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Comparison of Hydroponic Systems in the Strawberry Production


Abstract and Figures

In Mexico strawberry is produced with high-technology, but there is little research on the productivity of strawberry under hydroponic systems. The present study was conducted to compare four hydroponic systems for the strawberry production (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.): 1) single plastic bags, 2) vertical threelevels (pipes), 3) vertical four-levels (pipes) and 4) vertical with hydroponic pots. The experiment was carried out in a greenhouse tunnel type Colegio de Postgraduados, Montecillo, State of Mexico. The objective was to assess what type of system the strawberry plants develop better and reach higher yield and quality. To conduct the experiment treatments were nested in an experimental design of blocks completely at random with three replications. The upper levels of the systems were the most active in photosynthetic irradiance (W/m2), leaf and substrate temperature and highest percentage of Brix. In yield, the vertical with hydroponic pots system surpassed other systems, because it had the largest number of plants per unit area. The vertical with four pipes system recorded the highest percentage of fruits of the category corresponding to the large fruit and the vertical with three pipes was the system which had the highest percentage of fruit of low quality.
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Comparison of Hydroponic Systems in the Strawberry Production
H. Ramírez-Gómeza, M. Sandoval-Villa, A. Carrillo-Salazar and A. Muratalla-Lúa
Colegio de Postgraduados, Campus Montecillo
Carretera México-Texcoco km 36.5, Montecillo, Texcoco 56230, State of Mexico
Keywords: Fragaria × ananassa Duch., irradiance, temperature of the leaf and substrate,
SPAD readings, °Brix
In Mexico strawberry is produced with high-technology, but there is little
research on the productivity of strawberry under hydroponic systems. The present
study was conducted to compare four hydroponic systems for the strawberry
production (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.): 1) single plastic bags, 2) vertical three-
levels (pipes), 3) vertical four-levels (pipes) and 4) vertical with hydroponic pots. The
experiment was carried out in a greenhouse tunnel type Colegio de Postgraduados,
Montecillo, State of Mexico. The objective was to assess what type of system the
strawberry plants develop better and reach higher yield and quality. To conduct the
experiment treatments were nested in an experimental design of blocks completely
at random with three replications. The upper levels of the systems were the most
active in photosynthetic irradiance (W/m2), leaf and substrate temperature and
highest percentage of °Brix. In yield, the vertical with hydroponic pots system
surpassed other systems, because it had the largest number of plants per unit area.
The vertical with four pipes system recorded the highest percentage of fruits of the
category corresponding to the large fruit and the vertical with three pipes was the
system which had the highest percentage of fruit of low quality.
The strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) is a strategic crop in Michoacan,
Mexico, and this crop generates a great number of jobs and foreign currency (Vázquez et
al., 2008). In the year 2009 Mexico recorded a harvested area of 6,678.20 ha, with a
production of 233,041.30 tons, by which reached an average efficiency of 34.9 t/ha
(SAGARPA, 2009). Higher economic, productive and higher quality fruits cultivars are
required in Mexico (Barrera and Sánchez, 2003).
Strawberry production is practiced currently in Mexico with high technology;
however, little has been explored regarding commercial hydroponics production systems
of high density (López et al., 2005). The vertical hydroponics system for crops of high
commercial value is practiced in USA, Japan, Australia and Italy (Al-Raisy et al., 2010),
as this contributes to a better use of energy and to a more efficient use of the spaces of the
greenhouses which results in higher yields per unit area (Paraskevopoulou et al., 1995).
Strawberry plants grown in such conditions reduces the water consumption, requires less
herbicides, the fruit obtained are cleaner and bigger; the yields are higher and it is
possible to gain earliness and improve the fruit quality (Yuan and Sun, 2004).
In Michoacan, Mexico, the strawberry is a crop that requires considerable labor
because of the delicacy of its processes (CONAFRESA, 2007). Farmers face significant
challenges, since consumers demand higher quality and it is necessary to comply with the
standards of quality, health and safety. So, it is necessary to find alternatives that allow
the cultivars to be more productive and to obtain higher quality, health and safe fruits.
The objective of this study was to compare four hydroponic systems for the strawberry
production and to determine in what conditions plants develop better, to get higher yield
and better quality.
Proc. II IS on Soilless Culture and Hydroponics
Eds.: F.C. Gómez-Merino et al.
Acta Hort. 947, ISHS 2012
The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse tunnel type located at Colegio de
Postgraduados, Montecillo, State of Mexico. This study was carried out at the beginning
of October 2010 until March 2011. A short photoperiod strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa
Duch.) ‘Camino Real’ was used. To provide the nutrient solution a drip irrigation system
was used. A red volcano scoria (diameter of particles less than 10 mm) was utilized as
substrate to support the plants. The universal Steiner’s nutrient solution (1984) at 50% of
its original concentration was used. The pH was adjusted weekly from 5.8 to 6.0 using
H2SO4. Four hydroponic strawberry production systems were assessed: individual bags
(BI), vertical with three PVC pipes of 6” diameter (V3P), vertical with four pipes (V4P),
and vertical with hydroponic pots (VHP) with 42, 90, 120 and 180 plants, respectively.
The treatments were accommodated in an experimental design of randomized blocks with
three replications. Leaf greenness index (or SPAD readings) was determined using a
SPAD-502. The first reading was held on 15 December 2010 and two more took place
later 30 and 60 days after the first. At each level of the column system, a plant was
randomly selected, and then a recently matured leaf was chosen and three readings per
treatment were taken. The photosynthetic incident irradiance (W/m) reached at the levels
of the systems, as well as on the outside of the greenhouse, was registered with a linear
radiometer LI-191SE (LI-COR). Leaf (Th) and substrate temperature (Ts), were recorded
with a telethermometer (ThermaTwin TN408LC) at each level of the systems. During the
nine cuts made in the harvest time, cumulative yield (g/plant) was quantified with an
analytical scale. The obtained results were classified by size whereas the equatorial
diameter (top of the fruit measured horizontally): >3.2, 2.6-3.1, 2.0-2.5 and 1.6-1.9 cm
corresponds to A, B, C and D sizes, respectively. Also, the fruit were classified by quality
grades (1st, 2nd and 3rd) according to the norm NMX-FF-062-SCFI-2002 for strawberry.
The °Brix was estimated with a portable ATAGON-1E refract_meter by squeezing a part
of the fruit. Juice drops were placed in the refract_meter for reading. The evaluated
variables were subjected to statistical analysis by an analysis of variance and comparison
of means (Tukey, P0. 05) with the Statistical Analysis System program (SAS, Institute,
2002; Cary, NC, USA).
Incident Photosynthetic Irradiance, SPAD Readings and Leaf and Substrate
The photosynthetic incident irradiance (PII) was significantly affected by the
treatments (Table 1). Inside the greenhouse the highest levels of the systems registered
the highest values of PII (Tukey, P0.05) (Table 2). The shade effect decreased the values
in all levels of the systems. According to the analysis of variance and the comparison of
means test (Tukey, P0.05) the leaves and substrate temperature (Table 1) showed
significant differences. The V3P system recorded the highest leaf temperature with
18.93°C (Table 2), followed by VM3 and V44 18.81 and 18.47°C, respectively. It was
observed that as the height of the level increased, plant leaf temperature was higher in all
systems. Also, the media temperature followed the same trend. V33 system again
recorded the highest temperature (19.52°C), higher than the leaf temperature. SPAD
readings were not affected by treatments or levels in any of the sampling: 75, 105 and 135
days after transplant (dat) (Table 1). In the first reading, plants were at the flowering
stage, and in the two subsequent readings, plants were in the fruiting stage.
Cumulative Yield
All the high density hydroponic systems evaluated were statistically different in
comparison to the individual bags (IB) system in cumulated yield (Tukey, P0.05)
(Table 3). Vertical hydroponic pot treatment (VMH) surpassed the other systems (Fig. 2)
with 4 595.30 g. The V4T system was the second that showed acceptable yield
(3,961.40 g) followed by the V3T system (2,755.30 g), while the IB system showed
minimal yield of all (856.00 g).
°Brix of the harvested fruits was higher (Tukey, P0.05) in the highest levels of
each hydroponic system (Table 3). The comparison of means test (Tukey, P0.05) formed
eight groups. V42, V43, and V44 systems were the highest with an average of 9.73, 9.85
and 9.94% of °Brix (Fig. 3). The V33 system reached the second position with an average
of 10.63% and the VMH5 system was the best of all, since the submission of the highest
value of °Brix with an average of 10.85%. Wang and Camp (2000) mentioned that the
content of soluble sugars is affected by the maturation state, genotype, the geographical
origin and the growth temperature. All levels of systems exceed the index of quality of
°Brix according to Mitcham et al. (2002) with a minimum soluble solids content of
With regard to the fruits size (significant Tukey, P0.05) difference was only
found in categories A and D for the levels of hydroponic systems (Table 3). The
comparison of means test formed four statistical groups in the A category (Table 4). The
VMH3 system was placed in the second position with 48.70% of fruits of category A,
about half of the harvested fruits of this system presented fruits of large size. The system
V41 recorded 57.49% of fruits of the A category corresponding to the large fruit (>3.2 cm
in diameter), beating everyone. About 60% of the harvested fruits were of this category.
The comparison of means test (Tukey, P0.05) formed three groups within the category
D (1.6-1.9 cm in diameter). The V33 system recorded the 24.05% of fruits in this
category, and it was the only in the group A that had the highest percentage of small
fruits. The top systems level recorded the highest percentage of fruits of the category D.
Quality Grades
There were found significant differences in the first and third class in the
percentage of the fruits quality (Table 3). The V41 system was the best of all within the
group a with 51.79% of corresponding to the first fruit quality (Table 5). In the 3rd quality
corresponding to fruits of low quality (defects in fruit such as scrapes, sunburn, bruises
and that should not exceed 10% of the total surface of the fruit) there were significant
differences (Tukey, P0.05). The V33 system got the highest percentage of fruits of low
quality: 51.90%. The upper levels of the systems were those that recorded the highest
percentage of 3rd quality fruits, this because of the pest Tetranychus urticae Koch.
Klamkowski et al. (2007) mentioned that this species when feeding on the sap of the plant
reduces its vigor, quality and yield.
A greater number of strawberry plants per unit area increased yield. These results
were similar to results reported by Pérez et al. (2005) who showed that the yield per unit
of area was reached with the highest densities.
As the height, in a system, increases; photosynthetic incident irradiance, and
temperature of leaves and substrate increases.
Levels of the vertical system with four pipes reached a higher percentage of fruits
of category A, as well as levels of quality (first) and it was the second system which
showed higher yield per unit area.
Our gratitude to Colegio de Postgraduados for funding this research.
Literature Cited
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Table 1. Statistical significance (Pr > F) hydroponic systems on photosynthetic incident
irradiance, leaves and media temperature and SPAD readings.
SV DF PII Temperature SPAD readings
Leaf Substrate 75 dat 105 dat 135 dat
B 2 0.0875 0.9484 0.8178 0.5435 0.3803 0.3471
Trt 3 <.0001 <.0001 <.0001 0.9381 0.0757 0.9969
E 6
T 11
SV: Sources of variation; DF: degrees of freedom; B: blocks; Trt: treatments; E: error; T: total.
PII: photosynthetic incident irradiance.
dat: days after transplant.
Table 2. Grouping of means by the Tukey method (P0. 05) of the leaves and media
temperature and photosynthetic incident irradiance (PII) of hydroponic systems for
strawberry production.
LIHS Th (°C) Ts (°C) PII (W/m)
V33 18.93 a 19.52 a 128.67 b
VM3 18.81 ab 18.85 ab 117.77 b
V44 18.47 ab 17.03 abc 117.00 b
V32 16.41 abc 15.88 abc 75.47 c
BI 16.07 abc 15.85 abc 117.10 b
V43 15.58 abcd 15.80 abc 80.40 c
V42 15.48 abcd 14.82 bcd 70.23 c
VM2 14.86 bcd 14.27 cd 80.40 c
V31 14.42 cd 12.97 cd 71.67 c
V41 13.73 cd 12.80 cd 68.03 c
VM1 12.07 d 10.88 d 70.07 c
Exterior 282.67 a
Means with different letters are statistically different (Tukey, P0.05).
LIHS: level inside the hydroponic systems; Th: leaf temperature; Ts: substrate temperature.
Table 3. Statistical significance (Pr>F) of hydroponic systems on the cumulative yield,
quality and size of strawberry fruits.
SV DF CY °Brix Quality grades Size
B 2 0.2543 0.0286 0.8943 0.0737 0.0687 0.0086 0.1147 0.0161 0.2480
Trt 3 <0.0004 <.0001 0.0095 0.4158 0.0092 0.0026 0.0349 0.0765 0.0043
E 6
T 11
SV: Sources of variation; df: degrees of freedom; B: blocks; Trt: treatments; E: error; T: total.
CY: cumulative yield.
Table 4. Grouping of means by the method of Tukey (P 0. 05) of the percentage of the
size of fruit in every level of hydroponic systems for strawberry production.
A Tukey
P0.05 B Tukey
P0.05 C Tukey
P0.05 D Tukey
BI 30.52 abc 20.55 ns 39.49 ns 9.45 ab
V31 40.08 abc 36.51 ns 20.05 ns 3.35 b
V32 41.41 abc 26.07 ns 23.83 ns 8.68 ab
V33 19.15 bc 24.71 ns 32.09 ns 24.05 a
V41 57.50 a 26.30 ns 15.09 ns 1.11 b
V42 40.76 abc 38.88 ns 15.91 ns 4.44 b
V43 46.15 abc 33.35 ns 16.84 ns 3.66 b
V44 27.89 abc 24.23 ns 37.10 ns 10.78 ab
VMH1 16.83 c 42.70 ns 34.06 ns 6.41 b
VMH2 35.96 abc 29.13 ns 32.72 ns 2.19 b
VMH3 48.70 ab 34.80 ns 13.90 ns 2.60 b
VMH4 25.25 bc 43.31 ns 29.20 ns 2.24 b
VMH5 35.92 abc 33.78 ns 21.61 ns 8.68 ab
Means with different letters are statistically different (Tukey, P0.05).
LIHS: level inside the hydroponic systems; ns: not significant.
Table 5. Grouping of means by the method of Tukey (P0. 05) of the percentage of the
fruit quality in every level of hydroponic systems for strawberry production.
1st Tukey
P0.05 2nd Tukey
P0.05 3rd Tukey
BI 37.17 Abc 39.85 Ns 22.97 b
V31 37.72 Abc 37.72 Ns 24.56 ab
V32 37.96 Abc 34.26 Ns 27.78 ab
V33 20.63 C 27.46 Ns 51.90 a
V41 51.79 A 27.21 Ns 21.00 b
V42 40.00 Abc 44.17 Ns 15.83 b
V43 47.70 Ab 31.24 Ns 21.06 b
V44 32.05 Abc 26.93 Ns 41.03 ab
VMH1 26.55 Bc 39.25 Ns 34.20 ab
VMH2 39.83 Abc 40.87 Ns 19.30 b
VMH3 36.21 Abc 35.36 Ns 28.43 ab
VMH4 29.70 abc 41.62 Ns 28.68 ab
VMH5 36.61 abc 33.89 Ns 29.50 ab
Means with different letters are statistically different (Tukey, P0.05).
LIHS: level inside the hydroponic systems
ns: not significant.
Fig. 1. Hydroponic systems. (a) individual bags; (b) vertical with three pipes; (c) vertical
with four pipes; and (d) vertical with hydroponic pots.
Fig. 2. Cumulative yield of hydroponic systems for strawberry production. Means with
different letters are statistically different (Tukey P0. 05). BI: individual bags;
V3T: vertical with three pipes; V4T: vertical with four pipes; VMH: vertical with
hydroponic pots.
2 755.30
3 961.40
4 595.30
Cumulative yield (g/plant)
Hydroponical Systems
Fig. 3. °Brix at each level inside of hydroponic systems for strawberry production. Means
with different letters are statistically different (Tukey, P0.05). Abbreviations: BI:
individual bags; V31: vertical with three pipes, level one; V32: vertical with three
levels, two pipes; V33: vertical with three pipes, level three; V41: vertical with
four pipes, level one; V42: vertical with four pipes, level two; V43: vertical with
four pipes, level three; V44: vertical with four pipes, level four; VMH1: vertical
with hydroponic pots, level one; VMH2: vertical with hydroponic pots, level two;
VMH3: vertical with hydroponic pots, level three; VMH4: vertical with
hydroponic pots, level four; VMH5: vertical with hydroponic pots, level five.
VM1, VM2, and VM3 are low, medium and high levels in hydroponic pots,
Level inside the hydroponical system
... However, their VFS utilized a soilless growing medium; rendering the comparison essentially invalid. Similarly, significantly higher yields have been reported for strawberry grown in a vertical column VFS compared to conventional grow bags and a multitiered VFS (Ramírez- Gómez et al. 2012); although no information was provided regarding the root zone volume of the growth systems. ...
... Similarly, light intensity and shoot fresh weight were highly correlated and both decreased from top to base of vertical columns in a glasshouse (Liu et al. 2004). Light gradients from top to base of vertical column systems were also reported in glasshouse vertical strawberry cultivation (Ramírez- Gómez et al. 2012). Therefore, our data suggest that top to base gradients in light intensity and shoot fresh weight limit plant growth in vertical columns in both indoor and glasshouse settings. ...
Full-text available
Vertical farming systems (VFS) have been proposed as an engineering solution to increase productivity per unit area of cultivated land by extending crop production into the vertical dimension. To test whether this approach presents a viable alternative to horizontal crop production systems, a VFS (where plants were grown in upright cylindrical columns) was compared against a conventional horizontal hydroponic system (HHS) using lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. “Little Gem”) as a model crop. Both systems had similar root zone volume and planting density. Half‐strength Hoagland's solution was applied to plants grown in perlite in an indoor controlled environment room, with metal halide lamps providing artificial lighting. Light distribution (photosynthetic photon flux density, PPFD) and yield (shoot fresh weight) within each system were assessed. Although PPFD and shoot fresh weight decreased significantly in the VFS from top to base, the VFS produced more crop per unit of growing floor area when compared with the HHS. Our results clearly demonstrate that VFS presents an attractive alternative to horizontal hydroponic growth systems and suggest that further increases in yield could be achieved by incorporating artificial lighting in the VFS.
... Hydroponics, vertical farming, and horizontal systems are technologies that have many advantages, but the initial cost of investment is quite high. These modern technologies have been the subject of many studies (Hanif & Budiyati, 2011;Ramírez-Gómeza et al., 2012;Borrero, 2021;Oğuz et al., 2022). Cultivar choice is the most important factor for conventional/organic strawberry production (Kahu et al., 2010). ...
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There is a continuous interest in developing experimental technologies that can be further transferred to small producers or house fields with limited soil surface area. The aim of this study was to implement a hi-grow tabletop technology for strawberry in the USAMV of Bucharest experimental open field. This growing technology will allow experimentation with different fertilization treatments and strawberry cultivars as well as an evaluation of abiotic and biotic stress on plant growth. 'Albion' variety used as the day-neutral strawberry cultivar bore fruit from June to the end of October. In the first year the plants developed well, despite various stress factors (heat, pests, diseases). This study will continue with the implementation of a shading system to protect the plants from direct solar radiation, reduce the temperature, and prevent the sunburn of the fruits.
... Ceiling lighting combined with intra-canopy lighting with HPS lamps improved cucumber production in the tightrope crop drive arrangement by 11% measured to usual ceiling lighting [10] (Fig. 6). In comparison, there was little difference in yield when measuring LED lighting and HPS at height in high-wire tomato farming [11]. Likewise, inter-lighting using fluorescent tubes enhanced fruit grade but didn't add to the production of greenhouse-grown wire cucumber production (Fig. 5) [5]. ...
Conference Paper
Abstract:The growing world population requires the maximization of food production per unit area. A vertical system can meet this need. this technique uses stacked grow beds with artificial lighting and an automatic irrigation system to significantly eliminate water and nutrient loss. The addition of polyhouse to the system makes it possible to grow factories at high altitude, thereby minimizing transportation and overall cost. this system are often wont to produce most sorts of crops, from ornamentals to high altitude plants and grasses. The extensive recycling of nutrients makes the implementation of this agricultural technique sustainable and profitable. it's perfect for the urban population where agricultural land is shrinking and therefore the scarcity of beverage is increasing day by day.
... Treftz and Omaye [15] noted that growing strawberries in hydroponic systems are more sustainable and superior to soil grown systems. Ramirez-Gomez et al. [16] reported maximum yield with vertical hydroponic pots system; the maximum number of fruits with vertical four pipes system and inferior quality fruit were produced with vertical three pipes system in strawberry. ...
... Similar results were obtained in a comparison of three vertical systems growing strawberry 'Camino Real',with 7.96,8.42,and 8.89 °Brix for the bottom levels and 10. 85, 9.94, and 10.83 °Brix in the upper level (Ramírez-Gómez et al., 2012). ...
Full-text available
Space utilization is very important in greenhouse production systems, and particularly for small crops such as strawberries. An experiment was carried out to evaluate phenology, yield and quality of strawberry under three high-density hydroponic settings. These systems were: 1) three-level horizontal PVC pipes (H3), 2) five-level horizontal polyethylene gutters (H5) and 3) vertical bucket columns (V5). These systems were established with densities of 17.7, 29.4 and 49.1 plants∙m-2, respectively. The strawberry crop Fragaria × ananassa Duch. 'Festival' was grown in a greenhouse with polyethylene covering at Chapingo University, Mexico. An experimental setting was established with a completely randomized design with four replications for each system. The crop was grown in a coconut fiber substrate, and the nutrient solution was fed with an electrical conductivity of 1.3 mS cm-1 during the first 45 days after plantation; thereafter, it was adjusted to 2.0 mS cm-1. The pH was kept between 5.5 and 6. Climate data such as ambient temperature and relative humidity were recorded at 5-min intervals. The plant variables evaluated included flowers, clusters, crowns, leaves, number of fruits and yield. Fruit samples were selected at each level for all the systems. The total soluble solids of the fruits at each level was also evaluated. The yield was better in system V5 than in systems H3 and H5. In the upper levels of the systems (H3, H5 and V5), total soluble solids were higher. More leaves appeared in the H3 and H5 systems than in the V5 system.
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In an epoch when our environments are under threat from climate change, resource depletion and pollution, our food systems require urgent transition to sustainable pathways in order to feed 9 billion people by 2050. To do so in such a way that future generations’ social, economic and environmental realities are not compromised, the designers of the innovations and technologies deployed to transform the various socio-technical systems of food production and consumption have a critical role to play. Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly disrupting food systems and redefining the practices of entire fields from agriculture, transportation and processing to retail and consumer behaviours. An automated, but not agnostic, analytical and decision-making technology, AI is key to designing more efficient food systems. However, it should be considered one element of designed transition strategies and evaluated within sustainability and ethical frameworks. Consequently this research addresses the question: How might we design with AI for the sustainable and ethical transition of our food systems and practices? The research, conveyed through a series of peer-reviewed and published case studies, focuses on how designers can use AI to transition to sustainable food systems by investigating the use of AI across food systems and its impacts on sustainability outcomes. A systems thinking lens and an action-research approach have been deployed to conduct case studies of different food systems – food rescue, child nutrition in schools, digital agri-food research and farmers’ markets – to explore how AI is applied, the consequences of using it, how designers of transitions work with AI and what sustainable outcomes may plausibly be achieved. Building on design for sustainability theory and practice, the research draws on qualitative primary data from fieldwork, interviews, active AI system design and evaluation, and literature from the field. The research finds that designers of the transition required can use AI to support and scale up sustainable outcomes in food systems by drawing on the ethical and practice frameworks that underpin the field of design for sustainability. Transdisciplinary and participatory design methods integrated through agile iterative learning cycles are shown to support, and extend over time, the designer’s intent for both sustainable transition and the technical development of AI-powered tools. The research extends knowledge in the fields of food system innovation and design for sustainability by developing a method for and demonstrating the use of a bottom-up engagement framework for sustainable and ethical design with AI for sustainable transitions. Further, it presents a prototypical case and method for nuanced approaches to the relationship between AI and design so as to contribute a granular and practice-focused definition of designing with AI based on sustainable and ethical precepts. Finally, the research provides an ontological design reflection on what design with AI means in the context of being “designed by our designing” (Willis, 2006, p. 70) and the moral and ethical consequences of designing with AI and creating futures. It finds that design intent, and particularly the targeting of deep leverage points in systems such as goals, mindsets and paradigms, enables the designer to acquire agency within complex and increasingly automated systems of production, exchange and consumption.
The influence of nutrient solution adjustment and replacement (management), its electrical conductivity (EC) and plant spacing on yield and quality of strawbeny fruit (var. Torrey) produced in a recirculating hydroponic system was studied at Gosford, New South Wales. Four ways of managing the nutrient solution were examined: (i) pH and EC adjusted daily and the solution replaced every 8 weeks (current grower practice); (ii) as above except that a topping up solution with lower potassium to nitrogen (K: N) ratio was used for EC adjustment; (iii) no daily adjustment of EC or pH and one-third of solution replaced every 2 weeks; and (iv) no daily adjustment of solution volume, EC or pH and full replacement after 8 weeks. Compared with grower practice, these alternative solution management strategies provided no advantage in yield, fruit number, or in the ¦Brix, citric acid, sweetness or flavour of fruit. Use of a topping up solution supplemented with ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) and calcium nitrate [Ca(NO3)2] to reduce the K : N ratio from 1.7:1.0 to 1.4:1.0 had no effect (P>0.05) on yield but significantly increased (P<0.05) berry weight and improved fruit aroma. Regardless of which method of nutrient solution adjustment and replacement was used, the chemical composition of the recirculating solution changed markedly over 53 days. The method of nutrient solution management significantly (P<0.05) affected leaf phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) but only Mg fell to a suboptimal level for growth of strawberries. Reducing the EC of the nutrient solution from 3 to 2 dS/m at early fruit set gave heavier (P<0.05) berries compared with constant EC of 2 dS/m. Increasing the EC from 2 to 3 or reducing it from 3 to 2 at early fruit set resulted in sweeter (P<0.05) berries and reducing the EC from 4 to 2 improved fruit aroma. Yield declined (P<0.05) when EC was increased from 2 to 4 dS/m. Solution EC bad significant effects (P<0.05) on leaf P, Mg, Mn and Zn. An increase in planting density from 5.35 to 9.35 plants/m2 lowered (P<0.05) marketable yield per plant and fruit acidity but gave 41% higher (P<0.05) yield on an area basis.
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A B S T R A C T The aim of this study was to determine the effects of infestation with the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch.) on gas exchange, water uptake and growth in strawberry plants of the cultivar 'Elsanta' cultivated under greenhouse conditions. The rate of photosynthesis, the rate of transpiration and water consumption were lower in infested plants than in uninfested control plants, depending on the initial infestation level. Vegetative growth was also reduced especially in plants infested by high population of spider mites. The two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae Koch.) is an important pest on a wide range of horticultural crops, including the cultivated strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duchesne) (Gimenez-Ferrer et al., 1994; Greco et al., 2006). The high reproductive potential of T. urticae allows populations to increase very rapidly, especially in protected cultivation systems where climatic conditions are favourably for mite development and chemical control against pest infestation is difficult. Spider mite infestation adversely affects many physiological proces-ses, thereby reducing growth and yield (Hall and Ferree, 1975; Sances et al., 1981; Park and Lee, 2005). Reduction in the rate of leaf gas exchange as a result of two-spotted
Effects of Column Sizes and Media on Yield and Fruit Quality of Strawberry Under Hydroponic Vertical System AUTHOR(S) Al-Raisy, Fatma S.; Al-Said, Fahad A.; Al-Rawahi, Muthier S.; Khan, Iqrar A.; Al-Makhmari, Salim M.; Khan, M. Mumtaz PUB. DATE June 2010 SOURCE European Journal of Scientific Research;Jun2010, Vol. 43 Issue 1, p48 SOURCE TYPE Academic Journal DOC. TYPE Article ABSTRACT Studies were carried out to observe strawberry response to four growing substrates under a vertical hydroponics system under non-cooled shade house conditions during winter season at Rumais, Oman. The productivity response of strawberry was assessed in respect to biomass indices, yield, quality and ionic concentration attributes. The results indicated that column types had a significant effect on most of the characters studied; growing substrate also showed significant effects on some characters while there was a significant interaction with respect to fresh shoot weight and fruit juice pH. Among the column types, columns with 6-pots performed significantly better than others in terms of biomass yield and fruit quality attributes. Among the growth media, a mixture of perlite and peat moss irrespective of their ratios showed significant superiority compared to the mixture of perlite and local plant fibre. It can be concluded that vertical hydroponics systems could be used for cultivation of strawberry in 6-pot columns with peat moss or local peat. However, the use of local plant fibre (shredded date leaf bases) is recommended because of cost and availability. The results demonstrated that strawberries could be produced under non-cooled shade-house conditions in Oman with fruit yields of 8-10 kg/m� comparable to yields obtained else where.
Effects of drip irrigation on the growth and yield of strawberries were studied inside a plastic greenhouse. The amounts of irrigation water applied were 0·75, 1·00 and 1·25 times water surface evaporation (Ep) measured by a standard 200 mm diameter pan, and the corresponding regimes were denoted Ep0·75, Ep1·00 and Ep1·25. During the experimental period, soil moisture tension of regimes Ep1·00 and Ep1·25 at 0·2 m depth varied from 5 to 17 kPa, and varied from 5 to 23 kPa at 0·4 m depth; but soil moisture tension of regime Ep0·75 at 0·2 m depth changed from 6·5 to 43 kPa, and soil moisture tension at 0·4 m depth had been over 70 kPa at the end. Plant leaves, flowers and fruits, above-ground biomass, runners, total berry yields, marketable strawberry yields (>5 g), the size of strawberry fruits all increased when the amount of irrigation water increased from Ep0·75, Ep1·00 to Ep1·25. Irrigated water increased strawberry yields not only by increasing the number of berries, but also by increasing the mean weight of the berries. The trends of the irrigation water use efficiency for the plant biomass and the production of total fresh berry yields showed that the lower the amount of irrigation water received, the higher the irrigation water use efficiency. Based on the experimental results, the optimal amount of irrigation water is about 380 mm, the optimal pan factor is about 1·1 and the optimal irrigation water use efficiency for strawberry yield is about 1·63 g mm−1 for strawberry growth and yield inside a plastic greenhouse. So, strawberries grown inside plastic greenhouse should be irrigated using a pan factor of 1·1 as a guideline for irrigation during the full growth seasons. The use of a lower pan factor may reduce the berry yield significantly.
The influence of four day/night temperature combinations (18/12, 25/12, 25/22, 30/22) on plant growth and fruit quality of ‘Earliglow’ and ‘Kent’ strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) were studied. The optimum day/night temperatures for leaf and petiole growth was 25/12°C, while for roots and fruits it was at 18/12°C. For the growth of the whole plant, 25/12°C was also the optimum temperature. Fruit surface and flesh color became darker (L* value decreased) and greater in pigment intensity (chroma value increased) as the day and night temperatures increased. Leaf color was brighter, greener and greater in pigment intensity as day and night temperatures decreased (18/12°C). Increased in growth temperatures resulted in decreased fruit quality including soluble solids (SSC), titratable acids (TA), SSC/TA ratio, and ascorbic acid (AA) content in the fruit. Plants grown at 18/12°C greatest amounts of fructose, glucose, and total carbohydrates in fruit and decreased with increasing temperature. The greatest fruit sucrose content occurred at 25/12°C and the lowest was at 30/22°C. Fruit from plants grown at 18/12°C also contained greater amounts of citric acid and ellagic acid, but lesser amounts of malic acid. As the day/night temperature increased, fruit malic acid content increased, while citric acid and ellagic acid content decreased. Temperatures of 30/22°C inhibited plant and fruit growth, and also reduced fruit quality. At higher day and night temperatures (25/22 and 30/22°C), leaves, petioles, and crowns had higher amounts of fructose and myo-inositol, whereas at cooler temperatures (18/12 and 25/12°C), greater amounts of sucrose were found. Plants grown at 25/12°C had the highest starch and total carbohydrate contents. Cooler day/night temperature (18/12°C) shifted biomass from leaves to roots.
El cultivo de la fresa (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) en el valle de Zamora, Michoacán, México, es uno de los generadores de empleo en el campo. Este cultivo es también uno de los mayores consumidores de fertilizantes nitrogenados ya que se aplican cantidades por arriba de 600 kg N ha-1. Durante 2003-2004 se realizó este estudio. El objetivo fue generar información local sobre el efecto del fertilizante nitrogenado y de su efi ciencia, así como del agua, en riego por goteo y gravedad en el cultivo de fresa. Se evaluó el efecto de dosis crecientes de nitrógeno aplicadas en riego por goteo y gravedad (0, 23, 77, 231, 693 y 1 537 kg de N ha-1) sobre el crecimiento y rendimiento de fruta en el cultivo de fresa. Los resultados muestran una disminución signifi cativa en la materia seca total por planta al cambiar de riego por goteo a gravedad. El aporte de 231, 693 y 1 537 kg de N ha-1, signifi có una mayor producción de materia seca. Sin embargo, el cambio de 231 a 693 y de 231 a 1 5373 kg de N ha-1, implica un incremento de 3 y 6.6 veces respectivamente, en la cantidad de fertilizante nitrogenado, así como representa incrementos económicos proporcionales. El aporte de agua en riego por goteo fue 21% menor, pero su efi ciencia en la producción de fruto fue 29% mayor. La efi ciencia de N en la producción de fruto en riego por goteo fue 19% superior al obtenido en riego por gravedad.
Effects of the plant density on the vegetative and reproductive growth in strawberry cv. Elsanta The manipulation of plant density is a tool used to optimize the yield in strawberry. However, both the vegetative and reproductive growth are affected by this practice. Furthermore, the effect of plant density depends on the cultivar, agronomic management, and environmental conditions. In this research, the vegetative growth, development and yield of strawberry plants were evaluated under field conditions at different densities of planting in the experimental grounds of The University of Reading, England, located at 51º 30' N and 137 meters above sea level. The experiment was established as a completely randomized block design with four treatments consisting in plant spacing of 10, 15, 20, and 25 cm between plants (100, 44, 25, and 16 plants ·m-1). The effect of plant density on the vegetative variables became more important during the later periods of growth when those variables were higher at the lower plant densities (higher plant spacing in the row). On the other hand, the number of inflorescences did not show clear tendencies by effect of the treatments. The highest density produced the lowest yield per plant but the highest yield per unit area. The highest number of marketable fruit per plant was found in plants growing under low plant densities.
El cultivo de la fresa (Fragaria x ananasa Duch.) en el estado de Michoacán, México, es el segundo más rentable después de la zarzamora (Rubís leibmannii Focke). En la década anterior se han incorporando nuevas tecnologías (coberturas plásticas, fertirriego, etc.) a los sistemas de producción de fresa, con la finalidad de incrementar la producción; sin embargo, poco se han explorado los sistemas hidropónicos. Los cultivos en hidroponía requieren de sustratos adecuados o medios de crecimiento. En este trabajo se evaluó el efecto de cuatro mezclas de fibra de coco y tezontle y el sustrato comercial vermiculita, sobre el crecimiento de dos genotipos de fresa (`Chadler´ y `Oso grande´), en un experimento en invernadero bajo condiciones hidropónicas. Las diferentes mezclas influyeron en el peso fresco y seco de raíz, corona y peciolo y hojas, así como en altura de la planta y área foliar. Se observó un efecto negativo sobre el crecimiento de las plantas de fresa al incrementar las proporciones de fibra de coco en las mezclas elaboradas. La mezcla G3C1 (75 % tezontle y 25 % fibra de coco, v/v), produjo las mayores respuestas de las variables evaluadas que las demás mezclas y que la vermiculita, por lo que la mezcla G3C1 es recomendable para el crecimiento de plantas de fresa en hidroponía.
Fruits and leaves from different cultivars of thornless blackberry (Rubus sp.), red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.), black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis L.), and strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa D.) plants were analyzed for total antioxidant capacity (oxygen radical absorbance capacity, ORAC) and total phenolic content. In addition, fruits were analyzed for total anthocyanin content. Blackberries and strawberries had the highest ORAC values during the green stages, whereas red raspberries had the highest ORAC activity at the ripe stage. Total anthocyanin content increased with maturity for all three species of fruits. Compared with fruits, leaves were found to have higher ORAC values. In fruits, ORAC values ranged from 7.8 to 33.7 micromol of Trolox equivalents (TE)/g of fresh berries (35. 0-162.1 micromol of TE/g of dry matter), whereas in leaves, ORAC values ranged from 69.7 to 182.2 micromol of TE/g of fresh leaves (205.0-728.8 micromol of TE/g of dry matter). As the leaves become older, the ORAC values and total phenolic contents decreased. The results showed a linear correlation between total phenolic content and ORAC activity for fruits and leaves. For ripe berries, a linear relationship existed between ORAC values and anthocyanin content. Of the ripe fruits tested, on the basis of wet weight of fruit, cv. Jewel black raspberry and blackberries may be the richest source for antioxidants. On the basis of the dry weight of fruit, strawberries had the highest ORAC activity followed by black raspberries (cv. Jewel), blackberries, and red raspberries.
Caracterización de la cadena agroalimentaria/agroindustrial nacional, identificación de sus demandas tecnológicas: Fresa
  • C G Barrera
  • B C Sánchez
Barrera, C.G. and Sánchez, B.C. 2003. Caracterización de la cadena agroalimentaria/agroindustrial nacional, identificación de sus demandas tecnológicas: Fresa. Morelia, Michoacán. México. 79p.