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Ground Motion Record Selection Based on Broadband Spectral Compatibility


Abstract and Figures

The increasing interest in performance-based earthquake engineering has promoted research on the improvement of hazard-consistent seismic input definition and on advanced criteria for strong motion record selection to perform nonlinear time history analyses. Within the ongoing research activities to improve the representation of seismic actions and to develop tools as a support for engineering practice, this study addresses the selection of displacement-spectrum-compatible real ground motions, with special reference to Italy. This involved (1) the definition of specific target displacement spectra for Italian sites, constrained-both at long and short periods-by results of probabilistic seismic hazard analyses; (2) the compilation of a high-quality strong ground motion database; and (3) the development of a software tool for computer-aided displacement-based record selection. Application examples show that sets of unscaled, or lightly scaled, accelerograms with limited record-to-record spectral variability can also easily be obtained when a broadband spectral compatibility is required.
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Ground Motion Record Selection Based on
Broadband Spectral Compatibility
Chiara Smerzini,a) Carmine Galasso,b) M.EERI, Iunio Iervolino,b) and
Roberto Paoluccia)
The increasing interest in performance-based earthquake engineering has pro-
moted research on the improvement of hazard-consistent seismic input definition
and on advanced criteria for strong motion record selection to perform nonlinear
time history analyses. Within the ongoing research activities to improve the repre-
sentation of seismic actions and to develop tools as a support for engineering
practice, this study addresses the selection of displacement-spectrum-compatible
real ground motions, with special reference to Italy. This involved (1) the defini-
tion of specific target displacement spectra for Italian sites, constrainedboth at
long and short periodsby results of probabilistic seismic hazard analyses;
(2) the compilation of a high-quality strong ground motion database; and (3)
the development of a software tool for computer-aided displacement-based record
selection. Application examples show that sets of unscaled, or lightly scaled,
accelerograms with limited record-to-record spectral variability can also easily
be obtained when a broadband spectral compatibility is required. [DOI:
Performance-based approaches to seismic design and assessment, together with the ever-
increasing availability of high-quality digital strong ground motion (GM) records, have
raised research interest in improved criteria for the selection and scaling of waveforms to
perform nonlinear dynamic analyses of structures.
For example, the ASCE/SEI 7-10 Standard (ASCE 2010), recommends that input ground
motions for linear and nonlinear seismic analyses of structures shall be selected from actual
recorded events having magnitude, fault distance, and source mechanism that are consistent
with those that control the maximum considered earthquake :::. The ground motions shall be
scaled such that the average value of the 5%damped response spectra for the suite of motions
is not less than the design response spectrum for the site for periods ranging from 0.2 Tto
1.5 Twhere Tis the fundamental period of the structure in the fundamental mode for the
direction of response being analyzed.The latter requirement recognizes that spectral com-
patibility should be enforced in a period range large enough to account for the sensitivity of
nonlinear structural response to spectral ordinates at periods larger than the fundamental one,
and to the higher modescontribution at shorter periods. Particularly, the importance to con-
strain not only the spectral ordinate at the fundamental period of the structure, but the
Earthquake Spectra, Volume 30, No. 4, pages 14271448, November 2014; © 2014, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy
response spectral shape itself in a sufficiently large period range has been remarked by sev-
eral authors (e.g., Baker and Cornell 2006,Haselton et al. 2009,Bojorquez and Iervolino
2011). Particularly, ground motion selection based on conditional spectrathat is, the con-
ditional mean spectrum (Baker 2011) and the conditional spectrum (Jayaram et al. 2011)
has gained a growing relevance, although its applicability is still disputed for cases where
large nonlinear effects and/or participation of higher modes in structural response may affect
the choice of the conditioning period. Recently, the U.S. National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) funded a project to improve guidance to the earthquake engineering pro-
fession for selecting and scaling earthquake ground motions for the purpose of nonlinear
response-history analyses in performance-based seismic engineering (NIST 2011).
Requirement for broadband compatibility, including long periods, may be especially
important for specific classes of earthquake engineering applications among which: (1) seis-
mic design approaches relying on a proper definition of spectral displacements at long per-
iods, such as the direct displacement-based design method (e.g., Priestley et al. 2007),
(2) dynamic analyses involving nonlinear soil-structure interaction effects, such as for the
seismic response of underground structures, or for soil stability assessment. In the latter appli-
cations, the response is not dominated by the inertial properties of the structure around its
natural vibration periods, but by the spectral characteristics of the ground motion itself in a
wide frequency range. Furthermore, results of numerical simulations of the dynamic response
may be significantly affected by the long-period noise of input ground motion, especially
when dealing with records from analog instruments, with potential non-physical drifts of
the velocity and displacement time series (e.g., Foti and Paolucci 2012). As a matter of
fact, long-period noise on recorded ground motions has traditionally limited the reliability
of response spectral ordinates for structural periods up to a maximum of 34s.
To address these limitations, in the last decade a significant effort has been made toward a
better characterization of long-period ground motion for seismic design (Faccioli et al. 2004),
by taking advantage of the ever-increasing number of high quality digital GM records from
worldwide earthquakes. A common objection to the determination of long-period spectral
ordinates from digital GM records, is that appropriate displacement traces cannot be gener-
ally retrieved upon simple double integration of the uncorrected accelerations and that high-
pass filtering is typically required. An answer to this objection has been given by a growing
number of recent studies, starting with Boore (2001), which have shown that long-period
spectral ordinates of digital accelerograms depend only weakly on the adopted baseline cor-
rection procedures, in opposition to the dramatic effect of those operations on the displace-
ment waveforms. Even more pervasive, with respect to this issue, is the evidence, pointed out
by Wang et al. (2007) and by Paolucci et al. (2008), that spectral ordinates, calculated from
co-located GM and broadband records, coincide up to at least 10 s.
Advances to assess the reliability of long-period response spectral ordinates have sup-
ported the calibration of up-to-date empirical ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs)
extending to long periods (Cauzzi and Faccioli 2008), the improved quantification of site
effects (Figini and Paolucci 2009), and the formulation of new seismic hazard maps at
long periods in Italy (Faccioli and Villani 2009).
Research activities for an improved determination of seismic input at long periods con-
tinued recently with a collaboration among the authors of this study, to combine, on one side,
the expertise on long-period ground motion characterization with earthquake record selection
for engineering applications on the other side. The starting point was a software tool, REXEL
(Iervolino et al. 2010), which enables the selection of suites of multi-component ground
motions compatible with either code-based or user-defined pseudo-acceleration response
spectra. Spectrum compatibility will be referred to hereafter as the condition for which
the average response spectrum of the selected set of records approaches the target spectrum
within a prescribed tolerance level, and scatter of individual spectra with respect to the target
spectrum is limited as much as possible1. To achieve the goal of spectral compatibility at long
periods, two basic ingredients were introduced: (1) a target spectrum suitable up to long
periods, constrained by results of short-period and long-period probabilistic seismic hazard
analyses (PSHA) in Italy; (2) a strong GM database consisting of high-quality accelerograms,
covering, in a way as homogeneous as possible, the magnitude, distance range, and site con-
ditions of interest for Italian sites. In fact, the psuedo-spectral rule, that is, the simple multi-
plication of the acceleration spectrum, Sa,byðT2πÞ2, where Tis the vibration period, to
obtain displacement spectral ordinates, Sd, may not provide accurate results if the target spec-
trum has not been properly constrained at long periods. On the other hand, the use of accel-
erograms with an insufficient signal-to-noise ratio at long periods precludes the success of the
The first part of this paper illustrates the substantial differences among several seismic
regulations, in terms of elastic design spectra at long periods, which may have consequences
when such spectra are used as targets for GM selection. Afterward, the following topics are
addressed: a hazard-based target displacement spectrum for Italian sites; a specifically devel-
oped GM database; and the REXEL-DISP software, in which the previous two ingredients
are implemented together with a search engine. Finally, the application examples provide a
key to the second objective of this research, that is, showing that the combination of an
appropriate target spectrum both at short and long periods, together with a high-quality data-
base, allows one to achieve consistent spectrum compatibility of selected GM records in a
broad period range, either in terms of accelerations or displacements. Although such results
are obtained for the Italian context, the approach presented in this paper has a general value
and may easily be applied to other parts of the world, provided that PSHA studies at long
periods are available.
This section reviews the specifications of seismic actions at long periods according to
four international seismic codes: Eurocode, or EC8 (CEN 2004); the Italian Building code, or
NTC08 (CS.LL.PP. 2008); the U.S. seismic provisions ASCE 7-10 (ASCE 2010), and the
New Zealand seismic standards, or NZS 1170 (NZS 2004). Results will be compared in terms
of displacement spectra, which are more suitable to highlight differences at long periods. For
all these codes, displacement spectra are defined (at least up to a certain corner period) by
1This is because two different sets, equivalent in terms of average spectral fit, can still provide very different results
in the estimate of seismic response, depending on the record-to-record variability with respect to the target
spectrum (e.g., Iervolino et al. 2010).
converting the corresponding elastic acceleration design spectra through the pseudo-spectral
relationship mentioned in the introduction.
The key feature that controls the shape and amplitude of the spectrum at long periods is
the corner period, TD, denoting the beginning of the maximum spectral displacement plateau
(MSD; see Figure 1), which was determined in the previously mentioned codes according to
different criteria. In particular, in NZS 1170, a constant value TD¼3.0 s is defined, regard-
less of the seismic hazard associated with the selected site. Similar to NZS 1170, EC8 defines
a constant value of TD, but an indirect dependence on magnitude is introduced by assigning
TD¼2.0 s for the Type 1 spectrum (i.e., seismic hazard associated with earthquakes of
surface-wave magnitude MS5.5) and TD¼1.2 s for Type 2 (MS<5.5). In NTC08,
the corner period TD(equal to agg·4þ1.6) is made dependent on the maximum ground
acceleration at rock (ag), the latter being related to the return period under consideration
through the PSHA results (Montaldo et al. 2007). Finally, the ASCE 7-10 guidelines define
the long-period branch of the response spectra by providing maps of the long-period transi-
tion period TL(equivalent to TD), as illustrated in Figure 1b, as a function of the modal
magnitude (Md) of each region, determined by disaggregation of PSHA for probability
of exceedence of 2%in 50 years at T¼2s (Crouse et al. 2006). Mapped values of TL
for the conterminous United States show a large variability, ranging from 4 s (for Mdin
the 6.06.5 range) up to 16 s (Mdin the 8.08.5 range). As a final remark, it is worth noting
that in all these codes, TD(or TL) does not depend on site conditions.
With regard to the features of the displacement spectrum for periods beyond TD(or TL),
while NZS 1170 and ASCE 7-10 assume the spectral displacement to be constant with period
(see Figure 1b), understanding that beyond TDthe spectral ordinate approaches the peak
ground displacement, EC8 and NTC08 limit the application of the pseudo-spectral rule
up to a corner period, TE, ranging between 4.5 s and 6.0 s, as a function of the ground cate-
gory. Beyond TE, a linear decreasing branch of the spectrum is defined, up to the control
period TF¼10 s, beyond which the spectral displacement tends to have a constant value
(dmax, as depicted in Figure 1a). The latter is computed in both EC8 and NTC08 by the
following relationship:
EQ-TARGET;temp:intralink-;e1;41;274dmax ¼0.025agSTCTD¼0.025amaxTCTD(1)
Figure 1. Elastic displacement design spectral shape according to (a) the Italian Building Code
and Eurocode 8 and (b) the New Zealand and U.S. standards.
where amax (equal to agtimes S) is the design peak ground acceleration, Sis the soil ampli-
fication factor and TCis the control period marking the start of the constant velocity branch of
the design spectrum. Thus, Equation 1explicitly, albeit rather arbitrarily, constrains the long-
period spectral ordinates to the short-period ones (i.e., amax and TC) and to the corner period
TD. A consequence of such constraint is that the ratio MSDdmax is equal to the ratio
MSAamax,MSA being the maximum response spectral acceleration. This ratio is 2.5 accord-
ing to EC8, while NTC08 denotes it by F0and provides its values, based on the results of
short-period PSHA at a national scale.
To illustrate the effect of the previous assumptions on design spectra, Figure 2shows
(a) the spectral elastic accelerations and (b) displacements for an arbitrary site on similar
ground types, either B (for NTC08 and EC8) or C (for NZS 1170 and ASCE 7-10). For
the purpose of comparison, the design spectra are anchored to the same value of maximum
ground acceleration on rock, ag¼0.30 g. This results in a hazard factor Z¼0.30 g for NZS
1170 and spectral accelerations SS¼1.125 g and S1¼0.4 g, at 0.2 s and 1.0 s, respectively,
for ASCE 7-10, which serve to define the design spectra in these codes. While spectral accel-
erations appear to be relatively close, differences are much clearer in terms of spectral dis-
placements at long periods, mainly because of the heterogeneous criteria for the definition of
the corner period TD. Even if such differences may not be relevant for specification of seismic
actions for design, unless periods larger than about 3 s are of interest, the consequences in
terms of ground motion selection may be more important, since it is clear that records
approaching the ASCE 7-10 displacement spectrum at long periods will correspond in gen-
eral to a different magnitude level than those approaching the EC8 or NTC08 spectra.
To provide a rationale framework for the characterization of long-period ground
motion for design, Faccioli and Villani (2009) illustrated a novel representation of
Figure 2. Elastic design acceleration (a) and displacement (b) spectra according to the Italian,
European, New Zealand and U.S. seismic codes for 475-yr return period on ground category B
(for NTC08 and EC8) and C (for NZ 1170 and ASCE 7-10). The spectra are anchored to the value
of peak ground acceleration on exposed bedrock agequal to 0.30 g.
long-period seismic hazard for Italy, based on the findings of the S5-Project Seismic
Input in Terms of Expected Spectral Displacements,funded by the Department of
Civil Protection from 2005 to 2007. This study produced new probabilistic seismic hazard
maps for Italy in terms of horizontal displacement response spectral ordinates in a wide
range of vibration periods, from 0.05 s up to 20 s, taking advantage, on one side, of the
broadband ground motion attenuation relationship developed by Cauzzi and Faccioli
(2008) and, on the other side, of the criteria for the reliability of long-period response
spectral ordinates from digital data introduced by Paolucci et al. (2008).2
Specifically, this work provided, throughout the Italian territory and for all local muni-
cipalities, mapped values of the 5%damped displacement response spectral ordinates (16th,
50th, and 84th percentiles), for T¼2s, 5 s, 10 s and for the return periods: TR¼72 yr,
475 yr and 975 yr. Based on these results, Faccioli and Villani (2009) proposed a simplified
bilinear approximation for the displacement response spectra on exposed rock, defined as
D10 T>TD
where D10 is the displacement response spectral ordinate at T¼10 s and TDis the corner
period separating the constant displacement branch of the spectrum from the constant velo-
city one. The latter is computed as follows:
TPSV (3)
where PSV denotes the pseudo-velocity response spectrum, obtained from the uniform hazard
(UH) displacement spectra using the pseudo-spectral approximation rule.
As underlined by the authors of the hazard assessment, the bilinear approximation of
Equation 2cannot be used to estimate the seismic actions in terms of acceleration at
short periods via the pseudo-spectral relationship, as it would not lead in general to spectral
ordinates compatible with those prescribed by the current seismic code.
A Target Displacement Spectrum for Italian Sites (TDSI)
To satisfy the short-period prescriptions of the NTC08, on one side, and, on the
other side, the results of long-period PSHA from Project S5, the following target
displacement spectrum for Italy, referred to as TDSI hereafter (see Figure 3), is
2This hazard study is not yet implemented in NTC08, which is currently based on PSHA at short periods.
D10 and TDare defined in Equations 3and 4, based on the mapped values of long-
period PSHA (Faccioli and Villani 2009).
agis the design ground acceleration on rock for a given return period;
F0¼MSAamax,Sand Ccare the soil factors as a function of ground type; TC,
TE,TFare corner periods; and ηis the damping correction factor (η¼1for 5%
viscous damping). All the previous parameters are defined according to NTC08.
ÞlogðTCTDÞis the factor introduced to ensure matching between
the short- and long-period branches of the proposed spectral shape (see dotted line in
Figure 3). Values of αfor Italy range approximately between 0.85 and 1.4, the lar-
gest values being typically found in low-seismicity regions, while regions of high
seismicity are characterized by values close or slightly less than unity.
F¼ð800VS30 Þ0.375VS30 being the site shear wave velocity averaged over the
top 30 metersis the site factor for long periods, as obtained in the framework
of Project S5 (Cauzzi et al. 2007).
Figure 3. Target displacement spectrum for Italy (TDSI, see Equation 4) in the (a) short- and
(b) long-period range, based on the results of the PSHA at long periods developed by Faccioli and
Villani (2009). Representation in the short-period range (left side) is given in terms of spectral
Since the results of the long-period PSHA are given for three return periods alone (i.e.,
TR¼72 yr, 475 yr, 975 yr) values of D10 and TDas a function of the return period TRare
computed through a linear interpolation of logarithms. Note that due to the poor dependence
of TDon the return period, as emerged from the seismic hazard studies, a constant value of TD
was assumed at all sites for simplicitys sake. For the computation of the long-period site
factor F, the average values of VS30 within the variability range of each site class have been
considered, namely: VS30 ¼800 msfor site class A (F¼1.0); VS30 ¼580 msfor class B
(F¼1.13); VS30 ¼270 msfor classes C and E (F¼1.5); VS30 ¼140 msfor class
The key features of the proposed TSDI target spectrum can be summarized as follows:
The maximum spectral displacement plateau MSD for periods TDTTEthe
latter being inherited from NTC08 (i.e., TE¼4.5 s for ground type A, TE¼5.0 s
for ground type B, and TE¼6.0 s for other soil classes)and the constant spectral
displacement dmax, reached at periods TTF¼10 s, are calculated based on the
long-period PSHA of Project S5.
To match the NTC08 spectra when site factors are accounted for, we have consid-
ered the same site factor SCc, as in the NTC08, between TCand TE, while the
long-period site factor Ffrom Project S5 was adopted for periods TTF; for inter-
mediate periods, a linear variation of the site factor was assumed.
The MSDdmax ratio is equal to SCcF, thus leading rock sites (soil class A) to a
constant displacement branch (SCcF¼1) for periods beyond TD, while leading
other soil classes to a more gentle decay of spectral displacements between TEand
TFwith respect to NTC08 (since in general, SCcF<F0).
To highlight the effects of different assumptions on site factors, Figure 4shows the ratio
between the spectral ordinates for soil class C and those for soil class A, computed according
to the NTC08 design spectrum (black thick line) and to the TDSI of Equation 4(gray dotted
line). Up to TE, the spectral amplification factors coming from NTC08 and from Equation 4
are the same, while for T>TE, the spectral amplification factor in Equation 4decreases
linearly until it reaches the value of Fat the corner period TF.
Figure 5shows the comparison between the NTC08 design displacement spectrum (black
line) and the TDSI (dotted gray line) for the return period TR¼475 yr both on ground type A
Figure 4. Ratio of the spectral ordinates for soil class C with respect to soil class A, according to
NTC08 (black line) and to the proposed representation, TDSI (gray dashed line).
(Figure 5a) and C (Figure 5b), at LAquila, central Italy (top panel) and at Udine, northeastern
Italy (bottom panel). A general feature highlighted by this example is that for high seismicity
regions in Italy, such as LAquila, the spectral ordinates at long periods are generally
underestimated by the NTC08 design spectrum with respect to the TDSI, while, for low-
to-medium seismic regions, such as Udine, they may be significantly overestimated by
the NTC08, especially in terms of MSD. As remarked previously, the decay of spectral ordi-
nates for periods between TEand TFis much more pronounced in the code spectra than
observed in the TDSI.
After introducing the target spectrum for displacement-based seismic analyses in Italy,
the second step is the compilation of the strong GM database, mainly consisting of digital
recordings suitable for displacement-based applications.
The SIMBAD database (Selected Input Motions for displacement-Based Assessment and
Design) was created by assembling records from different strong ground motion databases
worldwide, with the main objective of providing records of engineering relevance for the
Figure 5. Comparison of the displacement response spectra coming from NTC08 (black
line) and from this work, TDSI (gray dashed line), for 475-yr return period, at two represen-
tative sites, namely LAquila (top panel) and Udine (bottom panel), on ground types (a) A
and (b) C.
most frequent design conditions in Italy. For this reason, only records from shallow crustal
earthquakes, at epicentral distance Repi approximately less than 35 km, with moment
magnitude, MW, ranging from 5 to 7.3, were considered. These are the conditions generally
governing seismic hazard throughout Italy, for most return periods of practical interest.
For the scope of this study, the selected records should be accurate at long periods. In fact,
most records (about 90%) included in the database are from digital instruments, while a lim-
ited number of analog records was retained, typically from large magnitude earthquakes, for
which a good signal to noise ratio at long periods could be achieved.
In general, raw acceleration time histories were processed according to the procedure
devised by Paolucci et al. (2011) and applied to the ITalian ACcelerometric Archive
(ITACA, One of the features of the aforementioned procedure is
that single and double integration of processed acceleration records provides velocity and
displacement waveforms without non-physical baseline trends, and no further correction
is required. For each record, the same filter band was selected and applied to the three spatial
components. Except for a few exceptions, records were included in SIMBAD only if the
high-pass filter frequency was not larger than 0.15 Hz.
Only for the ground motions derived from ITACA or from U.S. providers (the PEER,
CESMD, and NSMP databases; see Table 1), processed records were included in SIMBAD
as disseminated by the data provider, without reprocessing raw records.
Table 1. Source of strong ground motion records included in the SIMBAD database
Country # records Data provider
Japan 220 K-NETa
Italy 83 ITalian ACcelerometric Archive ITACAb1
Department of Civil Protectionb2
New Zealand 77 Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences: GNSc
United States 44 Center for Engineering Strong Ground Motion Data: CESMDd
PEER Strong Motion Databasee
U.S. Geological Survey National Strong Motion Project: NSMPf
Europe 18 European Strong-Motion Data Base: ESMDg
Turkey 15 Turkish National Strong Motion Project: T-NSMPh
Greece 7 Institute of Engineering Seismology and Earthquake Engineeringi
Iran 3 Iran Strong Motion Network ISMNj
A further requirement for records to be included in SIMBAD is the availability of VS30 at
the recording station. We retained records only for some cases where the ground classifica-
tion according to the EC8 (or, equivalently, NTC08) was available, even without direct VS30
Table 1provides a list of the worldwide ground motion networks used for assembling the
SIMBAD database. Most records come from the Japanese strong motion networks K-NET
and KiK-net of the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention
(NIED), which provide a valuable source of high-quality digital data, with detailed informa-
tion on subsoil conditions.
The metadata associated to the waveforms included in the SIMBAD database are
organized into three main sections related to: (1) earthquake: event name and date, area,
MW, focal mechanism, event latitude and longitude, focal depth, fault solutions (when
available); (2) station: station code and name, station latitude and longitude, elevation,
site class according to EC8, VS30 measurements, type of instrument, analog/digital recorder,
data source; (3) record: Repi (other source-to-site distance metrics are included when
available), low- and high-cut filter values and type of filter used for record processing.
Sites were classified into five ground categories according to the European and Italian seis-
mic norms: A (VS30 800 ms), B (360 VS30 <800 ms), C (180 VS30 <360 ms), D
(VS30 <180 ms) and E (site C or D with thickness smaller than 20 m over rigid rock).
The SIMBAD database presently consists of 467 three-component acceleration time his-
tories from 130 earthquakes worldwide. Most records come from Japan (47%), Italy (18%),
New Zealand (17%), and United States (9%), with minor contributions from Greece, Turkey,
Iran, and other European countries (9%), as shown in Figure 6. In the selection of records
for the database, priority was given to achieve an approximately uniform distribution in the
Figure 6. Distribution MW,Repi (left panel) and MW,Rhy (right panel), with indication of the
geographical origin of the records included in SIMBAD. Repi and Rhy denote the epicentral and
hypocentral distance, respectively.
magnitude and distance ranges defined in the previous section, while an extension of the
database to cover a wider range of magnitude and source-to-site distance, as well as specific
near-fault conditions, such as directivity and fault mechanisms, was considered secondary
and then was not explicitly addressed. Inclusion of new records in the database aims presently
at filling in the less represented regions, in terms of magnitude, distance, and site conditions.
The latter point is probably the most critical issue, since most records are representative of
soils B (44%) and C (43%), while only a few of them are registered on rock (8%), or soft soils
D(4%) and E (1%), as depicted in Figure 7.
As pointed out in the previous section, significant discrepancies exist among different
seismic codes worldwide in the criteria used to define the corner period TDand its depen-
dence on magnitude and site conditions. The main differences are summarized in Table 2.
Because this is relevant to the selection of displacement spectrumcompatible GM record
sets, the corner periods, as estimated on the SIMBAD database, are investigated in this sec-
tion. To this end, the median horizontal displacement response spectra of the SIMBAD
records have been computed for different equally spaced magnitude ranges, namely
MW¼5.05.4, 5.55.9, 6.06.4, 6.56.9. Records have been grouped according only
to ground categories B and C of the EC8, due to the scarcity of records belonging to
soil classes A, D, and E (see Figure 7). For each magnitude range, the corner period TD
marking the beginning of the constant displacement branch of the spectrum is evaluated
using Equation 3, where D10 is approximated here by the average spectral displacement
in the period range 510 s.
Figure 8illustrates the median horizontal (geometric mean of the two horizontal
components) displacement response spectra of the SIMBAD records as a function of the
soil conditions (soil class B, left-hand side, and C, right-hand side) for the four magnitude
ranges under consideration. On each plot of Figure 8, the bilinear approximation for the
median displacement spectrum, computed according to Equation 3, is also superimposed
Figure 7. Distribution MW,Repi (left panel), and MW,Rhy (right panel) with indication of the
ground category (EC8-NTC08 soil classification) of the records included in SIMBAD.
(thin line). TDis found to vary from about 0.60 s in the 5.05.4 magnitude range, up to about
2.1 s for MW¼6.5 6.9, with a slight dependence on site conditions.
Based on the summary of Table 2, it is interesting to clarify the reasons, on one side, of
the relatively good agreement of these results with the EC8 provisions, that is, TD¼1.2 s for
low-seismicity regions in Europe (M<5.5) and TD¼2.0 s for high-seismicity regions
(M5.5), and, on the other side, the mismatch with respect to the Italian code NTC08
and the proposed target spectrum TDSI (Equation 4). As a matter of fact, while the EC8
spectra are mainly based on the envelope of observed spectral shapes from GM records,
the Italian spectra derive either from the UH spectra proposed for the Italian territory
(Montaldo et al. 2007), in the case of NTC08, or from the PSHA at long periods introduced
by Faccioli and Villani (2009), in the case of the TDSI spectrum. Therefore, since the UH
spectra are a combination of different earthquake sourceseither small-magnitude and short-
distance or large-magnitude and long-distancetypically in the short- and long-period
ranges, respectively, TDfrom UH spectra typically tends to be larger than the corresponding
value calculated from GM records.
Finally, it emerges from Figure 8(bottom panel) that the median spectral displacements
of SIMBAD records are in good agreement with the corresponding median from the GMPE
by Cauzzi and Faccioli (2008), confirming that the database is unbiased.
The availability of a high-quality digital strong motions database, along with target spec-
tra constrained both at short and long periods, may allow a more rational GM record selection
for engineering applications. To this aim, a user-friendly software, REXEL-DISP (Figure 9),
based on the same core algorithms of REXEL (Iervolino et al. 2010) and REXELite
(Iervolino et al. 2011), was developed. Although the basic features of REXEL are described
in the aforementioned papers, a brief discussion herein is still worthwhile because significant
enhancements in the interface and options are now available with respect to what was
described in former publications.
REXEL-DISP has been freely available at since January 2012. The
software allows one to select combinations of (multi-component) horizontal accelerograms
Table 2. Range of variability of the corner period TDaccording to
selected seismic norms worldwide and the proposed TDSI (Equation 4)
Displacement spectrum Range of variability of TD
EC8 1.2 s, for M<5.5; 2.0 s, for M5.5
NTC08 Ranging from about 1.8 s (for agg¼0.05) to 2.8 s
(for agg¼0.30)
NZS 1170 3.0 s
ASCE 7-10 Ranging from about 4 s (for M¼6.06.5) to 16 s
(for M¼8.08.5)
TDSI 3.7 s median value, σ¼1.4s
whose average response spectrum is compatible with a target displacement spectrum in
an arbitrary period range. The record search is carried out such that the response spectral
shape of individual records is as similar as possible to the target one in the same period
Spectrum-compatible record set selection is based on four main steps:
1. The first is the definition the target spectrum; the latter may be: TDSI for Italy, the
design spectra according to NTC08 and EC8, or an arbitrarily defined one (typically
a UH spectrum entered by the user).
2. The second step, to be followed only in case of the TDSI and the NTC08, is the
definition of additional input parameters, namely, geographical coordinates of the
site, latitude and longitude in decimal degrees, Site Class (according to NTC08/EC8
classification), Topography Category (as in NTC08/EC8), Nominal Life,Functional
Type, and Limit State. These parameters are required to calculate the elastic design
spectrum according to these codes.
3. The third step involves the definition of the bins in which the software will search
for spectrum-compatible sets. In fact, the software allows one to search for records
Figure 8. Median horizontal (geometric mean) displacement response spectra of the SIMBAD
records as a function of soil conditions according to EC8-NTC08 ((a): soil type B; (b): soil type C)
for four different magnitude ranges. Top panel: the superimposed thin lines denote the bilinear
approximation used for the determination of the corner period TD(see labels indicated by the
arrows). Bottom panel: comparison with the median spectrum as predicted by the GMPE of
Cauzzi and Faccioli (2008) for representative values of magnitude and hypocentral distance
(Rhy ¼18 km).
within SIMBAD belonging to the same site class of the target spectrum, or to any
site class (i.e., recordings from different site conditions may fit the target spectrum
and be selected). Moreover, the user may select records corresponding to prescribed
magnitude and source-to-site distance intervals, or to selected ranges of several GM
intensity measures. Once the selection options are defined, the software returns the
number of records, along with the corresponding number of events, available in the
SIMBAD database.
4. The spectra returned by the preliminary search in Step 3, are then used by REXEL-
DISP to find suites of records (of sizes 1, 7, or 30), whose average response spec-
trum is compatible with the target one in an arbitrary period range, ½T1;T2, between
0 s and 10 s. Spectral compatibility is ensured within a tolerance band defined by the
user (upper and lower tolerances to be provided); for example, 0%lower tolerance
should be set to ensure that the average spectrum is not lower than the target one, as
specified by the ASCE 710 recommendations quoted previously.
The sets of compatible records may consist either of single-component or of pairs of
horizontal component accelerograms. In the latter case, the software will return 14 (from
7 recording stations) or 60 (from 30 recording stations) records time histories to be used,
for example, for the analysis of three-dimensional structures.
It is worth underlining that to select spectrum-compatible records, the software analyzes
all possible combinations of spectra identified in the preliminary search (Step 3) and checks
whether each combination approachesin an average sense and within the assigned
tolerancesthe target spectrum.
Site definition and
structural code
selection (Italian,
European, or S5).
Limit state
definition for
construction,or be
user defined
spectrum input.
Target spectrum
and compatibility
Definition of
range of periods
where the
average of the set
has to match the
target spectrum
and matching
Selection of
search for one set
only or for
multiple sets, and
search for original
or amplitude-
scaled records.
Choice of set
size: one, seven
or thirty muti-
Choice of how many horizontal components should have each record in the set.
Definition of bins
of interest in
terms of source,
intensity, and site
Output management and secondary options
Figure 9. Graphic user interface of REXEL-DISP and main required information or record selec-
tion options.
An especially important feature of REXEL and REXEL-DISP is that the list of records
determined in Step 3 is sorted in ascending order with respect to the following parameter:
where Sd;jðTiÞdenotes the spectral ordinate of record jat period Ti,Sd;target ðTiÞis the value of
the displacement target spectrum at the same period, and Nis the number of periods within
the considered range. The parameter δjin Equation 5 measures the deviation of the spectrum
of an individual record from the target one. Preliminary ordering ensures that the first com-
binations found are those with the smallest individual scattering with respect to the target
spectrum (i.e., Iervolino et al. 2008). In fact, the Im feeling lucky option can be used to stop
the analysis as soon as the first combination is found, which is expected to be one of the best
record sets according to this criterion.
REXEL-DISP allows one to obtain sets of either unscaled or scaled accelerograms
compatible with the target spectrum. When the scaling option is chosen, a search for
spectrum-compatible scaled record sets is carried out in terms of non-dimensional values,
by normalizing both record and target spectra by the corresponding value at 10 s. When
a combination is found, the normalization factor is returned to the user as the scale factor
for the specific record in the set and is applied uniformly to all spectral ordinates (i.e., linear
scaling). In this case, it is also possible to specify the maximum mean scale factor (SF)
allowed, and the software will discard combinations with an average SF larger than that
Quality measures for the output record sets may be derived from Equation 5. Indeed, δavg
is introduced as a measure of average spectrum matching by replacing the spectral ordinate of
individual spectra with that of the average spectrum of the output combination, while δmax is
defined as the largest value from Equation 5among those computed for all records in a given
combination. Therefore, the former is a measure of average spectral goodness of fit, while the
latter is a measure of record-to-record variability within a combination (Iervolino et al. 2010).
As for other REXEL software, complementing functions of REXEL-DISP are related to:
visualization of results; the return of selected waveforms, spectra, and metadata to the user;
repetition of the search excluding an undesired waveform from an output combination; or
visualization of acceleration spectra compatibility for the selected set. Applications in the
next section will show how, in fact, this software may render record displacement-based
records selection feasible and practice-ready.
Some applications for representative Italian sites are presented hereafter to clarify the
performance of ground motion selection, depending on the selected target spectrum, on
the seismicity level of the site of interest and on the period range bounds.
As a first example, REXEL-DISP is used to select seven horizontal ground motions com-
patible either with the NTC08 design spectrum or with the TDSI (Equation 4). Reference is
made to the city of LAquila for a return period TR¼475 yr, soil class B, and no topography
special conditions. Selection criteria involve a broadband spectrum compatibility in the per-
iod range from T1¼0.5 s to T2¼8s, with 20%lower and 20%upper tolerance. It is worth
underlining that no scaling factor is introduced, and no specific magnitude and distance inter-
val, nor site class, have been specified.
With the above parameters, the software returns the best suites of seven accelerograms
compatible with the NTC08 spectrum and with the TDSI presented in Figures 10a and
10b, respectively. A reasonable agreement is found between the average displacement spec-
trum and the NTC08 spectrum, resulting in a maximum spectral deviation δmax of the indi-
vidual accelerograms limited to less than 30%and an average spectral deviation δavg of
around 10%, even in case no scaling factors are applied to the selected records. However,
the response spectral ordinates of selected records divert significantly from the decreasing
branch of the design spectrum, starting from 5 s.
The agreement with selected records improves when considering the TDSI (Figure 10b),
with a reduced scatter of the mean spectrum (δavg 6%). Furthermore, it is noted that the
target spectral shape fits the trend of spectral ordinates of GM records, especially beyond 5 s,
much better. This is a common finding for all considered Italian sites, confirming that the
sharply decreasing trend proposed both by the EC8 and by the NTC08 spectra is not suitable
for long periods, as already pointed out by Faccioli et al. (2004).
Figure 10. Displacement response spectra, at 5%damping, of the set of 7 unscaled horizontal
ground motions compatible with the NTC08 design spectrum (a) and the TDSI of Equation 4
(b) for the reference site of LAquila (soil class B) and for TR¼475 yr. The thin solid lines
represent the individual displacement response spectra of the selected accelerograms, the
thick black line denotes the average spectrum of the output combination, while the thick
gray line indicates the target displacement spectrum along with the corresponding lower and
upper tolerances (dashed gray lines). The vertical dashed lines denote the range of periods
where spectral compatibility of the average is ensured.
To evaluate the influence of the level of seismicity on the ground motion selection pro-
cedure, the Udine site is considered, which is characterized by lower hazard with respect to
LAquila. The selected target spectrum is TDSI, while the other parameters are the same as in
the previous search. The output combination returned by the software at LAquila and Udine
are compared in Figures 11a and 11b, respectively. A good agreement is achieved in Udine as
well, leading to values of δavg and δmax of about 9%and 28%, respectively.
It is worth noting that the average moment magnitude and epicentral distance of the out-
put suite of strong motion records is about 6.6 and 12 km in LAquila and about 6.5 and
20 km in Udine. These values are in good agreement with the disaggregation results at both
sites obtained by the long-period PSHA analyses (M. Villani, pers. comm.), namely modal M
in the range 6.46.7 and Rof 10 km (LAquila), 6.26.5 and 20 km (Udine). Note that such
an agreement has been obtained with unscaled records and with no specification of the mag-
nitude and distance range. Therefore, it turns out, as a major achievement, that GM record
selection based on displacement-spectrum compatibility tends to naturally fit the proper mag-
nitude and distance ranges, provided that the target spectrum at long periods is constrained by
a suitable seismic hazard analysis.
In this example, the proposed approach is explored, considering different period ranges
where spectral compatibility is ensured. For this purpose, we consider the same example at
LAquila (class B) for the TDSI (TR¼475 yr) and compare the results using three different
period ranges, namely, (a) T¼[0.5, 3] s, (b) [0.5, 8] s, and (c) [0.15, 10] s, with a upper and
lower tolerance of 20%. The results are illustrated in Figure 12, not only in terms of dis-
placement response spectra (left-hand side), but in terms of acceleration spectra as well
(right-hand side). By examination of these results, some interesting comments can be derived
on the use of the software:
Figure 11. Output combinations of real ground motions compatible with the TDSI for
TR¼475 yr at LAquila (a) and at Udine (b).
Restricting the period range of spectrum compatibility improves the search perfor-
mance in the selected range, but returns a set of accelerograms with large variability
at longer (and shorter) periods, thus involving a reduced homogeneity of the suite in
terms of magnitude.
Extending the period range to include short periods involves a moderate decrease of
search performance in terms of maximum error (δavg ¼8%and δmax ¼40%), but it
allows one to achieve a broadband spectrum compatibility, without scaling the
ground motion records.
In the framework of ongoing research activities to improve the representation of
the seismic action in Italy, this study addressed the selection of displacement-spectrum com-
patible earthquake ground motions from real accelerograms. The following tasks were
Figure 12. Displacement (left-hand side) and acceleration (right-hand side) response spectra of
the record sets compatible with the TDSI (TR¼475 yr) for an ideal site in the city of LAquila
considering three different ranges of vibration periods: (a) T¼0.53s, (b) T¼0.58s, and
(c) T¼0.1510 s. For clarity in the right panel only the average spectrum of the selected accel-
erograms is shown along with the target spectrum.
After comparing the provisions from several seismic codes worldwide, target design
spectra for Italian sites (TDSI), tailored to fit results of PSHA both at short and long
periods, were proposed.
A high-quality strong-motion database, SIMBAD, was set up, consisting of digital
recordings from shallow crustal earthquakes with epicentral distances of less than
about 30 km, with the purpose of covering as homogenously as possible the mag-
nitude and distance ranges of interest for seismic hazard at Italian sites.
The REXEL-DISP software was developed, as a byproduct of REXEL, and spe-
cifically featured to search for displacement-spectrum compatible records from
the SIMBAD database.
Application examples at some representative Italian sites suggest that the combination of
(i) a target spectrum calibrated both at long and short periods from seismic hazard studies and
(ii) a digital strong-motion database covering in a relatively homogeneous way the ranges of
magnitude, distance and site conditions which dominate seismic hazard, together with the
search engine implemented in the REXEL-DISP software, allow in most cases to obtain sets
of unscaled, or lightly scaled, records sets closely approaching the target spectrum in a broad
period range. Furthermore, the magnitude and distance ranges of the selected records are
consistent with the seismicity levels deduced from the hazard disaggregation study. This
means that such selected records may be used with a similar level of confidence, either
in terms of acceleration or of displacement spectrum, for a variety of applications, where
constraining compatibility of records within a limited period range may not be satisfactory,
such as for nonlinear time history analyses of structures with large participation factors of
higher modes, for nonlinear dynamic soil-structure interaction problems, and for seismic soil
stability studies.
Finally, it is noted that this approach was applied to Italian sites; however, it can be easily
extended to any other site for which a reliable definition of long-period ground motion for
seismic design is available.
This work was funded by the Italian Department of Civil Protection and by the Rete dei
Laboratori Universitari di Ingegneria Sismica (ReLUIS) in the framework of the DPC-
RELUIS Research Programme (20102013). The authors are grateful to Manuela Villani
for providing results in terms of disaggregation of the long-period PSHA for Italy. The
authors acknowledge the providers of the records used to construct the SIMBAD database,
listed in Table 1, for continuous support to maintain and disseminate to researchers world-
wide such a wealth of high-quality information, which is crucial for progress in earthquake
engineering. Remarks by three anonymous reviewers helped to significantly improve the
quality of the paper.
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... For this reason, we have produced a BMSE map, extended to the Italian territory for different values of return period, that may be implemented on current tools of record selection from existing databases (such as the REXELweb application [28] installed in the Italian [29] and European strong motion databases [30]). As an example of the performance of the BMSE for ground motion record selection, Fig. 8 shows the 475 years UHS at L'Aquila (in black), compared with the related BMSE (in red), together with the response spectra of 7 unscaled records, selected from the SIMBAD dataset [31], for their average spectrum (in blue) to approach the UHS within a prescribed tolerance. In such selection, no constrain is put on the (M w -R) values, but as expected, the resulting average (M w -R) values (last row of the table in Fig. 8) are very close to those provided by the BMSE, with no need of record scaling. ...
... 475 years UHS in L'Aquila (black line, from Ref.[16]) compared to the corresponding BMSE (red line) and to the average spectrum (blue line) of the seven accelerograms selected from SIMBAD v06[31] (colored lines); the corresponding event, record, magnitude (M w ) and epicentral distance (R epi ) are shown in the table on the right. ...
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With a target of ease-of-use for input ground motion selection, in this paper we explore a solution consisting of the Best Matching Scenario Earthquake (BMSE), defined by the magnitude-distance (M w-R) pair with median ground motion that best approximates the uniform hazard spectrum at a given site in a broad period range. This evaluation is constrained by the compatibility with the assumptions behind the probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA), i.e., the considered (M w-R) pairs and the ground motion models (GMM) for the BMSE search should be compatible with the earthquake sources and the GMMs considered in the PSHA. After introducing the BMSE for several Italian sites, and after discussing the case of multiple BMSE from different seismic zones, a comprehensive application to the Italian territory is provided, according to the current official seismic hazard model of Italy. Furthermore, we introduce some comparisons with alternative formulations, such as with disaggregation, as well as with the so-called "strong earthquakes", in order to explore the link between the BMSE and such approaches, with a special concern on the role of the epsilon parameter. Finally, an example of selection of input motions based on the BMSE is illustrated, showing that, with the selected (M w-R) pair, it is possible to obtain real input ground motions approaching the UHS in a broad period range and with no scaling factors, thus preserving their physical nature.
... To do so, natural (i.e. recorded) ground motions are selected from the SIMBAD database ("selected input motions for displacement-based assessment and design", Smerzini et al. 2014). According to Gentile and Galasso (2020), the 3-component 467 records in the database are ranked based on the geometric mean of the peak ground acceleration (PGA) values of the two horizontal components, and then keeping the horizontal component with the largest PGA value. ...
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In earthquake-prone areas, structures not compliant with modern design codes significantly contribute to seismic risk. Therefore, risk mitigation strategies (e.g., seismic retrofit) should be employed to reduce the expected economic and human losses. This paper introduces a procedure for the design of retrofit solutions for reinforced concrete (RC) frame buildings to achieve - rather than be bounded by - a desired target level of earthquake-induced loss for a given site-specific seismic hazard profile. The presented methodology is “direct” because the designer and/or client can set a loss target in the first step of the procedure and no design iterations are virtually required. Direct loss-based seismic retrofit (DLBR) relies on a simplified loss assessment methodology enabled by a surrogate probabilistic seismic demand model. This defines the probability distribution of seismic deformation demand of single degree of freedom (SDoF) systems conditioned on different shaking intensity levels. The proposed design methodology enables designers to account for risk/loss-based considerations from the conceptual/preliminary design phase, thus facilitating the choice among different retrofit solutions. Starting from two under-designed case-study buildings, four illustrative applications of the procedure are provided. They involve considering different economic expected annual loss targets and different retrofit solutions involving the addition of RC walls and RC column jacketing. Benchmark loss estimates are calculated using non-linear time-history analyses of refined, multi-degree-of-freedom models showing satisfactory results: the simplified loss estimate introduces an overestimation maximum equal to 15.4% among the four illustrative applications.
... Manfredi et al. [72] derived the accelerogram sets by using a purposely defined tool that allows the selection from a large database [74] of recorded ground motions based on user-defined matching criteria and target spectra. To this purpose, they have selected eight Italian code-conforming spectra having return period values ranging from 50 to 10,000 yrs. ...
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This paper presents damage fragility curves derived through an analytical approach for reinforced concrete building classes representative of the existing Italian building stock. Fragility curves are generated by adopting a fully probabilistic framework that relies on a cloud-based approach employing real ground motion records and allows accounting and propagating the main sources of uncertainty. The seismic performance of masonry-infilled reinforced concrete frames is estimated via nonlinear time-history analyses performed via a simplified multi-degree-of-freedom model named STICK, in which the behavior of the frame is concentrated at the storey level. Thanks to the versatility of the adopted analytical model and its reduced computational burden, the effect of the main uncertainties that are typically neglected or only partially considered during the generation of analytical fragility curves is accounted for within the framework. Specifically, the inter-building, intra-building, and record-to-record variabilities, as well as variability related to the definition of the building damage level are explicitly considered. Fragility curves are developed for Damage States compatible with the EMS98 scale as a function of the peak ground acceleration for building classes defined adopting as main attributes the number of storeys, the age of construction, the design level, and the typology of infill panels. The proposed fragility curves are also compared with existing empirical ones showing a good agreement that confirms the validity of the proposed framework.
... Using spectrum-compatible ground motions also reduces the dispersion of the structural response of the structure. For this paper, we selected 6 spectrum-compatible ground motions using the software REXEL (Smerzini et al. 2014) and REXELweb (Sgobba et al. 2021). Figure 3 shows the target spectrum used for the selection along with the spectra of the selected records. ...
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Seismic events worldwide have shown that school buildings can exhibit vulnerability levels even higher than ordinary buildings. This highlights the urgent need for reliable risk analyses to guide decision-making in the implementation of large-scale mitigation policies. Developing seismic fragility curves that accurately reflect their typological and structural features is essential to achieve this. In this context, the paper compares two different mechanical-analytical methods, namely the “DBV-Masonry” and “Firstep-M_PRO”, which have been independently developed at the University of Genoa and at the University of Trieste, respectively. Among various possible methods, the mechanical-analytical approach is chosen for its computational efficiency in assessing large portfolios and its flexibility in capturing the features of specific buildings, such as schools (i.e. significant inter-story height and spacing between internal transversal walls). Both methods are applied to the same sample consisting of 101 unreinforced masonry (URM) schools located in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region (Italy). One of key-goals of the paper is to provide a very comprehensive comparison of the similarities and differences between two methods for deriving seismic fragility curves which refer only to the global in-plane response. The impact of such an epistemic model uncertainty, together with the inter-building variability, is thus quantified and fragility curves are also validated against results from previous studies.
Reinforced concrete (RC) frames with masonry infills represent a prevalent construction typology across the globe, including moderate to high seismic regions. Such structures are often characterized by high seismic vulnerability, and consequently, there is an urgent need for retrofit solutions to effectively improve their seismic performance. Buckling‐restrained braces (BRBs) represent one such solution. They are a type of dissipative device that can be included within the frames of an existing structure to increase its strength, stiffness, and energy dissipation capacity. Although a substantial amount of research has already been performed to understand the effectiveness of BRBs as a retrofit strategy, these studies have often neglected the contribution of masonry infills and the interactions between the infills and the BRBs. While masonry infills are usually overlooked in the analysis and design stage (owing to their brittle nature), past studies indicated that their strength and stiffness may significantly alter the structure's seismic performance, leading to undesirable and unexpected results. This study presents a detailed investigation of the impact of masonry infills on the seismic response and fragility of BRB‐retrofitted RC frames. A three‐story, three‐bay, low‐ductile RC frame has been selected for case study purposes. High‐fidelity finite element models are developed in OpenSees for combinations of infilled and non‐infilled structures—with and without BRBs. Nonlinear static and dynamic analyses are performed to evaluate the seismic response of the different configurations at local and global levels. Successively, cloud analyses are conducted by considering a set of 150 ground motion records to account for the record‐to‐record variability and develop seismic fragility curves. The present study sheds some light on the mutual interaction between the infill panels and BRBs retrofit intervention and highlights the critical aspects that must be considered in the design.
This paper proposes a procedure to design low‐rise base‐isolated structures achieving a specific target level of earthquake‐induced loss (e.g., dollars, downtime) while complying with a predefined minimum level of structural reliability. The procedure is “direct” since the target loss is specified at the first step of the process, and virtually no design iterations are required. Direct loss‐based design (DLBD) is enabled by a simplified loss assessment module involving: (1) surrogate probabilistic seismic demand models representing the probability distribution of peak horizontal displacements and accelerations on top of the isolation layer conditional on different ground‐motion intensity levels; (2) approximations of the superstructure response; (3) simplified consequence models for isolation system and superstructure based on damage‐to‐loss ratios (economic loss or repair time); (4) simplified consequence models for acceleration‐ and drift‐sensitive non‐structural components, based on storey loss functions of a potential inventory of components. Given some basic geometrical parameters of the superstructure, DLBD provides the isolation system's force‐displacement curve and the required superstructure's strength complying with a selected loss target. The members' structural detailing follows the principles of direct displacement‐based design, sectional analysis, and the general theory of base isolation. The procedure is illustrated by designing six reinforced concrete wall buildings (two‐, three‐, and four‐storeys) base isolated with lead rubber bearings, to achieve predefined targets of expected repair time. Repair time is benchmarked against a more refined method adopting a cloud‐based non‐linear time history analysis, finding a maximum underestimation of 17%, thus confirming the dependability of DLBD. Such error is almost entirely attributable to the simplified estimation of peak floor accelerations, and it could be potentially eliminated by refining such estimation.
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The concept of designing structures to achieve a specified performance limit state defined by strain or drift limits was first introduced, in New Zealand, in 1993. Over the following years, and in particular the past five years, an intense coordinated research effort has been underway in Europe and the USA to develop the concept to the stage where it is a viable and logical alternative to current force-based code approaches. Different structural systems including frames, cantilever and coupled walls, dual systems, bridges, wharves, timber structures and seismically isolated structures have been considered in a series of coordinated research programs. Aspects relating to characterization of seismic input for displacement-based design, and to structural representation for design verification using time-history analysis have also received special attention. This paper summarizes the general design approach, the background research, and some of the more controversial issues identified in a book, currently in press, summarizing the design procedure. perceived in terms of simple mass-proportional lateral forces, resisted by elastic structural action. In the 1940's and 50's the influence of structural period in modifying the intensity of the inertia forces started to be incorporated into structural design, but structural analysis was still based on elastic structural response. Ductility considerations were introduced in the 1960's and 70's as a consequence of the experimental and empirical evidence that well- detailed structures could survive levels of ground shaking capable of inducing inertia forces many times larger than those predicted by elastic analysis. Predicted performance came to be assessed by ultimate strength considerations, using force levels reduced from the elastic values by somewhat arbitrary force-reduction factors, that differed markedly between the design codes of different seismically-active countries. Gradually this lead to a further realization, in the 1980's and 90's that strength was important, but only in that it helped to reduce displacements or strains, which can be directly related to damage potential, and that the proper definition of structural vulnerability should hence be related to deformations, not strength. This realization has lead to the development of a large number of alternative seismic design philosophies based more on deformation capacity than strength. These are generally termed " performance-based" design philosophies. The scope of these can vary from comparatively narrow structural design approaches, intended to produce safe structures with uniform risk of damage under specified seismicity levels, to more ambitious approaches that seek to also combine financial data associated with loss-of-usage, repair, and a client-based approach (rather than a code-specified approach) to acceptable risk. This paper does not attempt to provide such ambitious guidance as implied by the latter approach. In fact, it is our view that such a broad-based probability approach is more appropriate to assessment of designed structures than to the design of new structures. The
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In this paper, spectral-shape-based intensity measures (IMs) are discussed with respect to ordinary, pulse-like and narrow-band records. First, the analyses address the ability of these IMs to capture the peak and cumulative damage potentials of ground motions. Second, a new vector-valued ground motion IM based on the spectral acceleration at the first mode of the structure, Sa(T1), and a parameter proxy for the spectral shape, namely Np, is introduced. The vector 〈Sa,Np〉 is compared to other state-of-the-art IMs in terms of estimation of the seismic response of nonlinear single degree of freedom systems, reinforced concrete and steel moment resisting frames. Results show that 〈Sa,Np〉 may be especially useful to represent the ground motion potential in the case of records with peculiar spectral shape. Further, it is shown that 〈Sa,Np〉 has the properties of efficiency, sufficiency and scaling robustness. Finally, a scalar ground motion IM based on Sa(T1) and Np is also discussed, and the possibility to compute the seismic hazard analysis for it is illustrated.
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A new representation of seismic hazard is proposed for Italy based on displacement elastic response spectra in a vibration period range that extends from 0 s to 20 s. This relies on an available seismotectonic zonation and earthquake catalogue, but makes use of a set of very recent, expressly developed attenuation relations. The long period picture of ground motion hazard is illustrated vis-agrave-vis the conventional one based on ground acceleration, and the feasibility of simple approximations of the displacement spectra, useful for design purposes, is shown. We give some foresight on the differences to be expected in hazard maps resulting from the use of a predominantly fault-based seismic source model, as opposed to the more conventional model that includes only spatially extended zones. Finally, we highlight the different hazard exposure of different regions depending on whether we represent hazard with a long or a short period parameter and we discuss the adequacy of recent code provisions regarding elastic displacement spectra.
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Using selected sets of high-quality digital strong motion data from different regions (Taiwan, Japan, Italy, and Greece), the salient features of displacement response spectra in the long-period range are illustrated (up to 10 s period) as a function of magnitude, source distance, and site conditions. By means of simple analytical models of displacement waveforms, we have derived analytical expressions for the displacement spectra that provide satisfactory fits to the observations. These expressions also demonstrate that the moment magnitude and distance control the shape of the spectra consistent with the commonly accepted models of the seismic source. Furthermore, we derived from simple physical considerations an analytical expression of the variation of peak ground displacement with magnitude and distance that reasonably fits the observations. The findings of this study are believed to be particularly useful in the formulation of design elastic displacement spectra for seismic codes, and in zoning studies of seismic hazard for long-period structures.
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Among all the possible options to define the seismic input for structural analysis, natural recordings are emerging as the most attractive. Easily accessible waveform databases are available and evidence shows that only a relatively limited number of criteria has to be considered in selection and scaling to get an unbiased estimation of seismic demand. Like many codes worldwide, Eurocode 8 (EC8) allows the use of real ground-motion records for the seismic assessment of structures. The main condition to be satisfied by the chosen set is that the average elastic spectrum does not underestimate the code spectrum, with a 10% tolerance, in a broad range of periods depending on the structure's dynamic properties. The EC8 prescriptions seem to favour the use of spectrum-matching records, obtained either by simulation or manipulation of real records. The study presented herein investigates the European Strong-Motion Database with the purpose of assessing whether it is possible to find real accelerogram sets complying with the EC8 spectra, while accounting for additional constraints believed to matter in the seismic assessment of buildings, as suggested by the current best practice. Original (un-scaled) accelerogram sets matching EC8 criteria were found, for the case of one-component (P-type) and spatial sets (S-type), for the spectra anchored to the Italian peak acceleration values. The average spectra for these sets tend to be as close as possible to the code spectrum. Other sets, requiring scaling, have been found to match the non dimensional (country-independent) EC8 spectral shape. These sets have also the benefit of reducing, in respect to the un-scaled sets, the record-to-record variability of spectra. Combinations referring to soft soil, stiff soil, and rock are presented here and are available on the internet at
Technical Report
Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures provides requirements for general structural design and the means for determining dead, live, soil, flood, wind, snow, rain, atmospheric ice, and earthquake loads, as well as their combinations, which are suitable for inclusion in building codes and other documents. This Standard, a complete revision of ASCE/SEI 7-02, includes revised and significantly reorganized provisions for seismic design of structures, as well as revisions in the provisions for determining live, flood, wind, snow, and atmospheric ice loads. Supplement No. 1, which is included with the Standard, ensures full and complete coordination between ASCE/SEI 7-05 and the 2006 International Building Code. The updates which comprise Supplement No. 1 are seamlessly integrated into this volume and are not available anywhere else. ASCE/SEI 7-05 is an integral part of building codes in the United States. The earthquake load provisions in ASCE 7-05 are substantially adopted by reference in the 2006 International Building Code and the 2006 NFPA 5000 Building Construction and Safety Code. Many other provisions, including calculations for wind and snow loads, are also adopted by reference by both IBC and NFPA model building codes. Structural engineers, architects, and those engaged in preparing and administering local building codes will find this Standard an essential reference in their practice.
The ground-motion section in the ASCE 7-05 standard has been revised to incorporate (1) maps of a new parameter, T L , the period on the design response spectrum separating the constant-velocity and constant-displacement segments, (2) new Maximum Considered Earthquake (MCE) ground-motion maps for the conterminous U.S., Puerto Rico (PR) and the Virgin Islands (VI), and (3) criteria for conducting site-specific ground-motion analysis including lower limits on ground motions for Site Class F soils. Values of T L are designated within irregularly shaped regions within the U.S. and are based on 2-sec deaggregation results from probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). Although acknowledged to be imperfect, the maps are intended to provide improved estimates of ground motions for the design of long period structures. The values of short period MCE spectral acceleration, S S , and 1-sec MCE spectral acceleration, S 1 , for PR and VI are generally smaller than the default values of S S and S 1 in the previous ASCE 7-02 standard. The new values are based on the USGS PSHA, whereas the old values were based on the judgment that PR and VI were equivalent in hazard to that represented by Zone 3 and Zone 4, respectively, of the Uniform Building Code. The new values of S S and S 1 for the conterminous U.S. are generally within + 10% of the values in ASCE 7-02.
Dynamic structural analysis often requires the selection of input ground motions with a target mean response spectrum. The variance of the target response spectrum is usually ignored or accounted for in an ad hoc manner, which can bias the structural response estimates. This manuscript proposes a computationally efficient and theoretically consistent algorithm to select ground motions that match the target response spectrum mean and variance. The selection algorithm probabilistically generates multiple response spectra from a target distribution, and then selects recorded ground motions whose response spectra individually match the simulated response spectra. A greedy optimization technique further improves the match between the target and the sample means and variances. The proposed algorithm is used to select ground motions for the analysis of sample structures in order to assess the impact of considering ground-motion variance on the structural response estimates. The implications for code-based design and performance-based earthquake engineering are discussed. [DOI: 10.1193/1.3608002]
Displacements derived from many of the accelerogram recordings of the 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake show drifts when only a simple baseline de- rived from the pre-event portion of the record is removed from the records. The appearance of the velocity and displacement records suggests that changes in the zero level of the acceleration are responsible for these drifts. The source of the shifts in zero level are unknown, but in at least one case it is almost certainly due to tilting of the ground. This article illustrates the effect on the ground velocity, ground dis- placement, and response spectra of several schemes for accounting for these baseline shifts. A wide range of final displacements can be obtained for various choices of baseline correction, and comparison with nearby GPS stations (none of which are colocated with the accelerograph stations) do not help in choosing the appropriate baseline correction. The results suggest that final displacements estimated from the records should be used with caution. The most important conclusion for earthquake engineering purposes, however, is that the response spectra for periods less than about 20 sec are usually unaffected by the baseline correction. Although limited to the analysis of only a small number of recordings, the results may have more general significance both for the many other recordings of this earthquake and for data that will be obtained in the future from similar high-quality accelerograph networks now being installed or soon to be installed in many parts of the world.