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The five resources of critical digital literacy: A framework for curriculum integration


Abstract and Figures

This article sets out a framework for a critical digital literacy curriculum derived from the four resources, or reader roles, model of critical literacy developed by Luke and Freebody (1990). We suggest that specific problematics in academic engagement with and curriculum development for digital literacy have occurred through an overly technocratic and acritical framing and that this situation calls for a critical perspective, drawing on theories and pedagogies from critical literacy and media education. The article explores the consonance and dissonance between the forms, scope and requirements of traditional print/media and the current digital environment, emphasising the knowledge and operational dimensions that inform literacy in digital contexts. It offers a re-interpretation of the four resources framed as critical digital literacy (Decoding, Meaning Making, Using and Analysing) and elaborates the model further with a fifth resource (Persona). The article concludes by identifying implications for institutional practice.
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The five resources of critical digital literacy: a framework for curriculum
Juliet Hinrichsen* and Antony Coombs
Educational Development Unit, University of Greenwich, London, UK
(Received 7 May 2013; final version received 29 October 2013)
This article sets out a framework for a critical digital literacy curriculum derived
from the four resources, or reader roles, model of critical literacy developed by
Luke and Freebody (1990). We suggest that specific problematics in academic
engagement with and curriculum development for digital literacy have occurred
through an overly technocratic and acritical framing and that this situation calls
for a critical perspective, drawing on theories and pedagogies from critical literacy
and media education. The article explores the consonance and dissonance between
the forms, scope and requirements of traditional print/media and the current
digital environment, emphasising the knowledge and operational dimensions that
inform literacy in digital contexts. It offers a re-interpretation of the four resources
framed as critical digital literacy (Decoding, Meaning Making, Using and
Analysing) and elaborates the model further with a fifth resource (Persona). The
article concludes by identifying implications for institutional practice.
Keywords: curriculum development; academic development; digital identity
In considering an approach to curriculum integration of digital literacy, we were
conscious of a number of problematics, contexts and contradictions. The proble-
matics included the need to define digital literacy sufficiently to implement it in-
stitutionally. Defining in this case goes beyond the trivial task of finding a form of
wording but rather involves identifying an ideological position within the contested
discourses of technology. The contexts included known issues with staff engagement,
an overburdened curriculum, shortage of resources and variability in student (digital)
profile. The contradictions centred on the need to address outcome-oriented ap-
proaches which could impact on attainment, employability and graduate profile,
whilst avoiding the limitations of a taxonomic approach in terms of tools, tech-
nologies and skills; limitations such as rapid changes in technology, variability in
perception of what is considered essential content and particularities of institutional
infrastructure. There was also a reluctance to be technology led in our thinking about
curriculum and student learning. Drawing on approaches from literacy education
enabled us to resolve these contradictions and reconcile practical requirements,
whilst addressing deeper epistemological stances that have structural and operational
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*Corresponding author. Email:
Research in Learning Technology
Vol. 21, 2013
Research in Learning Technology 2013. # 2013 J. Hinrichsen and A. Coombs. Research in Learning Technology is the journal of
the Association for Learning Technology (ALT), a UK-based professional and scholarly society and membership organisation.
ALT is registered charity number 1063519. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the
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Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2013, 21: 21334 -
Defining digital literacy: positions
Analyses of the terms used in the arena of digital literacy and its associated terms
(see Goodfellow 2011), including media literacy/cies (Buckingham 2006; Livingstone
2004); digital scholarship (Pearce et al. 2010); new literacy studies and multiliteracies
(Street 2003) and multiple technoliteracies (Kahn and Kellner 2005) reveal complexity,
variation and disputation. Across these different positions it is possible to identify a
consistent tension between perceptions of technology as either neutral or culturally
situated, along with the implications each view has for policy, practice and curriculum.
This debate has a long history and has centred on the oppositional axis of tech-
nological and social determinism [also dominant and antidominant discourse (Barton
1994)]. Technological determinism is generally an implicit position, typified by con-
ceptions of technological neutrality (a tool paradigm, open to positive or negative
uses), autonomous advancement (we must adapt ‘because it is here’; the dangers of
being ‘left behind’) or proselytising (universally positive impacts; polarising construc-
tions such as ‘dinosaurs’ or ‘luddites’). Social determinists have argued that tech-
nology is shaped by political, economic and socio-cultural factors, reflects these
purposes, influences and meanings and thus is never neutral (Beynon and Mackay
1992; Glastonbury and LaMendola 1992; Haddon 1991; Mackay, Young, and Beynon
1991; Mackenzie and Wajcman 1985; Selfe and Hilligoss 1994). By deconstructing
or ‘reading’ technology such influences and meanings can be made more explicit;
for example, the gendering of technology (Cockburn 1985, 1991; Wahlstrom 1994),
surveillance (Lyon 1994) or consumption (Haddon 1991). This mirrors oppositions
in literacy studies between functional and critical perspectives, or autonomous and
ideological positions (Street 2003). Understanding such underlying positions, or
assumptions, allows researchers and practitioners to be explicit about their position
and reflective of its consequences. For example, the way one might address digital
literacy in professional development or developing graduateness is coloured by the
meanings associated with these stances.
Whilst it is accepted that there is iteration and interaction between culture and
technology, arguably a more deterministic or functional perspective has remained
dominant at policy and institutional levels (Kahn and Kellner 2005; Lea 2013; Lea
and Goodfellow 2009).
Implications of functional approaches
Such ideological tensions move beyond epistemological and disciplinary spaces when
they are translated into curriculum content, delivery strategies, institutional strategies
and investment. They also infuse the perceptions of academics in their engagement
with digital technology.
Academic engagement
A hard skills framework of ‘IT literacy’ has, we believe, had a divisive effect on
academics, constructing them differentially in relation to their technical skills and
also in their attitudes to technology. Generational polarisation may promote a deficit
model (Bayne and Ross 2007; Lea 2013) which can also militate against engagement.
From a professional development angle, a technocratic or functional perspective puts
emphasis on the academic role as a conduit to student skill rather than on personal,
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professional or disciplinary development. The JISC, sponsors of the national UK
Developing Digital Literacies Programme, also calls for professional development to:
focus less on the adoption of specific new technologies and more on how meaningful
tasks which explore authentic academic digital practices can be embedded in curriculum
learning and how emerging digital practices might be usefully recontextualised in an
academic setting. (Payton 2012, p. 2)
Such an approach has clear implications for staff development initiatives and invites
co-curricula approaches between educational developers, learning technologists and
academics. However, we suggest that it requires a reframing of the notion of the
digital in relation to literacy.
Curriculum implications
A disembedded discourse with regard to technology has, arguably, become
progressively more exposed as problematic and dislocated from the practices of
academia whilst underutilising the potential to align better with the requirements of
the workplace (Yorke 2006). Disengaging context and practice from use in the
acquisition of practical skill (e.g. the computer lab rather than the seminar room)
serves to reinforce several ideas: that competences can be developed in isolation from
each other and will somehow concatenate naturally; that developing digital literacy is
about operational and not intellectual activity; that the methods of enquiry and
analysis embedded in application software are neutral [see for example Wahlstrom
(1994) on the assumptions in spell checkers].
From a curriculum perspective, a functional framing of technology misses the
opportunity for the development of a range of academic skills and practices which
are not only important in their own right, but which inform effective engagement
with the digital, as we shall argue.
Learner profiles
In thinking about appropriate curriculum responses to digital literacy development,
the analysis of learner characteristics in relation to the digital is important.
The concept of the ‘digital native’ (after Prensky 2001) and similar generational
categorisation has received much criticism as undertheorised and deterministic (Jones
2011), divisive and disempowering (Bayne and Ross 2007) and evidence of an
alarmist ‘moral panic’ (Bennett, Maton, and Kervin 2008). Some studies examining
the digital skillsets of students have concluded that variation is significant and poorly
aligned to age group (Jones et al. 2010), limited in range and highly influenced
by lecturer methods (Margaryan, Littlejohn, and Vojt 2011) and there is increas-
ing awareness of poor transfer from informal to formal learning of the skillsets
that students may bring with them (Littlejohn, Beetham, and McGill 2012).
Our observation is that some of the characteristics of student engagement with
technology at university seem to form around a set of disassociations. In addition to
the lack of transfer of skills or use of tools between spheres of practice, an example
of the disassociation between students’ academic and personal or social identity is
highlighted in an analysis of students’ Facebook photobiography (Mendelson and
Papacharissi 2011). Framing Facebook as ‘identity performance’ and ‘symbolic
creation of their worlds’ (pp. 251252), these researchers found that in transitioning
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to college, students projected the personal and social dimensions of their experience
whilst academic life was almost absent, even in photograph settings. Disassociation
can be seen in other ways too, as the academic skills being fostered in their subjects
(seeking evidence, evaluating provenance, rejecting weak arguments) are not be-
ing applied in their uses of technology as exemplified by expedient, superficial or
‘satisficing’ search behaviours (Kennedy and Judd 2011). In a study of high-school
multi-modal text production Levy and Michael (2011, p. 95) conclude ‘regardless of
their technical fluency, students still require traditional skills for successful task
completion’ whilst Margaryan, Littlejohn, and Vojt (2011, p. 438) identify ‘a deficit
of learning literacies’. At the same time, there has been a proliferation of cases which
have exposed the implicit dangers of naı
ve engagement with technology, including
social media scandals (e.g. Tweed 2012), scam emails (Balamurugan et al. 2008) and
reputational impact (Aula 2010) all emphasising the critical, evaluative skills required
for effective professional, personal and civic engagement. The current focus on em-
ployability enhancement in the curriculum points to reputation management and
identity awareness as a key site for digital literacy development. It is clear, however,
that broader literacy practices are not going to emerge spontaneously as a result of
technology proliferation or early exposure and that education has an important role
in inculcating, moderating and extending such practices.
There is thus potential, if not an imperative, to find ways to integrate not
only technology into the discipline but, perhaps more importantly, the discipline into
the technology.
Redressing the balance: critical digital literacy
The shift from a machine-focused viewpoint (IT) to the more diffuse meaning
implied by the term ‘digital’ in conjunction with literacy signals an opportunity for a
corresponding shift from a skills agenda to the idea of situated practices. There are
increasing calls to rebalance the emphasis on manipulative and operational skill with
a focus on the practices and intellectual traditions of the disciplines (Goodfellow
2011; Lea 2013; Littlejohn, Beetham, and McGill 2012) both as meaningful sites of
learning and as a reflection of a shift towards critical academic literacies.
What do we mean by ‘critical’?
There are two senses of a critical dimension at play, and both are implied when we
use the term. These meanings can be regarded as internal to and external to the
digital. By internal we refer to faculties of analysis and judgement as applied to the
content, usage and artefacts of the technology. The external meaning relates to a
position regarding the development, effects and social relations bound in technology.
This position is more associated with historical and cultural analyses and operates
in a wider field of technology than computers. It is concerned particularly with
how meaning is constructed, by whom and for what purposes and in this sense
representational and communicational modes are central. Tools of enquiry from this
perspective include textual practices such as semiotic and discourse analysis. The
elaborated idea of a text as an organised collection of representations brings to bear
the relevance of literacy practices to describe, teach and think about such meanings;
overarching this are the discourses of power around technology that can further
be seen as texts (Dowling 1991). The perspectives of media education (Buckingham
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2006; Livingstone 2004) are also major contributions to our understanding of a
critical digital literacy.
Why develop a new framework?
This work was located in a national project on digital literacy (
part of which required curriculum mapping of digital literacies. However, trying
to develop methods to do this repeatedly resulted in a drift towards functional
approaches (what tools and what skills) and incoherent variability (disciplinary-
specific uses with no unifying concepts); nor did they address the issues of engagement,
learner need and contested scope outlined previously. The perspectives of critical
literacy offered a relevant approach, however required contextualisation for the
digital. The critical digital literacy framework outlined below is the outcome of that
work. It has been pilot tested in workshop form with a number of constituencies
(academics, students, learning technologists, managers) to gauge (1) its acceptability
and (2) its use in activity design. It has been positively evaluated so far (https://
Further work is in progress to produce support resources, disciplinary exemplars and
course or programme-level tools.
One of the purposes served by the framework is scoping. The importance of
this scoping activity lies in its role as a conduit to shared meaning. Given the
many interpretations of digital literacy, developing a common understanding of its
dimensions is a prerequisite to effective institutional embedding and curriculum in-
tegration. By delineating a range of filters through which digital literacies can
be examined, taught or understood, a number of perspectives and angles can be
The four resources model of critical literacy
The particular model of critical literacy that has informed the development of our
critical digital literacy framework is the four resources model developed by Allan
Luke and Peter Freebody (Freebody and Luke 1990; Luke and Freebody 1999). This
model takes a critical literacy perspective framed loosely in terms of reader ‘roles’ or
‘resources’ identified as ‘families of practice’ (Freebody 2002; Luke and Freebody
1999). Its focus on learner processes rather than syllabus specification made it an
excellent candidate for the approach we wanted to develop. The practical provenance
of the model is significant, having been both accepted and adopted on a large scale in
literacy education internationally [Ludwig 2003; The Literacy and Numeracy
Secretariat (Ontario Ministry of Education) 2009]. It has also proven to be a useful
framework for curriculum and classroom analysis (Honan 2008) and developing
learner metacognition (Henderson and Hirst 2007; Hirst et al. 2004). Although these
initiatives come from the schools sector we believe that this model is relevant to
higher education in its articulation of the basis for critical analysis and its operational
adaptability in classroom settings.
The four resources, or reader roles, are code breaking, text-participating, text using
and text analysing. A useful overview of these roles is provided by Ludwig (2000,
pp. 12, in Hirst et al. 2004).
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Successful literacy learners [...] need to engage in all four roles and be
code breakers How do I crack this text? How does it work?
text participants or meaning makers How do the ideas represented in the text string
together? What are the cultural meanings and possible readings that can be
constructed from this text?
text users How do the users of this text shape its composition? What do I do with this
text, here and now?
text analysts What is this text trying to do to me? In whose interests?
Whilst this model focuses on reader roles, the context of the digital also places
emphasis on authorial elements. Levy and Michael (2011) conclude from their
analysis of multi-modal text production by Australian high-school students that not
only does production provide opportunities to develop and apply skills and
knowledge but also has great potential to enhance knowledge construction. Thus a
constructive emphasis on creating, shaping, adapting and co-creating texts is also
implied in our reference to the model.
The four resources and the digital
Walther et al. (2011) argue that information reception and processing mechanisms
are being influenced by media convergence, nuanced by interpersonal dynamics
and motivations. Kress (2003, pp. 166167) proposes that ‘the screen is now the
dominant site of texts’. He argues that the reading of a multi-modal text has become
more complex and places greater demand on the reader; and that there is a shift
towards production, or more appropriately ‘interested design’. This means that
learning with and about the digital may be correspondingly more complex.
Two key questions for consideration are: how well does a model for literacy trans-
late to the digital domain? And, is a model for read/write literacy for younger pupils
applicable to undergraduate and postgraduate provision in the context of the digital?
A cogent critique of the four resources model in terms of its applicability to the
digital has been made by Lankshear and Knobel (2004), who argue that multi-modal
texts differ in significant ways from traditional print texts. However, they do not
abandon the model but propose a redefinition of the roles to encompass concepts such
as ‘designer’, ‘mediator’, ‘bricoleur’ and ‘jammer’. Our approach has been to expand the
interpretation of the original terms rather than change them, precisely for the reasons
of provenance and proven acceptability within schools identified above. Acknowledg-
ing the problematic elision of roles (Lankshear and Knobel 2004), we have preferenced
the term ‘resources’, emphasising both fluidity and the idea of repertoire. In the
following sections, we elaborate some of the commonalities and distinctions between
conventional and digital literacy and offer a rearticulation of the four resources as the
five resources framework. This elaboration also serves to highlight the level of sophis-
tication and the critical acuity required by both teachers and learners in operating as
‘digitally literate’ professionals, citizens and individuals. It is this sophistication which
confirms the appropriateness of a critical approach at the level of higher education.
The five resources of critical digital literacy
The resources relate to practice and are indicative of repertoire; there is thus inter-
relation and overlap between them. The overview below, therefore, is not intended to
signal exclusive categorisation or separation.
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Decoding: practical and operational engagement
Code breaking resources or coding practice involves the ability both to decipher and
produce (encode) texts at a practical level. This does not imply being restricted to the
physical, however, and includes an understanding of the grammars, functions and
structures of texts. Typically cited examples of code breaking relate to the alphabet,
phonics, syntax, spelling, punctuation and vocabulary (e.g. Ludwig 2003). These
elements do not transfer directly to the digital but they do have their equivalents.
Digital texts often carry within them the conventions of pre-existing textual
practice such as a common use or reference to pagination, both deriving from
the practicalities of interplay between digital and analogue texts (e.g. printing a
document) but also to take advantage of existing conceptual frames of reference as in
the use of ‘web page’, ‘file’ and ‘folder’ (Evans 2013). Alongside practices that have
been adapted from or developed out of existing ones, there are new and emerging
forms reflecting the digital context. ‘Texting’ involves new forms of vocabulary and
grammar as well as new practices relating to time and space (status updates and
conversational text, for example). Digital texts are, or have become, predominantly
multi-modal (e.g. graphical user interfaces are the norm, context sensitivity is driven
by ‘spatial’ visual cues i.e. the position of a cursor determines the result of a mouse-
click). There are also new operations for creating, navigating and interacting with
digital texts, for example ‘swiping’ or gesture-based and voice controls. Issues of
data and identity security, along with possibilities for material corruption of texts,
become part of the process of reading and understanding the narratives within these
technologies. As a result, the resource learners need for decoding and making mean-
ing from multi-modal texts have an increased scope. This includes new terminology
and sign systems; presentational conventions and stylistic options; navigational
mechanisms; and operational concepts and protocols such as the distinction between
‘save’ and ‘save as’.
An overview of the decoding resource and its characteristic dimensions is
provided in Figure 1.
Meaning making: narrative complexity in the digital
The text-participating resources (otherwise referred to as ‘semantic practice’ or by the
‘meaning maker’ role) are concerned with the reflexive processes underpinning com-
prehension and composition of texts. It focuses on understanding and interpreting
narratives within the content rather than those around authorial standpoints.
Meaning making practices in digital texts are more likely to be multi-modal
(Kress 2003). The existing purposes and conventions of digital texts are not always
rigidly defined and can be subject to rapid metamorphosis or splintering; reading and
creation practices may therefore be similarly fluid.
The spread of the internet across areas of textual practice has meant that
hypertextuality and network texts have become common, perhaps the norm. By
‘network texts’, we mean texts that are compounded of other texts, the component
texts being simultaneously available both in their own right and as components of yet
further texts. Working on or with such texts requires multiple concurrent levels of
meaning making, constructing or interpreting narratives both within the component
texts and at the network level. Furthermore, internet and ‘Web2.0’ practices can
create multi-authored, rhizomatically developed texts in which there may not be a
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clear, internal consistency to the narratives. Not only may there be conflicting
narratives within the same text, but these may fluctuate over time; the text and its
narratives become more fluid (Bayne 2006; Pachler and Daly 2009). Given the
developing perspectives that the reader may bring on different occasions, this creates
a dual fluidity between reader and text and makes it necessary to approach texts with
the understanding that this fluidity may be a characteristic of their form; the material
of the text and consequently its potential meanings may have changed since the last
reading (Kress 2003; Lurie 2003).
Possibly novel requirements in digital contexts are: the application of meaning
making practices to online interpersonal interactions; and reading and expressing
meaning through participation in communal activities. Interpersonal relationships
that have been initiated and are predominantly maintained in a digital environment
may exhibit similar characteristics to fictional narratives, leading to a blurred dis-
tinction between people and characters in terms of the affective resources brought to
bear and to quasi-fictional relationships (Suler 2004). In consequence, it becomes
more important to maintain an awareness of the underlying material situation when
considering the import and impact of narratives; moral and ethical judgement around
tone, voice and context may take on an enlarged role. Such considerations need to be
understood by teachers in developing their students’ digital literacies.
Figure 1. The decoding resource and its characteristic dimensions.
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An overview of the meaning making resource and its characteristic dimensions is
provided in Figure 2.
Using: producing and consuming digital texts
The text using resources are concerned with the appropriate use of specific text forms
for given purposes and involves understanding both the particular characteristics of
different texts and the particular requirements of different contexts of use.
A number of practices have shifted from being specialist, often institutionally
controlled operations to being within the scope of groups and individuals. Examples
are the functions of selection and curation of materials, printing, typing, typesetting
and image or video editing. This could be seen both as empowering users, who
gain more control over the timescales and nature of their production, but also as
burdening them with increased responsibility for its management and an increased
range of vocabularies and sign systems of which understanding is expected as normal
practice. In the example of typesetting, these practices have also moved from being
applied to a text as a secondary process of creation to being much more intimately
bound up with the writing process itself (Yancey 2004). Presentational modes such
as emphasis (bold, italics, colour) and a variety of fonts are now available within
a single operational domain (word-processor or email programme, for example)
allowing them to be rapidly applied and removed, for design and layout to be
composed simultaneously with the written narrative, leading to a more ad hoc,
prototyping process of text production. Thus, design, production and dissemination
of digital texts require a wide repertoire of skills and critical evaluation of choices
and their implications.
The expansion of available existing texts (a result of increased efficiency and
connectivity of digital storage) raises the probability of both encountering and using
Figure 2. The meaning making resource and its characteristic dimensions.
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direct repurposing, sampling and recombination practices. This increases the value
and risks attached to selection, blending and curation. As well as the number of texts,
the variety of text forms that require reading and, increasingly, writing have
proliferated in recent decades. In addition to more established media modes (written
text, static and dynamic images, sound, moving image) there is also the game, the
‘twitterverse’, the videodiary, the several forms of website; these have their own codes
and conventions that impact on how one might understand, engage with or produce
them. The vast range of tools (including apps), modalities and forms enable multiple
potential solutions to problems but require understanding of their functions, con-
straints and advantages for effective application. Additionally, the informational
scale of the internet, databases and specialist datasets require highly developed
search, locationing and query formulation skills.
The novelty and rapid change in the development of digital technologies means
that new and unexplored purposes, potentials and problems seem likely to become
available at a similarly rapid rate. The existing purposes and conventions of digital
texts are not always rigidly defined and can be subject to rapid metamorphosis or
splintering; reading and creation practices may therefore be similarly fluid, with
individuals contributing to the establishment of conventions through challenge,
experimentation and consolidation of practice norms. There are thus both practical
and creative aspects to being a text user in digital contexts.
An overview of the using resource and its characteristic dimensions is provided in
Figure 3.
Analysing: becoming a discerning practitioner
Issues of provenance are complex when authorship is mediated digitally. Bayne
(2006) argues that individual authorship is deprivileged by collective forms such as
wikis, whilst tools such as RSS feeds, and the potential of anonymity (e.g. in chat
Figure 3. The using resource and its characteristic dimensions.
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rooms, online ‘handles’ or avatars) all serve to distance the author/s from the text/s.
Critical evaluation becomes central in these contexts and learners may require
the decoding skills referred to previously to trace and track provenance. They will
also need to discern the ideology inherent in a source (Buckingham 2006). The
submerging of qualitative and quantitative methods underlying aggregated or
processed data (including search engines, ratings, databases) may need to be exposed,
for example. Developments such as ‘liking’ and ‘trending’ offer new propositions in
relation both to the form and quality of evidence they present. Many developments in
digital technologies are perceived in terms of challenges to traditional academic value
hierarchies (Bayne 2006) and learners will need to develop their own values as
researchers in this context.
The increase in access to publishing opportunities accompanying the develop-
ment of the worldwide web means that individuals may be more directly and
personally confronted with legal, ethical and moral decision making in relation to
how, where and to whom they should publish. This requires a careful reading of the
systems and processes available to them, both technical and social. For example,
since personal profiles and online identities function as texts, we may now be dealing
much more with consequences relating to self-image and public standing (Aula 2010).
An overview of the analysing resource and its characteristic dimensions is
provided in Figure 4.
Persona: identity issues and the digital
One of the challenges presented by new technologies, and social media in particular,
lies in the presentation of self. The disembodiment of virtual spaces can render a
decontextualised identity whilst, paradoxically, choice in presentation, locality and
juxtaposition act to recontextualise, and hence change, that identity. The extent to
which that presentation is managed (e.g. in terms of language, image, content) and
control over those choices is exerted (e.g. privacy settings, placement, disclaimers) are
new skillsets. The multiple potential audiences of friends, colleagues, employers,
clients or markets and the variation of profile which may therefore be required
necessitates understanding of how to manage both the varied, disaggregated texts
Figure 4. The analysing resource and its characteristic dimensions.
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which may go to form such profiles, and the characteristics and security features of the
environments in which they may operate (‘impression management’, boyd and Ellison
2007). These aspects are qualitatively different from traditional texts; although more
present in conventional media it has not generally been the case that a majority of
students would need educational support to manage self-presentation on radio or
television; nor would proliferation and potential alteration be so rapid and possibly
uncontrollable. The multiplicity of avenues to publicity [‘masspersonal messages’
(Walther et al. 2011, p. 34)] and the varied and globalised communication channels
such as formal discussion groups, personal blogs, microblogs, videologs, and so on
also requires choice and judgement about how, where and when to participate and for
what purposes. These factors have a prominence in the digital which is not reflected in
the four resources model. One may debate the inclusion of these practices within the
scope of literacy; however, as they cannot be disengaged from the practices of reading
and writing in and for the digital environment, and since participation is mediated
by multi-modal textual forms, we consider them to be key in characterising digital
literacy. A fifth resource, persona, was therefore introduced to take account of this.
The lack of transference between academic and personal or social practices by
learners, noted earlier, is of more concern when one considers the elision of these
domains in the digital. Reputation, image projection and interpersonal relations are
both mediated by and become repositories in the digital. This has lasting impact on
professional profile, both positively and negatively (note the rise of ‘digital forgetting’
consultancies). Development and management of one’s online persona/e can be
considered both a professional and a graduate attribute but can only be effectively
developed in conjunction with the other literacy resources.
An overview of the persona resource and its characteristic dimensions is provided
in Figure 5.
Figure 5. The persona resource and its characteristic dimensions.
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Elaborating the resources with characterising dimensions
The four resources model articulates each resource at a conceptual level based on
‘families of practice’ but does not detail specific competencies. These are seen to be
areas for interpretation and management by the teacher. Whilst we share the goal of
maintaining teacher autonomy, we were aware of a significant difference in context
regarding digital literacy: teachers can be considered expert practitioners in reading
and writing, in literacy, and are more skilled than their pupils in this domain.
Conversely, many academics may not identify themselves as expert in the use of
computers, particularly at the level and range being considered, whilst their students
will vary in expertise as highlighted previously. Additionally, terms such as ‘meaning
making’ may lack appropriate significance for individuals where this is not a
theoretical construct as it is in literacy/literary and media domains. Finally, whilst
wishing to avoid specification of a curriculum, our project was to develop staff
practices and curriculum application in ways that would help to support and scope
digital literacy development in practical contexts. It was therefore necessary to
articulate some dimensions to the resource categories in order to provide conceptual
delineation and to concretise avenues of application, whilst maintaining consistency
with the original model. These component dimensions were arrived at through
a process of testing the original four resources against the digital, identifying
equivalence and working through example applications and contexts.
There are some interesting implications in problematising the epistemological
paradigms underlying concepts of ‘digital literacy’. One of these is the potential
reconstitution of the profile of a ‘digitally literate’ person. Where would the critically
astute but technically limited be regarded on a maturity scale in relation to the
technically competent but critically naive, for example? What should humanities be
teaching learning technologists? In other words, what implications are there for the
notion of expertise when we think about digital literacy, how it should be taught and
developed and by whom?
In curriculum terms, the development of digital literacy will involve using devices
and software but should also be recognised and made explicit in analytical and
discursive practices; in syllabus content; in assessment design and grading criteria;
and in formal course specification documents, having implications for validation
panel training and membership. Strategic integration at institutional and depart-
mental levels becomes vital, as does the alignment with employer and professional
discourses, demands and requirements. As the notion of critical literacy is highly
consonant with the concept of academic literacies, such curriculum issues can
be approached through the existing expressions of this: graduate attributes, sub-
ject benchmarks and programme aims repeatedly articulate critical, evaluative and
scholarly outcomes.
A final, more philosophical, question is raised by the complex relations of
individual and collective practices and identity elaborated previously. Can a group,
community of practice or institution be ‘digitally literate’? What does that mean?
How would it be recognised? Such questions may have important practical con-
sequences and need further elaboration and exploration.
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... Such literacies empower students, enabling them to navigate and critique digital content effectively. Diverse frameworks have sought to define the contours of digital literacy, encompassing critical, cognitive, operational, social, emotional, and projective dimensions [28][29][30] . Incorporating insights from various international frameworks, Martínez-Bravo, et al. [28] identified six dimensions of digital literacy: critical, cognitive, operational, social, emotional, and projective. ...
... A framework of digital literacy [29] encompasses the competencies to create, communicate, and evaluate information safely and appropriately using digital devices and networked technologies. Another widely framework is put forward by Hinrichsen and Coombs [30] which identifies five resources constituting critical digital literacies: decoding, meaningmaking, using, analysing and persona, thus highlighting the multifarious aspects of engagement with the digital realm. ...
... Critical Digital Literacies (CDL) encompass the proficiency in employing digital tools and managing digital content effectively to navigate the contemporary digital landscape. The present study adopt Hinrichsen and Coombs [30] model of CDL which is characterized by five essential resources: decoding, meaning-making, using, analyzing, and persona. ...
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In the context of the evolving digital era, this study introduces a conceptual model that integrates Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) into English for Academic Purposes (EAP) writing, leveraging Critical Digital Literacies (CDL). It aims to develop EFL doctoral students' competencies necessary for sustainable development, addressing the gap in current genre-based EAP instruction that often neglects comprehensive ESD competencies such as systems thinking and self-awareness. Utilizing innovative tools like ChatGPT within a CDL framework, the model focuses on both explicit teaching objectives related to genre knowledge and implicit ones tied to ESD. Specifically, the study outlines eight scenarios where GPT technology aids in achieving these pedagogical goals. By implementing this model, we aim not only to enrich the EAP writing curriculum but also to subtly shift educational practices towards embracing the values of sustainability and digitalization.
... Students experimented with various media and signs, both linguistic and non-linguistic. This diversity also indicated the development of critical digital literacy, as proposed by Hinrichsen and Coombs (2014), which is integral to digital multimodal learning. They further explain that students' digital multimodal engagement helps develop their digital literacies by decoding texts, making meaning through participating in reading texts and making connections of knowledge, producing and consuming digital content, evaluating and selecting resources, and building their identity through participation and contribution. ...
... Therefore, emphasizing teacher training in digital multimodality might also help teachers utilize digital tools and integrate digital multimodal perspectives more effectively into their EFL classrooms (Mali et al., 2023;Zhang, 2020). Alternatively, teachers may find assistance from fellow teachers or, on the other hand, involve students themselves in designing and producing digital resources, as also suggested by Choi and Yi (2016) and Hinrichsen and Coombs (2014). ...
Conference Paper
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Multimodality has received increasing attention in English language teaching and learning, including in the Indonesian context. However, more attention has been given to formal instructional contexts. This best-practice paper explores Junior High School students’ experiences in an extracurricular reading club at a state school in Central Java, Indonesia, where digital multimodal reading was integrated into after-school learning activities. Students’ works were analyzed to characterize students’ experiences in the club and reveal the potential learning benefits of students’ engagement with digital multimodal texts. Findings are expected to inform teachers about the contributions of extracurricular programs to formal EFL instruction.
... Teachers' professional development in virtual classroom management is essential to equip teachers with sufficient knowledge and skills to manage online learning environments. There are a few frameworks for the virtual competencies of teachers, such as the SAMR framework of Puentedura (2012), the critical digital framework of Hinrichsen and Coombs (2014), the UNESCO (2018) ICT competencies framework, and the TPACK framework of Mishra and Koehler (2006). Among these frameworks, TPACK draws attention because it draws a comprehensive framework that focuses on technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge (Fayda-Kinik, 2022). ...
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Digital learning platforms and virtual classrooms are growing more widespread, so virtual classroom management is gaining more importance to ensure student engagement, involvement, and achievements in an online learning environment. The research examines virtual classroom management dynamics and explores the factors that render teachers’ virtual classroom management practices, strategies, and expectations in this regard. The study is phenomenological research, and data was collected through open-ended questions with 22 lower secondary school teachers working in Istanbul. The findings were gathered under four themes: virtual classroom management process, professional development, opportunities and challenges of virtual classrooms, and solutions to virtual classroom management problems. These results highlight the significance of engagement and motivation toward virtual classrooms and propound teachers' digital competencies and classroom management skills as two fundamental factors in fostering students' engagement in virtual classrooms.
... Currently, research on digital competencies of teachers in specific scientific disciplines still faces limitations due to the lack of consensus on the concept (Varga-Atkins, 2020). While one side considers digital competency to be technical (Hinrichsen, J., & Coombs, A., 2013), there is another view that, in the field of education, digital competency is a combination of practical activities in various fields. scientific, social and cultural fields with higher forms of knowledge, creativity and innovation (McDougall, 2018), meaning that those skills need to be built in specific practice contexts. ...
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In recent years, the decrease in swamp land has been observed in both urban and rural areas. This phenomenon is land hoarding to the deliberate Digital transformation has been deeply penetrating all areas of life, contributing to increasing global labor productivity. The process of digital transformation of education and training in the context of the strong industrial revolution is inevitable. This study aims to show the factors affecting the digital competencies of economics lecturers at universities. The author used SPSS 25.0 software to process and analyze data through a survey of 311 lecturers in economics majors, testing the reliability of the scale using Cronbach's alpha coefficient and exploratory factor analysis. of 5 independent variables with 20 observed variables, and the author also uses regression analysis to test the compatibility between independent factors affecting the dependent factor as well as determine the level of impact of factors and model fit. Research results have shown that it is necessary to build a team of lecturers with digital capabilities that meet standards, which is a key condition to achieve the goal of improving the quality of training and education of Vietnam’s universities.
... This necessity is echoed in curriculum standards advocating for education in digital literacy. Following the research by Buckingham (2008) and Gilster (1997), which delves into the concept and components of digital literacy and provides foundational insights into its importance and relevance, the works of Hinrichsen and Coombs (2014) and Martin (2006) shed light on the essential elements of digital literacy, emphasizing its significance in modern communication landscapes. Additionally, recent studies (e.g., Azzahra & Amanta, 2021;Chan, 2024;Hobbs & Coiro, 2018) explore practical applications of digital literacy in classroom settings, offering valuable insights into its effective implementation within educational programs. ...
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The need to integrate digital literacy into curricula as a fundamental skill set for navigating the complexities of the digital age has increased. This study aims to explore how knowledge and skills of digital literacy present in language arts standards and what elements of digital literacy are emphasized. To achieve this, we used text mining analysis and European Union’s digital literacy framework to analyze on the recent revisions of curriculum standards in Ontario, Canada, Australia, and South Korea. The research findings are as follows: Firstly, keyword network analysis revealed that in all three countries, the centrality of keywords related to digital literacy was not high, and there was a weak connection among these keywords. Secondly, when contrasting the results of topic modeling with the EU Framework, it was observed that Ontario, Canada, and South Korea prominently emphasized the "Information and data literacy" and "Communication and collaboration" elements, while Australia emphasized the "Digital content creation" element. Lastly, comparing the results of topic modeling on pre and post-revised curricula of Australia and South Korea, it was evident that societal awareness and discourse regarding digital literacy were well-reflected and revised in the standards. Based on these findings, this study suggests the need to integrate digital literacy-related elements more closely with traditional literacy skills within the curriculum, ensure a balanced approach across both cognitive and socio-emotional domains of digital literacy, and consider incorporating integrating digital literacy-in-use into students' learning experiences.
... Σύμφωνα με τους Hinrichsen & Coombs (2013), στον όρο κριτική υπάρχουν οπτικές οι οποίες διαχωρίζονται σε εσωτερικές και εξωτερικές: Οι εσωτερικές σχετίζονται με τις αναλύσεις που αφορούν το περιεχόμενο, τη χρήση και τα εργαλεία της τεχνολογίας, ενώ με τον όρο εξωτερικές αναφέρονται οι κοινωνικές σχέσεις που συνδέονται με την τεχνολογία και τις επιπτώσεις τους. Και, επιπλέον, με δεδομένο ότι η τεχνολογία διαδραματίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στο μετασχηματισμό των σύγχρονων κοινωνιών, το ερώτημα που τίθεται είναι αν μπορεί να θεωρηθεί κοινωνικά ουδέτερη (Darvin 2017). ...
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Η παρούσα εργασία αποσκοπεί στη διερεύνηση των κριτικών προσεγγίσεων σχετικά με την Ψηφιακή Γνώση, εξετάζοντας τις πιο πρόσφατες σχετικές μελέτες. Κατ’ αρχήν, αναλύει την έννοια του Κριτικού Ψηφιακού Γραμματισμού, η οποία αναφέρεται στην ικανότητα του ατόμου να αξιολογεί και να αναλύει κριτικά τις πληροφορίες και τα ψηφιακά περιεχόμενα που συναντώνται στον ψηφιακό κόσμο. Στην εργασία αυτή προτείνεται η άποψη ότι η Κριτική Παιδαγωγική μπορεί να γονιμοποιήσει τις αναλύσεις για την Ψηφιακή Γνώση μέσω του κριτικού ψηφιακού γραμματισμού ενθαρρύνοντας τους/ις εκπαιδευτικούς και τους/ις μαθητές/ήτριες να αναλύουν κριτικά το ψηφιακό τοπίο, δίνοντάς τους τη δυνατότητα να δρουν ως υπεύθυνοι/ες πολίτες, να αποκτούν κριτική συνείδηση και να αμφισβητούν την ηγεμονική κουλτούρα και τις κοινωνικές δομές ανισότητας.
... 1. Cultural Awareness: Demonstrates cultural understanding and respect to others when integrating digital technology (Shonfeld et al., 2021;Yang et al., 2014) 2. Creativity: Involves using digital technology to generate new ideas or adapt and adopt existing ones in innovative ways (Hinrichsen & Coombs, 2013;Mengual-Andrés et al., 2016). ...
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Digital technology is evolving rapidly, offering new opportunities, particularly in the educational settings. However, the adaptation of these technologies has been slower prior to Covid-19 in Malaysia compared to some other Southeast Asian countries. In addition, school administrators in Malaysia exhibit limited digital competencies, and there is a dearth of research on digital maturity in the context of Malaysian education. The aim of this paper is to investigate school administrators’ competencies from teachers’ perspectives and categorize the digital maturity of selected schools in Malaysia. Utilizing qualitative method, Focus Group Discussion (FGD) was conducted among six Malaysian teachers through an online platform. The results reveal that digital leadership competencies among the school administrators encompass Vision and Mission, Digital Culture, Digital Professional Development, digitally go-forward, Digital Safety and Digital Resilience. Based on the evidence, the digital maturity in these selected schools, as indicated by the Educational Process-Capability Digital Maturity (EP-CMM) framework, falls under Level 3, labelled “Management” which it supports a continuous development process but not yet to continuous enhancement process. Thus, empowering and upgrading the competencies of school administrators can contribute to the development of policies and initiatives in Malaysia. This can be achieved by understanding the level of digital maturity through integrating digital technology into daily administrative tasks, while leading the digital cultural changes in their schools.
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This paper explores the potential for the development of new learning opportunities in higher education, through students being conceptualised not as consumers, recipients or commodities, but rather as co-researchers and co-producers of knowledge. Specifically, it discusses the implications of new forms of networked knowledge enabled by the emergence of semantic web and linked data technologies and the reconceptualising of the Internet as a ‘global data space’. We draw on our experience of initiating and supporting a range of projects in UK higher education in the course of an extended programme of research and development. Some of these involved the design and development of new technology platforms, while others were focussed on the redevelopment of taught courses, assignments and assessed activities. What these projects had in common is that they all took place in the context of complex learning settings in which some variety of case based learning is used. They involved students drawn from different disciplines in higher education in ‘research-based learning’ about curriculum contexts, and about pedagogical aspects of these contexts. New digital tools were developed in the form of rich web applications that allowed learner interaction with content, in many cases underpinned by data from multiple sources and in diverse formats. In the development of these online technologies, students located, analysed, synthesised and, in some cases, generated new data, and, perhaps more significantly, participated in local or global knowledge networks. What we will argue is that these types of projects involve not only the development of specific techno-literacies, but also that they form the basis of broader ‘critical digital literacies’. These in turn equip students to enter workplaces better positioned to inquire into the particularities of the educational settings in which they work and the practices in which they are engaged. They can thus undertake ‘counter-research’ in which dominant rhetorics are challenged, and evidence bases for policy and practice are subjected to scrutiny, critique and reinterpretation. This presents the potential for students to undertake critical and politicised inquiry as part of a broader reframing of the purposes of higher education.
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Email has become one of the fastest and most economical forms of communication. However, the increase of email users has resulted in the dramatic increase of suspicious emails during the past few years. This paper proposes to apply classification data mining for the task of suspicious email detection based on deception theory. In this paper, email data was classified using four different classifiers (Neural Network, SVM, Naïve Bayesian and Decision Tree). The experiment was performed using weka on the basis of different data size by which the suspicious emails are detected from the email corpus. Experimental results show that simple ID3 classifier which make a binary tree, will give a promising detection rates.
The ongoing debate about the nature and benefits of technoliteracy is without a doubt one of the most hotly contested topics in education today. Alongside their related analyses and recommen-dations, the last two decades have seen a variety of state and corporate stake holders, academic disciplinary factions, cultural interests, and social organizations ranging from the local to the global weigh in with competing definitions of “technological literacy.” Whereas utopian notions such as Marshall McLuhan’s “global village” (1964) and H.G. Wells’s “world brain” (1938) imagined a technological world of growing unity in diversity, ours is perhaps better characterized as the highly complex and socio-politically stratified global culture of media spectacle and the ever-developing mega-technics of a worldwide information (Castells 1996), cum technocapitalist infotainment society (Kellner, 2003a: 11–15). As such, there is presently little reason to expect general agreement as regards what types of knowledge are entailed by technoliteracy, what sorts of practices might most greatly inform it, or even as to what institutional formations technoliteracy can best serve and be served by in kind.
Within both academic and policy discourses, the concept of media literacy is being extended from its traditional focus on print and audiovisual media to encompass the internet and other new media. The present article addresses three central questions currently facing the public, policy-makers and academy: What is media literacy? How is it changing? And what are the uses of literacy? The article begins with a definition: media literacy is the ability to access, analyse, evaluate and create messages across a variety of contexts. This four-component model is then examined for its applicability to the internet. Having advocated this skills-based approach to media literacy in relation to the internet, the article identifies some outstanding issues for new media literacy crucial to any policy of promoting media literacy among the population. The outcome is to extend our understanding of media literacy so as to encompass the historically and culturally conditioned relationship among three processes: (i) the symbolic and material representation of knowledge, culture and values; (ii) the diffusion of interpretative skills and abilities across a (stratified) population; and (iii) the institutional, especially, the state management of the power that access to and skilled use of knowledge brings to those who are ‘literate’
This essay examines the implications of the ubiquitous use of the term ‘digital literacies’ in higher education and its increasing alignment with institutional and organisational imperatives. It suggests that the term has been stripped of its provenance and association with disciplinary knowledge production and textual practice. Instead it is called into service rhetorically in order to promote competency-based agendas both in and outside the academy. The piece also points to a tendency to position teachers in deficit with regard to their technological capabilities and pay scant attention to their own disciplinary and scholarly practices in a digital world. It concludes that there is a case for building on established theoretical and conceptual frameworks from literacy studies if we wish to integrate advantages of the digital landscape with thoughtful teaching practice.