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Journal of Fish Biology (2015) 86, 805–811
doi:10.1111/jfb.12565, available online at
Abundance of Cottus poecilopus is inuenced by O2
saturation, food density and Salmo trutta in three tributaries
of the Rožnovská Beˇ
cva River, Czech Republic
R. B*†, J. K*‡, M. K§‖, B. L¶, T. M
D. R* M. R§
*Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Hydrobiology,
Na Sádkách 7, 370 05, ˇ
Ceské Budˇ
ejovice, Czech Republic, †Faculty of Science, University of
South Bohemia, Branišovská 31, 370 05, ˇ
Ceské Budˇ
ejovice, Czech Republic, §Department of
Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, Palack´
y University in Olomouc,
u 11, 783 71, Olomouc, Czech Republic, ‖Správa CHKO Beskydy, Nádražní 36, 756
61, Rožnov pod Radhoštˇ
em, Czech Republic, ¶Faculty of Science, Ostrava University, 30.
Dubna 22, 701 03, Ostrava, Czech Republic and **Faculty of Economics, University of
South Bohemia, Studentská 13, ˇ
Ceské Budˇ
ejovice, Czech Republic
(Received 30 July 2014, Accepted 26 September 2014)
The distribution patterns of alpine bullhead Cottus poecilopus in three tributary streams of the
Rožnovská Beˇ
cva River (Danube basin) were studied with respect to temperature, oxygen con-
centration and saturation, shading, current, conductivity, total organic carbon (TOC), nitrates and
phosphates, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), pH, redox potential, bottom grain structure,
density of macroinvertebrates and the abundance of brown trout Salmo trutta. Sites with lower
abundance per hectare of C. poecilopus differed signicantly in dissolved oxygen saturation, density
of macroinvertebrates during the autumn period (positive correlation with C. poecilopus)andin
abundance per hectare of S. trutta (negative correlation). These results indicate that these factors
signicantly inuence the distribution of this endangered species in the studied catchment and that
stocking of S. trutta will impair its recovery.
© 2014 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles
Key words: Alpine bullhead; brown trout; macroinvertebrates; organic carbon; shading; water temper-
Alpine bullhead Cottus poecilopus Heckel 1837 inhabits European mountain streams.
Its main areas are Scandinavia and the Baltic region, and the Carpathian Mountains
(Kottelat & Freyhof, 2007). In the Czech Republic, C. poecilopus is limited to the Odra
River (Baltic Sea basin) and Morava River (Black Sea basin) drainages. In this coun-
try, the ecologically similar, close relative bullhead Cottus gobio L. 1758 occurs in the
Elbe River (North Sea basin) (Starmach, 1965; ˇ
r, 1969). Cottus poecilopus often
coexists with brown trout Salmo trutta L. 1758 in well-oxygenated mountain streams
‡Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Tel.: +420387775891; email:
© 2014 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles
012345 kmZákopecký stream
Solanecký stream
Vermirovský stream
Roznovská Becva
Czech Republic
Starozuberský stream
F. 1. Study area and location ( ) in the Czech Republic (VE, Vermíˇ
rovskýstream; ST, Starozuberskýstream;
ZA, Zákopeckýstream).
(Lusk et al., 2008) and is categorized as being of least concern on the European red list
(Freyhof & Brooks, 2011) while in the Czech Republic it is categorized as near threat-
ened (Lusk et al., 2011). Cottus poecilopus is adapted to a narrow range of conditions,
and can therefore be considered a bio-indicator species (Hanel & Lusk, 2005). In the
Czech Republic, the occurrence of C. poecilopus is limited to clear unpolluted streams
as they are particularly sensitive to water temperature and dissolved oxygen concen-
trations. The aim of this study is to investigate the inuence of physical and chemical
factors on C. poecilopus and to identify the main determinants of its abundance.
Cottus poecilopus were sampled in three tributaries of the Rožnovská Beˇ
cva River
(the Vermíˇ
y, Starozubersk´
y and Zákopeck´
y streams) in October 2010 (Fig. 1).
Electroshing was performed in eight 100 m long sections, three sections located in
each of the Vermíˇ
y and Starozubersk´
y streams and two in the Zákopeck´
y stream
(Table I). Mean width varied between 3⋅6 and 4⋅3 m. The water depth was measured
with a calibrated bar at 10 sites in each section and the average depth was calculated.
Before sampling, the study sections were screened off with a 5 mm bar mesh net. This
prevented the sh from escaping. Each section was sampled twice, 1 h apart, in the
upstream direction with a battery electroshing device SEN 8 A, 192– 423 V(manu-
factured by Bednáˇ
r; and two catches were conducted in each
section. As the smallest individuals are very difcult to catch, only C. poecilopus 1
year and older and total length >40 mm were sampled. Fish abundance (number of sh
ha−1) was calculated for each sampling event and the overall abundance estimate was
determined using the two-catch method of Seber & LeCren (1967).
The middle part of each section was marked and physical and chemical vari-
ables of water (temperature, dissolved oxygen, oxygen saturation, pH, conductivity,
redox potential and current) were measured on the day of sampling, and every
month from October 2010 to September 2011. Water temperature was measured
in the shade at a depth of c. 10 cm away from the main stream ow. Temperature,
© 2014 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2015, 86, 805–811
T I. Basic characteristics of each sampled river section, mean ±.. of oxygen saturation, abundance of macroinvertebrates in autumn (Ma) and
in spring (Ms), mean ±.. of Cottus poecilopus (Cp) and Salmo trutta (St) total length (LT), captured numbers and calculated sh per hectare
saturation (%)
(n100 m−1)
(n100 m−1)
VE1 0⋅82⋅596⋅67 ±13⋅61 834 2168 0 ±0 148 ±30 0 122 0 3050
VE2 2⋅14⋅0 100⋅00 ±12⋅50 1445 2525 80 ±18 106 ±20 9 131 215 3119
VE3 3⋅16⋅5 100⋅25 ±11⋅13 2094 2223 70 ±10 118 ±30 90 38 2093 884
ST1 0⋅72⋅597⋅42 ±10⋅92 584 2102 0 ±0 128 ±16 0 88 0 2200
ST2 2⋅63⋅0 100⋅50 ±13⋅83 1602 1119 77 ±9 116 ±27 11 114 262 2715
ST3 3⋅85⋅0 100⋅33 ±12⋅56 897 1614 82 ±14 119 ±25 27 14 750 389
ZA1 0⋅92⋅5 100⋅83 ±10⋅94 1792 3940 80 ±20 147 ±20 83 40 1977 953
ZA2 1⋅85⋅0 101⋅83 ±10⋅75 1312 3143 90 ±11 117 ±29 50 53 1163 1233
n, number; VE, Vermíˇ
rovskýstream; ST, Starozuberskýstream; ZA, Zákopeckýstream.
© 2014 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2015, 86, 805–811
pH and redox potential were measured using a Greisinger GHM 3530 portable
multimeter ( Dissolved oxygen content and oxygen
saturation were measured by a Hanna Oxy-check dissolved oxygen meter, and
temperature-compensated conductivity was determined by a Hanna DIST3 conductiv-
ity meter ( A Flo-mate 2200 owmeter (
was used to measure current velocity at three points in the main stream ow of each
section. Total organic carbon (TOC) was measured by Pt-catalysed high-temperature
combustion on a Formacs analyser (Skalar Analytical; Determina-
tion of nitrates and phosphates was done on mixed water samples taken from each
section. To prevent further microbial decomposition, 1⋅5 ml of chloroform CHCl3was
added to the sample. A Dr 2000 spectrophotometer (Hach Company;
was used to analyse nitrate and phosphate levels. Determination of biochemical
oxygen demand (BOD5) was made during August 2011 using an OxiTop Control 6
BOD respirometer system (Wissenschaftlich-Technische Werkstätten;
Macroinvertebrate sampling was performed during the autumn (October 2010) and
spring (April 2011). A metal frame benthic net with a mesh size of 500 μm and an area
of 1089 cm2was used for quantitative sampling of macroinvertebrates at three points
of each stream section. The macroinvertebrates were preserved in a 4% formaldehyde
solution. Macroinvertebrates were identied to family level and density was expressed
as number m−2. Three samples of the bottom substratum were taken in each section
in July 2011 with a metal shovel. After drying, sediment samples were sieved through
mesh sizes 20, 10, 7, 3, 0⋅7, 0⋅4, 0⋅09 and 0⋅083 mm. All grain size fractions were
weighed and the per cent mass of each size was calculated.
The abundance ha−1of C. poecilopus was log10(x+1) transformed prior to the anal-
ysis to ensure the normality of data. Forward stepwise regression was used to choose
appropriate explanatory variables. Because of the low number of data points, the
Akaike information criterion (AIC) (R Core Team; did not reach
its minimum value before a total t was achieved (a total t corresponds to using all of
the seven available variables). Therefore, the chosen criterion was that the increase in
r2with each added variable needed to be at least 3%. These revised stepwise analyses
were conducted in Statistica 10 (Statsoft Inc.;
The abundance of C. poecilopus (Y, numbers ha−1) increased with the O2saturation
(XO,%;r2=0⋅89), increased with density of macroinvertebrates with autumn (XM,
numbers m−2;r2=0⋅94) as a second predictor variable and decreased with density
of S. trutta as a third predictor variable (XS, numbers ha−1;r2=0⋅98) (Table I). The
correlations between C. poecilopus abundance and each of these factors are shown
in Fig. 2 and the full model is Y=−41⋅4400 +0⋅4579XO+0⋅0010XM−1⋅0622XS
(F3,4 =103⋅03, P<0⋅001). The other factors were not signicantly correlated with C.
poecilopus abundance and not included in the model.
The lowest limit of oxygen saturation tolerated by C. gobio is 74% (Legalle et al.,
2008). ˇ
r (1969) reported a higher oxygen requirement for C. poecilopus and this
may be the reason why this species occupies higher altitude sites than C. gobio in
the Carpathian Mountains. There were no, or very limited, local sources of pollution
in the area studied, and the values of BOD5and TOC indicated good water quality.
The observed variations in oxygen saturation observed along the 1– 3 km long stream
sections were sufcient, however, to inuence the distribution of C. poecilopus during
its seasonal cycles, particularly in summer.
© 2014 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2015, 86, 805–811
Oxygen saturation (%)
Macroinvertebrates (XM m
96 97 9899 100 101 102 103
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200
2·6 2·83·0 3·2 3·4 3·6 3·8
Log10 number of
Salmo trutta
(n + 1) of Cottus poecilopus
F. 2. Log10 (n+1) of Cottus poecilopus ha−1(Y) on (a) oxygen saturation (XO)(Y=−78⋅531 +0⋅811XO;
r2=0⋅899, t=8⋅03, d.f. =6, P<0⋅001), (b) density of macroinvertebrates in autumn (XMm−2)
(Y=−0⋅835 +0⋅0024XM;r2=0⋅6394, t=3⋅83, d.f. =6, P<0⋅01) and (c) number of Salmo trutta ha−1
(log10 XS)(Y=8⋅7255 −1⋅9057XS;r2=0⋅1884, t=−3⋅04, d.f. =6, P<0⋅05). 95% .. are given ( ).
The dominant families of macroinvertebrates found in all the sampled sections were
Gammaridae, Heptagenidae, Baetidae, Elmidae, Chironomidae and Leuctridae. The
abundance of autumn macroinvertebrates in all sections was within an order of mag-
nitude of that reported in the spring (Table I). Higher temperatures may speed up the
emergence of adult insects and result in the lower abundance found in warmer sections.
© 2014 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2015, 86, 805–811
This was reported by Vannote & Sweeney (1980) and Marten & Zwick (1989). The pre-
ferred diet of C. poecilopus is usually Chironomidae, Ephemeroptera and Trichoptera
larvae (Holmen et al., 2003; Hesthagen et al., 2011).
The abundance ha−1of C. poecilopus showed an inverse relationship with the abun-
dance ha−1of S. trutta. While Lusk et al. (2009) assumed that shery management
does not have a signicant effect on C. poecilopus, the present data suggest a negative
inuence from the S. trutta stocking that occurs in this river. A dense S. trutta popula-
tion in the investigated streams has been supported by the angling association, which
periodically stocks and harvests S. trutta in 2 year cycles. Over 75% of S. trutta were
age 2+years. Both C. poecilopus and S. trutta appeared to prefer the most productive
parts of the mountain streams where they may compete for food when their popula-
tion density is high (Hesthagen & Heggenes, 2003). In Norway, an 80% diet overlap
was found between C. poecilopus and S. trutta (Hesthagen et al., 2004) and the newest
observations of Louhi et al. (2014) suggest a negative effect of young S. trutta on C.
Thus, C. poecilopus occurs in streams with high oxygen saturation and high abun-
dance of macroinvertebrates, but appears to avoid areas with a high density of S. trutta.
The other factors studied appeared have minor inuence on the distribution of C. poe-
cilopus in the study streams. Salmo trutta stocking can hence have a negative effect on
the occurrence and distribution of this rare sh species.
We would like to thank E. Tošenovsk´
y, V. Uvíra and the Palack´
y University in Olomouc
for providing eld and technical assistance and T. J˚
uza and J. Matˇ
ena for help writing the
manuscript. L. Tse kindly corrected the English. We are grateful to anonymous reviewers and
assistant editor of Journal of Fish Biology for helpful suggestions. The study was supported by
the project 181 145/2013/P of the Grant Agency of the University of South Bohemia.
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© 2014 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2015, 86, 805–811
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© 2014 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Journal of Fish Biology 2015, 86, 805–811