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Proctology, as a medical discipline, is an integral part of surgery and
its development path was associated with the historical development of
operational medicine.
Even in the ancient Egypt, proctology was an important branch of
medicine, which is confirmed by archaeological and written historical
sources. The reason for this was the climate along the Nile river, which
was abounded with different parasites, especially intestinal parasites,
which caused the widespread diseases of the digestive organs, includ
ing the final part of the colon. It was therefore not surprising that the
pharaohs, in addition to other doctors in their ser
vice, had special doc-
tors for that part of their body. This was confirmed in 1926 by a stone
slab which had been found by the Ger
man archaeologist Hermann
Junker in one of the tombs in Giza, near the pyramids of kings Cheops,
Khafre and Menkaure of the fourth dynasty (2723–2563 BC). The
slab is showing a person for whom the hieroglyphic record, when it
was deciphered, discovered that it was Iry, „the chief court physician,
ophthalmologist and the guardian of the king's anus” („...pharaoh’s
Guardian of the anus“).
For the study of ancient Egyptian medicine, the most important are
ancient medical papyri written between the years 3000 and 1200 BC.
Until now, eight medical papyri were discovered, two of which are the
most important, Ebers`, regarding internal medicine and Smith's surgical
papyrus. In a therapeutic part of the Ebers’ papyrus, plant medicines are
mentioned, mineral and animal products for indoor and outdoor use. In
addition to various coverings and fats, such as lard with acacia leaves
against hemorrhoid pain, the most significant is the cleanser (castor oil,
different medication enema, etc.). Moreover, until the late Roman era, a
legend circulated that the Egyptian doctors first discovered and introduced
into medical practice one of the most practiced therapeutic procedures
against the accumulation of feces in the lower digestive tract, bowel flush,
i.e. enema, which they learned from the bird ibis (god Toth), a permanent
resident of the coastal areas of the Nile river. The Egyptians believed that
by standing in the Nile, the bird ibis introduced water into the rectum with
its long beak thereby flushing the final part of the colon. God Toth held
an important position among the Egyptian deities related to medicine, and
was presented in the form of the bird ibis (1–3).
The ancient Egyptians paid great attention to hygiene, and within the
framework of the hygiene measures, in addition to control of water and
food, sexual hygiene, removal of feces and other procedures, they recom
mended regular taking of preventive purgative drugs during three days of
each month, with the aim of digestion regulation, which was considered
one of the main factors of health.
The Smiths’ (Edwin Smith) surgical papyrus
, in addition to description of
different bandages and the correct treatment of wounds also described
methods of hemostasis by cauter application, which was used in the
treatment of hemorrhoids.
Out of eight of so far known medical papyri in the history of proctology,
the most important one is the Beatty`s papyrus which was copied in the
century BC according to the older original and published in 1935. It
is kept in the British Museum in London, where it was donated by the
British Egyptologist Chester Beatty. The whole papyrus is actually a short
monograph of the diseases of the anus and their treatment (4, 5).
Surgery as a discipline was strongly present and advanced in ancient
Indian Ayurvedic medicine. One of the most significant ancient Indian
Arch Oncol 2013;21(1):28–33.
UDC: 616.352:93/94:61
DOI: 10.2298/AOO1301028M
Department of History of Medicine
of Serbian Medical Society, Belgrade,
Clinic for Gynecology and
Obstetrics, Novi Sad, Serbia
Correspondence to:
Jovan Maksimović Department of
History of Medicine of Serbian Medical
Society, Belgrade
Scientific Society for Medical Culture
History of Vojvodina, Novi Sad
Received: 14.11.2012
Accepted: 21.11.2012
© 2013, Oncology Institute of
Vojvodina, Sremska Kamenica
A part of this paper was presented
at the 17
Academy of Studenica,
Vrnjačka Banja 2012
From history of proctology
Jovan Maksimović
, Marko Maksimović
The authors of this paper presented the key moments in the development of proctology, a medical discipline which is
an integral part of surgery, whose development path was inseparable from the historical development of operational
Even in the ancient Egypt, proctology was an important branch of medicine. Out of eight of so far known
medical papyri in the history of proctology, the most important one is the B e a t t y`s (Chester Beatty) papyrus from
the 13
century BC, which is actually a short monograph on diseases of the anus and their treatment. In the ancient
period, operative proctology reached the highest level in the time of Hippocrates. In detail, and with special care,
the operative procedures of the large intestine, primarily perianal fistula and hemorrhoids were described in the
Hippocratic writings. One of the most famous Roman medical writers, Celsus (Cornelius Celsus Asullus) described
the surgery of hemorrhoids by their ligature and the surgery of anorectal fistula in two ways: ligation of the fistula
channel by string of raw flax and fistula incision through the probe placed through the fistula channel. Doctors of the
and the 19
century introduced into practice some more complicated surgical procedures in the treatment of
anorectal diseases. The French surgeons were the leaders. In 1710, Littré performed, for the first time, anus praeter
naturalis and Jacques Lisfranc (1790-1847) pioneered the method of perineal resection of the rectum for cancer. The
first rectoscope was constructed in 1895 and in 1903 it was introduced into practice by Kelly (Kelly Howard Atwood).
A sudden progress in the diagnosis and treatment of anorectal diseases occurred after the Second World War and
the trend has continued to this day.
Key words: History of Medicine; Colorectal Surgery; Anus Diseases; Rectal Diseases; Rectal Fistula; Hemorrhoids
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medical writers was Sushruta. No one knows exactly when, but it
is believed that he had lived before and during the first years of our
era. He wrote a medical book, a collection (samhita), which covered
the whole of medicine, and a special place was occupied by surgery.
In addition to amputation, lithotomy, rhinoplasty, hernia surgery, the
Sushruta section titled „Sushruta Samhita” speaks about the perianal
fistulas and their treatment by burning with hot iron (cauterization), and
pulling the fibers soaked with plant alkaloids that destroy callus tissue of
fistula and encourage fresh growth of granulation tissue („Ksharasutra
therapy”) (6–8).
In the ancient period, operative proctology, as well as the entire surgery,
reached their highest level in the time of Hippocrates (460–377 BC).
In detail, and with special care, the operative procedures of the large
intestine, primarily perianal fistula and hemorrhoids were described in
the Hippocratic writings. Although most surgeries were carried out with a
knife, Hippocratic physicians used cauter primarily for burning piles, and
open blood vessels for hemostasis.
Fistula surgeries were carried out by Hippocratic school doctors by pulling
of the linen threads through the fistula using a tin probe, with its gradual
tightening, which led to cutting of the fistula, followed by a skin excision
and ligation of the fistula channel. In addition to this surgery procedure,
the Hippocratic school doctors introduced into the medical practice a
chemical cauterisation of fistula, which was performed in several ways:
by burning sulfur powder over an open fistula as described above, dur
ing five to seven days, by pulling of the linen thread fiber, wrapped like a
wick soaked with the spurge juice and sprinkled with sulfur powder into
the fistula channel,
which was left for five days, as well as by injection
into the fistula channel of sulfur and saltpeter myrrh powder, dissolved
in the urine with a special bubble. Before the injection of the mixture, the
probe was placed into the opening of fistula, which showed the way and
facilitated the injection.
Hippocrates also treated hemorrhoids in two ways. More frequently he
performed cauterization with hot iron, which he described as follows:
„Anus is pushes by fingers out as much as possible, the metal is glowed
and hemorrhoid nodes are burned until they are dry ... During incinera
tion, the patient is held by the head and the hands so as not to move,
but it was possible for him to cr
y, which was desirable, because thus,
the intestine better moved outside”. The second procedure was based
on a combination of a surgery and chemical cauterization. Resection of
hemorrhoid nodes was performed after their previous ligation, which
was followed by placing of medical chemicals which cause shrinkage
and erosion, such as fats and suppositories of cones, alum, copper
flower, vitriol and other. The healing occurred after drying hemorrhoids
by these agents (4, 6, 9).
It is known that the Romans had a warrior-conquering politics, thus
making surgery an important medical discipline in the ancient Rome.
However, in addition to treatment of war wounds and injuries, Roman
doctors were involved in peacetime surgery, which was brought to Rome
by Greek doctors. There were also some medical writers. One of the most
prominent was Celsus (Aullus Cornelius Celsus). He lived in the first half
of the first century and was a Roman patrician, although almost all promi
nent Roman physicians, including the great Galen, were of Greek origin.
Celsus had high general education, including medical, and wrote a great
scientific encyclopedia „Ar
tes”, of which only a small part of its medical
content was saved, where he described the entire medical knowledge
of the time, even surgery. Although he was not a doctor, Celsus, in his
work, showed extensive medical knowledge and independence of judg
ment regarding medical problems. He was the first to describe four main
symptoms of inflammation (tumor
, rubor, calor, and dolor). Among other
things, he described the operation of hemorrhoids by ligature and fistula
surgery in two ways: ligature and incision. In the first case, a raw linen
thread runs through the entire length of the fistula, which was tightened
a little bit every day. When you wanted a quicker healing, the thread was
tightened more often with moisturizing by the medical agents that cause
erosion. In the other mode of perianal fistula treatment, Celsus advised
fistula incision through the probe passing through the fistula channel, with
leaving of the skin flap in the middle, below which the thread was to be
placed, while on the right and the left from it, some smaller skin incisions
were made (4, 6).
The greatest Roman physician and one of the greatest physicians of all
time, Galen, was the first to describe anatomically the anus muscles.
Fistulas were treated by pulling out the pus from fistula channel with a
syringe and needle and then tamping by medical agents for healing. He
was also known as the inventor of „syringotom” used for fistula incision.
Since the Byzantine medicine was a direct continuation of the Greco-
Roman medicine, it is worth mentioning a handful of doctors and medical
writers, who, in their works, expressed experiences of Hippocrates, Galen,
Celsus and other famous ancient physicians, supplemented by their
experiences and emphasized the advantages and disadvantages of certain
medical and surgical procedures of ancient medicine.
Oreibasios of Pergamon (325–400), a personal physician and friend
of the Emperor Julian the Apostate described in his monumental
medical encyclopedia of 70 books, among other things, a surgical
treatment of perianal fistulas, in a way that it had been performed
in the second century by Greek physicians Antyllus and Helyodorus.
Through the probe pulled through the fistula channel, which showed
the direction of fistula, the skin and the subcutaneous tissue incision
was performed, and then the remaining callus tissue was excisioned.
As a complication of this surgery, even then, Oreibasios mentioned
incontinence, which may occur if the anal sphincter had been cut off
completely by negligence.
A court physician of the Emperor Justinian Aetios Amidenos (500–570)
performed the hemorrhoids’ surgery by pulling out the hemorrhoid nodes
extra-anally by the special hooks, which were then cut, tied and cut off.
Anal fistulas were incised, callus mass removed by excision and the
wound filled with incense.
The last representative of the Greco-Byzantine medicine, before flourish
ing of the Arab medicine, Aegineta Paulos, (625–690), who lived in
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Alexandria and stayed there even after the arrival of the Arabs, incised
the perianal fistulas by a curved knife, running it through the fistula
channel. He also warned the surgeons to avoid cutting the anal sphincter
when performing this surgery, because of the risk of alvi incontinence
(6, 10, 11).
The legacy of Greco-Roman medicine was taken over by the Arabs
from the Byzantine physicians, when in the 7
century they occupied
the Mediterranean. They complemented and enhanced it with their own
experiences, saved it and reported it to Western Europe, where medicine
continued its development during the Renaissance. Beside advances in
therapy, introduction of many new drugs, the beginnings of pharmacy,
improvement of dietary science and ophthalmology, as well as the estab-
lishment of the first hospital, a great contribution to the progress of
y was given by the Arab doctors. As they did not use a knife in
surgery, they performed almost all surgical procedures with cauter, except
amputation. The most famous Arab surgeon Abul Qasim (Abu al-Qasim
az-Zahrawi, died in 1013), in his encyclopedic work „Al Tasrif”, which
was mostly devoted to surgery, described a large number of surgical
procedures. He speaks extensively about how to use cauter to stop the
bleeding, the sewing of wounds, treatment of fractures and dislocations,
obstetric, eye and other surgeries. Penetrating perianal fistulas are cured
by Abul Qasim by cauter, which ran through the entire length of the fistula
channel, while a complete fistula was excised below the sphincter, after
which the styptic tampons were pulled into the fistula channel, and liga-
tion of the fistula was done in accordance with the Hippocratic method.
Fistulas that ended up in the urinar
y bladder or pelvic joints were consid-
ered incurable by Abul Qasim.
statement that the Arab doctors seriously dealt with anorectal surgery
is supported by the fact that Rhazes (Abu Bakr Mohammad Ibn Zakariya
al Razi) (865–923), one of the most famous Arab physician and one
of the most recognized clinicians of middle ages, among other things,
wrote a discussion on treatment of fistulas. The most famous Arab
physician and one of the greatest physicians of all time, Avicenna (Abu
Ali al Husain ibn Abdallah ibn Sina) (980–1037), in the first book of
his „Canon” („Canon medicinae”), described the anatomy of the anal
sphincter and explained his procedure in the surgical treatment of peri-
anal fistulas by using the silk thread for their ligature. In 1465, a book
appeared in the Arabic language, edited by
Sharaf ed Din and illustrated
with over 140 drawings that showed the procedures of the treatment of
many different diseases, including the treatment of anorectal diseases
with hot iron (4, 6, 9).
Europe's oldest medical schools were founded in Italy, first at Salerno,
then in Bologna and Padua, and in France, in Montpellier and Paris.
Although universities were primarily used for training of doctors-physics,
scientific surgery was also nurtured there, which, among others, dealt
with the surgical treatment of anorectal diseases. The Master Roger of
Palermo, a student and later a professor of Salerno Medical School, in his
book „Practica chirurgiae”, published in 1170, described the treatment
of perianal fistulas in two ways: by fistula ligation with horse hair and
destruction of the fistula channel with „Unguentum ruptorium”, which
consisted of soap and quicklime. Later, one of the most famous profes
sors of the Bologna Faculty of Medicine, Mondino de Luzzi (1270–1316)
and one of the founders of the School of Medicine in P
adua, Pietro
D'Abano, also wrote about the treatment of anorectal disorders (4, 6).
It can be concluded that the teachings of the Western school of medi
cine had an impact on the Serbian medieval medicine because of the
content of texts of the „therapeutic collections” of old Serbian medicine
(„Hilandar Medical Code”, „Hodok Code”, etc.), for which it was proved
that were written on the basis of the Salerno medical school. Among
other things, the anorectal disorders and their treatment were discussed
in these collections. Thus, for example, the „Hodok code” provided
guidance for the treatment of a prolapsed rectum (“Jegda komu izlazi
črevo prohodno”, meaning “the one who has a movable intestine”) as
follows: „Si prežde izmivaj s vinom toplijem, po tom imei sija gotova:
plževu ljusku izdeženu i rastrenu jako brašno i smesiv s belim timjanom
i posipuj črevo“ (Prior to reposition of a prolapsed intestine, it is advised
to rinse with warm wine and to sprinkle with powdered snail shells mixed
with incense) (12, 13).
At the end of the 13
century, Henry de Mondeville (1260–1320) and
Lanfranco de Milan (died around 1300), conveyed Italian surgical experi-
ences to France, and soon, the French surgery took a leading role in
Europe. The P
aris surgeons formed a special guild organization in the
century, „The Brotherhood of St. Cosmas and Damian” which greatly
contributed to the reputation of surgeons. In the 17
and the 18
it assumed a form of some kind of a surgical faculty and became a rival
of Medical Faculty in Paris. Guy de Chauliac (1300–1368), a student of
Montpelier, the most famous surgeon of the 14
century and the pope's
personal physician in Avignon, was well familiar with the methods of the
Arabian treatment of anorectal diseases. He healed the fistulas by hot
knife incision and ligation so that after pulling in of the linen thread, he
used to cut off the tissue covering the fabric with the curved knife, and
when the thread was thus freed, the wound would heal per secundam.
A great French surgeon and renaissance surgery reformer Ambroise Paré
(1510–1592) treated the perianal fistulas with threaded horse hair. This
thread was infiltrated with a probe, which had a thread hole at the top. If
he would encounter an obstacle of the callus tissue during the puling in
of the thread, in order to remove it, he would place in a thin knife along
the probe which was cutting of the callus tissue and thus paved the way
for the probe (4, 6).
Surgical treatment of anal fistulas was the specialty of the 14
British surgeon John Arderne (d. 1377). He gained great popularity as a
skilled surgeon who has successfully performed, for that period, difficult
and dangerous, and even lethal surgical procedures. He cut off a fistula
by a special syringotom, with four threads previously pulled in through
the probe with a head at its tip. This is the method described in the book
„The Practice of fistula in ano” printed in London in 1588, in which he
presented the instruments he used and constructed. A copy of the original
manuscript of the book, which was written in 1348, is kept in the British
Museum in London. He also performed phlebotomies, and he was also
an astrologer (6, 14, 15).
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The reform of the anatomy, which was started in Bologna, reached its full
swing at the University of Padua.
The Renaissance reformer of anatomy, first a student, then a professor
at the University of Padua, Andreas Vesalius (1514–1564), in his monu-
mental work „De humani corporis fabrica”, first described the technique
dissection of the final part of the colon. In addition, he described the
external anal sphincter, and two muscles, anal levators.
Girolamo Fabrizio ab Acquapendente (1533–1619), an anatomy profes
sor at Padua, also did the surgery. In his book „Opera Chirurgica” he
described anal fistulas and their treatment, and suppor
ted the surgical
methods of Celsus, which he slightly modified. A linen thread was
replaced by a „dark red silk, which holds stronger and has a better grasp
with hard and late decaying.” Then he described two types of syringotom:
one that was spiky and the other for penetrating fistulas, which had a
rounded top, with the small ball. In addition, he also was responsible for
the invention of modified syringotom, as well as some other proctologic
instruments. He was an opponent to fistulas’ ligation, believing that such
treatment is too painful and too long. Some consider him „the greatest
proctologist of renaissance” (4, 6).
TO 19
From the 16
to the 19
century, surgery was continually evolving.
The development of techniques and improvement of social position of
the surgeons was accompanied by improvement of surgical methods,
construction of new instruments and the discovery of new surgical pro
cedures. The development of surgery was contributed by the advances
in our understanding of nor
mal and pathological anatomy. The founder of
pathological anatomy Giovanni Battista Morgagni (1682–1771) described
the anatomy of the anal canal and the elements that are crucial for the
development and therapeutic treatment of hemorrhoid disease: jagged
line and the anal crypts. He was the first one to explain that the cause
of hemorrhoid disease is an upright position of a man. In addition to the
description of a series of pathoanatomical changes at different organs, he
described the changes occurring in rectal cancer (3, 4).
In the book „Traite de la fistula del anus” („Treatment of perianal fistula”),
which was published in 1689, a French surgeon, Louis le Monnier
described three types of surgeries of perianal fistulas: fistula ligation with
the linen thread, which he did not apply „because it is painful and the
treatment is too long”, then red-hot burning of fistulas, which also he did
not apply deeming it „terrible”, while he advocated the incision of fistula
channel by a curved knife. Fistula incision was the method of choice of
a French surgeon Pierre Dionis, who pointed to its advantages over the
other methods at the course of operative surgery, held in Paris, in the
Jardin Royal in 1707. He opposed the use of the medical means which
erode, as well as ligation, which is painful and lasts over several weeks,
while „incision, truly causes pain, but it does not last long” (6, 16).
The treatment of the perianal fistula of the Sun King, Louis XIV, can serve
as curiosity in the history of proctology. After the king's chief physician
Aquin tried all conservative methods of treatment without success and
described the whole procedure in detail in his „Diary of health of King
Louis XIV,” the king, angry with his doctors, decided to have an incision.
The surgery was performed by the method of Fabricio Aquapendente in
the salon „Oeil de Boeuf” at Versailles. The incision was performed by
a special curved knife and the scars and adhesions were removed with
scissors. The healing occurred only after the surgeons Felix and Besieres
performed three consecutive surgical procedures in one year (January
, 1686, December 1
, 1686 and January 1
, 1687). King’s healing
brought misfortune to the palace musician Jean Lulli. He hurt his foot
by conductor’s baton at the ceremony that was staged in honor of the
king's recovery. However, being distrustful of the doctors, Lulli confided
the treatment of his foot to some kind of a quack and died of second
ary infection and consequent sepsis two months after the ceremony.
Operation of Louis XIV which consisted of incision and removal of callus
was applied for the treatment of perianal fistulas for a long time.
However, because attitudes regarding their surgical treatment changed
over time, in the 18
century, a famous French surgeon Pierre Joseph
Desault brought back ligation into use, because of the risk of bleeding
after the incision (6, 9).
In the 19
century, particularly the French dealt with anorectal disorders.
Thus, in 1826, Jacques Lisfranc (1790–1847), a famous French surgeon,
Dupuytren student and a professor of surgery in Paris first described
a new method performed on perineal resection of the rectum due to
cancer. Johann Friedrich Diefenbach tried to perform a resection of the
rectum in Berlin in 1840 (4,6), and even in 1750, an English surgeon
William Cheselden (1688–1752) recommended resection for rectal pro
lapse, while Dupuytren combined resection and cauterization. Guillaume
Dupuytren (1777–1835) was known for a successful treatment of hemor-
rhoids of Napoleon Bonaparte (9, 17).
Anus praeter naturalis (a colostomy)
was performed for the first time in
1710 by the French anatomist and surgeon Alexis Littré in one case of
anal atresia (9, 18).
In the early 19
century, a conservative therapy by drugs for hemorrhoid
disease was introduced (suppositories with astringent agents), and in
Dublin, in 1860, Morgan was the first to cure hemorrhoids by sclero-
therapy, injecting the solution of ferrous sulfate in the nodes. However, in
spite of it the surgical procedures did not lose the impor
tance and liga-
tion with excision of hemorrhoid knots was actually a modified method
of the classical period. It was per
formed in many different forms by
Langenbeck, Anderson, Milles, and Gabbriella Lockahardt – Mummery.
Conrad Langenbeck (1810–1887) most usually performed a so-called
„paquellinisation”. With Paquellin device, he burned the hemorrhoid
nodes pulled out by the gripper.
St' Marks Hospital in London became famous in the 19
century as one of
the most important centers for the development of modern proctology (6, 9).
The first rectoscope was constructed in 1895 and in 1903 it was intro
duced in practice by an American gynecologist and surgeon, professor of
gynecology and obstetrics at Johns Hopkins University
, Howard Atwood
Kelly (1858–1843). Even before him, a French surgeon, Antoine Jean
Desormeaux (1815–1894), in 1865, presented at the French Academy of
Sciences in Paris his endoscope with a built-in light apparatus (Bozzini's
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lighter) with a mirror, which was used for examination of the final part of
the colon. The occurrence of these inventions, a period of endoscopic
diagnosis and therapy in medicine was initiated (19, 20).
A sudden progress in diagnostics and treatment of anorectal diseases
occurred after the Second World War and continued to this day. Better
conditions, more perfect rectoscopes and rapid progress in all fields of
medicine, especially surgery, caused an increasing interest of today’s
surgeons in anorectal pathology, who choose to deal with this branch of
medicine, and to achieve excellent results in this area.
Conflict of interest
We declare no conflicts of interest
1 Thorwald J. Moć i znanje drevnih liječnika. Zagreb: August Cesarec; 1991.
2 Maksimović J. Uvod u medicinu sa teorijom medicine. Novi Sad: Medicinski
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3 History of Surgical Traitment of Hemorrhoids Available from: http://www.squidoo.
4 Glesinger L. Povijest medicine. Zagreb: Školska knjiga; 1978.
5 Eckart W. Geschichte der Medicin. Berlin: Springer Verlag; 1982.
6 Protić M, Goldberger A. Anorektalna oboljenja. Beograd: Sloboda; 1979.
7 Borisov P. Zgodovina medicine. Ljubljana: Cankarjeva založba; 1985.
8 Shaswat superspeciality Clinic for Piles and Fistula. Available from html:file://G:/
PROKTOLOGIJASLIKE/ShaswatSuperspeciality Clinic For Piles&Fis...
9 Hellner H, Nissen R, Vosschüte K. Udžbenik kirurgije. Beograd–Zagreb: Med.
knjiga; 1964.
10 Meyer – Steineg Th, Sudhoff K. Geschichte der Medizin in Überblick mit
Abbildungen. Jena: Verlag von Gustav Fischer; 1928.
11 Simoes AA, Schlindwein RF, Lazcano Alves Ferreira MG, Genovez A, Kogrich E.
View of the Publick Health System users regarding Proctology. J Coloproctol (Rio
J.). 2012;32(2).
12 Katić R. Medicina kod Srba u srednjem veku. Beograd: SANU; 1958.
13 Katić R. Medicinski spisi Hodoškog zbornika. Beograd: Narodna biblioteka Srbije;
14 Available from html:file://G:/PROKTOLOGIJASLIKE/John Arderne, Medieval proc-
15 Available from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/john_arderne)
16 Available from http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/louis_guillaume_Le
17 Available from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/guillaume
18 Available from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexis_Littr%C3%A9
19 Available from http://www.archives.upenn.edu/people/1800s/kelly_howard_
20 Available from http://www.siech.org/history/h04.html
11. 12.
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1. Stele of Iry,the guardian of royal anus, ca 2300 BC; 2. Pharaoh's Guardian of the anus; 3. Bog Thoth u liku ptice ibis; 4. Chester Beatty medical papyrus; 5. Hippocrates (460–377) – British museum;
6. Ancient Greec and Roman rectal speculum; 7. Haemorrhoids; 8. Perianal fistula; 9. Hippocrates fistula operation; 10. Celsus’ book; 11. Celsus fistula operation; 12. Abulcasis al Zahrawi – surgical
instruments from book Al Tasrif; 13. From book Sharaf ed Din – anorectal examine; 14. Haemorrhoid operation – XI century; 15. Cauterisation in middle age; 16. Ambroise Pare`sinstruments for fistula
operation; 17. John Arderne's Medical treatise of fistula; 18. From book by John Ardern – instruments for fistula operation; 19. Hieronymus Fabricius ab Aquapendente (1533–1619);
20. Aquapendente`s book with illustration of rounded syringotomes; 21. Louis le Monnier`s-work of cureing perianal fistulas; 22. Complete rectal prolapse; 23.William Cheselden (1688–1752);
24. Jacques Lisfranc (1790–1847); 25. Guillaume Dupuytren (1777–1835); 26. Bernhard von Langenbeck (1810–1887); 27. Howard Atwood Kelly (1858–1943); 28. Rectoscopic examine by Kelly specula
in Sims-attitude; 29. Jean Desormeaux (1815–1894); 30. Desormeaux-endoscope; 31. Anorectal examine – middle age; 32. Chemical cauterisation performed by hippocrates`s
30. 31.