
Performance Studies: An Introduction

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... Em termos metodológicos, a gestualidade é compreendida pela chave da performance (Schechner, 2006;Taylor, 2013;Gutmann, Cardoso Filho, 2022) enquanto uma episteme (Taylor, 2013), um modo de ver e interpretar os fenômenos. Nessa direção, a noção de performance não está balizada apenas por um objeto empírico específico, um corpo que performa por exemplo, mas se dá no nível das relações entre corpos, contextos, ambiências midiáticas etc. (Cardoso Filho;Gutmann,2022). ...
... A noção de performance atua como espécie de categoria analítica, a partir da qual pretendemos compreender uma dada experiência em torno do filme. São comportamentos restaurados (Schechner, 2006) Como quadro metodológico para a construção do corpus de pesquisa, articulamos a noção de performance à noção de audiovisual em rede (Gutmann, 2022), que busca uma compreensão mais alargada do audiovisual com especial interesse para o modo como se dá seu consumo em rede. O filme é aqui um "vetor audiovisual" (Gutmann, 2021) que faz disparar incorporações/ mobilizações enredadas. ...
... As reiterações dessa gestualidade, pensando como performances/comportamentos restaurados (Schechner, 2006;Taylor, 2013), são compreendidas, neste estudo, enquanto reivindicações do espólio de Maafa. Um indicativo negociado e que se materializa na inclusão grupal da saudação àquele território onde passado-presente-futuro se cruzam, colidem e se reinventam. ...
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O artigo apresenta reflexão sobre como o gesto “Wakanda para sempre”, presente nos filmes do super herói Pantera Negra, é reencenado por coletivos negros no Instagram enquanto possibilidade de reivindicação de espólios de Maafa (Njeri, 2019). A gestualidade, vista sob a lente da performance (Taylor, 2013), é um potente rastro de compreensão da experiência com a obra, em que corpos negros acionam ancestralidades para aquilombar-se, em negociação com perspectivas afrofuturistas da cultura pop.
... O que antes seria a construção de um evento nos autorretratos, passa a ser uma atuação, mais comumente caracterizada por performance, que se autorretrata em poses como forma de conhecer facetas desse outro-imagem. A leitura de Mirzoeff se configura no que Schechner (2013) diferencia por: eventos que "são" performance, ou seja, vistos como um objeto ou obra; e eventos lidos "como/enquanto" performance, que definem uma metodologia ou uma entrada analítica. No entanto, vale ressaltar que a fotografia neste artigo tem sido estudada "enquanto" performance como forma de conhecimento e de análises de práticas incorporadas. ...
... Quais relatos se deseja construir quando se faz uma selfie?Algumas considerações podem ser importantes: a selfie se destaca entre os autorretratos em geral por "transmitir uma dimensão performativa de si" para o olhar do outro(Belden-Adams, 2018, p. 85, tradução nossa). Mesmo a performance, em maior grau, estando presente nos autorretratos reflexivos que buscavam elaborar as facetas das personas, é importante destacar que o aspecto comunicacional da selfie e seu caráter interacional instauram uma noção de performance que compreende o quanto a interação é fundamental na reiteração de um certo comportamento(Schechner, 2013), algo presente nas práticas dos estúdios oitocentistas, mas agregando a esse jogo o papel do espectador. A performancepose -do autorretrato se difere do traço performático da selfie tanto no aspecto temporal quanto espacial de sua prática, ou seja: enquanto no autorretrato se deseja instituir uma performance para uma reflexão autobiográfica posterior, ou construir uma imagem que a longo prazo sintetize uma inscrição temporal de um sujeito, a selfie conforma, nas palavrasde Fontcuberta (2016, p. 86), uma obrigatoriedade autobiográfica do "eu estava ali", uma "inscrição que é dupla: no espaço e no tempo, ...
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This study analyses self-portraits and selfies to understand the space-time issues in Mauricio Lissovsky’s thought, which involve constructing self-images. By the lens of performance, it seeks to comprehend the historicity of self-portraits up to the phenomenon of selfies and to point out several ways in which bodies compose accounts of oneself, with their own intentions and meanings that shapin various modes of perceiving space and time in photographic experiences. Despite showing the matrices of the genre, selfies bring specificities in their performance: gestures as establishing the photographic space-time.
... Namun demikian, narkoba tetap dianggap sebagai bagian penting dari subkultur metal Bandung yang masih mempunyai posisi penting dalam budaya metal yang penggunaannya dikelilingi oleh ritual. Ritual dapat diartikan sebagai memori kolektif yang diubah menjadi tindakan yang membantu orang menghadapi transisi kehidupan yang sulit, hierarki, dan pelanggaran norma sosial (Schechner, 2013). ...
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Dinamika sosial dalam ranah musik metal Bandung telah lama membangun wacana kritis tentang musik metal dan maskulinitas. Beragamnya karakter subgenre metal kemudian mempengaruhi lahirnya persona metal yang merepresentasikan model maskulinitas hegemonis dan alternatif. Beragam model maskulinitas ini secara terus menerus diproduksi melalui musik, lirik, dan tubuh selama hampir tiga dekade. Situasi ini melahirkan gerakan sebagian besar laki-laki metal yang menentang konstruksi maskulinitas yang telah mapan di lingkungan subkultur metal Bandung. Penentangan ini diwujudkan dalam sikap dan perilaku sadar gender dengan menampilkan perilaku egaliter di ruang publik dan domestik yang tercermin dalam lirik dan perilaku yang lebih menghargai, dan menentang kekerasan perempuan. Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi konstruksi maskulinitas dalam subkultur metal Bandung. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dengan menerapkan metode etnografi karena menawarkan aspek praktis dan metodologis yang secara umum mengacu pada pekerjaan pemaknaan perilaku, pengetahuan, dan artefak budaya yang sedang diteliti. Wawancara dilakukan dengan 20 musisi metal laki-laki profesional asal Bandung, berusia 39-44 tahun, sudah menikah, dan muslim. Penelitian ini menyelidiki strategi musisi laki-laki metal Bandung dalam perannya sebagai musisi metal, ayah, dan suami di tengah budaya Muslim yang dominan di Bandung dan Indonesia. Fokus penelitiannya terhadap perilaku dan praktik maskulinitas yang ditampilkan musisi-musisi metal Bandung di ruang publik atau domestik. Teori dramaturgi Goffman digunakan sebagai teori utama untuk mempertajam serta memahami persoalan maskulinitas dalam subkultur metal Bandung di ruang publik. Persoalan tentang konstruksi maskulinitas musisi metal Bandung di ruang domestik akan dibahas menggunakan teori struktur relasi gender Connell. Selain kedua teori tersebut, digunakan pula teori-teori pendukung seperti teori persona Marshall dan teori semiotika Barthes untuk memahami gejala secara utuh. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa persona metal ditampilkan melalui aspek musik dan ekstra-musikal yang mencakup lirik, logo, pakaian, perlakuan tubuh, tata panggung, aksesoris, dan video musik. Maskulinitas yang disosialisasikan rezim gender Negara, keluarga, dan ajaran agama turut memapankan persona musisi-musisi metal Bandung. Model maskulinitas yang dikonstruksi menjadi indikator bagaimana Negara, keluarga, agama, dan lingkungan metal mengatur relasi gender musisi-musisi metal Bandung. Temuan lainnya adalah negosiasi maskulinitas laki-laki metal Bandung diwujudkan dalam perilaku menghormati perempuan baik istri, ibu, maupun teman-teman perempuannya. Perilaku sadar gender itupun diwujudkan dalam sikap kemitraan sejajar, berbagi pekerjaan domestik, berbagi keputusan, pengasuhan anak, bersama-sama mencari nafkah untuk keluarga, dan anti kekerasan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa subkultur metal Bandung mengonstruksi model maskulinitas normatif dan alternatif secara bersamaan. Konstruksi maskulinitas yang terjadi di ruang publik dan domestik saling mempengaruhi peran-peran yang ditampilkan di kedua ruang tersebut. Ketika berperan sebagai musisi metal mereka membangun persona laki-laki metal yang menampilkan atribusi tangguh, kuat, ofensif, dan ramah perempuan. Melalui peran suami dan ayah mereka menampilkan model maskulinitas alternatif yang bersedia melakukan negosiasiv dengan pasangannya. Dengan demikian, model maskulinitas alternatif yang dibangun adalah maskulinitas yang menampilkan laki-laki tangguh dan tegas tetapi lebih suportif, egaliter dan sensitif gender. Laki-laki ideal dalam perspektif subkultur metal Bandung bukan lagi persoalan atribusi yang melekat dengan maskulinitas normatif, tetapi persoalan kemanusiaan. Realitas yang dipraktikkan menjadi penanda bahwa maskulinitas alternatif memiliki peluang besar dalam membentuk subkultur metal yang mendefinisikan ulang peran, kekuasaan dan pembagian kerja dalam perspektif gender tradisional. Kata kunci: subkultur, maskulinitas, persona, identitas, metal, peran, egaliter, Bandung
... Some have even argued that the inclusion of robots in performance epitomizes the shift from representational to performative artistic ontologies [28]. 4 One must be careful to maintain the distinction between the philosophical concept of performativity, performance studies (on which see [35], and performance art. On these oscillations, see [36]. ...
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This paper aims to map out the transformations in contemporary performance art during the current ‘age of extinction’. The first section extends Claire Bishop’s notion of “delegated performance” in order to categorize a turn towards the inclusion of other-than-human entities in the performance field. This operation leads to the concept of ‘performative animism’, referring to the strategies of re-animation of reality through artistic performance. The second section works out the idea of ‘planetarization’ of the performance field, which designates its opening to spatial and temporal fluxes coming from a dimension that overcomes the scale of human experience, that is, the planetary dimension. The third and final section interprets the meaning of these two transformations by introducing the concepts of ‘exbodiment’ and ‘excarnation’, which tie closely to a new political task for performance art.
... A partir desse entendimento inicial, aciona-se um leque de conceitos para análise de ações enquanto performance (Schechner, 2013) no âmbito midiático, a partir do que Soares (2021b) sistematiza em dois protocolos: 1) o estudo de roteiros performáticos, ou seja, o reconhecimento de enquadramentos que organizam ações e produtos midiáticos; e b) o estudo das dramaturgias, que parte do reconhecimento da teatralidade no cotidiano (Féral, 2009) para adotar uma perspectiva dramática na análise de dramas sociais (Turner, 1982), em que atores emergem e são passíveis de interpretação e atuação. Essas retrancas, entretanto, não são estanques, apartadas uma da outra. ...
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Performance, teatralidade e jogo como operadores analíticos das dramaturgias de "surtos midiáticos" em carreiras artísticas Lívia Maria Pereira* RESUMO: Este trabalho objetiva analisar a dramaturgia de "surtos midiá-ticos", episódios de sofrimento que se tornam ativo na gestão da imagem pública de um artista. Aposta-se na conceitualização destes como fatos de ordem privada que emergem para o público e criam narrativas mi-diáticas em intenso processo de espetacularização, instaurando dramas sociais (Turner, 1982) que impactam a percepção pública sobre os sujeitos. Apropria-se da noção de teatralidade como lente metodológica para aná-lise de fenômenos e objetos em contextos midiáticos (Soares, 2021), pro-pondo pensar a gestão de uma carreira artística como um Jogo (Huizinga, 2000; Caillois, 2017) para compreender como a erupção do inusitado (re) organiza as regras da indústria fonográfica, na qual a "vida real" é, atual-mente, um dos principais commodities de artistas e celebridades na cons-trução de suas carreiras e os enlaces autobiográficos dispostos na obra fio condutor na produção de sentido de produtos artísticos, como músicas e videoclipes (Soares, 2022). Palavras-chave: Performance. Teatralidade. Jogo. Drama Social. Surto Midiático. ABSTRACT: This article analyzes the dramaturgy of "mediatic outbreaks", episodes of suffering that become active in the management of an artist's public image. The focus is on conceptualizing these as private facts that emerge to the public and create media narratives in an intense process of spectacularization, creating social dramas (Turner, 1982) that impact public perception of the subjects. We approach the notion of theatricality for analyzing objects in media contexts (Soares, 2021), proposing to think of the management of an artistic career as Play (Huizinga, 2000; Caillois, 2017) to understand how the eruption of the unusual (re)organizes the rules of the music industry, in which "real life" is currently one of the main commodities for artists and celebrities in building their careers and the autobiographical links are a common thread in the production of sense of artistic products, such as songs and music videos (Soares, 2022).
... Barad's concept of performativity is iterative, similar to that of Judith Butler (1999) and Richard Schechner (2013). For Butler (1999), performativity reiterates previously encoded patterns, while for Schechner (2013), performativity is ubiquitous-any action, event, or object can be considered a performance. ...
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This article reflects on the study of performative listening with trees in the sonic ecology of forests, based on a practice-based multispecies ethnography conducted in distinct forests of Turkey. By integrating the concepts from sound studies, performance studies, and posthumanist theory, I present performative listening as a method that highlights the significance of embodied, multisensory engagement with the sonic ecology of forests. Drawing on fieldwork insights, I demonstrate how performative listening can serve as a tool with potential for enhancing empathy and understanding of plant agency. This practice advocates a more inclusive approach to multispecies interactions by emphasising the transformative impact of encounters and sound
... Jeg fokuserer på å formidle fra kropp til kropp, og ikke fra hode til hode, og opplever dette som en forutsetning for å skape en kroppslig resonans mellom meg selv og andre. Betydningen av å vaere fokusert til stede i egen kropp står sentralt i flere tekster som omhandler utøverens tilstedevaerelse på scenen under betegnelser som «scenisk naervaer» og «performativ tilstedevaerelse» (Schechner, 2002;Hagberg, 2003;Buswell, 2006;Sparbo, 2014;Sødal, 2020;Jørgensen 2022). «Det sceniske prestasjonsøyeblikket begynner med kroppen», fastslår etablerte sangere (Jørgensen, 2022, s. 48), og grunnlaget for all prestasjon og skaperkraft er tilstedevaerelse (Sødal, 2020, s. 173). ...
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I denne artikkelen tar jeg utgangspunkt i møtet mellom publikum og meg som utøver i min interaktive, musikalske fortelling om en allehelgensmesse jeg var med å arrangere på homodiskoteket Den Sorte Enke i Oslo på starten av nittitallet, en tid da homomiljøet var sterkt rammet av hiv/aids. I møte med en a/r/tografisk tilnærming utforsker jeg begrepene resonans og berørthet, og spør: Hvordan kan min subjektive fortelling fra 30 år tilbake i tid skape resonans og berørthet i andre mennesker i dag? Refleksjoner fra fem ulike publikummere sammen med to videoklipp fra forestillingen er råmaterialet for å diskutere problemstillingen i møte med relevante teoretiske perspektiv. Begrep som tilstedeværelse, sårbarhet, mot og åpenhet, både hos meg som utøver og i relasjon til publikum blir diskutert, sammen med betydningen av min egen historie og bakgrunn som kristen og homofil for å kunne forstå meg selv som a/r/tograf. I artikkelen, som har en essayistisk form, antyder jeg betydningen av åpenhet, tilstedeværelse og vilje til å bli berørt – både hos meg selv og hos publikum – for å kunne skape disse øyeblikkene av resonans og berørthet mellom publikum og meg som utøver. Foto: Thomas Berbom
... Por un lado, usamos el término como categoría nativa ya que emerge del propio campo de estudio en el que las integrantes de Vibramujer se refieren a su práctica artística como performance. Por otro lado, retomamos las conceptualizaciones del término de Diana Taylor (2011Taylor ( , 2015 y Richard Schechner (2002) ya que estas resultan fructíferas para el análisis dado que las y los investigadores destacan este modo de intervenir, ritualizado por el uso del cuerpo y la emergencia de encuentros afectivos capaces de generar sentimientos compartidos que fortalecen lo colectivo. Las performances de Vibramujer abordan diferentes temáticas como el deseo y la sexualidad, junto con las violencias que sufren las mujeres y disidencias, y que buscan transformar en un proceso de colectivización. ...
Fruto de una década de cooperación interdisciplinaria en ciencias sociales y humanidades entre la Universidad Nacional de La Plata y la Universität Rostock, este libro presenta una serie de contribuciones y avances de investigaciones doctorales –en curso y finalizadas– que aportan claves para responder a estas problemáticas contemporáneas.
... Actors simulate different characters' personality traits, emotional states, and behavioral patterns, immersing the audience in a specific story or situation. Richard Schechner, in his book Performance Studies: An Introduction [5], proposes that performance can be defined as "show doing." His perspective emphasizes performance as a common human activity and suggests that many activities can be understood and analyzed from a performative standpoint. ...
This paper aims to explore how performing arts transition from traditional physical spaces to virtual ones, with a particular focus on the roles of conceptualization, popularization, and virtual identity in this process. Through analyzing these transformations, the paper seeks to uncover the new forms and development trends of performing arts in the era of the metaverse. The article proposes to begin by highlighting prior research in the semiotics of performing arts, briefly outlining the development of views on mimesis from Aristotle to semiotics and theories of identity performance. Subsequently, it discusses the journey of modern art through changes in its medium towards abstraction and conceptualization, tracing how shifts in media and technological innovations have propelled the development of performing arts from ancient theaters to the digital age. Examples of the abstraction and conceptualization of performing arts will be provided. Finally, the paper introduces the potential of the metaverse as a platform for conceptualized performing arts, discussing how metaverse technologies offer unprecedented immersive experiences and alter the ways in which audiences engage with performances.
... Gell's (2006) theory of art agency helped analyze how the roof tile industry influences and is influenced by Jatiwangi's social relations. Schechner's (2013) concept of performativity offered a lens to interpret the cultural and social dynamics within the community, especially about roof tile craftsmanship. Additionally, Sharpe's (2004) and Ylivuori's (2022) perspectives aided in understanding the interplay between traditional practices and modern industrial influences. ...
This study aims to see the performativity of terracotta through the process and the culture of the roof tile production industry in Jatiwangi District, Majalengka Regency, West Java. This research used qualitative methods, and collecting data used a combination of three methods: literature study, participatory observation, and semi-structured interviews. After the data is collected, the next step is data analysis using the concept of performativity and art agency. JaF emerged by taking on the role of a change agent, inviting Jatiwangi residents, especially roof tile industry players, to survive together and stay true to their native culture using participatory arts engagement. Perform various artistic activities with Jatiwangi residents to declare that they exist. They are using artistic approaches to narrate defensive actions, holding various forms of art festivals to show their progress in Jatiwangi. This is due to the performativity of roof tiles as the initial trigger, the community, and the development of Jatiwangi as an "art factory" into Jatiwangi Art Factory (JaF). So, in JaF, roof tiles, artisans, artists, cultural actors, terracotta, and the "art factory" brand is a performance agency in the land, city, and surroundings Performativitas badan seni di daerah, kota, dan sekitarnya di JaF Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat performativitas terakota melalui proses dan budaya industri produksi genteng di Kecamatan Jatiwangi, Kabupaten Majalengka, Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, dan pengumpulan data menggunakan kombinasi tiga metode: studi kepustakaan, observasi partisipatif, dan wawancara semi terstruktur. Setelah data terkumpul, langkah selanjutnya adalah analisis data dengan menggunakan konsep performativity dan art agency. JaF muncul dengan mengambil peran sebagai agen perubahan, mengajak warga Jatiwangi, khususnya pelaku industri genteng, untuk bertahan bersama dan tetap setia pada budaya asli mereka melalui keterlibatan seni partisipatif. Melakukan berbagai kegiatan seni bersama warga Jatiwangi untuk menyatakan bahwa mereka ada. Mereka menggunakan pendekatan artistik untuk menceritakan tindakan defensif, mengadakan berbagai bentuk festival seni untuk menunjukkan kemajuan mereka di Jatiwangi. Hal ini dikarenakan performativitas genteng sebagai pemicu awal, masyarakat, dan berkembangnya Jatiwangi sebagai “pabrik seni” menjadi Jatiwangi Art Factory (JaF). Jadi, di JaF, genteng, pengrajin, seniman, aktor budaya, terakota, dan merek "pabrik seni" adalah agensi pertunjukan di tanah, kota, dan sekitarnya.
... La eucaristía como rito permite a los católicos lidiar con un "deseo que inquieta", con la más "difícil transición" (Schechner 2003: 52) a la que nos enfrentamos como seres humanos: el miedo a la muerte. Mediante el sacramento de la comunión los fieles recuerdan el milagro de la transustanciación: Jesús, que se sacrificaría por todos nosotros para salvarnos, en la última cena convirtió el pan y el vino en su cuerpo y su sangre. ...
... "The one overriding and underlying assumption of performance studies is that the field is open," Richard Schechner writes, "[t]here is no finality to performance studies, either theoretically or operationally." 70 The basic assumption of performance studies is that the discipline relies on agency and action, and thus critical categories must be in constant motion. The "performative turn" described above, which was to a certain degree triggered by the popularity of the new discipline, has changed how we think about concepts forever, endowing them with operational freedom. ...
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This essay attempts to describe a new field of research in contemporary literary theory, defined in terms of performative, dramatic, and dramaturgical interactions and relations. The focus is placed on the dynamic movement of concepts and categories, as it allows theory to keep up with the constant new developments in literature and culture. These movements give rise to a dramatic discourse that replaces traditional methodologies. Such a transdisciplinary dialogue allows for a complex play of meanings. Any theory is a sum of choices made from among many possibilities, compatible approaches and ideas, and potential perspectives. In the new theoretical perspective described in this essay, no theory of a work of art is rejected and each remains valid, as long as it functions inclusively in a field of many different possibilities. The dramaturgy of concepts, the potential tensions and possible contradictions between them, which, paradoxically, are not mutually exclusive, complex plays and displacements, fractures and entanglements, open up new theoretical horizons. Indeed, we should ask whether the time of grand theories has passed or whether one of the most comprehensive literary theories is being created today, as it unites all past and future concepts involved in the study, interpretation, and reception of literature. It is the theory of possibilities.
... In a study that explores what theatre performance and research is, Schechner (2002) and Bial (2004) discuss in detail what performance and performance studies are, as well as ritual, play, performativity, performance processes and global and intercultural performance, providing an all-encompassing overview for understanding and studying performance. Osipovich (2006) analyses the essence of performance and argues that theatre performance is an activity in which the actor and the audience interact. ...
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Theatre, commonly seen as an audiovisual art, has performance at its core. Performance is mainly narrative through language, movement, dance, music, art and other forms to create an artistic image for the stage, which contains verbal and non-verbal elements. Non-verbal elements have crucial implications for theatre practice and theoretical perception. The present research investigates non-verbal performance in theatre based on semiotics and non-verbal communication theory. The study found that non-verbal performance includes (not limited to) posture, movement, gestures, props, and costumes. To make a more comprehensive analysis of non-verbal performance in theatre, a mixed research method combining textual analysis and questionnaire survey to collect data was employed, comprehensively investigate non-verbal performance in theatre, and comprehensively discuss the definition, classification and characteristics of key elements of non-verbal performance in drama based on the research design of analytical study, and reveals how non-verbal performances are expressed in theatre. Then, it provides ideas for the theatre creation and education.
... Dengan peran aktif para tetua adat, wiwitan dan unsur-unsur terkaitnya dapat tetap terjaga. Pendekatan ini memperlakukan wiwitan sebagai pergelaran yang dapat dianalisis dari unsur-unsur pembentuk dan aspek performatifnya bagi masyarakat pendukung (Schechner, 2006). Selama pergelaran tersebut, semua pihak yang terlibat belajar tentang ritual yang bersangkutan dan pada akhirnya menjadi penerus keberlangsungannya. ...
Penelitian ini melakukan analisis wiwitan di Desa Sumber, Kecamatan Dukun, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah sebagai pergelaran budaya. Tradisi Wiwitan secara umum merupakan sebuah bentuk penghormatan kepada Dewi Sri yang merupakan dewi padi. Sejarah turunnya ajaran wiwitan dimulai dari cerita rakyat Dewi Sri yang datang ke Tanah Jawa saat mengalami paceklik. Mereka memohon kepada Tuhan untuk diberikan rezeki dan terbebas dari bencana yang saat itu melanda. Wiwitan merupakan bentuk upacara yang berupa selamatan atau kenduri dan dilaksanakan sebelum melakukan panen. Menarik untuk dilihat mengapa pada masa sekarang ritual ini tetap dilakukan oleh sebagian petani meski dengan cara yang sederhana. Pada ritual tersebut terdapat unsur-unsur pertunjukan. Metode penelitian kualitatif memiliki beberapa keunggulan, yaitu: penyesuaian metode kualitatif lebih mudah apabila berhadapan dengan kenyataan peneliti, menyajikan secara langsung hakikat hubungan antara peneliti dan responden, serta lebih peka dan dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan banyak penajaman pengaruh bersama dan terhadap pola- pola nilai yang dihadapi. Sebagai sebuah kegiatan yang mengandung unsur pertunjukan, maka kajian dari sudut pandang teater sangat memungkinkan. Ada keterkaitan antara teater dan ritual sehingga mengkaji sebuah ritual dengan pendekatan teater ataupun sebaliknya sangat memungkinkan dengan menggunakan pemahaman pergelaran budaya atau cultural performance. Sosok Dewi Sri sebagai dewi padi yang dipuja petani memperlihatkan konsep Kosmologi Jawa terhadap Perempuan. Adanya unsur laki-laki dan perempuan dalam bentuk-bentuk ritual memperlihatkan bahwa kajian ekofeminisme bisa dilakukan pada ritual. Konsep ekofeminisme membahas bagaimana menyetarakan antara perempuan dan bumi serta hubunganya dengan laki-laki dalam budaya patriarki. Kata kunci: wiwitan, pergelaran budaya, ritual, ekofeminisme
... In order to equate art and life, Situationists considered ways of producing situations, environments and ensembles of impressions. 24 The main question that arised is how to appropriate the architectural environment as a mise-en-scene of the situation that would transform art and life through constructive play. 25 Situationists sought to deny the stability of architecture through performance. ...
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Performance studies and performativity are relatively new concepts-constantly evolving with great creative and developmental potential, which are often applied and related to various artistic and theoretical practices. Given that the relational framework between architecture and performative practice has yet to be sufficiently explored, the main research problem in this paper is the systematization of a discursively based view of the performativity of architecture. The architecture performativity is considered from the Performance studies applied to architecture, so the subject of research is focused on the artistic practices in which architecture is a tool, stage or part of performative act. The research process includes the systematization of the significance and meaning of performance in the tangential field of performance practices and architecture. Architecture, considered as an instrument of performative practice, instead of mere objectivity, foregrounds the effect it produces on the user in their mutual interaction.
... No entanto, em sétimo lugar, podemos ressaltar que a performance também requer um elemento de jogo. Como aponta Schechner (2002), ela não é apenas um ser (uma identidade, uma subjetividade, um estilo de vida, um pertencimento) e um fazer (a busca de um efeito, o trabalho de construção da performance, o monitoramento de códigos na cena -frontstage), ela é também a exibição de um fazer. Atores e seguidores sabem que se trata, em parte, de um show. ...
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O objetivo deste artigo é entender o empreendedorismo como performance, de modo a investigar as interfaces entre suas dimensões de controle e de desvio. Não se trata de reduzir o empreendedorismo à performance, mas de explorar o papel essencial da sua dimensão performativa na elaboração de possibilidades transformadoras. Para entender as apresentações e os discursos empreendedores como performances, foram observadas e analisadas as apresentações que empreendedores fizeram de seus projetos durante dois eventos online que se mostraram orquestrados e inspirados na lógica dos espetáculos. Diante de performances impecáveis, utilizamos uma metodologia que promoveu uma oportunidade para os empreendedores narrarem aspectos dos bastidores dos eventos. O material de análise foi composto por três momentos de contato com as performances empreendedoras nos eventos, cada um deles modelado para explorar, a partir da posição de observadores-espectadores, impressões sentidas, gestos, narrativas e distribuição de papéis e lugares na criação de efeitos performativos.
... Bernstein refers to these dances with things as "performative," meaning a performance that produces something, that is fundamentally efficacious. Coming from J.L. Austin and John R. Searle and then traveling through thinkers on gender ( Judith Butler [(1990) 1999]), cognitive linguistics (Eve Sweetser [2000]), and performance studies (Richard Schechner [2013], Joseph Roach [1996], Rebecca Schneider [2000], Diana Taylor [2003], and others), performativity continues to have tremendous potential for helping us make different sense of the ways in which our actions change us-socially, cognitively, fundamentally. I love the idea of the performative: the idea that some actions generate leftovers, they do something. ...
We perceive loss by tracing the contours of what we invent in its place. When a work of art invites spectators to engage with it, it offers them an opportunity to process loss. Such artworks can be theatrical, visual, or architectural—like a public memorial; what unites them is the experience of the spectator. Individual and personal experiences of grief connect with the social expressions of large-scale loss when the one shows up, fractal-like, in the details of the other.
Epic theatre, a form of theatrical expression, aims to stimulate critical thinking among its audience by addressing social issues and political messages. Following WWI, Brecht developed a new theory of theatre that focuses on feelings, thoughts, and human psychology. Set in the town of Guellen, the play called The Visit revolves around the arrival of Claire Zachanassian, a millionaire who returns to her hometown seeking justice for the wrongs inflicted upon her in the past. This play is presented in a way that impedes the audience’s emotional engagement while tackling society’s problems of cruelty, greed, and injustice. By employing techniques such as the alienation effect, nonlinear narrative structure, and minimal set design, this play disrupts traditional theatrical conventions and prompts the audience to question social norms. Dürrenmatt often incorporates dialogue breaks, scene gaps, and music to blur the boundary between audiences and the players. Stage settings, dialogues of characters, and employment of epic techniques not only transports the audience to a corrupt society but also conveys deep social decay. By challenging conventional narrative structures, this genre of theatre fosters a deeper understanding of the social and political implications embedded. This research will employ Brecht's epic theatrical methods to analyze this work.
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La incorporación de la inteligencia artificial en la educación ofrece enfoques innovadores para la adquisición del lenguaje, especialmente en el mejoramiento de la destreza del hablado. El objetivo del estudio es explicar el uso de la aplicación de Gliglish para mejorar la destreza del hablado en inglés entre los estudiantes del nivel secundario en una institución pública de la parroquia San Pablo de Tenta, cantón Saraguro, provincia de Loja y país Ecuador. Se ha utilizado un diseño de investigación-acción, el estudio empleó un enfoque de método mixto, combinando datos cualitativos y cuantitativos. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de pruebas previas y posteriores para conocer la efectividad de la aplicación y una encuesta que ofrece percepciones de los estudiantes. Los resultados revelan mejoramientos significativos en los componentes del hablado como son: pronunciación, gramática, vocabulario, fluidez y comprensión. En conclusión, la aplicación de Gliglish mejora efectivamente la destreza del hablado en el idioma Inglés entre los estudiantes del nivel secundario en una institución pública debido a sus características, como el aprendizaje personalizado, la flexibilidad interactiva y atractiva, la accesibilidad y el aprendizaje autónomo. Éste estudio ofrece información valiosa sobre el papel de las tecnologías en la educación moderna.
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Pokémon is a Japanese media franchise that comprehends a vast array of products, being characterized for its transmedia inclination. The narratives that permeate the franchise revolve around fictional creatures distinctive for their designs and patterns of behavior, named pokémon. In this investigation, we aim to observe how identities are formulated in the dialogue between the graphic aspects used in the construction of characters in Pokémon and matters of gender, performance and sexualities. To this end, we will analyze diferente Pokémon Productions responsible for materializing narratives that, due to their imagery and plot dynamics, reflect on the representations and performances of their characters in relation to genders and sexualities.
This chapter analyses the paradigm shift regarding the cultural construction of national identity in Spanish theatre that thematises the immigration boom in the late twentieth century. It studies the development of recurrent dramatic motifs in plays published from the 1990s to the first decades of this century. At first, the dramaturgies of the final decade of the last century revisit the theme of the historical antagonist, the American Indian, and opt for a postmodern deconstruction of colonial history through theatrical metalanguages that allow for the subversion of the concept of identity and cultural otherness (e.g. Sanchis Sinisterra 1992; Morales [1995] 2000; etc.). At the same time, other authors begin to address the social polarisation caused by growing immigration, emphasising its marginal and disruptive character as a threat to the monolithic national system (Del Moral 1992; López Mozo 1997; etc.). However, the first decade of the twenty-first century introduces new approaches in which intercultural contact begins to generate a positive change in the development of society (Alvear 2005; Belbel 2006; etc.). Likewise, social theatre projects (Nuevo Teatro Fronterizo 2010; etc.) start to promote the collective dramatic creation of post-national identities that are flexible and resistant to the changes of the globalised world. In addition, the concept of the border as a line that separates and breaks the homogeneity of migrant history is transformed into the symbol of a contact zone and a dynamic social element in constant movement across ethnicities, genders, races and classes. In this study, we do not limit ourselves to analysing the dramatic text as a mere reflection of the social situation, but we explore the mutual interaction between artistic production and social reality in both directions. From a social and anthropological perspective (Turner 1982; Schechner [2002] 2013; Fischer-Lichte 2008), we observe the reciprocal influence between theatrical creation and the rituals inherent in social movements and their public representations that are transforming the binary concept of identity/otherness towards a cross-cultural representation of the common cultural heritage in today’s world.
Studie se zabývá kulturním fenoménem vojenských reenactmentů, širší veřejnosti známým především díky populárním ukázkám tzv. bitevních rekonstrukcí. Tento fenomén byl donedávna kvůli svému divadelnímu charakteru považován za historiograficky nebo epistemologicky nerelevantní. Autoři využívají napětí mezi tělesností a minulostí jako příležitost k interdisciplinárnímu výzkumu vojenského reenactmentu, prezentují jej jako spleť komplexních činností a nahlížejí na něj z různých perspektiv humanitních a sociálních věd. Cílem autorů je seznámit čtenáře s komplexitou tohoto fenoménu a vytyčit některé klíčové otázky týkající se reenactmentu, které mohou být zodpovězeny s využitím přístupů divadelních a performančních studií.
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Em 1956, o artista brasileiro Flávio de Carvalho realiza “Experiência número 4”, uma viagem artística e antropológica para encontrar e interagir com as tribos indígenas na Amazônia. No seguinte texto, queremos analisar a viagem de Carvalho como um excepcional experimento nas fronteiras entre a arte e a ciência. Utilizamos antropologia da cultura e estudos decoloniais para mostrar tambem como é perigoso quando a arte ultrapassa essas fronteiras.
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In her biodramatic trilogy My Life after and Other Texts (2016) the Argentine playwright and director Lola Arias explores several resources that the generation of children has at its disposal. In this remake the life stories shared on stage belong to the generation of parents but they are reconstructed afresh in the present by the generation of children using their own creativity, imagination and interpretation. This article aims to study the intergenerational and intragenerational transmission of memory and the contribution of photographic memories in the remake of the family history of the performers to fill the gaps in the history of Latin America.
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The enormous sound amplitude of the 24 Festive Drums is a thrilling performative spectacle in Malaysia's cultural scene. Being native to the Malaysian sonic landscape, the drums exhibit distinguishable Chinese characteristics in nature: it was established in 1988 when renowned Malaysian intellectuals Tan Chai Puan (陳再藩) and the late Tan Hooi Song (陳徽崇) integrated the conception of the "jieling" (節令) into the drum design and the stylistic performance. The spirited, captivating rhythm of the membranophones was then an instant success as a well-received cultural feast, eventually making the performing art a highly regarded national heritage. This ethnographic study examines explicitly the 24 Festive Drums that flourished in Malaysia and China. Based on in-depth interviews with 15 professionals involved in the 24 Festive Drums in China and Malaysia, this study investigates how the performance with Chinese cultural characteristics displays a combination of globalization and localization. The findings indicate that, in the context of globalization, the drum demonstrates "glocal" attributes in the process of Chinese cultural dissemination and reflects these characteristics in the "glocal" identity construction among the practitioners. It suggests that the identity is not an isolated individuality, but a composite identity constantly constructed and reshaped in the cultural flow of integration between global and local cultures.
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The 2022 anti–zero Covid White Paper protests that erupted in China and its diaspora demonstrated the intertwinement of politics and performance in contemporary China. The symbolic dimensions of blank sheets of A4 paper and other performative tactics used in these demonstrations exemplify the shifting roles of performance art in the field of contemporary Chinese art.
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Beyond Liminality: Ontologies of Abundant Betweenness examines the concept of liminality in the social sciences and humanities, and advocates for a more critical and restricted use of the concept while offering more precise alternatives. Originally conceived in response to the near-universal ritualization of changes of status (i.e., “rites of passage”), liminality was a welcome and much-needed correction to the reigning static and structural models of culture at the time. However, it soon escaped its initial realm and was enthusiastically—and mostly uncritically—absorbed by many if not all scholarly disciplines. The very success of the concept suggests that there is something about it that resonates with our own cultural sentiments. However, the assumptions that underlie diagnoses of liminality are seldom noted and even more seldom analyzed and critiqued. This book examines the history of the concept, its evolution, and its current status, and asks whether liminality accurately reflects lived realities which might better be described by fluidity, hybridity, multiplicity, constant motion and recombination, and abundant betweenness. Beyond Liminality: Ontologies of Abundant Betweenness is key reading for scholars and students across the social sciences and humanities interested in ritual, performance, identity formation, rights, ontology, and epistemology.
This article is preoccupied with the dramaturgies and collaborations between human and more-than-human agents in contemporary eco-performance. Putting Anna Tsing’s concept of contamination as collaboration as well as Maria Puig de la Bellacasa’s notion of care time into dialogue with theatre and performance studies, the article investigates Danish choreographer Nana Fransisca Schottländer’s performance Bodyscaping, arguing that contemporary eco-performance does not only represent, but also practice care.
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The White Card (2018) and Fairview (2018), two recent plays by contemporary Black female playwrights Claudia Rankine and Jackie Sibblies Drury, raise questions about how overcoming socially constructed racial categories presupposes the idea of a (theatrical) community as the conceptual framework that informs theater’s political efficacy. As such, The White Card and Fairview register the inherent fissures and cleavages that result from various processes of racialization structuring the theatrical performance itself. This article suggests that the plays by Rankine and Drury create a form of theatrical dissensus that fundamentally disrupts how issues of race and racism are rendered tangible in theatrical performances.
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Paper type: Research paper The purpose of this research is to diagnose the reality of the provided local performance by the local government and its impact on the local citizens' satisfaction in one of the Iraqi provinces (Diyala Province). The problem of this research was most local citizens that were not satisfied with the local performance of local governments in providing public services in most Iraqi provinces. The research methodology was the descriptive analytical approach by knowing the views and opinions of a sample of the local citizens that contained 1200 participants, where the research conducted the questionnaire as the main instrument. The data were analyzed by using appropriate statistical methods such as frequencies, percentages, and simple regression coefficients through the statistical program (SPSS. V.26). Several significant results address the gap between the local performance and citizens' satisfaction, where the critical result was the level of public satisfaction with the local performance of the local government is extremely weak, and most of the citizens are unsatisfied. The practical and social implications of the research may improve and develop the skills and abilities of the members of local governments by enrolling them in programs and workshops, particularly in public relations, public administration, non-profit, strategic planning, and local administration to build stronger communication and interaction between members of the government and the local community with specialist universities and institutes could lead to raising the level of the local performance and public satisfaction.
Ever since Aristotle opened the discussion on the role of the chorus in Greek tragedy, theories of the chorus have continued to proliferate and provoke debate to this day. The tragic chorus had its own story to tell; it was a collective identity, speaking within and to a collective citizen body, acting as an instrument through which stories of other times and places were dramatized into resonant heroic narratives for contemporary Athens. By including detailed case studies of three different tragedies (one each by Aeschylus, Euripides and Sophocles), Claude Calame's seminal study not only re-examines the role of the chorus in Greek tragedy, but pushes beyond this to argue for the 'polyphony' of choral performance. Here, he explores the fundamentally choral nature of the genre, and its deep connection to the cultic and ritual contexts in which tragedy was performed.
Depuis les dernières décennies du XX e siècle, on assiste au développement des performance studies à l’université et à l’institutionnalisation des pratiques artistiques performatives dans les mondes de l’art. Quelles sont les corrélations entre ces deux phénomènes presque concomitants ? En procédant à une analyse comparative basée sur des données empiriques tirées d’observations de deux institutions, l’Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics et Performa, cet article retrace la formation de deux réseaux qui se sont développés simultanément sur un même territoire, en coopération avec deux facultés de l’Université de New York. En dépit de ces points communs, nous avons plutôt affaire à des mondes relativement étanches. Des enjeux disciplinaires, épistémologiques et économiques ainsi que des manières différentes de concevoir l’art au sein de l’université constituent des pistes de réponse.
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Rielaborando l'esperienza autoriale e attoriale nell'ambito di una cena con delitto inscenata presso la Società Geografica Italiana in occasione della Notte Europea della Geografia del 2023, il testo riflette sul ruolo delle performance come occasione per esplorare ed espandere la definizione di geografia pubblica, intesa come espressione e manifestazione di ciò che geografe e geografi ‘possono fare'.
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Este artigo é baseado no processo criativo de Guillaume Niedjo, coreógrafo e bailarino beninense, Hounnon de Vodum, na criação da performance artística Affôtè, vivenciado e desenvolvido quer em contexto de cerimónias rituais Vodum, realizadas nos Hounkpamins, quer em laboratórios de formações e criações artísticas, no Benim. É proposta deste artigo refletir sobre os elementos que caracterizam o uso do estado de transe como inspiração num processo criativo, de um adepto de Vodum, quando passa o seu conhecimento, aprendido com os seus mestres e ancestrais, para uma criação artística. Importa conhecer os princípios e fundamentos que permitem construir/desconstruir a configuração corpórea existente no estado de transe, na criação da performance Affôtè. Metodologicamente socorremo-nos do trabalho de campo realizado no Benim, entre 2018 e 2022, da observação da obra e da aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas ao bailarino, a adeptos de Vodum e a Hounnous, no âmbito de uma pesquisa de doutoramento em Dança na Faculdade de Motricidade Humana. Como principal tendência conclusiva destaca-se que Guillaume Niedjo reinterpreta permanentemente a cultura Vodum aprendida e experienciada pelo seu corpo, através da recuperação de comportamentos (Schechner, 1985) ancestrais, seguindo as regras e costumes implícitos na sua cultura. Concomitantemente permite-se ou não usar o estado transe como inspiração criativa. Em Affôtè, transpõe e interpreta a desconstrução do estado de transe uma cerimónia, numa performance do “fazer acreditar” ou “fazer de conta” (Zenícola, 2001), respeitando as regras do que pode ou não ser exposto, assentes na autorreflexão artística e sociocultural do autor.
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This research, entitled "Silek Pangian in the Bolek Laman Tuo Tradition in the Social Structure of the Nagari Sungai Dareh Community, Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatra Province", is research on the Silek Pangian performance which is performed on a page tuo in the Bolek Laman Tuo tradition in the Nagari Sungai Dareh community. This research uses performance studies theory by Richard Schechner which is assisted by the concept of performance by Milton Singer. Performance studies theory is used to investigate the Silek Pangian performance in the Bolek Laman Tuo Tradition in the social structure of the Nagari Sungai Dareh community, as a performance that can be observed from various aspects, both from the aspect of the person performing, the audience, and the people who was accidentally present at the incident. Milton Singer's concept of cultural performances helps to analyze that a cultural performance has: (a) limited performance time; (b) beginning and end; (c) organized activity events; (d) a group of players; (e) a group of spectators; (f) performance venue; (g) the opportunity to demonstrate it. This research uses an ethnographic method, which makes the researcher a participant observer in this research. The results of the research show that Silek Pangian in the Bolek Laman Tuo Tradition is a show and performance that has always been part of the social structure of society and has become a tradition that is proud of the local community of Nagari Sungai Dareh, Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatra Province.
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In the 21st century, the performance culture of critique has transformed with the increasing implementation of AI technologies upon which the operative functions of data capitalism are built. Operating within the performance-based culture industry, the works of Trevor Paglen, Gerald Nestler/Sylvia Eckermann, and Vladan Joler respond critically to data capitalism’s modes of data extraction and how the societal performances of capitalism condition people’s physical and digital performances.
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Spiel und Theater sind vielfältig verbunden, aber solange der Spielbegriff mit Harmlosigkeit assoziiert ist, nimmt er dem Theater Schärfe und Wirksamkeit. Gunter Lösel fragt deshalb nach einer Begriffserweiterung, die auch die dunkle Seite des Spiels umfasst. Zwischen Spiel, Wirklichkeit und Fiktion entwickelt er ein »Dreiweltenmodell des Theaters« und geht der Frage nach, warum die Spezies Mensch ein performatives Spiel entwickelt hat, in welchem sie sich negative Handlungen oder konflikthafte Situationen vor Augen führt. Durch Verbindungen zu Spieltheorie, Gaming, Philosophie, Performance-Studies und KI entsteht ein Reflexionsraum, der so den Widerspruch zwischen Harmlosigkeit des Spiels und Wirkungsmacht des Theaters auflöst.
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Wie kann ein anderer Theaterunterricht aussehen? Welche neuen Möglichkeitsräume eröffnen sich, wenn die Sicht der Akteur*innen mit in den Unterricht einfließt? Alina Paula Gregor stellt die Theaterpädagogik als eine Handlungswissenschaft vor und setzt sich spielerisch-experimentell mit Performancekunst und der Bedeutung von Irritationsmomenten auseinander. Durch ein künstlerisch orientiertes Vermittlungskonzept und praxeologische Forschung legt sie dar, wie zeitgenössische Theater- und Performancearbeit als Impulsgeber über vielfältige Irritationsmomente wirken kann - und somit zur Gestaltung alternativer Unterrichtsmodelle anregt.
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Following the method of interdisciplinary studies, this paper analyzes Pablo Picasso's relation to theater through his paintings, theater work, and the influence of theater not only on the themes of his paintings but also on the affirmation of the Avant-garde, the Cubist experiments and practices, the breakthrough of Cubist ideas across the medium of theater. The entire Picasso's art is presented in the light of several major artistic Avantgardes of which he was the founder and ideologist (the "father" of Cubism, inventor of Collage, the first Ready-mades and Constructivist sculptures, initiator of so-called Primitive Art, early Surrealism, etc.). However, it seems that the most significant field of his work, the "Cubist Revolution", has entered a new dimension through the presentation-performance-on the theater stage and in high culture circles. The influence of the stage and the early "Total Design" concept on his art and the perception of space/ object within Cubism and beyond are exceptional, as is the performative act and the presentation of his ideas through the language of the stage. In this case, one medium, by its nature the more communicative one (theater), takes the role of presenting the other, more hermetic one (fine art). That influenced, in multiple ways, the affirmation and acceptance of Pablo Picasso's art. Starting with the early fascination with characters such as Harlequin, Pierrot, circus horse riders, dancers, and jugglers, present in his paintings ("Blue Phase" 1901-1904, "Pink Phase" 1905-1907, and beyond), this paper focuses on his collaboration with Serge Diaghilev and the "Russian Ballet" ("Ballets Russes", 1917-1924), the elite troupe of Russian dancers who settled in Paris as the epicenter of modern art and started their productions there. Picasso was chosen to design the stage, the Cubist costumes, and the monumental theater curtains. Among other ballets, an outstanding piece, "Parade" by Erik Satie (1917), is seen today as a borderline performance, a turning point in ballet art, the start of its revolutionizing process towards contemporary ballet. By creating costumes resembling totems and the stage design based on Cubist division and perception of space, made from geometric shapes and particles ("facettes"), Picasso has taken the theater back to its primordial origins, its shamanic character. The paper elaborates on the relation of the ballet "Parade" with the ideas and theater theories of the theatrologist and sociologist Richard Schechner. Additionally, it addresses the question of a slow, postponed social reception and the (un)acceptance of Picasso's work and his comrades, a theme elaborated by the philosopher Jean-Francois Lyotard in the field of aesthetics and post-aesthetics.
À partir de l’analyse des défis rencontrés pendant le processus de création d’un opéra en réalité augmentée dans le cadre du projet de recherche-création OpéRA de poche (2021-2022), chapeauté par la Chaire de recherche du Canada en création d’opéra, cet article aborde sous un angle interdisciplinaire la question complexe de l’appropriation culturelle dans la création opératique d’aujourd’hui. Les acquis des études sur le théâtre et la performance suggèrent des pistes de réflexion qui trouvent une application fructueuse dans le contexte de l’opéra. Le rapport entre présence et représentation et la relation interculturelle au coeur de la rencontre qui nourrit des projets de recherche-création sont les deux axes du dialogue qui donne corps à l’article, ouvrant une perspective décoloniale. La réalité artistique du Québec, évoquée à travers les cas de la polémique contre les spectacles SL Ā V et Kanata de Robert Lepage et l’exemple du Rabinal Achí d’Ondinnok, constitue ici un horizon à partir duquel considérer les enjeux posés par les nouvelles formes d’expression technologiques dans le domaine de l’opéra.
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Este artigo discute a performance do futebol como resultado de um complexo entrecruzamento entre diferentes performances, mas especialmente as performances atléticas dos jogadores em campo e as performances espectatoriais da torcida nas arquibancadas. A sinergia entre estas duas performances é constantemente acionada como explicação para o sucesso esportivo e depende de relações entre atletas e público mediadas por diferentes sensorialidades. O som do estádio é um dos principais mediadores nesse processo, pois sua manipulação produz uma ambiência comunicativa no local que cria condições sensíveis e simbólicas necessárias para a concentração e desempenho dos atletas em campo. A fim de articular as diferentes instâncias envolvidas no processo descrito e reconstruir a festa do futebol em sua complexidade sensorial promovida pelos diferentes agentes envolvidos, apresenta uma reflexão teórica que articula as ideias de performances atléticas, performances espectatoriais, performances do futebol, som e ambiência comunicativa.
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Tendo como ponto de partida as noções de áudio musical – proposta teórica de criação de uma disciplina que integre a formação musical e lide com o áudio na música a partir de premissas artísticas – e de áudio-musicista – músico que instrumentaliza o áudio de forma especializada –, este trabalho foi construído a partir da articulação de questões relacionadas à compreensão do contexto de prática e aplicação do áudio musical, tendo como primeiro passo a realização de entrevistas com cinco áudio-musicistas, selecionados por seu vínculo com formas de performance e criação musicais tradicionais, parâmetro que permite um aprofundamento sobre as relações propostas em uma perspectiva comparativa. As questões que, por sua vez, orientam as entrevistas e a articulação teórica aqui proposta foram concebidas a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica e reflexão sobre as possibilidades de desdobramento da proposta teórica do áudio musical, tendo como foco principal a compreensão da prática e a formação de áudio-musicistas.
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This article stems from the author’s experience as a performer, curator, and applied drama and social theatre actor, playwright and operator. It is based on his research “Inclusive Production Methodologies in the Performing Arts for Diversely-Abled Performing Arts Practitioners”, supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (DE). According to the author, disability is not a sign of a lack, but rather a way to encourage people to reduce distances between one another, live in solidarity, and break commonplaces. Considering authenticity as a fundamental quality for performing, he discusses that disabled performers have a genuine immediacy to immerse themselves in the nowness of the action because their vulnerability on stage is unfiltered. In that, he sees stigma as a source of creativity and a qualifying sign capable of eradicating preconceptions and biases. Performance practices are not just a question of ability and skills collection but rather, in Grotowski’s words, an eradication of blocks to adhere to one’s true self. The performer’s body is the prima materia to produce meanings that turn into living images and come into reality. This is regardless of the performer’s physical condition. The article offers examples of performers affected by different forms of disability, such as Felipe Monteiro, Nicola Fornoni and Enok Ripley who report on their specific clinical condition. A particular reference has been made to the collective performance opera Underscars conceived and organised by the author, his partner German artist Verena Stenke and their collaborators in Venice in December 2022.
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In the Aristotelian tradition, a character is a crucial theatrical element which gives drama its full meaning through the mimesis of action. However, in the postdramatic theatre, characterized by “subjecting the traditional relationship of theatre to drama to deconstruction” (Lehmann 2), the existence of a character, a well defined dramatic persona, was doubted or negated in a way that destabilizes the Aristotelian dramatic conventions. The character position was destabilized in contemporary theater via disconnecting the actor from representing a character role, becoming just “a performer offering his/her presence on stage for contemplation”, (Lehmann 136), or through absenting the actors completely and replacing them with machines or multimedia creations. In this respect, the paper explores the dialectics of staging absent characters in the two postdramatic performances, Martin Crimp’s play-text Attempts on Her Life (1997) and its Katie Mitchell’s performance (2007) and Rabie Mroué and Linah Saneh’s 33 Rpm and Few Seconds (2013). Absence here is related to the deconstruction of the psychologically motivated, three dimensional character as manifested in the central figures in the plays. The two plays center on absent characters that never appear on stage, whose identities are reinvented either to represent critique to the late capitalism as in Crimp’s play, or an attack against the Lebanese political and social conditions as in Mroué’s and Saneh’s play. Reading the two plays from postdramatic/deconstructive lenses, the paper argues that Elinor Fuchs’s concept “The Death of Character”, and the postdramatic techniques discussed in Hans Thies Lehmann Postdramatic Theater and Derrida’s deconstructive techniques, discussed in his studies Specters of Marx, Of Grammatolgy, and “Structure, Sign, Play” offer a supple framework for analyzing how Crimp, Mitchell, Mroué and Saneh dealt with the absent center. Keywords: character, absence, theatrical presence, postdramatic, deconstruction
Ichikawa Haruko’s manga Hōseki no Kuni is set in the far distant future of the Earth, when humans have disappeared but humanoid crystalline lifeforms live on the planet. The Crystals are led by a Buddhist monk, who is a religious android made by the extinct humans. He leads them in battles against “moon people”, actually the remnants of human souls trying to get the android monk to pray for them. This chapter argues that Hōseki no Kuni speaks to anxieties about what might be lost as more and more affective, communicative and even religious labor is performed by artificial intelligences, a pressing topic in aging Japan. However, it does not follow the techno-horror genre and other narratives that present technology itself as a threat. The android himself is depicted as a deeply compassionate, gentle and ideal monk. The text rather argues that by outsourcing spiritual affective labor humans risk losing sight of their humanity.
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This study analyzed the indigenous drama elements of Kurfewe, Gichame, and Weyeg traditional folk performances among the Gurage people. Using an ethnographic study methodology, data was collected through 20 in-depth interviews, 3 focus group discussions, 5 key informant interviews, and document analysis. The snowball sampling method guided the selection of informants from Muhur Aklil, Abshegi, Cheha, and Ezhaworedas based on local recommendations. Local language data were translated into English using a literal translation approach while preserving original meaning. The study found that Kurfewe, Gichame, and Weyeg encompassed various indigenous drama elements, including location, properties, costumes, verbal and physical responses, imitation, role distribution, actor/audience separation, and representational acting. These traditional performances served different purposes. Kurfewe provided entertainment and commemorated Jesus Christ’s suffering while preserving ancestral culture and facilitating spouse-finding. Gichame expressed gratitude to God and the Virgin Mary, enhanced group energy during work, and enlivened events. Weyeg entertained, praised gods and goddesses, recognized exemplary individuals, engaged in constructive criticism, and more. Categorically, Kurfewe was a calendric performance following Easter, Gichame encompassed calendric, seasonal (weddings), and occasional (Debo) categories, and Weyeg included periodical (praising Waq and Demuamit), seasonal (weddings), and occasional (honoring individuals) performances. In summary, this study provided insights into the indigenous drama elements and roles of Kurfewe, Gichame, and Weyeg among the Gurage people. These traditional performances showcased unique cultural expressions and served various purposes, contributing to the rich traditional performing arts heritage of the Gurage culture.
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