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Management of sthaulya (OBESITY) through kunjal kriya


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In modern sedentary society, obesity (Sthaulya) is the most hazardous factor which is the main underlying cause of life threatening disease like Diabetes Mellitus, Atherosclerosis, Cardio vascular disease etc. The accumulation of excess body fat, not simply excess weight that can be muscle or fat, is called obesity. Adipocytes show an adaptation to starvation, in exercise energetic and in the immune defense against pathogens. Excessive accumulation of adipocyte is the result of sustained positive energy balance in abdomen, leading to chronic inflammation. The highly palatable foods with hidden fats and sugar can cause metabolic syndrome and obesity. Ayurveda and Yoga are the collection of principles of life that took birth with the world itself and is not liable to changes at anytime and anywhere. Both Shastras have mentioned purificatory processes to maintain healthy life. The purification through Shatkarma (also known as Shatkriya like Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Tratak, Lauliki and Kapalbhati) is mentioned first in Hath Yoga Pradipika and Kunjal Kriya is one of them. Kunjal is a type of Antardhauti, also known by the name "Gajakarani". Kunjal Kriya alleviates the Kapha Dosha and increased Medo Dhatu in obese individuals and controls the Sthaulya.
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... In the early morning, before consuming anything, plenty of water is consumed to the extent that there should be a nauseating feeling. Further, voluntary vomiting is induced with the help of two fingers touching the root of the tongue and throat (22)(23)(24)(25)(26)(27)(28). ...
... During yoga learning days, we have been told by our teacher that for cleaning Dhauti (22,26) is used. Also, when we come across a Shlok (Dhauti Basti tatha neti, Nauliki Tratakam Tatha, Kapalvatischa Etani Shatkarmani Samacharet) from Hathyogpradipika. ...
... (21) While performing Dhauti,we observed that this cleans and stabilizes cravings throughout the day. Also, animals like Dog and Tiger do Dhauti when their stomach is upset and then further when Referred articles (22,23,26,26) gives kind of direction to use Dhauti for reduced craving and weight loss. Generally, Diet, exercise, yoga, or workouts are considered a driver for weight loss. ...
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ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT A 40-year-old female (SK) reporteda complaint of obesity, acidity, and depression. She intended to reduce weight without any medicine intake or any crash diet. After going through the client's history, an integrated approach was developed, which includes Dietmodification, Yoga,andDhauti (Tripple Driver Approach (TDA)) prescribed accordingly. Its impact on reducing weight was studied. KunjalKriya/Dhauti/ViV (Voluntarily Induced Vomiting) is a yogic cleansing technique given in 'GherandSamhita1/ 39,40 and Hathyogpradipika2/22,25, which involves voluntarily inducing vomiting after drinking sufficient amount of water in the early morning with empty stomach soon after leaving the bed. Interesting results were found, with a reduction of 36 kg of weight in around three years from 102 (BMI 44) to 66 kg (BMI 28). 'Dhauti' seems to have the lion's sharein reducing food cravingsalong with diet and yoga during this rejuvenation. Some psychological observationsfoundwere increased positivity, feeling light, and cleanlinessof the body along with rejuvenation, increased body energy and enthusiasm, and better skin color. It also reduces anger, acidity, and cough. This successful case study and its 'Triple Driver Approach'(TDA) approach might be referred to and adapted for other similar cases in the future.
... sedentary lifestyles and is recognized as a metabolic disorder (1). This becomes social awkwardness to be obese and to carry the impression of being inefficient. ...
... In a standing position, lean forward over a wash basin bowl, keeping the trunk horizontal. (1,(19)(20)(21)(22). The mouth should be opened wide, and breathing should be done through the mouth. ...
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Scientists have thoroughly studied numerous approaches to weight reduction, and some of them are being used among overweight or obese people. This includes diet, exercise, yoga, barometric surgery, intermittent fasting, etc. Despite the successes and failures of each approach, a one-size-fits-all approach may not be practical for individuals with regular daily routines who aim to shed excess weight to prevent future health issues. The downsides of some methods, such as dieting and intermittent fasting, include headache, dullness, and excessive cravings. The ease and practicality of these approaches for typical working individuals, along with the continuation of daily routine, are challenging. In the present case series, 21 participants (Ages 18 to 60 years) were willing to embark on a weight loss journey without significantly disrupting their normal lives. Each individual revealed their history, focusing on the cause of weight gain. Also, their unique Prakriti (Vata, Pitta, Kaph) and weight were assessed. Further, they have been given a customized combinatorial approach, which contains changes in their lifestyle, diet, and yoga practice, and they followed the recommended Dhauti technique as per Prakriti. After the follow-up, each case was assessed based on their BMI, body weight, and subjective psycho-physical changes. This Combinatorial Approach (Dhauti, Yoga, and Diet) yielded promising results for all individuals, leading to healthy weight loss with fewer challenges. Furthermore, subjective psychological status also improved.
... Vaman Dhauti is a part of the Shatkarma, a set of six purification practices in traditional yoga, and it is considered an essential step in the process of physical and mental cleansing. [9] The aspirant should drink water slowly by the mouth so that it fills (the stomach) up to the throat, and then push it by moving the abdomen and evacuating it through the lower passage. ...
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Man has made tremendous progress in almost every walk of life objects once considered impossible to be achieved, have now been achieved by us. Modern researchers and scientists have fundamentally altered our way of life. However, pollution of air, water, body, and mind is also the result of science, with the advance of civilization mankind is getting weaker day by day. The fundamental changes in our lifestyle brought about by industrialization, changes in diet, physical activity, the nature of the job sitting hours together in front of the computer, roaming always in the vehicles, and lack of active exercise have paved the way to many diseases like diabetes, heart disease, obesity, etc. Routine health problems like constipation, uneasiness, gaseous distention, burning of eyes, sinusitis, headache, indigestion, etc. require a suitable treatment modality to overcome. Every day persons cannot consume medicines for these problems. The human body needs a kind of physical training to show its efficient results. These results are gained by practicing the so-called 'Shatkarma' which is able to bring good results if practiced forever. Body cleansing is gained through the practice of Shatkarmas or the six purificatory techniques. They are very important from the point of view of physical and mental health, and these simple techniques are also highly valuable in healing internal disorders which are the aim of writing this paper.
... According to the rule of Nirukti 'r' is converted into 'l'. [2] Shatkarma i.e., Dhauti, Basti, Neti, Nauli, Tratak, Kapalbhati are not mentioned in 'Yogasutra' of Patanjali. Shatkarma details are available in Hath Yoga texts in which Kunjal Kriya is described as 'Gajkarani' as a type of Antar Dhauti. ...
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Bronchial Asthma is one of the distressing ailments of the present time and is notable for its episodic and chronic course which influences the entire human race & it is a sickness of the human respiratory framework where the aviation routes get restricted. This limiting causes side effects, for example, wheezing, windedness, chest snugness, and hacking, which answer bronchodilators. Kunjal Kriya is the most straightforward technique among all types of Dhouti. The cleaning up of the whole track beginning from the mouth to the stomach related way toward the start of the small digestion tracts, that is mouth, and throat. Asthmatics might notice huge globs of mucus in the ousted water; the solid reflex from the pyloric valve will release bodily fluid discharges from the bronchial cylinders. Kunjal Kriya is suggested as a protected technique during an assault, as the strong activity of the vagus nerve delivers fit in the respiratory framework. Every day Kunjal Kriya is suggested for asthmatics under the arrangement of prepared instructors. In this review study, the author focused to rule out the mode of action of Kunjal Kriya in Upper Respiratory Tract Infections w.s.r. to Bronchial Asthma.
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