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Economics of Pineapple Marketing in Owerri Municipal Council Area, Imo State, Nigeria


Abstract and Figures

This study was conducted to analyze the economics of pineapple marketing in Owerri Municipal Council Area, Imo State, Nigeria. The study identified socio-economic characteristics of pineapple marketers, ascertained marketing channels, determined effects of socio-economic characteristics on profit margins, determined the marketing margin, ascertained the marketing efficiency, examined the costs, return and profitability of pineapple marketing and identified the constraints associated with pineapple marketing. Three markets from the study area were selected for this study. Sample size comprised 60 household pineapple marketers. Structured questionnaire were used in the collection of data. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools, gross income analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Findings revealed that pineapple marketing embraced more of able young persons as the mean age was found to be 34.12years. Results also revealed that pineapple marketing is dominated by females (96.67%). Most (80.00%) of the pineapple marketers were married with an average household size of five persons. Three product flow channels exist for the pineapple marketing with the major channel being that from the producers through wholesalers to retailers and ultimately to the final consumers. The marketers earned a positive net return of N770.00 and the return per capital was N0.55. Results from the estimated multiple linear regression analysis revealed that age (2.934), marital status (5.149), education (5.184), marketing experience (3.272), monthly income (2.676) and membership of cooperative (3.096) were found to be the significant factors influencing profit margin and the relationships were statistically significant at 1% level of probability. The F-Ratio (57.298) revealed the overall significant of the model which led to the rejection of the null hypothesis hence concludes that the socio-economic characteristics of pineapple marketers have a significant influence on their profit margins. Findings also revealed that pineapple marketing is efficient and lucrative in the area. However, inadequate capital, price fluctuation and inadequate storage facilities are the major constraints militating against its efficient marketing system. It was therefore recommended that effective agricultural policies and programmes should focus on marketers easy access to credits. Infrastructural facilities such as good feeder roads should also be provided for the marketers to reduce spoilage and distressed sales. Marketers should be encouraged to form agricultural marketing cooperatives to eliminate the exploitative activities of some middlemen. Ultimately, processing companies should be established in the area so as to bring processors closer to the marketers. This will reduce the rate of perishability, shorten the chain of distribution and enable marketers to receive better prices at reduced transportation cost
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International Journal of Applied Research and Technology 3
Esxon Publishers
International Journal of Applied Research and Technology
ISSN 2277-0585
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Economics of Pineapple Marketing in Owerri Municipal
Council Area, Imo State, Nigeria
Esiobu, N. S., Nwosu, C. S. and Onubuogu, G. C.
Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria.
Available online: May 31, 2014
To cite this article:
Esiobu, N. S., Nwosu, C. S. and Onubuogu, G. C. (2014). Economics of Pineapple Marketing in Owerri Municipal Council
Area, Imo State, Nigeria. International Journal of Applied Research and Technology. 3(5): 3 12.
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International Journal of Applied Research and Technology 4
International Journal of Applied Research and Technology
Esxon Publishers
Vol. 3, No. 5, May 2014. 3 12.
Economics of Pineapple Marketing in Owerri Municipal Council Area, Imo
State, Nigeria
Esiobu, N. S., Nwosu, C. S. and Onubuogu, G. C.
Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria.
(Received: 21 May 2014 / Accepted: 27 May 2014 / Published: 31 May 2014)
This study was conducted to analyze the economics of pineapple marketing in Owerri Municipal Council Area, Imo State,
Nigeria. The study identified socio-economic characteristics of pineapple marketers, ascertained marketing channels,
determined effects of socio-economic characteristics on profit margins, determined the marketing margin, ascertained the
marketing efficiency, examined the costs, return and profitability of pineapple marketing and identified the constraints
associated with pineapple marketing. Three markets from the study area were selected for this study. Sample size comprised
60 household pineapple marketers. Structured questionnaire were used in the collection of data. Data collected were analyzed
using descriptive statistical tools, gross income analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Findings revealed that
pineapple marketing embraced more of able young persons as the mean age was found to be 34.12years. Results also revealed
that pineapple marketing is dominated by females (96.67%). Most (80.00%) of the pineapple marketers were married with
an average household size of five persons. Three product flow channels exist for the pineapple marketing with the major
channel being that from the producers through wholesalers to retailers and ultimately to the final consumers. The marketers
earned a positive net return of N770.00 and the return per capital was N0.55. Results from the estimated multiple linear
regression analysis revealed that age (2.934), marital status (5.149), education (5.184), marketing experience (3.272),
monthly income (2.676) and membership of cooperative (3.096) were found to be the significant factors influencing profit
margin and the relationships were statistically significant at 1% level of probability. The F-Ratio (57.298) revealed the overall
significant of the model which led to the rejection of the null hypothesis hence concludes that the socio-economic
characteristics of pineapple marketers have a significant influence on their profit margins. Findings also revealed that
pineapple marketing is efficient and lucrative in the area. However, inadequate capital, price fluctuation and inadequate
storage facilities are the major constraints militating against its efficient marketing system. It was therefore recommended
that effective agricultural policies and programmes should focus on marketers easy access to credits. Infrastructural facilities
such as good feeder roads should also be provided for the marketers to reduce spoilage and distressed sales. Marketers should
be encouraged to form agricultural marketing cooperatives to eliminate the exploitative activities of some middlemen.
Ultimately, processing companies should be established in the area so as to bring processors closer to the marketers. This
will reduce the rate of perishability, shorten the chain of distribution and enable marketers to receive better prices at reduced
transportation cost.
Keywords: Pineapple, Economics, Marketing, Owerri, Imo State
For corresponding author:
Subject: 0514-0235
© 2014 Esxon Publishers. All rights reserved
International Journal of Applied Research and Technology 5
Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is the third most important tropical fruit in the world after banana (Musa spp.) and Citrus spp.
(IITA, 2010; FAO, 2012 and CBN, 2012). Important producing countries are Brazil, India, China, Nigeria, Mexico and
Colombia. They produce the fruit primarily for fresh fruit markets and processing industry. Nigeria ranked 6th on the list for
world pineapple production with nearly 800,000 tonnes produced annually (IITA, 2010 and FAO, 2012). However,
agricultural marketing is part of agricultural production without which agriculture remains stagnant (Abbot, 2000; Arene,
2003; Keerthi, 2008; Munonye, 2010; Amao et al., 2011 and Eze and Orebiyi, 2011). According to Ubi et al. (2005) and Ubi
et al. (2008) the crop is drought tolerant and well adapted to the tropical acid sand with pH ranging from 4.5 to 6.5 and the
crop is propagated by new vegetative growth. Hasegawa et al. (2002) revealed that pineapple is a delicious fruit with fine
flavour and high nutritive value, its contents makes it a good raw material in confectionary industries for making sweet, fruit
drinks and household food addictives. It has medicinal value and a fragment consumption of pineapple juice immunes one
against fever parasite (Hasegawa et al., 2002 and Amao et al., 2011). Pineapple is used mainly as food in the form of snacks
and fruit-juice, while in most parts of the world the fermented juice is used to make vinegar and alcoholic spirit. Pineapple
leaves are used to make cloth and rope, while the whole plant is used as a source of energy (Sampson, 2001; Ubi et al., 2005
and Ubi et al., 2008).
Agricultural marketing dictates how often the producer will increase and or produce their yield (Oluwatayo et al.,
2003). A good marketing organization directs production along the most suitable needs of the consumers (Abbot, 2003 and
Munonye, 2010). The market mechanisms have to be efficient to be able to play the role of propelling yield. An efficient
market system therefore is the one that provides satisfactory and cheap services to consumers or one that maximize the ratio
of input and output of marketing (Arene et al., 2003; Munonye, 2010 and Olayide, 2011). Thus, marketing of pineapple is
as essential as its production since an effective marketing system helps to harmonize demand and supply and stimulate
production (Adesope, et. al., 2010). Apart from Nigeria’s agriculture not producing enough to meet the food requirements
of the increasing population, one of its greatest problems is that of inadequate vitamins in the diet of a large proportion of
the population, especially in the rural areas which constitute over 70% of the country’s population (Ojo, 2003 and Onaiwu,
2011). In realization of the importance of vitamins, the various governments in Nigeria have been pursuing programmes at
the national, state and community levels to boost the production of fruits and vegetables (Ojo, 2003). For example, the
Federal Government of Nigeria, desirous of boosting the level of vitamin in-take among its citizenry, immediate poverty
alleviation, and rapid agricultural development, supported the production and distribution of 10,000,000 suckers of
pineapple, which can be planted on 250 hectares of land (FAO, 2012 and CBN, 2012).
Beside the essential nutrients pineapple supply to the diet, the tremendous contribution pineapple make to our foreign
exchange earning explains why concerted effort should be devoted to its cultivation, improvement, marketing, processing
and storage (Ojo, 2003 and Hasegawa et al., 2002 and Amao, et al., 2011). It is therefore pertinent that this study analyzed
the economics of pineapple marketing in Owerri Municipal Council Area of Imo State, Nigeria.
Furthermore, research development and investment effort have often been focused primarily on production (Njoku,
2000; Keerthi, 2008 and Amao, et al., 2011). Agricultural production in Nigeria relies heavily on the input of human labour
(Nwajiuba, 2012). Production increases without a well-developed marketing system lead to all possible gains from the
production effort going into the drains of post-harvest losses (Amao, et al., 2011 and Eze and Orebiyi, 2011). Often,
marketers are compelled if not forced to sell their fruits at a very low price to avoid huge wastage or total loss and this
reduces their marketing margins and marketing efficiency (Onaiwu, 2011 and Amao et al., 2011).
Also, a lot of studies have looked at economics of pineapple production in Nigeria (Njoku, 2000; Sampson, 2001; Hasegawa
et al., 2002; Ojo, 2003; Ubi et al., 2008; Keerthi, 2008 and Onaiwu, 2011). Others have focused on the socio-economic
implications and marketing channels of pineapple (Njoku, 2000; Keerthi, 2008; Adesope, 2010; Amao et al., 2011 and Eze
and Orebiyi, 2011). There exists little or no study in Nigeria in general and Imo State in particular that has focused on the
economics of pineapple marketing. This has left a void in research. Empirical evidence remains largely scanty, isolated and
devoid of in depth analysis of the marketing margins, channels, efficiency costs and return and constraints of pineapple
marketing. This has caused a wide gap in knowledge. Hence it has become pertinent to economically analyze pineapple
marketing in Owerri Municipal area of Imo State, Nigeria. The specific objectives of the study include describing the socio-
economic characteristics of marketers; ascertaining the marketing channels; determining the effects of socio-economic
characteristics of on profits margins; determining the marketing margin; ascertaining the marketing efficiency; examining
the costs, return and profitability of pineapple marketing and identifying the constraints associated with pineapple marketing
in Owerri Municipal area of Imo State, Nigeria.
From the limitation of the study, constraints on time and resources of the researcher forced to select only sixty
respondents from the study area for the study. Hence results are largely applicable to other areas of the State not selected.
The questionnaire and personal interview methods of data collection require the respondents to recall from their memories
about their pineapple marketing practices. Hence, the findings may be subject to memory lapses of the respondents. The
marketing prices realized differ from respondent to respondent, but was calculated and used in obtaining the final result of
the study. Hence, the findings may be subject to inconsistency in other areas where similar condition prevails. However,
these limitations did not in any way, impair to reliability of the findings and could therefore be taken to represent the true
situation in the study area.
International Journal of Applied Research and Technology 6
Materials and Methods
This study was conducted in Owerri Municipal Council Area of Imo State, Nigeria. Owerri Municipal Council Area is an
urban area with one autonomous community made up to five (5) indigenous kindred namely; Umuoroonjo, Amawom,
Umuoneeche, Umuodu and Umuoyima in the order of seniority under the leadership of one paramount ruler. Owerri
Municipal Council covers areas such as World Bank, Aladinma, Ikenegbu, Prefab, Tetlow, School Road, Wetheral and
Douglas. Owerri Municipal Council is located in the humid tropical ecological zone of Nigeria between latitudes 50 251N
and 500 231N and longitude 70 21E and 1490 331E of the Greenwich meridian (Metrological Unit, Ministry of Land and
Survey, 2006 and Microsoft Corporation, 2009).
It is bounded on the North by Amakohia, North-east by Uratta, East by Egbu, Southeast by Naze, South by Nekede
and North-west by Irrete. Owerri Municipal Council has two geological regions namely; a coastal plain and a plateau portion
(Imo-ADP, 2004). The area has a mean annual rainfall of 2250mm-2500mm (Imo State Planning and Economic Commission,
2004 and Microsoft Corporation, 2009). The mean temperature range is 250C to 270C and its relative humidity is 80%. The
vegetation is typical rainforest with a total land mass of 58km2 (Microsoft Corporation, 2009) and a population of 127,213
persons (NPC, 2006 and NBS, 2007). Many businesses exist in the municipal council because of the vantage position it
occupies as the seat of Imo State government and therefore the epicenter of all economic, social and religious activities in
the state but most of citizens are engaged in trading and civic services.
Purposive sampling technique was used for the study. Three markets namely Ekeonunwa Market, New Market and
Relief Market in the municipal council area were chosen subjectively because it is the major markets in the study area.
Twenty five pineapple marketers were randomly selected from each of the three major markets given a sample size of seven
five pineapple marketers for the study. The main tool for data collection was the structured questionnaire and it was
supplemented with verbal interview in places where the respondents could neither read nor write. However, the study found
only sixty responses valid and was used for data analysis. The questionnaire sought for information on socio-economic
characteristics of the pineapple marketers, quantities of pineapple purchased, costs associated with pineapple marketing and
the associated problems.
Data collected were analyzed with descriptive statistics, gross income analysis and multiple linear regression
Results and Discussion
Table 1 reveals that majority (61.67%) of the pineapple marketers fell within the age bracket of 31 to 40 years. It also showed
that (31.67%) of pineapple marketers are less than 30 years, while 6.67% are 41 years and above. The mean age was 34.12
years. This is an indication that pineapple marketing is dominated by young individual who are active and within the
productive age group. The result is similar with the finding of Aruna (2006) and Ibekwe et al., (2010) who reported that this
age group constitute the major productive work force and that young individual have potentials to withstand stress, risk and
have strength to face tedious task associated with pineapple marketing than the too young or too old individual. Entries in
Table 1 also show that majority (96.67%) of the pineapple marketers were females while 3.33% were males. This agrees
with the confirmation that agribusiness especially in sub-Saharan Africa is turning out to be female activities (DAC, 2005
and FAO, 2007). Table 1 also reveals that majority (73.33%) had secondary education, 18.33% had primary education, 8.33%
had tertiary education while 6.67% had no formal education. The mean educational level was 10.43 years. The result implies
that approximately 93.33% of the marketers had trainings in formal educational institutions which no doubt increases their
literacy levels. It is expected that the higher level of education will contribute significantly to decision making of a marketers.
This implies that exposure to higher education increases marketing efficiency, improves access to market information as well
as enhances marketers ability to understand and evaluates new marketing technique (Anyanwu, 2012). This is in line with
the findings of Onyenweaku and Nwaru (2005) and Onyenucheya and Ukoha (2007) that high level of education is an added
advantage in terms of acquiring loan especially in formal financial institution. The distribution of the marketer according to
marital status is also reported in Table 1 and it reveals that majority (80.00%) were married, (13.33%) were single while
8.33% were widowed. This shows that fruit marketing is the business of married individual. This finding is supported by
previous studies by Adesope et al., (2009) that pineapple marketing is dominated by married individuals while the unmarried
ones migrate to the city in search of white-colar jobs.
Result in Table 1 also indicates that majority (50.00%) had below 10 years of marketing experience, (48.33%) had
11-19 years of marketing experience while 1.67% constitute those with 20 years of marketing experience and above. The
average marketing experience was calculated as 13.21 years. Experience in marketing is a key factor in marketing efficiency
, margin and the longer the years of marketing experience, the more exposed the marketer becomes and the more efficient
and effective the marketer is expected to be in allocation of resources (Nwaogu, 2006; Adeola et al., 2008 and Eze and
Orebiyi, 2011). Table 1 also shows that majority (58.33%) of pineapple marketers had household size of 1 to 5 persons while
41.67% had household size of 6 to 10 persons. The mean household size was 5.5 persons. The finding is consistent with
Efiong (2005) and Adegbite (2008) that reported that relatively large household size enhances the availability of labour. This
implies that the pineapple marketers had access to family labour and this therefore explain why the use of hired labour in
small-scale marketing enterprise is very low as observed by (Idiong, 2005). A household comprises all persons who generally
live under the same roof and eat from the same pot (FOS, 1985). Lipsey (1986) also defined a household as all people who
live under one roof and who make or are subject to others making for them joint financial decision. For the purpose of this
study, a household comprises the head, the wife/wives, children and other dependents that live in the same house.
Marketers place of purchase are also reported in Table 1. It shows that majority (96.67%) of pineapple marketers
buys the pineapple they marketed within Imo State while 3.33% buys theirs outside Imo State. The finding is consistent with
International Journal of Applied Research and Technology 7
Anyanwu (2003) and Oladejo (2009) that reported marketers who buy the product they market outside the State buys in
larger quantities hence are the wholesalers in the business. Table 1 also indicated membership of cooperative it reveals that
(46.67%) of pineapple marketers belongs to different group of pineapple marketers association in the market area while
56.67% do not belong to any pineapple marketers association. Ajibefun and Aderinola (2007); Ashagidigbe et al., (2011)
and Anyanwu (2012) have argued that membership of cooperative affords marketers the opportunity of sharing information
on modern marketing strategies and to help members financially. Table also show that majority (43.33%) of pineapple
marketers make an average income between below N20,000, (26.67%) make N21,000 to N40,000, 21.67% of the marketers
make an average of N41,000 to N60,000, 6.67% make an average income of N61,000- N80,000 while 1.67% make an
average income of N81,000 and above. The average income was N32, 821.00. Higher income increases the purchasing power
hence marketers with the higher monthly income are more likely to purchase more goods which would increase profit margin
and marketing efficiency (Adeola et al., 2008; Eze and Orebiyi, 2011 and Onwumere et al., 2011).
Ultimately, Table 1 reveals that majority (58.33%) of pineapple marketers sold at least 4 baskets of pineapple per
week, 23.33% sold 3 baskets per week, 10.00% sold 2 baskets while 8.33% sold 1 basket per week. The average quantity
sold per week was 3.7 baskets. The finding is consistent with Eze and Orebiyi (2011) who reported that the demand for
pineapple is high in the study area. The marketing channel for the commodity reveals the nature of the market organization
(Keerthi, 2008; Amao et al., 2011 and Eze and Orebiyi, 2011). In order to determine the influence of pineapple marketers’
socio-economic characteristics on profit margin, a multiple regression analysis was carried out in four functional forms
(linear, semi-log, double-log and exponential forms). Based on the statistical significance of the coefficient goodness of fit
and the economic theory that supports marketing concept, the double-log function was chosen as the lead equation. The
double-log regression function was chosen as the lead equation based on the value of R2(0.942), F-Ratio value(57.298),
conformity of the signs with a priori expectations of the model and has the highest number of significant variables, that is
six variables. The coefficient of multiple determinations (R2) was found to be 0.942 (94.2%). This is an indication that 94.2%
of the variation in the profit margin of the pineapple marketers was explained by the explanatory variable. Age (X1): Age
was found to be positively related to profit of the pineapple marketers. This implies that older marketers make more profit
than their younger counterparts. The reason for this may be that pineapple marketing demands much strength and energy
which could be easily supplied by the older pineapple marketers. The relationship is significant at 1% level of probability.
Marital status had a positive coefficient with the profit of the pineapple marketers. This implies that married people
make more profit that their single counterpart. The reason for this could be than married marketers easily supply the capital
and labour needed to improve the marketing efficiency and profit margin for the pineapple marketing in the study area. The
relationship is significant at 1% level of probability. Education had a positive coefficient with the profit margin of the
marketers hence it is statistically significant at one percent level of probability; the result was consistent with the findings of
Coelli and Battese, (2005) and Ashagidigbe et al., (2011) that reported that marketers with formal education have greater
ability to adopt new technology, ideas, information and marketing strategies to maximize profit. The household size had a
positive relationship with profit. This could be that increase in household size makes for increase in labour hence ensures
expansion of marketing outlet which ensures proper coverage of market and reduces cost of labour (Yusuf and Malomo,
2007). Experience had a positive relationship with profit. This implies that an experienced marketers knows the problems
involved and are in a better position to use new strategies to overcome them which would positively increase profit margin
and marketing efficiency. The relationship is significant at 1% level of probability. Monthly income had a positive
relationship with profit margin and it is significant at 1% level of probability. This implies that increase in income increases
the purchasing power of the pineapple marketers hence marketers with the highest monthly income are more likely to
purchase more of the pineapple which would increase profit margin. Place of purchase had a positive coefficient with profit.
This implies that marketers who purchase the pineapple they market from within the Imo State made less profit than those
who purchase theirs outside Imo State hence it could be that marketers who purchase the pineapple they market outside Imo
State are the wholesalers from whom marketers that purchase within the Imo State buys from. Membership of cooperative
had a positive coefficient with profit and it is significant at 1% percent level of probability. This implies that marketers who
belong to an association gather more information, credit and knowledge on how to enhance profit margin and they could also
exchanges labour (Ashagidigbe et al., 2011). Gender had a negative relationship with profit. This implies that more female
are involve in pineapple marketing hence the result was inconsistent with the finding of Ajibufun, et al., (2002) who reported
that marketing is a physical enterprise with a positive influence if male actively dominate it.
The F-ratio (57.298), which determines the overall significance of the regression model, is highly significant at 1%
level hence we conclude that the pineapple marketers’ socio economic characteristics had a significant influence on profit.
The results in Table 3 revealed that the marketing cost for a basket of pineapple is estimated to be N1,150.00 while a net
margin of N1,700.00 was obtained for the same basket of pineapple. The findings showed that net margin is a good one
hence as the quantity of pineapple to be sold increases, the net margin increases as well. The results in Table 3 revealed the
majority 59.05% of the total variable cost of pineapple marketing is the costs of pineapple. The contribution of the fixed cost
was low compared to the variable costs incurred. The fixed cost contributed only 12.92% of the cost of pineapple marketing.
The return on capital invested was found to be N0.55. It can be inferred that for every naira invested, there is fifty-five kobo
returns for that marketing in the study area. Table 3 indicates a total revenue (TR) of N5,850.00, gross income (GI) of
N1,430 and a net income (NI) of N770.00.From the marketing efficiency result obtained, the market is efficient hence the
finding is consistent with Eze and Orebiyi (2011) that examine the profitability of pineapple marketing in the study area.
The Costs and Return Analysis of Pineapple Marketing are presented in Table 4 while the constraints faced by
pineapple marketers in the study areas were ranked according to their severity in Table 5. The inadequate capital was the
most serious constraint of pineapple marketers with 96.67% of the pineapple marketers identifying it. Inadequate storage
International Journal of Applied Research and Technology 8
facilities ranked second (91.66%). The perishable nature of the pineapple fruit was the serious constraint of pineapple
marketers. Pineapple gets spoilt easily when not properly stored and this is accounts for the severe losses suffered by
pineapple marketers in the study area. Also 86.87% of the pineapple marketers complained of price fluctuations which
ranked third on the list of constraints. This constraint left many marketers unaware of frequent changes in prices of pineapple.
Seasonality of production was the fourth on the list with 78.33% of pineapple marketers identifying the constraints.
Furthermore, 71.67% of pineapple marketers complained of inadequate price information as they are usually uninformed
about new changes in price of pineapple by their wholesaler, suppliers or farmers.
Ultimately, poor feeder road (68.33%) and inadequate of shed or shop (63.33%) ranked sixth and seventh
respectively. Fighting these constraints will be vital in enhancing pineapple marketing in Imo State and maybe in Nigeria.
Conclusion and Recommendations
The study has analyzed the economics of pineapple marketing in Owerri Municipal Council Area, Imo State, Nigeria. Based
on the findings age (2.934), marital status (5.149), education (5.184), experience (3.272), monthly income (2.676) and
membership to association (3.096) were found to be the significant factors influencing profit margin and the relationships
were statistically significant at 1% level. The F-Ratio (59.298) revealed the overall significant of the model which led to the
rejection of the null hypothesis hence concludes that the socio-economic characteristics of pineapple marketers have a
significant influence on their profit margins. Increase in them, will improve increases efficiency. The net return could
positively increase if the marketers are encouraged to form agricultural marketing cooperatives in order to eliminate the
exploitative activities of the middlemen so as to increases purchase as the fruit is in high demand in the study area. It was
recommended that good feeder roads should be constructed and the old ones rehabilitated either by the government or
communities linking rural areas for easy transportation of pineapple produce since the product are bulky and perishable and
this will reduce the transportation cost as complained by the marketers, processing companies/facilities should be established
in the area. This could be done by government or private companies for easy processing of raw materials into juice as well
as bringing processors closer to the marketers. This will reduce the rate of perishability, shorten the chain of distribution and
enable marketers to receive better prices at reduced transportation cost, new shops/sheds should be constructed and the old
ones rehabilitated in the market areas and at reduced price for the marketers. This could be done by government or private
companies as this would reduce the high scorched of sun and heavy down pull that affects marketers while they sell their
product, the government or private companies should allocate more resources and research funding to social researchers to
enhance research on pineapple marketing within and beyond the study area, the entire marketing system should be
restructured. Marketers should be encouraged to form agricultural marketing cooperatives in order to eliminate the
exploitative activities of the middlemen and ultimately, the marketing agencies should be enforced by government to take
care of the marketing problems that are associated with the speculative activities of the middlemen.
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International Journal of Applied Research and Technology 10
Table 1: Socio-economic characteristics of Marketers
Age (years)
Less than 30
41 and above
Educational Level (Years)
No formal
Marital Status
Experience (Years)
Less than 10
20 and above
Household Size (Number of Person)
Place of Purchase
Membership of Cooperative
Non member
Average Income (Naira)
Less than 20,000
81,000 and above
Quantity Sold/Week (Baskets)
Average age = 34.12 years; Mean Educational level= 10.43 years; Average Marketing Experience = 13.21 years; Mean household size=
5.5 persons; Average Income = N32, 821.00; Average quantity sold per week = 3.7 baskets Source: Field Survey Data, 2013
International Journal of Applied Research and Technology 11
Table 2: Regression Analysis of the Influence of Socio-economic Characteristics on Profit Margin of Pineapple Marketers
Explanatory Variable
Age (X1)
Marital Status (X2)
Education (X3)
Household Size(X4)
Experience (X5)
Monthly Income (X6)
Place of Purchase (X7)
Membership of Cooperative (X8)
Gender (X9)
Source: Computer Printout of SPSS (2013); values in Parenthesis are t-values *Statistically Significant at 10%; **Statistically Significant
at 5%; *** Statistically Significant at 1%
Table 3: Marketing Margin for Pineapple in Owerri Municipal Council Area, Imo State
Average Cost/Basket (N)
Percentage (%)
Marketing Cost
Total Variable Cost
Marketing Margin
Purchase price
Sales price
Gross margin
Net margin
Source: Field Survey Data, 2013
International Journal of Applied Research and Technology 12
Table 4: Costs and Return Analysis of Pineapple Marketing
Average Cost/ Basket (N)
Percentage (%)
Total Revenue
Variable Costs
Acquisition Cost
Loading Cost
Total Variable Cost
Fixed Cost
Depreciation on Basket
Depreciation on Knife
Depreciation on Shop/Shed
Total Fixed Cost
Total Cost (TFC+TVC)
Gross Income
Net Income
Return on Capital Invested
Marketing Efficiency
Source: Field Survey Data, 2013
Table 5: Frequency Distribution of Constraints Associated With Pineapple Marketing
Source: Field Survey Data, 2013. **Multiple Responses obtained
Percentage (%) **
Rank Order**
Inadequate Capital
Inadequate Storage Facilities
Price Fluctuation
Seasonality of Production
Inadequate Price Information
Poor Feeder Roads
Inadequate of Shed/Shop
... However, pineapple (Ananas comosus) is the third most important tropical fruit in the world after banana (Musa spp.) and Citrus spp. (Esiobu et al., 2014a). Important producing countries are Brazil, India, China, Nigeria, Mexico and Colombia. ...
... The crop is propagated by new vegetative growth. Esiobu et al., (2014a) revealed that pineapple is a delicious fruit with fine flavour and high nutritive value, its contents makes it a *Corresponding Author's Email:; Tel: +2347030209157. good raw material in confectionary industries for making sweet, fruit drinks and household food addictives. ...
... Pineapple leaves are used to make cloth and rope, while the whole plant is used as a source of energy (Ubi et al., 2005). However, despite the nutritional and commercial value of pineapple its production remains low in Nigeria when compared to other nations of the world (Esiobu et al., 2014a). The persistent problem of agricultural programme and project in Nigeria has continued to reduce its effectiveness/impact among potential users. ...
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Pineapple (Ananas comosus) is rated as the third most valuable economic fruit behind bananas and citruses at global level. In Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the production figure of pineapple increased from 1.43 million metric tonnes. Nigeria takes the lead as the highest producer in Africa. Therefore, it is critical to compare the relative performance of participating and non-participating Commercial Agriculture Development Project (CADP) farmers in pineapple production in Awgu Local Government Area, Enugu State, Nigeria. Sixty participating and non-participating pineapple farmers respectively were purposively selected for the study. Structured questionnaire was the main tool for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, smart-Art, Z-statistic, likert scale rating and multiple linear regression analysis. Average farm income of participating and non-participating farmers were ₦89,790.00 (598.600)and49,481.00(598.600) and ₦49,481.00 (329.873) respectively. Mean farm sizes of participating and non-participating farmers were 2.01 and 1.06Ha respectively. Average yield/output of participating and non-participating farmers in 2013 cropping season were 3,952.00 and 1,061.00 tonnes Ha-1 respectively. Majority (63.22%) of the CADP participating farmers are engaged in marketing of pineapple after harvest. Participating farmers realized a positive significant (P<0.05) higher income than non-participating farmers. Different estimated econometric analysis revealed that farming experience, educational level, farm size, household size, marital status and membership of cooperative were found to be significant factors influencing output of both participating and non-participating farmers and the relationships were found to be statistically significant at 1% and 5% level of probability respectively. Participating farmers complained of poor feeder roads and inadequate processing and storage facilities. Despite this challenges, participating farmers perceived CADP of being highly effective (68.33%) and invaluable in the area. Non-participating farmers identified inadequate information and long distance between farms and market. It was therefore recommended that infrastructural facilities such as good feeder roads, modern processing and storage facilities should be provided by the government for both farmers to reduce the rate of perishability, shorten the chain of distribution and enable both farmers to receive better prices/income at reduced transportation cost. Ultimately, for CADP to improve outreach and performance, investment effort should rigorously intensify awareness about CADP in the area so that more unreached farmers could be reached thereby enhancing pineapple production in the area and beyond.
... This average age implied that they were within the active population. This is consistent with the findings of Esiobu et al., (2019) who reported that farmers in their active working age are adopters, innovative and good risk managers. ...
... This implied that farmers with more years of farming experiences would be more efficient in input combination, better knowledge of climate change issues, market fluctuations in prices and as such would operate a more effective and profitable agricultural production activities. This was also in conformity with Esiobu et al., (2019) who reported that past knowledge of agricultural production management gives the farmers the leverage of setting attainable objectives. ...
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KEYWORDS: The study analyzed profit function of wet and dry season smallholder fluted pumpkin production in Southeast, Nigeria using 360 smallholder fluted pumpkin farmers selected through multistage and purposive sampling techniques with the aid of structured questionnaire. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and profit function model. Results in wet season indicated that the value of the coefficient of multiple determination was 0.890546 which showed that 89% of the changes in profit of fluted pumpkin was accounted for by the explanatory variables included in the model. The F-ratio 342.7724 which was significant at 1% level showed that the coefficients of the explanatory variables included in the model were statistically different from zero. The Durbin Watson value of 1.8999 showed the absence of Autocorrelation. The output price (0.23864) and output quantity (93.1021) were positive and significantly related to profit at 1% probability level. The mean of the average production costs (-27.0568) was negatively significant to profit at 1% level, which implied that a 10% increase in the cost of production of fluted pumpkin would lead to 270% reduction in the profit level. Results in dry season showed that the value of the coefficient of multiple determination (R 2) was 0.855158 which showed that 86% of the changes in profit of fluted pumpkin were accounted for by the explanatory variables included in the model.The f-ratio (123.61630) which was significant at 1% level revealed that the coefficients of the explanatory variables included in the model were statistically different from zero. The Durbin Watson value of 1.984264 showed the absence of Autocorrelation. The output price (0.2266) and output quantity (40.3517) were positive and significantly related to profit at 1% significant level. The mean of the average production costs (-23.1937) was negatively significant to profit at 1% level, which implied that a 10% increase in the cost of production of fluted pumpkin would lead to 231% reduction in the profit level. It would be concluded that fluted pumpkin production in Southeast Nigeria is profitable. There is need for farmers and youths who are yet to engage in agriculture especially fluted pumpkin production to tenaciously embrace its cultivation due to its economic viability, profitability, productivity and sustainability in Southeast Nigeria.
... This finding agrees with Madu et al, (2022) who reported that farmers' with more experience would be more efficient, have better knowledge of climatic conditions, better knowledge of efficient allocation of resources and market situation and are thus, expected to run a more efficient and profitable enterprise. It also supports the findings of Esiobu et al. (2014) who noted that previous experience in agribusiness management enables farmers to set realistic time and cost targets, allocate, combine and utilize resources efficiently and identify production constraints. ...
... It is expected that educational attainment will contribute significantly to decision making of a farmer for being market oriented and participated well in cassava seed business. This finding is line with Chukwu (2015) and Esiobu and Onubuogu (2014), who said that education is one of the factors that influences the participation in market orientation and cassava seed business. ...
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The study assessed baseline study of cassava seed business among youths in Anambra State, Nigeria: a gender situation analysis. The specific objectives were to; identify the level of participation in cassava seed business among male and female youths, estimate the level of market orientation among male and female youths in cassava seed business, ascertain the significant differences in total area of the farm, area of cassava farm planted and bundles harvested among male and female youth farmers, identify the determinants of participation in cassava seed business among male and female youths and estimate the factors constraining youths’ participation in cassava seed business. Primary data were collected randomly from 60 male and 60 female cassava farmers using a structured questionnaire and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Data were analyzed using statistical tools such as, descriptive statistics, Z-test and regression analysis. From the findings, the average mean age of both female and male farmers was 30 and 18 years. Results also shown that the majorities (71%) of the female youths participated in weeding of cassava farm while 78% of the male youths engaged in pest and disease management. However, 65% of the male youths planted 1.3ha of cassava stems, 81% of the female youths planted 2.2ha of cassava stems, male youth farmers in the study sold 62% of the average 340 bundles of cassava quantity produced within a year while 75% of the average quantity of 520 bundles of cassava produced within a year was sold by the female youth farmers. The finding also shown that there is a significant difference in total area of the farm, area of cassava farm planted and bundles harvested among male and female youths in the study area. As regards to the determinants of the level of participation in cassava seed business, only five variables were found to be statistically related to the factors influencing the level of participation in cassava seed business among male and female youths. Those variables were educational level, access to credit, family size, farm size and income. The major constraints to cassava seed business were flooding, disease and pest attack, fire outbreak, drought problems, high cost of labour, high cost of inputs, poor road network, high cost of cassava seeds, Too much attention on other crops, dryness and perishability of the seeds respectively. Both genders faced different constraints with two similar constraints such as flooding and pest and diseases. Therefore, there is a need to employ various strategies for improving participation in cassava seed enterprises. The study concluded that both males and females participated actively in cassava production while a greater percentage of females took part mostly in planting and weeding. It is recommended that research and extension should target both male and female cassava farmers with appropriate technologies that will improve their participation in cassava value chain development to enhance their income, standard of living and provide employment. There is also need to work on the important constraints militating against cassava seed production for increased participation and production of cassava seed thereafter.
... Years of experience could mean practical knowledge acquired on any business enterprise over the years. Onubuogu et al. (2014) and Esiobu et al. (2014) reported that entrepreneurs with more experience would have a better knowledge of efficient allocation of resources and market situation and are thus expected to run a more efficient and profitable enterprise. Table 1 shows that 49% and 36% of the respondents (beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries) had household sizes ranging from 4 -6 respectively. ...
... Increased years of experience especially among the beneficiaries could mean sound practical knowledge acquired over the years on food and non-based businesses. Onubuogu et al. (2014) and Esiobu et al. (2014) reported that entrepreneurs with more experience would have a better knowledge of efficient allocation of resources and market situation and are thus expected to run a more efficient and profitable enterprise. ...
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This study analyzed the effect of access to microfinance services on the performance of small-scale women enterprises in Abia State, Nigeria. The specific objectives were to; determine socioeconomic characteristics of women entrepreneurs, the enterprise involved in by women entrepreneurs, the type of microfinance services available to women entrepreneurs, the access to microfinance services and criteria used in selecting beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of microfinance services among women entrepreneurs, effect of microfinance services on the performance of women involved in small and medium scale enterprises and the factors that determine access to microfinance services among women involved in small and medium scale enterprises. Multistage random sampling technique was used in selecting 150 women entrepreneurs (75 beneficiaries and 75 non-beneficiaries) from 5 Local Government Areas of Abia State. Data were collected using structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics tools such as means, percentages, frequency distributions, Double Difference (DD) estimator and logit model. The results of the study revealed that majority of the respondents were young (X=41.5 years), married (92%), educated (about 72% completed secondary education), experienced (X= 9.5 years) in business, and could adopt financial and innovative ideas. The study concluded that microfinance services had positive effects (since the outcome difference for both beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries was N 7, 720,000) on the business performance of small-scale women entrepreneurs. In addition, the mean access to microfinance services among the beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries was about 52% and 11%. This indicates a high usability of microfinance services among the beneficiaries, predisposing them for greater business performance. This is supported by the income level of the beneficiaries after the period of accessing the micro finance services exceeded their income level before the period with N 8,017,000.00. The study therefore recommends that more awareness should be created on the services of microfinance banks and the benefits attached to it. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to gain formal education, experience and training in their businesses to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in entrepreneurial activities.
... It is expected that educational attainment will contribute significantly to decision-making about the utilization of cocoyam value-added technologies. This finding is in line with Chukwu (2015) and Esiobu and Onubuogu (2015), who said that education is one of the factors that influence participation in agribusiness. ...
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The study examined the extent of utilization of cocoyam value added technologies among rural households in Delta State, Nigeria. A multi-stage random sampling procedure was used to select 120 respondents for the study. Data were collected from primary sources using structured questionnaires. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data. The results show that the majority (75.6%) of the respondents were females. However, greater proportions (69.7%) of the respondents were married, while 30.3% were single, respectively. The majority (33.6%) and 28.6% of the respondents also attained secondary and primary levels of education. The average mean age was 43 years, while the average mean household size and farming experience of the respondents were 3 persons and 11 years, respectively. The result also shows that the average farm size of the respondents was 1.2 ha. This implies that the respondents are still small-scale farmers. In terms of access to credit, 62.2% of the respondents had no access to a credit loan, while 37.8% had access to a credit loan. More so, the majority (68.9%) of the respondents did not belong to any social organization, while 31.1% of them belonged to a social organization. Results also indicated that cocoyam leaves for soup (3.53) were the only value-added technology above the mean benchmark of 3.0. This was followed by use of cocoyam preserved root for soup with a mean score of 3.48, use of cocoyam thickener (3.41), and processing corn into flour, respectively. The major factors influencing utilization of cocoyam value-added technologies include farm size, household size, income, educational level, access to credit, and age. In the light of the above, this paper therefore calls for land reform and credit policies targeted at allocating more land and provision of credit at little or no interest rate to cocoyam farmers who are interested in the business. Farmers should be encouraged to form cooperatives for ease of access to technological innovations to enhance utilization of value-added cocoyam technologies.
... This implies that majority of the respondents were experienced and had adequate practical knowledge that have been acquired over the years. Onubuogu et al. (2014) and Esiobu et al. (2014) reported that agropreneurs with more experience would have a better knowledge of efficient allocation of resources and market situation and are thus expected to run a more efficient and profitable enterprise. ...
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The study assessed perception of small and medium scale enterprise operators in Abia State, Nigeria on Nigerian Incentive-Based Risk Sharing System for Agricultural Lending (NIRSAL) Bank financing on enterprise development. The study was guided by the following specific objectives; described the socioeconomic characteristics of respondents, level of awareness of NIRSAL operations to enterprise development, level of perception of NIRSAL financing among SMEs, level of NIRSAL financing needs among SMEs operators, factors influencing NIRSAL financing needs and constraints to enterprise development and financing among SMEs operators. Data were collected through a structured questionnaire. Simple random sampling technique was adopted in selecting ninety (90) respondents. Data were analyzed using statistic tools such as Percentages, Mean, Frequency tables, Regression model, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results of the study revealed that majority of the respondents were male (51%), young (X=39yrs), single (56%) and educated (70%). In addition, majority (77%)) of the respondents were experienced in business, indicating that they had adequate practical knowledge to promote their functionality and financial prosperity for the development of their enterprises. The result revealed that respondents were aware of NIRSAL operations (̅ =2.33) and perceived NIRSAL bank financing as good with mean level of NIRSAL financing accessed as N 4, 800,000. The Ordinary Least Squares regression model showed that business experience (p<0.10), membership of cooperative(p<0.01) training from NIRSAL (p<0.05) and loan processing costs (p<0.01) were significant factors influencing NIRSAL financing needs among SMEs operators. Major constraints to enterprise development and financing among SMEs were non-price regulation, inadequate capital, multiple taxation and government regulation. The study therefore recommends that loans application and approval process at NIRSAL microfinance bank should be enhanced in order to increase outreach of financial services to SMEs.
... Household size refers to the total number of people that make up a home. In subsistence level of agriculture, the more number of productive people that make up a home, the more the supply of labour force, (Esiobu et al.,, 2014) . The result of the household size in this study is presented in Table 2. ...
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the dependent variable was explained by the explanatory variables included in the model, while the remaining was as a result of variables not included in the model as well as errors in estimation. The major constraints identified in the study area include inadequate capital, poor road network and storage facility, seasonality of supply and lack of standard unit of measurement. Based on the findings from the study, it was recommended that Government should provides credit facilities; improved transportation network and marketers encouraged to form cooperatives so that they can pool their resources together to increase their scale of operation.
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The study assesses the poverty status of fresh fish marketers in Taraba State, Nigeria. A sample size of 115 fresh fish marketers were selected using the Yamane formula. A Structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Foster Greer Thobecke model (FGT). The result showed that 86.45% of the fresh fish marketers were female. The mean age of fresh fish marketers was found to be 40.21 years. The mean years spent in formal education among fresh fish marketers was eight years. The average income of fresh fish marketers for 12 months was N281,517.14 while the poverty line was N189,620. The FGT poverty measure showed that 25.20% of the fresh fish marketers were living below the poverty line. The poverty depth was 22.6% while poverty severity was 9.2%. the study concluded that fresh fish marketers were poor and were living below the poverty line. there Therefore, it is recommended that adequate capital and other marketing incentives be provided for fresh fish marketers in order to reduce marketing cost and improve their poverty status.
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The study assessed the entrepreneurship competences of rural women farmers in agribusiness and constraints to entrepreneurial development in Ika South Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria. A total of one hundred and twenty one (121) women farmers were randomly selected and interviewed. Data were collected using questionnaire and interview schedule and were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools such as mean, frequency and percentage. The result showed that majority of women belongs to farmers association (70.2%) and earned an annual income of ₦200,000-₦500,000. Those embarked on production were (70.3%), marketing (54.5), processing (39.7), and the ownership pattern of women business was majorly sole proprietorship (91.7%). The respondents gave multiple responses on the areas of entrepreneurial competence which are systematic planning and monitoring (92.5%), goal setting (90.3%), risk taking (90.3), self confidence (70.3%) and information seeking (67.8%). The leading constraints are lack of start-up capital (95.4%), cumbersome procedure of farm credit facilities (92.5%), inadequate storage facilities (90.3%), high cost of farm inputs (89.2%) and unavailability of machines/equipment (87.6%). The general results shows that rural women farmers are engaged in diverse form and types of business and also have entrepreneurial competence in their enterprise but were limited by several constraints which was capable of affecting their entrepreneurial development. It is recommended that women farmers should be educated on how to obtain capital for start up business so as to help build their capital base, rural women farmers should equally be encouraged to join more farmers groups as this is a quick means of raising fund, storage facilities and farm input should be made available to women farmers by the government through its agencies such as the ministry of agriculture.
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The study assessed the entrepreneurship competences of rural women farmers in agribusiness and constraints to entrepreneurial development in Ika South Local Government Area of Delta State, Nigeria. A total of one hundred and twenty one (121) women farmers were randomly selected and interviewed. Data were collected using questionnaire and interview schedule and were analyzed using descriptive statistical tools such as mean, frequency and percentage. The result showed that majority of women belongs to farmers association (70.2%) and earned an annual income of ₦200,000-₦500,000. Those embarked on production were (70.3%), marketing (54.5), processing (39.7), and the ownership pattern of women business was majorly sole proprietorship (91.7%). The respondents gave multiple responses on the areas of entrepreneurial competence which are systematic planning and monitoring (92.5%), goal setting (90.3%), risk taking (90.3), self confidence (70.3%) and information seeking (67.8%). The leading constraints are lack of start-up capital (95.4%), cumbersome procedure of farm credit facilities (92.5%), inadequate storage facilities (90.3%), high cost of farm inputs (89.2%) and unavailability of machines/equipment (87.6%). The general results shows that rural women farmers are engaged in diverse form and types of business and also have entrepreneurial competence in their enterprise but were limited by several constraints which was capable of affecting their entrepreneurial development. It is recommended that women farmers should be educated on how to obtain capital for start up business so as to help build their capital base, rural women farmers should equally be encouraged to join more farmers groups as this is a quick means of raising fund, storage facilities and farm input should be made available to women farmers by the government through its agencies such as the ministry of agriculture.
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The study assessed the economics of oil bean marketing in Owerri agricultural zone of Imo state. Forty- five marketers oil bean marketers were randomly selected from three markets of the study area. Primary data were collected using structural questionnaire. Data collected were analysed using statistical tools such as mean, frequency and cost and return analysis. Results show that oil bean seeds marketing in the area are dominated by female marketers (90.44%). The marketers earned positive net returns of N3065 per 50kg and N410 per 20kg bag of oil bean seeds from marketing operations. Major constraints of oil bean seeds marketing include seasonal availability of oil bean seeds, high cost and lack of interest in seed gathering from the wild. To alleviate the problems, feeder roads and provisions of improved varieties are recommended.
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Agriculture has been considered as one of the important sectors that could help and improve the income distribution problem and its poverty implications in South Eastern Nigeria. This has led to the focus of this study on the determinants of the farm and off farm income among the farm households in South East Nigeria and Imo State in particular. Primary data were collected and ordinary least squared regression model was used to analyze the data collected. Results showed that: Farm size, age, education, occupation and hours spent on farm are important explanatory variables that influenced both farm and off farm incomes. Introduction There has been substantial growth over the past decade in household employment outside own farming (Ibekwe, 2001, Nwaru, 2007). At present, due to the increasing share of off-farm incomes, they cannot be considered as marginal (Ibekwe, 2001). Economies in transition are gradually shifting toward a market economy and this shift has been driven in part by push and pulls factors. Though many farm households do not produce for the market and therefore cannot enjoy the benefits of the market economy evidence suggest that non farm activities in the non farm sector include, manufacturing and services both in self employment and wage employment and also in the agricultural sector wage employment. Despite the growing importance of farm and of farm activities very little is known about the role they play in the income generation strategies of farm households in developing economies like Nigeria. This paper thus has two objectives. The first is to analyze the determinants of farm households in Imo state to undertake farm and non – farm activities. We postulate that the income from these activities will depend on the farm households, assets financial and human resources. The second objective is to explore the implications of income diversification strategies. It is important to note that promotion of non farm activity is not necessarily improvement in the income distribution unless specific policy interventions are provided. The common view of the rural sector is that of a sector driven almost entirely by agriculture. Thus rural income is equated with farm income. Policy makers view policies to combat rural poverty as policies to enhance farm productivity (World Bank, 1996). Despite this narrow view, there is growing evidence in the South Eastern Nigeria that rural sector is much more than farming (Nwaru, 2004) Reardon, et al (2007), summarized the evidence of the nature, importance, determinants and effects rural non farm activity on farm households in developing countries. They showed the growing importance of rural non farm activities which accounted for 25% of employment and as much as 40% of the incomes generated in rural Latin America. In the South Eastern Nigeria, there are two dominant occupations in the rural areas, viz, farm and non farm activities but there is not much research in the diversification and determinants of farm households' farm and off farm incomes.
The study article examined the profitability of pineapple marketing in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria. Owerri was purposively chosen because there are markets in the city where pineapple is traded and the inhabitants purchase and consume them. Data collected was from sixty randomly selected marketers of pineapple. Quesstionnaire was the instrument of data collection. Descriptive statistics, flow chart and net margin principle were used to analyse the data. The result of the field data showed that that the major flow for pineapple marketed in Owerri was producers to wholesalers, to retailers and finally consumers. The marketing and gross margin for pineapple was N25601/ tonne and N18682/tonne respectively. The total cost of marketing pineapple including imputed cost was N50581.23/tonne and the gross return was N60285/tonne. The net return for management and risks was N9703.77/tonne. Efficiency of marketing was 1:70 or 70%. Pineapple marketing had constraints with high cost ranked very highly. Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences Vol. 3 (2) 2005 pp. 151-157
Impact on National Fadama Development project II on small scale farmers' income in Ogun State. Implications for Agricultural Financing in Nigeria
  • D A Adegbite
  • O A Oluruntoba
Adegbite, D.A, Oluruntoba O.A, Adubi K.O, Shobanke S.B (2008): Impact on National Fadama Development project II on small scale farmers' income in Ogun State. Implications for Agricultural Financing in Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa. 2008;10 (3)
Economic analysis of group marketing of Pineapple in selected markets of Osun-State
  • A A A Adesope
  • Y A Awoyinka
  • D A Babalola
Adesope, A.A.A., Y.A. Awoyinka and D.A. Babalola (2009):Economic analysis of group marketing of Pineapple in selected markets of Osun-State, Nigeria,, Journal of life and Physical Sciences, University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun State, Marketing of horticultural crops such as Nigeria, 3(1): 47-52
Identification of factors that influence technical efficiency in rice-based production systems in Nigeria. Paper presented at workshop on policies and strategies for promoting rice production and food security in sun-Saharan Africa
  • I A Ajibefun
  • B C Aderinola
Ajibefun, I.A. and Aderinola, B.C. (2007). Identification of factors that influence technical efficiency in rice-based production systems in Nigeria. Paper presented at workshop on policies and strategies for promoting rice production and food security in sun-Saharan Africa, held in Ibadan, Nigeria, 8 -10 October
Agribusiness Management in a Developing Country
  • V Ebong
Ebong, V.O (2000): "Agribusiness Management in a Developing Country": The Nigeria perspective. Uyo: Dorand Publishers, Pp: 23-25
Gender Issues In Agricultural And Rural Development Policy In Asia
  • Agriculture Food
  • Organization
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), (2007): Gender Issues In Agricultural And Rural Development Policy In Asia. /X0177e/X0177/eo3.htm.