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Impact of Primary Users on Secondary Users Channels in a Centralized Cognitive Radio networks


Abstract and Figures

Cognitive radio network is a research paradigm in solving the problem of TV white space spread across spectrum. However, this underutilized resources that is facing scarcity is being used by unlicensed secondary users opportunistically when the primary users are idle i.e., when the channels are not occupied by primary users (PUs). Thus, maximizing the spectrum and vacating the channels before the primary users arrives since they have higher priority. If primary user arrives and the secondary user is till transmitting packets, by the principle of overlay, the SU is forcefully terminated or buffered and if the PU arrives and enough channel exist how does it affect the SU performance. This paper investigates the impact of the primary users on the secondary channel in a cognitive radio network in terms of the throughput, average service time, delay etc. The occupancy of the primary channel is modelled as a discrete-time two Markov chain also, a simplified analytical model is presented to obtain the performance of an Opportunistic spectrum sharing or access (OSA) using the secondary and incumbent channels, and is validated with analysis.
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Impact of Primary Users on Secondary Users Channels in a Centralized
Cognitive Radio networks
Discipline of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering
University of KwaZulu-Natal, 4041, Durban
King George Avenue
South Africa, tom@ukzn,
Abstract: - Cognitive radio network is a research paradigm in solving the problem of TV white space spread
across spectrum. However, this underutilized resources that is facing scarcity is being used by unlicensed
secondary users opportunistically when the primary users are idle i.e., when the channels are not occupied by
primary users (PUs). Thus, maximizing the spectrum and vacating the channels before the primary users arrives
since they have higher priority. If primary user arrives and the secondary user is till transmitting packets, by the
principle of overlay, the SU is forcefully terminated or buffered and if the PU arrives and enough channel exist
how does it affect the SU performance. This paper investigates the impact of the primary users on the
secondary channel in a cognitive radio network in terms of the throughput, average service time, delay etc. The
occupancy of the primary channel is modelled as a discrete-time two Markov chain also, a simplified analytical
model is presented to obtain the performance of an Opportunistic spectrum sharing or access (OSA) using the
secondary and incumbent channels, and is validated with analysis.
Key-Words: - Cognitive Radio Network (CRNs), Primary users, Secondary Users, discrete-time, Markov chain,
1 Introduction
The demand for radio band has rapidly been on the
rise. This is not far from the fact that wireless
network are speedily gaining popularity over their
wired counterpart mainly due to the low cost and
portability, which, in turn has exponentially increase
the demand for spectrum [1]. Also, wireless
application and services are rapidly on the rise in
size, number and complexity thereby are band width
hungry which in turn demand for more spectrums.
However, extensive measurement shows that the
fixed frequency allocation results in low utilization
(only 6%) of the license radio band in most of the
time [2] [3]. Moreover the remaining portion of the
unlicensed band is being used-up by these evolving
wireless services and application, hence leading to
the problem of spectrum scarcity and hence call for
a better spectrum management strategies and
In other to better maximize the license band, a
promising approach which improves spectrum
utilization, by dynamically allowing spectrum
sharing between the licensed users known as the
primary users PUs and the unlicensed users called
the secondary users SUs is proposed, all in the bid
to cope with rapid growth in multimedia and
wireless services and applications with limited
resources (spectrum) [5] [6]
The Cognitive Radio system uses OSA [7] [5]
which is an optimal way to exploit the temporary
unused spectral resources by constantly sensing the
primary user band. Also the sensing information
which is like a feedback to the cognitive radio base
station (CRBS) of the secondary users form an
awareness map of all the licensed band that is not in
used or idle and so manageability massive unused
resources become less of a problem. But this
primary uses are not aware of the existence of the
secondary users and so, no pre-notice is given
before they arrives to occupy their channels, these
raise the question of how the secondary users will
react when the primary users appears? This paper,
we investigates to show the impact of primary users
on the secondary user performance through
simulations and carefully worked-out model couple
with a simplified discretetime two state Markov
chain to analyse the PU channels occupancy. The
channel takes the value of 1or 2 subject to whether
the channels are in BUSY-state or IDLE-state
Recent Researches in Electrical Engineering
ISBN: 978-960-474-392-6
2 Related Work
The underutilization of spectrum under the present
fixed spectrum management strategy has spur many
research work especially on dynamics of accessing
the primary user channels [10]. In [7] the authors
proposed a two cognitive MAC protocol scheme to
support voice services in the presence of the primary
user .In [8] the author came up with a simple
approximated model for un-slotted OSA networks
under a non-saturated condition. In [9] the author
classifies secondary users as high and low priority
respectively and buffers the secondary users with
low priority. In [11] the author did a unique
performance analysis but did not consider if it is a
centralized setup and also did not consider delay as
one of his performance metrics. A catalogue of
dynamic spectrum access is found in author [12].
Lastly, the OSA is one of the several approaches to
dynamic spectrum access.
3 System Model and Assumptions
Considered in this work is an infrastructure-based
cognitive radio network scenario where a PU
channel are sensed by secondary user and send
sensed information to the cognitive based station
which grant access to the primary channel see Fig.
1. Note, when the PU is idle or not occupying its
channel the channel becomes that of the secondary
user at that time. Though, when the primary user
arrives, by the principle of overlay, the secondary
user will vacate its channel due to PU high priority
even if SU has packet to transmit.
Fig. 1 Network Model/Architecture
This paper considered a single primary channel and
secondary channel. The time is partitioned in slots,
and each time slot the primary user is either busy
(occupied) or not. The primary channel is at Busy-
state if it is used by primary users, and at idle-state
when is not using or transmitting packets and
secondary users are making use of its channel. The
occupancy of the primary channel is modeled as a
discrete-time two-state Markov chain. The channel
state takes the value 1 or 2 depending on whether
the channel is at busy state or at idle state,
respectively. It transits from Busy-state to Idle-state
with probability and stays in idle-
state with probability . Fig .2a and
2b shows a transition diagram and the sensing of
secondary users. Note that busy/on and idle /off are
interchange respectively.
We considered a secondary user looking for
spectrum opportunities in the primary channel.
However, prior to sensing and gaining access to the
primary user channel, the secondary users initially
harmonize with the slot arrangement of the
incumbent channel. If the primary user is sensed to
be busy, the cognitive users can send its packet. But
if the channel or slot is busy, cognitive users restrain
from sending data to avoid interference. However,
the cognitive users keep sensing the channel/slot by
keeping the packet at the head-of line position of the
queue, and sense the primary channels again at the
next slot see Fig. 2a.The cognitive users senses the
primary channels at an average interval of
sequentially for each time slots at the beginning of
each fixed queue for a secondary users packet for
each slot beginning of the queue, where [11].
However a secondary user have not send packet for
succeeding time slots, it will sent in the next time
Fig. 2a ON/OFF slots diagram showing SU sensing
Fig. 2b ON/OFF Markov transition diagram
The system assumptions are as follows:
The secondary channel is dedicated to the
secondary users.
Precise sensing of primary users channel by
the secondary users.
The cognitive user operates under overload
condition where it has packet to waiting to be
An infrastructure-based cognitive radio
Recent Researches in Electrical Engineering
ISBN: 978-960-474-392-6
The secondary users could be real time users
(packetize voice call like Skype, viber etc.) or
non-real time or elastic (file downloading,
browsing etc.)
Secondary users transmit in Packets.
4 Performance Analysis of the System
In this section, we analyse the performance of the
system model by using a hidden Markov chain
(HMC). Also, considered, is a fixed interval points
hidden at the start of the time slot after a packet
leaves the queue illustrated in Fig. 2a. Denote the
order of hidden points. Let be
the order of the hidden points and be the
state of the primary channel at the hidden
point .
Then, we define our state as
as a birth death process whose behaviour guided by
the Markov kernel or transition matrix. Expressed
[11] as
For and .the
transition matrix kernel is expressed as:
is the transition probability form state 1 to 2 or
respectively, for the hidden markov chain
{ expressed as;
From the problem formulation, we are dealing with
discrete random variable. However, the conditional
probability mass function,
For, given that is gotten as
In this work, we introduce the service time and the
delay between transitions these two are essential
performance metrics when considering quality of
service of cognitive users. However, the delay is the
difference in time between transitions for example
from ON-OFF with probabilities of (0.2, 0.8, 0.8,
0.2 and 0.5, 0.5) respectively, although, we obtained
the delay from our simulations. The service time
could be express as the time frame required for a
packet to be effectively sent after it is positioned in
the head-of-line [11] of the queue at the inception,
which depends on the state of primary channel when
it move to the head-of line position. Let the state
probability be , the probability of the channel in
state will be where then, the state of
the channel when a secondary user packet moves to
the head-of -line of the queue is expressed as,
Recent Researches in Electrical Engineering
ISBN: 978-960-474-392-6
Haven established that the state of the channel is
when the secondary user packet moves to the head-
of-line position of the queue, the conditional
probability that the service time of the packet is is
precisely the same as the probability of .
However, conditioning the state of the primary
channel, the probability distribution can be
determined for the service time of the secondary
user packets. The probability of that the
service time of a secondary user packet is expressed
The average service time of the secondary user
packet is expressed as
Hence, the saturation throughput and which is
the throughput of the secondary user over the
primary channel and the secondary channel
respectively, defined as the number of secondary
users packets successfully sent on the primary
(respectively secondary) channel per slot. Thus, the
saturated throughput and can be expressed as,
The secondary user total throughput of the
secondary user, defined as the number of secondary
user packet successfully sent per slot, is expressed
5 Numerical Result and Discussion
In this section, we present a numerical result to
illustrate the performance of the SU using total
throughput of PU and SU, throughput of SU
Separately, delays, and average service time. All the
illustrated analysis results are based on theoretical
analysis and have been verified to a large extent by
Fig.1 illustrate the average service time under
different occupancy statistics of the primary
channel. With a large probability of 0.8, there is
likelihood of the PU state to remain unchanged.
This relates to a long tailed traffic arrivals in the
primary channel [10]. In the second instance, there
are equal chances for it to change state or remain in
its current state and lastly, the state of the primary
users renaming unchanged with a small probability
of 0.2. The time slot λ is varied from 1 to 20. Form
the result in fig.1 it shows that different traffic
statistics of the primary channels have different
performance, but have consistence after a point
along λ that is, as λ increase the average service
time of the SU packet increase and at a point remain
constant. Fig.2 shows that as λ increases, the
throughputs Tp and T increases but the saturation
throughput over secondary channel Ts which is the
difference between Tp and T decreases to 0 as λ
increases as shown in fig. 3 And lastly, in fig. 4 it
shows the delays for each of the probability as it
transits from one state to another. A 0.8 probability
indicate that, there are higher changes for it to spend
more time than other probability but as λ increases
the delay becomes almost uniform indicating
Recent Researches in Electrical Engineering
ISBN: 978-960-474-392-6
This work is supported by Telkom SA and
Alcatel Lucent in the Centre for Radio Access &
Rural Technologies, Centre for Engineering
Postgraduate Studies (CEPS HVDC/smart grid
6 Conclusion
We have shown the impact of the primary users
on the secondary channel through and analytical and
simulation approach. Also, evaluate the secondary
user through their performance metrics like delay,
throughput and service time. Shown the
performance of an OSA scheme, Work is in
progress is on channel assembling strategies in an
MF-TDMA based CRN, where identified Idle/OFF
mini-slots in a sub-channel are assembled for use by
real-time and non-real time secondary users
Recent Researches in Electrical Engineering
ISBN: 978-960-474-392-6
[1] Bechir Hamdaoui and Kang G. Shin “OS-
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Volume:24, Issue: 3 Page(s): 79- 89
Recent Researches in Electrical Engineering
ISBN: 978-960-474-392-6
... The first aspect investigates the primary users ON/OFF behaviours while the second part focused on the interaction impact caused by the PU on the secondary channels in a centralized cognitive radio network using an overlay performance analysis. The first part investigates and compares the commonly assumed ON/OFF behaviours while in the latter part, an analytical approach was proposed to analyze the opportunistic spectrum access strategy (OSAS) with different occupancy statistics [34], [102], [103]. ...
... It is therefore worthy to note that this section of the thesis is an extension of the investigation in [102] with a simplified flow chart/algorithm with well-presented analysis, clearer and more detailed numerical results and discussion. ...
Full-text available
In this paper, quality-of-service (QoS) provisioning for voice service in cognitive radio networks is considered. As voice traffic is sensitive to delay, the presence of primary users and the requirement that secondary users should not interfere with them pose many challenges for QoS support in cognitive radio networks. Two cognitive medium-access control (MAC) schemes are proposed in this paper for secondary voice users to access the available channel. One is the contention-based scheme, and the other is the contention-free scheme. An analytical model is developed to obtain the voice-service capacity (i.e., the maximum number of secondary voice users that can be supported with QoS guarantee) of the two proposed schemes, taking into account the impact of the primary users' activity. Both independent and correlated channel busy/idle state models for primary activity are considered. The analytical model is validated by simulations. The analytical results will be useful to support voice service in cognitive radio networks.
Cognitive radio has been widely studied as one of the potential approaches for inefficient usage of frequency resources. In cognitive networks, secondary users not having a license for spectrum usage are allowed to opportunistically occupy an idle spectrum owned by a licensee named primary user. This paper considers multiple primary channels and three types of calls: primary calls, high priority secondary calls, and low priority secondary calls. The primary calls have the highest priority to use the channels and can reclaim any channel used by secondary ones. Therefore, the presence of secondary calls is entirely transparent to the primary ones. In this paper, a channel reservation scheme for high priority secondary calls is considered to reduce their blocking probability. Numerical results indicate that the channel reservation scheme can cause performance degradation such as significant increase of blocking probability and significant decrease of throughput for low priority secondary calls. To compensate the performance degradation due to channel reservation, we introduce a buffer for low priority secondary calls. Analytic model is suggested to characterize the effect of the channel reservation and the buffering on performance of secondary calls. Based on this model, we evaluate the blocking probability, the forced termination probability, and the throughput for both high and low priority secondary calls under various buffer sizes. Mathematical analysis shows that the buffering of low priority secondary calls can significantly decrease their blocking probability and increase their throughput.
Conference Paper
Cognitive radio is a novel communication paradigm that can significantly improve spectrum utilization by allowing the cognitive radio users to dynamically utilize the licensed spectrum. To achieve this, studying efficient spectrum allocation mechanisms is imperative. In this paper, we consider a cognitive radio network consisting of a primary spectrum owner (PO), multiple primary users (PU) and multiple secondary users (SU). We design an auction-based spectrum sharing mechanism where the SUs bid to buy spectrum bands from the PO who acts as the auctioneer, selling idle spectrum bands to make a profit. Existing auction mechanisms assume that all the channels are identical. However, we consider a more general and more realistic case where channels have different qualities. Also, we allow SUs to express their preferences for each channel separately. That is, each SU submits a vector of bids, one for each channel. The proposed auction mechanism results in efficient allocation that maximizes SUs' valuations, and it has desired economic properties that we formally prove in the analysis. In addition, numerical results show performance improvements in terms of social welfare, SUs' utilities and PO's revenue, compared to the case of identical channels.
Conference Paper
In this paper, a slot-based MAC protocol is proposed for cognitive radio wireless networks. This protocol makes cognitive users sense licensed channels periodically, and each period consists of a fixed number of slots. When cognitive users identify un-used licensed channels, they use IEEE 802.11 distribution coordination function (DCF) to contend the spare channels. According to 802.11 DCF, all other cognitive users freeze their backoff counters when a cognitive user transmits data. So the decrement of backoff counter, which equals to the decrement of the number of slots in one period, depends on the traffic of cognitive users. When the slots of one period decrease to zero, this period ends. So the duration of each period may be variable with different busy conditions of cognitive users. We use the Markov chain model to estimate the saturation throughput of our proposed MAC protocol.
Conference Paper
Cognitive Radio networks are emerging as a new paradigm of communication and channels sharing in multimedia and wireless networks. In this paper, we consider multimedia traffic transmission over shared Cognitive Radio (CR) networks using fountain codes under different subchannel selection policies in a fading environment. We assume that the primary traffic arrival follows a Poisson process. To share this CR infrastructure, we propose to make use of the Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) method, each secondary user (SU) is assigned one time slot where he transmits with a certain probability, the proposed model permits to this SU to transmits also in the remaining slots if he has data to transmit and has missed his own slot. Therefore, packets are not only lost by reason of Primary traffic interruptions, but also we consider losses caused by collisions between several SUs due to our specific time slot allocation. We evaluate the influence of the proposed model parameter settings on the secondary traffic transmission performance in view of the Spectral Efficiency. Numerical simulations show that the system still exhibit good secondary traffic efficiency despite of the presence of primary interferences and secondary collisions.
A Simple Model for Nonsaturated Opportunistic Spectrum Access Networks
Wireless networks and devices have been rapidly gaining popularity over their wired counterparts. This popularity, in turn, has been generating an explosive and ever-increasing demand for, and hence creating a shortage of, the radio spectrum. Existing studies indicate that this foreseen spectrum shortage is not so much due to the scarcity of the radio spectrum, but due to the inefficiency of current spectrum access methods, thus leaving spectrum opportunities along both the time and the frequency dimensions that wireless devices can exploit. Fortunately, recent technological advances have made it possible to build software-defined radios (SDRs) which, unlike traditional radios, can switch from one frequency band to another at little or no cost. We propose a MAC protocol, called Opportunistic Spectrum MAC (OS-MAC), for wireless networks equipped with cognitive radios like SDRs. OS-MAC (1) adaptively and dynamically seeks and exploits opportunities in both licensed and unlicensed spectra and along both the time and the frequency dimensions; (2) accesses and shares spectrum among different unlicensed and licensed users; and (3) coordinates with other unlicensed users for better spectrum utilization. Using extensive simulation, OS-MAC is shown to be far more effective than current access protocols from both the network's and the user's perspectives. By comparing its performance with an Ideal-MAC protocol, OS-MAC is also shown to not only outperform current access protocols, but also achieve performance very close to that obtainable under the Ideal-MAC protocol.
Software radio has emerged as a focus of both academic research and commercial development for future wireless systems. This paper briefly reviews the foundation concepts of the software radio. It then characterizes the tradeoffs among core software-radio technologies. Objectoriented analysis leads to the definition of the radio reference platform and the related layered object-oriented architecture supporting simultaneous hardware and software evolution. Research issues include layering, tunneling, virtual machines and intelligent agents.
In this article, we first provide a taxonomy of dynamic spectrum access. We then focus on opportunistic spectrum access, the overlay approach under the hierarchical access model of dynamic spectrum access. we aim to provide an overview of challenges and recent developments in both technological and regulatory aspects of opportunistic spectrum access.
Decentralized cognitive MAC for opportunistic spectrum access in ad hoc networks: a POMDP framework
Chen, Decentralized cognitive MAC for opportunistic spectrum access in ad hoc networks: a POMDP framework, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas on Communications 25 (2007), No. 3, 589-600. [11] Yutae Lee "Performance Analysis of Cognitive Network with Primary and Secondary Channels" East Asian Mathematical Journal Vol. 29 (2013), No. 1, pp. 101-107