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How is the world going to change in the near future, say, the next five years? This question has several answers, each bearing a different nuance depending on the area of interest. As far as communication and communications are concerned, a few elements are extremely probable. In my opinion, in the following period we are going to witness at least seven major changes concerning human interaction: 1) Integrated electronic equipment will be employed; 2) Generalization of interconnection; 3) Diversification of available services and applications; 4) Widening and generalization of the field of cloud computing; 5) Generalized communication, through exchange of information and generation of content; 6) Communication will become a large field, as people will move on from exchange of information to exchange of services and products; 7) Rewriting the principles of ethics. All components are taken in view, from the interpersonal to the global one, including mass-media and social media.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 163 ( 2014 ) 36 – 43
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1877-0428 © 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer review under the responsibility of the West University of Timisoara.
doi: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.12.283
CESC 2013
The Future of Communication: from New Media to Postmedia
Lucian-Vasile Szabo
West University of Timisoara, Romania, Department of Philosophy and Science of Communication
How is the world going to change in the near future, say, the next five years? This question has several answers, each
bearing a different nuance depending on the area of interest. As far as communication and communications are concerned, a
few elements are extremely probable. In my opinion, in the following period we are going to witness at least seven major
changes concerning human interaction: 1) Integrated electronic equipment will be employed; 2) Generalization of
interconnection; 3) Diversification of available services and applications; 4) Widening and generalization of the field of
cloud computing; 5) Generalized communication, through exchange of information and generation of content; 6)
Communication will become a large field, as people will move on from exchange of information to exchange of services and
products; 7) Rewriting the principles of ethics. All components are taken in view, from the interpersonal to the global one,
including mass-media and social media.
© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
Peer review under the responsibility of the West University of Timisoara.
Keywords: new media, online, information, convergence, social media, surveillance, virtual communication
1. The future and its image
I believe that, in the near future, the following changes will be taking place in communication:
1) Integrated electronic equipment will be employed: the wide screen mobile phone and the tablet. Under
these circumstances, landline telephony will see its role diminished, almost coming to a halt. There will be
increasingly less usage for personal computers and laptops, even though the latter were still fashionable in 2013
everywhere in the world. The mobile phone and the tablet stand apart due to their reliability, high operability,
increased data storage capacity, various and complex functions, as well as the ability to run a high number of
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +40-735-788-929
E-mail address: e-mail:,
© 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer review under the responsibility of the West University of Timisoara.
Lucian-Vasile Szabo / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 163 ( 2014 ) 36 – 43
2) Generalization of interconnection. The spread of wireless connections and access to services provided by
satellites will become generalized, with costs dropping at the same time. The following years will bring
telephones and tablets with automatic Internet connection as a basic integrated service. It is going to be nearly
impossible to renounce this function, which will keep us constantly online. Communication will thus be
possible in almost any place and under any circumstances.
3) Diversification of available services and applications. The tablet and the mobile telephone will be used
both for communication proper, as well as for content creation. In this case, they will be used to edit, store,
process information, create communication products, modify and archive them. The new applications will prove
useful in surveillance and control processes, activity monitoring, elements that are essential in intelligence. The
area is wide; because there are already programs being developed that will boost the level of media and
technological integration. Health and education are top fields. Thus, the cell telephone and the tablet will be
taking x rays, also supplying the first clues on possible illnesses.
4) Widening and generalization of the field of cloud computing. Most people, some with poor training in
using computers and other electronic tools, will benefit from services and applications without needing to know
how they are built. These services and applications (from website hosting and the need for broad band, to using
mobile telephones for medical diagnosis) will be usable (some have already been accessible for a while now)
free of charge or for a fee (by buying or renting). Under these circumstances the online newsroom concept takes
shape, there no longer being a need for physical work space. The notion can be generalized, tracing information
from source to receiver, by typing, selecting and editing, in other fields, as well, such as education, public
relations and information services (intelligence).
5) Generalized communication, through exchange of information and generation of content. Technology
becomes easy to handle, so that all people, even those of average education, are able to realize high level
communicational products. It is an on-the-go professionalization, practicing for fun or as a means of production,
to earn one’s living. Differences will be erased between professionals and amateurs. Up to a certain level, i.e.
college level, all users will be to a great extent familiarized with these tools turned into a necessity.
6) Communication will become a large field, as people will move on from exchange of information to
exchange of services and products. Electronic trade will become dominant, and financial systems will
emphasize their dependence on informatics systems. Physical money (coins, bank notes and securities) will be
in less and less numbers, as payments and banks transfers will become dominant. The educational system will
benefit even more from the new services, which in the meantime will have become interactive and more
stimulating. Entertainment will also change as there will be a great pressure for such products, and visual
culture will itself become interactive.
7) Rewriting the principles of ethics. The erasure of the differences between professionals and non-
professional will also involve a change in deontological codes. Obviously, the Internet has to stay a free space
for the expression of thoughts, ideas and for promoting people, products, services and values. As we cannot
formulate specific limitations, as is the case with professional ethics, access and manifestation in the virtual
space will involve a return to the fundamental principles of ethics. There is a great deal of concern regarding
some aspects considered negative in the virtual space. Protection can be achieved, however not by establishing
control, but by resorting to existing legal instruments and by promoting moral values which would be accepted
by as many as possible. The rewriting of ethical codes has already begun.
In this context we are talking about the postmedia phenomenon. It defines the change from the classic mass
media to the new (digital) media, assimilating the facilities of fast communication and of tightening bonds, but
also the tensions emerged as a consequence of generated dangers, or simply from the pressures exerted by fast
changes. We are going through a time of accumulations, but on a postmodern background, of superficiality,
fickleness and permanent undermining of values, but also of contradictions generated by the helplessness or
lack of will to act, as well as violent actions of protest in favour of or against democracy. We are living in a
media culture which is no longer understood as one belonging to the elites, to indisputable preeminences, but
one of mass (popular culture, according to a coined term in the English language), a culture which seems to
offer unimaginable possibilities to exploit creativity and imagination, often undermining itself in lazy or strange,
incomprehensible experiments. Postmedia offer the framework for all these hesitations and certainties.
38 Lucian-Vasile Szabo / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 163 ( 2014 ) 36 – 43
2. Media: new or online?
Everything is media and anything can be propagated through the media. We are living in a society where
communication has become decisive, in that it is not only a linking tool, but an element which structures
society. Everything is placed under the sign of... totality, these being aspects identified by Altheide & Snow
(1991). Integration is explicit: “Today all institutions are media institutions. As more experiences are influenced
by media logic and discourse, our media is totally media”. What is surprising is that the statements of the two
authors were made a few years before the communication explosion in the Internet Era. The network would
come and simplify these forms of interaction and media structuring of the society. The suggestions formulated
by the two would be subsequently developed by other researchers. Among them, Peter Dahlgren (1996) would
add the technical dimension of media integration, beside the organizational one. An approach in the context of
new media explosion would be made by Deuze & Dimoudi (2002). Mark Deuze would approach the
characteristics of media logic by referring to the specialized field of journalistic communication. He would
estimate that integration, by what he called “convergence continuum”, would become a reality and a way of
work: “sooner or later all media organizations move towards a stage where integration of different parts of the
news-making process (including audio, video, text, images, graphics; but also marketing, cross-promotion,
sales, redistribution and inter-activity with publics) is achieved” Deuze (2007). It would even be signaled that
evolution towards integration is not linear, as some parts of the media organizations are slower. This is an idea
which can be extended to the whole society. Some organizations adapt more easily, by adopting the new
technologies, while others show a conservative spirit. Even states have different integration rhythms. It is not
necessarily an issue of choice. There are social, economic and administrative stakeholders who wish to become
part of the convergence trend, but lack the necessary resources for acquiring services and materials. It is a
delicate situation, also manifested on an individual level, because the new tools and technologies cost money.
Ian Hargreaves would use the expression ambient news to highlight the fact that, presently, we cohabit with
media products and are surrounded by them: “Today surrounds us like the air we breathe. Much of it is literally
ambient: displayed on computers, public billboards, trains, aircraft and mobile phones” (2003: 3)”. We place
ourselves in this network through the connections made, and contemporary existence and quality of living
depend to a great extent upon the utilities at hand (Szabo 2011, 40-41). Media content can be accessed with
relative ease, sometimes overwhelming us with the multitude of offers aimed at us, however it is difficult to
establish, under optimum circumstances, how many are useful and how many are harmful. This is an issue also
underlined by Bob Franklin: “But, paradoxically, because so much news is available, people are not always able
to discriminate between the good and the bad” (Franklin 2005, 16).
“What’s new about the new media?” was a question posed by Sonia Livingstone in 1999. The answer given
at the time placed technology at the centre of attention. Television, with its several channels available,
terrestrial, via satellite and cable, was at that time the pole of attraction. A second new sector had at its core the
computer, with games, Internet access, but especially through its opening to online trade (Livingstone 1999).
The two fields of development were possible by way of interaction. Thus, technological convergence was taking
place, which in turn favoured media convergence. A fundamental change was being reached in people’s homes,
through social convergence, undermining traditional ways of communication, so that the question now needs to
be reformulated: What’s new about the new media and in the social area? After more than a decade, the
landscape was almost unrecognizable. First mobile phones, then laptops, wireless technology and tablets
modified yet again the way we communicate. The TV set in the living room or bedroom, the computer in the
study or at work lost ground to the newcomers. It was a new face of convergence, bringing changes to the public
and private sectors, especially by the integration offered by social media. But what is presently the place of
mass media in this framework?
3. Challenges for journalists
Journalists use social media for two precise purposes: 1) promoting their own journalistic productions; 2)
gathering information, according to a recent study. However, if we look at the percentages we see reason for
Lucian-Vasile Szabo / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 163 ( 2014 ) 36 – 43
worrying: 84% of journalists use the opportunities offered by social media as sources of information and only
81% of it for publication. The data are presented in Social Journalism Study 2012, a report drawn up by Cision
& Canterbury Christ Church University (UK), which has the purpose of highlighting the impact of new
technologies on the work of journalists. It is a serious research, with respondents from Great Britain, but also
from other states with an advanced media market. 84% documentaries in social media leave very little space for
the other professional communication techniques. Another relevant change of rapport shows a decreasing trend
of the trust professionals have in the quality of social media products. While in 2011 33% appreciated the
quality of these products, in 2012 the level was of merely 24%. Explicably, young journalists are the most
active in this sector, qualifying themselves as cyberspace information “hunters”, as termed by the quoted study.
At this stage one needs to make an analysis of what is happening before the news reaches the printed page, or
the television or computer screen. Research of various types, applying the methods and tools of several sciences
(social and engineering) have brought forward relevant answers about how the world has changed under the
influence of mass media and what the consequences are in small communities or in the global village. However,
media communication changes even the way we perceive the exchange of information. Modifications take place
because there are important evolutions regarding the way of doing and understanding journalism. Bardoel &
Deuze (2001) would advance the expression new information in relation to the Internet and the offensive of
other new technologies. The new information has a polyvalent meaning here, because it expresses: 1) the
fundamental character of knowledge offered for the first time to the various categories of the public; 2) the
development and use of updated methods and techniques for the editing and dissemination of information, and
for its propagation throughout the media; 3) the multiplying of communication channels and the reconsidering
of some already existing ones, an operation carried out in the context of technological evolution.
Journalists generate the change, and the new communicational reality is also reflected upon them, causing
other evolutions. Challenges seem greater than at other times, as the multimedia implications are more obvious.
Following a few coordinates of the new status of journalists in the era of digital media we notice two important
traits of those who edit and process news: (1) the professionals of this genre are compelled to undergo a
overspecialization, becoming what is designated with an already existing term videojournalists or even
universal, integrated journalists; (2) the borders between professionals and outsiders of the citizen journalist
type tend to diminish, due to a specialization of the latter. At the same time, we notice the emergence of the
virtual editorial concept (online newsroom), as the old gathering place for reporters and editors becomes a mere
4. Social media and surveillance
There is also pressure coming from social networks, with their wide offer of blogs and portals, having a great
permeability between journalistic genres and a much higher subjectivism of approach and content. The future
will bring along yet another important change, already visible, by the fact that the equipment used will be
increasingly integrated, so that soon journalists will use the same equipment for everything they have to do. And
there’s a lot they have to do. The new multimedia tools are, however, available to the wide public, and various
people are presently involved in news production either for traditional media institutions or for the ones freshly
emerged in the electronic environment.
The new technologies also allow the intensification of the surveillance process. Development is seen in two
directions, which can become contradictory: (1) surveillance of the environment for the identification of
challenges and of those who make attempts to disrupt society and quiet, safe life; (2) use of data to induce
control of society, to determine a certain obedient social behaviour. In this context, the future of mass media
outlines itself in a thought-provoking and challenging way. The opening offered by digital media, translated
into the transmission speed of signals and the establishing of links between people, in large or smaller
communities, but animated by specific interests, requires an essential note to be made: the Internet is in itself
neither bad nor good, just as new media is (or should be) morally inert and impartial. In reality, the advantages
of instantaneous communication and of the possibility to establish contact, even over great distances, also
benefit those who wish to undermine judicial and social values, to exploit the new communicational
convergence in order to fulfill reprehensible purposes.
40 Lucian-Vasile Szabo / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 163 ( 2014 ) 36 – 43
We are mentioning here two of them: 1) cyberbullying, which translates as the exposure of children to subtle
or direct psychological attacks, often with sexual implications; 2) ideology-based violence, which can imply
terrorist, anarchistic attacks, meant to undermine democracy and the values of open societies. A recent study,
carried out by 13 American researchers, which is going to become one of reference regarding communication in
ideology-centered groups (often violent ideology), shows the way new communication possibilities facilitate
their activity and increase their cohesion: “The internet provides an outlet for these groups to spread messages
that are not typically socially acceptable or would not be welcomed on mainstream media outlets. Consequently,
the internet has quickly become the preferred method of communication for these groups” (Byrne et. al. 2013).
These activities come, most of them, to the attention of information services. The field of intelligence has
itself undergone significant mutations in the digital era. The challenges are numerous and real, especially after
the bloody attack of September 11th 2001 on the United States. Surveillance of cyberspace activity has
extended, has become more complex and has gained in depth. The Internet and multimedia allow intensification
and broadening of contacts within groups of criminal intent, but they also offer government agents more refined
methods of surveillance, which helps several threats, but not all, to be identified in time.
5. The terminological and technological offence
The investigated field, with focus on journalism, uses concepts typical of this area of practical evolution, but
also of research: new media, digital media, cybermedia, mobile media, multimedia, technomedia,
inter(net)media, global media, social media. Some have overlapping meanings, others designate various fields,
but with some junction points. Some designate rather the technical toolbox; others also include structuring
elements of some areas of human activity. It is, however, an evolution which cannot be separated from the
present’s media culture, from the moldings in the fields of scientific research and education. I am reiterating
here a (short) work definition for new media, following which I’ll lay down in context the analyses which give a
wholesome meaning, closer to reality. New media “includes online communities, social networking (e.g.
LinkedIn, friendster, Facebook), social bookmarking, blogging (including vlogging and microblogging), video
and photo sharing, mashups, wikis, podcasts, tagging, RSSfeeds, apps, interactive maps and other online based
tools” (Wolf & Archer 2012). In a paper on the fundamental concepts in the field of journalistic communication,
Hamer would paradoxically give a short definition, which would however prove adequate: This is a broad
communication concept which can refer to any of the following related terms: emerging digital technologies and
platforms; online journalism; and electronic and multimedia publishing (particularly on the Internet and world
wide web) (2005b, 160-161).
Mark Deuze (2004) would make a distinction between online journalism and multimedia journalism. For the
first term he would add synonymous formulae: cyberjournalism, e-journalism and internet journalism. For
multimedia he seems to reserve the field of technological convergence, where one acts with unique equipment,
but having multiple functions, capable of ensuring communication on several panels. The reference is to
existing or possible links, to channels, and not to media contents. Also, it can be understood as an integrated
form of presenting various contents. These can function independently or can be assembled into more ample
constructions, such as websites or even portals (large media and communication platforms). Online journalism
makes one think of a real time link between user and author. Contents are accessed as soon as they are posted,
which means there is a relationship, one facilitate by multimedia. Understanding things this way, we see that
multimedia can function as a part, as composing element, of online journalism. By analyzing the various
meanings given to multimedia, sometimes contradictory ones, as well as the contexts where it appears, Martin
Hamer seems to favour rather the manifestation of multimedia as hypermedia, but also as a possibility to
disseminate contents over networks: “Multimedia online news can also offer specific features such as
webcasting, can provide maps and diagrams, and polls, in addition to nurturing partnerships and resulting in
mergers between different media companies” (2005a, 156).
Lucian-Vasile Szabo / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 163 ( 2014 ) 36 – 43
6. The complex context of communication
Evolution is explosive, in the sense that the present is marked by a large sphere of challenges.
Communication becomes complex, being propagated throughout media to an ever larger extent. Paradoxically,
it is not a gain for journalism as a type of specialized communication, because in the era of digital media anyone
can be communicator, and professionalism becomes an option, not a necessity. Anything is transmitted,
although it is hard to believe that there is a public, as small as it may be for each content placed into the
electronic environment. However, perspective is important. There are virtual data in a dormant state, unsearched
by anyone. Sometimes, quite rarely, they may come to the attention of a larger public, being propelled by
mechanisms that are not very easy to understand. It is a paradox: there is a whole lot if data made public, but
also a lot of data which find no public, no users. Under these circumstances, it is clear that it does not suffice to
publish on a website, but one needs to ensure the elements which would make this content interesting for the
others. Increasingly, the Internet becomes a storage place (ever larger, of course), which is however mostly
filled with useless things.
A constant influence in this field comes from the new philosophical and thought investigation theories.
While most of us live in a communicational “bath”, subjected to influences and influencing in turn, at the
junction of radio and electromagnetic waves, it is equally true that the world is influenced by the results of
various epistemological surveys, but also by ideologies or influencing strategies. In this context, I bel ieve that
the manifestations of communication in correlation with new technologies call for an approach which would
also take into account the impact of theoretical thinking, in an ensemble identified with the term postmedia. As
can be seen from the enumeration of specific terms above, these took shape either in opposition or in agreement
with other dominating concepts in present day public debates. The mechanisms of change are not always
obvious and there probably is a complex of factors and influences which mark evolution. Bruun (2011)
formulated this issue as a question: “Is it systemic forces, for instance, technology, economy and competition, or
is it the change producing forces of human agency, for instance, creativity, artistic vision and imagination?” The
answer has to be an integrating one, to contextualize all the factors mentioned, but also others.
At the same time, we need a unifying term, capable of guiding us in the maze of these challenges and quick
changes. We use the name postmedia, which is defined in three areas of understanding: (1) New (digital) after
old media, the one before the Internet and mobile telephones; (2) New media (the one in the present) depending
on the generated effects and in confluence with the elements of the public and social spheres; (3) New media in
contemporaneity and the implications of the changes it brings about, which can be defined as a new
communicational ethics. All these aspects contextualize in the field of human existence and of challenges for
the future. Postmedia can offer elements for a correct anticipation of what will follow from the point of view of
what is typical of media, of integrating with social media, but also with political media, that liquid and pulsating
field where decisions are taken. Both information, as well as decisions in postmedia, can facilitate increasingly
easy access to direct sources of information, but can also imply an increase in control, by surveillance and
imposing rules of compliance. Not for a second must we omit the great discrepancy emerged, the challenge
between efforts for generalized access to information, even strategic ones, and the trend to turn them into
merchandise and trade them.
The exploring of these two media contexts mentioned above (what happens in journalistic activity before
publication and how technology is influencing this activity) is defined in relation to a particularly important
element in communicational space: the deadline. It remains a traditional pressure factor for professionals in
printed press editorial offices or for electronic publications with a set date of posting. There is a moment when
any given newspaper has to be printed, in order to arrive in time and meet the readers (Szabo 1999, 12). In the
case of electronic publications, the deadline is the moment until which all editorial operations have been
concluded, and the articles can be posted on sites or can be reproduced on various platforms in order to be
distributed through these.
42 Lucian-Vasile Szabo / Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 163 ( 2014 ) 36 – 43
7. The speed of information
One of the basic rules of media communication is the quick dissemination of new information obtained. A
quick review of the way this happens, from a historical point of view, gives us the context for adequate
understanding. When it was about events having a major impact on community life, newspapers printed special
editions. Thus, one did not wait around with the fresh news until the usual edition would be printed. Radios, and
later televisions, stood apart due to this very ability to quickly transmit new information. When ne ws is out of
the ordinary, the current programme is interrupted to give way to news. The heavy digitalization of
communication imposes a new kind of pressure on presenting news quickly. The strict framework of media
communication is overstepped, as media workers are compelled to specialize in connected fields in order to deal
with the informational flow and new professional challenges. It is the postmedia dimension, because several
traditional aspects of the way journalism is practiced disappear. There are periods of transition between the
various stages of evolution, but they are much faster than in the past, which allows us to speak of a balanced
The participants of the PR News Media Relations Next Practices Summit of December 2012 concurred
among other ideas regarding the evolution for 2013, that the deadline exigency has lost some of its importance,
so instead the always-on exigency was formulated (Pressfeed 2012). Always live implies a permanent link
between the reporter and the media institution, in order to transmit or post information. Ottosen & Krumsvik
(2012) retain some of the old formula, but suggest a new expression: continuous deadlines. However, changes
are profound depthwise, because the presenting of truly interesting news really means new ways of writing, and
upgrading classic techniques. Working on the field and the relationship with sources (face-to-face, by e-mail or
telephone) also becomes structured as a continuous state. We are not only online with the public, but also with
the suppliers of information. Thus, reporters are redefined as universal journalists. They discover the news
bearing potential, establish and maintain the relationship with the sources, edit texts, gather and process images,
then send everything to the editorial office (which can also be online) or post it themselves directly onto the
press institution’s site. The managers’ trend in media organizations is to select personnel capable of doing all
these operations (Deuze 2004). In editorial offices there has occurred an overlapping of tasks. The differences
between reporters, editors and other staff has blurred, all of them also undertaking technical tasks, which were
before not typical of them. There is a trend in this respect, of the journalist-of-all-trades: “In newsrooms the
focus is changing from working for a single medium towards a situation in which journalists are required to
produce news for several media platforms simultaneously” (Hermans & Vergeer 2009). It is a good thing up to
a certain point. Too great a diversification and the carrying out of operations in different fields can overload the
personnel, leading to a decrease in performance and poor results. Then again, it is obvious that certain jobs need
to be done by specialists, because a good journalist cannot be equally efficient as an operator, image editor and
newsroom director.
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... Social networks, with their extensive selection of blogs and portals, which have a high degree of subjectivism in their approaches and contents and tremendous permeability within journalistic genres, are another source of pressure. The employment of increasingly integrated technologies, which is now apparent, will bring about yet another significant development in the future, leading to the eventual usage of the same pieces of equipment by journalists for all tasks because they have a lot of work to do (14). ...
... In this setting, the future of mass media presents itself with a provocative and difficult appearance. An important point must be emphasized regarding the opportunity provided by digital media, which translates into the speed at which signals are transmitted and the creation of connections between people in large or small communities who are driven by interests (14). ...
... The living room or bedroom television (TV), the office computer, and the study computer all made way for the newcomers. It was a fresh take on convergence that altered both the public and private spheres, especially with the integration that social media provided (14). ...
In recent times, there has been a remarkable change in the world regarding how news and information are circulated through digital technologies. This article assessed the social relevance of mass communication in the digital communication era. This study was anchored on the technological determinism theory. A survey research design was adopted for data collection. A sample size of 385 was drawn at random from the population of 3,267,837. It was found that (66.8%) respondents said that mass communication is efficient in the digital communication era,(48.8%) respondents said that mass communication is effective because of their news localization in this digital communication era, (66.8%) respondents maintained that digital communication has influence in news reporting because of its global reach in this digital communication era, (27.6%) respondents said that mass communication has the pace for wide reach in this digital communication era, and (26.3%) respondents, which is the majority, said that digital technologies aid mass communication to carry out investigations in this digital communication era. Some of the recommendations are: Journalists should always be abreast of news events in society and not report stale news. Journalists should also get breaking news from social media and other digital or virtual-enabled platforms and carry out investigations for more details before reporting the news. Media houses should strive to employ staff with more skills on how to explore virtual or digital technologies to enable them to be updated with events.
... It also expresses the ability of some people to produce communication products without specialized training, and often having minimal experience in the field of communication. Obviously, social media facilitates this phenomenon (Szabo, 2014). ...
... Communication will thus be possible in almost any place and under any conditions. Interconnectedness will be possible at a low cost, by including a subscriptionbased package of services when purchasing equipment or by connecting to public networks, such as those in major cities or those dedicated to public institutions, even ministerial, being a good example (Szabo, 2014). ...
... The education system will benefit from new services even more, becoming interactive and more stimulating. Entertainment is also changing, with great pressure for such products, with visual culture also becoming interactive (Szabo, 2014). ...
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This study aims to make a synthetic theoretical presentation of the main challenges currently noticeable in the evolution of the mass media and social media in the context of the accelerated development of new technologies. It is a slow, but decided, visible change, one that profoundly affects human society. In this context we put forward the use of the post-media concept, which defines the transition from classical to new (digital) media, assimilating both the facilities of rapid communication and linking, as well as the tensions arising as a result of the dangers generated and the pressures exerted by various changes. The analysis covers the main types of convergence in communication, the integration of new technologies and equipment, the generalization of interconnection, the extension and diversification of handling arrangements, and the need to rewrite ethical and professional codes for the use of those working on digital platforms.
... As knowledge communication spreads through the media to an increasingly greater degree, it becomes more complex. By contrast, it does not benefit journalism as a specialized form of communication, because in the age of digital media, everyone can communicate, and professionalism is no longer a need but an option [10]. Despite professional educator, anyone who has the passion of a specific field of knowledge can deliver the videos and text online, breaking the boundaries of knowledge communication. ...
... Secondly, the content of knowledge is open for everyone, including knowledge producers and audiences. Everyone can understand the knowledge from different perspectives and put them on social media to share with other people, even though maybe there are some mistakes in the content.The subject and the recipient of knowledge communication have flexible identities during that process, and the audience, acting as knowledge producers, gains knowledge and applies personal experience to engage in the critical and comprehensive construction of knowledge, thereby creating collective wisdom [10]. ...
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As an important public information in human society, knowledge is related to the inheritance of civilization and social progress. With the fast development of communications technology and the emergence of social media, the media that dominates society is also constantly changing. The changes in media have had a profound impact on the communication of current knowledge, which is often stored in various media, deconstructing and fragmenting the content of knowledge. This study mainly analyzes the behaviors of knowledge communication on current social media from the perspectives of Needs and Gratification Theory and Visibility Theory, discussing the underlying causes and future development. Within the burgeoning realm of social media, people can express their personalized needs and different opinions, and anyone with different interests can create their own virtual knowledge community to communicate and share all kinds of knowledge with others. Besides, the emergence of information cocoons has also become an undeniable issue, and how to face and solve this new problem has become an important topic, and it is crucial to rethink and explore the ways knowledge is communicated in today's society.
... With digitization, reading, a common interaction between people and media, has profoundly changed. The so-called new media relies on digital means to communicate (Szabo, 2014). Its platform refers to the online media platform where users could browse mass information shared by other users (Zhuang et al., 2023). ...
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People tend to obtain information through fragmented reading. However, this behavior itself might lead to distraction and affect cognitive ability. To address it, it is necessary to understand how fragmented reading behavior influences readers’ attention switching. In this study, the researchers first collected online news that had 6 theme words and 60 sentences to compose the experimental material, then defined the degree of text dissimilarity, used to measure the degree of attention switching based on the differences in text content, and conducted an EEG experiment based on P200. The results showed that even after reading the fragmented text content with the same overall content, people in subsequent cognitive tasks had more working memory capacity, lower working memory load, and less negative impact on cognitive ability with the text content with lower text dissimilarity. Additionally, attention switching caused by differences in concept or working memory representation of text content might be the key factor affecting cognitive ability in fragmented reading behavior. The findings disclosed the relation between cognitive ability and fragmented reading and attention switching, opening a new perspective on the method of text dissimilarity. This study provides some references on how to reduce the negative impact of fragmented reading on cognitive ability on new media platforms.
... It must be acknowledged that the coming of these communication devices and applications have enhanced the structuring of the society thereby ensuring that the world becomes compact and complex. It is believed that, it has also influenced society's way of reasoning and way of life (Szabo, 2014). ...
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Behaviour on social media sites need to be clearly defined so that students would know the clear distinction between the acceptable and unacceptable acts they are supposed to exhibit whenever they get on social media platforms. With the adoption of the survey approach, this study randomly selected 204 students from two renowned universities in Ghana to participate in the study. Using the theory of Technological Determinism, the results of this study indicated that technology has the power to influence human behaviour in a positive and negative manner. The results also brought out the acceptable and unacceptable behaviour that should or should not be exhibited on social media sites by students. The study established the importance of the theory of Technological Determinism to media use. It also gave a vivid description of what is right and not right on social media sites.
... Now is the era of online media, and in the future, world of communication will be changed, and one of the new players who will dominate is integrated smart electronic devices [1]. For now, in the context of mass communication, online media is the answer. ...
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Wattpad platform has reached a significant number of users in Turkey as well as in the world. Therefore, books written in Turkish on Wattpad are essential reference sources for researchers to determine the transformation and development of Turkish and popular literature in the digital environment. The tags are keywords assigned by the author and contain valuable information about the general characteristics of a book. The browse categories when sorted by hot listing option, give a popularity ranking of a category at the current time. Tags enable the readers to discover the book more easily and provides the book to be ranked on top of the popularity rankings. In this study, from the tags that are obtained from the top 10 books of popularity rankings of a 13-year-old user profile, it is aimed to analyze the subjects of interest of adolescent readers, their choices and the quality of the Turkish books that appeal to them. The tags are classified and it was determined that the most used tags among the classified groups were related to the genre of the story, the subject of the story, and the K-pop culture, respectively. This shows the effect of K-pop culture in Turkish books on Wattpad. It is also seen that words related to kinship and affinity names, professions and occupational names, media and social media communication tools, mature themes, venues, supernatural, and mythological elements, Watty Awards, gender and age, religions, personal, physical and age characteristics of protagonists, and reign are used as tags.
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This article summarises findings from a research project on the digitisation of Norwegian newsrooms, analysing trends in the industry and changes in user-habits. Findings suggest that most journalists are positive about the digitisation of the newsroom but fear that cutbacks in staff will prevent them from exploiting the potential of the new technology. They also fear that too much focus on technical skills will leave less space for critical journalism. Findings also suggest a correlation between resources used to develop the online edition and the perceived ethical standards of the content. More online journalism leads to a higher degree of scepticism among the readers. There are two different justifications for using resources on the online edition. Some newspaper executives hope to use the online edition to recruit new readers to the paper edition while another group hopes to develop the breadth of market service through a portfolio of publishing platforms.
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This contribution will take the developments in journalism on the Internet as the starting point for a discussion about the changing face of journalism in general. The key characteristics of journalism on the Net - convergence, interactivity, customisation of content and hypertextuality - put together with the widespread use and availability of new technological ‘tools of the trade’ are putting all genres and types of journalism to the test. The outcome seems to suggest a turn towards what the authors of this article call 'network journalism’; the convergence between the core competences and functions of journalists and the civic potential of online journalism.
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This article reports the findings of a nationwide web-based survey of so-called digital or, rather, online journalists. The survey results indicate basic, occupational and professional characteristics of online journalists working for broadcast and print media as well as online-only media. It focuses, in particular, on the question of whether it is too early to be able to determine the specifics of the new professional model of online journalism, following the proposition that the developments on the internet in terms of journalism – and more specifically, news on the world-wide web – have led to the formation of internet journalism as a separate model within the profession of journalism as a whole. One of the main conclusions from this study is that a distinct media logic for online journalists is emerging, the main characteristic of which seems to be empowering audiences as active participants in the daily news.
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Convergence, media cross‐ownership and multimedia newsrooms are becoming increasingly part of the vocabulary of contemporary journalism—in practice, education, as well as research. The literature exploring multimedia is expanding rapidly but it is clear that it means many different things to different people. Research into what multimedia in news work means for journalism and journalists is proliferating. In this paper the social and cultural context of multimedia in journalism, its meaning for contemporary newsrooms and media organizations, and its current (emerging) practices in Europe and the United States are analyzed. The goal: to answer the question in what ways “multimedia” impacts upon the practice and self‐perception of journalists, and how this process in turn shapes and influences the emergence of a professional identity of multimedia journalism. This paper offers an analysis of the professional and academic literature in Europe and the United States, using the concept of media logic as a theoretical framework
The SAGE Key Concepts series provide students with accessible and authoritative knowledge of the essential topics in a variety of disciplines. Cross-referenced throughout, the format encourages critical evaluation through understanding. Written by experienced and respected academics, the books are indispensable study aids and guides to comprehension. Key Concepts in Journalism offers a systematic and accessible introduction to the terms, processes, and effects of journalism;a combination of practical considerations with theoretical issues; and further reading suggestions. The authors bring an enormous range of experience in newspaper and broadcast journalism, at national and regional level, as well as their teaching expertise. This book will be essential reading for students in journalism, and an invaluable reference tool for their professional careers. © Bob Franklin, Martin Hamer, Mark Hanna, Marie Kinsey and John E. Richardson 2005.
How do we explain changes in media genres? Are they the result of economic, technological or other kinds of structural forces; or are they the result of the change-producing agency of the media producers? And how are changes in media texts connected to contextual conditions for media production on micro-, meso- or macro levels? This article suggests that a theoretical approach using a pragmatic and socio-cognitive understanding of genre will help us to address these questions. This approach can highlight the interplay between human agency and different kinds of structural forces involved in specific professional media production cultures. Furthermore, it has the potential to integrate media texts and especially the micro- and meso levels of production. Using lessons learned and findings from my recent production study of Danish television satire, the article will argue three major methodological as well as knowledge-producing advantages of a genre approach.
The concept of media logic, a theoretical framework for explaining the relationship between mass media and culture, was first introduced in Altheide and Snow's influential work, "Media Logic. "In "Media Worlds in the Postjournalism Era, "the authors expand their analysis of how organizational considerations promote a distinctive media logic, which in turn is conductive to a media culture. They trace the ethnography of that media culture, including the knowledge, techniques, and assumptions that encourage media professionals to acquire particular cognitive and evaluative criteria and thereby present events primarily for the media's own ends. Case studies and examples of the mass media presentation of entertainment, news, politics, organized religion, and sports during the past twenty years illustrate how scheduling, sources of information, style, format, and professional awards influence how the world is portrayed in the various media. The authors analyze the influence of media logic on society's perceptions and judgments of issues and its impact on public opinion, culture, and social institutions.
This study examined and compared the websites of ideological groups from a communications and media use perspective. Thirty‐six websites with message boards categorized as either violent ideological, nonviolent ideological, or nonviolent nonideological were content coded for several distinguishing characteristics. The results indicated that group type was predicted by the type of information presented, the difficulty of becoming a member, and the amount of freedom members had on discussion boards. These findings suggest that characteristics of violent ideological group websites can be used to distinguish them from websites of both nonviolent ideological and nonideological groups. This study also provides a demonstration of a research methodology that can be used to naturally observe ideological groups via an online setting.
This study set out to explore the current usage and knowledge of new media as a public relations tool and channel amongst practising public relations consultants in Australia. The research was motivated by a nationwide benchmarking study by de Bussy and Wolf (2009), which concluded that new media was an extremely low priority for Australian public relations practitioners. Taking into account the speed of change associated with new media adoption, the authors examine whether these findings are still true today. This study takes a qualitative approach, based on a critical analysis of semi-structured interviews with Western Australia (WA) based Registered Consultancy Group (RCG) members of the Public Relations Institute of Australia (PRIA) (n=7). Findings suggest a cautious attitude towards the benefits of new media amongst RCG consultants. This is largely based on the assertion that the dynamics of basic communication principles and theories have not changed and that there is consequently no perceived pressure to move into the new media sphere half heartedly.