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Polska adaptacja testu Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) – TIPI-PL – wersja standardowa i internetowa.



Najpopularniejszą krótką metodą pomiaru cech „Wielkiej Piątki” (neurotyczność, ekstrawersja, sumienność, otwartość na doświadczenie, oraz ugodowość; Costa i McCrae, 1992) jest „Ten-Item Personality Inventory” (TIPI) (Gosling, Rentfrow, Swann Jr., 2003). Badania pokazują, że ten dwuminutowy test jest stosunkowo trafnym i rzetelnym narzędziem pomiaru osobowości w badaniach naukowych. Celem prowadzonych przez nas analiz było zbadanie trafności i rzetelności polskiej wersji inwentarza osobowości TIPI. Ponadto, weryfikowaliśmy ekwiwalencję polskiej wersji arkusza w formie klasycznego kwestionariusza typu papier-ołówek i form internetowych. Przeprowadziliśmy siedem badań, w których sumarycznie brało udział 1772 studentów wrocławskich uczelni. Efektem zaprezentowanych prac jest powstanie arkusza TIPI-PL w dwóch wersjach – papierowej i internetowej. Badania wykazały satysfakcjonującą rzetelność skali TIPI-PL. Wartości współczynników spójności (alfa Cronbacha) we wszystkich formach arkusza pokazały, że skale TIPI-PL charakteryzują się zbliżoną lub wyższą rzetelnością w stosunku do skal wersji oryginalnej. Dodatkowo, zarówno w przypadku inwentarza typu papier-ołówek, jak i formularza internetowego, korelacja test-retest dla wszystkich podskal była bardzo wysoka. Otrzymane wyniki mogą świadczyć zarówno o zadawalającej rzetelności inwentarza TIPI-PL, jak i o równoważności jego poszczególnych form. W celu zweryfikowania trafności arkusza, analizowano związki cech osobowości mierzonych inwentarzem TIPI-PL oraz inwentarza NEO-FFI Costy i McCrae (1992) w polskiej adaptacji Zawadzkiego, Strelaua, Szczepaniaka i Śliwińskiej (2007). Zgodnie z przewidywaniem, zaobserwowaliśmy silniejszą współzmienność analogicznych podskal niż podskal mierzących różne cechy osobowości. Dzięki satysfakcjonującym parametrom psychometrycznym skali TIPI-PL, możliwe jest uzyskanie obrazu osobowości o precyzji wystarczającej do zastosowań naukowych. Dodatkowo, treściwość inwentarza pozwala na zbadanie osobowości w bardzo krótkim czasie. Dzięki temu test ten wydaje się być idealnym narzędziem w różnego rodzaju zastosowaniach, na przykład w szeroko zakrojonych badaniach ankietowych, w badaniach pilotażowych w badaniach prowadzonych za pomocą mediów (np. telefonu lub Internetu), czy też, ze względu na istnienie wielu wersji językowych arkusza, w projektach międzykulturowych.
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... The three-factor eating questionnaire (TFEQ-13) and the ten-item personality inventory (TIPI-PL) were used to analyse the personality traits and cognitive-behavioural and emotional functioning of the study sample, respectively [31,32]. Both were validated internationally, including for the Polish population [33][34][35][36][37][38][39][40][41][42][43]. ...
... The TIPI inventory created by Gosling et al. was translated into a Polish adaptation by Sorokowska et al. [31,45]. The TIPI-PL consists of 10 statements that examine personality in five dimensions (neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and agreeableness) according to the five-factor model of personalities [46]. ...
... Respondents characterised by high conscientiousness were 74% more likely to have a high adherence to uncontrolled eating (UE), 36% less likely to have a high adherence to cognitive restraint (CR), and almost 3 times more likely to have a high adherence to emotional eating (EE). Conscientious people are portrayed as being highly organised and self-motivated and knowing what they want [31]. They stick persistently to the rules they set [31]. ...
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This cross-sectional study investigated interactions among sugar-related dietary patterns (DPs), personality traits, and cognitive–behavioural and emotional functioning. The study involved working-age women aged 18–54. Data were collected between Winter and Spring of 2020/21. The survey was conducted using anonymised questionnaires. The ten-item personality inventory (TIPI-PL) was used to examine personality traits based on the Big Five personality trait model. A three-factor eating questionnaire (TFEQ-13) was used to measure the following eating behaviours: cognitive restraint (CR), uncontrolled eating (UE), and emotional eating (EE). The KomPAN questionnaire collected the frequency of the intake. Dietary patterns (DPs) were derived by principal component analysis (PCA). A logistic regression (OR) was applied to verify the associations among the DPs, personality traits, and cognitive–behavioural and emotional functioning. Three DPs were identified: sweet-Western (SWDP), pro-healthy (PHDP), and dairy (DDP). Women with high conscientiousness were less likely, by 33%, to adhere to the upper tercile of the SWDP and 80% more likely to the upper tercile of the PHDP. Elevated CR intensity increased by almost twofold (OR: 1.93; p < 0.001) the likelihood of high adherence to the SWDP. The high intensity in the EE decreased by 37% (OR: 0.63; p < 0.01) the likelihood of increased adherence to the SWDP. Personality traits and eating behaviours significantly correlated with the extracted SWDP.
... The Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ-13) and the Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) were used to analyze the personality traits and cognitive-behavioural and emotional functioning of the study group [28][29][30]. The TFEQ-13 distinguishes subjects whose behaviour towards diet was characterized by (1) Cognitive restraint of eating (CR) subscale measures behaviours related to restricting the amount or type of food to control weight and body image (questions O1 -O5). ...
... The TIPI questionnaire was used to measure traits of the five-factor personality model: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience [29]. The TIPI inventory created by Gosling et al. was translated into Polish adaptation by Sorokowska et al. [29,32]. ...
... The TIPI questionnaire was used to measure traits of the five-factor personality model: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability and openness to experience [29]. The TIPI inventory created by Gosling et al. was translated into Polish adaptation by Sorokowska et al. [29,32]. The TIPI-PL consists of 10 statements that examine personality in five dimensions (neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and agreeableness) according to the five-factor model of personality [33]. ...
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This study investigated interactions between sugar-related dietary patterns (DP), personality traits, cognitive-behavioural, and emotional functioning. The study involved females aged 18-54. Data were collected between the Winter and Spring of 2020/21. The survey was conducted using anonymized questionnaires. The Ten-Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) was used to examine personality traits based on the Big Five Personality Trait Model. Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire (TFEQ) was used to measure eating behaviours: cogni-tive restraint (CR), uncontrolled eating (UE), and emotional eating (EE). The KomPAN question-naire collected the frequency of intake. Dietary patterns (DPs) were derived by principal component analysis (PCA). A logistic regression (OR) was applied to verify the association between the DPs, personality traits, cognitive-behavioural and emotional functioning. Three DPs were identified: sweet-western (SWDP), pro-healthy (PHDP) and dairy (DDP). Women with high conscientiousness were less likely, by 33%, to adhere to the upper tercile of SWDP and 80% more likely to the upper tercile of PHDP. Elevated CR intensity increased by almost 2-fold (OR: 1.93; p
... The Polish version of the Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI-PL; Sorokowska et al., 2014) was used to measure personality traits. The questionnaire is used to measure five dimensions of personality described in the Big Five concept (Costa & McCrae, 1992): emotional stability, extraversion, openness to experience, conscientiousness, and agreeableness. ...
... The higher the score, the more severe is the trait. The reliability of the scale was assessed by calculating Cronbach's α coefficient (Sorokowska et al., 2014): emotional stability α = .65-.83, extraversion α = .68-.74, openness to experience α = .44-.47, conscientiousness α = .75-.80, α = .65, and agreeableness α = .54-.58. ...
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Background Chronic low back pain (CLBP) is one of the leading causes of a reduction in the quality of life (QoL). Various methods effec-tively improve patients’ performance and coping with their symptoms in the short term. The lack of focus on psychological factors, thus overlooking an important element of the holistic model, may result in the modest long-term improvement. The present study aimed to test the relationships between the variables in Wilson and Cleary’s QoL model in a CLBP group and to compare them to a nonpain group. Participants and procedure Data were obtained from 177 people with CLBP and 160 nonpain participants. We conducted a cross-sectional study in which a multi-module self-administered questionnaire examining biological factors, personality traits, personal values, body as-sessment, symptoms of depression and anxiety, functional status, general perception of health, life satisfaction, received social support, economic support, satisfaction of health care and sociodemographic factors was adopted. Results Multiple regression models were able to explain 48.4% of the variance of QoL in the CLBP group and 30.9% in the nonpain group. Statistically significant predictors in the CLBP model were the severity of anxiety, emotional stability, receiving social support, and general health assessment and emotional stability in the nonpain group. Conclusions The study has enabled an initial exploratory analysis of the Wilson and Cleary model in a CLBP group. The list of factors de-termining the QoL should be extended to include emotional stability, social and economic support. Further research is needed to explain the relationships between variables in the model.
... For each factor, there are two pairs of adjectives (for example: active, and optimistic; agreeable, friendly (O); poorly organised, careless (C). The Polish version of the TIPI instrument (pen-and-paper) was also prepared and tested in an online version by the team of Sorokowska et al. (2014). The internet questionnaire achieved temporal stability (test-re-test) at a correlation level of 0.66 to 0.74. ...
... The internet questionnaire achieved temporal stability (test-re-test) at a correlation level of 0.66 to 0.74. Convergent and differential validity were established with the NEO-FFI and NEO-PI-R instruments at a significant moderate to high level from 0.49 for O to 0.74 for C (Łaguna et al., 2014;Romero et al., 2012;Sorokowska et al., 2014). The index is calculated by summing two responses for a given factor and can range from 2 to 14. ...
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Drivers' risky behaviours continue to be a major cause of traffic fatalities. Cultural changes, including fast-paced lifestyles, considerably contribute to speeding, fatigue, and texting while driving. Investigating the causes of these behaviours and resilience factors that can prevent or reduce negative outcomes is vital. The construct of spiritual fitness-defined as 'the ability to adhere to beliefs, principles, or values needed to persevere and prevail in accomplishing a mis-sion'-is an interesting proposition developed by the U.S. Army. Intervention programmes related to spiritual fitness are effective for vehicle operators' performance optimisation. Thus, this study introduces this phenomenon into research on civilian drivers. Specifically, the relationships between spiritual fitness, personality traits, and risky driving behaviours were examined. The study group comprised civilian drivers (N = 1037; M age = 39.48 ± 13.32 years) who completed online self-reported questionnaire. Results showed that spiritual fitness was related to personality traits and risky driving behaviours. Additionally, spiritual fitness was a predictor of risky driving behaviours. Finally, spiritual fitness mediated the relationship between personality traits (impul-siveness, empathy, and conscientiousness) and risky behaviours. These findings confirm that spiritual fitness is a relevant resilience factor that merits further investigation on how it affects the on-road performance of civilian drivers. Study limitations and other possible research avenues are outlined.
... 1. Короткий п'ятифакторний опитувальник особистості TIPI в адаптації М. Кліманської та І. Галецької (TIPI-UKR) [7; 8], за яким діагностувалися п'ять глибинних особистісних рис, які розуміються як універсальні, надкультуральні та наддемографічні [9], й виокремлені в п'ятифакторну теорію особистості: екстраверсія, дружелюбність, сумлінність, емоційна стабільність та відкритість новому досвіду. ...
The article presents the results of an empirical study and substantiates the relationship between the deep personality traits of the five-factor theory of personality, general self-efficacy, general indicator and components of the servicemen's PEG. A comparative analysis of the results of research by Ukrainian and foreign scientists who studied post-traumatic and post-experiential growth among different categories of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in 2019-2024 is carried out. It has been established that a higher level of PEG development is observed in servicemen who are under the continued influence of wartime stressors, which correlates with the results of other studies. There is a significant discrepancy in the levels of PEG development between the results obtained in our study on a sample of combatants and a study on a sample of persons who personally participated in combat operations in 2022. It is concluded that important determinants of the PEG of servicemen who participated in combat operations are such deep personal traits as friendliness, conscientiousness and openness to new experiences, as well as general self-efficacy. The materials of the article are of practical value for psychologists, mental health professionals, social workers, scientists and researchers in the humanities. Keywords: post-experiential growth, post-traumatic growth, personal factors, self-efficacy, wartime, servicemen – combatants.
... 1. Wskaźniki BMI dla każdej osoby zostały obliczone na podstawie samooceny wzrostu i aktualnej wagi uczestników według formuły: waga (kg) / wzrost (cm) 2 . 2. Polska wersja Inwentarza osobowości TIPI-PL (Ten Item Personality Inventory) [18,19] posłużyła do oceny cech osobowości Wielkiej Piątki (współczynniki alfa Cronbacha dla poszczególnych cech przedstawiono w nawiasach): stabilności emocjonalnej (przeciwieństwo neurotyczności; α = 0,73), ekstrawersji (α = 0,63), otwartości na doświadczenia (α = 0,30), ugodowości (α = 0,59) i sumienności (α = 0,70). Uczestnicy oceniali każdą pozycję w skali od 1 ("zdecydowanie się nie zgadzam") do 7 ("zdecydowanie się zgadzam"). ...
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Cel pracy Celem tego przekrojowego badania była ocena związku między wskaźnikiem masy ciała (BMI) a cyberchondrią w próbie mężczyzn i kobiet. W badaniu określono również znaczenie cech osobowości Wielkiej Piątki jako mediatorów tej relacji. Metoda Uczestnikami było 329 kobiet i mężczyzn w wieku od 18 do 65 lat rekrutowanych online. BMI oszacowaliśmy na podstawie podanych przez uczestników danych o ich wzroście i aktualnej wadze. Do oceny cech osobowości Wielkiej Piątki wykorzystano Inwentarz Osobowości TIPI (Ten Item Personality Inventory). Cyberchondria została zdiagnozowana za pomocą Skali Cyberchondrii CSS-PL. Wyniki BMI dodatnio korelowało ze stabilnością emocjonalną (przeciwieństwo neurotyczności) i ekstrawersją, natomiast ujemnie z cyberchondrią. Stabilność emocjonalna i ekstrawersja korelowały ujemnie z cyberchondrią. Jedynie BMI i stabilność emocjonalna były dobrymi predyktorami cyberchondrii. Kobiety uzyskały niższe wyniki w skali BMI i stabilności emocjonalnej, ale wyższe w skali cyberchondrii w porównaniu z mężczyznami. Analiza mediacji ujawniła bezpośredni i pośredni wpływ BMI na cyberchondrię poprzez stabilność emocjonalną jako mediatora między BMI a cyberchondrią. Wnioski Badanie to podkreśla możliwe znaczenie BMI dla cyberchondrii w zależności od stabilności emocjonalnej poszczególnych osób. Wyniki te mogą być przydatne dla profesjonalistów zajmujących się terapią osób z nadwagą/otyłością oraz osób nadmiernie używających Internetu.
... The overall EPS score is the sum of the numbers marked for each item and can range from 24 to 120 points. 3. Polish adaptation of the Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) -TIPI-PL (Sorokowska et al., 2014), in order to measure personality traits included in the Big Five model (Costa and McCrae, 1992): extraversion, emotional stability (neuroticism), agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness. Due to the satisfactory psychometric parameters of the TIPI-PL, it is possible to obtain a model of personality with sufficient precision for scientific applications. ...
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Introduction: There is a significant increase in the number of children and adolescents diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The principle of collaboration with parents is one of the basic elements of comprehensive support provided to both children with ASD and their families. Research Aim: The aim of the research was a multi-faceted approach to the level of satisfaction of parents of children with ASD with the professional support and a search for personal traits and dispositions related to the level and various aspects of parents’ satisfaction with collaboration with specialists supporting their children and families. Method: The research was carried out in a group of 204 parents of children with ASD. The following measures were used: Family-Professional Partnership Scale (FPPS), Enabling Practices Scale (EPS), Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) – TIPI-PL; Psychological Entitlement Scale (PES), and Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ-6). Results: The obtained results show an above-average satisfaction of parents with the support they receive. Significant predictors of the satisfaction of surveyed parents with the specialist support were the following personal characteristics and dispositions: gratitude, agreeableness, conscientiousness and openness. Conclusions: The results enable an initial assessment of satisfaction with formal support among parents of children with ASD. They also indicate selected personal dispositions related to a high level of satisfaction with the support received.
... Each subscale consists of 20 items, to which the respondent answers by selecting one of four categorised answers. • Personality traits, we used the Polish version of the Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI-PL) in the Big Five model (Sorokowska et al., 2014). It contains ten statements on an eight-point scale from 0 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly disagree). ...
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Introduction and objective: The purpose of the present study was to assess stress and anxiety levels during hospitalisation due to COVID-19 and the relationship between them and personality traits, and coping strategies among women and men, and assessment of stress predictors. Materials and methods: The study was conducted in a reference single-name hospital in Warsaw. The Perceived Stress Scale-10 (PSS-10), the BRIEF-COPE Questionnaire, the State and Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI), and the Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI-PL) were used. Results: The study involved 60 patients (30 women and 30 men) aged 24 to 82 years (M = 52.42, standard deviation, SD = 12.94). Elevated stress levels were found in half of the subjects studied; state anxiety levels were increased in 70% of the participants, and trait anxiety in 77% of them. Compared to men, women had significantly higher levels of state anxiety, and lower levels of openness to new experiences. It was shown that reducing stress levels during hospitalisation depends on the use of either an Active Coping strategy or an avoidance of the Helplessness strategy, with the level of state anxiety being the moderator in both models. Conclusions: Half of the patients hospitalised with COVID-19 did not experience elevated stress levels; women felt state anxiety more intensely as a condition during their hospital stay than men, and 40% of the subjects had an increased level of trait anxiety. For lower stress levels and/or state anxiety, adaptive coping strategies and personality traits were crucial: conscientiousness and agreeableness for women, and openness to experiences and agreeableness for men.
... (i) factors influencing food purchases of surveyed individuals, including price, quality, taste, availability, origin, nutritional properties, animal welfare, and environmental impact; (ii) patterns of meat and dairy consumption as assessed by declaration of dietary patterns; (iii) awareness of adverse impacts of conventional meat production on the environment, including climate and quality of soil, water, and air; (iv) openness to experience as assessed by the validated Polish adaptation of the Ten-Item Personality Inventory [38,39], as this personality trait is known to be associated with food choices [40,41]. Openness to experience was categorized into low and high based on normative data for the employed inventory [38]; (v) demographic characteristics, i.e., age, gender, level of education (none, primary, secondary, vocational, tertiary), place of residence (urban or rural area), and voivodeship (low and high GDP) [42]. ...
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Cultured meat, produced by culturing animal cells in vitro, is gaining increasing interest. The first products obtained using this technology were authorized for human consumption in Singapore and the United States, and more are likely to follow in other parts of the world. Therefore, it is important to assess the attitudes toward such meat in various populations and understand the grounds for its acceptance and rejection. The present cross-sectional online study of adult Poles (n = 1553) aimed to evaluate knowledge of cultured meat, the main reasons and fears associated with its production and consumption, and willingness to buy it and factors influencing such willingness. Most respondents (63%) were familiar with the concept of cultured meat, and 54% declared to purchase it when available. However, concerns over safety were expressed by individuals accepting (39%) and rejecting (49%) such meat. The main motivations for choosing it included limiting animal suffering (76%) and environmental impacts of meat consumption (67%), although over half of responders willing to buy these products were driven by curiosity (58%). Multiple logistic regression revealed that odds (OR; 95%CI) for accepting cultured meat were significantly increased for adults aged 18–40 (1.8; 1.2–2.7); women (1.8; 1.2–2.7); meat eaters (8.7; 5.6–13.6); individuals convinced that animal farming adversely affects the climate (7.6; 3.1–18.3), surface waters (3.1; 1.2–8.1), and air quality (3.0; 1.2–7.6); those familiar with cultured meat concept (4.2, 2.2–8.4); and those revealing high openness to experience (1.7; 1.2–2.4). The results highlight that the Polish population may be moderately ready to accept cultured meat and identify the groups resistant to accepting it. Well-designed and transparent promotion of these products is required to increase the general public’s understanding of the potential benefits and challenges of cultured meat technology.
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Cross-sectional studies have shown that individual differences can be associated with pro-social emotions. However, little is known about how personality may predict subsequent forgiveness and gratitude/awe. This study investigates the longitudinal influence of the Big Five traits (assessed by the Ten-Item Personality Inventory), supplemented by narcissism (assessed by the Single Item Narcissism Scale), on decisional and emotional forgiveness (assessed by the Decisional and Emotional Forgiveness Scales), as well as gratitude/awe (assessed by the Gratitude/Awe Questionnaire). Data were gathered from 292 respondents (64% women) from Poland who completed questionnaires at Time 1 (T1) and 6 months later at Time 2 (T2). Structural equation modelling showed that agreeableness at T1 positively predicted decisional forgiveness at T2; extraversion at T1 and emotional stability at T1 positively predicted emotional forgiveness at T2; and openness at T1 positively predicted gratitude/awe at T2, albeit all effects were weak. Our findings suggested that personality traits play a more minor role than one might think based on cross-sectional studies in determining individuals’ capacity for forgiveness and gratitude/awe. However, it is essential to note that these results are specific to the Polish population, underscoring the necessity for future research incorporating a more diverse demographic representation.
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Data sets from seven original trait taxonomies from different languages, American English, Dutch, German, Hungarian, Italian, Czech, and Polish, are used for a crosscultural study. The taxonomic procedures, involving culling trait terms from the various lexicons and the construction Of representative samples of trait terms, are briefly discussed. Factor structures, presumably Big Five structures, within these languages, based on ratings from an average of about 640 subjects on an avenge of approximately 430 trait variables per language, are used for comparison. Congruence coefficients are calculated for the corresponding factors in the different languages, based on their independent positions and on their positions after rotations, using the American English solution as target In a relative sense, the congruences show replicability of the first four American English, Big Five factors in the other languages.
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This article explores the possibility that romantic love is an attachment process--a biosocial process by which affectional bonds are formed between adult lovers, just as affectional bonds are formed earlier in life between human infants and their parents. Key components of attachment theory, developed by Bowlby, Ainsworth, and others to explain the development of affectional bonds in infancy, were translated into terms appropriate to adult romantic love. The translation centered on the three major styles of attachment in infancy--secure, avoidant, and anxious/ambivalent--and on the notion that continuity of relationship style is due in part to mental models (Bowlby's "inner working models") of self and social life. These models, and hence a person's attachment style, are seen as determined in part by childhood relationships with parents. Two questionnaire studies indicated that relative prevalence of the three attachment styles is roughly the same in adulthood as in infancy, the three kinds of adults differ predictably in the way they experience romantic love, and attachment style is related in theoretically meaningful ways to mental models of self and social relationships and to relationship experiences with parents. Implications for theories of romantic love are discussed, as are measurement problems and other issues related to future tests of the attachment perspective.
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Artykuł przedstawia polską adaptację krótkiego inwentarza osobowości Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI-P), który służy do pomiaru pięciu wymiarów osobowości opisywanych w modelu Wielkiej Piątki. Treść pozycji została przetłumaczona z oryginalnej angielskojęzycznej wersji, a badania studentów dwujęzycznych potwierdziły równoważność wersji polskiej i angielskiej. W serii czterech niezależnych badań (na próbie ponad 500 studentów) sprawdzono właściwości psychometryczne skal. Uzyskano zadowalające wskaźniki stabilności bezwzględnej po upływie dwóch tygodni. Zgodność wewnętrzna polskiej wersji skal jest, podobnie jak w przypadku wersji oryginalnej, stosunkowo niska. Korelacje ze skalami inwentarza NEO-FFI, a także samoopisu z opisem drugiej osoby (peer-rating) potwierdziły trafność zbieżną i różnicową TIPI-P. Wyniki badań dają podstawy do stosowania TIPI-P w badaniach naukowych prowadzonych w grupach studenckich.
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Correlations between single-item self-reports of intelligence and IQ scores are rather low (.20-.25) in college samples. The literature suggested that self-reports could be improved by three strategies: (1) aggregation, (2) item weighting, and (3) use of indirect, rather than direct, questions. To evaluate these strategies, we compared the validity of aggregated and unaggregated versions of direct measures with four indirect measures (Gough's Intellectual efficiency scale, Hogan's Intellect composite scale, Sternberg's Behavior Check List, and Trapnell's Smart scale). All measures were administered to two large samples of undergraduates (Ns = 310, 326), who also took an IQ test. Although results showed some success for both direct and indirect measures, the failure of their validities to exceed .30 impugns their utility as IQ proxies in competitive college samples. The content of the most valid items referred to global mental abilities or reading involvement. Aggregation benefited indirect more than direct measures, but prototype-weighting contributed little.
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In two studies, we used structural equation models to test the hypothesis that a General Factor of Personality (GFP) occupies the apex of the hierarchy of personality. In Study 1, we found a GFP that explained 45% of the reliable variance in a model that went from the Big Five to the Big Two to the Big One in the 14 studies of inter-scale correlations (N = 4496) assembled by Digman (1997). A higher order factor of Alpha/Stability was defined by Conscientiousness, Emotional Stability, and Agreeableness, with loadings of from 0.61 to 0.70, while Beta/Plasticity was defined by Openness and Extraversion with loadings of 0.55 and 0.77. In turn, the GFP was defined by Alpha and Beta with loadings of 0.67. In Study 2, a GFP explained 44% of the reliable variance in a similar model using data from a published meta-analysis of the Big Five (N = 4000) by Mount, Barrick, Scullen, and Rounds (2005). Strong general factors such as these, based on large data sets with good model fits that cross validate perfectly, are unlikely to be due to artifacts and response sets.
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In response to an increasing need for ever-shorter personality instruments, Gosling, Rentfrow, and Swann (2003) developed the Ten-Item-Personality Inventory (TIPI), which measures the dimensions of the Five Factor Model (FFM) using 10 items (two for each dimension) and can be administered in about one minute. In two studies and using a multi-judge (self and observer) and multi-instrument design, we develop Spanish (Castilian) and Catalan versions of the TIPI and evaluate them in terms of internal consistency, test-retest reliability, convergent, discriminant, and content validity, as well as self-observer correlations. Test-retest correlations were strong, and convergence with the NEO-PI-R factors was significant. There were also strong correlations between observer ratings and the participants’ self-ratings. Despite some inconsistencies with respect to the Agreeableness scale, the Catalan translation and both translations into Spanish of the original TIPI demonstrated sufficient psychometric properties to warrant use as a Five Factor personality measure when the use of longer instruments is not convenient or possible. Furthermore, as the first translation of a brief standard Big Five Instrument into Catalan, this work should facilitate future research on personality in the Catalan-speaking population.
The validity of self‐report measures of subjective well‐being (SWB) was examined and compared with non‐self‐report measures using a sample of 136 college students studied over the course of a semester. A principal axis factor analysis of self‐ and non‐self‐report SWB measures revealed a single unitary construct underlying the measures. Conventional single‐item and multi‐item self‐report measures correlated highly with alternative measures, with theoretical correlates of SWB, and with a principal axis factor underlying five non‐self‐report measures of well‐being. Comparisons of family versus friend informant reports demonstrated the considerable cross‐situational consistency and temporal stability of SWB. Evidence of the discriminant validity of the measures was provided by low correlations of the various SWB measures with constructs theoretically unrelated to well‐being. It was concluded that conventional self‐report instruments validly measure the SWB construct, and that alternative, non‐serf‐report measures are useful for providing a comprehensive theoretical account of happiness and life satisfaction.
This article provides an overview of some of the key issues in online personality assessment, offers practical advice for people planning to use such tests in research or applied settings, and highlights some priorities for future research. As well as personality inventories, it considers other forms of self-report-questionnaire-based psychological assessment that may reflect relatively stable individual differences but not strictly fall into traditional models of personality. For example, these are considered in the discussion of equivalence between online and offline tests, because it is likely that any psychological processes affecting the completion of online personality tests (e.g., increased self-disclosure) will be shared with these instruments as well. In terms of methodology, if not the constructs being measured, there are strong similarities that will inform discussion of issues such as equivalence. The same is true of research on online survey methodology - again, there are valuable lessons to be learned from that body of literature.