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Block periodization emerged as a new idea in the preparation of athletes. Based on the analysis of the traditional theory of sports training and its segments and training periodization during the competitive season, the supporters of block periodization made a number of objections. The main conclusion was that classical periodization no longer meets the requirements of modern sports because of the extended competition calendar. Classical periodization is based on the simultaneous development of multiple abilities over a longer preparation period and large volumes of work. It prevents the athletes from participating successfully in several competitions during the season. However, according to the supporters of block periodization, this applies only to top athletes.On the other hand, there are many objections to the justification and logic of block periodization. The term “block periodization” is not adequate, and the criticism of the classical theory is methodologically incorrect because it refers to old bibliographic sources, (and) the opponents are not mentioned. It is not realistic in practice to work successively on more abilities because of short periods of preparation, there is not enough time to recover after such an effort while the risk of injury is significantly higher. Most importantly, according to the block periodization it is difficult to be fit at the right time, which is the main purpose of periodization. Therefore, one could rather say that block periodization is a misconception, rather than a breakthrough in training.
Block periodization emerged as a new idea in the preparation of athletes. Based on the analysis of
the traditional theory of sports training and its segments and training periodization during the com-
petitive season, the supporters of block periodization made a number of objections. The main conclu-
sion was that classical periodization no longer meets the requirements of modern sports because of
the extended competition calendar. Classical periodization is based on the simultaneous development
of multiple abilities over a longer preparation period and large volumes of work. It prevents the ath-
letes from participating successfully in several competitions during the season. However, according
to the supporters of block periodization, this applies only to top athletes.
On the other hand, there are many objections to the justication and logic of block periodization.
The term "block periodization" is not adequate, and the criticism of the classical theory is method-
ologically incorrect because it refers to old bibliographic sources, (and) the opponents are not men-
tioned. It is not realistic in practice to work successively on more abilities because of short periods
of preparation, there is not enough time to recover after such an effort while the risk of injury is
signicantly higher. Most importantly, according to the block periodization it is difcult to be t at
the right time, which is the main purpose of periodization. Therefore, one could rather say that block
periodization is a misconception, rather than a breakthrough in training.
Key Words: youth, training process, fundamental skills, fundamentals of shooting,
shooting percentage.
Vladimiri Koprivica1
1Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade, Serbia
doi: 10.5550/sgia.120802.en.093K UDK: 796.011.3 COBISS.BH-ID: 3466776
The theory of sports training gradually evolved
on the basis of practical experience which has rapidly
accumulated since the revival of the Olympic Games.
Over the years sport increasingly gained social signi-
cance, particularly after the Second World War. The
achieved results were not only the measure of human
capabilities, but also a means of promoting socio-
-economic systems, including the system of preparing
athletes for the most important competitions. Initi-
ally, the preparation system was largely dependent on
seasonal and climatic conditions, the season of the
year and calendar events. Thereby, during the 60s
people began to talk about the problem of periodi-
zation of athletic training as an important segment
of the theory and practice of athletic training.
The division into periods is not new, because
people have always done it in every activity, but the
periodization of athletic training during the year, in
order to achieve the best results at the time of a
competition, was a relatively new idea. Firstly, it was
thought that periodization depends on seasonal and
climatic conditions, and the events calendar. However,
the wider and more comprehensive analysis of the
competitive reality led to serious theoretical assump-
tions, even to the level of the theory of periodization
which Матвеев (1964, 1977) established and scienti-
cally explained, relying on numerous predecessors.
He proved that regularities of the development of
sports tness are the basis of periodization, and that
periodization in fact represents the management of
the process.
Matveyev became such an authority in that area
that his name became synonymous with the periodi-
zation theory of athletic training. That is why in many
2012, 8(2), 93–99
e-ISSN 1986-6119
Koprivica, V.: BLOCK PERODIZATION - A BREAKTHROUGH... SportLogia 2012, 8(2), 93–99
works that deal with the problem of periodization,
this theory is often referred to as the "Matveyev's
theory". Since it has lasted for almost half a century
as current theory, it is now referred to as the "tradi-
tional periodization theory" or "traditional Matveyev's
periodization theory".
First serious criticism of this theory appeared
around 1990 and exploded in the last years of the last
century. The highest authorities in this eld were
involved in a major controversy in the most important
magazine in Russia (Теория и практика физической
культуры - Journal of Theory and Practice of Physi-
cal Culture). Some authors sharply attacked the basic
assumptions of current theory, while the others vi-
gorously defended them. Certainly the biggest critic
and the biggest name among the opponents was J. V.
Verhoshansky. He and several of his supporters
expressed a number of critical views to the account
of the Matveyev's theory. The question of periodi-
zation during the year was raised within the criticism
of the entire theoretical basis of the current theory
of sports training. In contrast to classical periodiza-
tion, the so-called "block periodization" was suggested,
which originated as an idea between 1970 and 1980
and was later increasingly promoted in the works of
Verhoshansky and his followers. "Block system - it's
a non-traditional form of organization of the training
process in the annual cycle, designed exclusively for
top athletes, in amateur as well as in professional
sports." (Верхошанский, 2005). This idea was most
fully developed in the book of V. Issurin (2008) writ-
ten in English under the title "BLOCK PERODIZA-
NING". The book has been translated into several
languages, and also appeared in Serbian translation
(Issurin, 2009).
What do supporters of the new block periodiza-
tion object to the traditional theory of sports training
and where do they see the advantage of the new
approach that they propose regarding the preparation
of athletes?
First, it should be noted that block periodization
does not deny a traditional periodization values. Is-
surin (2009) points out: "The traditional approach is
still suitable for standard athletes, but not for top
ones", so all complaints to Matveyev's theory apply
only to this segment of sport.
The opponents reduced main reasons why the
traditional periodization of athletic training is unsu-
stainable in the training of top athletes, to the following:
the number of competitions and sports results
dramatically increased during the previous de-
total volume of training has been signicantly
new concepts appeared that inuence the plan-
ning and design of alternative periodization of
Classical periodization has many aws which in-
clude (Issurin, 2009):
limitations caused by simultaneous development
of many motor and technical abilities;
inability to provide preparation for the main
competitions, and successful participation in
numerous competitions;
too long periods of basic preparation and pre-
paration for a particular sport.
In the extensive work which explains the need to
apply block periodization in practice, Верхошанский
(2005) points out that the earlier analysis of the pre-
parations of Soviet athletes revealed a number of
shortcomings and negative tendencies. Everything is
conditioned by "[...] low scientic, theoretical and
methodological level of the used concept of training
periodization." During the work with top athletes
mistakes were made in the following:
in the annual cycle the loads of different direc-
tions were used chaotically and distributed rela-
tively evenly;
exercises with a load were mainly used in an
unspecialized way and unsystematically for the
development of force and as an additional tool
for solving the main tasks of training;
in the microcycle the means with very high
volume were unjustiably used, which unsettled
the synthesis of proteins that is an essential
component of adaptation;
a general tendency to increase the summary
volume of loads has become a goal in itself.
"All of these tendencies had the same cause - a
complex parallel form of organization of training
loads [...]" and in practice coaches were led by the
slogan: "If you want to beat the opponent - you
should train more than him" (Верхошанский, 2005).
Issurin (2009) states that "In contrast to the tra-
ditional model, the concept of block periodization is
characterized by the following advantages:
total volume of training can be signicantly
reduced, thereby also reducing the risk of athle-
tes overtraining;
training plan that provides more maximal com-
petition performances provides and also facili-
tates successful participation in numerous
competitions throughout the season;
Koprivica, V.: BLOCK PERODIZATION - A BREAKTHROUGH... SportLogia 2012, 8(2), 93–99
monitoring and control of the preparedness can
be effective because every drastic decrease in
the ability of an athlete can be evaluated in
every mesocycle;
nutrition and recovery program of athletes can
be adequately changed depending on the pre-
vailing type of training, and
annual plan that includes multiple phases of
training provides more favourable conditions
for achieving maximum results during the main
competition in a season.«
If we acknowledged the great writer Borges' tho-
ught that a book that does not have a counter-book
is considered to be incomplete, perhaps it could be
said for every theory as well. Therefore the authors
who invented block periodization and critically revi-
ewed the classical theory of periodization should be
honoured. It is primarily Verhoshansky whose criti-
cism sparked numerous authors to discuss the problem
of periodization in a signicant journal, Теория и
практика физической культуры (Journal of Theory and
Practice of Physical Culture - Moscow). However,
everyone who criticized the classical theory of peri-
odization may be objected for several omissions that
did not escape the authors who stood in defence of
the classical theory:
The term "block" is very problematic when you
put it in line with other terms that have long
been in use: cycle, period, stage or phase. A cycle
makes one designed, constructed and complete
working unit with all the interrelated processes
in it. A period of time is limited unit in a season
in which the emphasis is on improving some
process, while a stage and a phase are parts of
the process. These terms reect the essence of
the competition process and of the preparation
of athletes throughout the season. The term
"block" is not a term related to time and it ca-
nnot mark the period in which a competition or
training process takes place. Rather, it can be
used to mark some small unit, a structural element
of the whole. Without looking deeper into the
essence of the idea, it can be concluded that in
this case there is a fundamental inconsistency
between the terms "block periodization" and its
scientic denition the term (Koprivica &
Ćosic, 2011).
2. By criticizing classical theory of periodization,
Verhoshansky and Issurin rarely quote Matveyev
and analyze his theories, but they rather freely
interpret them. This is evident in the book by
Issurin (2009) when he gives the postulates of
classical periodization in the table entitled "Ge-
neral characteristics of training periodization
according to the traditional approach" (Матвеев,
1981), but the reference list does not contain
this work. In addition, Issurin presents graphs
of annual cycle, with one, two and three macro-
cycles which Matveyev published in distant 1977
based on the study of the sports practice of the
time of a large number of athletes. In his most
signicant and most comprehensive article on
the problem of classical and block periodization
Верхошанский (2005) uses 107 bibliographic
units (out of which 71 are self-citations), and
neither of them is by Matveyev. A list of refe-
rences for the third chapter of the book by Is-
surin (2009) best illustrates to what extent a
subjective approach is expressed in considering
the issue of periodization. While presenting
problems of microcycle, mesocycle and indivi-
dual trainings he does not mention Matveyev at
any point, not even in the list of references. This
is not only a major methodological error, beca-
use a polemics and drawing parallels between
the two concepts are in question, but it is also
an injustice to the author who was the rst to
scientically explain the structure of training
and who is quoted without exeption by all authors
in the eld.
Verhoshansky and Issurin exclusively refer to
the works of their like-minded authors and are
silent about the works of many authors who are
on opposite positions. It is unacceptable to
completely ignore the important works of the
leading world authority in the eld of sports
training theories, Платонов (1998, 2008, 2009),
who vigorously confronted block periodization.
Major omission of the proponents of block
periodization is that their critique is based on
older works of Matveyev, and they did not talk
about everything that he later added and changed
(Матвеев, 1998, 1999, 2001) in accordance with
the signicant changes in the world of sports.
The difference between Matveyev and his oppo
nents may best be seen in the criticism of one
of the few quotations which Верхошанский
(1998) states. Verhoshansky accuses Matveyev
that he does not hide the negative attitude towards
biological knowledge "because he claims that
the macrostructure of training is not determined
by biological laws, but it is determined on the
whole (emphasised V. K.) by the laws which
rule the sports tness". Basically Matveyev do-
es not deny the role of biological laws, but
these laws are not the only ones, and are not
Koprivica, V.: BLOCK PERODIZATION - A BREAKTHROUGH... SportLogia 2012, 8(2), 93–99
independent from others, which affect the ma-
nagement of sport shape. Unlike Verhoshansky,
Matveyev has a holistic approach in every work
that is necessary every time a complex bio-
-psycho-social nature of man is in question.
6. It is interesting that in practice failures are attri-
buted to the classical theory of periodization
without analysis to show the way the classical
theory was actually used (Верхошанский, 2005).
Great width, which, in basic principles, the
Matveyev's theory has for various and not always
predictable situations in practice, shows that its
practical implementation has to be creative
(Платонов, 2009).
Matvejev was objected about mechanical sorting
and linking individual training in the greater
whole – microcycles which further build meso-
cycles and macrocycles. This objection is not
justied because it is the exact opposite of the
basic idea of periodization. Matvejev himself
believes that training structure cannot be deter-
mined in advance. The right structure can be
seen and analyzed only after the training and
competition period is completed. Various struc-
tural parts must exist, because there are various
inuential factors. Strain and rest are regulated
in microcycle, a cumulative effect of physical
training is controlled in mesocycle, and sport
shape is managed in macrocycle. Top sport
shape, the greatest cumulative effect and rested
athlete in the phase of the supercompensation
of the most important skills, should all exist in
the time of the most important competition.
The main purpose of periodization is to achie-
ve the best result in the most important com-
petition of the season. Therefore, the classical
theory of periodization seeks long-term, gradu-
al and non forcing preparation for the important
competition, which includes a series of prelimi-
nary competitions. Probability to succeed in the
most important competition, if the classic pe-
riodization method is applied, is about 60-75%,
while the practice has shown that the applicati-
on of a block periodization lowers the proba-
bility to just 5-15% (Платонов, 2009). The
commercialization of sports has a signicant
impact on the competition calendar and spread
it to the extent that it is no longer rational (Ko-
privica, 2009). Selecting the most important
competitions and preparing for them according
to the classic periodization is more and more
becoming a factor of sports longevity. Thus,
block periodization does not correspond to the
top sports with more sporting competitions in
the season in which several of them are prima-
ry. If an athlete, according to block periodizati-
on, participates in all competitions in order to
achieve maximum results, then his career cannot
last long.
There is an obvious contradiction in some basic
settings of block periodization. If it applies
only to the top athletes and to the need to apply
more training blocks in which only selected skills
are developed and if it is necessary to participa-
te successfully in a greater number of competi-
tions throughout the year, how is that possible
in a situation where competition period lasts for
10 months and the preparatory period is signi-
cantly shortened (Koprivica, 2009a, 2009b;
Koprivica & Jankovic, 2010). Not only is there
no time to implement block periodization, but
it is impossible to develop and maintain a high
level of all abilities and skills, harmonize them
and bring them to such a level that it allows
athletes to be successful over the long season
of competition. Thus, block periodization does
not create conditions for individual maximums
and disturbs harmonization of more abilities
and skills.
Block periodization mainly deals with large
mesocyclic blocks that are "true embodiment
of a block periodization concept" (Issurin, 2009).
They have three different effects: accumulation,
transformation and realization (Ibid). Compared
to traditional periodization, to classical medium
size structural parts (mesocycles), it is nothing
new, because it is based on what is already known
and scientically explained in the training theo-
ry: working with the increased load in compari-
son to those on which the athlete is adapted -
relativestabilization of the changes - cumulative
effect of previous work.
A remark that classical theory recommends
exercise which includes "a little bit of all" and
simultaneous development of multiple skills is
not substantiated. Although this remark is con-
stantly emphasized, not a single author, suppor-
ter of a block periodization, species an appro-
priate quote neither from any of Matvejev's
works nor from the works of other signicant
authors which relies on classical theory. It is true
that classical theory recommends that all abili-
ties must be treated in training, but with an
emphasis on the particular ability in compliance
with the specicities of the sport discipline,
athlete’s individual characteristics, climate and
Koprivica, V.: BLOCK PERODIZATION - A BREAKTHROUGH... SportLogia 2012, 8(2), 93–99
material and technical factors (Платонов, 2009).
Especially, it should be adjusted to the position
of training in the season and to major compe-
titions. While some skills are developed, the
others must be maintained at the required level.
In a long competition period, a big problem is
to maintain the level of competence, which
means even less time for real development pro-
grams. Therefore, the preparation for the Olym-
pic Games in the year when the Games are
held is very specic (Koprivica, 2009b). Deve-
lopment of all abilities is practically not possible,
because development means greater loads than
those on which the athlete is adapted. Recovery
from a great load training where athlete works
on one ability lasts for at least 48 hours (Платонов,
1987, 2004). If they developed more skills (not
even all of them!) simultaneously, it would me-
an implementation of more consecutive train-
ings with maximum and heavy loads. This
contradicts to one of the basic principles of
training, which Matveyev himself dened and
explained - undulating load dynamics. Moreover
it is not possible to realize such trainings beca-
use of the accumulated loads and insufcient
time for athlete’s recovery.
If, according to block periodization, a single
ability development is implemented in a relati-
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Broj dana
Sposobnosti poslije specifičnog koncentrisamog utcaja
Residual training effects of different abilities after specic concentrated impact
(Source: Иссурин & Шкляр, 2002)
Legend: 1. - Aerobic endurance; 2. - Maximum force; 3. - Anaerobic endurance; 4. - Strenght
endurance; 5. - Alacatate ability.
vely long period of time, then the total volume
of training must be reduced because the same
orientation of training must leave more time for
athlete's recovery. In addition, the accumulated
fatigue increases the likelihood of injury, and
the depletion of the same biological systems can
be problematic from the standpoint of athlete's
health. The solution is either to work in a com-
plex microcycle, which the block periodization
excludes, or to reduce the loads for recovery and
reconcile with the fact that some tasks of trai-
ning will not be done.
12. Block periodization is also based on the so-cal-
led residual effect of training (Иссурин &
Шкляр, 2002). By some authors stated by Issu-
rin (2009) abilities are maintained for a certain
period of time (from 5 to 35 days) after the
termination of exercise and that time is not the
same for all motor abilities (Figure 1). This
setting is very problematic, as some other stu-
dies (Hargreaves, 1995; Wilmore & Costill, 2004;
and others, citated in Платонов, 2009) showed
that after the termination of work, after 1-2
weeks, the activity of oxidative and glycolytic
enzymes reduces; local muscular endurance
reduces, and quickly gained abilities are quickly
lost. Biological systems, previously highly adap-
ted due to inactivity, are now subject to the
process of deadaptation. Surely thoset abilities
are not reduced at once (for example, on the
Koprivica, V.: BLOCK PERODIZATION - A BREAKTHROUGH... SportLogia 2012, 8(2), 93–99
twentieth day), but it is a gradual and differen-
tiated process (Вовк, 2007, 2009). Disruption
on a level of one ability (increase or decrease)
changes compliance and relationships of vari-
ous motor abilities, especially those that are
highly correlated. This can affect, not only po-
sitively, but negatively as well, other abilities and
the level of technical and tactical skills.
Although block periodization predicts different
approaches for relatively simpler and more
complex sport disciplines according to the
structure of competitive activities, extensive
calendar of competitions during nearly a whole
year makes the practical application more dif-
cult. While the use of some type of "blocks" is
to some extent possible in cyclic sport discipli-
nes with longer preparation period, in more
complex sport disciplines (e.g. sports games,
martial arts disciplines) it is not possible.
Every theory, including the theory of sports tra-
ining, must be constantly reviewed in accordance
with the dynamic changes in competition and the
preparation of athletes. The emergence of the so-
-called block periodization temporarily shook the
traditional theory of training in the segment of peri-
odization. Criticism of classical periodization is not
well founded methodologically and does not match
the level of scientic debate about the problem (re-
ferences to old bibliographic sources, the sources in
favour of block periodization, concealing everything
that contradicts block periodization, deliberate mi-
sinterpretations...) and from the standpoint of scien-
ce may be rejected due to subjectivism. New perio-
dization ideas are not based on scientic facts and
their application in practice is not possible if one
wants to achieve a great result at the right time in the
most important competition, which is the basic idea
of periodization according to classical theory. Thus,
block periodization is rather a misconception than a
breakthrough in sports training.
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Received: November 11, 2012
Revision received: December 18, 2012
Accepted: December 18, 2012
Correspondence to:
Vladimir Koprivica PhD
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education
Blagoja Parovića 156
11030 Belgrade
Phone: 00381 11 3531 033
... Yıllar içerisinde spor, sosyopsikolojik yönden önemli bir kurum haline dönüşmüş, İkinci Dünya Savaşından sonra önemi giderek artmış, günümüzde bazı sporlarda profesyonelleşmeye zorunlu olarak kayılmıştır. Elde edilen sportif sonuçlar yalnız insanın yapabildiklerinin sonucu olarak değerlendirilmemiş; insanın sosyoekonomik sistemde yer alışının bir aracı olarak görülmüştür (Koprivica, 2012). ...
... Günümüzde ise herhangi bir formda yapılandırılmış ve planlanmış, bir hedefi olmayan antrenman yapılarını da içerisine alır olmuştur (Kiely, 2012). Önceleri daha az sayıda ve daha kısa olan yarışma periodu; daha volümlü (hacimli) ve daha düşük şiddetli bir yapıda başlamış, daha düşük hacimli ve daha yüksek şiddetli bir yapıyla ve yarışmaya doğru antrenman çeşitliliğinde daralmayla sonlandırıldığı görülmüştür (Matveyev, 1981;Kiely, 2012;Koprivica, 2012). Sezon tamamiyle iklimsel ve mevsimsel değişime; yarışmaların mevsimsel dağılımına, yarışma sayısına ve büyük yarışmaların dağılımına dayalı idi. ...
... Bu denli uzun sezon ve farklı yapı; farklı teorik varsayımların ortaya atılmasına zemin hazırlamıştır. Ancak, Leonid Matveyev'in adı periodizasyonun ortaya çıkışı ile özdeşleşmiş, "sportif antrenman ve periodizasyon"la anılır olmuştur (Matveyev, 1981;Koprivica, 2012; Naclerio ve diğ., 2013). Bu nedenle "periodizasyon ve sportif yıl" ile ilgili herhangi bir konu "Matveyev Teorisi" adıyla anılmıştır (Naclerio ve diğ., 2013). ...
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The purpose of this brief review is to provide some understanding of developmental processes related with “periodization” and to provide a summary point of view to important contributions in these processes. For this purpose some understanding of the historical events and issues surrounding periodization were provided. Contrary to “Matveyev’s periodization” or “classic periodization” instead of long preparation short competition/match period, which is still valid for some sports, team and acyclic sports and many sports are enjoying more diverse and longer competition and much shorter preparation period. Verkhoshansky accuses Matveyev for accepting “pedagogical adaptation” instead of “biological adaptation” and accepts the “block training” as different training process and tries to compare Matveyev’s “parallel training load” with “block periodization”. Verkhoshansky tries to differentiate between the two training instead of accepting the two supplementing each other. Due to increasing number of competition and longer competition period, the athlete/coach had to strategically choose between the competitions both in individual and team sports. Borg’s 20 scale rating was modified to 10 scale rating trying to create some solutions to some problems encountered in periodization.
... The study of sports history and the analysis of sports present can largely help determine the tendencies in this field and thus predict the future which we should prepare for. A tendency (Latin tendentia) is an aspiration, an inlcination (towards a certain direction, for a certain purpose); a trend; a direction; an intention; a goal 1 . Therefore, to determine the tendencies in a phenomenon, process or field, means to discover the essence of the trends within them, which often remains hidden underneath a multitude of manifestations. ...
... Sport cannot be identified with sports training and competition only, and if you want to comprehend it as a whole, wider phenomenon, it is clear that there 1 Vujaklija, Milan. Dictionary of Foreign Words and Phrases. ...
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Sport is a very dynamic social phenomenon that has developed rapidly especially after the Second World War. Studying the history of sport and its present may help determine the tendencies of modern sport and predict how sport will look in the future. This very significant issue has not been addressed extensively in the professional literature. Determining the tendencies of sport development represents the basis of the preparation of young athletes - future successful seniors, but also the basis of the organization of sport within society, the improvement of the system of athletes’ preparation and competition. The main modern sport tendencies include the following: sport is becoming more important in society; sports information is becoming more extensive and easily accessible; the number of scientific papers on sports has increased; new sports branches are constantly emerging; the number of sports branches included in the Olympic Games is increasing; the volume of training work and competition activities is increasing; general preparation has been reduced in seniors’ training and used as an active rest; the orientation towards multi-year planning of preparation and competition has been more emphasized; the harmonization of training and competition activities has been searched for; non-traditional means of preparation have been increasingly used; the model characteristics of athletes, training stages and competition activities are a landmark in the selection of athletes and their preparation; the methodology of motor skills learning has been improved; the selection of athletes is getting better; the control of sports activities has become better; modern technologies have been increasingly applied in sports; the work in sports has been increasingly team-based, and a larger number of specialists from different professions have been engaged in a team; the sports system has been improved.
... On the other hand, Platonov (Платонов, 1998), Kiely and Koprivica (Koprivica, 2012) have opposed the sports training block system pointing out numerous problems and failures that the supporters of the block system failed to present. Generally speaking, in physical culture, there is practically none or a small number of areas where a dialogue has been started on a theoretical level between the authors of different opinions. ...
... Са друге стране, Платонов (Платонов, 1998), Кили и Копривица (Koprivica, 2012) успротивили су се блок систему спортског тренинга указујући на многобројне проблеме и пропусте које су присталице блок система пропустиле да изнесу. Опште посматрано, у физичкој култури практично не постоји или је мали број области у којој је започет дијалог на теоријском нивоу између аутора различитих схватања. ...
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The purpose of a scientific dialogue is to overcome existing problems, participate responsibly, and find out the real nature of an issue, rather than to „be enclosed within a room” with one theory - studying one theory until its ultimate purpose is revealed. The dialogue preceded by a problem presented in a sincere and „risky” way and followed by a responsible attempt to solve the presented problem can be considered the true scientific dialogue. Establishing the criteria for conducting a dialogue may be relevant for discovering the reality in a scientific discipline. The dialogue on the sports training theories has been ongoing and the main aim of this paper was to overcome the problems related to the „rival theories” - the traditional theory of sports training versus the theory of the sports training block periodization. A weakness of the current dialogue on the sports training theories is a small number of the criteria on which the discussion on the „rival theories” is based. The dialogue should be conducted repeatedly in order to find a more tolerant attitude towards the other/different or in order to strengthen the already existing opinion. Key words: SPORTS TRAINING THEORY / DIALOGUE / TRADITIONAL THEORY / BLOCK PERIODIZATION / SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS
... O EPDT nunca foi comprovado do ponto de vista fisiológico e bioquímico e o aumento de performance se deve, provavelmente, a recuperação ou polimento (tapering strategies), que coincide com os períodos competitivos ou bloco C, onde as cargas são diminuídas (LOTURCO e NAKAMURA, 2016). O sistema de blocos também é apontado por alguns autores como falho do ponto de vista metodológico, pois faltam questões de controle que consigam demonstrar quais "níveis ótimos" de decréscimos funcionais podem ser suportados no bloco A, sem que essas quedas provoquem overtraining, já que os parâmetros de volume e intensidade se misturam e nenhuma ferramenta de controle de carga é proposta (KOPRIVICA, 2012), alguns ainda o consideram um retrocesso, cuja eficiência nunca foi provada (KIELY, 2012). ...
... The individuals opposing traditional periodisation stated the main reasons why traditional periodisation of athletic training is unsustainable in the training of elite athletes, to the following points. The number of competitions and sports results dramatically increased during the previous decade (pre-1970); the total volume of training had been significantly reduced and new concepts appeared that influence the planning and development of alternative periodisation of training (Koprivica, 2012). It is now widely known that this form of traditional periodisation has been disregarded by many sport scientists and coaches in high performance sport as it is only designed to yield one performance peak per sport season, whereas modern high performance sport requires multiple peaks per year. ...
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An investigation into the effect of a block periodisation system in an elite olympic sprinter over the duration of three competitive seasons.
... Thus, ten studies found marked superiority of BP programs, whereas one study found no such benefits. In addition, two publications were critical of the BP concept, according superiority to the traditional model, but the authors did not present any arguments concerning the biological background of the BP training approach [24,25]. ...
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Block periodized (BP) training is an innovative and prospective approach that is drawing increasing attention from coaching scientists and practitioners. However, its further dissemination and implementation demands serious scientific biological underpinnings. More specifically, the fundamental scientific concepts of homeostatic regulation, stress adaptation and the law of supercompensation determine the biological essence and content of appropriate block mesocycles, i.e., the accumulation, transmutation and realization cycles, respectively. Such a separation is intended to prevent conflicting physiological responses and provide a favorable interaction for training effects. Several studies have evaluated the metabolic effects of various training programs, and the superiority of the BP model has been confirmed in terms of significant gains of maximal oxygen uptake, maximal power output and positive trends in athletic performance. It was found that the endocrine status of athletes is strictly dependent on appropriate blocks such as voluminous extensive workloads combined with resistance training (accumulation), lower-volume intense training (transmutation), and event-specific precompetitive training (realization). Evidence from molecular biology indicates the major regulators that determine meaningful adaptive events within specific block mesocycles. Specifically, voluminous extensive accumulation blocks stimulate mitochondrial biogenesis and protein synthesis in slow-twitch muscle fibres, whereas lower-volume intense workloads of the transmutation blocks evoke adaptive modifications in fast-twitch glycolytic and oxidative-glycolytic muscle fibers. Furthermore, such a training program causes a remarkable elevation of myonuclear content in muscle fibers that enables athletes to regain previously acquired abilities. The precompetitive realization block produces accentuated expression of stress-related and myogenic genes that affect protein synthesis and increase muscle glycogen. In addition, such a program stimulates and increases the size, force and power of fast-twitch fibers.
... O EPDT nunca foi comprovado do ponto de vista fisiológico e bioquímico e o aumento de performance se deve, provavelmente, a recuperação ou polimento (tapering strategies), que coincide com os períodos competitivos ou bloco C, onde as cargas são diminuídas (LOTURCO e NAKAMURA, 2016). O sistema de blocos também é apontado por alguns autores como falho do ponto de vista metodológico, pois faltam questões de controle que consigam demonstrar quais "níveis ótimos" de decréscimos funcionais podem ser suportados no bloco A, sem que essas quedas provoquem overtraining, já que os parâmetros de volume e intensidade se misturam e nenhuma ferramenta de controle de carga é proposta (KOPRIVICA, 2012), alguns ainda o consideram um retrocesso, cuja eficiência nunca foi provada (KIELY, 2012). ...
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People with disabilities are increasingly taking part in sport activities, and among them are a significant number of ath-letes with visual impairments. Inclusion of this group in the sports activities often leads to several problems, some of which are related to professional work and inadequate education of professional staff. The paper presents some specific characteristics of indi-vidual elements that make up the structure of training of persons with visual impairments, as well as ways to solve problems that are encountered in practice. Aim and tasks: The aim of this paper is to point out the specifics of certain elements in the training framework of persons with visual impairments, as well as to stress the dif-ferences in relation to the training of persons without a disa-bility. For this purpose, we observed and analyzed the following elements: (1) Analysis of reference material thet has been presented in the literature; (2) Analysis of test results of athletes with visual impairments; (3) Analysis of individual training, microcycle, mezocycle, makrocycle; (4) Analysis of choice of training methods, methods of loading and methods of information; (5) Analysis of training funds; (6) Analysis of work in practice. Methods: Speculative-bibliographic method, empiric method, Analysis and Synthesis. Conclusion: Based on theoretical knowledge and analysis of work in practice, can be concluded that specificity of problems which occur in the training of individuals with visual impairments are significantly different than problems which occur in the training of individuals with novisual impairments. Specificity is so big, which is why it is necessary that special-ists who work with this group of athletes be further edu-cated.
Blok periodizacija -prekretnica u sportskom treningu [Block periodization -a turning point in sports training
  • V Issurin
Issurin, V. (2009). Blok periodizacija -prekretnica u sportskom treningu [Block periodization -a turning point in sports training]. Belgrade, RS: Datastatus.
Redefining some basic concepts in the theory of sports training
  • V Koprivica
  • M Ćosić
Koprivica, V., & Ćosić, M. (2011). Redefining some basic concepts in the theory of sports training.
»О концепции периодизации спортивной тренировки« и
  • В Н Платонов
Платонов, В. Н. (1998). »О концепции периодизации спортивной тренировки« и
На пути к научной теории и методологии спортивной тренировки [On the way to a scientific theory and methodology of sports practice
  • Ю В Верхошанский
Верхошанский, Ю. В. (1998b). На пути к научной теории и методологии спортивной тренировки [On the way to a scientific theory and methodology of sports practice]. Теория и практика физической культуры, 2, 2-42.