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Genetic Differentiation of Common Fox Vulpes Vulpes (Linnaeus, 1758) on the Basis of the Insulin-Like Growth Factor 1 (IGF1), Myosin-XV (MYO15A) and Paired Box Homeotic 3 (PAX3) Genes Fragments Polymorphism


Abstract and Figures

Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was analysed for selected fragments of three genes - insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), myosin-XV (MYO15A) and paired box homeotic gene 3 (PAX3) - in farm and wild red foxes from two continents. The study was undertaken in order to verify whether the SNP characteristics of these genes enable farm-bred foxes to be distinguished from free-living foxes. The greatest number of changes were detected in the IGF1 gene. For each of the genes investigated specific SNP profiles characteristic only for farm foxes and only for wild foxes were noted. At the same time, specific SNP profiles were noted for wild foxes from North America and from Europe. The frequency of SNP (bases per SNP) in the gene fragments examined was 22 bp for IGF1, 34 bp for PAX3 and 56 bp for MYO15A. Single-nucleotide polymorphism is a very good molecular marker enabling characterization of nucleotide variation in the genes investigated between wild and farm individuals
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Ann. Anim. Sci., Vol. 14, No. 4 (2014) 807–819 DOI: 10.2478/aoas-2014-0052
Andrzej Jakubczak, Magdalena Gryzińska, Beata Horecka, Kornel Kasperek, Katarzyna Dziadosz,
Grażyna Jeżewska-Witkowska
Department of Biological Basis of Animal Production, Faculty of Biology and Animal Breeding,
University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Akademicka 13, 20-950 Lublin, Poland
Corresponding author:
Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was analysed for selected fragments of three genes
insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), myosin-XV (MYO15A) and paired box homeotic gene 3
(PAX3) – in farm and wild red foxes from two continents. The study was undertaken in order to
verify whether the SNP characteristics of these genes enable farm-bred foxes to be distinguished
from free-living foxes. The greatest number of changes were detected in the IGF1 gene. For each
of the genes investigated specic SNP proles characteristic only for farm foxes and only for wild
foxes were noted. At the same time, specic SNP proles were noted for wild foxes from North
America and from Europe. The frequency of SNP (bases per SNP) in the gene fragments examined
was 22 bp for IGF1, 34 bp for PAX3 and 56 bp for MYO15A. Single-nucleotide polymorphism is a
very good molecular marker enabling characterization of nucleotide variation in the genes inves-
tigated between wild and farm individuals.
Key words: SNP, IGF1, MYO15A, PAX3, Vulpes vulpes
Based on the latest systematics, 45 local varieties or subspecies of red fox (Vulpes
vulpes) are distinguished. Three genes were selected for the study, inuencing body
mass, hearing, and organ and tissue formation. The IGF1 gene encodes a specic
protein (insulin-like growth factor 1, somatomedin C) whose structure and function
are similar to those of insulin, included in the family of proteins that signicantly
affect growth and development (Rotwein et al., 1986). Research on mice, humans,
and canids has demonstrated that the IGF1 gene signicantly inuences body size in
*Funds of the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR), development project
No. 12-0140-10.
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mammals. Mice with a damaged IGF1 gene have been shown to attain a very small
size, while humans with a deletion in this gene are born with a body length consid-
erably below the norm (Sutter et al., 2007). The type of arrangement determines
the size of the individual. The arrangement of the gene together with its regulatory
sequence occurs in two forms, termed I and B. All small breeds of dog have the I
form, while large breeds have the B form. The only representatives of large breeds
with the same DNA sequence as small dogs are Rottweilers. This is because they
have other gene sequences that signicantly inuence their size (Sutter et al., 2007).
The MYO15A gene is involved in the production of a protein included in the group of
motor proteins known as myosins (Nal et al., 2007). Mutation in the MYO15A gene
leads to malfunctioning of myosin XVA and to hereditary hearing impairment in hu-
mans, mice and dogs (Kikkawa et al., 2005). The PAX3 gene plays a key role in the
formation of individual organs and tissues in the initial stages of embryonic develop-
ment, and in maintaining normal cell functions after birth. In the dog it is localized in
37q16-q17 (Krempler et al., 2000). The protein produced by PAX3 is essential during
the formation of the myotome (it induces expression of two MRFs – muscle regula-
tory factors) and acts together with the protein produced by the PAX7 gene (Lamey
et al., 2004). During embryonic development and in the muscles of the adult organ-
ism, these two proteins – PAX3 and PAX7take part in myotome formation and in
muscle growth and regeneration. Mutants without a functional PAX3 gene – splotch
mutants – are characterized by defects in the structure of the neural tube and limb
muscles (Relaix et al., 2004).
Diversity of phenotypes occurring in both wild and farm animals is an important
factor allowing for the differentiation of groups belonging to the family Canidae. The
hypothesis was that there is the SNPs differentiation in IGF1, MYO15A and PAX3
genes in the farm-bred and wild living population of common fox from Europe (Po-
land) and North America (north-eastern regions of the United States and Canada).
Although we know the localization of genes on chromosomes and their nucleotide
composition, it is not always clear how they are inherited and the way they affect
a given trait is not fully understood (e.g. complementary interaction or epistasis).
The aim of the study was to determine the nucleotide sequence of fragments of the
genes IGF1, MYO15A and PAX3 in farm and wild individuals of the Canidae family
from two continents, and identify any polymorphisms occurring in the nucleotide
sequence. In the future, this will contribute to a better understanding of the role of
these genes in heredity of morphometric traits in species of this family. The study
was undertaken in order to verify whether the SNP characteristics of these genes en-
able farm-bred foxes to be distinguished from free-living foxes.
Material and methods
The material for the study consisted of the blood of farm red foxes (Vulpes vul-
pes) from Poland (20 individuals) and raw skins of wild foxes from North America –
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Genetic differentiation of farmed and wild foxes 809
north-eastern regions of the United States and Canada (20 individuals) and Poland
(20 individuals).
Genetic and data analysis
Total genomic DNA was extracted from each sample using a commercial QIA-
gen extraction kit (QIAamp DNA Blood Mini Kit or DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit)
following the protocol provided in the QIAcube. The primers were designed using
Primer3Plus software (Rozen and Skaletsky, 2000) to amplify each region of IGF1,
MYO15A and PAX3 (
cgi/) (Table 1).
Fragments were selected of genes responsible for different traits (body weight,
the hearing process, development of the central nervous system and melanocytes).
The genes were selected because these traits are important both physiologically and
in terms of livestock selection.
Table 1. Primers used for PCR of the three genes
Gene Forward primer (5′-3′) Reverse primer (5′-3′) Size
The rst amplication was performed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The
reactions (25 μL total volume) contained 2 μl DNA (with the DNA concentration
50 ng/μl) and 1.0 U Taq polymerase (Ampli Taq Gold 360 DNA Polymerase, Ap-
plied Biosystems) in the manufacturer’s buffer, adjusted to a nal concentration of
2.5 mM MgCl2, 0.2 mM of each dNTP and 0.1 mM of each primer. PCR cycling
conditions were 95°C for 10 min; 30 cycles of 95°C for 30 s, 52°C for 60 s (IGF1
and MYO15A) or 63°C for 60 s (PAX3), 72°C for 60 s; and 72°C for 20 min. (Labcy-
cler, SensoQuest). To conrm the PCR products, gel electrophoresis was carried out
using 2% agarose gel with ethidium bromide (EtBr). The PCR product was puried
using an ExoSAP-IT kit (Affymetrix). The second amplication (sequencing PCR)
– bidirectional sequencing – was carried out according to the BigDye® Terminator
v3.1 CycleSequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems). PCR products were puried us-
ing a DyeEx Spin Kit (Qiagen) in the QIAcube. PCR products were sequenced us-
ing a 3100 Genetic Analyser (Applied Biosystems). The sequences were assembled
into consensus sequences using DNA Baser (Heracle Biosoft; http://www.DnaBaser.
com). Sequencing results were aligned using BLAST. The sequencing data were then
compared with canine reference sequences for the genes IGF1 (NCBI – ID: 610255),
MYO15A (EMBL – AJ428858) and PAX3 (NCBI ID: 488544) registered in the
NCBI database. The SNP positions of farm and wild individuals were compared
using MEGA4 software. The frequency of individual SNP proles was calculated
with the SAS statistical package and ARLEQUIN v.3.5. SNP prole was dened as
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a set of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) obtained through sequencing with
respect to each of the gene fragments investigated.
The following genes were analysed: insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1); myo-
sin-XV (MYO15A) and paired box homeotic gene 3 (PAX3).
Fourteen transitions and transversions (SNPs) were observed in the IGF1 gene,
ranging from 3 to 303 bp in the region examined (intron 5, exon 6 and intron 6),
including eight transitions, at positions c.26037 (A>G), c.26144 (G>A), c.26194 and
c.26246 (C>T), c.26251 and c.26258 (A>G), c.26282 (T>C) and c.26334 (G>A),
and six transversions, at c.26032 and c.26200 (T>A), c.26043, c.26249, c.26275
(G>C) and c.26324 (C>A). In the case of the MYO15A gene fragment, three SNPs
were noted, including two transitions, at c.426 (A>G) and c.463 (G>A), and one
transversion, at c.578 (C>A). For the PAX3 gene, 9 SNPs were identied, including
6 transitions, at c.11212, c.11260, c.11395 (C>T), c.11284 (T>C), c.11437 and
c.11485 (G>A), and 4 transversions, at c.11198 (T>A), c.11273 (G>T), c.11476
(G>C) and c.11485 (G>C). Both transition and transversion occurred at position
302, which is an example of a very rare triallelic SNP locus. The frequency of oc-
currence of SNPs in the gene fragments was 1 SNP every 22 bp for IGF-1, 34 bp for
PAX3 and 56 for MYO15A.
Figure 1. Distribution of transitions and transversions among SNPs for the genes investigated
Transitions accounted for 72.8% and transversions for 27.2% of the SNPs ana-
lysed. The transition/transversion ratio (R) for the genes ranged from 2.59 to 3.0:
RIGF1=2.88; RMYO15A=3.00 and RPAX3=2.59 (Figure 1).
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Genetic differentiation of farmed and wild foxes 811
Gene SNP position Frequency of SNP proles*
c. 26032
c. 26037
c. 26043
c. 26144
c. 26194
c. 26200
c. 26246
c. 26249
c. 26251
c. 26258
c. 26275
c. 26282
c. 26324
c. 26334
A A A C G C TC G A A G C A G 0.050 0.150
BA A G G C TC G A A G C C G 0.070 0.200
CTA G G C A TC A G G C C G 0.050 0.150
D T A G G C TC C A A G C C G 0.050 0.150
E T A G G C TC G A A G C C G 0.610 0.850 0.400 0.600
F T A G G C TC G A A G YC G 0.050 0.150
GTA G G C TC G A G C C C G 0.050 0.150
H T GTAT T C G G A G TC A 0.070 0.200
AA 0.120 0.940 0.070 0.050 0.930 0.900 0.050 0.120
TT 0.880 0.070 0.070 0.950 0.050 0.070 0.880
CC 0.050 0.930 0.950 0.100 0.050 0.880 0.950
GG 0.060 0.880 0.930 0.900 0.070 0.100 0.950
TC 0.050
A0.120 0.940 0.070 0.050 0.930 0.900 0.050 0.120
T 0.880 0.070 0.070 0.950 0.050 0.095 0.880
C0.050 0.930 0.950 0.100 0.050 0.950
G0.060 0.880 0.930 0.900 0.070 0.100 0.950 0.905
Table 2. The types and frequency of SNP proles in the genes IGF1, MYO15A and PAX3 in foxes (*F – farm, WP – wild Poland, WNA – wild North America)
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Table 2 – contd.
MYO15A c. 426 c. 463 c.578 All F WP WNA
A A A C 0.017 0.050
BA G A 0.050 0.150
C A G C 0.883 0.850 0.900 0.900
DARC0.017 0.050
EG G C 0.033 0.100
AA 0.970 0.020 0.050
CC 0.950
GG 0.030 0.960
GA 0.020
A0.970 0.030 0.050
G0.030 0.970
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Genetic differentiation of farmed and wild foxes 813
Table 2 – contd.
PAX3 c. 11198 c. 11212 c. 11260 c. 11273 c. 11284 c. 11395 c. 11473 c. 11476 c. 11485 All F WP WNA
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
A A C Y K T Y G G G 0.017 0.050
B T C C G C C G G G 0.017 0.050
CTC C G TC A G G 0.017 0.050
D T C C G TC G G A 0.017 0.050
E T C C G TC G G G 0.100 0.200 0.100
F T C C G T T G G G 0.033 0.050 0.050
GTC C G T Y G G G 0.033 0.100
H T C C G YC G G G 0.100 0.150 0.150
I T C C K Y Y G G G 0.017 0.050
JTCTG C C G G G 0.017 0.050
K T CTGT T G G G 0.017 0.050
L T CTGT Y G C C 0.017 0.050
MTCT K T C A G G 0.017 0.050
N T CT K T C G G G 0.100 0.250 0.050
O T CT K T Y G G G 0.017 0.050
P T CT K Y Y G G G 0.062 0.200
R T CT T T C G G G 0.017 0.050
S T CT T Y C G G G 0.050 0.050 0.100
T T CYGTC G G G 0.017 0.050
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Table 2 – contd.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
UTCYGYC G G G 0.017 0.050
W T CY K T C G G G 0.017 0.050
X T CY K Y C G G G 0.017 0.050
Y T CY K Y Y G G G 0.017 0.050
ZTCY T T Y G G G 0.050 0.150
A1 T CY T Y C G G G 0.017 0.050
B1 T CY T Y Y G G G 0.033 0.100
C1 T T C G TC G G G 0.033 0.100
D1 T Y C G TC G G G 0.033 0.100
E1 T Y C G T Y G G G 0.033 0.100
F1 T Y Y GTC G G G 0.017 0.050
G1 T Y Y GYC G G G 0.017 0.050
H1 T Y Y K Y C G G G 0.017 0.050
AA 0.020 0.030 0.020
TT 0.980 0.030 0.320 0.170 0.600 0.050
CC 0.850 0.430 0.030 0.650 0.020 0.020
GG 0.530 0.970 0.980 0.960
TC 0.120 0.250 0.370 0.300
GT 0.300
A0.020 0.030 0.020
T 0.980 0.090 0.445 0.320 0.785 0.050
C0.910 0.555 0.215 0.650 0.020 0.020
G0.680 0.300 0.970 0.980 0.960
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Genetic differentiation of farmed and wild foxes 815
The IGF1 gene fragment studied in the red foxes consists of 305 bp. The statisti-
cal analysis showed 14 mutations, allowing 8 SNP proles (A-H) to be distinguished.
Prole F was found exclusively in farm animals, while proles A, B, C, D, G and H
were present in wild animals. B and H were found in North American wild foxes, and
the remaining prole in Polish wild foxes, which may have been due to the animals’
different living conditions and adaptation to climate. Only prole E was present in
all of the populations, which suggests that this set of SNP is inherited in both farm
and wild animals (Table 2).
The MYO15A gene fragment analysed was 168 bp in length. Three SNPs were
noted (two mutations in wild foxes and one in farm animals) and ve SNP proles
(A-E). Proles A and D were present only in foxes living in their natural habitat in
Poland. Prole B was found only in farm animals. Only prole C was noted in all
individuals and had the highest frequency. Prole E occurred with relatively low
frequency, and only in North American wild foxes.
The PAX3 gene fragment analysed in the red fox was 303 bp in length. The statis-
tical analysis showed 32 different SNP proles, caused by 9 single-nucleotide poly-
morphisms. There were 8 characteristic SNP proles noted for the farm foxes and
2 for the wild foxes (North American and Polish). At the same time, 12 SNP proles
were noted in the North American wild foxes (with a frequency of 5% to 10%), and
7 for Polish wild foxes (with a frequency of 5% to 20%). No SNP prole was noted
that was characteristic of all three groups of foxes (Table 2).
Frequency of genotypes and alleles for specic SNP are shown in Table 2, and the
gene diversity and nucleotide diversity between any two DNA sequences are shown
in Table 3.
Table 3. Gene diversity and nucleotide diversity of the genes IGF1, MYO15A and PAX3 in foxes
(*F – farm, WP – wild Poland, WNA – wild North America)
Gene Gene diversity in population* Nucleotide diversity (π)
(average over loci) in population*
IGF1 0.2684 0.7895 0.5895 0.019173 0.178195 0.192481
MYO15A 0.1895 0.1947 0.1895 0.089474 0.031579 0.063158
PAX3 0.9316 0.8947 0.9737 0.049123 0.054386 0.093567
The completion of the dog genome sequencing project made it possible to nd
SNPs in the genomes of animals of the Canidae family. Sacks and Louie (2008) used
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40 different primer pairs designed using random fragments of the dog genome to
sequence 80–88% of loci in these fragments in the coyote (Canis latrans), the gray
fox (Urocyon cinereoargenteus) and the red fox (Vulpes vulpes). In order to inves-
tigate the genetic basis for size variation in canids, Sutter et al. (2007) searched for
SNPs in a region composed of 15 million base pairs. They discovered 302 SNPs and
34 indels in large and small Portuguese Water Dogs (PWD). The IGF1 gene was
shown to have a signicant inuence on individual size. Haplotypes B and I were
identied. Dogs that were homozygous with haplotype B have a smaller mean body
size than homozygotes with haplotype I, while heterozygous dogs are medium-sized.
In a study of 122 SNPs spanning chromosome 15 in dogs representing 14 small and
9 giant breeds, a decrease in heterozygosity was observed in the small breeds, which
may be due to selective breeding resulting in smaller and smaller dogs. Research
concerning SNPs in the IGF1 gene has also been carried out in other animal species.
SNPs have been detected in the coding sequence of IGF1 among ve breeds of pig
(Berkshire, Duroc, Landrace, Yorkshire and Korea Native Pig) (Niu et al., 2013), and
SNPs have been found to be associated with growth, development, and fertility in
cattle (Holstein-Friesian) (Mullen et al., 2011).
Mutations in the MYO15A gene cause congenital deafness in humans (DFNB3)
and in mice (Shaker-2). In mice, the hair cells affected by Shaker-2 deafness are ar-
ranged normally, but their length is markedly reduced. Probst et al. (1998) compared
healthy and Shaker-2 individuals and determined that the cause of the hearing loss
was a mutation in the MYO15A gene. The G>A substitution causes changes in the
motor domain of the protein involving a Cyst/Tyr substitution, leading to shortening
of the stereocilia. Rak et al. (2002) used human cDNA to design primers specic
for dogs, which were then used for RH mapping. PCR yielded a product of 201 bp
containing exclusively canine DNA. In addition, FISH (uorescence in situ hybridi-
zation) was carried out in order to map the position of MYO15A on chromosome 5 in
dogs (CFA5). This made it possible to ascertain that mutations in the MYO15A gene
in dogs can cause hereditary deafness. The present study on red foxes demonstrated
the presence of three SNP-type polymorphisms in the MYO15A gene. In Polish wild
foxes two SNP proles were distinguished – A and D, while only North American
wild foxes had SNP prole E.
Due to the importance of the processes involving proteins encoded by PAX3, mu-
tations in the genes encoding them can lead to very serious disturbances in embryotic
development, and in extreme cases can even be lethal. There are currently no publi-
cations concerning mutations of the PAX3 gene in animals of the Canidae family, but
we have identied 9 polymorphisms of the SNP type in individuals from this family,
allowing 32 different SNP proles to be distinguished. The greatest number of ani-
mals tested had prole H, which occurred in the farm and the North American wild
foxes, and prole N, which was characteristic of Polish and North American wild
foxes. At the same time, SNP proles were identied among wild foxes that were
characteristic only for North American animals and only for European ones. The
most likely cause of the development of separate SNP proles was the geographical
barrier and divergent evolutionary paths of the species Vulpes vulpes in Europe and
North America (Aubry et al., 2009; Kutschera et al., 2013).
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Genetic differentiation of farmed and wild foxes 817
There is greater probability of nucleotide transitions than transversions, as the
substitution takes place between structurally similar compounds, while transversions
involve compounds of different structure. Another factor during substitution that
should be considered is the varied rate of evolution between particular sites within
codons, resulting from degeneration of the genetic code (Wondji et al., 2007). The
very high proportion of C↔T transitions (Figure 1) may result from C-methylation
in the CpG dinucleotide (Gryzińska et al., 2013 a, b). 5mC is spontaneously deami-
nated to T, causing the formation of a mismatched T:G pair and often a C:G→T:A
transition (Holliday and Grieg, 1993). Although in humans TDG (thymine-DNA gly-
cosylase) preferentially removes T from the T:G mismatch, the frequency of deami-
nation exceeds its capacity, which leads to suppression of the amount of CpG. The
transition/transversion ratio is similar to that obtained for Drosophila and humans
(Brookes, 1999; Moriyama and Powell, 1996). The frequency of occurrence of one
SNP was from 22 to 56 bp – lower than in Anopheles gambiae (Morlais et al., 2004)
and in humans (Aquadro et al., 2001).
Single-nucleotide polymorphism is a very good molecular marker enabling char-
acterization of variation between wild and farm individuals. The conrmation of
genetic differentiation between wild and farm-bred animals of the Canidae family
are reports by Bugno-Poniewierska et al. using the FISH technique (Bugno-Poniew-
ierska et al., 2012, 2013). Variation studies of different species of fur animals of the
family Canidae, free-living and farm-bred, have been and are carried out on sev-
eral levels: diversity of morphological, physiological parameters, phenotypic traits,
as well as at the molecular and cytogenetic level (Gugołek et al., 2012; Jeżewska-
Witkowska et al., 2012; Ślaska et al., 2010). However, to date in world literature
there are no papers considering the above-mentioned differences using sequence of
nuclear gene fragments: insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), myosin-XV (MYO15A)
and paired box homeotic 3 (PAX3).
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Genetic differentiation of farmed and wild foxes 819
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Received: 29 X 2013
Accepted: 30 V 2014
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... It is known from literature data that fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2) is able to stimulate mitosis of human bone marrow cells (Ratajczak et al. 1996) and support proteins associated with pluripotency in cat embryonic cells (Zhou et al. 2019). In turn, insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1) is a weak mitogen for most human cells cultured (Niedźwiedzka 2000;Jakubczak et al. 2014). The growth hormone (rhGH) promotes cell proliferation, in particular, there is evidence of its positive effect on human mesenchymal stem cells (Li and Wang 2008;Waters and Brooks 2012). ...
... The structure of IGF-1 (somatomedin C) is similar to that of insulin, which is why this growth factor is able to bind the insulin receptor (Jakubczak et al. 2014;Jakubczak et al. 2017). It is also a mitogen for a majority of cells and can act as insulin (Niedźwiedzka 2000). ...
The wide use of cell technologies in clinical practice requires a large amount of cell material, which has led to improvement in culture conditions, making it possible to obtain more cell material in a shorter period of time. Thus, the purpose of our paper was to study the effects of different concentrations of an insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1), a fibroblast growth factor (FGF-2),| a growth hormone (rhGH), and Biolaminin 521 LN (LN 521) on the proliferative activity and genetic stability of stem cell cultures derived from the cat bone marrow, adipose tissue, and myocardium. Cell cultures for the experiment were obtained from the adipose tissue, bone marrow, and myocardium of a cat. Differences were found in the effects of the various growth promoters on the proliferative activity of cells in the culture. The IGF-1 demonstrated a positive effect on the proliferative activity of all cultures. The addition of the rhGH to the bone marrow-derived cell culture increased the size of the cells and decreased the proliferation index relative to the control group. The addition of the growth factors to the culture medium did not significantly increase the number of cells with altered karyotype in any of the cultures relative to the control group.
... Only farmed individuals had profi le F, which may be an indication of selective breeding aimed at obtaining varieties with particular body dimensions that would not have arisen in natural conditions. Profi le E was present in all individuals, suggesting that this mutation is inherited in both farmed and wild animals [13,14]. ...
... At the same time, specifi c SNP profi les were noted for wild foxes from North America and from Europe. The diversity of phenotypes occurring among wild and farmed animals is a signifi cant factor enabling variation between species and groups of animals [14]. ...
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The gene IGF1 has been shown to have a significant influence on the size of individuals, including animals of the Canidae family. In this study we determined SNP mutations of the IGF1 gene in dogs, raccoon dogs and farmed and free-living red foxes from Poland and Canada. No SNP mutations were noted in dogs or raccoon dogs, but a total of 14 single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified in foxes, including 12 substitutions, as well as one new mutation missense variant (exon 6) in wild Polish foxes and one synonymous mutation variant in wild foxes from Canada. We identified specific SNP profiles characteristic only for farmed foxes and only for wild foxes, as well as specific SNP profiles or wild foxes from North America (Canada) and from Europe (Poland).
... Due to the demand for fur skins and their high value, the fur industry is often faced with the problem of illegal practices, such as trading in unregulated cat or dog furs, which purportedly are legal furs from licenced furriers, or the sale of legal furs of lower market value as products with higher value. The popularity of this type of deception results from the difficulty of morphological identification of pelts, due to the occurrence of similar hair coat characteristics, in both closely related and distant species, as well as to treatments the skins are subjected to [7][8][9] . This applies in particular to processed skins (tanning, dyeing, shearing, etc.). ...
Genetic testing using STR sequences is a fundamental element of investigative and judicial activities in various types of cases involving animals, such as theft of animals or products derived from them, pedigree scams, violation of animal rights, or claims for compensation for property damage or personal injury. The aim of the study was to develop a microsatellite panel for individual identification and determination of relatedness in American mink for the purposes of forensic veterinary expert opinions. In total, 82 alleles were identified in 13 analysed microsatellite loci. The suitability of the test sequences for individual identification was determined by calculating the power of discrimination (PD). Taking into account all individuals, the power of discrimination ranged from 0.622 to 0.892, which translated into a match probability (MP) of 6.36E-10 (occurrence of a given genotype in 1.57E+09). As a result of the research, an optimized microsatellite panel of 13 STR sequences was obtained, which could be a useful tool in forensic veterinary practice, in civil or criminal cases requiring determination of the relationship between animals of the species mink, or the implementation of identification tests such as comparative DNA analysis of live or dead individuals, preserved biological traces, or fur industry products.
... Genetic variations in free-living and farm foxes have been studied by many authors (Jakubczak et al. 2009(Jakubczak et al. , 2011(Jakubczak et al. , 2014a(Jakubczak et al. , 2014bBugno-Poniewierska et al. 2012;Jezewska-Witkowska et al. 2012). In this study, SNPs of genes taking part in melanogenesis in natural and farm populations were compared for the first time. ...
DNA mutations within genes associated with melanogenesis can affect melanin production, leading to dyschromias. Genes which are involved in synthesis of melatonin and may affect the colour of skin are melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R), agouti locus (ASIP), and tyrosinase-related protein-2 TYRP2. In this study, SNP identification within ASIP, MC1R and TYRP2 gene fragments in wild and farmed foxes (Vulpes vulpes) were performed. Nine mutations in ASIP gene which allowed to distinguish seven SNP profiles, fourteen mutations and five SNP profiles in MC1R gene, and seven SNP profiles based on four polymorphic nucleotides in TYRP2 gene were detected. Analysis of obtained profiles indicate that ASIP did not undergo mutations in the wild, significant variability of SNP profiles was found for TYRP2, with specific haplotypes noted for farm foxes and American and European wild foxes.
... The genes IGF1, MYO15A, PAX3 and MC1R were analyzed genetically for fox and dog [21,22]. Methylation-specific PCR (MSP) and sequencing of amplified DNA fragments following the use of sodium bisulfite and PCR (BSP) are considered to be among the most effective techniques for detecting methylated genes [23]. ...
Selected genes were analyzed in silico in three species: red fox (Vulpes vulpes), raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides), and dog (Canis lupus familiaris). This type of analysis exemplifies current and potential research on gene expression. Four nucleotide sequences, of the genes IGF1, MYO15A, PAX3 and MC1R, were obtained from the NCBI online database. The analyses focused on the presence of CpG islands and two analytical techniques, BSP and MSP. The results from three computer programs, CpG Island Searcher®, BiSearch® and MethPrimer®, were discussed in detail. The applications were compared in terms of their functionality and usefulness.
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The raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides) is a mammalian species that belongs to Canidae family, order Carnivora. This species represents both animals living in the wild and farm animals used in the fur industry. Raccoon dogs have the most ` primitive' karyotype among Canidae family. The Chinese raccoon dog (Nyctereutes procyonoides procyonoides) is characterised by a variable number of chromosomes (2n = 54 + 0-4 B). B chromosomes are supernumerary chromosomes occurring in addition to the basic set of A chromosomes in the cells of many organisms. The function and origin of these additional chromosomes is not clear. The aim of this work was to determine possible karyotypic differences between wild-living and farm populations, using methods of classical and molecular cytogenetics. The most useful cytogenetic markers to analyse karyotype polymorphism of canine are the number of B chromosomes and nucleolar organizer regions. A variation was identified in the number of B chromosomes and nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) in cells between wild-living and breeding populations.
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This study was designed to determine the degree of genetic distinctiveness between farmed and wild foxes (Vulpes vulpes). Analysis of polymorphism in 16 microsatellite sequences led to the conclusion that red foxes raised on Polish farms and wild foxes living in Poland are two groups of genetically distinct animals. Farmed Polish foxes are genetically more similar to the population of wild animals from North America than they are to the free-living population in Poland, as confirmed by the fact that the farmed animals are descended from animals raised in Canada. The small genetic distance between wild Canadian foxes (indicated as the progenitor of farmed Polish foxes) and farmed Polish foxes possibly suggests that the differences between the farmed and wild Polish populations may result from the fact that Canadian and Polish foxes took separate evolutionary paths
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Previous studies have confirmed that insulin growth factor-1 (IGF1) plays important roles in growth and body size in humans and animals. However, whether single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the IGF1 gene affects body size and growth in pigs has been unclear. We identified IGF1 SNPs among 5 pig breeds (Berkshire, Duroc, Landrace, Yorkshire and Korea Native Pig) and found that the G allele of SNP (c.G189A) was associated with higher body weight and was more predominant in western pig breeds, while the Korean Native Pig is the breed with the highest frequency of the A allele. Four haplotypes (–GA–, –GG–, –AG–, and –AA–) were constructed using the 2 identified SNPs. The GA haplotype was most frequently observed, except in the Berkshire breed. In addition, these SNPs and haplotypes were significantly associated with body size (final weight), average daily gain, and backfat thickness (P\0.05) in 2 intercrossed F2 pig populations (KNP 9 YS F2 and KNP 9 LR F2). Furthermore, the major GA haplotype had a significant additive effect on body size and average daily gain. In conclusion, specific SNPs within the porcine IGF1 gene may contribute to the smaller body size and lower growth rate of Korea Native Pigs.
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Methylation is an epigenetic modification of DNA affecting gene expression without changing the structure of nucleotides. It plays a crucial role in the embryonic and post-embryonic development of living organisms. Methylation level is tissue and species-specific and changes with age. The study was aimed at identifying the methylation of the CDKN2B gene situated at locus bar in Polbar chickens on the 6th and 18th day of embryonic development using the MSP (methylation-specific PCR) method. Methylation was not detected in the promoter region of gene CDKN2B on the 6th and 18th day of embryonic development. As one of the five genes responsible for melanine activity in melanocytes and highly active, it can contribute to the production of this pigment. The present research broadens the current knowledge of the chicken epigenome and the mechanism of autosexing in birds.
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Background Many boreo-temperate mammals have a Pleistocene fossil record throughout Eurasia and North America, but only few have a contemporary distribution that spans this large area. Examples of Holarctic-distributed carnivores are the brown bear, grey wolf, and red fox, all three ecological generalists with large dispersal capacity and a high adaptive flexibility. While the two former have been examined extensively across their ranges, no phylogeographic study of the red fox has been conducted across its entire Holarctic range. Moreover, no study included samples from central Asia, leaving a large sampling gap in the middle of the Eurasian landmass. Results Here we provide the first mitochondrial DNA sequence data of red foxes from central Asia (Siberia), and new sequences from several European populations. In a range-wide synthesis of 729 red fox mitochondrial control region sequences, including 677 previously published and 52 newly obtained sequences, this manuscript describes the pattern and timing of major phylogeographic events in red foxes, using a Bayesian coalescence approach with multiple fossil tip and root calibration points. In a 335 bp alignment we found in total 175 unique haplotypes. All newly sequenced individuals belonged to the previously described Holarctic lineage. Our analyses confirmed the presence of three Nearctic- and two Japan-restricted lineages that were formed since the Mid/Late Pleistocene. Conclusions The phylogeographic history of red foxes is highly similar to that previously described for grey wolves and brown bears, indicating that climatic fluctuations and habitat changes since the Pleistocene had similar effects on these highly mobile generalist species. All three species originally diversified in Eurasia and later colonized North America and Japan. North American lineages persisted through the last glacial maximum south of the ice sheets, meeting more recent colonizers from Beringia during postglacial expansion into the northern Nearctic. Both brown bears and red foxes colonized Japan’s northern island Hokkaido at least three times, all lineages being most closely related to different mainland lineages. Red foxes, grey wolves, and brown bears thus represent an interesting case where species that occupy similar ecological niches also exhibit similar phylogeographic histories.
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DNA methylation is an epigenetic modification that plays an important role in the normal development and function of organisms. The level of DNA methylation is species-, tissue-, and organelle-specific, and the methylation pattern is determined during embryogenesis. DNA methylation has also been correlated with age. The aim of this study was to determine the global DNA methylation levels and their correlation with age in the chicken, using a Polish autosexing chicken breed, Polbar. A quantitative technique based on an immunoenzymatic assay was used for global DNA methylation analysis. The results show increased global DNA methylation levels with older Polbar embryos. Global DNA methylation levels decrease with the age of hens in the postembryonic stage. This study expands the current knowledge of the Polbar epigenome and the general knowledge of the function of epigenetic mechanisms in birds.
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Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) has been shown to be associated with fertility, growth, and development in cattle. The aim of this study was to (1) identify novel single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the bovine IGF-1 gene and alongside previously identified SNPs (2) determine their association with traits of economic importance in Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle. Nine novel SNPs were identified across a panel of 22 beef and dairy cattle by sequence analysis of the 5′ promoter, intronic, and 3′ regulatory regions, encompassing ~5 kb of IGF-1. Genotyping and associations with daughter performance for milk production, fertility, survival, and measures of body size were undertaken on 848 Holstein-Friesian AI sires. Using multiple regression analysis nominal associations (P < 0.05) were identified between six SNPs (four novel and two previously identified) and milk composition, survival, body condition score, and body size. The C allele of AF017143 a previously published SNP (C-512T) in the promoter region of IGF-1 predicted to introduce binding sites for transcription factors HSF1 and ZNF217 was associated (P < 0.05) with increased cow carcass weight (i.e., an indicator of mature cow size). Novel SNPs were identified in the 3′ region of IGF-1 were associated (P < 0.05) with functional survival and chest width. The remaining four SNPs, all located within introns of IGF-1 were associated (P < 0.05) with milk protein yield, milk fat yield, milk fat concentration, somatic cell score, carcass conformation, and carcass fat. Results of this study further demonstrate the multifaceted influences of IGF-1 on milk production and growth related traits in cattle.
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Sex chromosome differentiation began early during mammalian evolution. The karyotype of almost all placental mammals living today includes a pair of heterosomes: XX in females and XY in males. The genomes of different species may contain homologous synteny blocks indicating that they share a common ancestry. One of the tools used for their identification is the Zoo-FISH technique. The aim of the study was to determine whether sex chromosomes of some members of the Canidae family (the domestic dog, the red fox, the arctic fox, an interspecific hybrid: arctic fox x red fox and the Chinese raccoon dog) are evolutionarily conservative. Comparative cytogenetic analysis by Zoo-FISH using painting probes specific to domestic dog heterosomes was performed. The results show the presence of homologous synteny covering the entire structures of the X and the Y chromosomes. This suggests that sex chromosomes are conserved in the Canidae family. The data obtained through Zoo-FISH karyotype analysis append information obtained using other comparative genomics methods, giving a more complete depiction of genome evolution.
The aim of this study was to determine whether farming leads to changes in gastrointestinal function and nitrogen metabolism in farmed mink (FA), as compared with their wild-living counterparts. Three digestibility and balance trials were carried out. Experiment I was performed in May, and experiments II and III were conducted in September 2011. Farmed mink with the standard coat colour were purchased from a production farm in south-eastern Poland. Feral mink were harvested using cages in the hunting grounds of the Polish Hunting Association, Branch in Olsztyn. The experimental materials comprised of the following: trial I - adult males (eight animals per group), trial II - young females (six animals per group), trial III-young animals (five males and five females per group). Food transit time was measured during digestibility trials, on 10 consecutive days. The coefficients of nutrient and energy digestibility and daily nitrogen balance values were compared between groups in each experiment. It was found that farming contributed to changes in gastrointestinal function and nitrogen metabolism in mink. Farmed animals were characterized by a longer bowel transit time, a tendency towards higher nutrient digestibility and higher nitrogen retention, which resulted from selection for higher productivity.
Designing PCR and sequencing primers are essential activities for molecular biologists around the world. This chapter assumes acquaintance with the principles and practice of PCR, as outlined in, for example, refs. 1–4.