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More than Just a Lack of Knowledge: A Discussion of the Potential Hidden-Impact of Poor Pre-enrolment Science Background on Nursing Student Success in Bioscience Subjects



As medical knowledge and technology becomes more complex, twenty-first century nurses are required to possess an advanced understanding of many bioscience concepts. It is now recognised that without this advanced knowledge, nurses will not be sufficiently prepared to deal with the intellectual and technological demands of today, let alone the future. While the importance of bioscience education to nursing practice has been long recognised, nursing students, as a group, have a well documented struggle with science subjects. This struggle has been largely attributed to the lower university entrance scores required for nursing courses and a lack of previous science study. However, as in any complex system, a multitude of factors are likely to be responsible for the difficulty faced by many nursing students in their science studies. In this paper, we argue that a lack of engagement with science early in a student's life can significantly influence student's feelings towards science subjects, the achievement goals that they set themselves, and their interest in learning science. Given the wealth of evidence that high-school students are avoiding science-based subjects, low levels of engagement with science and high-levels of anxiety towards science-based subjects are issues increasingly faced by tertiary science educators. As such, understanding the science background of students, and improving their attitudes and feelings towards science, is a critical first step in helping nursing students learn the science required for their future practice.
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 21(2), 26-36, 2013
More than Just a Lack of Knowledge: A
Discussion of the Potential Hidden-Impact
of Poor Pre-enrolment Science Background
on Nursing Student Success in Bioscience
James W. Cranea,b and Jenny L. Coxc
Corresponding author: James Crane (
aSchool of Biomedical Science and Centre for Research into Complex Systems, Charles Sturt University,
Bathurst NSW 2795, Australia
bThe University of Queensland, The Queensland Brain Institute, St Lucia, Brisbane QLD 4072, Australia
cFaculty of Science, Charles Sturt University, Bathurst NSW 2795, Australia
Keywords: science, anxiety, nursing
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 21(2), 26-36, 2013
As medical knowledge and technology becomes more complex, twenty-first century nurses are required to
possess an advanced understanding of many bioscience concepts. It is now recognised that without this
advanced knowledge, nurses will not be sufficiently prepared to deal with the intellectual and technological
demands of today, let alone the future. While the importance of bioscience education to nursing practice has
been long recognised, nursing students, as a group, have a well documented struggle with science subjects. This
struggle has been largely attributed to the lower university entrance scores required for nursing courses and a
lack of previous science study. However, as in any complex system, a multitude of factors are likely to be
responsible for the difficulty faced by many nursing students in their science studies. In this paper, we argue
that a lack of engagement with science early in a student’s life can significantly influence student’s feelings
towards science subjects, the achievement goals that they set themselves, and their interest in learning science.
Given the wealth of evidence that high-school students are avoiding science-based subjects, low levels of
engagement with science and high-levels of anxiety towards science-based subjects are issues increasingly faced
by tertiary science educators. As such, understanding the science background of students, and improving their
attitudes and feelings towards science, is a critical first step in helping nursing students learn the science
required for their future practice.
To practice safely and effectively, today’s new nurses must understand a range of nursing
knowledge and science, from normal and pathological physiology to genomics,
pharmacology, biochemical implications of laboratory medicine for the patient’s therapies,
the physics of gas exchange in the lungs, cell-level transport of oxygen for the acutely ill
patient, as well as the human experience of illness and normal growth and development – and
much more.’ (Benner, Sutphen, Leonard, & Day, 2010, p1)
In 1910, the Flexner report, On Medical Education in the United States and Canada 1910,
began a transformation that saw scientific knowledge and investigation take a central position
in medical education (Duffy, 2011). Building medical education upon a foundation of
science produced more knowledgeable practitioners, drove innovation and discoveries in
health care, and led to an unprecedented improvement in human health that helped produce a
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 21(2), 26-36, 2013
doubling of life-expectancy during the 20th Century (Frenk et al., 2010). A century later, the
2010 Carnegie Foundation report, Educating Nurses: A Call for Radical Transformation,
reaffirmed the importance of science in medical education, and more specifically in the
education of nurses (Benner et al., 2010). While nursing educators have been debating the
value of science in the nursing curriculum (Jordan, 1994; Trnobranski, 1993; Wynne, Brand,
& Smith, 1997), advances in medical knowledge and technology have continued unabated.
As a result, today’s nurses need a “sophisticated understanding” of a range of scientific
concepts from anatomy and physiology through to chemistry, physics and genomics to make
informed decisions about patient care (Benner et al., 2010). Recently, questions have been
raised as to whether we are preparing nursing graduates for the demands of the present, let
alone the future (Benner et al., 2010; Frenk et al., 2010). There are also fears that, as nursing-
education struggles to keep pace with research- and technology-driven advances, a “practice-
education gap is developing (Benner et al., 2010). Perhaps now more than ever, highly
educated nurses, with a comprehensive understanding of science, are required. However, it is
well recognised that nursing students, as a group, struggle with science-based subjects. How
then can tertiary institutions produce the nursing graduates needed? Clearly, improvements
and innovations in the design and delivery of science-based subjects are part of the solution.
However, as with any complex system, a host of other factors influence student learning and
performance. The aim of this paper is to discuss some of the factors that could influence
nursing student’s success in bioscience subject that appear to have been largely overlooked.
We argue that a significant factor impacting on student success is a lack of prior engagement
with, and interest in, science. This lack of engagement/interest may lead to the development
of science anxiety, reduced self-efficacy and performance-avoidance achievement goals, all
of which will negatively influence student learning and performance in science subjects. By
examining some of the potential hidden-impacts of low pre-enrolment science background
we hope to help educators design courses and subjects that will stimulate interest in science
and produce scientifically-literate nursing graduates.
Nursing students and science
The importance of understanding science, and in particular bioscience, to nursing practice is
recognised by both nursing students and practicing nurses. In surveying nurses who had
completed a post-registration course that included bioscience, Jordan and Reid (1997) found
the majority believed that knowledge of applied physiology was strongly related to proper
patient care. In all, 95% of nurses reported that their practice improved as a result of the
course (Jordan & Reid, 1997). Similarly, in a survey of pre-registration nurses and practicing
nurses in the UK, 92% of respondents indicated that biological science knowledge was
important to nursing practice (Clancy, McVicar, & Bird, 2000), and in one New Zealand
tertiary institution, 97% of nursing educators and students agreed that bioscience knowledge
was essential for effective nursing practice (Friedel & Treagust, 2005). In Sweden, the
majority of nurses one year after graduation believed their scientific training was necessary
for the delivery high quality health-care and gave them the skills to perform critical analysis
and evaluate information (Andersson & Edberg, 2010). Consistent with this view, Logan and
Angel (2011) reported that 88% of registered nurses in an Australian study viewed nursing as
an applied science (Logan & Angel, 2011). Further, Davis (2010) found the majority of
registered nurses believed bioscience to be relevant to practice. Anatomy and physiology
were seen as most relevant (76% and 79% of responders, respectively), but microbiology,
pharmacology, and biochemistry were also seen as relevant (66%, 64%, and 62% of
responders, respectively) (Davis, 2010). However, an earlier study by Caon and Treagust
(1993) suggests that student’s opinion of the relevance of science to practice varies according
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 21(2), 26-36, 2013
to their performance in science subjects. Seventy percent of students that performed well in
their science subjects believed these subjects were relevant to nursing practice, and 73%
believed they would help them become better nurses. In contrast, only 57% of students that
performed poorly in their science subjects thought these subjects were relevant to nursing
practice, and 50% disagreed with the view that these subjects would make them better nurses
(Caon & Treagust, 1993). A similar relationship between student’s performance and attitudes
may account for the findings of Birk et al. (2011). In their study, 29% of students felt that
their first bioscience subject was the most valuable to their nursing practice, but by the end of
their second session only 16% believed the second bioscience subject to be the most valuable
(Birks, Cant, Al-motlaq, & Jones, 2011). One explanation for this shift could be that
student’s attitudes changed as a function of the grade they received in their first bioscience
subject. However, these results indicate that student’s attitudes about the value of science are
fluid and that when students find science difficult they view it as less valuable to nursing
The fluid nature of nursing student’s attitudes towards science is an important consideration
given the body of evidence indicating that many students find science subjects difficult. In a
study by Caon and Treagust (1993), 90% of low performing students (and 72% of average
performing students) believed the science content was too difficult considering their science
background. Surprisingly, this view was also shared by 42% of the high performing students
(Caon & Treagust, 1993). Further, a survey of nursing students in the UK found the majority
viewed bioscience subjects as more difficult than almost all other subjects in their nursing
course (Jordan, Davies, & Green, 1999). Nursing students also report spending more time on
bioscience subjects than other subjects (Davies, Murphy, & Jordan, 2000; Friedel & Treagust,
2005), that science subjects were a source of anxiety and stress (Andrew et al., 2008; Friedel
& Treagust, 2005; Gresty & Cotton, 2003; Nicoll & Butler, 1996), and that their science
background was not sufficient to cope with the science subjects (Caon & Treagust, 1993;
Friedel & Treagust, 2005; Gresty & Cotton, 2003). These results are consistent with reports
that difficulty with science subjects can cause students to withdraw from nursing courses
(Andrew et al., 2008; White, Williams, & Green, 1999).
The reasons why nursing students struggle to cope with university-level science subjects are,
undoubtedly, numerous. However, some factors have been suggested to predict success in
nursing courses and science subjects. Houltram (1996) found that older nursing students
were more likely to perform better in their course (Houltram, 1996), and similarly, McCarey
et al. (2007) found that older students tended to do better on certain assessment items during
their course than younger (< 26 years of age) students. These results possibly reflect a
greater motivation and confidence of older students (McCarey, Barr, & Rattray, 2007).
Interestingly, both studies found only a weak correlation between entry qualification and
academic performance. Consistent with this finding, Ofori (2000) reported that previous
biology study did not influence nursing student’s success in bioscience subjects (Ofori,
2000). However, in contrast to these reports, a number of studies have found a link between
entry qualifications and academic performance in nursing courses. Wong and Wong (1999)
reported that high school science grades were a significant predictor of overall performance
in a nursing course (Wong & Wong, 1999), and studies by van Rooyen et al. (2006) and
Newton et al. (2007) found entry qualification to be a good predictor of performance in
bioscience and the nursing course overall (Newton, Smith, Moore, & Magnan, 2007; van
Rooyen, Dixon, Dixon, & Wells, 2006). More recently, Whyte et al. (2011) analysed
student’s results at a regional Australian university and found that entry score was the best
predictor of nursing student’s success. In addition, previous biology study was found to be a
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 21(2), 26-36, 2013
good predictor of performance in bioscience subjects (Whyte, Madigan, & Drinkwater,
2011). However, it is not surprising that students with a history of academic achievement
continue to perform well at university. So, the question remains: how can we help students
without a strong academic background develop an understanding of science?
The science background problem
Clearly, some prior knowledge of chemistry, physics and biology is beneficial to students
taking first year bioscience subjects. However, this raises a problem, and one that is largely
out of the hands of tertiary science educators: most students are not doing science at
secondary school. In 2008, Ainley et al. analysed Australian student participation in science,
maths and technology subjects in their final year of secondary school (Year 12) from 1976 to
2007. The results demonstrate a steady decline in the percentage of students enrolled in
biology, chemistry, and physics subjects over this period. From 1976 to 1991, the percentage
of students enrolled in biology-based subjects fell from 55% to 36%, and by 2007 enrolments
had fallen to 25%. Enrolments in chemistry and physics were even lower, with only 18% of
students enrolled in chemistry and less than 15% enrolled in physics in 2007 (Ainley, Kos, &
Nicholas, 2008). These results are consistent with the reported science background of
nursing students. For example, Whyte et al. (2011) reported that less than 50% of nursing
students had studied biology in high school (Whyte et al., 2011), and nursing students report
feeling that their science background was not sufficient to cope with the science subjects
(Caon & Treagust, 1993; Friedel & Treagust, 2005; Gresty & Cotton, 2003). It is important
to note that falling participation rates in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM)
subjects is being seen worldwide. The OECDs ‘Programme for International Student
Assessment’ (PISA) report of 2006, Science competencies for tomorrow’s world, highlighted
a number of issues of concern, including an overall decrease in the percentage of students
taking science subjects in the final years of secondary school; that female students were less
likely to enrol in science subjects; and that science teachers lacked training and confidence in
teaching science (OECD, 2007). The OECD study also found that the majority of students
leave high-school with only a basic level of science and mathematics literacy (OECD, 2007).
A focus of the 2006 PISA study was to determine student’s (aged 15 years) attitudes and
interest in science (OECD, 2007). The results revealed that the majority (89%) of Australian
students felt science is valuable to society, but only 55% believed that science was very
relevant to them. While 62% of these students indicated they were interested in learning
human biology, interest in learning chemistry and physics was lower (48% and 44%,
respectively). However, only 36% of students were interested in the way that scientists
design experiments, and only 29% were interested in what was required for scientific
explanations. Further, very few students reported engaging with science content outside of
school. Of the students surveyed, 16% regularly watched science programs on TV; 10%
regularly read science magazines or science articles in newspapers; 11% regularly visited
web sites dealing with science topics; and 5% regularly borrowed books about science.
When asked about the relevance of science to their future study and careers, just over half
(55%) of the students felt science would be important for their future studies, but only 39%
said they would like to have a career that involved science and only 34% said they would like
to study science after secondary school (OECD, 2007). While we have focused here on the
views expressed by Australian students, it should be noted that similar views were expressed
by students in many of the fifty participating OECD countries (OECD, 2007).
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 21(2), 26-36, 2013
The results of the Ainley et al. (2008) and the 2006 PISA reports reveal much about the
science background of the students entering undergraduate nursing courses in Australia
(Ainley et al., 2008; OECD, 2007). It is highly likely that: 1) a high proportion of students
will not have studied any science subjects in the last years of high school; 2) many students
will not feel confident in their abilities to do science; 3) many students will not have enjoyed
learning about science in the past and feel that science is not relevant to them; 4) most
students will not be interested in how scientific knowledge develops and evolves; 5) the vast
majority of students will not be in the habit of accessing resources about science, regardless
of how this information is delivered; and 6) many students are not interested in learning
science at university and do not want a career that involves science. In short, a substantial
number of students are not confident in their abilities to do science, do not have the desired
content knowledge, and will not be interested in developing and expanding their
understanding of science.
The potential hidden-impacts of poor pre-enrolment science background
The attitudes that students take into their nursing course will influence the relationship and
approach that they take to their undergraduate science subjects. The majority of students will
commence their degrees with little interest in science; lacking confidence in their abilities to
do science; and having made conscious decisions to avoid science-based subjects in the past.
Therefore, it is not surprising that many students feel anxious about the science subjects they
are required to complete and are focused on simply ‘surviving’. Unfortunately, both the
anxiety students feel and the ‘survival’ goal they adopt could have a detrimental effect on
their performance in science subjects.
Over the last 20 years, there has been growing recognition that many students experience
anxiety when exposed to scientists, scientific concepts and tasks (Mallow, 1991). A number
of factors are thought to contribute to the development of this ‘science-anxiety’ including:
previous bad experiences with learning science; negative messages about science during
school years; exposure to school science teachers that are themselves anxious about science
and their science abilities; a lack of science role models; and the prevalence of stereotypes in
popular culture of scientists being male, geeky, and boring. While female students
consistently score higher on science-anxiety surveys, the presence of more general, non-
specific anxiety appears to be the greatest predictor of science anxiety (Mallow, 2006; Udo,
Ramsey, & Mallow, 2001; Udo, Ramsey, & Mallow, 2004). It has been suggested that
students with science-anxiety are more likely to become frustrated with science subjects, and
to develop a lack of confidence in their abilities to learn science and do well in science
subjects. These feelings can culminate in students developing a general dislike for learning
science, a lack of engagement with anything involving science, and in lower grades
(Chiarelott & Czerniak, 1987). However, while the impact of science-anxiety on student
performance is still being determined, the influence of other forms of anxiety (e.g. test
anxiety) on academic performance has been more extensively studied.
Test-anxiety was initially thought to simply affect a student’s performance during
examinations. However, it is now recognised that this anxiety can negatively affect the
acquisition of new knowledge and concepts (i.e. the encoding of information); how a student
studies and prepares for assessment items (i.e. the storage of information); as well as their
recall of information during exams (i.e. the retrieval of information) (Cassady, 2004a).
Naveh-Benjamin et al. (1987) found that a sub-group of students with high test anxiety had
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 21(2), 26-36, 2013
trouble processing and organising the course material, and this poor organisation was
correlated with lower academic performance. They proposed that reduced exam performance
was not simply a problem of impaired recall of information, but also related to anxiety-
induced impairments in the processing, acquisition and consolidation of new information
(Naveh-Benjamin, Mckeachie, & Lin, 1987). Similarly, students with high test anxiety were
found to have poor study habits and to use less effective study techniques (e.g. repetitive
reading and memorisation). These habits and study techniques are likely to inhibit a
student’s ability to acquire new knowledge and understand new concepts, and thus, impair
their ability to learn and consolidate new information (Cassady, 2004b; McKeachie, 1984).
Students with high test-anxiety are also more likely to credit their poor performance to
internal factors (e.g. low intelligence) or other factors beyond their control (e.g. the difficulty
of the material or the quality of the teaching) (Cassady, 2004b). Consistent with this, anxious
students were also more likely to try to make lecturers feel guilty about the difficulty of the
subject and its assessment items (McKeachie, 1984). Whether science-anxiety similarly
impacts students learning and performance is yet to be determined, but it is safe to assume
that students that are anxious about studying science will experience similar impairments in
their ability to learn, consolidate, and recall new information and concepts.
The 2006 PISA report reveals that many high-school students have not enjoyed learning
about science in the past and are not interested in learning about science in the future (OECD,
2007). The impact of a lack of interest in science should not be underestimated. Hidi (1990)
has argued that it is interest that determines what we choose to process and the persistence we
display in processing this information (Hidi, 1990). Interest drives people to explore their
environment and learn new things. It drives an individual's intrinsic motivation to learn, and
to expand their knowledge, skills and experiences (Silvia, 2008). Students that are interested
in a subject study more and persist in trying to understand for longer (Silvia, 2008).
However, given that many students lack confidence in their abilities to learn science (Caon &
Treagust, 1993; Friedel & Treagust, 2005; Gresty & Cotton, 2003) it is not surprising that
they lack an interest in science. Indeed, it has been suggested that novelty alone is not
sufficient to generate interest individuals must also feel capable of understanding the
information. As Sylvia (2008) argues, ‘Finding something understandable is the hinge
between interest and confusion.’ To stimulate student’s interest, teachers need to maximise
the novelty and the comprehensibility of the subject (Silvia, 2008).
The fact that many nursing students feel they do not have a sufficient background in science
is also of concern, as it is now accepted that an individual’s views about their ability to
master a skill or learn a concept can affect their attempts to develop this mastery (Bandura,
1977; Pajares, 1996; Walker, 2010). Self-efficacy beliefs are derived from an evaluation of
previous performance in similar tasks, vicarious experience (seeing others perform the task),
verbal persuasion provided by others (e.g. teacher), and the emotional arousal the task
provokes (e.g. anxiety or pleasure) (Bandura, 1977). Further, these beliefs evolve as
individuals engage in tasks, reflect on the outcomes of this engagement, and use this
reflection to construct beliefs about their ability to perform similar tasks in the future
(Pajares, 2002). A person’s self-efficacy beliefs can influence the emotional reactions they
have in response to a given activity and how they perform or meet a challenge (i.e. people
tend to engage in activities that they believe themselves capable of mastering and avoid those
they view as beyond their capabilities) (Bandura, 1977; Pajares, 2002). Individuals that
possess a high self-efficacy are likely to be calmer in the face of challenging tasks and more
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 21(2), 26-36, 2013
likely to engage in self-directed learning. In contrast, low self-efficacy is associated with an
overestimation of the difficulty of a task; thoughts that can lead to feelings of stress and
anxiety (Pajares, 1996). Consistent with this, science self-efficacy has been reported to
predict up to 24% of academic performance in nursing students (Andrew, 1998).
Achievement goals
How a student feels about their ability to cope with science subjects can also influence the
goals they set themselves for their studies. According to the achievement goal model there
are four distinct achievement goal categories: 1) mastery-approach (focused on obtaining
competence or learning as much as possible); 2) mastery-avoidance (focused on avoiding
incompetence or not learning less than possible); 3) performance-approach (focused on
performing as well, or better, than others); and 4) performance-avoidance (focused on not
performing worse than others (Elliot, Murayama, & Pekrun, 2011; Elliot & Murayama,
2008). The influence of mastery-avoidance and performance-approach goals is still to be
determined. However, it is clear that mastery-approach goals are associated with positive
characteristics and outcomes, and performance-avoidance goals are associated with negative
characteristics and outcomes. Students with mastery-approach goals are more likely to have
positive views of their ability to cope academically (high self-efficacy), to be more persistent
in their attempts to understand, to be willing to engage in difficult activities, more likely to
use deeper-level learning strategies, to be intrinsically motivated, and to enjoy learning.
These students are also more likely to seek and obtain help and have lower levels of test
anxiety (Furner & Gonzalez-DeHass, 2011; Urdan & Schoenfelder, 2006). In contrast,
students with performance-avoidance goals are more likely to have low academic self-
efficacy, to have poor study habits, to engage in surface level processing of information, to
procrastinate, to feel threatened by their studies, to fear failing, and have higher levels of test-
anxiety. Students with performance-avoidance goals are less persistent (especially in the face
of difficulties), lack intrinsic motivation for their studies, are less likely to seek help, and
more likely to engage in self-defeating behaviours (Furner & Gonzalez-DeHass, 2011; Urdan
& Schoenfelder, 2006).
Implications for educators
In this paper, we have argued that a lack of science background means more than simply a
lack of pre-requisite science knowledge. Rather, students that have become disengaged with
science and actively avoided science subjects at secondary school are more likely to
experience anxiety related to their tertiary science subjects, and that this science-anxiety
could influence all aspects of learning (i.e. acquisition, consolidation and recall of new
information). In addition, it can further reduce student’s interest in science, lower their self-
efficacy for science subjects, and lead students to adopt performance-avoidance goals.
Unfortunately, the steady decline in high-school students studying science subjects means
that many students entering tertiary education will possess, or be at risk of developing,
behaviours and attitudes that will significantly impair their performance in science subjects.
Indeed, the literature suggests that many first-year nursing students lack interest in science,
have a low self-efficacy related to science subjects, and may experience significant science-
anxiety. While the achievement goals held by nursing students do not appear to have been
directly investigated, it can be assumed that the combination of science-anxiety, low interest,
and low self-efficacy will lead many nursing students to adopt a performance-avoidance goal
for their science subjects. In our experience, many first year nursing students exhibit
behaviours and attitudes associated with performance-avoidance goals (e.g. poor study habits,
surface level processing of information, high test-anxiety, and fear of failure). From our
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 21(2), 26-36, 2013
discussions with colleagues, we are confident that many science educators teaching into
nursing courses will also recognise characteristics associated with science-anxiety, low self-
efficacy, and performance-avoidance goals in their students.
It is our contention that the wider issue of lack of interest in science needs to be addressed
head on by nursing courses. This could be achieved by making the first science subject in
nursing (and indeed other allied health) courses focused on introducing (or perhaps re-
introducing) students to science. This ‘Introduction to Science’ subject would focus little on
content knowledge. Instead, it would deal with issues such as the true nature of science, the
benefits of science to society and allied health professions, the relevance of science to their
everyday life, and the value of a scientifically literate population to society. In short, it would
begin a conversation with students that directly addresses the important question of “why are
we learning this?” As Mallow (1986) recommends, this subject would introduce students to
the exploratory nature of science investigation and provide opportunities for students to
follow scientific evidence to logical conclusions. It would introduce students to effective
ways to study science and to develop self-regulation strategies (e.g. personal goal setting).
Group work would predominate – as the best way to learn science is to teach it and students
are often more willing to listen to the questions and answers of other students than that the
lecturer (Mallow, 1986). However, above all, the subject would be a safe place for students
to ask questions, try new things and to fail. Success should be based on satisfactory
completion and engagement with the activities and tasks, not performance measures (e.g.
grades). Such an environment would promote the development of mastery-approach goals
and allow students to explore science again, without the pressure of external expectations. In
this environment, lecturers can then provide the right mix of novelty and challenge that will
drive the development of an interest in science (Silvia, 2008). An introductory science
subject would aim to break down barriers and stereotypes that prevent many students from
engaging with science, reduce student’s science-anxiety, increase their interest in science, and
help students to see the relevance of science.
Of course, in already time-poor nursing courses the introduction of a new subject may not be
immediately feasible. So, what can be done now? Firstly, we should raise awareness
amongst science and clinical lecturers of the potential impact of science-anxiety on student’s
attitudes, achievement goals and performance in science subjects. Lecturers should be
encouraged to talk openly about these issues with students and to share their own experiences
with studying science (i.e. what they found hard and how they overcame it). However, they
should also be warned of the potential impact of reflecting any science-anxiety they may have
back to students. Further, the use of ‘flipped-classroom” models could allow lecturers to use
face-to-face sessions to stimulating student interest and break down walls preventing student
Science-anxiety clinics could be created; similar to those established by Mallow at Loyola
University of Chicago. These clinics could be staffed by scientists and counsellors and have
three aims: 1) teach the skills required to study and learn science; 2) determine the causes of
the student’s anxiety and develop strategies for reducing this anxiety; and 3) teaching
students relaxation techniques that can be used to desensitise them to anxiety-provoking
situations (e.g. science exams) (Mallow, 1986, 2006). Helping these students overcome their
science anxiety would be the first step in helping them re-engage with science. However, in
the absence of such clinics, science academics and student support services could, at the very
least, work collaboratively to create support programs that specifically address the academic
and emotional issues students commonly have with science subjects.
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education, 21(2), 26-36, 2013
Finally, in an attempt to address low science-interest and high science-anxiety nursing
students, for the last 18 months we have been conducting “Pre-science Workshops”. These
two day workshops are offered on a voluntary basis and are conducted 1-2 weeks before the
commencement of the student’s first science subject. The workshops are run by two science
lecturers, are delivered in a relaxed and informal fashion, and are focused on stimulating
student’s interest in science and reducing their anxiety. While science content is presented, it
is used to stimulate discussions about its relevance to their chosen career and other aspects of
their life. Sessions on how to study science, to evaluate evidence, to tackle exam questions,
and to deal with science-anxiety are conducted. The advantage of these workshops is that
they can tackle issues face-to-face just before the students begin their first science subject.
The initial evaluations of these workshops indicates that students are more interested in
studying science and feel less anxious about their ability to cope with science subjects, both
immediately after the workshop and 5 weeks into their first science subject. Further,
attendees appear to be more likely to pass not just their first science subject but also
subsequent science subjects in their course.
As discussed in this paper, there are a number of factors related to a lack of pre-enrolment
science background (beyond simply a lack of content knowledge) that could influence
nursing student performance in bioscience subjects. While it is widely acknowledged that
nursing students are anxious about science subjects, the root cause of this anxiety and the
impact that it has on student learning and performance in science subjects has received little
attention. This paper aims to raise awareness of the possible links between reduced rates of
science participation in high-schools and the development of science-anxiety. Further, we
have argued that science-anxiety could cause students to develop low self-efficacy for science
subjects and to adopt achievement goals that place them at risk of poor academic
performance. It is hoped that by understanding the science background of nursing students
(and how this may influence student performance) nursing educators will be able to reduce
science-anxiety, engage more effectively with nursing students and stimulate their interest in
science. These interventions may be a key element in the development of scientifically-
literate nursing graduates.
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... However, despite its significance, bioscience units, in tertiary education, prove to be a difficult hurdle to master for many students (16,35), resulting in disproportionately high failure rates. These high failure rates have often been attributed to external factors, such as lower university entrance scores and lack of previous science study (7), yet curriculum design and teaching approaches may also play a central role. In contrast, an under-standing of the mechanism of disease has been shown to ultimately improve patient care and outcomes (10,26,36). ...
... Our first-year students often struggle with both the content volume as well as complexity of the concepts contained within these units. The reasons for this are multifaceted, including a lack of relevant high school preparatory subjects, specifically chemistry or biology (7), a larger number of mature-aged students within these units who are returning to formal education after a significant break (12), anxiety toward studying science-based subjects (7), or simply lack of engagement. Despite the introduction of peer-assisted study sessions in 2010, the overall failure rate in 2012 continued to remain relatively high, at 13% in an A&P unit for semester 1 of year 1 of the degree (12). ...
... Our first-year students often struggle with both the content volume as well as complexity of the concepts contained within these units. The reasons for this are multifaceted, including a lack of relevant high school preparatory subjects, specifically chemistry or biology (7), a larger number of mature-aged students within these units who are returning to formal education after a significant break (12), anxiety toward studying science-based subjects (7), or simply lack of engagement. Despite the introduction of peer-assisted study sessions in 2010, the overall failure rate in 2012 continued to remain relatively high, at 13% in an A&P unit for semester 1 of year 1 of the degree (12). ...
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Bioscience is a foundational unit (subject) of undergraduate allied health degree programs, providing students the scientific basis underpinning their clinical practice. However, despite its significance, bioscience is a difficult academic hurdle for many students to master. The introduction of active learning strategies, including small team-based guided-inquiry learning approaches, has been shown to significantly reduce this hurdle and improve assessment outcomes for the learner. Guided team-based activities can aid in this approach by also building broader skills and capabilities, like teamwork and communication, as well as subject-specific knowledge and skills, thereby positively influencing student assessment outcomes. This paper details the redesign and evaluation of two first-year Bioscience for Paramedics units with the introduction of guided-inquiry learning, as well as other active learning strategies, and assesses their impact on student performance. Results indicate that active learning used within a classroom and in the large lecture theater setting improved students' grades with positive student perception of their learning experience.
... 3,12 Evidence from past and present reveal that it has always been perceived as the subject of anxiety and difficulty by nursing students. 1,[13][14][15][16] In Nepal, basic sciences have always been integrated in the nursing curriculum from the commencement of B.Sc. nursing program in Nepal. However, the perspective of students regarding the difficulties associated with this course has hardly been addressed. ...
... Some of the studies have pointed that students should have background of basic science education before they start the nursing programme. 1,15,16 However, it is not the case in our study as only those students who take biology in intermediate level are eligible to apply for B.Sc. nursing program. Our study revealed that students securing less than 60 in entrance marks reported more difficulty than those securing more. ...
... This is supported by another study which found that a low entrance marks requirement is found to influence the success of students in science subjects in nursing. 16 In our context, the minimum criterion to be passed in entrance is 50 which may be an acceptable one. However, this may be raised to at least 60% so as to encourage bright students to enroll in the course. ...
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Background Integration of basic sciences course in nursing provides theoretical and clinical foundation in preparing clinically competent nurses to tackle todays’ sophisticated health care system. Although basic sciences have always been considered as the subject of difficulty, there is paucity of evidence that explored the difficulties associated with the basic sciences courses in nursing curriculum. Objective To explore the difficulties experienced by the students and solutions to the difficulties related to basic sciences course from nursing students’ perspective. Method A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted enrolling 164 nursing students. A self-administered semi structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Data were entered and analyzed descriptively in SPSS version 16 and information obtained was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Result Of the total 164 students, 93.3% perceived basic science as a difficult subject. Vast course content (79.73%), insufficient time allocation (40.52%) and integration of six basic sciences subjects into one (29.41%) were the major difficulties. Solution emphasized by students were to: make course specific to nursing (67.36%), organize frequent tests (61.11%), focus more on clinical implications (46.60%), increase credit hours (37.50%), conduct exams of six basic sciences subjects separately and provide examination feedback (29.36%). Entrance marks score was found to influence difficulty in basic sciences (p=0.01). Conclusion Basic science is considered as the difficult subject by nursing students. Necessary actions may be taken by the curriculum reviewer, college administration and the educators so as to minimize this difficulty among students.
... Nursing and midwifery students were of particular interest for this study given that nursing students are frequently reported to struggle with science-based subjects, considered at least partially attributable to a lack of previous or recent science study (Crane & Cox, 2013); an issue that is also mirrored in other fields due in part to changes in prerequisite demands (King & Cattlin, 2015). Supporting this view, we find that nursing and midwifery students make up on average around half of the enrolments in ScienceReady each year. ...
... A 2012 analysis of students studying nursing at UniSA, reported 38% of students identified as having no background of science when commencing their degree (unpublished findings, 2012). Furthermore, given that the increasing avoidance of science-based subjects at the high school level is considered a correlation for reduced interest and engagement, as well as heightened anxiety in the tertiary setting (Crane & Cox, 2013), we believed that a course like ScienceReady would be considered particularly advantageous to a cohort that typically struggles with both of these aspects of study. ...
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Starting university can be a daunting experience representing a big adjustment for first year students. Facilitating a smooth transition to university sets students up for successful degree completion; however, if students struggle or become disengaged, they can underperform or drop out completely. An early support system, the 'ScienceReady' short course has been designed to assist with the transition to university study for nursing and midwifery students. It PUPIL: International Journal of Teaching, Education and Learning ISSN 2457-0648 77 has been designed to provide essential academic skills and foundational science knowledge, reduce anxiety, and assist in the formation of early friendship groups, with the overall aim to improve student success. As well as improving background knowledge, the course also allows students to visit laboratories, meet staff and interact with their peers. Despite its scope, we knew little about the impact of attending ScienceReady on later academic outcomes. This study assessed the impact of ScienceReady attendance on first-year academic success, providing evidence for the importance of early support systems in tertiary success.
... Likewise, registered nurses need to have a sufficient understanding of bioscience to underpin safe and effective clinical practice [15,47]. Similar to the study of Rafferty et al. [11], the majority of participants in the present study reflected an adequate understanding of all bioscience modules and not deep, this may be due to inconsistency in the quality of support offered to students, the lack of learning opportunities and the low priority that bioscience is given in placement education [4] notwithstanding, that many students find science subjects difficult [48]. This study revealed that the participants understanding of Human Biology and Pharmacology was better than that of Physics and Chemistry, this could be related to the importance the lecturer gives the subjects and the relevance perceived by the students as over 20% have a superficial understanding of Physics, Chemistry. ...
... This clear gap between Physics and Chemistry and how it underpins clinical practice may be the key to why more students reported these subjects as less relevant to nursing practice as compared to Human Biology and Pharmacology. In addition, students' attitudes toward the value of science are constantly changing and when students find science challenging this leads to undesirable levels of anxiety which further perpetuate their negative perception of bioscience modules [42] resulting in them perceiving it as less valuable in nursing practice [48]. Although a fair amount of anxiety can be motivating (Deshpande and Kawane 1982 as cited in Cooper et al. [51]), high levels of anxiety can undermine the learning process and lead to irreversible negative perception towards the content that needs to be learned. ...
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Background Bioscience subjects are essential as they allow nurses to have a clear understanding of the patient’s condition and ultimately allow them to provide appropriate and timeous care. However, these subjects remain a significant problem in the endeavour to produce highly competent nurses. Aim The study aimed to investigate the nursing students’ self-reported depth of understanding of bioscience and its relevance to clinical practice. Methods A quantitative research approach using a descriptive survey design was employed. The sample (n = 211) included second-, third- and fourth-year undergraduate nursing students. A three-part self-administered questionnaire was adapted and used to collect the data. Data were analysed using IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences software version 25.0 (IBM SPSS-25). Descriptive statistics and Chi-squared test were performed to describe the relationship among the study variables. Results Participants rated their understanding of the application of Human Biology (n = 86, 40.76%) and Pharmacology (n = 88, 41.71%) as good, while Physics (n = 80, 37.91%) and Chemistry (n = 85, 40.28%) were rated as adequate. Most participants rated Human Biology (n = 175, 83.73%) and Pharmacology (n = 181, 86.19%) as essential, while Physics (n = 129, 61.72%) and Chemistry (n = 133, 63.64%) were rated as relevant to clinical practice. Physics (n = 112, 60.54%; n = 95, 50.53%) and Chemistry (n = 126, 68.85%; n = 113 61.41%) were rated as not relevant to monitoring a patient’s heart rate and blood pressure. Participants’ perception of the relevance of Chemistry in monitoring a patient’s blood pressure was statistically significant (χ² = 6.871 (df 2), p<0.05). Most participants (n = 57, 41.91%) performed at Task specific on Akinsanya’s Bionursing model, suggesting an overall understanding of the foundational concepts and principles of bioscience. Conclusion The findings of the study provided evidence of the students’ self-reported depth of understanding and perception of the relevance of bioscience and indicate a need for more emphasis on the importance of bioscience integration in clinical practice.
... Within the broad umbrella of science, there is noted anxiety in many students when confronted with scientific content (Daker et al, 2021). This would appear as a result of poor secondary experience of science through deleterious learning, messaging or inadequately prepared teaching staff, along with the gender bias in sciences and belief that science is boring (Buckley, Reid, Goos, Lipp, & Thomson, 2016;Crane & Cox, 2013;Ingvarson et al., 2014). Compounding the potential of anxiety with respect to their STEM learning is the students' self-efficacy within the discipline. ...
... Compounding the potential of anxiety with respect to their STEM learning is the students' self-efficacy within the discipline. An individual's disbelief in their ability to master a skill can subvert any attempts at future mastery (Bandura, 1977;Pajares, 1996;Walker, 2010), and is built upon a number of factors including historical performance and emotional arousal (Crane & Cox, 2013). In essence it boils down to, "Do I believe I can I do it?", ...
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The number of students enrolling in higher level mathematics units at high school have been in decline for a number of years. This is of particular concern when they then continue their studies within undergraduate STEM disciplines at University, leading academics to search for better methods to support mathematical instruction. The aim of this study was to investigate the development of a simple and robust tool to classify students’ mathematical capacity within a time compressed block teaching environment. One hundred and seventy-six first year students completed a survey reflecting on their level of comfort, competence, and enjoyment of mathematics, including their highest level of previous study in the discipline. Students also completed a short quiz to establish a pre-learning numeracy skill baseline. The survey provided data for development of the metric, from which, three groups ranked on their mathematical ability (low, medium and high) were identified which were then matched with scores arising from their baseline assessment. The classification grouping was uniform across all four offerings of the mathematics unit taught and matched with common baseline assessment scores. The importance of this tool shows both reliability and robustness in being able to identify students likely to have difficulty in studying undergraduate mathematics especially within the context of the time limited intensive block teaching, permitting early intervention to help students at risk of failure to succeed.
... Our students' goals changed during the semester from studying physiology in order to become a good nurse to studying physiology to pass the examination. Limited belief in their ability to gain mastery (Bandura, 1994) may have contributed to this shift in motivation as physiology is a complex subject (Slominski, Grindberg, & Momsen, 2019) and students may choose performance-avoidance goals instead of mastery-approach goals when they doubt their ability (Crane & Cox, 2013). Furthermore, it is possible that students' motivation is influenced by limited time, which could be a challenge in large physiology classes (Taylor et al., 2015). ...
... Because students' attitudes towards subjects like physiology could influence tensions if students believe that it is an especially difficult subject, the next design could include a prescience course, which may improve students' attitudes towards physiology and may influence their goals (Crane & Cox, 2013). We suggest continuing to teach core concepts to build foundational scaffolding on which to continue to learn. ...
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Aims and objectives To explore the on‐campus activities of the flipped classroom and their role in nursing students’ experiences of mastering physiology. Background A nurse must be confident in their knowledge of physiology to feel confident as a nurse. However, many nursing students do not believe in their ability to master physiology. The flipped classroom design could facilitate active learning and promote students’ confidence and competence in physiology. Design A design‐based research design was employed. Methods Twenty‐three nursing students enrolled in an anatomy and physiology course participated in two focus group interviews and wrote two individual reflective notes. The data were analysed by means of systematic text condensation and activity theory. Reporting was guided by the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Studies (COREQ). Results The study findings underscore the importance of careful design of on‐campus activities within the flipped classroom to support students’ experiences of mastery in physiology. Four themes were identified: (1) preparation which builds a foundation for learning; (2) the use of digital tools; (3) learning through dialogue with peers; and (4) experience of the expected learning outcomes. Conclusions On‐campus learning activities within a flipped classroom design could support students’ experiences of confidence in and mastery of physiology. However, the study participants found learner‐centred activities challenging and described feeling doubtful of their ability to master physiology. A didactic framework could take into account the circumstance that students perceive educational technology differently. When designing on‐campus activities, emphasis should be placed on collaboration rather than competition to help students develop confidence in their knowledge of physiology. Relevance to clinical practice It is important to support nursing students’ knowledge acquisition in bioscience and their development of confidence as these skills could enhance their clinical judgment in practice. Comprehension of bioscience is necessary to provide safe patient care and competent nursing.
... As regards the instructors' prevailing attitudinal traits demonstrated while delivering the online lecture, it is recommended that they too demonstrate a demeanour that will encourage students willing to learn and participate effectively in the class. The role of a teacher in the success of an online mode has been documented by scholars (Thorsteinsson, 2013;Crane & Cox, 2013;Schmidt et al., 2016). ...
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Online teaching and learning have received widespread acceptance in recent years due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. The current study set out to determine nursing students’ perception and attitude to the online learning model (OLM) in the schools of nursing within South-West Nigeria. The study employed a descriptive cross-sectional design to collect data among nursing students. A self-developed questionnaire was used in this study to collect data via online Data analysis involves application of Relative Importance Index (RII). Findings revealed a high level of perception about online classes. Main attitudinal traits demonstrated by students were getting easily distracted, engaging in multiple tasks and having family distractions. Family members also distracted the teachers. Poor electricity supply, unstable internet network, and financial constraint were the major barriers encountered. In conclusion, we found that nursing students in South-West Nigeria demonstrated a positive disposition to online learning and have a good attitude towards it.
... It is well documented that theoretical concepts in biosciences are an area of knowledge acquisition that nursing students find difficult to understand (Jensen et al., 2018;Jordan et al., 1999;McKee, 2002;Montayre et al., 2019;Smales, 2010) and a source of anxiety amongst students (Craft et al., 2013;Crane and Cox, 2013;Nicoll and Butler, 1996). The Human Anatomy and Physiology Society (HAPS) highlights that there is a need to improve the teaching of and performance in biosciences in nursing where attrition rates are high (Hull et al., 2016). ...
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In nursing, bioscience is regarded as one of the cornerstones of nursing practice. However, bioscience disciplines as anatomy, physiology and biochemistry are considered challenging for students and the failure rate is high. In this study we explore a blended learning teaching strategy in anatomy, physiology and biochemistry course for first year Bachelor nursing students. In the blended learning teaching strategy, short narrated online digital resources of bioscientific terms and concepts were integrated into the teaching design along with digital metacognitive evaluations of learning outcomes. Results show that compared to students receiving traditional face-to-face teaching, the students with a blended learning approach performed better on their national exam with a small to medium effect size (Cohen’s d=.23). Student course evaluations supported the blended learning delivery with small to medium effect sizes. The students reported that the digital resources supported their learning outcome achievement, that they better understood the teacher’s expectations and that they were more satisfied with their virtual learning environment. This study adds to the growing literature of blended learning effectiveness in higher education, and suggests the use of digital resources as an enrichment of teaching and enhancement of students’ study experience.
... Some educators have even sought the use of social networking such as Whatsapp and Facebook to keep students engaged on case studies, whereas others have reported students to perceive this as sometimes intrusive (Hershkovitz et al., 2019;Van Den Beemt et al., 2020). It is interesting to note that while students are heavily engrossed in social platforms (Abbas et al., 2019), not many have an appetite for trending world events or scientific news (Crane and Cox, 2013;Medrano, 2014). While learning of traditional knowledge and skills are important, students also need to stay abreast with world events pertaining to their chosen discipline of study. ...
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Presents an integrative theoretical framework to explain and to predict psychological changes achieved by different modes of treatment. This theory states that psychological procedures, whatever their form, alter the level and strength of self-efficacy. It is hypothesized that expectations of personal efficacy determine whether coping behavior will be initiated, how much effort will be expended, and how long it will be sustained in the face of obstacles and aversive experiences. Persistence in activities that are subjectively threatening but in fact relatively safe produces, through experiences of mastery, further enhancement of self-efficacy and corresponding reductions in defensive behavior. In the proposed model, expectations of personal efficacy are derived from 4 principal sources of information: performance accomplishments, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and physiological states. Factors influencing the cognitive processing of efficacy information arise from enactive, vicarious, exhortative, and emotive sources. The differential power of diverse therapeutic procedures is analyzed in terms of the postulated cognitive mechanism of operation. Findings are reported from microanalyses of enactive, vicarious, and emotive modes of treatment that support the hypothesized relationship between perceived self-efficacy and behavioral changes. (21/2 p ref)
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In the development and delivery of pre‑registration baccalaureate nursing programs, universities must address both the needs of industry and the registering authorities that regulate health professional practice. Balanced with this, providers of education at this level also wish to deliver an experience to students that they both value and enjoy. Objective: This paper describes the findings of a study examining these factors in the first year of four pre‑registration programs at a rural campus and outreach centre of one Australian university. Design: A descriptive, exploratory survey was employed in this research, which is drawn from a larger study into entry pathway, success and academic experience. Results: Results indicate that students found units such as fundamental nursing subjects and law most enjoyable and valuable. Units with a sociological foundation were considered less enjoyable and valuable. Overall, students recognised the value of the bioscience units while contrarily not expressing enjoyment of this aspect of their studies. Conclusions: These findings have implications for nurse educators in respect of the content and delivery of pre‑registration nursing programs. As first year students, the participants may have been focused on learning fundamental nursing tasks, lacking an understanding of the breadth of knowledge required for their professional role. Future research into aspects of nursing studies found to be most valuable may provide a different perspective if conducted in the period post graduation.
It is argued that interest is central in determining how we select and persist in processing certain types of information in preference to others. Evidence that shows that both individual and text-based interest have a profound facilitative effect on cognitive functioning and learning is reviewed. Factors that contribute to text-based interest are discussed, and it is suggested that interest elicits spontaneous, rather than conscious, selective allocation of attention. It is further proposed that the psychological and physiological processes associated with interesting information have unique aspects not present in processing information without such interest. Current advances in neuro-cognitive research show promise that we will gain further knowledge of the impact of interest on cognitive functioning and that we will finally be in a position to integrate the physiological and psychological aspects of interest.
A changing, economically competitive world has necessitated reform in mathematics education. Yet mathematics anxiety has been a prevalent concern among educators and others in our society for decades. Some students tend to be more anxious about the testing process and can often freeze up, others just cringe when they are confronted with any form of computational exercise, or others dread taking math classes which can occur in the elementary, middle, high, and even at the college levels. Educators, parents, politicians, and others are trying to assess the cause for the apparent academic weakness of mathematics, and solutions to the problem are being sought. Our focus in this paper is to tease apart the underlying causes of math anxiety that result from a teacher's instructional practice, particularly how mastery and performance goals relate to the construct of math anxiety, and how a teachers' understanding of creating mastery-oriented classrooms can help to prevent or reduce the anxiety students experience during mathematics. Research indicates that classroom practices can influence the goals students adopt, and that educators should strive to create mastery-oriented classrooms by examining the nature of the tasks they assign students, the authority or degree they involve students in academic decision-making, the types of evaluation and recognition they utilize, and the classroom climate they create.
This paper overviews three important motivational theories (the theory of self-efficacy, achievement goal theory, and the self-determination theory of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation) and explains their relevance for motivating tertiary students. The paper then briefly describes a project in which tertiary educators in science and other faculties have attempted to make their units of study more motivating and interesting for students. The paper concludes by outlining some aspects of the emerging sociocultural approach to motivation and the relevance of this approach for motivating students in educational contexts.
The purpose of this article is to examine the contribution made by the self-efficacy component of Bandura’s (1986) social cognitive theory to the study of self-regulation and motivation in academic settings. The difference between self-efficacy beliefs and other expectancy constructs is first explained, followed by a brief overview of problems in self-efficacy research. Findings on the relationship between self-efficacy, motivation constructs, and academic performances are then summarized. These findings demonstrate that particularized measures of self-efficacy that correspond to the criterial tasks with which they are compared surpass global measures in the explanation and prediction of related outcomes. The conceptual difference between the definition and use of expectancy beliefs in social cognitive theory and in expectancy value and self-concept theory is then clarified. Last, strategies to guide future research are offered.
It is argued that interest is central in determining how we select and persist in processing certain types of information in preference to others. Evidence that shows that both individual and text-based interest have a profound facilitative effect on cognitive functioning and learning is reviewed. Factors that contribute to text-based interest are discussed, and it is suggested that interest elicits spontaneous, rather than conscious, selective allocation of attention. It is further proposed that the psychological and physiological processes associated with interesting information have unique aspects not present in processing information without such interest. Current advances in neuro-cognitive research show promise that we will gain further knowledge of the impact of interest on cognitive functioning and that we will finally be in a position to integrate the physiological and psychological aspects of interest.