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A Zigbee-Based Animal Health Monitoring System


Abstract and Figures

An animal health monitoring system for monitoring the physiological parameters, such as rumination, body temperature, and heart rate with surrounding temperature and humidity, has been developed. The developed system can also analyze the stress level corresponding to thermal humidity index. The IEEE802.15.4 and IEEE1451.2 standards-based sensor module has been developed successfully. The Zigbee device and PIC18F4550 microcontroller are used in the implementation of sensor module. The graphical user interface (GUI) is implemented in LabVIEW 9 according to the IEEE1451.1 standard. The real-time monitoring of physiological and behavioral parameters can be present on the GUI PC. The device is very helpful for inexpensive health care of livestock. A prototype model is developed and tested with high accuracy results.
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A Zigbee-Based Animal Health Monitoring System
Anuj Kumar and Gerhard P. Hancke, Senior Member, IEEE
Abstract An animal health monitoring system for monitoring
the physiological parameters, such as rumination, body tem-
perature, and heart rate with surrounding temperature and
humidity, has been developed. The developed system can also
analyze the stress level corresponding to thermal humidity
index. The IEEE802.15.4 and IEEE1451.2 standards-based sensor
module has been developed successfully. The zigbee device and
PIC18F4550 microcontroller are used in the implementation of
sensor module. The graphical user interface (GUI) is imple-
mented in LabVIEW 9 according to the IEEE1451.1 standard.
The real-time monitoring of physiological and behavioral para-
meters can be present on the GUI PC. The device is very helpful
for inexpensive health care of livestock. A prototype model is
developed and tested with high accuracy results.
Index Terms—Zigbee, sensors, wireless transmission,
physiological parameters, temperature humidity index.
IN RECENT times, the livestock farmers faced cattle health
problems around the world because of continuous rise in air
temperature in the troposphere. The variations in temperature
on animals health has harmful effect leading to diseases such
as foot and mouth disease, swine fever, bovine spongioform
encephalopathy (mad cow disease), bovine rhinotracheitis,
squamous cell carcinoma, warts, web tear, necrotic pododer-
matitis, polioencephalomalacia, hypomagnesaemia, clostridia
disease and hypoglycemia [1], [2]. WHO report stated that the
severe acute respiratory syndrome corona virus (SARS-CoV)
is said to be an animal virus that spread easily to other animals
and have also affected human being directly. The evidence of
humans getting infected is first reported in the Guangdong
province of southern China in 2002 and since then till 2003
the 26 countries across the globe reported infections caused
by SARS. This has resulted in the economic loss to the tune of
approximately 2% of the total East Asian GDP (gross domestic
product) [3]. For these reasons a system is needed to be in
place for continuously monitoring the animal health and to
control and prevent the eruption of diseases at large scale.
Technology is already part of modern farming and is play-
ing an increasing role as more advanced systems and tools
become available. In recent years, one of the biggest areas of
Manuscript received June 10, 2014; revised August 9, 2014; accepted
August 9, 2014. Date of publication August 18, 2014; date of current version
November 11, 2014. The associate editor coordinating the review of this paper
and approving it for publication was Prof. Subhas C. Mukhopadhyay.
A. Kumar is with the Department of Electrical, Electronics and Computer
Engineering, University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa (e-mail:
G. P. Hancke is with the Department of Computer Science, City University
of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, and also with the University of Pretoria,
Pretoria 0002, South Africa (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available
online at
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSEN.2014.2349073
development has been in electronic livestock farming. Many
researches are focused on the development of animal health
telemonitoring systems.
The health monitoring is depending on two methods such as
direct contact (invasive) or in indirect contact (non invasive).
Basically a prototype telemonitoring system consists of sens-
ing unit and receiving unit with PC [4]–[7]. Smith et al. [8]
proposed a cattle health monitoring system and they are
focused on head motion, core body temperature, and heart
rate. The core of the system is an AMD186 processor on
a turn microcontroller board. Mottram et al. [9] proposed a
measurement of the acceleration for the dairy cattle. They
are give the mobility of the dairy cows and also acceleration
correlated to the mobility of the cows. Janzekovic et al. [10]
proposed a heart rate monitoring method based on polar
sport tester (PST) for cattle. The body temperature and heart
rate parameters are also used as a disease scrutinize for
different animal. Wietrzyk and Radenkovic et al. [11]–[13]
define the ad-hoc wireless sensor network based cattle health
monitoring and concluded that by using measured data, the
livestock farmers can prevent the spread of diseases. Analysis
of measured data also related decreased productivity and
death of valuable stock. Hopster et al. [14] proposed the two
stress measurement techniques for dairy cows. The proposed
techniques based on polar spot tester (PST) and electrocardio-
graph (ECG). They are also given the results of corresponding
study. They found that PST is a suitable technique for the
heart rate measurement of animal and also analyze the heart
rate is relevant parameter for the animal behavioral study.
Guo et al. [15] proposed a wireless sensor networks based live-
stock monitoring and control method. The proposed method
is also suitable for easily classifying animal activates and
behaviour. It is used the Fleck2 processor board and measured
the four parameters such as GPS information, accelerometer,
magnetometer, and temperature. Nadimi et al. [16]–[18] pro-
posed ad-hoc wireless sensor networks based monitoring and
classifying animal behavior. They used the 2.4 GHz frequency
based communication module and the proposed design is
the following advantages such as communication consistency,
energy efficient and minimum packet loss rate. The multi-
hop communication and handshaking protocol are used in the
development of the system. The measured behavioral parame-
ters are transformed into the corresponding behavioral modes
using a multilayer perception (MLP) based artificial neural
network (ANN). The ANN performance is achieved well in
the terms of mean squared error and ANN also trained the
algorithms such as Nguyen Widrow and Levenberg-Marquardt
back propagation. Huircan et al. [19] proposed a zigbee based
cattle monitoring in cropping fields and used the localization
scheme in wireless sensor network. The ratio-metric vector
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iteration algorithm is implemented and modifies the work
with localization measurements instead of the usual (RSSI)
received signal strength indication. Handcock et al. [20] pro-
posed a wireless sensor network, GPS collars and satellite
based animal behavior monitoring and also proposed the
environmental impact. They are combined the ground based
sensors and sensed satellite images for realize the animal
landscape interactions. Allen et al. [21] propose the heat
stress versus cow behavior and also define the behaviour is a
valuable parameter for the milk production. Lovett et al. [22]
proposed an infrared thermography measurement technique
for cattle. The proposed technique is helpful for examine the
cattle foot and mouth disease. Stewart et al. [23] defined
an infrared thermography based indirect stress measurement
of dairy cows. Krishnamurthi et al. [24] X-Ray computed
tomography based imaging for small animals and they are
study of physiologic measurement reproducibility. With all
these advancement in research the real-world application of the
proposed system has not been done yet. There is no product in
the market for the real time animal health monitoring. Mostly
veterinary staff checks the physiological parameters through
manually. Currently livestock farmer’s faces lot of problem on
monitoring the health of livestock and thus modifications are
being persistently recommended in instrumentation. Mostly
available system focuses only on heart rate measurement
to predict of the animals. Literature review reveals that the
wearable systems for real time animal health monitoring
are a key technology in helping of the veterinary staff and
measuring parameters can provide very accurate information
of the animal health. In behalf of this the livestock health care
would be inexpensive.
In this paper, we have reported a novel design goal of the
animal health monitoring system with a capability to monitor
heart rate, body temperature, and rumination with surrounding
temperature and humidity according to the IEEE802.15.4,
IEEE1451.2, and IEEE1451.1 standards. It has a variety of
features such as high speed, energy efficient, miniaturization,
intelligence, new materials at lower cost, portability, and high
Fig. 1 depicts the block diagram of the animal health
monitoring (AHM) system. The AHM system has been devel-
oped according to the IEEE1451 and IEEE802.15.4 standards.
The developed AHM system can be used of detecting the
animal physiological parameters such as rumination, heart
rate, and body temperature with the environmental parame-
ters (surrounding temperature and humidity). The surrounding
temperature and relative humidity based real time calculation
of temperature humidity index (THI) and also has been classify
the stress level of the animal. The output signal of the
developed sensor modules are sent to a host computer through
zigbee module. The values of body temperature, surrounding
humidity, surrounding temperature, rumination, heart rate,
stress level, and TH index (THI) can be displayed on the
GUI PC. The design of AHM system is an autonomous device,
if you need the monitoring of other health parameter which
makes it comparatively easy to add extra sensor modules.
Fig. 1. Block diagram of animal health monitoring system.
The sensing unit is the main components of the developed
animal health monitoring (AHM) system. The sensing unit is
consisting of sensor, processor, and zigbee module [25]–[28].
In this paper, we have used the four sensors such as rumination
sensor, heart rate sensor, temperature sensor, and humidity
sensor. Because, these measured parameter have been used for
different animal species health judgment, as we can point out
a quandary of the animal [23]. The analog output of sensors
is fed to the inbuilt ADC of the microcontroller. The details
design of the sensors module is subsequently.
A. Temperature Sensor Module
Domestic animals have a core body temperature (CBT)
range in which metabolism functions without modification,
termed the thermo-neutral zone. Typically, core body tem-
perature is higher than ambient temperature to ensure that
heat generated by metabolism flows out to the environment.
Deviation outside of this range which is relatively narrow
leads to increases in resting metabolism, modifications to the
biochemistry and cellular physiology as well as the behaviour
of the animal. A healthy adult cow body temperature range
is approximately 38.5°C (101.5°F) to 39.5°C (103°F) and
if the cow body temperature is over that this range then
can called the cow is not healthy [21]. According to the
South African weather service, the daily extreme temperatures
recorded across South Africa to date has been 33.7°C with
the lowest being 4.8°C [29]. Therefore, with allowances taken
into consideration, the good range to select for our ambi-
ent temperature monitoring application is 15° to +40°C.
We have chosen the temperature sensor for this application was
a thermistor (TTC05102). Thermistor is high sensitive resistor
versus temperature (R Vs temperature). It means that the
most important function is to reveal a change in electrical
resistance with a change in its temperature. An important
characteristic of thermistor is their extreme sensitivity to
relatively minute temperature changes. The resistance of an
NTC (negative temperature coefficient) thermistor decreases
as its temperature increases [30]. They have a fast response,
small mass, less complex circuitry and lower cost than the
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of temperature sensor module.
various other types of temperature sensors. The advantage and
disadvantage of the temperature sensor was reported in [30].
The schematic diagram of the thermistor sensor is shown
in Fig. 2. The signal processing circuit of the thermistor is
divided into two parts such as voltage divider and a voltage
follower. We have chosen the OP07 in the voltage follower cir-
cuit with the gain is three. The voltage divider network is main
dependent on series resister RSand reference voltage VREF.
In this circuit, the combination of R1and C1is formed a
low pass filter and remove it’s the noise. RSwas selected
according to eqn1. The developed thermistor sensor module
range was fixed at 15°C to +45°C therefore the thermistor
resistance value (RT), for three reference temperature were
obtained [30], [31] such as the lower point (RT1 =6.5K), mid
point (RT2 =3K), and upper point (RT3 =0.450K).
Where RT1 =thermistor resistance at the lower limit;
RT2 =thermistor resistance at the mid limit; RT3 =thermistor
resistance at the upper limit.
The calculation of temperature is used the Steinhart-Hart
equation. The Steinhart-Hart equation is
TI=1.5×103+0.268 ×103(ln RT)
+3.558 ×108(ln RT)3(3)
TI(°C)=TI273.15 (4)
Where Vout =output voltage of the thermistor sensor;
RT=resistance of the thermistor; RS=series resistor in
the voltage divider circuit; VREF =Reference voltage of the
voltage divider circuit; TI=Body temperature in K; T =Body
temperature in °C.
B. Humidity Sensor Module
The environmental parameters are affected the performance
and health of the animal both directly and indirectly. The
environmental factor consists of air temperature, air move-
ment, humidity, and radiation heat. In this paper, we have con-
centrated only on the environment temperature and humidity.
Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the humidity sensor module.
Fig. 4. Data receiving structure of humidity sensor.
Based on these parameters, we have calculated the thermal
humidity index (THI) and also analyze the stress level of the
animal. To sense the humidity of the surrounding area is used
the DHT11 sensor. An overview of the DHT11 specification,
advantage and disadvantage were reported in [32]. The circuit
connection between the DHT11 sensor and the microprocessor
can be seen in Fig. 3. The sensor data are received in the
form of five segments (8 bit each). The first tow segments are
represents the humidity (integral and decimal), third and fourth
segments are represents the temperature in °C, and remaining
(last) segments is the check sum. The last segment is the sum
of the four first segments, if check sum value is not equal to the
sum of four first segments that means that the received data is
not correct. The received data structure is shown in Fig. 4.
The operating voltage of the developed module is fixed
at 3.3V. The surrounding humidity and temperature sensing
range of the developed module are set from 20% to 90% and
0oC-50°C, respectively.
C. Heart Rate Sensor Module
The heart rate is the most important parameter in the health
assessment. The adult healthy cow has a heart rate between
48 and 84 beats per minute. The variation in heart rate
normally reflects the stress, anticipation, movement, exertion,
and various diseases. Basically, the heart rate measurement is
an indirect method.
Some researchers are used the polar spot tester (PST) for
the measurement of heart rate and were reported in [33]–[38].
According to this we have choose the polar equine T56H
transmitter device for the cattle heart rate measurement. The
polar equine transmitter T56H is a fabric electrode based heart
monitoring device. The heart rate sensor module is shown
in Fig. 5.
The electrodes made from conductive flexible fibre are
which acclimatize absolutely to the heart beat. The ergonom-
ically design of this device is comfortable for animals.
Fig. 5. Polar equine heart rate sensor module.
Fig. 6. The heart rate sensor output.
The fibres electrodes include a permeable to ensure a stable
contact with the skin and pledge the essential dampness
for communicates the heart rate signal. The transmitter
T56H picks up very small electrical impulses emitted by the
heart and for the T56H transmitter to read the heart rate
properly. The transmitter T56H was supported at 2.4GHz
frequency. The transmitter sends the real time data to the host
computer. The heart rate sensor output window is shown in
Fig. 6. During experiment, we have receive the heart rate of
the dairy cows is approximately 75 beats per minute.
D. Rumination Sensor Module
Rumination is a direct indicator of animal wellbeing and
health and also important part of the process by which
animal digest food. The minimum ruminants are shown the
Q fever [39]. According to veterinarians, the rumination is
a function of what the animal has eaten and how well
He/She has been able to rest. Normally, animals spend about
one third of a day (9-10hours) in ruminating. The changes
of rumination are indicating the disease such as mastitis,
metabolic calving disease, food digestion, etc. Furthermore the
return of rumination is an excellent sign of treatment success.
The rumination monitoring of the animals is a need of the
veterinarians because the rumination monitoring can provide
a very accurate indication of the animal’s health [40]–[43].
In the rumination monitoring we have used the accelero-
meter. The rumination sensor module has been developed
according to IEEE802.15.4 and IEEE1451.2 standards for
provides the three axis response of the animals. The block
diagram and photograph of the developed rumination sensor
module are shown in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively.
Fig. 7. Block diagram of rumination sensor module.
Fig. 8. Photograph of the rumination sensor module.
In the development of rumination sensor were used the
ADXL335 accelerometer. Basically ADXL335 is a energy
efficient, compact, and inexpensive device and can be mea-
sures the 3-axis acceleration with a range of ±3g. In the
addition the ADXL335 output signals are analog voltage that
is proportional to the acceleration. The advantage, disad-
vantage, and specification were reported in [44]–[46]. And
also can work in the static and dynamic measurement of
the acceleration, basically, it is depends on the applications
such as vibration, motion, shock, etc. In this paper, we have
used the monitoring of mouth movement for the rumination
time of the animals and it is fixed of the left hand side of
the mouth.
The operating voltage range of the ADXL335 mod-
ule is 1.8V-3.6V and it is operated at a fixed voltage
of 3.3V. At the 3.3V, the maximum output voltage of
the accelerometer are 560mV for the X-axis, +560V for
the Y-axis, and +960mV for the Z-axis. The capacitors
CX=CY=CZ=0.1μF have been connected to the output
signals XOUT,Y
OUT of the accelerometer, respec-
tively. The 0.1μF has been removed to the low frequency noise
otherwise create the errors in the measurement of acceleration.
The PIC18F4550 microcontroller interfaced to accelerometer
with zigbee module. The outcome are sent through the zigbee
module to a graphical user interface running of the host
computer and also save the real time data into the access data
base of the host computer. The developed ruminant sensor
output signals are display on GUI in the form of waveform.
The ruminant sensor output is shown in Fig. 9. If the sensor
output signals are up and down corresponding to the x, y, and
z directions. It means that the animal is doing ruminant and
Fig. 9. The rumination sensor 3-axis output.
that the animal is well being otherwise the animal is in poor
health. This results has been received during cow is resting of
afternoon time.
In the development of animal health monitoring sys-
tem (AHMS) has been used the zigbee communication. The
zigbee device is an energy efficient, high accuracy, self-
configuring, low cost, communication technology [47], [48].
Zigbee communication has well-known applications such as
environment monitoring, viginet (military), smart farms, smart
building, telemedicine services, and other industrial appli-
cations [49]–[56]. Recently, animal telemedicine is one hot
application in the area of wireless sensor network. The com-
munication between the sensor module and sink module is
performed from side to side a zigbee module. In this paper,
we have chosen the XBee-PRO S2 module. The specifications,
working modes, advantages, and disadvantages were reported
in [47]. The zigbee module working on the 2.4 GHz band,
but is data transmits and receives serially through UART (uni-
versal asynchronous receiver transmitter). They also serially
data transfer between zigbee coordinator and graphical user
interface PC. We have configured the zigbee module through
X-CTU software. In our system networks, the four sensor
modules data converse to the single sink module which is
coupled to a PC. The private area network ID is same of
the developed sensor and sink modules. If the working of the
setup is correct, the automatic establish the network connection
between the sensor modules and sink node. Every sensor sends
their data every 4 s to the coordinator and we have used the
unlicensed 2.4GHz frequency band.
The sink module is used to collect data from different sensor
modules. The developed sink module is consists of zigbee
coordinator and graphical user interface running on PC. The
transceiver unit is the main device of the zigbee coordinator
and the transceiver unit is serially interfaced to the micro-
controller. The microcontroller is serially interfaced to the PC
through USB. The serial data converses depend on the UART.
The sink module is shown in Fig. 10.
Fig. 10. Block diagram of sink node.
Fig. 11. The front panel of the AHM system.
A. Graphical User Interface (GUI)
The LabVIEW 9.0 was used to the development of graph-
ical user interface. The graphical user interface program is
running on PC and to communicate with the zigbee coor-
dinator [48], [57]. The graphical user interface two main
sub program, one is block diagram and other is front panel.
In the development of AHM system, we have used the
communication between GUI PC and Zigbee coordinator
through USB and follow the IEEE 1451.7 standard. The
USB based interfaced have the following advantages such
as cost, reliability, energy efficient, hot pluggable, etc. The
main advantage of the USB based interface, the USB support
the 100mA at 5V for external used and according to this
there is a sufficient power of the zigbee coordinator. The
USB based advantages, disadvantages, and protocol were
reported in [58]. In this paper, we have used the interrupt
driven transfer protocol. In the LabVIEW based instrumen-
tation, the I/O communication software is needed and we
have used the VISA communication software. The detailed
information of the communication software as well as VISA
sub palette, advantages, and drawback were reported in [59].
The front panel of the developed AHM system is shown
in Fig. 11.
Fig. 12. THI and heat stress output.
Heat stress is an adverse effect on animal health such as
reduces the milk production, weight gain, feed intake, repro-
ductive efficiency, and increasing susceptibility to disease.
The measurement of heat stress is a non-invasive method
and can be calculated through thermal humidity index (THI).
The calculation of THI is the real time monitors of the animal
surrounding environmental parameters such as temperature
and relative humidity. In the calculation of THI, we have used
the equation 5 [60].
THI =(1.8×T+32)
−[(0.55 0.0055 ×RH)×(1.8×T26.8)](5)
Where T is the surrounding temperature in °C and RH is the
surrounding relative humidity in %.
The principle of THI is that as the relative humidity at
any temperature increases, it becomes progressively more
difficult for the animal to cool itself [61]. If the THI value is
greater than 70 then animal feel uncomfortable [19]. Table I
represents the THI versus heat stress. If increased the value of
TH index then change the behaviour of animals and has been
increased the irregularity. Fig. 12 shows that the TH index and
stress level of the animal during experiment.
The main aim of this research paper is to develop an
animal health monitoring system (AHMS) which is capable
to the measuring of body temperature, rumination, and heart
rate parameters with environmental parameters (surrounding
Fig. 13. Experimental setup of heart rate, body temperature, and surrounding
temperature and humidity.
Fig. 14. Experimental setup of rumination sensor module.
temperature and humidity). The system is based on the
IEEE 1451.2, IEEE 802.15.4, and IEEE1451.1 standards.
The PIC18F4550 microcontroller and XBee-PRO S2 mod-
ule were used to the development of AHM system. The
four sensor module such as body temperature, heart rate,
surrounding humidity and temperature, and rumination has
been successfully developed. They measuring parameters will
be helpful to analyze the animal disease or health condition
of the animal.
We have designed the LabVIEW 9.0 based front panel.
The front panel of the AHM system handles functions of
the measuring parameters such as settings the time interval,
start button (ON), OFF, data saves for the access memory
of the PC or in the data base, and a digital and a graphical
output. Here the developed GUI module can perform for four
sensing module and display the seven valuable physiologi-
cal and behavioral parameters. The USB slot of the PC is
present the 100mA at 5V and it does not require any external
power source in the sink module during the experiments. The
power consumptions in the AHM system is depend only on
the wireless sensing modules. During experiment, the 11.1V
battery (rated 350mAh) is used. The each sensor module
could be run incessantly for 60 hours without necessitate
recharge. The prototype setup with dairy cow is shown in
Figs. 13 and 14. The system has been developed ergonomically
with the reference of the animal, the veterinary staff and
primary user of the device. The following points are fallowed
by the designing of the system in terms of the reduction
of environmental factors, such as, the module is protective
covering of PVC (Polyvinyl chloride) to shield it from rain
and insects as well as the design of the casing for the collar
to be threaded through, minimum noise is achieved in the
case of the developed multilayer circuit board which includes
a ground plane, and sensor and its associated circuitry are
connected through wires with grounding connection.
In this paper, we have presented a prototype of an animal
health monitoring system. The prototype system consists of the
sensor module and sink module. These modules were abun-
dantly urbanized according to the IEEE1451.2, IEEE802.15.4
and IEEE1451.1 standards.
This prototype system is tested for the real time monitor-
ing of physiological parameters such as body temperature,
rumination, and heart rate as well as monitor the surrounding
humidity, and temperature. And based on these environmental
parameters are automatic analyze the TH index (THI) and
stress level. In the development of sensing device, we have
used the low power electronic components to minimize the
power consumption and the device could be run continually
maximum times. The developed sensor module is low power
consumption, miniaturization, intelligence, easy to operate,
new materials at lower cost, portability, and high performance.
The major cost of the developed system is comes form the use
of zigbee modules and T56H transmitter.
For future study, the exploration of ultra wide band (UWB)
radio based wireless sensor network for animal health moni-
toring. It will be specifically targets health monitoring during
races, animal location and tracking applications. This tech-
nology presents very high low power consumption, low com-
plexity, and time domain resolution. In the heart rate sensing
module we have used the T56H transmitter and the developed
module has been transmitting data only upto 5 meters. They
will need the modification of the heart rate sensor module and
could be increased the transmission range. The design and
development of the PCB will be focus on the flexible PCB’s
to reinstate the rigid card, so that it might be ergonomically
beneficially for animal.
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Anuj Kumar received the Ph.D. degree in
embedded systems from the Indian Institute of
Technology (IIT) Delhi, New Delhi, India, in
2011, the M.Tech. degree in instrumentation from
the National Institute of Technology Kurukshetra,
Haryana, India, in 2004, and the M.Phil. degree in
instrumentation from IIT Roorkee, Roorkee, India,
in 2000.
He was with APL Intelligent Embedded, New
Delhi, from 2000 to 2002, where he was involved
in the development of microcontroller-based applica-
tions. In 2004, he joined DellSoft Technologies, New Delhi, as an Instrumen-
tation Engineer. He was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the Department
of Electrical and Computers Engineering, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea,
in 2012. Since 2012, he has been a Vice-Chancellor’s Post-Doctoral Fellow
with the Department of Electrical, Electronic, and Computer Engineering,
University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. His research interests include
smart sensing systems, intelligent systems, microcontroller-based applications,
and instrumentation electronics.
Gerhard P. Hancke (SM’11) received the B.Eng.
and M.Eng. degrees from the University of Preto-
ria, Pretoria, South Africa, and the Ph.D. degree
in computer science from the University of Cam-
bridge, Cambridge, U.K., in 2008. He is an Assistant
Professor with the Department of Computer Science,
City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. He is
interested in sensing systems for industrial applica-
... Across the many countries that technology has been developed in order to monitor animals, the variety of purposes for implementation include monitoring health (e.g., [24,25]), differentiating between individual animals (e.g., [18,26]), and behaviour (e.g., [11,19,27]). A focus on health is the primary rationale for much of the technological advances in agriculture, given the focus on economic outcomes. ...
... A focus on health is the primary rationale for much of the technological advances in agriculture, given the focus on economic outcomes. Variables such as head motion, core body temperature, and heart rate [28], as well as surrounding temperature and humidity [24] are crucial for agricultural production. For example, in cattle, stress due to warm weather can influence vulnerability to disease, food consumption, weight gain, reproduction, and milk production [24,25]. ...
... Variables such as head motion, core body temperature, and heart rate [28], as well as surrounding temperature and humidity [24] are crucial for agricultural production. For example, in cattle, stress due to warm weather can influence vulnerability to disease, food consumption, weight gain, reproduction, and milk production [24,25]. Thus, in being able to track individual animals, technology allows for the monitoring of changes in livestock [3]. ...
Citation: Congdon, J.V.; Hosseini, M.; Gading, E.F.; Masousi, M.; Franke, M.; MacDonald, S.E. The Future of
... Despite its effectiveness, this system is costly and lacks a mobile app for health updates. Alternatively, [31] developed a smart device using Zigbee-based technology, which calculates the Temperature-Humidity Index (THI) and enables farmers to monitor animal health via the internet or Bluetooth using a GUI. In another approach [32], researchers utilized Raspberry Pi for animal health monitoring, emphasizing its efficacy in maintaining animal welfare, while also introducing an IoT-based solution incorporating data gathering through sensors, IoT cloud, and mobile nodes using the TDMA scheme to facilitate mobile updates and alert farmers of health issues. ...
... Some of these systems that monitor animal health rely on devices that need to be placed on the body of the animals. In their study, Kumar et al. [8] proposed a zigbee-based animal health monitoring system for livestock that uses a sensor placed on the body of the animal for monitoring the physiological parameters, such as rumination, body temperature, and heart rate as wells as environmental temperature and humidity. Shinde et al. [9] proposed an IoT based animal health monitoring with naive bayes classification that utilized temperature, humidity, heart rate and load cell sensors. ...
... The This bulky, power-hungry telemetry tags of prior decades limited research to species of a minimum body size and to studies whose duration was constrained by battery size and weight [3]. Modern sensing systems have allowed for new types of animal behavior monitoring and data collection, such as the eating and drinking behaviors of cattle on farms [4], [5], [6]. Wearable inertial measurement units (IMUs) have extended to uses such as tracking multi-body dynamics of cheetahs [7] as well as using machine learning models for classifying high-level animal behaviors (sitting, walking, running, etc.) [8] and [9]. ...
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We present a three-part sensing system to measure the acquisition of foraging proficiency in wild tree squirrels. The first component is the eNut : a 3D-printed enclosure in the size and shape of a large food item, such as a walnut. The eNut contains an inertial measurement unit (IMU), consisting of an accelerometer and a gyroscope, along with a capsule containing a food reward (e.g. chopped nuts), motivating the squirrel to manipulate the eNut to open the reward capsule. The second component is a radio-frequency identification (RFID) gate that can detect the presence of a known individual. The reader generates time-stamped labels for the analysis of simultaneous video recordings of the squirrel movements. Finally, the third component is a data collection pipeline, which aggregates the sensor data in a cloud backend server. The design process culminated in a fully-functional prototype system tested under three field conditions: two outdoor sites used for juvenile squirrel rehabilitation and a third site with free-ranging adult squirrels. The accuracy of the collected data is assessed by leveraging lab settings in which acceleration and rotation were checked against reference values produced by a testing infrastructure, custom-built for this application. Finally, we present an inventory of food item manipulation movements (rotation, shaking) that are identified and quantified with the eNut system. This system allows a level of granular analyses of foraging decisions that was not feasible with prior technology, which would have important translational value in paradigms of animal behavior and wildlife rehabilitation.
... First, the random search direction of b is as follows: b = rands(K, 1) ∥rands(K, 1)∥ 2 (4) where rand() denotes the function that produces a K-dimensional column vector, and K is the dimension of the search space. Table 6. ...
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According to related research, different body temperatures, heart rates, and locomotor behaviors of small-tailed cold goats can represent the physical condition of the goats themselves and are used as direct evidence for evaluating the physical health status of small-tailed cold goats. In this paper, we designed and tested a system for predicting the health status of small-tailed cold sheep based on wearable information monitoring technology. To test the system, sheep wearable devices were worn on 36 small-tailed cold sheep of different ages and inconsistent health conditions at different time points from May to October. A SLBAS-BP neural network model for predicting the health condition of small-tailed cold sheep was established using the collected and processed data, which overcame the problem that the traditional gradient descent method in the BP neural network is prone to fall into local optimization leading to insufficient prediction ability. The correct prediction rates of the improved BP neural network for the four health conditions of healthy, sub-healthy, fever, and disease were 98.4%, 94.5%, 90.4%, and 98.7%, respectively, and the average correct prediction rate of the four conditions was 5.8% higher than that before the improvement, reaching 95.2%.
... Sharma et al. [7] have documented a survey of automatic health monitoring using wireless sensor networks in remote farms that will help the farmers to monitor their cattle from other locations. He discussed diseases like Footroot, Ketosis, Mastitis, etc., where the conditions were mapped with related sensors for health analysis including ZigBee-based animal health monitoring system [8]. Swain et al. [9] have developed a real-time cattle health monitoring system without human intervention, where different sensors are used to sense the different critical parameters of cattle bodies like temperature, respiration, heartbeat, etc, and their health status is displayed on LabView after processing through Arduino UNO, Arduino NANO and Xbee module. ...
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Customized healthcare for cattle health monitoring is essential, which aims to optimize individual animal health, thereby enhancing productivity, minimizing illness-related risks, and improving overall welfare. Tailoring healthcare practices to individual requirements guarantees that individual animals receive proper attention and intervention, resulting in better health outcomes and sustainable cattle farming practices. In this regard, the manuscript proposes a visual cues-based region prediction methodology to design a customized cattle healthcare system. The proposed automated AI healthcare system uses resource-efficient deep learning-inspired architecture for computer vision applications like performing region-wise classification. The classification mechanism can be used further to identify a cattle and the regions it belongs. Extensive experimentation has been conducted on a redesigned image dataset to identify the best-suited deep-learning framework to perform region classification for livestock, such as cattle. MobileNetV2 outperforms the considered state-of-the-art frameworks by achieving an accuracy of 93% in identifying the regions of the cattle.
... Implanted sensors are those sensors that are injected internally into the cow's body in chip form to measure different parameters of cattle and also for monitoring and tracking of cattle internally. It send appropriate information via some wireless communication medium for maintaining further record about animal basic information like ID, age, breeding, vaccination and milking process record etc. 8 Tab ...
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In the new era of advanced technology, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks (WBASN) have enormous applications in various disciplines. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) have been used in many fields for different purpose like health care, assisting senior citizens, wireless communication, tracking, monitoring, predictive maintenance, enhanced safety and security, improve productivity, energy saving smart grid, smart home etc. to assist peoples. Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks (WBASN) in health care strongly utilized for continuous real time health monitoring of a human health as well as in animal husbandry without creating noise in their normal daily life activities. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) and Wireless Body area sensor networks (WBASN) provide opportunities for wireless tracking and monitoring of animals remotely. Remotely sensing systems bring another level of observing into several businesses as well as for agriculturist farmers. In this paper, survey reviewed of different cases of wireless sensors for cattle and pet animals tracking and monitoring. Classify them into different categories according to their types, domain and functionalities.
The demand for meat and dairy products is expected to rise significantly in the current demographic and economic growth context. Concurrently, various factors, including financial crises and reduced profitability, have decreased the number of livestock farms. Consequently, the livestock industry is undergoing intensification, with an increased number of cows per farm. This shift makes the management of animals increasingly complex. Amid these challenges, the society’s growing concern for animal health and welfare and the quality of consumed products underscores the importance of systems that aid in the individual and herd-level monitoring and control within livestock operations. In this scenario, precision livestock farming has become essential with the emergence of new sensors and technologies and the evolution of artificial intelligence. Against this backdrop, this paper reviews systems and techniques used in precision livestock farming to detect anomalies caused by reproductive processes and diseases in dairy and beef cattle. The article analyzes sensors and technologies employed, presents key studies conducted, and discusses the most commonly used artificial intelligence techniques in detecting prevalent anomalies.
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This research paper presents the implementation of an intelligent system for monitoring and controlling a poultry farm using a Linux-based web server, Raspberry Pi, and Arduino Uno. The proposed system monitors environmental conditions and adjusts them accordingly. The paper also demonstrates the serial peripheral communication and USB protocol communication between Raspberry Pi and Arduino Uno. The Raspberry Pi acts as an embedded web server, while the Arduino Uno reads sensor values. The integration of an embedded web server enables the utilization of Internet of Things (IoT) principles. The objective of this study is to monitor and control the environmental conditions within the poultry farm, including parameters such as humidity, temperature, brightness, and air quality. The system offers remote management capabilities, allowing farmers to effectively monitor and control their farms from remote locations. This remote accessibility contributes to cost reduction, improved quality, and efficient management of the poultry farming process. The findings of this research highlight the usefulness of the proposed system in enhancing farm management in remote areas. By leveraging IoT principles and the combined power of Raspberry Pi and Arduino Uno, farmers can monitor and adjust environmental conditions to ensure optimal conditions for the poultry. This system empowers farmers with real-time data, enabling them to make informed decisions and improve the overall productivity and well-being of their poultry farms.
Conference Paper
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Measuring the time a cow takes to walk a fixed difference at her own speed correlates closely to her mobility score.
A monitoring device and method is utilized to monitor certain individuals. A processor receives input from at least one if not a plurality of sensors. In preferred embodiments, if multiple sensors reach certain milestones relative to certain limits, an alarm condition is provided to alert a predetermined recipient of the alarm condition, such as the authorities in the case of a person going above a certain speed limit and moving at least one of his feet to correspond to braking and/or accelerating events. Another sensor such as near the wrist of an individual could be utilized to coordinate with directional headings of the individual to create a condition appearing to be steering of a car wheel.
In recent years, the advances in wireless communication and electronics have accelerated to develop many wireless network solutions to replace existing wired networks. A wireless network solution can support mobility and flexibility of nodes in a network. Especially in sensor networks, it has many advantages to replace cables with wireless logical links. On the other hand, Bluetooth is generally considered as a promising short-range wireless technology because of its inexpensive cost, low power and small size, and thus Bluetooth has been gaining increasing interest from various industries. For the above reasons, we adopt Bluetooth technology for a wireless sensor network which is designed for security systems. Since Bluetooth will continue to be a feature found in many devices, it is worthwhile to investigate its use in wireless sensor networks. In this paper, we describe a Bluetooth wireless sensor network for security systems, which includes the implementation issues about system architecture, power management, self-configuration of network, and routing. We think that the methods or algorithms described in this paper can be easily applied to other embedded Bluetooth applications for wireless networks.
Inter-user interference degrades the reliability of data delivery in wireless body sensor networks (WBSNs) in dense deployments when multiple users wearing WBSNs are in close proximity to one another. The impact of such interference in realistic WBSN systems is significant but is not well explored. To this end, we investigate and analyze the impact of inter-user interference on packet delivery ratio (PDR) and throughput. We conduct extensive experiments based on the TelosB WBSN platform, considering unslotted carrier sense multiple access (CSMA) with collision avoidance (CA) and slotted CSMA/CA modes in IEEE 802.15.4 MAC, respectively. In order to mitigate interuser interference, we propose a light-weight hopping approach based on practical WBSN systems and investigate the performance in a realistic environment. Our experimental results show that the unslotted CSMA/CA is only effective in light inter-user interference scenarios. Comparably, the slotted CSMA/CA can provide dramatic performance improvement (2.7 times higher in PDR and 1.7 times higher in throughput on average), when severe inter-user interference occurs in WBSN deployment. In addition, the experimental results validate the effectiveness and correctness of our idea of a hopping approach for inter-user interference mitigation, which is based on slotted CSMA/CA mode and with low complexity.
An extended-range wireless sensor network (WSN) technology is presented in this paper. The proposed technology is based on a cross-layer optimization of the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. In the physical layer, the use of directive and adaptive phased arrays is proposed for the WSN gateways, increasing the communication range between sensors and their gateway. Next, a neighbor-cooperative channel access method is proposed to alleviate the hidden-terminal problem that is aggravated with the use of directive antennas on the one side of the communication links (asymmetric links). With the proposed technologies, a three-fold increase of the single-hop range is achieved, and the hidden terminal problem is addressed with minimal impact on the overall throughput, protocol complexity, overhead efficiency, and scalability.
This paper explores the potential of creating a hybrid wireless sensor network (WSN) through the establishment of a generic WSN platform, which allows for the effective integration of a number of novel optical fiber (wired) sensors. The aim is to maximize the potential of a sensor system created using advanced optical sensor techniques coupled to the WSNs. In this design, each wireless mote in a WSN is configured as a generic platform for ease of integration of the optical fiber sensor modules. In the work carried out, a typical configuration is used comprising a LED light source, a filter, a photodiode, and an amplifying circuit. Thus, each mote is able to record and process the signals generated from the optical fiber sensors and transmit the data obtained on the measurements made wirelessly to a base station. To verify both the hybrid concept and the effectiveness of a generic platform established, the system is tested using an intrinsic pH optical fiber sensor developed by some of the authors and especially chosen to be integrated into the platform. When the sensor is subjected to a range of solutions with varying pH values from 1 to 9, the sensor data generated from the system are collected at the base station. The experimental results obtained confirm the functionality of the platform designed, and its ability to allow real-time optical fiber sensor data monitoring, processing, and transmission. The success of the creation of this type of hybrid WSN platforms thus opens up new sensing opportunities using a wide range of optical fiber sensors, thus showing a potential impact on some measurement applications where conventional WSNs cannot meet the systems requirements.
A global machine-to-machine (M2M) healthcare system is proposed to monitor patient's health conditions using wearable physiological sensors. This system has the potential of providing excellent accessibility to international as well as intercity healthcare services using the concept of IPv6 over low-power wireless personal area networks (6LoWPANs) in a hierarchical network structure. Non-intrusive low-power embedded wearable sensors are designed to dynamically measure health parameters and are connected to the M2M node for wireless transmission through the internet or external IP-enabled networks via the M2M gateway. Practical tests are conducted using the M2M gateway with the IEEE 802.15.4 and the 6LoWPAN protocol in the internal and external networks environments. In addition, the physical health state is estimated by the heart rate variability analysis in the time and frequency domains to gauge the activity of the autonomic nervous system and consequently provide a stress level to the server. Our approaches for the global M2M healthcare system are managed to process the large amount of physiological signals with the network evaluation and to obtain the stress index and autonomic balance diagram of patient's health conditions.
Animal welfare is an issue of great importance in modern food production systems. Because animal behavior provides reliable information about animal health and welfare, recent research has aimed at designing monitoring systems capable of measuring behavioral parameters and transforming them into their corresponding behavioral modes. However, network unreliability and high-energy consumption have limited the applicability of those systems. In this study, a 2.4-GHz ZigBee-based mobile ad hoc wireless sensor network (MANET) that is able to overcome those problems is presented. The designed MANET showed high communication reliability, low energy consumption and low packet loss rate (14.8%) due to the deployment of modern communication protocols (e.g. multi-hop communication and handshaking protocol). The measured behavioral parameters were transformed into the corresponding behavioral modes using a multilayer perceptron (MLP)-based artificial neural network (ANN). The best performance of the ANN in terms of the mean squared error (MSE) and the convergence speed was achieved when it was initialized and trained using the Nguyen–Widrow and Levenberg–Marquardt back-propagation algorithms, respectively. The success rate of behavior classification into five classes (i.e. grazing, lying down, walking, standing and others) was 76.2% (σmean=1.06)(σmean=1.06) on average. The results of this study showed an important improvement regarding the performance of the designed MANET and behavior classification compared to the results of other similar studies.