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The Reptilian Striatum Revisited: Studies on Anolis Lizards1

Schwerdtfeger, Smeets (eds.), The Forebrain of Reptiles. Int. Symp. Recent Advances in Understanding the
Structure and Function of the Forebrain in Reptiles, Frankfurt/M. 1987, pp. 162-177 (Karger, Basel 1988)
The Reptilian Striatum Revisited:
Studies on
Neil Greenbergs, Enrique Fonts, Robert C. Switzer, 111b
aLaboratory of Physiological Ethology, Department of Zoology and Life Sciences
Graduate Program in Ethology; bUniversíty of Tennessee Memorial Health
Research Center, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tenn., USA
Within the reptilian forebrain, beneath the prominent anterior dorsal
ventricular ridge, is an array of nuclei some of which are now regarded as
the only truly striatal structures in the forebrain [3]. Although these struc-
tures are often homologized to mammalian basal ganglia, recently shown to
mediate complex behavioral functions (see below), little has been pub-
lished in recent years to resolve the lack of agreement on its subdivisions or
to determine its functions in reptiles [34, 44]. Nevertheless, there are
indications that beyond a clarification of this intrinsically fascinating prob-
lem, two of the ambitions of comparative neurobiology may be partly
realized: An understanding of the basal forebrain of reptiles will illuminate
dark corners of our understanding of the range of the possible mechanisms
of evolutionary change and thereby provide a sense of the intrinsic struc-
tural constraints on the organization of our own brain. Also, this under-
standing may contribute to the development of new animal models and the
identification of `natural experiments' that will clarify areas of human
cerebral function and dysfunction.
The research agenda that is most likely to fulfill these promises takes
impetus from new histochemical techniques to supplement traditional
neuroanatomical methods in concert with detailed and discriminating
This work was made possible by a University of Tennessee Faculty Research Grant
and by NSF grant
8406028 to Neil Greenberg.
We are grateful for Dr. Edward F. O'Connor's thoughtful assistance with the histo-
fluorescence procedures.
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ethological analyses of the motor patterns associated with specific neural
sites and their physiology.
This report will first review our limited understanding of behavioral
dysfunction following destruction of selected striatal sites in reptiles, and
then introduce new findings regarding the organization of the striatum in
the lizard,
Anolis carolinensis,
as indicated by correlating the effects of
systemic administration of the dopaminergic neurotoxin IPTP, the find-
ings of catecholamine histofluorescence, and the distribution of acetylcho-
linesterase in the basal forebrain.
Behavioral Functions of the Striatum
From his review of the complex functions of mammalian basal ganglia,
Teuber [54] was convinced that, along with motor difficulties, their impair-
ment resulted in characteristic perceptual and cognitive deficits. Similarly,
Schneider [47] concluded from psychiatric evidence that the basal ganglia
play a profound role in attention structure and sensory gating. In Divac's
[ 11 ] attempt to reconcile conflicting views of neostriatal function, he found
that even though there was topographic evidence for independent function-
al units of neostriatal areas receiving specific neocortical afferents, the
uniformity of neostriatal cytoarchitecture indicates that these units con-
ducted neural processing of information in comparable ways. This view, in
concert with the position of the neostriatum in the chain of neocortical
control of motor mechanisms, converged on the idea that the neostriatum
intermediates between cognition and action. In this regard it is interesting
that Cools and van der Bercken [9] regarded the neostriatum as the substrate
of high-order information processing needed to link two or more behavioral
acts to form an integrated behavioral program [8].
Can we penetrate appearances, misconceptions, and the tangled
nomenclature to the underlying common features that could link the mam-
malian literature with findings in reptiles? In their analysis of the paleo-
striatal system (PS) of
and their comparison of this typically
reptilian PS with both avian PS and mammalian basal ganglia, Brauth and
Kitt [5] concluded that overall design and possibly function are comparable
in these three taxa and indicate a common function in spatial orientation
and attention. Such insights, converging with our increasing knowledge of
the stimulus control and adaptive functions of behavior, present neuroe-
thology with a compelling agenda.
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Species-Typical Stereotyped Behavior
Highly stereotyped, species-typical behavioral patterns, particularly
social displays, have provided the most robust data to illuminate neural
corollaries of complex behavioral functions. MacLean [28] demonstrated
that lesions of the globus pallidus in the area where fibers converge to form
the ansa lenticularis, or of the ansa itself, impaired a species-typical display
in the squirrel monkey, probably by interrupting the pallidal projection to
the tegmental area.
Behavioral Functions of the Reptilian Striatum
MacLean's [28] finding that the integrity of the striatum is necessary for
the performance of a species-typical display in the monkey encouraged an
investigation of the paleostriatum of a lizard predicated on a close under-
standing of the units of behavior spontaneously emitted in naturalistic
settings. The green anole,
was selected because of its avail-
ability, ease of maintenance, and extent of knowledge of its biology and
preliminary brain atlas was prepared as well as an ethogram that
operationally distinguished individual units of stereotyped behavior that
could be elicited under controlled conditions [ 14, 15]. The most robust of
the stereotyped behavioral patterns are the social displays termed assertion
(a `general arousal') display consisting mainly of push-ups and dewlap
extension, challenge (much like assertion but adressed to a conspecific male
and incorporating a sagittal expansion of the body profile), and courtship
(like assertion but addressed to a female and with the added element of rapid
Electrolytic (radiofrequency) lesions were stereotactically placed in the
forebrains of territorial male lizards. Lesions were unilaterally placed to
exploit the fact that in this species, there is an almost complete decussation
of the optic tracts [6]. By testing animals with stimuli selectively restricted to
one eye by means of a rubber eye-patch, each subject effectively functioned
as its own control.
During subsequent testing by exposure of the lesioned subject to the
sight of an aggressive male in an adjacent chamber, those subjects that had
lesions involving the lateral forebrain bundle demonstrated deficits in the
species-typical challenge display [ 18], but general arousal and courtship
displays [20] were unaffected. Greenberg [ 14] characterized the behavioral
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profile of lizards showing such deficits as an inability to recognize appro-
priate stimulus input, a difficulty sometimes characterized as `social agno-
sia'. Interestingly, a striatal role in visual discrimination was already indi-
cated by a lesion study of the forebrain of the turtle,
Other findings indicative of striatal function in reptiles may be found in
studies in which many areas of the brain were explored by electrical
stimulation. In the brain of
Iguana iguana,
Distel [ 10] found that some
tongue-flicking behavior was elicited by stimulation of the lateral striatal
area, but the stimulation of more medial sites resulted in the greatest
number of such responses of any site investigated, possibly due to the
proximity to olfactory structures. Locomotion was occasionally elicited but
no stereotyped responses were detected. Work by Sugerman and Demski
[50] on another iguanid lizard species,
Crotaphytus co/tans,
did elicit ster-
eotyped agonistic behavior in response to electrical stimulation at several
sites that roughly formed a column from the telencephalon to the rhom-
bencephalon, but striatal sites were not tested. Tarr [53], on the other hand,
specifically stimulated st
atal sites in the fence lizard,
Sceloporus occiden-
and observed stereotyped assertion displays at or near the tip of the
lateral ventricle-nucleus accumbens. Points eliciting the more complex
challenge displays, similar to those eliminated following Greenberg's pal-
eostriatal lesions, were just anterior and dorsal to the nucleus sphericus in
the posterior area of the dorsal ventricular ridge. Interpretation of stimu-
lation experiments is complicated, as Distel [ 10] has indicated, by the
difficulty in discriminating direct motor stimulation, sensory excitation,
motivational changes, or general arousal. Much the same criticism could be
levelled at lesion experiments, but still the techniques, in concert with
further knowledge of striatal anatomy, will help point the way to progres-
sively more specific hypotheses that can significantly inform future inves-
tigations of function.
Anatomy of the Striatum
The species employed was
a common, easily obtainable
arboreal iguanid lizard found in the Southeastern United States. Adult male lizards were
commercially supplied from Southern Louisiana and individually housed in laboratory
vivaria under a photothermal regimen known to maintain activity. Water was provided
ad libitum and they were fed small crickets twice weekly. To prepare brains for Nissl and
fiber stains, the animals were treated according to the method described by Greenberg et
al. [18].
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NAcc v5t
Fig. 1. A. carolinensis
forebrain at the level of the magnocellular nucleus of the basal
forebrain (Nag). The main divisions of the corpus striatum are the medial, containing
ccumbens (NAcc), and the lateral, containing two components, the dorsal stria-
tum (dSt) and the ventral striatum (vSt). ADVR = Anterior dorsal ventricular ridge;
LOT = nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract; Pal =
Sep = septum. Small dots on
the labeled side indicate the distribution of terminal degeneration in the striatum subse-
quent to IPTP treatment. Four of 21 individuals also showed terminal degeneration in the
ADVR. Bar = 1 mm.
In the basal forebrain of A.
much like in
[32] and
other reptiles [34], two major divisions of the corpus striatum are recogniz-
able in Nissl-stained material (fig. 1): (1) a medial division consisting of a
compact, rounded group of small cells directly underneath the ventral tip of
the lateral ventricle and identified as nucleus
ccumbens by most workers
[15, 32, 33, 48], and (2) a lateral division or corpus striatum proper which
can be further subdivided into dorsal (dSt) and ventral (vSt) portions on the
basis of cell size and density. The cells in the dSt are medium to large in size
and exhibit a fairly dense packing. The comparatively cell-poor vSt lies
ventral to the dSt and is bounded medially by the nucleus
ccumbens. Three
cell types are recognizable in this striatal division: small rounded cells,
medium-size bipolar cells and giant polygonal cells. These giant cells form a
wedge in the central portion ofthe vSt and are intermingled among the fibers
of the lateral forebrain bundle.
The group of giant cells, which we have termed the magnocellular
nucleus of the basal forebrain (hag), was identified as part of the large-cell
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Fig. 2. A. carolinensis
forebrain at the same level as figure 1 showing acetylcholines-
terase (AChE) positive components of the corpus striatum with the intervening magnocel-
lular nucleus of the basal forebrain (hag). In hag, the cell bodies (but not the
are highly AChE positive. Bar = 1 mm.
component of the paleostriatum by Greenberg [ 15], but is clearly a separate
nucleus. In fact, Armstrong et al. [ 1 ], working with
believed it to be
the forerunner of the mammalian globus pallidus. This notion is supported
by the presence of an enkephalinergic plexus in the basal forebrain of
A. carolinensis
[3 1 ], known to be a characteristic feature of pallidal struc-
Acetylcholinesterase Histochemistry
One animal was processed to reveal the distribution of this enzyme. The
lizard was overdosed with sodium pentobarbital and perfused through the heart with
ice-cold neutral buffered
The brain was removed from the cranium and sections
cut on a freezing microtome at 40
m. Staining was done according to a modification of the
method using a silver intensification step [22].
A. carolinensis,
AChE stained material manifests a patchy distribu-
tion: hag is flanked by two areas of particularly high AChE activity which
overlap vSt and lateral portions of dSt and nucleus accumbens. Within
hag, the magnocellular elements show intense AChE activity while the
is almost devoid of activity. The nucleus of the diagonal band
shows intense AChE activity and the remainder of dSt shows only moderate
AChE activity while the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract (NLOT) and
the ADVR show no activity at all (fig. 2).
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In the turtle,
the acetylcholinesterase (AChE)-positive ven-
tral telencephalic cell mass was characterized as the homologue of mam-
malian neostriatum by Parent and Olivier [40]. In the forebrain of
Northcutt [33] noted the heaviest concentrations of AChE in nucleus
accumbens, the nucleus of the lateral olfactory tract, and the striatum. ACNE
activity was also found to be high in the striatum and moderate in the caudal
portion of nucleus accumbens in
Gekko gecko
by Russchen et al. [46]
AChE-positive cell bodies were found in the globus pallidus in a manner
much like that observed in
Hist ojluorescence
One animal was prepared to demonstrate catecholamine hist
cence. To enhance cellular fluorescence, the subject was pretreated with intraperitoneal
injections of L-tyrosine (0.05 mg, 53, 34, and 8 h before sacrifice), pargyline (1 mg, 34 h
before sacrifice) and
(0.05 mg, 8 h before sacrifice). The animal was overdosed
with sodium pentobarbital, the brain removed, and sections cut at 8
m on a cryostat.
Sections were collected on slides and immediately processed according to the sucrose-
potassium phosphate-glyoxylíc acid procedure of de la Torre and Surgeon [55].
Histofluorescent material reveals two areas richly invested by catechol-
aminergic fibers and terminals in a location that closely parallels the high
AChE activity patches described earlier, a correspondence also noted by
Parent and Olivier [40] in the turtle. Fluorescence is low in the intervening
hag and `baskets' of catecholaminergic fibers are present in the dSt. The
distribution of catecholamine fluorescence is reminiscent of the pattern of
dopamine immunoreactivity presented by Smeets et al. [49] for the striatal
complex of
When taken together, the distribution of AChE activity and catechol-
amine histofluorescence in the striatum of
indicate that its ventral
portion (here referred to as vSt), and in particular the two areas flanking
hag, may be homologized to the mammalian caudate-putamen complex
on the basis of their similar histochemistry. In support of this hypothesis,
the projection indicated by terminal degeneration seen after IPTP treat-
ment (see below) largely overlaps these histofluorescent, cholinesterase-
sensitive areas which probably correspond to the terminus of the meso-
striatal pathway in mammals, the caudate and putamen. In mammals, the
nucleus accumbens and the striatal portions of the olfactory tubercle are
considered ventromedial extensions of the striatum and are collectively
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referred to as ventral striatum [23]. Similarly, a ventromedial extension of
the globus pallidus, the ventral
has been recognized [51]. The
recent finding by Russchen et al. [46] using substance P and enkephalin
immunoreactivity of an area comparable to the mammalian ventral
in the lizard
G. gecko
adds to the complexity of the lacertilian striatum
and stresses the fundamental similarities with other
'PTP Findings
The degeneration-sensitive cupric silver method of de Olmos et al. [37] was
used to construct maps of the sites of damage following treatment with the dopaminergic-
specific cytotoxin IPTP or its more potent analog, 2'-CH3-
kindly provided by Dr.
Richard Heikkila.
The meperidine analog N-methyl-4-phenyl-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyrid-
íne (
produces symptoms similar to idiopathic Parkinson's disease
[30], presumably by means of its selective incorporation into dopaminergic
neurons via the dopamine re-uptake system. While the primary site of cell
death is the pars compacta of the substantia nigra (S
the adjacent ventral
tegmental area and other sites are also often affected [27]. The selectivity of
the neurotoxin appears sensitive to both the age of the animal (less selective
in older subjects) [30] and the amount of
administered. In fact, at low
levels, many S
cells may survive while conspicuous mesostriatal axono-
pathies appear and tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity in the striatum
decreases [26].
Behavioral Effects of MP
Acute behavioral changes in MPTP-treated animals included indica-
tions of a physiological stress response and, in particular, color changes,
including the formation of a postorbital darkening (the `eyespot'), and
nuchal crest erection, both indications of adrenal activation [ 17]. These
effects and a pronounced hypokinesia remitted in all but 8 individuals
which had received in excess of 50 mg/kg of the drug. These individuals also
developed akinesia, postural rigidity, episodic convulsions, and occasion-
ally manifested stereotyped head and neck movements. The absence of
symptoms of acute stress in surviving individuals is consistent with the idea
of functional recovery of involved neural tissue; the individuals that did not
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survive may have suffered a crisis of adaptation due to massive and
persevering adrenal activation [2]. Subjects that received smaller doses (and
2 individuals that also received 50mg/kg doses), while showing clear indi-
cations of neurological damage, displayed no behavioral abnormalities;
however, tests of species-typical display behavior are underway to clarify the
possible roles of involved sites.
of MP
Following administration of
cytopathological changes
were noted at several loci ranging from the forebrain to the cervical cord
(table I). Three classes of argyrophilic reactions were noted [12]: (1) degen-
erative neurons, densely packed with coarse silver granules; (2) reactive
neurons, the cytoplasm and dendrites of which were outlined by a fine and
light-staining granulation, and (3) degenerative axons and terminals. For
this report we emphasize those changes associated with the striatum. Ter-
minal degeneration observed in the striatum overlaps areas of histofluor-
escence and AChE reactivity as indicated above. The axons in this projec-
tion could be followed to the midbrain substantia nigra and ventral teg-
mental area where reactive neurons were detected, most abundantly in the
ventral tegmental area. This evidence supports the putative homology of the
reptilian striatal afferents and the mammalian mesostriatal pathway.
The extrinsic connections of the striatal complex are currently the
subject of intense interest. The pattern of striatal efferents described in the
[24, 56] includes a prominent descending pathway aris-
ing from the ventral striatum and projecting by means of the ventral
peduncle of the lateral forebrain bundle to the ventromedial and entope-
duncular nuclei as well as the substantia nigra. Except for its additional
projections to the dorsal nucleus of the posterior commissure and the lateral
cerebellar nucleus, the striatal efferent system of
is much like
the mammalian ansa lenticularis; the projection to the nucleus of the
posterior commissure indicates a st
o-pretecto-tectal pathway [34]. Reiner
et al. [44] felt that a pretectal-tectal outflow was the major striatal mode of
influence on motor function in reptiles and birds, while the mammalian
basal ganglia functioned mainly by output to the motor cortex by way of the
Work on
by Brauth and Kitt [5] lended support to earlier
findings that reptiles, like mammals, possess ascending pathways connect-
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Table L
Percent of individuals manifesting MPTP-induced argyrophilía in forebrain sites
time, h
> 50
0 0 0
33 33
100 100
0 0
0 0
* Paralyzed at time of sacrifice.
ADVR = Anterior dorsal ventricular ridge; LFB
= lateral forebrain bundle
= lateral forebrain bundle (caudal: through diencephalon and mesencephalon); PIA
= preoptíc area; SCI = suprachiasmatíc nucleus;
ρνΗ =
periventrícular hypothalamus/para-
ventricular organ; "St = ventral striatum and nucleus accumbens.
' Argyrophilic effects:
= degenerating axons or terminals; DI = degenerative neurons;
RN = reactive neurons.
ing catecholaminergic cell groups in the midbrain to structures in the
forebrain [39]. Parent [38] described evidence strongly suggesting that
fluorescent nerve terminals in the strioamygdaloid complex of the turtle,
were directly related to fluorescent cell bodies in the rostral
midbrain tegmentum described earlier [41 ]. Ten Donkelaar and De Boer-
van Huizen [52] extended these findings to lizards. More recently, Smeets et
al. [49] supplied evidence that a mesolimbic pathway may be present in
in addition to the classical mesostrigtal projection. However, they
indicated that these pathways had been proposed on the basis of circum-
stantial evidence and that they required more detailed tracing experiments
to be confirmed. We believe that the pattern of axonopäthies observed in
our MPTP-treated animals may be the first conclusive demonstration of a
mesostriatal connection in lizards (fig. 3). Further, a mesocortical projec-
tion in addition to the mesostriatal projection is indicated by the detection
of terminal degeneration in the ADVR, particularly in Northcutt's [33]
`area B', probably the terminus of an ascending somatosensory pathway
[42]. While Parent [38] detected some monoamine-indicating fluorescence
in the ADVR of the turtle, Smeets et al. [49] confirmed the presence of a
rather dense dopaminergic innervation of the ADVR of the
by means
of antibodies against dopamine. The present study provides evidence that
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Fig. 3.
The distribution of degenerating axons and sites of terminal degeneration in
the brain of
Anolis carolinensis
subsequent to IPTP administration. ADVR = Anterior
dorsal ventricular ridge; Cer = cerebellum;
ΕΝρ =
entopeduncular nuclei ante-
rior and posterior, respectively; nDCP = nucleus of the dorsal posterior
fpm = nucleus profundus mesencephali; IT = optic tectum; Pal =
Ν =
tía nigra; vSt = ventral striatum; VTA = ventral tegmental area.
these rostral levels are involved in a far-reaching monoaminergic system in
Finally, terminal degeneration was also observed in the dorsal nucleus
of the posterior commissure (nDCP), as well as two subthalamic sites, the
anterior and posterior entopeduncular nuclei (
which appar-
ently receive collaterals from the ascending mesotelencephalic input. In
in turn projects back to striatum, a fact that led Brauth and
Kitt [5] to speculate on a possible homology with the mammalian subthal-
amic nucleus.
It appears that the pattern of ascending projections from the catechol-
aminergic groups in the tegmentum faithfully reciprocates descending pro-
jections from the striatum.
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Prospects for Understanding Striatal Function
The striatal complex, because of its association with stereotyped behav-
ior and its central position in both motor control and cognition, is a
prominent candidate to provide insight into the behavioral functions of the
reptilian forebrain. The richness of the complex, often reciprocal relation-
ships between neural, endocrine, and behavioral elements will require the
use of techniques that can correlate behavioral patterns with the interac-
tions between multiple hormones, neurotransmitters, and neurohormones.
For example, spermatogenic activity (and thus perhaps reproductive behav-
ior) appears correlated with the intensity of monoamine-indicating fluores-
cence in the paraventricular hypothalamus of the lizard,
[29]. Work
on other taxa has made it clear that cells can simultaneously secrete multiple
hormones and neurotransmitters capable of orchestrating multiple re-
sponses in targets by means of differential concentrations, ratios of multiple
agents, regulation of post-secretional metabolism, and/or modulation of
receptor responses to specific agents [36]; further, specific activities can
differentially deplete dopamine from individual striatal nuclei [ 13]. Endo-
crine and neuroendocrine agents can act not only to facilitate or inhibit the
ability of cells to control their efferent targets but may be important in even
the differentiation of the target cells or their membrane receptors [21,
The repertoire of stereotyped behavioral patterns that can be elicited
under controlled conditions and thus are amenable to neurobehavioral
investigation has recently expanded. Not only aggression and reproductive
phenomena, but specific behavioral units of social dominance [20] and
exploratory behavior [ 16] have been shown to be sensitive to specific
stimulus control in concert with known psychoactive stress-sensitive and
gonadal hormones. Such phenomena may well be linked to altered arousal
or attentional processes not unlike those identified by Schneider [47] as
central to striatal-related behavioral disorders in humans. In this regard it is
interesting that Iverson [25] noted that motivational and motor arousal
dysfunction appeared associated with the mesolimbic and mesostriatal
systems, respectively.
Clearly, the mesostriatal and other catecholaminergic pathways are
profoundly involved in the organization of the reptilian forebrain. But the
apparently unaffected maintenance behavior of surviving MPTP-treated
lizards indicates that these pathways do not appear to mediate essential
motor functions. These pathways may, however, be important for the
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organization of sensory input and thus access of input to appropriate output
mechanisms. Indeed, there is evidence from studies of the striatum in
mammals that the integrity of the caudate/putamen is necessary for adap-
tive functioning of the sensorimotor interface [4, 7]. The difficulty of
extracting causality from correlation in these complex paradigms is most
likely to yield to the increasing knowledge of the manner in which specific
stimuli interact with specific neuroactive agents in the brain.
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... These areas are rich in glucocorticoid receptor, 26 corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF), 33 serotonergic, 6 and catecholaminergic 6 immunoreactivity. Medial amygdala, or paleostriatum, 4 has been implicated in aggressive interactions in this species [7][8][9]11 and Sceloporus occidentalis. 32 Hippocampus regulates stress-induced CRF secretion in mammals, 21 and in Anolis carolinensis corticosterone directly enhances hippocampal release of serotonin. ...
... Two other regions of interest, hypothalamus and midbrain periaqueductal gray were not available for this study because they had been used previously. 27 These regions were chosen based on behavioral significance [7][8][9]11 and on homologies to mammalian systems. 3,4 Analysis of monoamines-high performance liquid chromatography 5-HT, its metabolite 5-HIAA, DA, its metabolite DOPAC (3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid), epinephrine and norepinephrine (NE) were measured using high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection as described earlier. ...
Stressful aggressive interaction stimulates central serotonergic activation in telencephalon as well as brainstem. Social roles can be distinguished by monoamine activity following aggression. Pairs of male lizards, Anolis carolinensis, were allowed to fight and form dominant/subordinate relationships. In micropunched regions of telencephalon, the greatest serotonergic changes occur in subordinate males. In hippocampal cortex and nucleus accumbens, subordinate males have increased 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid/serotonin at 1 h following the fight. In these areas the ratio gradually decreases over a week of cohabitation, as was previously reported for brainstem. Medial and lateral amygdala develop increased serotonergic activity more slowly, with the greatest increase being evident following a week of interaction. Turnover, serotonin and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid levels in amygdala escalate over the first week of interaction in subordinate males, and return to baseline by one month. In dominant males, the pattern is accelerated, with the most extensive serotonin system activity present at 1 h, then decreasing over a month. The patterns of serotonergic activation are so similar in hippocampus, nucleus accumbens and brainstem that a co-ordinated response may be involved in mediating short-term social stress and aggression. Similarly, medial and lateral amygdala exhibit corresponding, but delayed patterns in subordinate males, suggesting a co-ordinated response in these regions mediating longer-term stress responses. These data are consistent with rapid neuroendocrine stress modulation in dominant individuals, and delayed serotonergic activity changes in subordinate males.
... Stimulation of the medial cortex, septum, and nucleus accumbens often directly induced movements and exploration, possibly related to the recent finding that firing glutamatergic neurons in the mammalian septum initiates movements (Fuhrmann et al., 2015). Species-specific displays or aggressive behaviors were most reliably affected by stimulating or lesioning the striatum or the amygdaloid complex but not the cortex or DVR (Distel, 1978a;Keating et al., 1970;Greenberg, 1977;Greenberg et al., 1979Greenberg et al., , 1988Sugerman and Demski, 1978). Since the advent of optogenetics and chemogenetics, it has become possible to introduce more controlled and reversible modulations of neural activity. ...
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Among the extant vertebrates, nonavian reptiles are probably those that are most closely related to the first animals to evolve a clearly layered cerebral cortex. Thus, a good understanding of the structure and connections of reptilian cortex is critical to understanding cortical evolution. We review the cellular and functional architecture of reptilian brains and aim to identify knowledge gaps and promising avenues for research using novel techniques and diverse species. We argue that analyzing the simpler cortical circuits of reptiles is, besides being useful to understanding cortical evolution, of central importance to understanding cortical function in general.
... The apparent existence of ascending pretectocortical projections is more problematic. Ascending projections from the ventral mesencephalic tegmentum to the striatum, the ADVR, and the Cxd arising from several populations of monoaminergic neurons have been repeatedly described in turtles and lizards ( Parent, 1976Parent, , 1979Hoogland, 1977;Ulinski, 1983;Ouimet et al., 1985;Greenberg et al., 1988;ten Donkelaar and de Boer-van Huizen, 1988;ten Donkelaar, 1997). In addition, projections to the ADVR arising in the vestibular and other brainstem nuclei have been described in turtles and lizards (Kü nzle, 1985; ten Donkelaar and de Boer-van Huizen, 1988), together with projections of the mesencephalic reticular formation onto the striatum and the ADVR ( Hall and Ebner, 1970a,b;Ulinski, 1983;ten Donkelaar, 1997). ...
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Projections of the pretectal region to forebrain and midbrain structures were examined in two species of turtles (Testudo horsfieldi and Emys orbicularis) by axonal tracing and immunocytochemical methods. Two ascending γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic pathways to thalamic visual centers were revealed: a weak projection from the retinorecipient nucleus lentiformis mesencephali to the ipsilateral nucleus geniculatus lateralis pars dorsalis and a considerably stronger projection from the nonretinorecipient nucleus pretectalis ventralis to the nucleus rotundus. The latter is primarily ipsilateral, with a weak contralateral component. The interstitial nucleus of the tectothalamic tract is also involved in reciprocal projections of the pretectum and nucleus rotundus. In addition, the pretectal nuclei project reciprocally to the optic tectum and possibly to the telencephalic isocortical homologues. Comparison of these findings with previous work on other species reveals striking similarities between the pretectorotundal pathway in turtles and birds and in the pretectogeniculate pathway in turtles, birds, and mammals. J. Comp. Neurol. 426:31–50, 2000. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
... The evidence suggests that the processing of stress-related information occurs in a distributed fashion, with short-term regulation and inhibition of HPA activity controlled by hippocampus, and longer-term stimulation of HPA secretion associated with social subordination and the attendant behavior regulated by amygdala. The medial amygdala and ventral striatum are regions that regulate aggression and species specific social behavior in Anolis (Greenberg et al., 1979(Greenberg et al., , 1984a(Greenberg et al., , 1988Greenberg, 1983). In this cooperative regulation scheme, these regions must relay current conditions between them, and there must be a mechanism to convert short-term reactions that facilitate more aggression into longer-term responsiveness that includes submissive behavior for subordinate animals. ...
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Behavioral interaction during social situations is a continuum of action, response, and reaction. The temporal nature of social interaction creates a series of stressful situations, such as aggression, displacement from resources, and the variable psychological challenge of adapting to dynamic social hierarchies. The ebb and flow of neurochemical and endocrine secretions during social stress provide a unique tool for understanding individualized responses to stress. Each social station is an adaptive response to a stressful social condition, resulting in unique neuroendocrine and behavioral responses. By examining the temporal changes of limbic monoamines and plasma glucocorticoids, aspects of mechanisms for adaptation emerge. The similarity of temporal patterns induced by social stress among fish, reptiles and primates are remarkable. Even different specific coping mechanisms point out the similarity of vertebrate stress responses. The lizard Anolis carolinensis exhibits a unique sign stimulus generated during social stress by the sympathetic nervous system that serves as a temporal landmark to distinguish neuroendocrine patterns. During social interaction dominant males have a shorter latency to eyespot darkening than opponents, inhibiting aggressive display. Eyespot coloration can be delayed using a serotonin reuptake inhibitor, causing dominant social status in many animals to be lost. Reversal of social status via serotonergic activation appears to mimic chronic serotonergic activity. The pattern of eyespot darkening, faster in dominant males, is coincident with that for serotonergic activity. The fundamental temporal relationship between dominant and subordinate limbic monoaminergic activity over a continuous course of social interaction appears to be a two-phase response, temporally specific to brain region, and always faster in dominant individuals.
The modern or living reptiles comprise four different orders: the Chelonia (turtles), the Rhynchocephalia (the tuatara, Sphenodon, from New Zealand), the Squamata (amphisbaenians, lizards and snakes) and the Crocodilia (alligators and crocodiles). Reptiles, birds and mammals together form the amniotes and are distinguished from amphibians by the evolution of a reproductive pattern free of standing water. Amniotes appear to be a monophyletic group that evolved from a single stock of primitive tetrapods during the early Carboniferous (Carroll 1988). Based on phylogenetic considerations (see Romer and Parsons 1977; Carroll 1988), two major groups of amniotes can be recognised: the mammals and their ancestors, and all other amniotes. By the upper Carboniferous, the amniotes had diverged into three major lineages (Fig. 20.1): one that gave rise to mammals, a second to turtles and a third to the majority of other reptilian groups and to birds (Carroll 1969, 1988). Within the modern reptiles, crocodilians share a more recent ancestry with birds than they do with squamates, or turtles.
Comparative anatomy has shown similarities between reptilian and mammalian basal ganglia. Here the morphological characteristics of the medium spiny neurons (MSN) in the dorsolateral striatum (DLS) of the turtle are described after staining them with the Golgi technique. The soma of MSN in DLS showed three main forms: spherical, ovoid, and fusiform. The number of primary dendritic branches (3-4 den-drites/cell) was less than observed in mammals. The MSN axon originates mainly from the soma, and randomly it emerges at the beginning of the primary dendrite. The main differences between turtle and mammalian MSN were detected on dendritic spines. Short, thin, bifurcated and fungiform types of den-dritic spines were observed in the turtle's MSN, according to their shape. In most of the analyzed spines,it was found that its length considerably exceeded that reported in mammals, with dendritic spines upto 8 μm in length. These differences could play an important role in the modulation of motor networks preserved along the vertebrate evolution.
Using traditional as well as whole-mount immunohistochemistry, we described the location of tyrosine hydroxylase- and dopamine beta hydroxylase-positive cells and fibers in the brain of the lizard Anolis carolinensis. Major catecholaminergic cell groups were in the ependyma in certain ventricular regions, along the periventricular floor in the preoptic region, within the anterior hypothalamic and lateral hypothalamic areas, and in the mesencephalic tegmental region, locus coeruleus, nucleus of the solitary tract, vagal motor nucleus, and rhombencephalic reticular formation. Major catecholaminergic fibers, tracts and varicosities included tuberohypophysial, mesolimbic, nigrostriatal, isthmocortical, medullohypothalamic, and coeruleospinal systems. Although the catecholaminergic systems in A. carolinensis are similar to those in the brains of other lizards studied, there are a few species differences. Our information about A. carolinensis will be used to help localize the hypothalamic asymmetry in catecholamine metabolism previously described in this lizard.
The large body of evidence that supports the hypothesis that the dorsal cortex and dorsal ventricular ridge of non-mammalian (non-synapsid) amniotes form the dorsal pallium and are homologous as a set of specified populations of cells to respective sets of cells in mammalian isocortex is reviewed. Several recently taken positions that oppose this hypothesis are examined and found to lack a solid foundation. A cladistic analysis of multiple features of the dorsal pallium in amniotes was carried out in order to obtain a morphotype for the common ancestral stock of all living amniotes, i.e., a captorhinomorph amniote. A previous cladistic analysis of the dorsal thalamus (Butler, A.B., The evolution of the dorsal thalamus of jawed vertebrates, including mammals: cladistic analysis and a new hypothesis, Brain Res. Rev., 19 (1994) 29-65; this issue, previous article) found that two fundamental divisions of the dorsal thalamus can be recognized--termed the lemnothalamus in reference to predominant lemniscal sensory input and the collothalamus in reference to predominant input from the midbrain roof. These two divisions are both elaborated in amniotes in that their volume is increased and their nuclei are laterally migrated in comparison with anamniotes. The present cladistic analysis found that two corresponding, fundamental divisions of the dorsal pallium were present in captorhinomorph amniotes and were expanded relative to their condition in anamniotes. Both the lemnothalamic medial pallial division and the collothalamic lateral pallial division were subsequently further markedly expanded in the synapsid line leading to mammals, along with correlated expansions of the lemnothalamus and collothalamus. Only the collothalamic lateral pallial division--along with the collothalamus--was subsequently further markedly expanded in the non-synapsid amniote line that gave rise to diapsid reptiles, birds and turtles. In the synapsid line leading to mammals, an increase in the degree of radial organization of both divisions of the dorsal pallium also occurred, resulting in an 'outside-in' migration pattern during development. The lemnothalamic medial division of the dorsal pallium has two parts. The medial part forms the subicular, cingulate, prefrontal, sensorimotor, and related cortices in mammals and the medial part of the dorsal cortex in non-synapsid amniotes. The lateral part forms striate cortex in mammals and the lateral part of dorsal cortex (or pallial thickening or visual Wulst) in non-synapsid amniotes. Specific fields within the collothalamic lateral division of the dorsal pallium form the extrastriate, auditory, secondary somatosensory, and related cortices in mammals and the visual, auditory, somatosensory, and related areas of the dorsal ventricular ridge in non-synapsid amniotes.
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Amphibians and reptiles have always excited the curiosity and interest of researchers, partly because of their status as transitional forms in the evolution of terrestrial life, and partly because, although representatives of our ancestors, they possess remarkably alien forms and habits. They have infiltrated the heart of many religious and cultural traditions (e.g., Frazer, 1935; Morris & Morris, 1965), and in many cases the thoughts of man and the habits of reptiles and amphibians have become intertwined in a way that challenges objectivity.
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A forebrain atlas and stereotaxic neurosurgical techniques were developed for use in anatomical and behavioral experiments on the green anolis lizard (Anolis carolinensis). Green anoles are convenient and robust experimental subjects with a rich behavioral repertoire, the social components of which are partly under hormonal control. The technique and atlas were devised to conduct neuroethological investigations of the effect of lesions on species-typical display behavior. The atlas consists of 12 transverse sections from an average size adult male. The figures (4–15) are based on Nissl material and supplemented with fiber-stained material from adjacent sections. They appear at the end of the article. Limitations on the accuracy of stereotaxic coordinates are discussed and tables of correlative nomenclature for principal telencephalic and diencephalic nuclei are provided.
The cornerstone of this chapter is W. Powers’ definition of behavior: behavior is the control of the sensory input of the organism. By definition, behavior is conceived as a process by which the organization inside the organism controls the input of the organism; the brain is thereby conceived as an integrated whole of negative feedback systems controlling this input. In this chapter I have attempted to elaborate the usefulness of this concept for getting insight into basic functions of distinct neuronal substrates in programming behavior. For that purpose the relational and dynamic features of different levels of cerebral organization of behavior (hierarchies) are examined. I discuss how input signals derived from interoceptive, proprioceptive, and exteroceptive stimuli are transformed into abstract, invariant functions, the degree of abstraction of these stimuli increasing at each higher order level within the hierarchy. I also discuss how behavioral commands result from behavioral program signals, the degree of freedom in programming behavior decreasing at each lower order level in the hierarchy. The usefulness of Powers’ concept is illustrated by investigating how information that is sent to the neostriatum is transformed on its way downstream in the hierarchy.
As a reference base to a subsequent description of the behavioral effects of electrical brain stimulation in the green iguana a schematic atlas of the iguana brain is presented. For the preparation of the brain atlas, as well as for the stimulation experiments, a stereotaxic approach was used which is described and discussed along with the specifically developed stimulation device.Copyright © 1976 S. Karger AG, Basel