriculum is appropriate for home or school use. The 10 studies included in this research synthesis had (a) experimental and control groups, (b) 2,760 students with complete testing information, and (c) varying demographic attributes. There were significant effects for the program in several domains of curriculum.
This study was based on evidence from Bradley and Bryant (1983) and Ehri and Wilce (1987) that instruction in isolating sounds in words (segmenting) and representing these sounds with letters (spelling) would have a beneficial effect on beginning reading. Subjects (N = 22) in "whole language" first-grade classrooms were given supplemental training involving two 20-minute periods a week for 6½ months. Experimental subjects were trained to segment and spell phonetically regular words, while controls were trained to read letters, words, and text. Both groups used computers for a portion of the training. Trained subjects made significant gains and were better than controls by posttest in measures of reading nonsense words, real words, and oral passages, but not of silent comprehension. They also had an advantage in segmenting and spelling, suggesting a causal relationship between training and reading. Results suggest an advantage in the blending or "cipher" strategy, in contrast to Ehri and Wilce's findings that trained kindergarten children used a "phonetic-cue" strategy. /// [French] Cette recherche est partie des résultats de Bradley et Bryant (1983) et de Ehri et Wilce (1987) suivant lesquels enseigner à isoler des sons dans des mots (segmenter) et à représenter ces sons par des lettres (écriture) aurait un effet positif en début d'apprentissage de la lecture. On a effectué un entraînement supplémentaire comportant deux périodes de 20 minutes par semaine pendant 6 mois et demi à des sujets (N = 22) scolarisés dans des classes de 1° année de "Langage Intégré." On a entrainé les sujets expérimentaux à segmenter et à écrire phonétiquement des mots réguliers, tandis qu'on entraînait les sujets contrôles à lire lettres, mots et texte. Les deux groupes ont utilisé des ordinateurs pour une partie de l'entraînement. Les sujets entrainés ont obtenu des gains significatifs et se sont révélés meilleurs que les contrôles au post-test en lecture de mots sans signification, de vrais mots, en lecture orale de passages, mais pas en compréhension silencieuse. Ils ont également l'avantage en segmentation et en écriture, ce qui suggère une relation causale entre entraînement et lecture. Les résultats suggèrent un avantage dans les stratégies de fusion et le décodage, ce qui s'oppose à la stratégie par "indices phonétiques" des enfants entrainés par Ehri et Wilce. /// [Spanish] Este estudio se basó en evidencia aportada por Bradley y Bryant (1983) y Ehri y Wilce (1987) sobre el hecho de que el entrenamiento en aislar sonidos en palabras (segmentación) y representar esos sonidos con letras (escritura) tendría un efecto beneficioso en lectores principiantes. Los sujetos (N = 22), en cursos de ler grado con el enfoque "lenguaje integral" (whole language) recibieron entrenamiento adicional que implicó dos períodos de 20 minutos por semana durante 6½ meses. Los sujetos experimentales fueron entrenados para segmentar y escribir palabras fonéticamente regulares, los controles fueron entrenados en la lectura de letras, palabras y textos. Ambos grupos usaron computadoras para una parte del entrenamiento. Los sujetos entrenados obtuvieron logros significativos y fueron mejores que los controles en medidas de lectura de pseudopalabras, palabras reales y pasajes orales, pero no en comprensión en lectura silenciosa. Tambien mostraron una ventaja en segmentación y escritura, lo que sugiere una relación causal entre entrenamiento y lectura. Los resultados sugieren una ventaja en la estrategia de síntesis de fonemas o "descifrado," en contraste con Ehri y Wilce que hallaron que niños de preescolar entrenados usaban una estrategia de "pistas fonéticas." /// [German] Die studie basiert auf den Ergebnissen von Bradley und Bryant (1983) und Ehri und Wilce (1987), daß das Erlemen von Lautsegmentierungen in Wörtern und die Repräsentation dieser Laute durch Buchstaben einen positiven Effekt auf den Lesebeginn haben. 22 Untersuchungspersonen aus der ersten Klasse mit umfassendem Sprachprogramm erhielten zusätzliche Lernhilfen von 2 mal 20 Minuten über 6½ Monate. Es wurde ihnen beigebracht, phonetisch regelmäßige Wörter zu segmentieren und zu buchstabieren, während eine Vergleichsgruppe das Lesen von Buchstaben, Wörtem und Texten übte. Beide Gruppen benutzten Computer während eines Teils der Übungen. Trainierte Übungspersonen machten signifikante Fortschritte und übertrafen die Vergleichsgruppe in Nachtests darin, sinnlose und sinnvolle Wörter zu lesen und mündliche Passagen zu begreifen, nicht aber im stillen Verstehen. Sie hatten ebenfalls Vorteile beim Segmentieren und Buchstabieren, was ein Kausalverhältnis von Training und Lesen nahelegt. Die Ergebnisse deuten auf einen Vorteil beim Kombinieren bzw. der 'Entzifferungsstrategie' hin, im Gegensatz zu der Auffassung von Ehri und Wilce, daß Kindergartenkinder eine 'phonetische' Entschlüsselungsstrategie verfolgen.
Results of 120 research studies were combined by meta-analysis to determine effects on mathematics test performance of factors other than knowledge of content. Effect sizes for 18 variables were derived by the method invented by Glass and tested for consistency and significance with inferential statistics provided by Hedges and Olkin. Conditions that enhanced performance included testwiseness training, praise, word-problem pictures, and frequent testing. Conditions that depressed performance included the use of "none of these" as a multiple-choice option and the presence of extraneous information in word problems. Conditions to which performance seemed insensitive included external reward, reproof, and placement of the question in word problems.