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Murky Waters: Environmental Effects of Aquaculture in the United States

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... Sin embargo, estos esfuerzos no eliminan la problemática mencionada, ni exentan de otros problemas a la industria; el impacto ambiental que su crecimiento ha provocado ha llamado la atención de diversos investigadores (Goldburg y Triplett, 1997;Páez-Osuna, et al 1998;Deb, 1998;Naylor et al, 2000;Páez-Osuna, 2001; entre otros), y en cierta medida estos cuestionamientos también tienen que ver con temas sociales y económicos en las comunidades en donde se asientan estos sistemas de producción (Bailey, 1988;Primavera, 1997; Paul y Vogl, 2011; entre otros); es decir, la sostenibilidad de la industria en su sentido más amplio debe ser exhaustivamente revisada y tomarse medidas al respecto. ...
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La acuicultura en México es una industria de alto crecimiento, en particular, la camaronicultura junto con el cultivo de tilapia son las de mayor desarrollo en nuestro país durante los últimos años, y en el caso específico del cultivo de camarón se ha convertido en la industria de mayor valor en el mercado, esto en buena medida porque la demanda de camarón mundial sigue creciendo. La industria del cultivo de camarón ha tenido diversos problemas que han afectado la producción. Las enfermedades y un mercado variable han sido causas importantes, pero también es una industria que ha recibido severas críticas en cuanto a la responsabilidad ambiental, y muchas de ellas debidamente fundamentadas. Hacer más eficiente la producción a la vez que se reduce el impacto ambiental solo es posible lograrlo a través de la innovación. Innovar debe ser la palabra que no puede faltar en cualquier proyecto, lo cual aún no es muy común. Es por esta razón, que el estudio de caso aquí presentado es particularmente relevante, tratándose de una pequeña empresa familiar, que, con pocos recursos económicos, pero con ideas disruptivas y un buen respaldo científico lograron un modelo de producción hiperintensivo de camarón altamente eficiente, pero además amigable con el ambiente, una combinación poco común. Una estrategia de uso de probióticos y un ambiente multitrófico con el fin de mejorar la calidad del agua y como fuente alternativa de proteína, sumado a un concepto de ingeniería con estanques circulares altamente manejables, son las innovaciones que han permitido a esta empresa su éxito. Sin duda, la apuesta por la innovación rinde frutos, esta empresa lo demuestra, y nos obliga a voltear a ver nuevos modelos, nuevas formas de hacer acuicultura en beneficio de las empresas, pero también del propio ambiente.
... Fish diversity structure changed by aquafarming activities (Jalal et al., 2018). Aquaculture may be reason of public anxiety on its influences to the aquatic environment whatever aquaculture practices are not compatible to the existence of aquatic diversity (Goldburg & Triplett, 1997). According to Diana (2009) probable threats of aquaculture to biodiversity together with evasion of aquatic crops and their efficient jeopardy as invasive species, the relationships among tributary, eutrophication of water body and changes in the fauna or and use of artificial hormones and manmade antibiotic which perform impression to the aquatic species towards aquaculture facilities. ...
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The aim of the present review is based on fish diversity status in the historical Pahang River, Pahang, Malaysia to represent the status of fish composition and its investigation with IUCN status for future monitoring and conservation purposes to the critical fish species. Secondary data were collected from published articles, reviews, field visits, GIS mapping, and books. A total of 259 fish species belonging 19 orders, 50 families, and 146 genera were recorded from the Pahang River waters. Fish from the order Cypriniformes belongings to the family Cyprinidae was documented the most dominant fish group as highest number of species (87 species) followed by the family Siluridae (18 species), Bagridae (16 species), Cobitidae (16 species), Osphronemidae (12 species) and Balitoridae (10 species). Available fishery resources need to be managed carefully as 9 commercial fish species (28.8%) are currently vulnerable and may be extinct in near future. Furthermore, the presence of 14 introduced fish species in the Pahang River waters also requires attention from the respective authorities due to the potential disruption to balance of aquatic systems and ecological circles. Changing land use issues in the Pahang River such as siltation, watershed destruction, rainforest degradation, conversion of wetlands to agricultural and industrial development, land reclamation, mining and logging, construction of barrages and flood mitigation channels. In addition, unstable climatic pattern such as seasonal vast flooding and irregular disturbance by human, illegal and destructive fishing, environmental imbalanced through poisons and pollutants would be significant challenges to the fish diversity management in the historical Pahang River. This study implies to biomonitoring in the Pahang River to ensure sustainable management to aquatic fauna for further studies and development. Thus, effective and necessary mitigation steps should be proposed to protect our valuable bioresources from the Pahang River.
... According to statistics, 85 % of aquatic diseases are directly caused by the deterioration of water quality. Besides, dissolved oxygen in water is an important factor that affects the aquatic animal's food intake and food digestion, and absorption rate, as well as the growth rate and feed factor [11,28]. The quality of water directly affects the economic benefits of aquaculture. ...
With the development of high-density and intensive aquaculture production and the increasing frequency of water quality changes in aquaculture water bodies, the number of pollution sources in aquaculture ponds is also increasing. As the water quality of aquaculture ponds is a crucial factor affecting the production and quality of pond aquaculture products, water quality assessment and management are more important than in the past. Water quality analysis is a crucial way to evaluate the water quality of fish farming water bodies. Traditional water quality analysis is usually obtained by practitioners through experience and visual observation. There is an observability deviation caused by subjectivity. Deep transfer learning-based water quality monitoring system is easier to deploy and can avoid unnecessary duplication of efforts to save costs for aquaculture industry. This paper uses the transfer learning model of artificial intelligence to analyze the water color image automatically. 5203 water quality images are collected to create a water quality image dataset, which contains five classes based on water color. Based on the dataset, a deep transfer learning-based classification model is proposed to identify water quality images. The experimental results show that the deep learning model based on transfer learning achieves 99% accuracy and has excellent performance.
... According to statistics, 85 % of aquatic diseases are directly caused by the deterioration of water quality. Besides, dissolved oxygen in water is an important factor that affects the aquatic animal's food intake and food digestion, and absorption rate, as well as the growth rate and feed factor [11,28]. The quality of water directly affects the economic benefits of aquaculture. ...
Previous studies are mainly focused on the works that depth image is treated as flat image, and then depth data tends to be mapped as gray values during the convolution processing and features extraction. To address this issue, an approach of 3D CNN hand pose estimation with end-to-end hierarchical model and physical constraints is proposed. After reconstruction of 3D space structure of hand from depth image, 3D model is converted into voxel grid for further hand pose estimation by 3D CNN. The 3D CNN method makes improvements by embedding end-to-end hierarchical model and constraints algorithm into the networks, resulting to train at fast convergence rate and avoid unrealistic hand pose. According to the experimental results, it reaches 87.98% of mean accuracy and 8.82 mm of mean absolute error (MAE) for all 21 joints within 24 ms at the inference time, which consistently outperforms several well-known gesture recognition algorithms.
... According to statistics, 85 % of aquatic diseases are directly caused by the deterioration of water quality. Besides, dissolved oxygen in water is an important factor that affects the aquatic animal's food intake and food digestion, and absorption rate, as well as the growth rate and feed factor [11,28]. The quality of water directly affects the economic benefits of aquaculture. ...
The paper presents the method of integration, which is supposed to be applied to the structure of the railway infrastructure topological description system expressed at the level of detail designated as microL2 in order to transform it into the structure expressed at the level of detail designated as macroN0,L0 . The microL2 level is the level of detail at which individual tracks in the structural sense and turnout branches are recognized, while the macroN0,L0 level is the level of individual operational points and line sections. The proposed integration algorithm takes into account both the parameter values of the individual elements appearing at the reference level of detail microL2 and their topological interconnectedness. Based on these aspects, these elements are integrated into the elements of the derived level of detail macroN0,L0 that can be described by the transformed parameter values. The relations between the respective elements are also transformed accordingly. While describing the transformation algorithm, the terminology and principles of the UIC RailTopoModel are used.
... Fish by-products, by-products from vertebrates, and a range of vegetable matter were used as replacement sources of protein in tilapia meals, amounting to 25-28%. (Dong et al., 1993;Chamberlain, 1993;Goldburg and Triplett, 1997). Unfortunately, it is no longer feasible economically or environmentally to provide this traditional protein source, even for the constantly expanding fish farming industry. ...
... To avoid fish mortality, large volumes of freshwater are used for diluting the pollutants. This approach is becoming non-viable due to the fast depleting reserves of freshwater, necessitating the development of rapid, efficient, economic and eco-friendly aquaculture wastewater treatment processes (Goldburg and Triplett 1997;Porrello et al. 2003). Yet another contaminant released into the wastewater from aquaculture practice is phosphate (Piedrahita 2003), which must be removed simultaneously. ...
Freshwater scarcity is a global problem that pertains to the ever-increasing population, contamination of freshwater by wastewater generated from different anthropogenic sources as well as misuse of freshwater for secondary (non-potable) applications. Later two issues could be addressed through the appropriate implementation of Microbial Technology in an eco-friendly way. The application will involve proper selection of the wastewater sources (for microbial isolation), their pollutant identification, selection of tailor made bacterial consortium/ isolates for treatment of the wastewater and converting the waste into reusable by-product. This is the current trend used for pilot scale wastewater treatment using biofilm bioreactors. This article talks about the few successful case studies implemented for different types of wastewater treatment (municipal/Agricultural runoff, petrochemical, tannery/mining industry and milk processing plant wastewater) in biofilm reactors that could run for years after being installed in the pilot scale. The processes are faster, sludge free and, in most cases, ensure complete reuse of treated water, hence preventing wastage of freshwater for non-potable applications. Biofilm based system makes them resistant to external perturbation, stable with enhanced efficiency. Through this approach, eco-friendly processes of wastewater treatment could be made self-sustainable.
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Drought, as a climatic disaster is one of the most vulnerable and slowest destroyers which effects on the economy and society on this disaster risk areas. It is also one of the most vulnerable climatic long- term and effective disasters in the western part of West Bengal, The physiographic features, such as the plateau region and western ‘Rarh’ of Bengal faces the maximum temperature and minimum rainfall than the other part of West Bengal. In this aspect drought cases are frequently occurred in those regions and fall impact severally on the livelihood activities of the local dwellers. The several occurrences of drought in Gangetic West Bengal over the last 70 years highlight the reducing agricultural area with the production which is one of the main issue in the ‘Rarh’ Bengal and the western plateau region of the state including Bankura District. The present study signifies the issue with specific objectives using mainly secondary databases and descriptive statistics with the special emphasis on GIS maps to show the affectivity of drought on agriculture in the present changing situation of climate. The techniques of measurement of Overall Yield Index (Shafi, 1972) have been used to show the condition of productivity of crops in the drought prone areas which results into the condition that in the Community Development Blocks named Chhatna, Ranibandh, Hirbandh where the drought is the most destrouous, production condition of crops are low to moderately high. Besides, measures of mean, standard deviation ultimately show that the mean of 12 months annual rainfall is 111.1667 and standard deviation is 374.3343 and averagely mean of principal crop production is 8.9551 and standard deviation is 4.7784. Finally the study is concluded with mentioning overall impacts and future prospects of the resultant conditions due to the sever impact of draught on the agriculture of Bankura District.
World aquaculture status and outlook
  • I Csavas
Csavas, I. 1994. World aquaculture status and outlook. INFOFISH International 5/94:47-54.
Negative impacts of coastal aquaculture development National Research Council (U.S.). 1992. Marine aquaculture: opportunities for growth
  • L Landesman
Landesman, L. 1994. Negative impacts of coastal aquaculture development. World Aquaculture 25(2):12-17. National Research Council (U.S.). 1992. Marine aquaculture: opportunities for growth. Report of the Committee on Assessment of Technology and Opportunities for Marine Aquaculture in the United States, Marine Board, Commission on Engineering and Technical Systems, National Research Council. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 290 pp.