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ABSTRACT The detailed morphological and anatomical features of mature cypselae in 3 species of Compositae (Sonchus oleraceous, Sonchus wightianus, Bidens frondosa) belonging to the tribe Lactuceae and Coreopsideae have been studied. Morphological features of the apical part, surface hairs, location of vascular trace, structure of carpopodium and pappus bristles of cypselas are taxonomically significant. Anatomically presence of phytomelanin layer in Bidens frondosa has an important taxonomic parameter. In all the studied species mesocarpic region exhibits cellular variations. Presence of vellicular cavity is important .This character is absent in case of the genus Sonchus. Presence of pitted parenchyma in the mesocarpic region of Sonchus wightianus, Sonchus oleraceous has some taxonomic value. An artificial key is provided on morphoanatomical features of cypselas for the identification of species. Key words: Sonchus , Bidens ,Cypselar morpho-anatomy
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... Heteromorphism is seen in die case of cypsela of Bidens pilosa, whereas remaining studied cypselas are homomorphic. Homomorphism is also present in another species (Bidens frondosa) of this tribe (Jana and Mukherjee, 2012). Colour of cypselas is not an important distinguishing character and is not helpful in the separation of taxa, more clearly. ...
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Cypselar morpho-anatomy is very helpfull for the separation of taxa in fruting stage. For this purpose, three species of the tribe Coreopsideae have been studied to separate the taxa more clearly. Morphologically, cypselas are either homomorphic {Bidens cernua and Cosmos sulphureus) or heteromorphic (Bidens pilosa). In Cosmos sulphureus, pappus is absent. Whereas in others, pappus is present. Pappus is represented by retrosely barbed awn-like structure. In Cosmos sulphureus, stylopodium is enlarged, knobe like structure whereas in the remaining, stylopodia are prominent but not enlarged. In cypselas, carpopodia are symmetric and carpopodial cells are arranged in 1-3 rows. Anatomically, in all die studied cypselas, phytomelanin layer is present in mesocarpic region but discontinuously developed, but except in Cosmos sulphureus where phytomelanin layer is continuous in rib region whereas in furrow region, it is discontinuous. Except in Cosmos sulphureus in other cypselas vellicular cavity exist. Testal layers are made up of crusted layers of parenchyma cells. Based on the aforesaid morpho-anatomical characters, an artificial key has been presented.
... Different parts of cypselas such as structure of epicarpic cells in cypselar surface, distribution of vascular trace through the ribs, relative thickness of ribs and furrows, structure of pappus bristle and scales were observed and were drawn in both compound research microscope as well as stereo dissecting binocular microscope. Cypselas were processed following Jana & Mukherjee (2012). ...
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Detailedstudiesonmaturecypselasof3speciesbelongingtogenusCentaurea LinnaeussuchasC.asperaLinnaeus,C.scabiosaLinnaeusandC.stoebe LinnaeusinthetribeCardueaehavebeenstudiedtoshowthedifferenceof morphologicalandanatomicalfeaturesatthespecieslevel.Morphological featuresoftheapicalpart,surfacehairs,locationofvasculartrace,structure ofcarpopodiumandpappusbristlesofcypselasar evaluabletaxonomically. Anatomically,testalfeaturesaremoreimportan tthanthepericarpinthe tribeCardueaeandhavepotentialvalueforcharacterizationoftaxa.Onthe otherhand,thestructureofendospermcannotbetreatedassignificant taxonomicparameter.Anartificialkeyhasbeenprovidedonmorphological andanatomicalfeaturesofcypselasfortheidentificationofspecies. Keywords:Asteraceae;Cypselarmorpho-anatomy;Centaurea.
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In the present study, the morphological features of 16 species of the family Asteraceae were studied. Morphological investigation was carried out on stem, leaves, flowers, bracts, achene and pappus. The Dendrogram showed that species could be grouped into two major clusters, the first cluster (I) contain eight species, while the second cluster (II) contain eight species which can be divided into two groups. The data proved useful in the construction of a dichotomous indented key to the studied species. Twenty six characters were used to create computer generating Key using the DELTA key-generating programs. The results of this investigation could be useful as an attempt to clarify taxonomy of these species. The morphological characters are important in the delimitation of clad within Asteraceae.
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The Astereae is the second largest tribe of Aster ace ae, (Brouillet 2009). The distinct external and internal characters of cypsela separate Astereae from the other tribes. However, a thoughtful analysis shows that the works on anatomical structure of cypselae are rather limited. The present study deals with the 5 species viz. Erigeron sublyratus Roxb. ex DC.; Erigeron trilobus (Decne.) Boiss.; Felicia bergeriana (Spreng.) O.Hoffm.; Myriactis nepalensis Less, and Myriactis wallichii Less. Based on morphological observations, the studied cypselae vary in nature, shape, size, pappus structure, stylopodium, surface, carpopodium etc. Anatomically, the nature of pericarpic region and testal zone also varies. The tribe can be characterized by presence of following cypselar features - as cypselae are, dorsiventrally flattened, lateral ribbed; pubescent with twin, sometimes glandular/ clavate hairs; pappus of barbellate or scabrous, biseriate sometimes uniseriate bristles or deciduous. Cypselar features have significant value for the taxonomists for the identification of taxa at least generic level, when flowering stage of the plant is not in hand or available. It is a hope that it will also helpful for expanding our knowledge of the comparative morphology and anatomy of cypsela ultimately leading to better classification. 204 An artificial key to the studied taxa is also prepared, based on cypselar morpho - anatomical characters. Key words: Cypsela, Astereae, morphological, anatomical, characters
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ABSTRACT The present paper deals with the general idea about the phytomelanin layer, on the surface of cypsela of some Compositae, with the help of both compound light microscope and scanning electrone microscope. Phytomelanin layer is made up of hard, black, water resistant resinous or tanniniferous or polyvinyl alcohol containing disputed substance, usually found in the cypselar wall of some members of the family Compositae belonging to the tribes-Coreopsideae, Helenieae, Heliantheae, Eupatorieae, Millerieae, Perityleae etc. Key Words: Phytomelanin Layer; Cypselar Surface; Compositae
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ABSTRACT Morphological and anatomical variations of cypselas are very important to distinguish the taxa. For this purpose 7 species of the genus CrepisL., such as Crepisaspera L., Crepispulchra L., Crepisfoetida L., Crepispalaestina (Boiss.) Bornm .,Crepisdioscoridis L.,Crepisneglecta L., Crepisalpina L., of the tribe Lactuceae have been studied to search the diversity of cypselar features. All of them exhibit morphological as well as anatomical variations. Special emphasis have been given to the surface configurations, nature of stylopodia, nature and distributionof carpopodial cells , surface hairs, apical beak ,vallecular cavity,etc . Morphological variationsexhibits on the basis of the arrangement of layers of carpopodial cells ; on the basis of presence of beak and its variable shapes and sizes ; characteristic features of pappus bristle etc. Anatomical variations arealso remarkable among the studied species. Presence of vallecular cavity is one of the most important anatomical characters. This cavity is absent in all the studied species, except in Crepisalpina L.,and Crepisfoetida L. Arrangement of cotyledons and number of resin ducts in each cotyledon are alsovariable. On the basis of all observed morphological and anatomical characters of cypselas, a key to the studied species has been constructed. Key Words:Diversity, Cypselar features, Crepis L., Lactuceae, Compositae
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Abstrac t Th emorphologyan danatom yofth ecypseia sofseve nspecie sofHelianthusviz .H.annuus.H. argophyllus,H.debilis,H.divaricatus,H.simulans,H.stritmosus,H.tuberosushav ebee n investigate dt oestablis hit sroi eforinterspecifi ctaxonomy .Th eemphasi sha sbee nmadeo nsom e morphologicalfeature so fcypsela sincludin gth estructur eo fcarpopodium ,trichom ean dnatur e o fcypsela rsurface .Carpopodi aar eusuallyfoun di ntw oopposit esections .No nglandula rtwi n hairsar epresen ti nfou rspecies .Th epericar pi nmaturecypsel ai swelldifferentiate danatomicall y an di sdistinguishabl eint ooute rzon ecompose do funilayere dparenchymatou sepicar pan dinne r zon econsist so fmassivemesocarp.Outerparto fmesocarpconsist so fparenchymatou shypodermis . Middleparto fi ti sazon eo fdiscret ephytomela nlaye ran dinne rpar to fi ti smainlyconstructe d b ysclerenchymatou stissu eo rrarel yb ybot hsclerenchymatou san dparenchymatou stissue . Mesocarpiczon ei squit edifferenti nH.strumosus.Presenc eofphytomela norcarbonize dlaye ri s acharacteristi cfeatur ei nthi staxa ,excep ti nH.annuus.Seedcoa ti susuall yseparate dfro m pericar pan doftenhav eoute rlayere dtest aan dinne rnarro wzon eo fcollapse dparenchym aceils . Seedcoa tcontain stw omediant olatera lvasculartraces .Asingl elaye ro fendosper mpersist si n maturecypselas .Th epresenc eo fthre eresi ncanal si neac hcotyledo ni sth euniqu efeatur eo fthi s genus .Bothmorphologicalan danatomica lcharacter sar etake nint oconsideratio nfo rdistinguishin g th etax aa tth eleve lo fspecies . Keyword s:Cypsela,morphology,anatomy ,Helianthusspecies
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ABSTRAC T Acomparativestudyofmorphologyandanatomyofmaturecypselasin14 speciesbelongingto10genera,suchasBIDENS,CHRYSANTHELLUM,COREOPSIS, COSMOS,ECHINACEA,GADXARDIA,GLOSSOGYNE,HELIANTHUS,TITHONIAandXANTHTUM underthetribeHeliantheae(Asteraceae)wasundertakenunderlightandscani...ig electronmicroscopes.Morphologicallytheformandstructureofcypselas, carpopodiaandpappusarediacriticalforcharacterizationoftaxa.Inallspecies pericarpiswelldifferentiatedinto2zones.Cellsoftheepicarpareusually tangentiallyelongated,providedwithyelloworbrownsubstances.Mesocarpis mainlydifferentiatedinto4zones.Numberanddistributionofvasculartraces, phytomelanlayerandsecretorycavitiesaretaxonomicallysignificantincertain taxa.Anartificialtaxonomickeyusingthedetailedmorphological,anatomical andSEMobservationsonthematurecypselasareprovided. KeyWords:Asteraceae-Heliantheae-Morphology-Anatomyofcypseias.
Corolla forms in Compositae-Some evolutionary and taxonomic speculations
  • C Jeffrey
Jeffrey C. Corolla forms in Compositae-Some evolutionary and taxonomic speculations. In: Heywood, V.H., Harborne, J. B. and Turner B. L (eds.), The Biology and Chemistry of the Compositae. Academic Press, London. 1977, 1; Page no. 111-118.
Institut fur Biologie, Spezielle Botanik u. Arboretum, D 12437 Berlin, Germany] for sending identified, mature, disease free certified seeds for this study
  • Austria Wien
  • Universitat Zu Berlin
Wien, Austria and Universitat Zu Berlin, Institut fur Biologie, Spezielle Botanik u. Arboretum, D 12437 Berlin, Germany] for sending identified, mature, disease free certified seeds for this study.
Beitrage Zur Kenntnis der Ablosungsvorrichtungen der Kompositenfruchte
  • A John
John A. Beitrage Zur Kenntnis der Ablosungsvorrichtungen der Kompositenfruchte, Beih, Bot. Zentralblatt,1921, 38; Page no. 182-203.