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A Multi-Modal Incompleteness Ontology model (MMIO) to enhance
information fusion for image retrieval
Stefan Poslad
, Kraisak Kesorn
Computer Science and Information Technology Department, Science Faculty, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok 65000, Thailand
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London, London E1 4NS, United Kingdom
article info
Article history:
Received 7 October 2013
Received in revised form 3 February 2014
Accepted 20 February 2014
Available online 7 March 2014
Multi-Modal Ontology
Knowledge base
Incomplete Ontology
Visual and textual information fusion
A significant effort by researchers has advanced the ability of computers to understand, index and anno-
tate images. This entails automatic domain specific knowledge-base (KB) construction and metadata
extraction from visual information and any associated textual information. However, it is challenging
to fuse visual and textual information and build a complete domain-specific KB for image annotation
due to several factors such as: the ambiguity of natural language to describe image features; the semantic
gap when using image features to represent visual content and the incompleteness of the metadata in the
KB. Typically the KB is based upon a domain specific Ontology. However, it is not an easy task to extract
the data needed from annotations and images, and then to automatically process these and transform
them into an integrated Ontology model, because of the ambiguity of terms and because of image pro-
cessing algorithm errors. As such, it is difficult to construct a complete KB covering a specific domain
of knowledge. This paper presents a Multi-Modal Incompleteness Ontology-based (MMIO) system for
image retrieval based upon fusing two derived indices. The first index exploits low-level features
extracted from images. A novel technique is proposed to represent the semantics of visual content, by
restructuring visual word vectors into an Ontology model by computing the distance between the visual
word features and concept features, the so called concept range. The second index relies on a textual
description which is processed to extract and recognise the concepts, properties, or instances that are
defined in an Ontology. The two indexes are fused into a single indexing model, which is used to enhance
the image retrieval efficiency. Nonetheless, this rich index may not be sufficient to find the desired
images. Therefore, a Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) algorithm is exploited to search for similar words
to those used in a query. As a result, it is possible to retrieve images with a query using (similar) words
that do not appear in the caption. The efficiency of the KB is validated experimentally with respect to
three criteria, correctness, multimodality, and robustness. The results show that the multi-modal meta-
data in the proposed KB could be utilised efficiently. An additional experiment demonstrates that LSI can
handle an incomplete KB effectively. Using LSI, the system can still retrieve relevant images when infor-
mation in the Ontology is missing, leading to an enhanced retrieval performance.
Ó2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Problem statement
The main benefit of using knowledge representation models for
Image Retrieval System (IMR), is that they are able to reduce the
semantic gap, the gap between the user perception and the low-level
feature abstraction from the visual content, providing relations be-
tween these low-level and high-level concepts can be identified,
enhancing concept-based retrieval. Typically an Ontology model
is used for knowledge representation, which represents physical
things in this world using a hierarchical model expressed in the
form of classes and relationships to support human decision-mak-
ing, learning, reasoning and explanation.
An Ontology provides a useful way for formalising the seman-
tics of the represented information. In principle, an Ontology can
actually be the semantic representation for an information system
in a concrete and useful manner [1]. Ontologies are used by an IMR
for reducing the semantic gap by storing the knowledge structures
for summarising, discovering, classifying, browsing, retrieving and
annotating images. Ontology-based frameworks are proposed for
IMR in numerous collections. Ontologies for manual image annota-
tion and semantic retrieval for collections of animal pictures have
1566-2535/Ó2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +66 55 963267.
E-mail addresses: (S. Poslad),
(K. Kesorn).
Information Fusion 20 (2014) 225–241
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been presented in [2]. An Ontology for considering art images has
been presented in [3].In[4], Ontologies also have been applied
successfully for handling museum collections. These frameworks
have validated the hypothesis that Ontologies can help to improve
information retrieval effectiveness by making it possible to find
semantically similar documents.
Gasevic et al. [5] has summarised the benefits of using Ontolo-
gies in IR and IMR systems as follows. Firstly, the Ontology struc-
ture can be exploited to measure the semantic similarity. For
example, the term list (‘‘Michael Phelps’’, ‘‘Swimming’’, ‘‘Gold me-
dal’’) has no syntactic similarity to the term list (‘‘London’’, ‘‘2012’’)
although the two lists are semantically relevant. This is because
Michael Phelps was the Swimming (Gold medal) winner at the
London 2012 Olympic Games. The similarity can be obtained using
the relationship between concepts, e.g., Michael Phelps-<is_cham-
pion_of>-Free_style_swimming-<participate_in>-London 2012. Sec-
ondly, semantic annotations that may not be explicitly mentioned
in a caption can be identified using knowledge stored in an Ontol-
ogy. For example, if many entities, locations and athletes related to
the London 2012 Olympic Games appear in a text caption, and also
the time context is London 2012, the annotation system can infer
that the London 2012 Olympic Games itself is relevant to an image.
Hence, this could be added to the semantic annotation although
the text caption does not explicitly contain the time context ‘‘Lon-
don 2012’’. Ontologies may also be used to enable query expansion
[6,7] but this will not be described in detail here. These are some of
the potential uses of Ontologies in IMR.
Existing work on IMR tends to be based upon only single-
modality information, either textual information or visual features.
Consequently, such work suffers from several limitations. For
example, an IMR system is not able to describe the high-level
semantics of images, based only on any distinctive low-level visual
features when text descriptions of images are not supplied, be-
cause the extracted visual features themselves cannot be used to
represent the content of images effectively. Text and image are
two different modalities that can be fused to represent ‘things’
more completely. However, there are some invariant and implicit
connections between them that complicates the information fu-
sion of the two [8]. Often, the textual information surrounding
images includes descriptions of images generated by humans.
These image captions should not be disregarded, as they can aid
image interpretation. Nonetheless, exploiting only text informa-
tion for visual content interpretation can suffer from the ambiguity
of the text descriptions used because they are written using natu-
ral language, which may be ambiguous and imprecise. As such,
using single-modality information is not adequate to enhance the
interpretation power for IMR. Multimodality information should
be utilised to facilitate image interpretation, classification and
Fusing text and image features has been proposed by several
researchers in order to improve the image search results [9–15].
These approaches focus on improving the retrieval performance
in order to get more accurate results. However, there are some
challenges in integrating visual and textual metadata in a knowl-
edge base for IMR. Firstly, the KB model should be designed to
interlink both visual and textual metadata together, in order to
facilitate the image classification and retrieval performance.
Secondly, automatic KB construction and metadata extraction from
text captions are very challenging tasks from which to build a com-
plete KB due to several factors:
(1) Those text captions may be ambiguous because they are
written using natural language.
(2) Standard Ontology languages such as the W3C Resource
Description Framework (RDF) or Web Ontology Language
(OWL) cannot directly represent some semantic aspects,
e.g. uncertainty and gradual truth, value) because the latter
hard-wires a specific logic, description logic, into the Ontol-
ogy representation.
These are the reasons why a complete Ontology cannot be built
even when the system processes a large training set in order to ac-
quire the metadata to populate the KB model. In this paper, Ontol-
ogy incompleteness refers to an absence of some semantic
metadata and also to relationships between concepts that cannot
be represented in an Ontology. The KB may be incomplete, result-
ing in the failure of finding relevant information of the retrieval
mechanism. Image retrieval systems operating solely on informa-
tion in the KB, sometimes, are less effective than systems that
use information directly from text captions. This is because of
the inadequate coverage of annotations by a KB [16]. As such,
IMR should be able to deal with information incompleteness in
the KB.
These limitations drive the research objectives described in the
following sections. Solutions to these problems are vital to achieve
a good quality knowledge-base for use by an image retrieval sys-
tem and are, as such, the main focus in this paper.
2. State of the art
The current survey focuses on a discussion of Ontology-based
frameworks for IMR that use a shared or a standard encoding,
i.e., MPEG-7.
2.1. Ontology-based frameworks for IMR
Numerous techniques have been introduced to resolve the
semantic gap problem in the past decade. Early IMR approaches
were based on low-level features which fail to capture the under-
lying conceptual associations in images. Since visual data cannot
be used in its original form, it needs to be analysed and trans-
formed into a format which can be used by Knowledge Manage-
ment (KM) systems. Typically, knowledge is extracted by image
processing algorithms and transformed into metadata. This meta-
data describes the content, context and visual features of an image
document, which are manipulated and processed by standard
information retrieval methods. Image data contains large numbers
of unstructured and dynamic visual features. How to establish a
good knowledge representation model to represent visual content
is very important for IMR [9–13]. In part through the emergence of
the Semantic Web [17], an Ontology model has become common to
represent visual content, enabling an IMR system to perform
semantic retrieval.
Tansley [18] proposed a method to bridge the semantic gap
using Web images and their surrounding text, file name and alter-
ative tags. Using the WordNet Thesaurus [19], the system can solve
the NL vagueness problem of text captions. Unfortunately, this
framework exploits only textual information and supports only
text-based queries. Schreiber et al. [2] presented a method to index
and search image collections using Ontologies. The system uses the
terminology from WordNet for annotations. The main limitation of
this framework is that the knowledge-base is designed as a closed
KB, because if a query concept is outside the scope of KB, the sys-
tem cannot find any relevant images for users. Dasiopoulou et al.
[17] presented a framework comprising two main modules, a
semantic analysis module and a retrieval module. The domain
Ontology provides the conceptualisation and vocabulary for struc-
turing content annotations. The analysis module is used to guide
the analysis process and to support the detection of certain con-
cepts defined in a domain Ontology using low-level features. The
system exploits the low-level features of an image and matches
226 S. Poslad, K. Kesorn / Information Fusion 20 (2014) 225–241
the extracted low-level features to a higher level conceptualisation.
Thus, the system is able to interpret the image content without
using text descriptions. However, for the case where some objects
needed for interpretation are absent, this leads to a failure to anno-
tate the image. Wang and Ma [20] introduced m-PCNN, a multi-
channel Pulse Coupled Neural Network, for medical data fusion
to diagnose diseases. Similar to work in [21,22],m-PCNN at-
tempted to integrate the information from two or more images
into a single one to improve image analysis for molecular biology
and medical image analysis. However, these methods rely only
on visual data. Thus, the efficiency of image analysis can decrease
when objects are viewed using different camera angles, rotations
and sizes. Kesorn et al. [23,24] proposed a method to utilise local
low-level features, e.g., Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)
descriptors, to represent visual content in order to aid image inter-
pretation. However, the main drawback of this technique is the
computation cost in order to analyse images in the collection.
The interpretation processes performed are based upon vector
space model and cannot describe visual content as explicitly as a
hierarchical (knowledge-based) model that models conceptual
structures and relationships. In addition, the framework exploits
only single modality information (visual features) for image inter-
pretation. As a result, the framework can support only a visual-
based query and fails to find relevant images using a text-based
Multimodality information fusion for image retrieval is emerg-
ing as a new and promising research area in recent years. It aims
to integrate multi-modal information, e.g., text and visual
features, to obtain more accurate retrieval results. The fusion be-
tween textual information and image features has been proposed
to improve the image search results, for example [9–13]. These
approaches only focus on improving the retrieval performance
to get more accurate results. However, they ignore the Ontology
coverage (completeness) problem. Wang et al. [14] supported
multi-modal, text and visual information, in the canine domain.
A binary histogram is used to represent each of the image fea-
tures. It is transformed into an Ontology model using a hierarchi-
cal Support Vector Machines (SVM) classification [25,26] and
incorporates a textual description Ontology. The proposed meth-
od is able to increase classification accuracy and retrieval perfor-
mance. Khalid et al. [15] proposed a multimodality ontology
framework for the sport domain. Textual descriptions and any
surrounding text are extracted and are then manually mapped
to concepts in a domain knowledge base. For visual content,
low-level features, e.g., colour layout, dominant colour and edge
histogram descriptors, are extracted. These visual features are
then classified into categories using a SVM classification tech-
nique and a framework called the Label Me Annotation Toolbox
[27]. Global features, e.g., colour and edge information, cannot
represent the semantics of images effectively. For example, the
same images have a different brightness, size, and camera angle.
This is a well-recognised problem, the so called visual heteroge-
neity problem, for researchers in the image-processing area. The
work most similar to our idea is the work of Chen et al. [28]
who bridge the semantic gap by integrating text and visual fea-
tures. Their main research motivation is that the lack of feature
integration can increase the semantic gap in CBIR. Their frame-
work deploys global low-level features, e.g. colour, shape, texture
and edge, to construct a visual thesaurus which can infer the vi-
sual meaning behind a textual query. Their experiments show
that the proposed method significantly improves retrieval perfor-
mance and can understand user intention. The main drawback of
this method is that global features are not reliably transformed
under changing image illumination, rotation, and size. Thus, local
features, i.e., SIFT descriptors, are investigated and used to solve
this problem.
From the analysis of the existing solutions, some limitations
still exist as follows:
They lack support for alternative searching mechanisms when
one fails to find relevant data in the knowledge based model.
These frameworks only rely on the information contained in
the Ontology model, regardless of the issue that an Ontology
model can rarely be built to cover all information in a domain
of knowledge. They ignore the incomplete Ontology problem
or the Ontology evolution or maintenance problem.
They are unable to handle visual heterogeneity. For instance,
when the surveyed systems map lower-level features onto a
higher level object conceptualisation, an extracted feature
may possibly belong to multiple concepts of objects leading to
visual heterogeneity (one visual appearance has multiple mean-
ings). Therefore, an image representation model should support
this requirement.
2.2. MPEG-7 versus Ontology-based systems
MPEG-7 is a standard specification for describing multimedia
documents. The goal of MPEG-7 is to enable advanced searching,
indexing, filtering, and access of multimedia by enabling interoper-
ability among devices and applications that deal with multimedia
descriptors [29]. The scope of the MPEG-7 standard is to define the
syntax and the semantics used to create multimedia descriptions.
MPEG-7 specifies four types of normative elements: Descriptors,
Description Schemes (DSs), Description Definition Languages
(DDLs), and coding schemes. These elements are used to represent
multimedia information, e.g. low-level features such as colour,
shape, motion, and audio as well as high-level features such as
the title or the author’s name. MPEG-7 defines the syntax of
descriptors and description schemes using a DDL as an extension
of the XML Schema language. Although, MPEG-7 has become a
standard for multimedia search and retrieval, the MPEG-7 struc-
ture is not a preferred choice for the KB in this paper for several
First, syntactic interoperability although Semantic Web as pro-
posed by World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an important
framework for developing Internet-based information systems,
the combination of the use of Semantic Web and MPEG-7 can
cause a lack of syntactic interoperability [30]. This is because dif-
ferent languages are used, e.g. XML, MPEG-7 Description Definition
Language (DDL), Resource Description Framework (RDF), RDF
Schema (RDFS) and the Web Ontology Language (OWL). However,
because MPEG-7 DDL merely adopts an XML Schema, i.e., it repre-
sents structure in the form of schema by defining syntactic ele-
ments. However, the MPEG-7 DDL lacks particular media-based
data types. Unlike RDF Schema or Ontology-based modelling, the
MPEG-7 DDL lacks support for the definition of semantic relations,
e.g. Beckham-plays-football. Combining a language syntax with a
schemata semantics for MPEG-7 is still an open issue.
Second, semantic interoperability MPEG-7 DDL design is based
upon XML Schema rather than upon RDF Schema. As a syntax-ori-
ented language, MPEG-7 DDL provides weak or light-weight
semantic support, supporting only named attributes and unnamed
hierarchical relationships [30]. Therefore, this DDL cannot facilitate
reasoning services efficiently, especially in subsumption-based
reasoning on concept and relationship hierarchies. Note that
extensions to XML such as RDF, RDF-S and OWL can offer richer
support for semantics and reasoning, whilst also taking advantage
of the use of the underlying XML serialisation as a standard data
exchange format.
Third, no formal semantics are provided MPEG-7 is an XML-based
schema that expresses syntax level aspects. No formal semantics
are provided so that applications can interpret the meaning of
S. Poslad, K. Kesorn / Information Fusion 20 (2014) 225–241 227
image descriptions [31]. Finally, the goal of MPEG-7 in this seman-
tics and interoperability context is still questionable. One needs to
question if its objective is to be an exchange format or if it is a
machine understandable document that can be processed for mul-
timedia descriptions. In contrast to MPEG-7, Knowledge-based
models built using Ontologies are a very widespread R&D topic,
not only in AI, but also in other disciplines of computing. An Ontol-
ogy-based KB provides a number of useful features for knowledge
representation in general. This paper summarises the most impor-
tant of these features based on the surveys from [32–36].
First, vocabulary, an Ontology provides the names for referring
to concepts or notions of a domain of interest. Ontologies provide
logical statements that describe not only what the concepts are, but
also how they can be related to each other. It is not only the vocab-
ulary that quantifies an Ontology, but the conceptualisations that
the concepts in the vocabulary are intended to capture [35].In
addition, Ontologies are usually designed to specify concepts with
unambiguous meanings, with semantics that are independent of
readers and any context.
Second, taxonomy ataxonomy is a hierarchical categorisation or
entity classification with class/subclass relations [5]. When the
taxonomy is used together with the vocabulary of an Ontology,
they provide a conceptual framework for analysis, discussion, and
information retrieval in a domain.
Third, knowledge sharing and reuse the main objectives of Ontol-
ogies are knowledge sharing and knowledge reuse by applications
[5]. This is because Ontologies provide a consensual narration of
the concepts and relationships in the domain and this information
can be shared and reused among applications.
Hence, an, Ontology-based KB is the preferred choice for storing
multimodality information in this research. In the next section, our
Ontology design to overcome the limitations of current state of the
art methods, is introduced.
3. Method
3.1. Knowledge-based design for information fusion
Knowledge representation process starts with Ontology design
and modelling. As such, it relies on a common understanding of
how humans understand, acquire and represent knowledge. In or-
der to manage facts and ideas, humans usually transform their
knowledge into a structured model: Similar things are grouped to-
gether regarding certain common properties or characteristics,
which define an abstraction that is used to describe that whole
group. That is called a Concept. An Ontology is composed of con-
cepts and their relationships. To produce a formal Ontology, an
Ontology representation language is selected in order to formalise
an Ontology conceptualisation and produce a hierarchy of concepts
(organisation of concepts into ‘‘subclass_of’’ relations). The process
of conceptualisation of a domain has four main phases: define the
concept taxonomy, define a set of relations connected among con-
cepts, define the constraints for the values in a relation and define
axioms on the relations and concepts. Typically, a knowledge mod-
el that is created requires a subsequent refinement process in order
to validate and rectify it. This process is repeated until the system
has achieved the desired level of performance.
In this research, a knowledge-base for Sport is constructed. The
structures and relationships for the sports-domain Ontology are
specified based upon the structure of sports information used by
the Olympic organisation website. Although there are several
sports genres in the Olympic Games, this research focuses only
on the 20 genres for Athletics sports as this is sufficient to bring
a number of challenges to the proposed system. First, the visual
appearance of events for different types of athletics is quite similar.
It is very challenging for a system to categorise properly based
upon the extracted low-level features. Second, some objects that
appear in images are shared between two or more types of athlet-
ics, e.g. a horizontal bar can appear in the high jump and in the pole
vault event. As such, they are ambiguous. This brings another chal-
lenge to the system in order to annotate an image properly and to
deal with the polysemy issue. After surveying data at the Olympic
organisation website, three main classes of Ontology have been de-
fined, a Sport Domain, a Visual Features and a Text Descriptors
Ontology. The Sport Domain Ontology provides the vocabulary
and background knowledge describing image content. The Visual
Features Ontology provides low-level information such as SIFT
descriptors, resolution and image size. This Ontology is designed
to support image interpretation. The Text Descriptors Ontology pro-
vides the annotation structure template for the (sports) domain.
The hierarchy in the KB is designed as follows: Level iof the
hierarchical model is a generalisation of the concepts of level
i1. Some object classes are decomposed into subclasses. Edges
in a concept graph represent several types of relationships be-
tween classes e.g. is-a, participate-in, and part-of. The Ontology
structure is designed as follows. First, redundant concepts are min-
imised. For example, the Visual feature Ontology is designed as
main concepts (see Fig. 1a) rather than as subclasses of a concept
in Textual descriptors or Sport domain Ontology (see Fig. 1b). This
is because subclassing the visual feature concept from other classes
can lead to concept redundancy For example, there are two con-
cepts, SIFT and Colour in Fig. 1b. Second, the Ontology structure
more efficiently facilitates sport image retrieval (Fig. 1a. For in-
stance, ‘‘athletes who perform Track event’’, the structure in Fig. 1b
may make it more difficult to find an answer. For Fig. 1a, the sys-
tem easily finds the answers to this query by following the route
Athletes-<perform>-Running-<is-a>Track and then, all athletes who
perform all sports which are under the Track concept will be re-
trieved. In contrast, the structure in Fig. 1b can make it impossible
to answer this simple query because there no link between Running
and Track event. The Ontology structure in Fig. 1b does not model
the concepts and relationships in the real world and application
satisfactorily. Thus, this structure is less effective and scalable
when the Ontology covers a large number of sports. The search
performance will be degraded. Typically, upper level concepts are
a generalisation of lower level concepts. However, in Fig. 1b, the
Athletes concept is not a generalisation of the Running class as they
do not share any common properties. Therefore, the structure and
relationships in Fig. 1a are preferred in order to represent the
sports domain information.
3.2. A KB design to tackle the ontology incompleteness problem
Ontology incompleteness refers to the absence of some seman-
tic metadata and also to relationships between concepts that
cannot be represented in an Ontology. This type of KB architecture
is called a closed KB. A closed knowledge-based model refers to a
model that relies only on metadata defined in the model, e.g., a
RDBMS KB model. A closed KB model implies that any data that
is not present in the KB is false, while an open KB model states
the data that is not presented in the KB is unknown or unresolvable
[37]. A closed KB model is more useful in domains where its
knowledge can be fixed before deployment. It is less useful in some
domains because it limits the scope of information that can be
searched. It returns an empty result for a user query when relevant
metadata in the KB is not present. An example of a framework that
tries to tackle the limitation of a closed KB is Llorente and Rüger
[38]. They proposed a method for image annotation that over-
comes the limitation of a closed KB (WordNet) using semantic
relatedness measures based upon keyword correlation on the
Web. The advantage of this approach is that it can find information
228 S. Poslad, K. Kesorn / Information Fusion 20 (2014) 225–241
or images not included in the training set; annotation keywords
come from a web-based search engine. In our study, the proposed
system is designed to overcome the Ontology incompleteness
problem using Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) [39]. LSI was se-
lected to handle this problem because it enables a semantic search
based on textual information in image captions. LSI is able to dis-
cover the relevant information which does not explicitly appear
in the document text and can enhance the retrieval efficiency com-
pared to a conventional text-based search (string matching). In
addition, it is able to handle the problem of synonymy and ambi-
guity of words. An unresolvable query will be forwarded to a LSI
module in order to perform a second search on the LSI vector space.
A LSI model provides term frequency information which can be
used for an implicit semantic search when this information is not
contained in the Ontology KB. LSI begins by constructing a term-
document matrix, A, to identify the occurrences of the munique
terms within a collection of ndocuments. In a matrix A, each term
is represented by a row, and each document is represented by a
column, with each matrix cell, a
, initially representing the number
of times the associated term appears in the indicated document,
. This matrix is usually very large and very sparse. Once a
term-document matrix is constructed, local and global weighting
functions can be applied to it to condition the data. The weighting
functions transform each cell, a
of A, to be the product of a local
term weight, L
, which describes the relative frequency of a term
in a document, and a global weight, G
, which describes the relative
frequency of the term within the entire collection of document.
More details about how LSI is applied are given in Section 4.2.4.
4. Theoretical framework for multi-modal information
4.1. Automatic knowledge acquisition
Automatic Knowledge Acquisition extracts knowledge from
both visual data and text captions and stores this extracted informa-
tion in a knowledge-based model. In order to acquire knowledge
from both these information sources, firstly, the low-level features
are extracted and processed using a bag-of-visual words (BVW)
technique in order to recognise objects in images. Later, the ex-
tracted visual information is mapped to a higher-level semantic
conceptualisation based on the Ontology model. Second, image
captions are analysed and fused with visual information in the
unified knowledge-base in order to enhance the image interpreta-
tion and retrieval. Fig. 2 illustrates the main processes of the
knowledge-acquisition framework.
4.1.1. Visual feature extraction and analysis
Two main processes for visual analysis are defined to compute
higher level representations from lower level ones. First, low-level
image processing extracts useful visual features from images and
interprets them as primitive objects. Low-level image processing
comprises several steps and is often called ‘‘image analysis’’. Sec-
ond, higher level semantic interpretations are identified based upon
the primitive objects and upon specific prior knowledge (knowl-
edge about a sports event, which is not explicitly addressed in
Fig. 1. Ontology design choices.
S. Poslad, K. Kesorn / Information Fusion 20 (2014) 225–241 229
the data) that is relevant for the interpretation. This information is
integrated to enhance image classification. Here, a novel idea to
represent a higher level conceptualisation of visual data derived
from lower level features is presented.
This paper exploits the BVW model to aid object recognition
and image classification. The main advantage of the BVW model
is its invariance to camera angle, image scale and orientation, as
well as, occlusion, and lighting [40]. However, major limitations
of existing BVW models include that they do not preserve the
semantics during visual word construction. Hence, this paper pre-
sents a new representation model that resolves the above difficul-
ties and that enhances image retrieval efficiency. We already
proposed the idea to extract knowledge from visual data in [23].
However, we extend our idea to support multimodality informa-
tion to the framework presented in this paper. There are three
main steps to perform the visual analysis (Fig. 2, steps 1–3): low-
level feature extraction, visual word construction and restructuring
a vector space model into a hierarchical structure. These steps are
described in more detail in the following sections. Low-level feature extraction. Local patches of images are ex-
tracted and they are considered as the candidates for the main vi-
sual words. In this paper, the Difference of Gaussian (DoG) detector
[41] is used for the automatic detection of keypoints from images
(Fig. 2, step 1). The patches are represented as numerical vectors
that represent feature descriptors. Each patch is converted into a
128 dimensional vector using a SIFT descriptor. Hence, each image
is represented as a set of vectors of the same dimension, indepen-
dent of the vector order. Visual word construction. Similar SIFT descriptors are as-
signed into the same group exploiting clustering algorithm. Each
cluster represents the shared local pattern of keypoints, a so called
‘‘visual word’’. Those visual words are used later to produce a BVW
model represented in the form of a vector. To construct a visual
word, a clustering algorithm is deployed e.g. k-mean algorithm.
The major drawback of k-mean is that it appears to be unaware
of the spatial location of keypoints. As a result, semantic informa-
tion between the low level features and the high level semantics of
objects in the visual content is lost. As such, we propose to use the
Semantic Local Adaptive Clustering (SLAC) algorithm [42] to
cluster the vectors. SLAC improves the conventional clustering
techniques by capturing relevant local features within a cluster.
Hence, it can find the semantically similar keypoints and cluster
them into the same group using a similarity matrix (Fig. 2, step 2).
Keypoints are clustered based on the degree of relevance. Thus,
SLAC generates semantically related visual words. Consequently,
the quality of the visual words obtained is enhanced compared
to those obtained using conventional models [24]. The number of
the clusters is the bag of visual words’ size (BVW). The BVW repre-
sentation is similar to the bag-of-words representation technique
in text document as both can be converted into a vector space
model. Visual word vector space model restructuring. Existing
systems [43–45] have disambiguated word senses by restructuring
visual words into a hierarchical model. These methods deployed
state of the art clustering algorithms e.g. Hierarchical Spatial
Markov model [45], Agglomerative clustering algorithm [46], and
hierarchical Latent Dirichlet Allocation algorithm, or hLDA [47].
Nevertheless, there are some drawbacks of these algorithms which
affect the image interpretation efficiency. First, the generated hier-
archical model is usually a binary tree. This is not always an effec-
tive representation model for visual content data. Typically, the
number of relationships between concepts is more than a binary
one. Second, there is no multiple-inheritance between parents
and a child node such that a child node inherits properties from
several parent nodes. For example, a Heptathlon event has a
relationship with the Field and Track event since it combines these
two events together as one sport for women (Heptathlon is_sub-
classOfField_sport and Track_sport). As such, the semantic infor-
mation of images is not effectively represented using a
hierarchical model in existing frameworks. Instead of integrating
several visual words in order to distinguish word senses or using
a binary tree model, this paper proposes restructuring a conven-
tional vector space model of visual word into a hierarchical model
to overcome the aforementioned limitations. Furthermore, the
MMIO framework can improve the quality of the image annotation,
classification and retrieval efficiency of IMR. We proposed an idea
for visual feature restructuring in [23] and apply it here.
Visual words extracted from visual content are different from
words extracted from a text document. Typically, the word sense
can be disambiguated through exploiting WordNet. Unfortunately,
WordNet is not applicable in this case because linguistic informa-
tion is not supported by visual words. Therefore, we propose a
technique called concept range to classify visual words into
concept(s) in an Ontology-based structural model (Fig. 2, step 3).
Fig. 2. The knowledge acquisition processes.
230 S. Poslad, K. Kesorn / Information Fusion 20 (2014) 225–241
First, the objects of interest are manually extracted from other
objects and background and then they are processed to extract
the keypoints. The idea behind this process is to eliminate noise
from the background. As a consequence, all extracted keypoints
from the same object are considered semantically relevant and,
thus, visual words are constructed from these semantically key-
points [48]. Thus, the linkage between low-level features and
high-level conceptualisations of each object category is preserved.
However, manual object separation is done for training purpose
only and this allows the system to learn and recognise such an ob-
ject effectively. Thus, we obtained a bag of visual words ð
gfor each object category C
which substitutes various
views for several parts of an object. Having obtained a bag of visual
words, the concept range of each object will be calculated. The
range (r
) of a concept iis the maximum distance between the
centroid (
) of a visual word (
) and the centroid of concept (c
the so called concept range. The concept range [45,48] is defined
as follows:
¼max j
The main benefit of the concept range is to distinguish the
senses of visual word and to increase the image classification
power. The different senses of a visual word can be disambiguated
using a concept range, see Eq. (1). A visual word can be considered
as multiple concepts if its centroid is in the range of those con-
cepts. Therefore, this technique can represent facts more effec-
tively than existing techniques when words can have multiple
meanings. Some visual words will be discarded if they do not
match to any concept in the structural Ontology model, as shown
in Fig. 3. As a result, this method can handle the polysemy problem
of a visual word. For example, a visual word can belong to a hori-
zontal bar concept and a pole concept, since both objects are visu-
ally similar. In other words, the visual appearance of an object is
invariant using the proposed method.
The detection of key objects in an image is related to the fre-
quency of visual words that represent it. If the frequency of related
visual words, f(
) of a particular object (i.e. athlete) is higher than a
threshold (chosen experimentally), this means the image contains
that object. Because of scaling differences of images in the collec-
tion, using f(
) directly could be erroneous. Hence, f(
) is norma-
lised in order to compensate for discrepancies in the frequency of
the visual words. The normalisation formula is shown in Eq. (2),
where Nis a number of instances of visual content.
4.1.2. Textual information extraction and analysis
Fig. 2, step 4–8 shows the main processes of the textual infor-
mation analysis processes executed by the Textual Information
Analysis (TIA) module. There exist text descriptions accompanying
some images that can be useful for image classification. The main
function of TIA is to process and analyse text captions to annotate
images. First, textual information will be parsed from HTML docu-
ments in order to find the implicit meaning hidden in the passage.
HTML files are processed to extract the important textual informa-
tion (e.g. date, time, place, person name, and event) and to tempo-
rary store this metadata in the tables of a relational database.
Second, this metadata is transformed into the KB for later retrieval.
The purpose of this process is to identify the information for Ontol-
ogy instances. The output of this step is an OWL file that stores the
semantic metadata. Document processing. First, a Natural Language Processing
tool (NLP) is used for the initial metadata generation (Fig. 2, step
4). As NLP innovation is not the focus here, an established NLP
framework, ESpotter, is deployed rather than implementing a
new NLP tool. ESpotter [49] provides a function for a Named Entity
Recognition (NER) task, e.g. person name, location, date, and other
proper nouns. ESpotter produces the semantic metadata in the
form of XML format. Then, this annotated document is processed
and the metadata extracted. Knowledge-based representation for textual information. The
knowledge representation (KR) in this paper is a set of ontological
commitments. In addition, KR supports efficient machine-readable
and machine-understandable computation about knowledge. XML
metadata is parsed and stored in a Relational Database Manage-
ment System or RDBMS (Fig. 2, step 5). Thereafter, this data is
restructured into an Ontology, represented in OWL, in order to
be used in a semantic context. To export initial metadata from a
relational database into OWL, the relational database model has
to be mapped to the concepts in a knowledge-based model. In this
research, data from a RDBMS database is directly mapped to OWL
using a JDBC connector API (Fig. 4). This generic approach is useful
in numerous cases, but sometimes is complicated by difficulties: in
synchronising it to changes, in the database structures, and in
installation and use by inexperienced users. The mapping process
is shown in Fig. 4. To transform information in a relational data-
base to OWL, three steps are performed.
(1) The data in the RDBMS is retrieved (Select and Group by col-
umn) using Structured Query Language (SQL) queries.
(2) The Jena API ( is deployed to
construct Ontology concepts, properties and instances. Jena
provides off-the-shelf methods for creating Ontology classes,
properties, and assigning instances to these classes and
(3) A URI or a node identifier is assigned to those generated
instances. Later, the instances’ properties are created and
assigned property values and written to an OWL file.
range (ri)
range (rj)
Visual words (w)
Fig. 3. Visual words are assigned to concept(s).
S. Poslad, K. Kesorn / Information Fusion 20 (2014) 225–241 231
4.2. Multi-Modal ontology structure
Since both unstructured textual and visual information are
transformed into hierarchical structures, they are fused into a uni-
fied knowledge model, so called Multi-Modality Incompleteness
Ontology (MMIO), to enhance the retrieval performance. The main
motivation for the enhancement is because MPEG-7 does not sup-
port machine processable semantic annotation of image subject
matter [50]. Therefore, a huge effort [51–54] has been undertaken
to transform or integrate MPEG-7 and Ontolgoies to resolve such a
problem. In this section, we briefly describe the structure of
multi-modality Ontology. Fig. 5 shows the structure of presented
Multi-Modal Ontology.
4.2.1. Sport event ontology
The Sports event Ontology provides the vocabulary and back-
ground knowledge for sports, e.g. sport name, genre, and discipline.
Classes and relationships defined in the sports Ontology are
extracted from the Olympic website (,
which provides standard descriptions and defines relationships
for various aspects of sports. Fig. 5 illustrates the structure of the
presented Ontology. An ellipse represents pre-defined classes in
the Ontology and a rectangle indicates Ontology instances. Some
parts of the Ontology are omitted due to space limitations.
4.2.2. Textual description ontology
The Textual Description Ontology encapsulates image annota-
tions. This Ontology contains concepts used in annotations of
sports images, e.g. athlete, game, host city and host country. In
other words, it provides metadata to answer three types of queries
associated with what, when, and where.
4.2.3. Visual features ontology
This Ontology represents the metadata about the image itself
e.g. format (jpg, bmp), size, resolution of a picture, and concerning
the content in terms of low-level features (visual words). This
Fig. 4. Transformation process from an RDBMS data structure to an Ontology model (OWL).
Fig. 5. Multi-Modal Ontology structure.
232 S. Poslad, K. Kesorn / Information Fusion 20 (2014) 225–241
Ontology is constructed using the method described in
Section 4.1.1 and incorporates the textual description Ontology
in order to enhance the retrieval performance.
4.2.4. Handling the incompleteness of the KB using Latent Semantic
As mentioned previously, building a real world domain Ontol-
ogy to cover everything in that domain is very challenging. A sys-
tem that relies only on information in the KB, will not return any
answer to users’ queries when there is no relevant information
stored in the KB. Thus, the system should be designed to cope with
this uncertainty. For example, it can try to answer such an unre-
solvable query in a different way when it fails to find answers in
the KB. However, there are some challenges in answering unresolv-
able queries. The system should still provide a capability to support
a semantic search based on textual information in an image cap-
tion. In addition, it should be able to handle the synonym problem
and ambiguities in some words. To handle these challenges, Latent
Semantic Indexing (LSI) is proposed as a technique to cope with the
uncertainty in the KB. LSI is a well-known technique used to en-
hance text-based information retrieval [39]. LSI tries to search for
things that are closer to representing the underlying semantics of
a document [55].
The LSI vector space model is used as a backup method when
the system cannot find the desired information in the Ontology
model. Here, we modify the LSI technique by adding a NLP function
before indexing the textual information. This can reduce noise
words and detect named entities more correctly, e.g. name of per-
son, event, or places, even when multiple word names may contain
whitespace. LSI is able to handle language vagueness, e.g. syn-
onyms, and to present more relevant images in response to a user
query through using a more sophisticated statistical calculation.
The results can be ranked in descending order according to the rel-
evance value. The LSI process starts with a process to extract tex-
tual information from HTML documents. All HTML tags are
filtered out and the remaining text will be used to find keywords
in the next step. Then, a tokenisation step will process the remain-
ing text from the previous step. Textual information will be token-
ised into several words. Unlike other tokenising processes, NLP is
also applied to this step in order to enhance the named entities rec-
ognition.The words that appeared in the caption are the potential
keywords for the image. However, some ‘noise’ words from the
tokenisation step are not useful or important, e.g. a, an, the, with-
out and before. Therefore, they are removed from the set of words.
The remaining text, after removing the stop words, is assumed to
be the keywords that characterise the image and that are stemmed
from the original form of each word. Next, the term frequency is
calculated, i.e., the numbers of occurrences of each term that
appear together with the image are counted. The Degree of Impor-
tance between the term and the image can be derived from these
frequencies and represented in the form of a matrix. Rows of a ma-
trix represent keywords whereas columns refer to image instance
that contains those keywords using image IDs. Fig. 6 shows an
example of matrix Awith a term frequency in each image. This
matrix is also referred to as a vector space model.
Having created the term frequency matrix, a Term-image rela-
tionship computation process computes and assigns a weight to each
term using Eq. (3):
where W
is weight of each term, L
is the local weight for term iin
document (image caption) j,G
is the global weight for term i, and N
is the normalisation factor for document (image caption) j. There
are several formulae for local, global weight, and normalisation
factors. In this framework, the selected formulae are based on the
survey and recommendation given by [56].
Local weight calculates the frequency of each term appearing in
a document and in a query. To compute the local term weighting,
the Logarithms scheme is used to adjust the weight of a term in
documents that have different lengths. Local weight can compute
using the following formula (Eq. (4)).
¼log f
where f
is the frequency of term iin image caption j. The global
weight computes the frequency of each term appearing in the entire
collection. The main idea of global weight is that a term appears less
in the collection, the more important the weight it is. To compute a
global term weighting, the Inverse Document Frequency (IDF)
method is deployed. The global weight formula is illustrated in
Eq. (5).
¼log N
 ð5Þ
where Nis the number of documents in the collection and n
is the
number of documents in which term i appears. The normalisation
factor compensates for differences in document lengths. Eq. (6)
shows the normalisation formula.
The reasons to normalise each term are as follows. Firstly, long
documents tend to gain a higher score since these tend to have
more words and more occurrences of each word. These tend to
have a high score simply because they are longer, not necessarily
because they are more relevant. Secondly, repetition does not nec-
essarily mean that terms are more relevant. The same terms might
be repeated within different contexts or topics. The entire collec-
tion is represented by a matrix A. Next, the Singular Value Decom-
position (SVD) of the matrix Ais computed using the formula in Eq.
(7) in order to reduce the matrix dimensions.
Having computed the SVD, the columns in Uare reduced to k
and the values in matrix Sare sorted in ascending order. In other
words, the matrix Uindicates the semantic importance of concepts.
This is from where the term ‘‘latent semantics’’ comes from.
Unimportant concepts are regarded as ‘‘semantic noise’’. To reduce
Fig. 6. Example of a term frequency matrix.
S. Poslad, K. Kesorn / Information Fusion 20 (2014) 225–241 233
the dimensions of the matrix, only the largest ksingular values will
be selected. Therefore, the decomposition can be approximated as
Eq. (8):
where U
contains the top kmost important concept vectors sorted
by ascending order, S
has singular values and is diagonal and V
has rows that are the right singular vectors. The SVD approximation,
the so-called Rank-k approximation, can be created by selecting only
the first kcolumns of Uand the first krows of Sand V
as illustrated
in Fig. 7.
The main advantage of LSI is the ability to infer indirect con-
cepts when those concepts are not explicitly mentioned in the text
captions. For example, consider the image caption, ‘‘Jessica Ennis
wins the gold medal in London 2012’’. In this example, the image
caption contains an athlete name ‘‘Jessica Ennis’’ but no sport genre
is explicitly addressed in the caption. However, LSI can find the
missing sport genre of Ennis using relationships between terms
in the vector space model. Based upon historical data, Ennis usually
participates in running events and therefore ‘‘Ennis’’ and ‘‘running’’
have a strong relationship. Thus, the LSI algorithm can introduce a
new term, running, to the image automatically. When a user sub-
mits a query for ‘‘running’’ images, LSI will consider this as a rele-
vant image and it can be returned to the user. Therefore, the
system does not rely solely on metadata in the Ontology and can
handle the Ontology incompleteness problem efficiently. This
architecture of KB can be considered as a type of open KB.
5. Experimental settings, evaluation protocols and research
The experimental method proposed to evaluate the MMIO mod-
el is as follows. We constructed an image collection in order to
evaluate the MMIO model because sports images are not readily
available in such standard test collections. Therefore, a new test
collection needs to be created. It was decided that images obtained
from the Google image search engine could be used to form a
sports domain image collection to develop and test the Ontology.
The image collection contains 20,000 images of twenty sport
genres (badminton, boxing, cycling, discus throw, diving, fencing,
football, hammer throw, high jump, hurdles, javelin, Judo, long
jump, pole vault, running, sailing, shooting, tennis, volleyball, and
weightlifting). It is divided into two groups, a training set contain-
ing 12,000 images (600 image from each group) and a test or eval-
uation set with 8000 images (400 images from each group).
5.1. Evaluation protocols
An Ontology as a body of knowledge can be built in many differ-
ent ways. Therefore, how well the created Ontology fits that
knowledge domain should be evaluated. Various approaches can
be used for Ontology evaluation. Typically, since an Ontology is a
fairly complex structure, often the evaluation focuses on different
levels of the Ontology [57]. First, the Application level evaluates
the performance of the Ontology to perform some specific tasks,
e.g. searching data. Second, the Taxonomy or hierarchy level evalu-
ates how well the Ontology structure design fits a corpus of docu-
ments. This method involves the evaluation of the structural
design of an Ontology, which is usually performed manually by
experts. As human evaluation is by its very nature subjective, this
paper mainly focuses on computerised evaluations. Thus, the
Application level will be deployed to evaluate the presented
Ontology. We conducted four experiments: Experiments I and II
determine the retrieval performance of the system, Experiment
III evaluates the usefulness of LSI when a query fails, because of
a lack of known data, and Experiment IV compares the retrieval
performances with commercial search engines.
5.2. Research hypotheses
To evaluate the framework efficiency, several aspects need to be
studied. In this paper, we evaluate the quality of the proposed KB
with respect to three aspects:
Correctness represents the ability of a KB to provide the right
information to a user within its actual coverage [58].
Multimodality refers to the capability of a KB that can store
multi-modal information and deal with a variety of forms
(mode) of queries.
Robustness refers to the capability of a KB to handle an unknown
query that can find relevant data for a user.
From these aspects of evaluation, three hypotheses are
The first hypothesis focuses on Ontology design and structure.
The classes and relationships in this paper represent information
derived from the Olympic website. If the structure of Ontology is
designed appropriately, it is more able to find the right answer to
a user query.
Hypothesis 1. The Structure and relationships of the proposed
Ontology allows the system to perform a semantic search, e.g. to
find semantically related information, which is not explicitly
mentioned in image caption. As a consequence, its retrieval
performance is significantly improved (Correctness evaluation).
Almost all domain Ontologies usually contain single-modality
information to capture image content even though text and visual
features can represent image content in different ways. When text
descriptions of images are not supplied, an IMR system should also
be able to find all relevant images based upon any distinctive low-
level visual features. Therefore, both text and image modalities
should be fused in a unified model to enhance the retrieval perfor-
mance. In addition, the KB should handle both visual and textual
Hypothesis 2. A Multi-Modal Ontology fuses both textual and
low-level image feature information as a unified model. As a
consequence, the system can handle both forms (mode) of queries
(Multi-modal evaluation).
Most existing IR systems do not support Ontology incomplete-
ness [16] (see Section 1). It is very challenging to construct an
Ontology that can cover the complete domain, in one phase of
development. When the information in the knowledge-based is
incomplete, the retrieval performance (in terms of precision and
recall) is affected. This leads to the following hypothesis:
Fig. 7. Rank-k SVD approximation used for matrix dimensional reduction.
234 S. Poslad, K. Kesorn / Information Fusion 20 (2014) 225–241
Hypothesis 3. The use of LSI can enhance an IR system to handle
an incomplete KB. LSI allows the search mechanism to find
semantically relevant data, even though the data in a KB is absent
(Robustness evaluation).
6. Experimental results and discussions
Four experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of
the MMIO model to validate the proposed hypotheses. This section
presents an image retrieval approach based upon the extracted
knowledge, and the visual and textual features (Fig. 8). If the do-
main Ontology is designed suitably, i.e. in this case to fit the sport
domain, the retrieval results should be significantly improved. Im-
age retrieval starts when the query keywords from users are exam-
ined, by tokenising them and then eliminating the stop words. The
remaining words are assumed to be the important keywords for
searching images and these keywords will be disambiguated using
WordNet. To find an appropriate word sense for a user query, it is
proposed that an algorithm to disambiguate multiple word senses
in a user query is used, as shown in Algorithm 1. Hence, the system
can perform a semantic search whose terms are represented in
OWL with the appropriate word sense, derived from a user query.
Query processing translates the user query into a SPARQL (Protocol
And RDF Query Language, see
query and searches for any relevant information within the KB.
The retrieved images are ranked and presented to the user.
Algorithm 1: Word sense disambiguation
Input: A user query
Output: A list of similarity words{W}
10: Remove stopwords from user query and to stem them
and get a set of query keywords {Q};
20: Look up all remaining words {K} in WordNet and assign
senses {Q} to all words;
30: For each word in {K}
40: Look up for all its senses in WordNet{Q}
50: where k2Kand q2Q{
60: Compute similarity between {k
70: Assign similarity score to k
80: Sort {K} according to similarity score;
90: Select the concept (c
) which has the highest similarity
value of word sense = {W}.
To evaluate the KB model at an application level, the retrieval
performance of the proposed framework is compared with other
state of the art techniques, e.g. Lucene (
Lucene is an open-source framework providing Java-based index-
ing and search technology for text-based information. To evaluate
the performance of image searches, the average precision has been
used. More details of the experiments are explained in the next
6.1. Experiment I: correctness and multi-modal KB evaluation
To evaluate the annotation efficiency, we compare the retrieval
performance of the proposed (Multi-Modal Incompleteness Ontol-
ogy (MMIO) method with state of the art techniques, using preci-
sion and recall metrics. The experiments are conducted
repeatedly, 10 times, and are used to compute average precision.
We implemented five state of the art techniques for use in our
comparative evaluation. These are LSI [39], Original Bag-of-Words
(OBW) [40], LIRE (, Lucene, and
Visual-Features-Ontology (VFO). We used similar experiment set-
tings and then compared their results with those of our proposed
MMIO method. VFO contains only visual features in the form of
an Ontology. VFO is based upon visual words generated by the sim-
ple k-mean algorithm. Then, these visual words are transformed
into a hierarchical model using the Agglomerative Clustering
algorithm. LIRE is a Java-based framework for photos and images
retrieval based on their colour and texture characteristics. The com-
parative evaluation experiment is divided into two parts: Firstly,
the retrieval performance from text-based queries is examined.
The MMIO method is compared to those frameworks (LSI, Lucene
and MMIO) that support only text queries. Secondly, query-by-
examples are performed using images as queries for the remaining
comparison frameworks that exploit low-level image features for
indexing and retrieval.
OBW represents image data using a classical vector space mod-
el. However, this model ignores the high-level semantic informa-
tion among those visual words. This affects the retrieval
performance. In Fig. 9, OBW obtains a lower precision than MMIO
because more inaccurate images are retrieved. OBW retrieves all
images that have similar SIFT descriptors. Unfortunately, those
similar images are not semantically relevant. In contrast, MMIO
preserves the semantic information during its visual words con-
struction in the training phase. In addition, in contrast to VFO,
MMIO exploits the use of a hierarchical, Ontology model, which
can express visual content through concepts and relationships.
Textual or visual query
Doc 1
Doc 2
Doc n
result set
Results from Ontology
search from
LSI Matrix
Results from LSI
LSI matrix
description Vi sual
Instance 1
Multimodality Knowledge-based
Instance 2 Instance n Instance n+1
Fig. 8. Image retrieval based upon the extracted knowledge, and visual and textual features.
S. Poslad, K. Kesorn / Information Fusion 20 (2014) 225–241 235
This is represented more efficiently than a pure vector space mod-
el. The structure explicitly defined by an Ontology can be used to
reason about which images are more relevant to a query. VFO rep-
resents visual information in the form of a binary tree structure.
Unfortunately, a binary tree cannot represent image content ade-
quately, e.g. concepts in this kind of tree cannot overlap and cannot
support multiple inheritance. Therefore, some irrelevant images
are retrieved. Thus, VFO obtains a lower precision than MMIO. Be-
cause of the less effective representation model of VFO, its retrieval
performance is similar to that of OBW. LIRE retrieves images based
upon local visual features e.g. colour and texture. Hence, LIRE tends
to retrieve visually similar images. However, some of those visually
similar images are not always semantically relevant to the query.
As a result, LIRE has the lowest precision compared with the other
When a textual query is submitted, all keywords are extended
in order to find other similar keywords in WordNet and then
matched with the metadata in an Ontology. Fig. 10 demonstrates
that MMIO significantly improves the retrieval performance of Lu-
cene and LSI. This result is expected because the MMIO leverages
the structure of an Ontology to help to filter out irrelevant results
by performing a conceptual search. MMIO exploits Ontology anno-
tations and relationships to retrieve relevant data rather than just
performing simple string matching. As a result, all images based on
the same concept are considered as relevant images, even though
there are no keywords in a query that also appear in the associated
image captions.
The Ontology structure and relationships defined by MMIO are
very useful to aid query reasoning. This can be used to more effec-
tively differentiate similar queries that have semantic differences.
An example of query reasoning is explained in the next section.
The experimental results shown in Figs. 9 and 10 indicate that
MMIO can dynamically handle both forms of queries, while other
techniques can support only one particular type of a query. There-
fore, the first hypothesis (H1) is verified.
6.2. Experiment II: semantic search study
In this experiment, testing the hypothesis investigates that if
the domain Ontology structure is designed appropriately. It is able
to better disambiguate the vagueness in a user query without
needing to exploit any external knowledge, e.g. WordNet. To eval-
uate this hypothesis, an illustrative query ‘‘Thailand athletes who
participate at the Olympic games in Great Britain’’ is used to evaluate
the retrieval performance. The proposed framework has been com-
pared with other two techniques, that of LSI and Lucene. Fig. 11
shows that MMIO is superior to Lucene and LSI. Lucene is not able
to differentiate a query ‘‘Thailand athletes participate at the Olym-
pic games in Great Britain’’ and ‘‘Great Britain athletes participate
at the Olympic games in Thailand’’. The search engine of Lucene
Fig. 9. Precision graph comparison for visual queries.
Fig. 10. Comparison of the precision of state of the art methods for textual queries across sports genres.
236 S. Poslad, K. Kesorn / Information Fusion 20 (2014) 225–241
retrieves all documents containing words ‘‘Thailand, athlete, Olym-
pic games and Great Britain’’. Therefore, it retrieves a high number
of irrelevant images including Great Britain athletes who partici-
pate in sport events in Thailand which leads to a low precision
and recall. Lucene performs searches based upon a string matching
technique. When a string used in a query does not match the data
in the KB, it returns no result (the precision is zero) whereas LSI can
find more relevant images than Lucene by using a semantic index-
ing mechanism. Thus, it obtains a higher precision.
In contrast, the opposite is possible for a MMIO search using a
SPARQL query. In a SPARQL query, the relationship between two
concepts can be explicitly specified. In this experiment, the SPARQL
query ignores the ‘‘Great Britain athletes’’-<participate>-‘‘Olympic
games’’-<located>-‘‘Thailand’’ relationship and other relationships,
not expressed in the query. As a result, only relevant images
regarding the concepts and relationships in the SPARQL query are
retrieved. This mechanism significantly improves precision and re-
call compared to Lucene and LSI. Hence, the second hypothesis
(H2) is successfully validated.
Since MMIO contains multi-modal information, it can handle
both types of queries more effectively than other state of the art
techniques which focus only on using a single media type. The lack
of text descriptions for images can affect the text-based query
method and text Ontology. Thus, the MMIO framework can more
effectively handle this problem through its use of a Visual-feature
Ontology. However, creating a complete Ontology is a challenging
task. In the next section, the issue of Ontology incompleteness is
studied and analysed.
6.3. Experiment III: knowledge-based incompleteness evaluation
The hypothesis evaluated in this section is that an Ontology-
based search integrated with LSI can be useful even when an
Ontology-based knowledge model is incomplete. LSI enables the
system to better deal with unknown query terms and metadata.
To assess this hypothesis, some metadata for images in the Ontol-
ogy is removed, leading to missing information in the Ontology as
unknown data is present in text captions. For instance, metadata
for boxing images for the London 2012 Olympic Games was de-
leted, and then a query ‘‘Boxing in London 2012’’ is submitted to
the system. Fig. 12 illustrates an example of the search results
using LSI when the information concerning London 2012 is deleted.
LSI is able to recognise all relevant images for London 2012 even
though an image caption does not contain the word ‘‘London’’,
e.g. the third image in Fig. 12. This is because the system uses
Fig. 11. Retrieval results of the query for MMIO, LSI and Lucene.
Fig. 12. Example of LSI results when the KB does not contain the London 2012 information.
S. Poslad, K. Kesorn / Information Fusion 20 (2014) 225–241 237
co-occurrence information from LSI to find all the relevant images.
In this example, Olympic park, and London, 2012 have a high co-
occurrence value since they usually appear together in other image
captions in the collection. Therefore, LSI can recognise that the
third image is also relevant to the query even though no word
‘‘London’’ appears in the text captions. This cannot be achieved
by using a simple text-based search engine. The KB model pre-
sented, acts as an open KB. It can handle unresolvable data better
than a general KB that behaves as more of a closed KB. A closed
KB model is much stricter and provides the answers based only
upon the metadata that is contained in its KB. If the desired meta-
data is not present, it returns an empty or null result to users. In
contrast, an open KB model can use a second method to search
for relevant information, within the corpus of documents if un-
known data is present. Similarly, if the KB in the MMIO model is
incomplete, the search mechanism can try a second search using
LSI instead of using SBIR. In other words, the open KB is more ro-
bust than a closed KB when an unknown query is encountered.
Hence, Hypothesis H3 is validated.
6.4. Experiment IV: image retrieval performance comparison of MMIO
against state of the art search engines
An additional experiment was conducted to compare the image
retrieval performance against that of four commercial search
engines, Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Flickr. Twenty queries have been
used to evaluate the system and to compare MMIO against the
state of the art search engines. To illustrate this evaluation, we
present the results of one query example. We consider only the
top 5 search results for each search engine. In this experiment,
an illustrative query ‘‘Vijender Singh performs in a boxing compe-
tition in London 2012’’ is used to evaluate the retrieval perfor-
mance of individual search engines. Fig. 13 illustrates the top five
images obtained using different commercial search engines.
All these four search engines can find images that Vijender
Singh (athlete) participates in a Boxing (sport) competition at
the London 2012 Olympics (time and place). However, the ranking
results from each search engine are different. Flickr fails to find
any image that matches the query because it cannot handle nat-
ural language queries. Meanwhile, Google, Bing, and Yahoo can
find images of Vijender Singh. Unfortunately, almost all of them
are not semantically relevant because they do not exhibit any
relevance to ‘‘participates in a Boxing competition’’, instead they
show mostly Vijender Singh’s face. This is because these search
engines use a string matching technique to match image descrip-
tions with keywords in the query. However, they do not
understand the actual meaning of the query. In addition, some
relevant images are not retrieved because they do not have any
terms in captions matched with the query. Thus, those images
are discarded.
Fig. 13. Top five results for the example query ‘‘Vijender Singh performs the Boxing competition in London 2012’’ obtained from four state of the art search engines and our
MMIO one.
238 S. Poslad, K. Kesorn / Information Fusion 20 (2014) 225–241
MMIO, in contrast, understands the intention behind the query,
and is able to find the relevant images for ‘‘Vijender Singh performs
the Boxing competition in London 2012’’ more effectively using
terms and relationships (triples) defined in the domain Ontology.
In addition, some images can be recognised as relevant images,
even although they do not have the query terms appearing in their
captions. For example, the last image in the MMIO results (Fig. 13)
has a caption ‘‘Indian boxers at London 2012’’. Through LSI, ‘‘Vij-
ender Singh’’ has a strong relationship with ‘‘Indian’’ using a
co-occurrence computation. Hence, MMIO can recognise that this
image is relevant to the query. As such, MMIO significantly
increases the IR precision by ranking images that do not relate to
the boxing competition, as less relevant.
Next, a query-by-example (QBE) is performed to study the re-
sults between MMIO and Google. Only two image search engines
are compared because Yahoo and Bing do not support QBE at the
time our experiments were performed.
Fig. 14 shows the results of two search engines using a visual
query (QBE). The query (Q) is an image of ‘‘Vijender Singh boxes
at the London 2012 Olympics’’. Since the search engines retrieve
images based upon the similarities of the visual features, e.g. col-
our, shape, and texture, all obtained images are visually similar.
Nonetheless, some of them are semantically irrelevant, e.g. differ-
ent domains of interest (the 7th result from Google), different sport
genres (the 9th result from Google), different people and different
times and places. Those images are ranked highly by Google be-
cause colour and shape dominate visual similarities. However,
MMIO uses annotations defined in the Text Description Ontology
to enable the most similar image to infer other related images.
All images that are semantically related with those annotations
are ranked higher in the result set. In other words, MMIO not only
uses visual features but also textual features to determine the most
relevant images. For example, the top five images of MMIO in
Fig. 14 are more semantically relevant to the query in term of peo-
ple (Vijender Singh), sport genre (Boxing), time and place (London
2012) than other images in the result set. This mechanism
significantly improves the precision of MMIO, aided through use
of a Textual Description Ontology.
7. Conclusions and further work
A Multi-Modal Incompleteness Ontology-based (MMIO) frame-
work has been proposed for image retrieval. This is based upon fus-
ing the low-level visual features extracted from images with the
key concepts found in image (text) annotations, representing these
in an Ontology. Based upon an experimental validation, we found
that Queries that can leverage the fused image features with text
concept models (MMIO) have a better recall and precision than
(state of-the art) methods that only use one content mode, i.e.,
either images (LIRE, VFO, OBW) or text (Lucene, LSI), but not both.
The Ontology structure defined by MMIO aids query reasoning
and can be used to more effectively differentiate similar queries
that have semantic differences. Through exploiting semantically
Fig. 14. Comparison of the top ten ranked results using a visual query obtained from Google and MMIO.
S. Poslad, K. Kesorn / Information Fusion 20 (2014) 225–241 239
related information, not explicitly mentioned in image caption, the
precision of the images using MMIO is significantly improved com-
pared to state of the art methods for visual queries and for text
queries. If the structure of Ontology is designed appropriately, it
is able to better disambiguate unrelated similarities (vagueness)
in a user query, e.g., athletes representing a first country participat-
ing in games held in a second country versus athletes representing
the second country participating in games held in the first country,
without needing to exploit any external knowledge, e.g., from
WordNet. This significantly improves image precision and recall.
Similar words to those used in a query, but that do not appear in
the caption, can also be exploited as search terms using a Latent
Semantic Indexing (LSI) algorithm.
Text-based query retrieval state of the art search engines tend
to miss several relevant images that do not have the terms in the
captions matched to the query. Thus, their precision is reduced.
MMIO is able to infer the implicit semantics behind the query,
selecting only the semantically relevant images, and yielding bet-
ter results. Secondly, the results from using visual-based queries
in commercial search engines may not match the user intention
due to inefficient content representation of global low-level fea-
tures. A better representation using Visual Features Ontology in
conjunction with a Textual Description Ontology can significantly
improve the precision and recall.
Our further work will focus on two areas, query time evaluation
and personalisation. A fundamental characteristic of the MMIO
framework is that it has an increased response time to return its
results to users, since it has to process both textual and visual
information for a query. Of interest is also, what the difference is
for visual versus text only queries. The measurement of the differ-
ence in throughput is left to further work. Further work can also be
undertaken to extend MMIO to support personalised image retrie-
val (PIMR) and to improve the retrieval performance by consider-
ing an individual user’s interests. Several challenges need to be
overcome. Firstly, users’ profiles are usually not static but vary
with time and depend on the situation. Therefore, profiles should
be automatically modified based on observations of users’ actions.
Secondly, user preferences should be represented in a richer, more
precise and less ambiguous way than in a keyword and text-based
model. Finally, naming differences of things can vary according to
the linguistic representation. The concepts underlying such terms
may be used differently by different users at different levels of
granularity and in different situations with divergent interpreta-
tions. As such, a PIMR that models user profiles should take termi-
nological heterogeneity problem into account.
This research has been supported in part by National Science
and Technology Development (NSTDA), Thailand. Project No:
SCH-NR2011-851. We also thank Ms. Jenny Williams for her
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Conference Paper
Objects in the world can be arranged into a hierarchy based on their semantic meaning (e.g. organism - animal - feline - cat). What about defining a hierarchy based on the visual appearance of objects? This paper investigates ways to automatically discover a hierarchical structure for the visual world from a collection of unlabeled images. Previous approaches for unsupervised object and scene discovery focused on partitioning the visual data into a set of non-overlapping classes of equal granularity. In this work, we propose to group visual objects using a multi-layer hierarchy tree that is based on common visual elements. This is achieved by adapting to the visual domain the generative hierarchical latent Dirichlet allocation (hLDA) model previously used for unsupervised discovery of topic hierarchies in text. Images are modeled using quantized local image regions as analogues to words in text. Employing the multiple segmentation framework of Russell et al. [22], we show that meaningful object hierarchies, together with object segmentations, can be automatically learned from unlabeled and unsegmented image collections without supervision. We demonstrate improved object classification and localization performance using hLDA over the previous non-hierarchical method on the MSRC dataset [33].
With the development of Internet and Web 2.0, large-volume multimedia contents have been made available online. It is highly desired to provide easy accessibility to such contents, i.e., efficient and precise retrieval of images that satisfies users' needs. Toward this goal, content-based image retrieval (CBIR) has been intensively studied in the research community, while text-based search is better adopted in the industry. Both approaches have inherent disadvantages and limitations. Therefore, unlike the great success of text search, web image search engines are still premature. In this paper, we present iLike, a vertical image search engine that integrates both textual and visual features to improve retrieval performance. We bridge the semantic gap by capturing the meaning of each text term in the visual feature space, and reweight visual features according to their significance to the query terms. We also bridge the user intention gap because we are able to infer the "visual meanings" behind the textual queries. Last but not least, we provide a visual thesaurus, which is generated from the statistical similarity between the visual space representation of textual terms. Experimental results show that our approach improves both precision and recall, compared with content-based or text-based image retrieval techniques. More importantly, search results from iLike is more consistent with users' perception of the query terms.
Machine understandable metadata forms the main prerequisite for the intelligent services envisaged in a Web, which going beyond mere data exchange and provides for effective content access, sharing and reuse. MPEG-7, despite providing a comprehensive set of tools for the standardised description of audiovisual content, is largely compromised by the use of XML that leaves the largest part of the intended semantics implicit. Aspiring to formalise MPEG-7 descriptions and enhance multimedia metadata interoperability, a number of multimedia ontologies have been proposed. Though sharing a common vision, the developed ontologies are characterised by substantial conceptual differences, reflected both in the modelling of MPEG-7 description tools as well as in the linking with domain ontologies. Delving into the principles underlying their engineering, we present a systematic survey of the state of the art MPEG-7 based multimedia ontologies, and highlight issues that hinder interoperability as well as possible directions towards their harmonisation.
This article discusses the state of the art in metadata for audio-visual media in large semantic networks, such as the Semantic Web. Our discussion is predominantly motivated by the two most widely known approaches towards machine-processable and semantic-based content description, namely the Semantic Web activity of the W3C and ISO's efforts in the direction of complex media content modeling, in particular the Multimedia Content Description Interface (MPEG-7). We explain that the conceptual ideas and technologies discussed in both approaches are essential for the next step in multimedia development. Unfortunately, there are still many practical obstacles that block their widespread use for providing multimedia metadata on the Web. Based on a scenario to explain our vision of a media-aware Semantic Web, we derive in Part I a number of problems regarding the semantic content description of media units. We then discuss the multimedia production chain, in particular emphasizing the role of progressive metadata production. As a result we distill a set of media-based metadata production requirements and show how current media production environments fail to address these. We then introduce those parts of the W3C and ISO standardization works that are relevant to our discussion. In Part II of this article, we analyze their abilities to define structures for describing media semantics, discuss syntactic and semantic problems, ontological problems for media semantics, and the problems of applying the theoretical concepts to real world problems. Part II concludes with implications of the findings for future action with respect to the actions the community should take.
Enabling an intelligent access to multimedia data requires a powerful description language. In this paper, we demon- strate why the MPEG-7 standard fails to fulll this task. We introduce then our proposition: an audio-visual spe- cic description language, modular, reduced, but designed to be extensible. This language is centered on the notions of descriptor and structure with a well-dened semantics. A descriptor can be a low-level feature, automatically ex- tracted from the signal, or a higher semantic concept that will be used to annotate the video documents. The descrip- tors can be combined into structures according to dened models that provide description patterns.