
The Problem of Competition on Real Estate Market on the Example of the Local Housing Market in Olsztyn

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In the economic theory, competition is considered to be a fundamental principle of the free market. Due to the competition, customers get lower prices, better service quality, more and more choices. The competition in the real estate market is a very important factor in its development. Buying or selling real estate is often one of the most important financial transactions, which require the purchaser. With the reference to the above, the participants of the real estate market need to analyse a number of transactions and do a detailed understanding of the market before making a decision and finding a deal that meets all the expectations which will not be diverging significantly from remaining offers functioning in the given area of the market. The phenomenon of competition is very advantageous for buyers of a real estate, because it shows a wide range of various possibilities which one should consider before making a final choice. Times of crisis trigger a tendency of the growing competition in the property market, what results in a decrease in real estate prices. This article brings up the issue of price and non-price competition on the real estate market and the influence which it exerts on the decision of the purchaser. The aim of this paper is to present the phenomenon of the competition at three levels (levels), by examining what relationship occurs between the entities functioning on the market, what occurs between entities and objects, and how the entities, i.e. individual real estate, compete with each other. This study will be conducted with methods of statistical analysis of the market, however Herfindahl-Hirschman Index will be used to measure competition on the local real estate market.

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... The objective of this study is two-fold, including (1) to evaluate the challenges of sustainable green buildings; (2) to suggest from an academic point of view the ways green buildings would be better appreciated in Nigeria. ...
... Indeed, the most influencing city is Wrocław (which is also quite big) and surprisingly, also Olsztyn (a rather small town). Yet, this can be also the result of a high competition even on smaller regional markets (Kuryj-Wysocka and Wiśniewski, 2013). Warszawa (the capital city) is still one of the most influencing cities, but there are also some quite small ones like Kielce or Bydgoszcz whose influence is important. ...
The aim of the paper is to examine the causal relationship between the real property prices in biggest Polish cities within VAR model framework. Both offer and transactional prices are used. Existing stock market, as well as primary market are analysed. The data are quarterly and taken from 17 biggest Polish cities. The analysed period is 2006-2015. Both VAR and VECM approaches were applied. Their limitations and possible predictions were discussed. A significant interaction between various regional real estate markets in Poland has been observed. However, the leading role of the capital city could not be confirmed by the methodology used.
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The paper describes application of catastrophe theory for analysis of trends of real estate prices in Poznan. It turns out that the evolution of the real estate market is comprised of two main processes: long-term evolution in the area of a non-degenerate stability and discontinuous, rapid changes in the area of a degenerate stability. In the macro scale, the construction and developing branch contributes largely to the Gross Domestic Product affecting overall economic environment. In the micro scale, however, the knowledge about future price trends may help to decide whether or not to buy or sell the property.
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The paper deals with the description of the issues related to the dynamics of the real estate market in terms of sharp, unexpected changes in the housing prices which have been observed in the last decade in many European countries due to some macroeconomic circumstances. When such perturbations appear, the real estate market is said to be structurally unstable, since even a small variation in the control parameters might result in a large, structural change in the state of the whole system. The essential problem addressed in the paper is the need to define and discriminate between the intervals of stable and unstable real estate market development with special attention paid to the latter. The research aims at modeling hardly explored field of discontinuous changes in the real estate market in order to reveal the bifurcation edge. Assuming that the periods of sudden price changes reflect an intrinsic property of the real estate market, it is shown that the evolution path draws for most of the time a smooth curve onto the stability area of the equilibrium surface, and only briefly penetrates into the instability area to hop to another equilibrium state.
We examine the extent to which uncertainty delays investment, and the effect of competition on this relationship, using a sample of 1214 condominium developments in Vancouver, Canada built from 1979-1998. We find that increases in both idiosyncratic and systematic risk lead developers to delay new real estate investments. Empirically, a one-standard deviation increase in the return volatility reduces the probability of investment by 13 percent, equivalent to a 9 percent decline in real prices. Increases in the number of potential competitors located near a project negate the negative relationship between idiosyncratic risk and development. These results support models in which competition erodes option values and provide clear evidence for the real options framework over alternatives such as simple risk aversion.
In this comment we react to the paper by John R. Schroeter, entitled “Competition and Value-of-Service Pricing in the Residential Real Estate Brokerage Market”, which was published in the Spring, 1987 issue of the Quarterly Review of Economics and Business. This paper is cited as one of the few papers that argues that the uniformity of the commission rate that brokers charge, can be consistent with a market structure in which brokers have no market power. However, we show that the model Schroeter developed does not give a stable equilibrium, unless one of the principal assumptions of the model is violated.
Nr Komunikat o sytuacji społeczno-gospodarczej województwa warmińsko-mazurskiego w grudniu 2012 r
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Atrybuty kształtujące ceny lokali mieszkalnych na przykładzie miasta Olsztyna
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zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem zarządzania przedsiębiorstwem
sytuacji społeczno - gospodarczej województwa warmińsko mazurskiego grudniu Nr data publikacji www stat gov pl olsz
  • Komunikat
przedsiębiorstwa konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstwa warunkach globalizacji Dom Organizatora
Competition and value - of - service pricing in the residential real estatebrokerage market The of and Volume Issue
rynku docelowego przez przedsiębiorstwa w warunkach konkurencji Marketing jako czynnik i instrument konkurencji
Atrybuty kształtujące ceny lokali mieszkalnych na przykładzie miasta
a efektywna konkurencja
  • NOGA
i sposoby oceny konkurencyjności przedsiębiorstwa