... Current data show that Equatorial Guinea shares most of its fish fauna with the neighbouring countries Cameroon and Gabon (Daget et al., 1984(Daget et al., , 1986(Daget et al., , 1991Huber, 2000;Roman, 1971;Wildekamp, 1993Wildekamp, , 1995Wildekamp, , 1996Wildekamp, , 2004. Recently two nothobranchiid species, Fundulopanchax avichang and Chromaphyosemion malumbresi, were described from the mainland of this country, which, together with F. oeseri from Bioko (Castelo, 1994;Huber, 2000;Legros & Zentz, 2007;Malumbres & Castelo, 2001;Scheel, 1968;Schmidt, 1928), bring to three the The species of the genus Chromaphyosemion from Equatorial Guinea were studied by Scheel (1974). He reported two samples, one from a brook crossing the road from Bata to Niefang, approximately 36 km east of Bata, which belongs to the Río Ecucu drainage (Scheel's EC strain) and one from a brook crossing the road from Bata to Libreville, 4 km south of the (then) new bridge over the Río Benito (Scheel's BI strain). ...