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Heuristics for Sample Size Determination in Multivariate Statistical Techniques


Abstract and Figures

This paper aims to present the guidelines given in the literature as to the appropriate sample size for the various statistical techniques (Factor Analysis, Regression Analysis, Conjoint Analysis, Canonical Correlation, Cluster Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling). Sample size estimation depends on the nature of research and statistical technique to be employed in research. Most of the statistical techniques are sample size sensitive. (a) The chi-square is sensitive to sample size; its significance becoming less reliable with sample sizes above 200 or less than 100 respondents. In large samples, differences of small size may be found to be significant, whereas in small samples even sizable differences may test as non-significant. (b) For factor analysis appropriate sample sizes depend upon the numbers of items available for factor analysis; for 10 items a sample size of 200 is required; for 25 250; for 90 items 400 and for 500 items a sample size of 1000 deemed necessary. (c) For multiple regression analyses the desired level is between 15 to 20 observations for each predictor variable. (d) Sample size for conjoint studies generally ranges from about 150 to 1,200 respondents; for non-comparative group a sample size of 300 respondents seems reasonable while for comparative groups 200 respondents for each group are required. (e) For SEM at least 15 cases per measured variable or indicator are needed (f) There is no rule of thumb for minimum sample size for Cluster Analysis. INTRODUCTION development of an index of fit for which the sampling
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World Applied Sciences Journal 27 (2): 285-287, 2013
ISSN 1818-4952
© IDOSI Publications, 2013
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.wasj.2013.27.02.889
Correseonding Author: Dr. Kamran Siddiqui, DHA Suffa University, Karachi, Pakistan.
Heuristics for Sample Size Determination in Multivariate Statistical Techniques
Kamran Siddiqui
DHA Suffa University, Karachi, Pakistan
Submitted: Oct 19, 2013; Accepted: Nov 22, 2013; Published: Dec 6, 2013
Abstract: This paper aims to present the guidelines given in the literature as to the appropriate sample size for
the various statistical techniques (Factor Analysis, Regression Analysis, Conjoint Analysis, Canonical
Correlation, Cluster Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling). Sample size estimation depends on the nature
of research and statistical technique to be employed in research. Most of the statistical techniques are sample
size sensitive. (a) The chi-square is sensitive to sample size; its significance becoming less reliable with sample
sizes above 200 or less than 100 respondents. In large samples, differences of small size may be found to be
significant, whereas in small samples even sizable differences may test as non-significant. (b) For factor analysis
appropriate sample sizes depend upon the numbers of items available for factor analysis; for 10 items a sample
size of 200 is required; for 25 250; for 90 items 400 and for 500 items a sample size of 1000 deemed necessary.
(c) For multiple regression analyses the desired level is between 15 to 20 observations for each predictor
variable. (d) Sample size for conjoint studies generally ranges from about 150 to 1,200 respondents; for non-
comparative group a sample size of 300 respondents seems reasonable while for comparative groups 200
respondents for each group are required. (e) For SEM at least 15 cases per measured variable or indicator are
needed (f) There is no rule of thumb for minimum sample size for Cluster Analysis.
Key words: Sample Size Multivariate Analysis Regression Analysis Factor Analysis Cluster Analysis
Conjoint Analysis Chi Square Canonical Correlation Structural Equation Modeling
INTRODUCTION development of an index of fit for which the sampling
Sample size estimation is the most difficult task of model comparison and these values must be accompanied
research study employing statistical techniques. Most of by the values of degrees of freedom and sample size.
the methods to estimate the sample size are based on However, x is sensitive to sample size; as the sample size
statistics and requires high level of computations. increases (generally above 200); the x test statistic
Experienced researchers developed heuristics for has a tendency to indicate a significant probability
quickly determining sample sizes based on experience, level. In contrast, as the sample size decreases (generally
rules-of-thumb and budget constraints. This paper offers below 100); the x test statistic is prone to Indicate
reliable literature for successful and meaningful sample- non-significant probability levels [2].
size determination. The chi-square is sensitive to sample size; its
Literature Review: There are a number of different outside this range. This makes it more likely to reject
guidelines given in the literature as to the appropriate the model in structural equation modeling due to the
sample size needed for a typical type of research and larger the sample size. In large samples, differences of
required for the various statistical techniques i.e., small size may be found to be significant, whereas in small
Chi-Square, Factor Analysis, Multiple Regression samples even sizable differences may test as non-
Analysis, Conjoint Analysis, Cluster Analysis and significant [3].
Structural Equation Modeling.
Sample Size for Chi-square x:Despite numerous available for judging the adequacy of the sample size for
ambiguities associated with interpreting x, the value of
the statistic itself holds the most promise for the
distribution is known [1]. It also forms the basis for nested
significance becoming less reliable with sample sizes
Sample Size for Factor Analysis: Different guidelines are
factor analysis. Comery and Lee describe it as more is
better [4].
World Appl. Sci. J., 27 (2): 285-287, 2013
Table 1: Sample Size Classification
Sample Size Quality
50 Very Poor
100 Poor
200 Fair
300 Good
500 Very Good
1,000 Excellent
Table 2: Appropriate Sample Size
Number of items Sample Size
10 200
25 250
90 400
500 700-1000
Thompson, (2004) suggests that at least 200
respondents must be sampled in order to attain a stable
solution through factor analysis [5]. Most promising work
on the subject suggest that adequate sample size is not
simple as listed above and it needs to be quite large (e.g.,
400 or greater) to produce undistorted results. Meyers,
Gamst, Guarino, (2006) suggest that appropriate sample
sizes depend upon the numbers of items available for
factor analysis as shown in Table 2 [7].
Sample Size for Regression Analysis: For multiple
regression analyses the desired level is between 15 to 20
observations for each predictor variable [8]. However, if
a stepwise procedure is employed, the recommended level
must be increased to acquire a reasonable level of
generalisability from the results. For example the predictor
variables are 30, which require a sample size of 600, but
raising this to a sample size of 1,000 will considered
adequate as further analyses may require step-wise
Sample Size for Conjoint Analysis: Sample size for
conjoint studies generally ranges from about 150 to 1,200
respondents and it largely depends on the purpose of
research [9]. For robust quantitative research where
subgroup comparison is not the purposes, at least 300
respondents are required to make a meaningful insight.
For investigational work and developing hypotheses
about a market, between thirty and sixty respondents may
do. If the purpose of research is to compare groups of
respondents and detect significant differences, sample
size to accommodate a minimum of about 200 per group
would be required. Therefore, for a study planning to
divide respondents into as many as four groups (i.e.,
through cluster analysis) it would be wise to include, at a
minimum, 4 × 200 = 800 respondents.
Sample Size for Canonical Correlation: The sample size
depends on reliability of variables. For variables with
reliability around 0.8 about 10 cases are needed for every
variable. For very high reliability higher a much lower ratio
of cases to variables is acceptable [10].
Sample Size for Structural Equation Modeling: Sample
size plays an important role in the estimation and
interpretation of SEM results [11]. In general the literature
suggests that sample sizes for structural equation models
commonly run in the 200 to 400 range for models with
10 to 15 indicators. At least 100 cases are required for
SEM and preferably 200 [14]. With more than 10 variables,
sample sizes under 200 generally cause parameter
estimates to be unstable and the tests of statistical
significance to lack power. Furthermore, Loehlin explained
a rule of thumb i.e., the sample size should be at least
50 more than eight times the number of variables in the
model. Another rule of thumb is to have at least 15 cases
per measured variable or dicator [13], while the minimum
requirements has been defined as s five cases per
parameter estimate [15]. For example a study that uses a
maximum of 50 variables in any single model which
requires a sample size of about 450 as per the guidelines
provided above [16]. For smaller sample size or excessive
kurtosis in SEM, the researcher should report the results
in maximum likelihood (ML) estimation method as ML
performs reasonably well under a variety of less-
than-optimal analytic conditions [17].
Sample Size for Cluster Analysis: Unfortunately, there
is no generally accepted rule of thumb regarding minimum
sample sizes or the relationship between the objects and
the number of clustering variables used [18]. This could
be considered as one of the limitations of Cluster Anlysis
as is it will always render a result no matter how many
varaiables are cluterised with how many cases. However
bigger sample size is needed to provide valid results.
Sample size estimation depends on the nature of
research and statistical technique to be employed in
research. Most of the statistical techniques are sample
size sensitive. (a) The chi-square is sensitive to sample
size; its significance becoming less reliable with sample
sizes above 200 or less than 100 respondents. In large
samples, differences of small size may be found to be
significant, whereas in small samples even sizable
differences may test as non-significant. (b) For factor
World Appl. Sci. J., 27 (2): 285-287, 2013
analysis appropriate sample sizes depend upon the 4. Comrey, A.L. and H.B. Lee, 1992. A first course in
numbers of items available for factor analysis; for 10 items factor analysis, 2 Ed.. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence
a sample size of 200 is required; for 25 items 250; for 90 Erlbaum Associates, Publishers.
items 400 and for 500 items a sample size of 1000 deemed 5. Thompson, B. 2004. Exploratory and confirmatory
necessary. (c) For multiple regression analyses the factor analysis: Understanding concepts and
desired level is between 15 to 20 observations for each applications. Washington, DC: American
predictor variable. (d) Sample size for conjoint studies Psychological Association.
generally ranges from about 150 to 1,200 respondents; for 6. MacCallum, R.C., K.F. Widaman, K.J. Preacher and S.
non-comparative group a sample size of 300 respondents Hong, 2001. Sample Size in Factor Analysis: The Role
seems reasonable while for comparative groups 200 of Model Error. Multivariate Behavioral Research,
respondents for each group are required. (e) For SEM at 36(4): 611-637.
least 15 cases per measured variable or indicator are 7. Meyers, L.S., G. Gamst, A.J. Guarino, 2006. Applied
needed. In order to summarize we can say that for every Multivariate Research: Design and Interpretation,
additional variable requires an over-proportional increase Sage Publications.
in observations to ensure valid results. This is based on 8. Hair, J.F., W.C. Black, B.J. Babin, R.E. anderson and
the observations from different analytical tools. R.L. Tatham, 2006. Multivariate Data Analysis, 6
Practical Implications: Young social scientists and 9. Orme, B., 2010. Getting Started with Conjoint
doctoral candidates are always inquisitive about the Analysis: Strategies for Product Design and Pricing
adequacy of sample size for their research where they Research. 2 Ed, Madison, Wis.: Research Publishers
might be applying sophisticated multivariate techniques. LLC.
This research paper also highlights the limitation of 10. Tabachnick, B.G. and L.S. Fidell, (1996). Using
various sample size determination formulae practiced in Multivariate Statistics. 3 Ed. New York: Harper-
academia. As these formulae can only provide adequate Collins.
sample size under normal circulastances. 11. Hair, J.F., W.C. Black, B.J. Babin, R.E. anderson, R.L.
Research Limitations: Exposure of author is limited to Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
social sciences only therefore application of these 13. Stevens, J.P., 2002. Applied Multivariate Statistics for
findings may be more generalizeable for social sciences. Social Science, 4 Ed. Hillsdale, New Jersey.
Secondly this research paper only provides the 14. Loehlin, J.C., 1992. Latent Variable Models: An
guidelines for sample size estimation needed for statistical introduction to factor, path and structural analysis,
techniques rather than mathematical computation. 2 Ed, Hillsdale, New Jersey.
Originality/value: Although there are other studies structural modelling, Sociological Methods and
providing a numerical solution to the problem; this paper Research, 16: 78-117.
answers to the demanding question from less-experienced 16. Marsh, H.W., J.R. Balla and R.P. McDonald, 1988.
researchers who would like to have some rule of thumb to Goodness of fit indexes in confirmatory factor
decide upon. By contributing to the body of knowledge analysis: The effect of sample size. Psychological
in this area, this research adds significant value. Bulletin, 103: 391-410.
REFERENCES Structural Equation Models. In Hoyle, R.H. (Ed.)
1. Hoyle, R.H., Ed, 1995. Structural Equation Modeling. Issues and Applications, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage
Concepts, Issues and Applications, Thousand Oaks, Publications.
CA: Sage Publications. 18. Dolnicar, S., 2002. A Review of Unquestioned
2. Schumacker, R.E, 1996. Editor’s Note, Structural Standards in Using Cluster Analysis for Data-Driven
Equation Modeling, 3(1): 1-3. Market Segmentation, ANZMAC Conference, Deakin
3. Fan, X., B. Thompson and L. Wang, 1999. Effects of University, Melbourne.
sample size, estimation method and model
specification on structural equation modeling fit
indexes. Structural Equation Modeling, 6: 56-83.
Ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
Tatham, 2006. Multivariate Data Analysis, 6 Ed.,
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17. Hoyle, R.H. and A.T. Panter, 1995. Writing About
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... It is generally recommended to have at least 15-20 participants for each variable in regression analyses, but this number can be reduced to 10 participants. 37,38 In this study, the sample size appears to be sufficient for regression analyses, but may not be enough for mediation analyses. To address this issue, the researchers utilize the bootstrap method, which is a powerful tool for testing mediation solutions, particularly in small samples. ...
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Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between compulsive use of social media and orthorexia, with a focus on the mediating role of eating attitudes. Patients and Methods The study involved 255 participants between the ages of 18–65 who did not have any psychiatric disorders or developmental disabilities. The participants completed a Sociodemographic Information Form, Orthorexia Nervosa Inventory, Social Media Addiction Scale, and Eating Attitudes Test. Results The results showed a positive correlation between orthorexia and all other scales and sub-scales. Multiple regression analyses revealed that eating attitudes were a significant predictor of all sub-dimensions of orthorexia. Additionally, the sub-dimension of Conflict on the Social Media Addiction Scale was found to predict the Impairments sub-dimension of orthorexia. Further analysis using the PROCESS macro showed that compulsive use of social media not only directly predicted orthorexia, but also indirectly through eating attitudes. Conclusion These findings emphasize the importance of addressing both compulsive use of social media and eating attitudes when working with individuals who exhibit orthorexic symptoms in clinical settings.
... After cleaning the data, (224) questionnaires were valid for statistical analysis. This sample was considered appropriate where according to Siddiqui (2013), the sample size for multivariate statistical analysis should range from 200 to 500 samples. ...
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This study examined the effects of visual perception and executive function skills on the writing skills of Turkish students with learning disabilities and typically developing Turkish students. Given the unique features of the Turkish language, such as vowel harmony and articulatory structure, this research addresses a significant gap in understanding how these factors influence writing abilities in this population. The study employed a comparative design involving students with learning disabilities and typically developing students and analysed their writing errors, executive function and visual perception levels. Significant differences were found between the two groups, with students with learning disabilities performing worse across all the measures. Correlation analysis indicated significant relationships between writing errors and visual perception, working memory and executive functioning. Multiple regression analysis further revealed that these cognitive factors were crucial predictors of writing skills. These findings underscore the importance of considering visual perception and executive functions when formulating and implementing writing instruction strategies for Turkish students with learning disabilities.
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Introduction: Colorectal cancer (CRC) represents the second leading cause of cancer-related mortality. This study focused on the development of a robust conceptual causal model designed to predict early recurrence and mortality following curative surgery in colorectal cancer patients. Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, we included 284 patients with colorectal cancer (CRC) who underwent surgery at the Imam Khomeini (RA) Clinic in Hamadan, Iran, between 2001 and 2017. Demographic characteristics, treatment modalities, and other relevant data were extracted from patient records. Predictors were analyzed using Generalized Structural Equation Modeling (GSEM) for survival analysis, employing an accelerated failure time (AFT) approach. Both unadjusted and adjusted time ratios (TRs) were calculated using STATA software. Results: The results of our developed causal model indicated that receiving chemotherapy was significantly associated with a shorter survival time ratio (TR = 0.415, 95% CI: 0.290-0.593), and recurrence time (TR = 0.363, 95% CI: 0.190-0.696). Conversely, patients who underwent multiple chemotherapy sessions exhibited a longer survival time (TR = 2.130, 95% CI: 1.790-2.534) and recurrence time (TR = 2.206, 95% CI: 1.609- 3.023). Age had a direct impact on the recurrence time (TR = 0.758, 95% CI: 0.602-0.955). Additionally, age had a significant direct effect on the receipt of chemotherapy, the cancer site, and the receipt of radiotherapy. Conclusion: In summary, our study's causal model reveals that chemotherapy shortens survival time but multiple sessions can extend both survival and recurrence times. Age significantly affects recurrence time and chemotherapy receipt. These findings highlight the importance of personalized treatment strategies in colorectal cancer management
This study aims to examine the relationship between the perception of job insecurity and social loafing behavior, and the mediating role of self-esteem. Since, no study was observed in the literature that uses the self-esteem variable as a mediating variable in the relationship between the perception of job insecurity and social loafing behavior, the importance of this study becomes evident and it is an original study in this respect. In the study, data obtained by survey method from 248 white-collar employees working in Istanbul were used. The results of the study reveal that the perception of job insecurity has a positive effect on social loafing behavior, self-esteem negatively affects social loafing behavior, and self-esteem partially mediates the effect of job insecurity perception on social loafing behavior. Also, the study revealed whether the variables differed significantly according to demographic data and the results were discussed. In light of the results, managements of businesses are recommended to create a work environment that prioritizes job security, minimize work stress, seek the opinions of employees, and identify and prioritize individuals with high self-esteem in the recruitment process.
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Although innovation is recognized as important for a company, not all companies can do it due to some limitations or barriers they have, especially for small and medium-sized companies. One of these barriers is in terms of creativity. This study discussed this issue by investigating how the effect of creativity barriers of SMEs in generating varied, unique, and original ideas on the company's ability to carry out innovative practices, as well as its impact on the business performance of SMEs. Thus, this study aimed to test empirically on 350 SMEs in Riau Province whether barriers to creativity (creativity barriers) can be antecedents of innovation and business performance in the context of cross-sector small and medium-sized enterprises with structural equation modeling (SEM) analysis technique. The findings of this study indicate a significant effect related to the effect of creativity barriers on SMEs' product and process innovation. The results of this study also found that creativity barriers did not have a significant effect on performance. This study's last findings prove the mediation role of the innovation process in the relationship between creativity barriers and performance. The results of this study prove that success in making product innovation can be a differentiating factor that causes some SMEs to grow and develop while others do not, even though they have almost the same limitations or barriers. In practical terms, the results of this study show how important it is for SMEs to always adopt innovative practices, such as making changes, updates, and improvements to improve their business performance.
Örgütsel adalet, bireylerde örgütle ilgili oluşan adalet duygusu ve bu duygudan kaynaklanan davranışları ifade etmektedir. Örgütsel adaletin işletmelerde bazı olumsuz sonuçlara neden olduğu bilinmektedir. Bu olumsuz sonuçlardan biri sosyal kaytarmadır. Sosyal kaytarma, grup çalışmalarında bireylerin çeşitli nedenlerle kendi potansiyellerinden ve bireysel olarak gösterebilecekleri performanstan daha düşük bir seviyeyi bilerek ortaya koymalarıdır. Çalışanlar bazen bilerek, bazen de bilmeden verdikleri izlenimi yönetmeye yönelik aksiyonları ve bununla ilgili taktikler ile kaytarma davranışlarını gizleyebilmektedirler. Bu çalışmada, bireylerin örgütsel adalet algılarının sosyal kaytarma davranışlarına ne derecede etkide bulunduğu ve bu etkide çalışanların diğer üyeleri üzerinde yarattıkları izlenimi yönetmek için kullandıkları izlenim yönetimi taktiklerinin aracı rolünün olup olmadığının araştırılması amacı ile yapılmıştır. Araştırma, İstanbul’da çalışan beyaz yakalı 226 kişiden kolayda örnekleme yoluyla elde edilen verilerle test edilmiştir. Araştırmada, örgütsel adalet algısı ile sosyal kaytarma arasında anlamlı ve negatif, izlenim yönetimi ile sosyal kaytarma arasında pozitif anlamlı ilişkiler tespit edilmiştir. Örgütsel adalet algısının sosyal kaytarma üzerinde negatif etkisi olduğu, örgütsel adaletin izlenim yönetimi taktikleri üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisinin olmadığı bulgusuna ulaşılmıştır. Son olarak izlenim yönetiminin cinsiyete göre, sosyal kaytarmanın yaşa ve eğitim durumuna göre anlamlı bir şekilde farklılaştığı sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.
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Our goal in this chapter is to complement earlier publications on reporting structural equation modeling results by offering guidance on five specific model types. We begin with item factor analysis, the modeling of latent variables with noncontinuous indicators. Coverage of this model type provides a basis for some general comments about reporting SEM results and sets the stage for coverage of measurement invariance. To these two model types, we add latent variable interaction, latent growth curve analysis, and Monte Carlo simulations, as applied to SEM. For each of these model types there have been significant improvements in our ability to model data generated by sophisticated research designs and measurement strategies that align closely with complex research questions. Analysis of these model types generates more results and, in some cases, results that are not generated by analyses of more basic models. As such, the production of a satisfactory research report poses unique challenges. For each model type, we begin with a brief description of the prototypic form of the model, including citations to general treatments of such models. We then discuss the analytic issues associated with the model type, offering practical suggestions for describing these issues and how they are addressed in research reports. Although our focus is not analysis strategy, we nonetheless point out important considerations and occasionally offer recommendations about analyses associated with the different model types. Next, we discuss the presentation of results, focusing specifically on information beyond what might typically be presented in an SEM research report. We conclude each section with a brief presentation of published examples that illustrate good reporting practice for the model type in question.
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Clustering is a highly popular and widely used tool for identifying or constructing databased market segments. Over decades of applying cluster analytical procedures for the purpose of searching for homogeneous subgroups among consumers, questionable standards of utilization have emerged, e.g. the non-explorative manner in which results from cluster analytic procedures are reported, the black-box approach ignoring crucial parameters of the algorithms applied or the lack of harmonization of methodology chosen and data conditions. The purpose of this study is threefold: (1) to investigate whether and which standards of application of cluster analysis have emerged in the academic marketing literature, (2) to compare these standards of application to methodological knowledge about clustering procedures and (3) suggest changes in clustering habits. These goals are achieved by systematically reviewing 243 data-driven segmentation studies that apply cluster analysis for partitioning purposes.
Editor's Note, Structural Standards in Using Cluster Analysis for Data-Driven Equation Modeling
  • R E Schumacker
Schumacker, R.E, 1996. Editor's Note, Structural Standards in Using Cluster Analysis for Data-Driven Equation Modeling, 3(1): 1-3. Market Segmentation, ANZMAC Conference, Deakin
Effects of University, Melbourne. sample size, estimation method and model specification on structural equation modeling fit indexes Multivariate Data Analysis, 6 Ed., th th nd 15
  • X Fan
  • B Thompson
  • L Wang
Fan, X., B. Thompson and L. Wang, 1999. Effects of University, Melbourne. sample size, estimation method and model specification on structural equation modeling fit indexes. Structural Equation Modeling, 6: 56-83. nd th Ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey. nd rd Tatham, 2006. Multivariate Data Analysis, 6 Ed., th th nd 15. Bentler, P.M., C.P. Chu, 1987. Practical issues in
Structural Equation Modeling
  • R H Hoyle
  • Ed
Hoyle, R.H., Ed, 1995. Structural Equation Modeling. Issues and Applications, Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Concepts, Issues and Applications, Thousand Oaks, Publications. CA: Sage Publications.
  • P M Bentler
  • C P Chu
Bentler, P.M., C.P. Chu, 1987. Practical issues in
Writing About (1995)
  • R H Hoyle
  • A T Panter
Hoyle, R.H. and A.T. Panter, 1995. Writing About (1995). Structural Equation Modeling. Concepts,