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Recent years have seen a drastic increase in the rates of overweight and obesity among people living in some developed nations. There has also been increased concern over obesity in companion animals. In the latest article in Veterinary Record's series on One Health, Peter Sandøe and colleagues argue that the relationship between obesity in people and in companion animals is closer and more complex than previously thought, and that obesity should be treated as a One Health problem. British Veterinary Association.
610 | Veterinary Record | December 20/27, 2014
Canine and feline obesity:
a One Health perspective
OVER the past decade, there has been
a growing awareness of the need for
collaboration between the fields of human
and veterinary medicine. Initially, efforts
in this new area of One Health focused
on preventing the spread of disease from
farm animals and wild animals into human
populations. More recently, there has been a
growing awareness of the role of companion
animals in One Health.
Thus, in 2010, the World Small Animal
Veterinary Association (WSAVA) established
a One Health committee with the remit of
‘positioning small companion animals in
the global One Health framework’ (Day
2010). This committee has so far focused
on the spread of zoonotic diseases from
dogs, cats and other pet animals to humans.
However, it also envisions two other future
fields of work: comparative medicine and
the human-animal bond.
In both fields, however, the focus is
rather human-centred. According to the
chair of the committee, Michael Day, the
motivation for comparative medicine is that
‘The study of spontaneously arising canine
and feline diseases holds great potential for
understanding the human counterparts.
The importance of studying the human-
animal bond is justified by reference to the
Recent years have seen a drastic increase in the rates of overweight and obesity among people living in some developed nations.
There has also been increased concern over obesity in companion animals. In the latest article in Veterinary Record’s series on
One Health, Peter Sandøe and colleagues argue that the relationship between obesity in people and in companion animals is
closer and more complex than previously thought, and that obesity should be treated as a One Health problem
Peter Sandøe, MA, DPhil,
Department of Food and Resource Economics and
Department of Large Animal Sciences, University of
Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Clare Palmer, BA (Hons), DPhil,
Department of Philosophy, Texas A & M University,
College Station, Texas, USA
Sandra Corr, BVMS, CertSAS, DipECVS, FHEA, PhD,
School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, University
of Nottingham, Sutton Bonington, UK
Arne Astrup, MD, DMSc,
Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports,
University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Charlotte Reinhard Bjørnvad, DVM, PhD,
Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences,
University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
A cat weighing
more than 16 kg
relinquished to an
animal shelter in
the USA. Obesity
is increasingly
being recognised in
companion animals,
and the link between
obesity in pets and
their owners demands
a two-way approach
Photo: AP/Press Association Images
‘We cannot hope to understand
feline and canine obesity without
also knowing something about
human obesity, the social status of
owners, and the relationships that
humans actually have with their
dogs and cats’
concern. However, the human-centred One
Health approach, in which the study of
animal health is seen merely as a means to
improving human health, is questionable. In
this review of canine and feline obesity, we
argue that, through collaboration between
researchers in human and veterinary
medicine, optimal health for both humans
and animals can be achieved, and that this
should be seen as central to the One Health
concept (AVMA 2008). We will consider
One Health as a two-way affair. We will
not only look at how studying the effects of
overweight and obesity in dogs and cats can
contribute to understanding human health;
we will also consider how insights from the
study of human obesity can, in turn, benefit
dogs and cats. In addition, we will look
at how human obesity is connected with
weight problems in dogs and cats.
Defining overweight and obese
In dogs and cats, as in people, a distinction is
drawn between being overweight and being
obese. Being overweight can be defined as
having a body composition where the levels
of body fat exceed those considered optimal
‘benefit to human health and wellbeing
from association with pet animals’ (Day
2010). One of the key issues here, Professor
Day argues, is obesity: ‘probably the most
important health issue of man and pets in
Western countries is the shared epidemic
of obesity that is often directly related to
aspects of this shared lifestyle’ (Day 2010).
Professor Day’s last point here is
significant: obesity in humans, dogs and cats
is a major problem, and clearly a One Health on July 20, 2015 - Published by from
December 20/27, 2014 | Veterinary Record | 611
for good health. Obesity can be defined as
being overweight to the extent that serious
effects on the individual’s health become
Values ranging from 15 to 30 per cent are
given in the literature for ‘optimal’ per cent
body fat in dogs and cats (Toll and others
2010, Bjørnvad and others 2011). However,
optimal per cent body fat seems to depend
on several factors, including the age, breed,
gender and physical fitness of the animal.
Furthermore, values will vary depending
upon the measurement technique used.
Techniques for measuring body fat
such as bioimpedance and dual energy
X-ray absorbtiometry (DEXA) scanning
have evolved from purely research tools to
tools used in human clinical practice. These
techniques are not yet widely available in
veterinary clinical practice, however, and so
veterinary practitioners still have to rely on
less advanced methods.
In humans, the Body Mass Index (BMI)
is, despite its limitations, widely used as a
practical method of assessment. However,
it is based solely on information about the
person’s weight and height, and so is not
remains to be seen. However, it may be
speculated that the obesity epidemic
observed in the human population, which
is partly attributed to the increasing
consumption of fast food, is not reflected in
the cat population, since cats, like dogs, are
fed commercial food which has centrally
regulated nutritional content. It could also be
speculated that since the feeding of dogs and
cats is similar across developed countries, the
prevalence of obesity could be more globally
homogeneous for companion animals than
for humans.
When it comes to monitoring the
extent of weight problems in dogs and
cats, the veterinary world clearly lags far
behind the world of human medicine. Most
animal studies are based on questionnaires,
and next to nothing is known about the
geographic distribution of weight problems,
or their development over time. There is
no universally accepted scale for defining
of body fat, despite what appears to be
a healthy bodyweight. ‘Skinny fat’ or
‘sarcopenic obesity’ could, as in the case of
humans, predispose to type 2 diabetes and
other serious health problems in cats (Heber
and others 1996).
Scale of the problem
A number of studies have been undertaken
in North America, Europe and Australia
– mainly on dogs – to determine what
proportion of animals are overweight or
obese. The reported prevalence was between
22 per cent and 44 per cent (Mason 1970,
Edney and Smith 1986, Hand and others
1989, Crane 1991, Kronfeld and others
1991, Sloth 1992, Robertson 2003, Lund
and others 2005, 2006, McGreevy and
others 2005).
Differences in the prevalence of animals
being overweight or obese reported in the
literature may reflect differences in sampling,
in who has been asked (owners or vets), or
genuine local variations. After all, dramatic
regional variations are found in the levels of
human obesity: in adults in the USA levels
are over 30 per cent, compared to between
8 per cent and 25 per cent in European
countries, and less than 5 per cent in some
Asian countries, such as Japan (WHO 2012).
However, it is not known whether similar
regional differences are found in dogs.
None of the aforementioned studies
report on whether there is a general trend
for increasing obesity among companion
animals. To the best of our knowledge, this
has been considered in only a single study
that investigated the prevalence of obesity in
populations of urban cats in New Zealand,
using the same demographic area, design
and questionnaire, 15 years apart. The
authors hypothesised that an increased use
of commercial, energy-dense ‘premium’
dry food could lead to a higher prevalence
of obesity (Cave and others 2012). To the
surprise of the authors, however, despite the
change in general feeding practice, there was
no increase in the levels of obesity.
Whether this finding reflects obesity
development in other pet populations
‘There is not a universally accepted
scale for defining overweight or
obesity in cats and dogs ,and data
from small animal veterinary clinics
are, with a few exceptions, not
shared. On all counts more could and
should be done’
‘If an owner weighs too much it is
more likely that their dog will also
be overweight or obese’
overweight or obesity in cats and dogs, and
data from small animal veterinary clinics are,
with a few exceptions, not shared. On all
counts more could and should be done.
Why should we care?
One reason for being concerned about
human weight is that obesity is the main
driver of the increased incidence of type
2 diabetes, and also poses a substantially
increased risk of cardiovascular disease,
several cancers, asthmatic disease, sleep
apnoea, osteoarthritis, infertility, and a
reduced life expectancy of five to 10 years,
depending on severity (Bauer and others
2014). These health problems are not only
of a physical nature – severe psychological
and social problems, including depression,
stigmatisation and suicide, may arise from
being obese (Pedersen and others 2012).
In the case of dogs and cats, being
overweight is obviously not linked to
An overweight pug. A
range of factors have been
found to influence canine
obesity, breed being one
of them. Dogs of certain
breeds seem to be more
prone to weight gain than
Photo: Matthew Beck/AP/Press Association Images
easily transferable, particularly to dogs, as
there are diverse breeds with very different
body conformations.
Several alternative morphometric
methods have been proposed for assessing
the relative weight of dogs and cats. The
Body Condition Scores (BCSs), developed
for both dogs and cats, are the most widely
used. The BCSs use a number of categories,
ranging from ‘emaciated’ to ‘severely obese’,
based on subjective assessment of specific
features. These features include the shape
of the animal viewed from above, and
how easily palpable the ribs are (Laflamme
1997, McGreevy and others 2005, Toll and
others 2010). Studies have shown that such
measures correlate well with more advanced
measurements of the amount of body fat,
and, in general, there is good agreement
between measurements across different users
(German and others 2006).
A recent Danish study (Bjørnvad and
others 2011) of indoor-confined, adult
neutered cats found that the BCS tended
to underestimate the level of body fat as
measured using a DEXA scanner. The
authors proposed that, due to a lack of
exercise, these cats were ‘skinny fat’. As
observed in humans, physical inactivity
may result in a decrease in lean bodymass,
causing a relatively higher percentage on July 20, 2015 - Published by from
612 | Veterinary Record | December 20/27, 2014
problems such as low self-esteem and
stigmatisation. However, a substantial
body of veterinary literature documents
that obesity in dogs and cats increases the
risk of health problems. These problems
include ‘orthopaedic disease, diabetes
mellitus, abnormalities in circulating lipid
profiles, cardiorespiratory disease, urinary
disorders, reproductive disorders, neoplasia
(mammary tumours and transitional cell
carcinoma), dermatological diseases, and
anaesthetic complications’ (German 2006).
These conditions not only shorten the
expected lifespan of the affected animals,
but also reduce their health-related quality
of life, so obesity in cats and dogs has
restricted diet (Hubert and others 2000).
In a series of papers, Kealy and others
(2002) and Lawler and others (2005, 2008)
reported the results of a longitudinal study
of two randomly selected groups of labrador
retriever dogs, with 24 dogs in each group
treated identically apart from their feeding
regime. One group was initially fed ad
libitum, then fed at a level at which they
stayed overweight but did not become obese
(mean BCS 6.5 on a scale ranging from 1
emaciated, to 9 severely obese). The other
group was fed 25 per cent less than the first
group throughout the study. Dogs in the
latter group remained leaner and lived longer
(median lifespan of 13 years compared to
11.2 years for the moderately overweight
group). In addition, where the dogs in the
leaner group developed the same diseases
(primarily osteoarthritis) as those in the
overweight group, the onset of disease came
later and the signs of the diseases were less
Thus, overweight and obese companion
animals lose out both in terms of health-
related quality of life and life expectancy.
On the other hand, work with rodents and
pigs also indicates that a restrictive diet of
the sort that secures maximum longevity
and minimum morbidity causes welfare
problems in the form of increased hunger,
and derived effects such as increased
aggression, elevated levels of stress and the
development of stereotypies (D’Eath and
others 2009, Kasanen and others 2010).
Assuming the same conclusions apply to
dogs and cats, there may be a real dilemma
here between two of the five freedoms used
to define animal welfare (FAWC 2009):
it may not always be possible to secure
freedom from both hunger and disease.
D’Eath and others (2009) have argued
that this is a significant dilemma in respect
to keeping laboratory, companion and
some farm animals. Kasanen and others
(2010) state that ‘One could argue that the
best solution is simply to proceed with
feeding ad libitum, allowing the rats to
be fat and friendly rather than lean and
mean. A similar line of thought seems to
apply to fattening pigs.’ This solution may
be appropriate for farm and laboratory
animals, which are killed at a relatively
young age before they develop conditions
such as osteoarthritis or heart disease;
however, this does not apply to cats and
dogs that normally live until they either die
spontaneously or are euthanased because of
disease at an old age. In 2013, the average life
span of dogs in USA was reported to be 11
years and of cats 12 years (Banfield 2013).
Of course, there may be ways to make
the dilemma between preventing hunger and
protecting health less stark. Animals may be
able to eat more without detrimental effects
to their health if they also exercise more, or
are fed low-calorie bulk diets that nonetheless
provide a feeling of satiety. They could also
be made to work for their food, thereby
engaging in more feeding-related behaviours
without getting too much food. However,
this does not resolve the issue of which
feeding strategy provides optimal welfare.
In fact, determining the optimal feeding
strategy may depend on how welfare is
defined. If welfare is defined in terms of
fitness and function, then a very restricted
feeding regime may be optimal. In contrast,
if welfare is defined as getting the maximum
amount of pleasure and the minimum
amount of frustration or pain – either in total
over a full life or per year lived – then a more
liberal feeding regime may be preferable, as
the avoidance of disease should be balanced
against the potential frustration and stress
relating to hunger. However, many dogs and
cats end up becoming so fat that the negative
health effects of obesity probably ultimately
outweigh any satisfaction gained from eating.
Risk factors
For dogs and cats, as for humans, obesity is
a multifactorial problem, and some of the
factors are similar between the species. A
number of potentially related risk factors
may be relevant including genetics, sex
status, exercise, and owner characteristics
and behaviours.
Studies suggest that some dog and cat
breeds have a higher propensity to becoming
overweight and obese than others (Mason
1970, Edney and Smith 1986, Lund and
others 2005, 2006, O’Neill and others
2014). For example, among dogs, labrador
and golden retrievers are notoriously at
risk. Further studies on the genetic basis of
considerable potential to cause suffering.
One questionnaire-based study (German
and others 2012b) tried to assess the health-
related quality of life of dogs following
weight loss. A clear correlation was found
between a reduction in weight and fat
mass and an increase in vitality. It was also
found that dogs showed fewer signs of
being emotionally disturbed and of being
in pain following a successful weight loss
Even being moderately overweight
seems to have a negative effect on animal
health; for example, rodents fed ad libitum
have a shorter lifespan than those on a
‘There may be a real dilemma here
between two of the five freedoms
used to define animal welfare:
it may not always be possible to
secure freedom from both hunger
and disease’
obesity in dogs and cats would be useful,
and these could be of relevance for humans
where genetics also seem to play a role
in the development of obesity (Stunkard
and others 1986, Elks and others 2012,
Switonski and Mankowska 2013).
As in humans, it is hypothesised that
a lack of exercise not only predisposes to
higher levels of obesity in dogs and cats,
but also exacerbates health problems
linked to being overweight (German 2006).
In cats, indoor confinement increased
the risk of developing diabetes mellitus
(Slingerland and others 2007). This could
relate to the cats being more obese due to
inactivity (Allan and others 2000), perhaps
in combination with sarcopenic obesity.
In dogs, weight loss improved certain
markers of cardiopulmonary function, and
the dogs performed progressively better in
a six-minute walk test during the weight
loss programme (Manens and others 2014).
However, studies on the possible beneficial
‘Dogs showed fewer signs of being
emotionally disturbed and of being
in pain following a successful weight
loss programme’
A dog eating from a maze bowl. One feeding
strategy could be to allow pets to work for their
food, thereby engaging in more feeding-related
behaviours without them getting too much food on July 20, 2015 - Published by from
December 20/27, 2014 | Veterinary Record | 613
effects of physical activity are generally
lacking for dogs and cats.
As well as causing disease, obesity
may be the result of disease. For example
hypothyroidism decreases metabolism
and activity levels, resulting in obesity, and
hyperadrenocorticism causes weight gain
due to a cortisol-driven increase in appetite.
Obesity predisposes to osteoarthritis, and
it is likely that osteoarthritis promotes the
development of obesity by restricting the
animal’s willingness or ability to move
(Marshall and others 2009).
In the case of dogs and cats, neutering is
also a risk factor for obesity. Even though it
is possible through careful feeding to keep
neutered cats and dogs at their ideal weight
(provided that they do not scavenge), in
practice, neutered dogs and cats are much
more likely to be overweight or obese than
intact ones (Nguyen and others 2004, Lund
and others 2006).
Finally, a number of particular
characteristics of the owners of cats and dogs
may increase the risk of their companion
animals becoming obese.
First, studies have found a relationship
between obesity in dogs and their owners
(but not in cats): if an owner weighs too
much it is more likely that their dog will
also be overweight or obese (Mason 1970,
Kienzle and others 1998, Colliard and others
2006, Nijland and others 2010).
The same phenomenon is found in the
relationship between humans. One study
found that a person’s risk of becoming obese
increased by 57 per cent if he or she had an
obese friend (Christakis and Fowler 2007).
Among pairs of siblings, the risk of one
sibling becoming obese increased by 40 per
cent if the other was already obese. Similarly,
if one spouse was obese, the risk of the other
becoming obese was increased by 37 per
cent compared to having a spouse of normal
weight (Christakis and Fowler 2007).
Secondly, studies seem to indicate a link
with the owner’s income: the poorer the
owner, the more likely it is that both the
owner and the companion weigh too much
(Kienzle and others 1998, Courcier and
others 2010).
These two findings reflect the well-
documented but complex relationship
between obesity and low social status in
humans (Paeratakul and others 2002, Robert
and Reither 2004, Bove and Olson 2006,
McLaren 2007), and it is not surprising
that habits and constraints in people’s own
lives influence how they view and treat the
animals in their care.
So far we have considered social,
demographic and physiological factors that
seem to increase the risk of an owner having
an overweight companion animal. Now
we will take a closer look at the possible
psychological mechanisms that may be
involved, connected to the human-animal
Human-animal bond
A possible link between obesity and the
human-animal bond was noted by Shearer
(2010), who suggested that owners of
overweight cats and dogs use food as an
acceptable form of communication and
interaction with their pets. Similarly,
Kienzle and others (1998) found that obese
dogs were more often present when the
a transfer of the owners’ eating habits and
attitude to health to their dogs.
A follow-up study of cats by the same
German group found a number of similarities
between the human factors involved in dogs
and cats becoming overweight, in particular,
the tendency to humanise the animals and
communicate through food. Thirty per cent
of owners of overweight cats, compared
with 12 per cent of owners of normal weight
cats, stated that they had not felt very happy
before acquiring a cat, and the cat was
intended to console and encourage them. The
authors seem to assume that the cats fulfilled
this role of consolation and encouragement,
and proposed that ‘the results are suggestive
of (1) a closer relationship between
overweight cats and their owners than
between normal cats and their owners,
(2) more humanisation of overweight cats
than of normal cats, (3) a potential role of
overweight cats as a substitute for human
companions’ (Kienzle and Bergler 2006).
Another interesting finding in the case
of overweight cats had to do with gender:
more of the overweight cats (97 per cent)
were owned by females than were normal
weight cats (87 per cent). According to
Kienzle and Bergler (2006), this may be
linked to the results of other studies showing
that women tend to have closer relationships
with their cats than men do (Bergler 1989).
While the owners of the obese dogs
studied by Kienzle and others (1998)
tended to be more obese, to care less about
their own health and were generally less
financially well off than owners of normal
dogs, these differences were not found in
the case of cat owners. The authors suggest
that people who are not overweight or
obese themselves easily find other ways of
engaging with dogs than through food, for
example by taking them for walks; however,
people are less aware of alternative ways of
interacting with cats, making feeding the
main contact point between many cats and
their owners. That owners of overweight
cats tend to communicate with their cats via
feeding is further supported by the finding
that they were more likely to serve the cat
An owner walks her dog
during a blizzard. Studies
have found a positive
correlation between
owning a dog and getting
more exercise from
walking, which may
prevent lifestyle-related
diseases in people
Photo: Mel Evans/AP/Press Association Images
‘Obese dogs slept more often on
their owners’ beds, and that their
owners spoke more often and on
a greater variety of subjects to
their dogs, and were less afraid of
contracting diseases from their dogs,
than were owners of dogs of normal
- Kienzle and others (1998)
owner prepared or ate their own meals, and
were fed tidbits then, leading the authors to
suggest that ‘owners of obese dogs tend to
interpret their dog’s every need as a request
for food’.
Kienzle and others (1998) reported
that obese dogs slept more often on their
owners’ beds, and that their owners spoke
more often and on a greater variety of
subjects to their dogs, and were less afraid of
contracting diseases from their dogs, than
were owners of dogs of normal weight.
Owners of obese dogs also saw the animals
as less important in relation to traditional
dog roles such as sources of exercise, work
and protection. The authors interpreted
these differences as indicators of what they
called ‘overhumanising’: ‘The obese dogs
were indulged as “fellow-humans” and they
were no longer treated as typical companion
This study also confirmed the finding
that owners of obese dogs tend to be obese
themselves, and that they took little interest
in their own health compared to owners
of normal-weight dogs. Therefore, Kienzle
and others conclude, part of the explanation
of the behaviour of owners of obese dogs is on July 20, 2015 - Published by from
614 | Veterinary Record | December 20/27, 2014
homemade food and to make food available
ad libitum, and less prone to play with their
cats (Kienzle and Bergler 2006). It should
be added that all of the cats in the study
were indoor cats; and this, of course, limits
opportunities for exercise.
It has also been suggested that ‘cat owners
were less aware of their pet’s weight problem
than dog owners’ (Kienzle and Bergler 2006).
There may be different reasons for this: cats
sleep a lot, hide signs of illness more than
that owners of overweight or obese dogs
underestimate the body condition of their
animals (Rohlf and others 2010, White and
others 2011) and cats (Allan and others 2000,
Kienzle and Bergler 2006). Furthermore,
practising vets may fail to identify overweight
animals. In one study, 28.7 per cent of
the feline patients were scored as being
overweight by means of a BCS while only
1.4 per cent of these feline patients were
given the diagnosis ‘overweight’ by the
practising vet, indicating that the veterinarian
did not address the weight as part of the cats’
problems (Lund and others 2005).
The number of studies on the social and
psychological mechanisms underlying the
way people feed their companion animals
remains small, and further factors will
probably be identified as new research is
undertaken. However, what is abundantly
clear from these studies is that we cannot
hope to understand feline and canine obesity
without also knowing something about
human obesity, the social status of owners,
and the relationships that humans actually
have with their dogs and cats. This, we
suggest, strongly supports our two-way
approach to One Health.
What can and should be done?
It is clearly difficult for some cat and dog
owners to prevent their companions from
becoming overweight, especially if they are
highly attached to their animal, have strong
empathetic responses to it, and regard food as
a primary means of communication with it.
One difficulty is that, for various
reasons, the fact that their cat or dog is
overweight or obese does not matter to the
same degree to all owners. Some people
lack the financial or personal resources to
deal with their own health, or that of their
family, and so the health of their companion
animals may not be high on their agenda.
But the issue of weight control itself
is also controversial: some people and
groups resist the idea that it is inevitably
problematic for someone to be overweight
or obese. For example, in the USA, various
movements have developed in favour of
so-called ‘fat acceptance’ (Kirkland 2008),
arguing that size is no more justifiable
a reason for discrimination or prejudice
than height, sex or skin colour. They resist
the medicalisation of being large, arguing
that fat people are normal people in large
bodies, who are capable of living good lives
and making a contribution workwise and
otherwise. In light of this, similar attitudes
could develop in relation to companion
animal obesity. The feline cartoon character
Garfield may be a good example of an obese
inactive cat that, despite his attitude, is seen
as sympathetic; indeed, in virtue of being an
obese cat, he may be viewed as having more
personality than normal cats.
However, given the health implications
and potential suffering that being obese
presents for cats and dogs, and also that
many owners will be concerned about
these risks to their companions, strategies
for weight control are clearly needed. A
number of strategies can be adopted. First, a
balanced feeding regime is required from the
beginning of the animal’s life; the animal
should be regularly weighed and feeding
adjusted accordingly. Where possible, leaving
an animal intact, rather than neutering it,
would reduce the likelihood of it becoming
overweight. If the animal is neutered, then
its food intake should be reduced. Regular
exercise and other activities will also help to
prevent the animal becoming overweight. It
is particularly important in the case of cats
to find ways of engaging with them that are
not linked to feeding, for example through
various forms of training and playing,
especially if they are not allowed outdoors.
When it comes to people exercising their
dogs, the benefits are clearly mutual. Studies
have documented a positive correlation
between having a dog and getting exercise
from walking, which in turn is likely to have
‘The feline cartoon character Garfield
may be a good example of an obese
inactive cat that, despite his attitude,
is seen as sympathetic; indeed, in
virtue of being an obese cat, he
may be viewed as having more
personality than normal cats’
dogs, and appear less often in public with
their owners than dogs, and are therefore less
likely to attract comments from other people.
Just as one would like to think that
very few parents intentionally allow their
children to become obese, it seems unlikely
that many dog and cat owners intentionally
compromise the welfare and health of their
companions by overfeeding them. Rather,
it seems that owners of fat companions
may overfeed their animals due to a number
of factors, over some of which they have
limited control, much in the same way as
they are drawn into overfeeding themselves
and their children.
So, in the same way that parents
of overweight children consistently
underestimate their children’s weight (Etelson
and others 2003), a number of studies show
an effect on the prevention of a number of
human lifestyle-related diseases (Coleman
and others 2008, Cutt and others 2008,
Hoerster and others 2011, Lentino and
others 2012). Similar effects, in terms of
reducing lifestyle-related diseases have also
been documented for children (Owen and
others 2010).
As many people do not recognise that
their companion animals are overweight
or obese, or seem unable to manage their
animal’s weight, vets have an important
role to play in highlighting the problem
when the animals are brought to the clinic
for vaccination or regular health checks. A
number of approaches have been developed
to help owners and vets address the issue
of pets being overweight and obese, both
through collaboration with pet food
companies and through development of
practice-friendly guidelines from central
veterinary organisations (Freeman and
others 2011, Brooks and others 2014).
First, tools such as the BCS have been
developed to enable owners to check
whether their companion is a healthy size.
Secondly, low calorie, high fibre and
moderate to high protein diets have been
developed, comparable to ‘light’ products for
human consumption. Most large commercial
pet food companies now produce a range of
specific restricted calorie foods for dogs and
cats, some of which are prescription-only,
An overweight golden retriever being exercised
in a pool. This animal weighs more than twice
what would be considered a healthy weight for
the breed
Photo: Mel Evans/AP/Press Association Images
‘As many people do not recognise
that their companion animals are
overweight or obese, or seem
unable to manage their animal’s
weight, vets have an important role
to play in highlighting the problem’ on July 20, 2015 - Published by from
December 20/27, 2014 | Veterinary Record | 615
persevering with such a programme can be
challenging, as it takes many months for
noticeable weight loss to occur, and owners
must remain extremely motivated. A key
element of such a programme is, therefore,
regular engagement with staff at a veterinary
or special weight control clinic. As in the
case of human obesity, the difficulty is not
primarily to obtain an initial weight loss:
the real challenge is to maintain the reduced
bodyweight by sustained long-term changes
in lifestyle (German and others 2012a).
It is well established that if some
family members are enrolled in a weight
loss programme, the remaining family
members will also tend to lose weight, due
to a spillover of more healthy habits, and a
family awareness of weight issues. It seems
likely that a similar phenomenon could
influence the weight of companion animals
in the household.
A striking feature of all these proposed
solutions is that they appeal to individual
actions, and do not consider the political,
social and related human issues that seem to
underlie the problem. It may be necessary
for people to be able to recognise and tackle
their own unhealthy lifestyles before they
can recognise and address the problems
related to the overfeeding of their animal
companions. Tackling these social issues
will require far wider-ranging solutions.
Finally, given these social issues, it
is important to avoid moralising, that is,
condemning people for doing what they
(to some degree, at least) cannot help doing.
There have been cases, in Sweden and the
UK (Kulick 2009), where obese pets have
been forcibly removed from their owners
by the authorities. While this may be
necessary if the animal’s welfare is severely
threatened, it cannot be a general solution to
the widespread problem of canine and feline
Condemning owners of fat companions
without either helping them or addressing
the underlying social problems may simply
worsen the stigmatisation and low self-
esteem that obese people already face in
many societies (Puhl and Brownell 2006).
Instead, solutions must be identified to solve
the underlying problem, and enable owners
of cats and dogs to develop a healthy lifestyle
for themselves and their companions – the
kind of project that could lie at the heart of a
two-way approach to One Health.
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‘It may be necessary for people to
be able to recognise and tackle their
own unhealthy lifestyles before
they can recognise and address the
problems related to the overfeeding
of their animal companions’
that is, the animal must have been examined
by a vet and the product recommended. If
used appropriately, these products are helpful
as part of a weight loss or management plan
and, in some cases, will address the dilemma
between satisfying hunger and avoiding
being overweight. Feeding devices are also
available that allow the animal to spend more
time engaged in feeding related behaviours,
without getting more food.
Thirdly, weight-loss and maintenance
programmes have been developed which
provide guidance for owners of overweight
dogs or cats (Toll and others 2010). There are
also various books (for example, Harvey and
Taylor 2012) and internet-based programmes,
typically sponsored or run by pet food
manufacturers (for example, www.PetFit.
com). These programmes involve feeding
calorie-restricted diets and regular weighing
of the animal, often combined with
exercise and enrichment regimes. However, on July 20, 2015 - Published by from
616 | Veterinary Record | December 20/27, 2014
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doi: 10.1136/vr.g7521 on July 20, 2015 - Published by from
Canine and feline obesity: a One Health
Reinhard Bjørnvad
Peter Sandøe, Clare Palmer, Sandra Corr, Arne Astrup and Charlotte
doi: 10.1136/vr.g7521
2014 175: 610-616 Veterinary Record
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... The prevalence of overweight and obese cats varies widely among different groups, ranging from 11.5% to 63%. [1][2][3][4] Cats that are overweight or obese are at a heightened risk of developing various disorders, including dermatoses, oral cavity diseases, lameness and lower urinary tract diseases. [5][6][7][8] Several approaches exist for the treatment of feline obesity, encompassing exercise, dietary control, owner-based behavioural enrichment, supplementary treatments and surgical interventions. ...
Feline obesity, a global concern, poses health risks and affects the well‐being of cats. This case report explores an innovative treatment for feline obesity using intragastric botulinum toxin‐A injections in a cat that did not respond favourably to conventional methods. A 3‐year‐old, tabby cat, weighing 8.480 kg, exhibited excessive appetite and lameness, with a body condition score of 9. Despite a year of conventional management and dietary supplements, no significant improvement was observed, and an alternative technique to conventional treatment was performed. Under anaesthesia and gastroscopic guidance, 24 units of botulinum toxin‐A were injected subserosally into the antrum. Six months after intervention, the cat's weight reduced to 4.220 kg, with a body condition score of 5, indicating excellent health. The present approach may offer an alternative to traditional obesity management, but further research is required to assess its full potential.
... Being overweight is categorized by having such levels of fat in body composition that exceed the optimum limits or that are required for good health. While being obese is categorized as having such levels of fat that fairly increases the chances of detrimental effects on health (Sandøe et al., 2014). Methods like Body condition scoring (BCS), Morphometry, dimensional evaluations, skin fold test, ultrasound, and radiography are used to assess obesity in pets along with some advanced techniques like densitometry, electrical conductance, absorptiometry, total body water management, MRI, and CT are in use worldwide (Preet et al., 2021a). ...
Full-text available
Obesity, is a life-threatening condition common among various animals, is a multisystemic disorder that may affect the gastrointestinal system, urinary system, reproductive system, respiratory system, and musculoskeletal system. According to various studies, more than 50% of cats and dogs are obese. Many proinflammatory and inflammatory cytokines, hormones, and enzymes play a part in the production of fat tissues that lead to obesity. Excessive deposition of fats give rise to conditions involving inflammation, oxidative stress and damage, immunomodulation, hyperlipidemia, dyslipidemia, neoplasia, hypothyroidism, and insulin resistance. This review paper acquires the knowledge of various scientific manuscripts to discuss the development and consequences of obesity in pets especially cats and dogs.
... In the process of domestication and urbanization, dogs and humans exhibit remarkable consistency in terms of dietary structure and living environment, particularly in developed countries [9][10][11]. There are also similarities between dog and human gut microbiota in terms of gene content and response to diet [12]. ...
Full-text available
Lactobacillus acidophilus (L. acidophilus), the most prevalent probiotic, has demonstrated the ability to improve the relative abundance of intestinal microorganisms and boost immunity. However, the underlying mechanisms of these effects remain unclear. This study evaluated body weight, nutrient apparent digestibility, serum indices, and bacterial communities in Chinese rural dogs from a L. acidophilus supplementation group (Lactobacillus acidophilus, n = 6) and a control group (CON, n = 6). The results indicated that L. acidophilus had no significant impact on the body weight and apparent nutrient digestibility of Chinese rural dogs. In comparison with the CON group, L. acidophilus significantly reduced the levels of cholesterol (CHO) and increased the levels of IgA, IFN-α, and T-AOC. Bacterial diversity indices were significantly reduced in the LAC group compared to the CON groups, and MetaStat analysis demonstrated notable distinctions in 14 bacterial genera between the groups. These bacterial genera exhibited correlations with physiological indices such as CHO, IgA, IFN-α, and T-AOC. In conclusion, L. acidophilus can modulate lipid metabolism, immunity, and antioxidant capacity by regulating the relative abundance of specific bacterial communities, which helps dogs to adapt to today’s lifestyle.
... Dog owners are an important and innate target group for educational efforts not only because they are the everyday caretakers of dogs but also because of the shared lifestyle with their pets [2,[27][28][29][30][31]. Dog owners' body composition and/or attitudes toward healthy diets and physical activity are factors shown to influence BCS in dogs [2,31]. ...
Full-text available
Overweight in dogs is an increasing problem, with a prevalence of about 30% in Sweden. To prevent the negative health effects of overweight, it is important to identify and treat canine overweight. Dog owners are essential for such interventions. The aim of this study was to evaluate dog owners’ perceptions of various canine body compositions via indirect assessment based on photos and direct assessment of their own dogs. A second aim was to evaluate the effect of a standardized practical education for dog owners on body condition score (BCS) assessment of their own dogs. The 9-point BCS scale was used, and two study samples were recruited: one was a survey sample where 564 dog owners assessed the BCS of dogs using photos, and one sample was a separate clinical sample where 82 dogs were assessed by their owners and by veterinary health care personnel. The initial BCS assessment by the dog owners in the clinical sample (mean ± SD) was significantly lower (4.6 ± 1.0) than the BCS assessed by the veterinary health care personnel (5.2 ± 1.1), but the owners improved significantly after receiving the standardized education (5.1 ± 1.0) (both p < 0.0001) and performed as accurately as the veterinary health care personnel (p = 0.99). The results should be verified in the broader dog owner population based on a randomized selection of participants. “Weight blindness”, defined here as an underassessment of normal-weight dogs and an inability to identify overweight dogs, is likely to have a negative impact on canine overweight prevalence. Deeper knowledge about dog owners’ perceptions can inform the development of new strategies to help prevent and manage canine overweight, whereof standardized practical education on BCS assessment is shown here to be one example.
... research conducted in germany also confirmed that pet obesity is on the rise (BECKEr et al., 2012). It is very clear that obesity is a serious health problem, which has a significant negative impact on the welfare of dogs (SANDØE et al., 2014). Obesity-associated diseases include: metabolic abnormalities, endocrinopathies, orthopaedic disorders, cardiorespiratory diseases, disorders of the urogenital system, neoplasia and functional alterations such as joint disorders, dyspnoea, hypertension, dystocia, exercise intolerance, heat intolerance resulting in heat stroke, decreased immune functions, increased anaesthetic risk, decreased lifespan, etc. (gERMAN, 2006). ...
The importance of nutrition for the welfare of dogs is highlighted in this review. Malnutrition can be the cause of many health disorders, including behavioural disorders. On the other hand, dietary interventions and modifications, and nutritional enrichment can be used for the treatment of certain health problems and improving welfare in dogs. The paper focuses on data collected from the literature on omissions in the diet of dogs for which owners, food producers, veterinarians and/or animal welfare societies are responsible. Manufacturers are responsible for the composition, quality and safety of commercially available dog food. They are also responsible for the clarity of the feeding guidelines that are provided on the labels. Owners are expected to know what type of food is most suitable for their dogs in terms of any particular allergies or intolerances they may have, as well the quality and quantity of food they should feed their dogs. It is especially important for owners to be aware of the risks of using raw food in dog nutrition. Due to the special social status that dogs have in their owners’ families, owners are increasingly interested in the quality and safe nutrition of their companions. This should be a challenge for veterinarians to master the necessary knowledge of pet nutrition, and to develop and provide advice and consulting services in this area within their practice. Owners’ interest in good quality and safe dog nutrition should also be a challenge for animal welfare societies to include information on nutrition in general dog ownership education.
Full-text available
Introduction The prevalence of age-related diseases, including obesity (a lipid metabolism disorder), increases with the increase in a dog’s lifespan. Most of age-related diseases are associated with oxidative stress by excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) from impaired mitochondrial functions. Safe and effective supplements with antioxidative and anti-inflammatory activities are required to prevent obesity and associated complications. Shiitake mushroom exhibit various functions including antioxidant activity. We investigated the effect of shiitake powder supplementation in healthy dogs. Methods Shiitake powder was supplemented at a dose of 800 mg/kg body weight/day for 4 weeks. The dose was set as 0.60–0.65 mg/kg/day of eritadenine, a hypocholesterolemic factor. Results The body weight and body condition score of the dogs did not change after shiitake supplementation. In contrast, plasma total cholesterol concentrations decreased and superoxide dismutase activity and leukocyte sirtuin1 mRNA expression increased significantly in the dogs that received the supplement. Discussion Oral administration of shiitake powder increased antioxidative activity. The supplement may be useful in ameliorating the signs of age-related diseases, including obesity, in dogs.
Full-text available
Biyoremediasyon biyolojik dengenin bozulduğu ortamların yeniden biyoteknolojik yöntemler ile dengelenmesi olarak tanımlanabilir. Çevreci, az maliyetli, sürdürülebilir bir çevre temizlik yöntemi olarak öne çıkmaktadır. Yaban hayatını barındıran tüm ekosistemler insan etkileşimi ile birçok kirleticinin etkisi altındadır. Petrol sızıntısı, tarım ilaçları ve ağır metal kirliliği, habitat bozulması gibi tehditler yaban hayatının sürdürülebilirliğini tehdit etmekte ve yaban hayatı ekosistemlerinin onarımı için biyoremediasyon uygulamaları ile birçok iyileştirme çalışması yapılmaktadır. Bunun yanında vektör kontrolü ile hastalıkların yayılmasının azaltılmasında da biyoremediasyon uygulamaları kullanılmaktadır. Biyoremediasyon uygulamalarının etkileri çevre, veteriner ve halk sağlığını beraber etkilediği için tek sağlık kavramı altında da değerlendirilebileceği düşünülmektedir. Bu derlemede mikrobiyolojinin ve nanobiyoteklojinin yeni bir alanı olan biyoremidiasyon uygulamaları, kullanım alanları ve ekosistemleri dengeye getirme çalışmaları hakkında bilgi verilerek tek sağlık kavramı ile açıklanacaktır.
This chapter deals with the socioeconomic disparities in overweight and obesity. It first provides an overview of the association(s) between socioeconomic status (SES) and obesity as informed by the significant number of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies available, followed by a discussion of mediators or mechanisms that may underlie the observed associations. The most consistent association observed, based on reviews to date, is that of an inverse relationship between SES and obesity among women in the developed world. Consistent socioeconomic patterning of obesity exists, and does not just reflect economic or material factors. Given that socioeconomic patterning of weight persists and is perhaps widening, it is important that prevention initiatives incorporate evaluation not just of overall impact, but of differential impact by SES and other axes of social stratification.
Obesity is the most common nutrition-related disease of dogs and cats. Several of the important health problems that are inherent in obesity are resolved when the patient’s body weight is returned to normal. Proper dietary management is central to successful treatment and prevention. Low-fat, high-fiber diets provide fewer available calories but induce a greater degree of satiety than simple restriction of the obese patient’s regular food. Care must be taken to assure that overweight cats are not fasted; preliminary reports indicate an alarming association between severe caloric restriction and hepatic lipidosis in obese cats. Obesity prevention should ideally be proactive, owing to the predictability of obesity in certain groups of pets. The large number of reduced-energy, maintenance type diets that are available for obesity prevention facilitate this goal.
Obesity is defined as a state of excess body fat and is classified by body mass index, though body fat distribution should also be taken into consideration. The prevalence of obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally. The etiology of most cases of obesity rests in a complex interplay between environmental, genetic, and psychosocial contributors, with endocrinological causes of obesity being responsible for only a minority of cases. Obesity carries with it many medical co-morbidities, including diabetes mellitus, several cardiac risk factors, an increased risk of malignancy, obstructive sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, and several psychosocial issues. Through these co-morbidities, obesity has a pronounced impact on disability and mortality. While an effective means of obesity prevention continues to evade us on a population level, a hypocaloric diet, a sustained commitment to physical activity, and attention to individual psychosocial and environmental contributors to obesity can be successful in weight reduction and maintenance of a healthy body weight.
A 2-year study was conducted in Sprague-Dawley rats to compare the effects of ad libitum (AL) feeding and dietary restriction (DR) on body weight, survival, cause of death, and clinical pathology parameters. Three groups of 120 rats/sex each received the following daily rations of a maintenance rodent diet: ad libitum (AL group); 75% of adult AL food consumption (25% DR group); and 45% of adult AL food consumption (55% DR group). Among the 3 groups, there were generally no differences in relative (food intake per gram of body weight) food consumption. Compared to the AL group, decreased body weight gain occurred in DR groups and was associated with an increase in survival proportional to the DR rate. The main cause of death was pituitary adenomas in all groups. Decreases in total leukocyte, segmented neutrophil, lymphocyte, and platelet counts occurred in the 55% DR group. In serum biochemistry, there were decreases in total protein, albumin, total and HDL cholesterol, and total calcium, and increases in alkaline phosphatase activities and chloride in 55% DR females, as well as decreases in triglycerides in the 55% DR group and in 25% DR females. Results of urinalyses showed decreases in urine volume and protein, and increases in urinary pH in both DR groups. In conclusion, a DR rate of approximately 25% appears to be appropriate for Sprague-Dawley rats in toxicity and carcinogenicity assays to improve survival without impairing growth and routine clinical pathology parameters.
The prevalence of obesity has increased substantially over the past 30 years. We performed a quantitative analysis of the nature and extent of the person-to-person spread of obesity as a possible factor contributing to the obesity epidemic. We evaluated a densely interconnected social network of 12,067 people assessed repeatedly from 1971 to 2003 as part of the Framingham Heart Study. The body-mass index was available for all subjects. We used longitudinal statistical models to examine whether weight gain in one person was associated with weight gain in his or her friends, siblings, spouse, and neighbors. Discernible clusters of obese persons (body-mass index [the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters], > or =30) were present in the network at all time points, and the clusters extended to three degrees of separation. These clusters did not appear to be solely attributable to the selective formation of social ties among obese persons. A person's chances of becoming obese increased by 57% (95% confidence interval [CI], 6 to 123) if he or she had a friend who became obese in a given interval. Among pairs of adult siblings, if one sibling became obese, the chance that the other would become obese increased by 40% (95% CI, 21 to 60). If one spouse became obese, the likelihood that the other spouse would become obese increased by 37% (95% CI, 7 to 73). These effects were not seen among neighbors in the immediate geographic location. Persons of the same sex had relatively greater influence on each other than those of the opposite sex. The spread of smoking cessation did not account for the spread of obesity in the network. Network phenomena appear to be relevant to the biologic and behavioral trait of obesity, and obesity appears to spread through social ties. These findings have implications for clinical and public health interventions.
Improved understanding of absolute and relative prevalence values for common feline disorders could support clinicians when listing differential diagnoses and also assist prioritisation of breeding, research and health control strategies. This study aimed to analyse primary-care veterinary clinical data within the VetCompass project to estimate the prevalence of the most common disorders recorded in cats in England and to evaluate associations with purebred status. It was hypothesised that common disorders would be more prevalent in purebred than in crossbred cats. From a study population of 142,576 cats attending 91 clinics across Central and South-East England from 1 September 2009 to 15January 2014, a random sample of 3,584 was selected for detailed clinical review to extract information on all disorders recorded. The most prevalent diagnosis-level disorders were periodontal disease (n = 499; prevalence, 13.9%, 95% confidence intervals [CI], 12.5-15.4), flea infestation (n = 285; prevalence, 8.0%; 95% CI, 7.0-8.9) and obesity (n = 239; prevalence, 6.7%; 95% CI, 5.7-7.6). The most prevalent disorder groups recorded were dental conditions (n = 540; prevalence, 15.1%, 95% CI, 13.6-16.6), traumatic injury (n = 463; prevalence, 12.9%; 95% CI, 11.6-14.3) and dermatological disorders (n = 373; prevalence, 10.4%; 95% CI, 9.2-11.7). Crossbred cats had a higher prevalence of abscesses, excluding cat bite abscesses (P = 0.009) and hyperthyroidism (P = 0.002) among the 20 most common disorders recorded. and purebreds had a higher prevalence for coat disorders (P < 0.001). Veterinarians could use these results to focus their diagnostic and prophylactic efforts towards the most prevalent feline disorders. The study did not show an increased prevalence of common disorders in purebred cats compared with crossbred cats. Primary-care veterinary clinical data were versatile and useful for demographic and clinical feline studies.
With non-communicable conditions accounting for nearly two-thirds of deaths worldwide, the emergence of chronic diseases as the predominant challenge to global health is undisputed. In the USA, chronic diseases are the main causes of poor health, disability, and death, and account for most of health-care expenditures. The chronic disease burden in the USA largely results from a short list of risk factors-including tobacco use, poor diet and physical inactivity (both strongly associated with obesity), excessive alcohol consumption, uncontrolled high blood pressure, and hyperlipidaemia-that can be effectively addressed for individuals and populations. Increases in the burden of chronic diseases are attributable to incidence and prevalence of leading chronic conditions and risk factors (which occur individually and in combination), and population demographics, including ageing and health disparities. To effectively and equitably address the chronic disease burden, public health and health-care systems need to deploy integrated approaches that bundle strategies and interventions, address many risk factors and conditions simultaneously, create population-wide changes, help the population subgroups most affected, and rely on implementation by many sectors, including public-private partnerships and involvement from all stakeholders. To help to meet the chronic disease burden, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) uses four cross-cutting strategies: (1) epidemiology and surveillance to monitor trends and inform programmes; (2) environmental approaches that promote health and support healthy behaviours; (3) health system interventions to improve the effective use of clinical and other preventive services; and (4) community resources linked to clinical services that sustain improved management of chronic conditions. Establishment of community conditions to support healthy behaviours and promote effective management of chronic conditions will deliver healthier students to schools, healthier workers to employers and businesses, and a healthier population to the health-care system. Collectively, these four strategies will prevent the occurrence of chronic diseases, foster early detection and slow disease progression in people with chronic conditions, reduce complications, support an improved quality of life, and reduce demand on the health-care system. Of crucial importance, with strengthened collaboration between the public health and health-care sectors, the health-care system better uses prevention and early detection services, and population health is improved and sustained by solidifying collaborations between communities and health-care providers. This collaborative approach will improve health equity by building communities that promote health rather than disease, have more accessible and direct care, and focus the health-care system on improving population health.