The work discusses the peculiarities of the formation and application of knowledge in the human
community and in the world of modern artificial intelligence systems. It is shown that the knowledge of
civilization has a certain uncertainty caused by the very nature of scientific research, which gives rise to
doubts, provokes revisions and corrections. The growing variety of assessments and solutions to existing
problems is due not only to this circumstance, but also to a greater extent to the stratification of society by
levels of education and intelligence. Intellectuals found themselves in the minority in conditions of access to
information networks of marginals, who suddenly became bold and began to create many new ideas and
generate ideas that clearly looked pseudoscientific and even mystical. Therefore, most decisions and actions
are, at best, not always correct, illogical and short-sighted in modern society, diluted by marginals that
emerged from informational nothingness. It is important to note that artificial intelligence systems, in
particular neural networks trained on the results of such diverse human activity, rely on numerous options of
not always strict approaches and ambiguous decisions of people collected on the Internet. These artificial
intelligence systems create even more extensive scenarios of approaches and solutions, confusing and
demoralizing users to a much greater extent. Therefore, a system of verification of solutions of artificial
intelligence systems is needed, based on developed arrays of knowledge and laws that have already been
tested and agreed upon in the scientific environment. It is no longer enough to form united opinions of
scientific groups, as in the past, because few people hear their voices, and often do not want to hear them.
The growing diversity of people's opinions and the conclusions of artificial intelligence structures affect the
development of not only science, but to a greater extent, education. The modern education system, due to
informational noise and the difficulty of mastering new knowledge and technologies, is displacing
fundamental knowledge. Education in the modern era is limited to learning the skills to use devices and
technologies, focusing on training, albeit advanced, consumers. Therefore, there are voices in favor of
transferring fundamental education, which is the basis of the intellectual and technological development of
civilization, to classical universities.
Key words: use of knowledge, humanity and artificial intelligence systems, amplification of information noise,
dispersion of approaches and solutions, the role of fundamental knowled