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Primer design using Primer Express® for SYBR Green-based quantitative PCR


Abstract and Figures

To quantitate the gene expression, real-time RT-PCR or quantitative PCR (qPCR) is one of the most sensitive, reliable, and commonly used methods in molecular biology. The reliability and success of a real-time PCR assay depend on the optimal experiment design. Primers are the most important constituents of real-time PCR experiments such as in SYBR Green-based detection assays. Designing of an appropriate and specific primer pair is extremely crucial for correct estimation of transcript abundance of any gene in a given sample. Here, we are presenting a quick, easy, and reliable method for designing target-specific primers using Primer Express® software for real-time PCR (qPCR) experiments.
Content may be subject to copyright.
Chhandak Basu (ed.), PCR Primer Design, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1275,
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2365-6_11, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
Chapter 11
Primer Design Using Primer Express
® for SYBR
Green- Based Quantitative PCR
Amarjeet Singh and Girdhar K. Pandey
To quantitate the gene expression, real-time RT-PCR or quantitative PCR (qPCR) is one of the most
sensitive, reliable, and commonly used methods in molecular biology. The reliability and success of a real-
time PCR assay depend on the optimal experiment design. Primers are the most important constituents of
real-time PCR experiments such as in SYBR Green-based detection assays. Designing of an appropriate
and specifi c primer pair is extremely crucial for correct estimation of transcript abundance of any gene in
a given sample. Here, we are presenting a quick, easy, and reliable method for designing target-specifi c
primers using Primer Express
® software for real-time PCR (qPCR) experiments.
Key words Real-time PCR , SYBR Green , Primer , Expression , Primer Express
1 Introduction
After the emergence of PCR technique in early 1980s to amplify
the DNA molecules, it has been extensively used and modifi ed into
several different forms to solve the problems in molecular biology.
One of the important facets of PCR-based technique is utilized in
assessing the gene expression by qualitative or quantitative mea-
sure of mRNA in the cell. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qPCR)
has emerged as a powerful technique to estimate the relative quan-
titative differences in the transcript level of various samples. This
technique is favored over other methods such as northern blotting,
ribonuclease protection assays, and semi-quantitative RT-PCR for
transcript analysis because lesser amount of RNA, highly reliable
quantitative assessment, and lesser efforts to generate signifi cant
data in a relatively short period of time [
1 , 2 ]. Moreover, its ease of
use and high sensitivity make it a desirable method for various
applications in molecular biology and diagnostics [
3 6 ]. Numerous
laboratories, which perform functional genomics studies, utilize
qPCR method to validate tremendous amount of transcriptomic
data generated through high-throughput techniques such as gene
chip microarrays [
7 14 ]. Also, during the time of publication, it is
highly recommended to validate the expression data by qPCR
analysis. Obtaining high-quality and accurate expression data
depends on the design of the qPCR experiment. Like a conven-
tional PCR reaction, qPCR reaction also consists of buffer, dNTPs,
DNA polymerase, primers, and DNA template. The success of
qPCR reaction depends on the selection and use of the best pos-
sible combinations of all these components. For the transcript or
expression analysis the RNA template is transcribed into cDNA. For
specifi c amplifi cation, DNA and RNA templates should be rela-
tively pure of contaminating proteins and carbohydrates, and their
purity can be ascertained by measuring the OD
260 /OD
280 and
260 /OD
230 ratio of the sample using a spectrophotometer.
Uncontaminated DNA and RNA template generally have OD
260 /
280 ratios of 1.8–2.0 and OD
260 /OD
230 ratio in the range 2.0–
2.3. Genomic DNA contamination should also be removed from
RNA samples by using a DNAse enzyme and RNA samples should
not be degraded. The RNA integrity should be analyzed on a gel
or on a bioanalyzer chip. The ratio of 28S to 18S rRNA should be
approximately 2.0 in an intact RNA sample. Primers are the most
essential and important components of a PCR reaction as they
determine the desired specifi c region on the template and bind
there to initiate the polymerization of a DNA sequence. SYBR
Green-based detection method is more suitable and feasible for
expression analysis of multiple genes together. SYBR Green chem-
istry is appreciated as the simplest and cheapest chemistry for real-
time PCR applications. This dye binds to the minor groove of
double-stranded DNA and fl uoresces thousands times brighter
when bound than in unbound state. This implies that SYBR Green
signal increases with the progress in PCR reaction with formation
of more double-stranded DNA product. However, one major
drawback with the SYBR Green chemistry is its nonspecifi c bind-
ing to any kind of double-stranded DNA and generation of non-
specifi c uorescent signal. With the detection chemistry as that of
SYBR Green, designing of proper and specifi c primers becomes
more important because nonspecifi c intercalation of dye within
primer dimers may produce nonspecifi c uorescence and lead to
false positive results. Here, we present an easy and reliable method
to design specifi c primers for real-time qPCR experiment using
Primer Express
® software. We also discuss about consideration of
various factors such as range of GC content, melting temperatures,
length of primer, amplicon size, primer dimer formation, stem–
loop structure generation, for reliable and specifi c primer design
using computational tools.
Amarjeet Singh and Girdhar K. Pandey
2 Materials
1. Computer with Internet : To begin the process of primer design,
a computer system with Internet accessibility is must, as initial
reference sequences will be searched, analyzed and down-
loaded from online available public databases.
2. Primer Express
software : Primer Express
® is a program from
Applied Biosystems and used to design the primers for real-
time PCR for SYBR Green
® -based assays. This software does
not require any specifi c computer program to run and can be
easily installed with a normal confi guration with any version of
Windows and Macintosh.
3. Reference nucleotide sequence : To design real-time PCR prim-
ers, a nucleotide sequence is prerequisite to target a specifi c
region for amplifi cation and select suitable primer pair.
Generally, a full-length cDNA sequence with 5 and 3 UTR
region is suitable as a reference sequence but if full-length
cDNA is not available, coding region (ORF) of a gene can also
be selected ( see Note 1 ).
4. Sequence analysis tools : Once the primer(s) is selected based on
the fulfi llment of primary requirement, it is important to scan
it for the specifi city. Sequence alignment tool such as BLAST
and similar tools can be used to align the primer with selected
reference sequence and other similar sequence to ensure that
the primer(s) bind only to the desired region on the reference
sequence and not to any other nonspecifi c sequence. BLAST
tool available with NCBI (National Centre for Biotechnology
Information) is more often used for this analysis but specifi c
databases such as TAIR (The Arabidopsis Information
Resource) and RGAP (Rice Genome Annotation Project-
TIGR) can also be used for species-specifi c homology search.
3 Methods
1. For the gene of interest, obtain the database accession ID by
keyword search or homology search in the public databases.
2. Search in NCBI or species-specifi c database for the full-length
cDNA or ORF sequence, using identifi ed accession ID. Here,
we are using a rice gene as an example for which the full-
length cDNA was extracted from KOME (Knowledge-Based
Oryza Molecular Encyclopedia) database (
http://cdna01. )
3. After retrieval, copy and paste the sequence on a text fi le
(notepad) FASTA format ( see Note 2 ). However, the sequence
le can also be directly imported as GeneWorks, GenBank
sequence, EMBL, GCG, PHYLIP, PRIMER, and ASCII text
in Primer Express
® software.
3.1 Retrieval
of Reference
Nucleotide Sequence
Primer Design Using Primer Express® for SYBR Green-Based Quantitative PCR
1. Open Primer Express
® by double-clicking on the software
icon in the computer.
2. At the extreme left of the screen, select “File” then “New” in
the dropdown menu. Slide to the right and select “TaqMan
Probes and Primer Design” (Fig.
1 ).
3. A new screen will open and at the sequence tab a blank space
will appear where reference sequence should be uploaded
either by copy and paste ( see Note 1 ) or by clicking on “Import
DNA File” button and selecting the text sequence fi le in
FASTA format (Fig.
2 ).
4. Go to the original window and click “Options” and then from
the dropdown menu select “Find Primers/Probes now”.
5. A complete list of 200 primer pairs in version 2.0 and 50 pairs
in version 3.0 will be generated. The entire list of primer com-
binations can either be viewed on the computer screen by
clicking on the “Primers” button on sequence tab with all the
important parameters such as start and end positions, length,
Tm, and % GC content (Fig.
3 ) or it can be saved by clicking
the on “Save List” button at bottom right of the sequence tab
screen and it will be automatically imported in text format, to
the folder which contains the input reference sequence.
6. This fi le can be opened with MS excel and list of primers can
be analyzed for various important parameters at any time.
3.2 Generation
of Primers by Software
Fig. 1 A snapshot of Primer Express
® 2.0 showing the starting screen where primer designing process starts.
After selecting ‘File’ then ‘New’ through dropdown menu, slide toward ‘TaqMan
® Probe and Primer Design’
and select it to start primer designing
Amarjeet Singh and Girdhar K. Pandey
Fig. 2 A snapshot of Primer Express
® 2.0 screen showing the space where reference sequence can be
imported and the various features and tools used to obtain optimum primer(s)
Fig. 3 A snapshot of the Primer Express
® 3.0 showing the list of primer combinations obtained for one of the
rice gene after clicking the Primers/Probes tab. For each pair of primers (both forward and reverse) all the
important details such as start and end position on the target sequence, primer length, GC content, melting
temperature (Tm), and sequence can be obtained in a single fi le
7. To view and analyze the different parameters of any selected
primer(s) in the software itself, click on that primer sequence
and a small window will open in Version 2.0 where different
parameters such as GC content, Tm, and length are men-
tioned (Fig.
4a ), while in version 3.0 go to ‘Tools’ tab and in
dropdown menu select ‘Primer Probe Test Tool’ and then a
small window will pop up, which gives these details about
both forward and reverse primers and additionally about the
secondary structures such as hairpin, self-dimers, and cross-
dimers (Fig.
4b ).
At step 4 , if suitable primers are not found then a pop-up
will appear with notice saying no acceptable primer pairs were
found (in version 3.0). This may happen when the reference
sequence contain a stretch of only one nucleotide repeats at
one or both the ends, especially sequences with high GC con-
tent such as rice nucleotide sequence and hence both the
primers does not fi t into the parameters of the software, fi xed
to get a compatible primer pair. In this case, it is advisable to
proceed for primer designing manually.
8. For the optimum effi ciency of real-time PCR reaction,
primer(s) should fulfi ll the following conditions:
(a) Minimum primer length: 18 bases
(b) Amplicon size: 50–150 bases
(c) % GC content: 40–70 %
(d) Tm: 58–60 °C
(e) At the 3 end, last 5 nucleotides should not contain more
than 2 G + C bases ( see Notes 3–6 ).
(f) Low or no self-complementarity to avoid primer dimers
To check all these parameters in Primer Express
® use the
‘Primer Test’ tool. From the “File” menu select “New”, slide
towards right and choose “Primer Test Document”. Now select
the sequence tab and choose forward or reverse primer to test.
This information will guide and suggest the users to adjust the
default parameters.
To obtain the primer(s) with all these parameters in optimum
range, instead of using default settings, adjustment can be done in
many fi lters. For the adjustments click on the ‘params’ tab next to
sequence tab (Fig.
5 ).
(a) Optimum annealing temperatures ( Tm ): Although the primers
generated with default settings will have comparable Tm,
which will work optimally with ABI real-time machine, but
this can be modifi ed according to user’s requirement to work
with any real-time machine and obtain better results.
(b) GC content : Sometimes if primers are not obtained in the
desired range of GC content, the fi lter can be relaxed or
constricted as per the requirement.
Amarjeet Singh and Girdhar K. Pandey
(c) Primer length : Primers generated by the software are of stan-
dard size for most amplifi cation experiments, but if different
primer size is required (sometime bigger length primers are
required to increase the specifi city), it can be achieved through
Fig. 4 Snapshots from the computer screens depicting the step to analyze different vital parameters of a
primer. ( a ) In Primer Express
® 2.0, details of different parameters can be viewed by clicking on the test primer
from the list of primers. A small window appears, which shows Tm, % GC, start site, and length of the primer.
( b ) In Primer Express
® 3.0, from the Tools tab a dropdown menu comes where Primer Probe Test Tool is
selected, after that a small window appears with all the important parameters including secondary structures
such as hairpin, self-dimers, and cross-dimers
Primer Design Using Primer Express® for SYBR Green-Based Quantitative PCR
(d) Amplicon size : Desired amplicon length can also be changed.
Maximum amplicon size of ~150 bp results in close to 100 %
PCR effi ciency, and if this length is increased, it may lead to
decrease in PCR effi ciency. Minimum length of amplicon is rarely
lowered and not recommended below 50 bp but it can also be
increased to create a larger amplicon to visualize on the gel.
After verifying all the necessary parameters for a compatible primer
pair, test the primer pairs for their sequence specifi city.
1. From the list of primers, select the primer pair preferably
towards the 3 end (especially when the cDNA is synthesized
using oligo-dT primer) as 3 end UTR region is considered
unique to a nucleotide sequence.
2. Take the primer sequence and perform homology search in
the database preferably NCBI using BLAST tool. Here, select
the organism genome and choose BLASTN tool for nucleo-
tide alignment. Copy and paste the primer sequence in the
blank space, and after choosing highly similar sequences
(megablast) click the BLAST button.
3. Analyze the hits obtained from BLAST and make sure that the
test primer binds to the reference nucleotide (cDNA) sequence
with 100 % coverage and does not bind to cDNA sequence of
any other gene of same species with 100 % coverage. If primer
binds to any nonspecifi c cDNA with less than 100 % coverage,
3.3 Analysis
for the Primer
Specifi city
Fig. 5 A Primer Express ® 2.0 screenshot showing different options for manual modifi cation of various impor-
tant primer parameters at the Params tab, to obtain an optimum combination. Red arrows are showing the
positions where various primer parameters such as Tm, GC content, Primer length, and amplicon size can be
modifi ed according to requirement of user (color fi gure online)
Amarjeet Singh and Girdhar K. Pandey
it can be used provided it should not zip toward 3end of
nonspecifi c target sequence (mismatch of 2–3 bases) so that
DNA polymerase halt there and does not propagate to pro-
duce nonspecifi c amplicon (Fig.
6a ). On the other hand if the
primer remains unzipped at 5 end but can bind complemen-
tarily at the 3end of nontarget sequence, amplifi cation of off
target can be propagated (Fig.
6b ).
4. Primer specifi city can also be checked by dissociation curve
analysis after real-time PCR run, on the real-time PCR instru-
ment itself. Ideally, a dissociation curve should contain a single
peak, which indicates the specifi c amplicon generation. If prim-
ers bind nonspecifi cally then multiple peaks could be observed
on the dissociation curve. As a case study, we have performed
the dissociation curve analysis for one of the rice gene with dif-
ferent samples of cDNA. Two primer combinations were
selected for this analysis, one pair with complete specifi city
(100 % coverage) to the target sequence and other pair with
70 % coverage and it also binds to the off targets. qPCR ampli-
cation with nonspecifi c primer combination showed multiple
peaks in different cDNA samples after dissociation curve analy-
sis (Fig.
7a ). While amplifi cation from specifi c primers showed
a single peak in all the samples (Fig.
7b ). Analysis of expression
data showed that this gene has higher expression values with
nonspecifi c primer combination than specifi c primers. This
higher expression is mainly due to the detection of additional
uorescence of SYBR Green from nonspecifi cally amplifi ed
products and hence led to false positive results.
Fig. 6 Depiction of nonspecifi c binding of the primers to any unwanted sequence.
Primer may bind to a nonspecifi c sequence either completely with 100 % cover-
age or lesser. When it is less than 100 % coverage, two main possibilities could
exist, and they are shown here. ( a ) Primer may bind to the sequence from 5 end
but remain unzipped at 3 end of nonspecifi c sequence. ( b ) Primer may not have
the complementary bases (2–3 bases) at the 5 end but might fi nd the comple-
mentary bases at 3 end, then it will zip at 3end and amplifi cation of nonspecifi c
sequence will be propagated
Primer Design Using Primer Express® for SYBR Green-Based Quantitative PCR
Dissociation Curve
Dissociation Curve
60 65 70 75 80
Temperature (C)
85 90 95
65 70 75 80
Temperature (C)
85 90 95
Fig. 7 Dissociation curve analysis performed after qPCR reaction to show primer specifi city. During qPCR
analysis as a case study in rice, ( a ) one of the genes showed multiple peaks in different cDNA samples depict-
ing nonspecifi c binding to template whereas, when the primers were changed to be more specifi c ( b ) then a
single specifi c peak was observed in most of the samples at a particular annealing temperature
Amarjeet Singh and Girdhar K. Pandey
4 Notes
1. When using Primer Express
® , it is better to start primer design-
ing with about 500 bp of reference nucleotide sequence to
obtain more specifi c and effi cient primers.
2. When importing a reference sequence fi le to Primer Express
software, make sure that the sequence is in a tab-delimited text
format and does not include any extraneous information such
as detail description of the sequence. This may lead to nonrec-
ognition of the sequence by the software.
3. Repeats, e.g., AGAGAGAG and runs of a nucleotide, e.g.,
GTTTTTTCG should be avoided in the sequence as they lead
to the mispriming on the template.
4. When searching for the primers (at step 3 in generation of
primers by software, methods), make sure that “Limit 3G + C”
box is selected, otherwise primer generated without this limita-
tion will contain more than 2 G + C in the last 5 bases at 3end.
5. For relative expression analysis using SYBR Green for several
genes, it is advisable to keep the length of the amplicon very
close because larger size product will produce more fl uores-
cence, hence the expression values obtained will not refl ect the
actual relative expression of multiple genes.
6. It is benefi cial to design a primer crossing intron/exon bound-
ary, as it will lead to amplifi cation of specifi c cDNA sample and
not the genomic DNA amplifi cation. In such cases, DNAse
treatment of RNA samples can be avoided.
Research work in GKP’s lab is partially supported by grants from
University of Delhi, Department of Biotechnology (DBT),
Department of Science and Technology (DST), and Council of
Scientifi c and Industrial Research (CSIR), India. AS acknowledges
CSIR for research fellowship.
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Amarjeet Singh and Girdhar K. Pandey
... The 3' end of the primer is placed at a location where the target virus displays different nucleotides from closely related viruses and bacteria, ensuring target virus specificity. Primers and probes were designed using Primer Express software 5.0 [27] (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA, USA), and secondary structures and the presence of possible primer dimers were evaluated. The nucleotide sequences used to design primer selection were introduced into the "Oligocalc" program [28], and the length was optimized according to the resulting "salt-adjusted" annealing temperature. ...
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Capripox viruses (CaPVs), including sheep pox virus (SPV), goat pox virus (GPV), and lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV), are the cause of sheep pox (SPP), goat pox (GTP), and lumpy skin disease (LSD) in cattle. These diseases are of great economic significance to farmers, as they are endemic on farms and are a major constraint to international trade in livestock and their products. Capripoxvirus (CaPV) infections produce similar symptoms in sheep and goats, and the three viruses cannot be distinguished serologically. In this study, we developed a real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) method for identifying CaPV in goats, sheep, and cattle. Clinical samples were tested and verified. The developed assay was highly specific for target viruses, including GPVSPV and LSDV, which had no cross-reaction with other viruses causing similar clinical symptoms. An artificially synthesized positive control plasmid using the CaPV 32 gene inserted into the vector pMD19-T was used as a template, and the correlation coefficient of the linear regression curve (R2) was 0.9916, the estimated amplification efficiency (E) was 96.06%, and the sensitivity (limit of detection, LOD) was 3.80 copies per reaction. Using the clinical samples as a template, the limit of detection (LOD) was 4.91 × 10−5 ng per reaction (1.60 × 10−5–2.13 × 10−3 ng, 95% confidence interval (CI)), which means that this method was one of the most sensitive detection assays for CaPVs. A total of 85 clinical samples from CaPV-infected animals (goats, sheep, and cattle) and 50 clinical samples from healthy animals were used to test and compare the diagnostic results using the Synergy Brands (SYBR) Green-based PCR method recommended by the World Organization of Animal Health (WOAH). Both diagnostic sensitivity (DSe) (95.8–100%, 95% CI) and diagnostic specificity (DSp) (92.9–100%, 95% CI) results of the real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) and SYBR Green PCR were 100%, and the kappa value (κ) was 1.0 (1-1, 95% CI). In summary, the assay established based on TaqMan probes was advantageous in high specificity, sensitivity, and general applicability and could be a competitive candidate tool for the diagnosis of CaPV in clinically suspected animals.
... RNA-seq data of differentially expressed NAC genes during competition between litchi flower buds and rudimentary leaf development were validated by quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR). The primer Express 5.0 [54] was used to design qRT-PCR gene-specific primers. Total RNA was extracted using the total plant RNA kit (Huayueyang, Beijing, China). ...
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NAC proteins play an essential role in the growth and development of litchi, especially during reproductive development. However, a comprehensive analysis of the litchi NAC gene family is currently absent. Based on information from the litchi genome, we found that the 112 NAC genes of litchi show an uneven distribution on the chromosomes. Phylogenetic and conserved structural domain analyses indicated that different types of variability were exhibited in the family of litchi NACs (LcNACs). Gene covariance analysis showed that the LcNACs showed better similarity in the same genus than with Arabidopsis. We further investigated the differential expression patterns of LcNACs in buds and rudimentary leaves of litchi. qRT-PCR results implied that they were involved in the process. Profiling of LcNAC promoter elements in litchi showed that they were extensively involved in light response, phytohormone regulation, abiotic stress response, and plant growth and development processes. This study provides new insights into the identification, structural characterization, tissue-specific expression analysis, and promoter response elements of LcNACs. It reveals the characteristics of the LcNACs and lays the foundation for the subsequent understanding of its biological functions and molecular regulatory mechanisms.
... Primer Express 5.0 (Singh and Pandey, 2015) was used to design gene-specific primers (listed in Schedule 1). Primer specificity was confirmed by a BLAST search using data downloaded from the BambooGDB and local CDS databases (http://www.bamboogdb. ...
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Phyllostachys edulis f. bicolor, a beautiful ornamental bamboo species, is a new variant of P. edulis, with yellow stems and green grooves between nodes. In this study, we assembled and annotated the complete chloroplast (cp) genome of this variety for the first time. The complete cp genome size of P. edulis f. bicolor was 139,678 bp in length and a total of 130 unique genes were annotated, including 85 protein-coding genes, 37 tRNA encoding genes, and eight rRNA encoding genes. Phylogenetic analysis results provided evidence that P. edulis f. bicolor was closely related to P. edulis ‘heterocycla’. This study contributes to better understanding of intraspecific type evolution of P. edulis.
... The custom assay mix consisted of 1X TaqMan ® MasterMix (ThermoFisher Scientific), 1X Custom Assay mix which contains the custom primers and probes (Table S1), and 1 µL (10-40 ng) of genomic DNA. Primers and probes were designed using PrimerExpress (Singh and Pandey, 2015). The assay was performed in QuantStudio 3 Real-Time PCR System with the following conditions: a pre-read stage for 30 seconds at 60°C, initial denaturation at 95°C for 5 minutes, 40 cycles of denaturation (95°C for 15 seconds) and annealing/ extension (60°C for 1 minute), and then a post-read stage for 30 seconds at 60°C. ...
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Volatile organic compounds such as terpenes influence the quality parameters of grapevine through their contribution to the flavour and aroma profile of berries. Biosynthesis of volatile organic compounds in grapevine is relatively complex and controlled by multiple genes, the majority of which are unknown or uncharacterised. To identify the genomic regions that associate with modulation of these compounds in grapevine berries, volatile metabolic data generated via GC-MS from a grapevine mapping population was used to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs). Several significant QTLs were associated with terpenes, and candidate genes were proposed for sesquiterpene and monoterpene biosynthesis. For monoterpenes, loci on chromosomes 12 and 13 were shown to be associated with geraniol and cyclic monoterpene accumulation, respectively. The locus on chromosome 12 was shown to contain a geraniol synthase gene (VvGer), while the locus on chromosome 13 contained an α-terpineol synthase gene (VvTer). Molecular and genomic investigation of VvGer and VvTer revealed that these genes were found in tandemly duplicated clusters, displaying high levels of hemizygosity. Gene copy number analysis further showed that not only did VvTer and VvGer copy numbers vary within the mapping population, but also across recently sequenced Vitis cultivars. Significantly, VvTer copy number correlated with both VvTer gene expression and cyclic monoterpene accumulation in the mapping population. A hypothesis for a hyper-functional VvTer allele linked to increased gene copy number in the mapping population is presented and can potentially lead to selection of cultivars with modulated terpene profiles. The study highlights the impact of VvTPS gene duplication and copy number variation on terpene accumulation in grapevine.
... In this study, the designed primer amplicon size was 161 bp. Based on Singh and Pandey (2015), the primary GC content to obtain optimal efficiency for real-time PCR is 40% to 70% while the melting temperature, Tm is between 58°C to 60°C. The GC content can be calculated with the formula, GC%= (G+C)/(A+T+C+G) ×100% (Li and Du, 2014) while the melting temperature can be calculated with the formula, Tm = 4(G + C ) + 2(A (Borah, 2011). ...
Real-time PCR was employed in this study to determine whether gelatine items from nearby marketplaces contained porcine DNA. The mitochondrial NADH dehydrogenase subunit 5 (MT-ND5) gene from pigs (Sus scrofa) was the subject of oligonucleotide primer design; the forward and the reverse primer sequences produced 161bp amplicon. SYBR Green fluorescent dye was used to detect swine DNA in samples of 22 different types of gelatine products, 12 of which had labels identifying their sources and indicating their certification as Halal, and the remaining 10 had neither labels nor certification information. The 40 cycles of positive amplication with a Ct value of 19.81 served as the criterion for determining the specificity of the primers. In this work, the detection threshold for porcine DNA is set at 0.001 µg/ml. The efficiency of the PCR in this study is 91.72%, and the R2 is 0.9985, which indicates good efficiency. The 12 labelled products exhibit positive amplifications for porcine gelatine products while exhibiting negative amplifications for both bovine and fish gelatine products in labelled samples. Nine out of the ten samples of gelatine products that were tested had positive amplifications without source or Halal labelling.
... This made it difficult to obtain primers automatically, and only the primer set TerclaF1/R1 was generated by ProbeFinder software. Moreover, some of the considerations for proper primer composition made the design even more complicated, because when SYBR Green dye is used as fluorescence marker, the presence of primer dimers, the formation of secondary structures, or non-specific amplifications may induce the detection of false signals [64,75]. All this forced the manual design of the primer set TerclaF2/R2 and primer set TerclaF3/R1, using the parameters already set as closely as possible. ...
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Desert truffle crop is a pioneer in southeastern Spain, a region where native edible hypogeous fungi are adapted to the semiarid areas with low annual rainfall. Terfezia claveryi Chatin was the first species of desert truffle to be cultivated, and has been increasing in recent years as an alternative rainfed crop in the Iberian Peninsula. However, its behaviour in the field has yet not been investigated. For this purpose, specific primers were designed for the soil DNA quantification of both T. claveryi and Terfezia crassiverrucosa and a real-time qPCR protocol was developed, using the ITS rDNA region as a target. Moreover, a young desert truffle orchard was sampled for environmental validation. The results showed the highest efficiency for the TerclaF3/TerclaR1 primers pair, 89%, and the minimal fungal biomass that could be reliable detected was set at 4.23 µg mycelium/g soil. The spatial distribution of fungal biomass was heterogeneous, and there was not a direct relationship between the quantity of winter soil mycelium and the location/productivity of desert truffles. This protocol could be applied to tracking these species in soil and understand their mycelial dynamics in plantations and wild areas.
... For the differential expression analysis, three biological replicates of each treatment and control were analyzed, Expression analysis by qRT-PCR. As mentioned in previously 48 , PRIMER EXPRESS SOFTWARE was used to design qRT-PCR primers for specific genes. After real-time PCR run, their specificity was determined using the RGAP BLAST program and melt curve analysis. ...
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Calcineurin B-like proteins (CBL)-interacting protein kinases (CIPKs) regulate the developmental processes, hormone signal transduction and stress responses in plants. Although the genome sequence of chickpea is available, information related to the CIPK gene family is missing in this important crop plant. Here, a total of 22 CIPK genes were identified and characterized in chickpea. We found a high degree of structural and evolutionary conservation in the chickpea CIPK family. Our analysis showed that chickpea CIPKs have evolved with dicots such as Arabidopsis and soybean, and extensive gene duplication events have played an important role in the evolution and expansion of the CIPK gene family in chickpea. The three-dimensional structure of chickpea CIPKs was described by protein homology modelling. Most CIPK proteins are localized in the cytoplasm and nucleus, as predicted by subcellular localization analysis. Promoter analysis revealed various cis-regulatory elements related to plant development, hormone signaling, and abiotic stresses. RNA-seq expression analysis indicated that CIPKs are significantly expressed through a spectrum of developmental stages, tissue/organs that hinted at their important role in plant development. The qRT-PCR analysis revealed that several CaCIPK genes had specific and overlapping expressions in different abiotic stresses like drought, salt, and ABA, suggesting the important role of this gene family in abiotic stress signaling in chickpea. Thus, this study provides an avenue for detailed functional characterization of the CIPK gene family in chickpea and other legume crops.
... Referring to 2015 IGCLC [30] for the search of CDH1 and CTNNA1 [31] germline mutations, a complete sequencing of these two genes was carried out. Primers were designed using Primer Express™ Software version 2.0 Applied Biosystems Thermo Fisher Scientific [32] as shown in Table S1, used in our previous study [33]. Forward and reverse primers incorporated the extensions 18F tail (ACCGTTAGTTAGCGATTT) and 18R tail (CGGATAGCAAGCTCGT), respectively, at their 5 ends. ...
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Several syndromic forms of digestive cancers are known to predispose to early-onset gastric tumors such as Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer (HDGC) and Lynch Syndrome (LS). LSII is an extracolonic cancer syndrome characterized by a tumor spectrum including gastric cancer (GC). In the current work, our main aim was to identify the mutational spectrum underlying the genetic predisposition to diffuse gastric tumors occurring in a Tunisian family suspected of both HDGC and LS II syndromes. We selected the index case “JI-021”, which was a woman diagnosed with a Diffuse Gastric Carcinoma and fulfilling the international guidelines for both HDGC and LSII syndromes. For DNA repair, a custom panel targeting 87 candidate genes recovering the four DNA repair pathways was used. Structural bioinformatics analysis was conducted to predict the effect of the revealed variants on the functional properties of the proteins. DNA repair genes panel screening identified two variants: a rare MSH2 c.728G>A classified as a variant with uncertain significance (VUS) and a novel FANCD2 variant c.1879G>T. The structural prediction model of the MSH2 variant and electrostatic potential calculation showed for the first time that MSH2 c.728G>A is likely pathogenic and is involved in the MSH2-MLH1 complex stability. It appears to affect the MSH2-MLH1 complex as well as DNA-complex stability. The c.1879G>T FANCD2 variant was predicted to destabilize the protein structure. Our results showed that the MSH2 p.R243Q variant is likely pathogenic and is involved in the MSH2-MLH1 complex stability, and molecular modeling analysis highlights a putative impact on the binding with MLH1 by disrupting the electrostatic potential, suggesting the revision of its status from VUS to likely pathogenic. This variant seems to be a shared variant in the Mediterranean region. These findings emphasize the importance of testing DNA repair genes for patients diagnosed with diffuse GC with suspicion of LSII and colorectal cancer allowing better clinical surveillance for more personalized medicine.
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Potassium (K⁺) is an essential macronutrient for plant growth and development. K⁺ deficiency hampers important plant processes, such as enzyme activation, protein synthesis, photosynthesis and stomata movement. Molecular mechanism of K⁺ deficiency tolerance has been partly understood in model plants Arabidopsis, but its knowledge in legume crop chickpea is missing. Here, morphophysiological analysis revealed that among five high yielding desi chickpea cultivars, PUSA362 shows stunted plant growth, reduced primary root growth and low K⁺ content under K⁺ deficiency. In contrast, PUSA372 had negligible effect on these parameters suggesting that PUSA362 is K⁺ deficiency sensitive and PUSA372 is a K⁺ deficiency tolerant chickpea cultivar. RNA-seq based transcriptome analysis under K⁺ deficiency revealed a total of 820 differential expressed genes (DEG’s) in PUSA362 and 682 DEGs in PUSA372. These DEGs belongs to different functional categories, such as plant metabolism, signal transduction components, transcription factors, ion/nutrient transporters, phytohormone biosynthesis and signalling, and root growth and development. RNA-seq expression of randomly selected 16 DEGs was validated by RT-qPCR. Out of 16 genes, 13 showed expression pattern similar to RNA-seq expression, that verified the RNA-seq expression data. Total 258 and 159 genes were exclusively up-regulated, and 386 and 347 genes were down-regulated, respectively in PUSA362 and PUSA372. 14 DEGs showed contrasting expression pattern as they were up-regulated in PUSA362 and down-regulated in PUSA372. These include somatic embryogenesis receptor-like kinase 1, thaumatin-like protein, ferric reduction oxidase 2 and transcription factor bHLH93. Nine genes which were down-regulated in PUSA362 found to be up-regulated in PUSA372, including glutathione S-transferase like, putative calmodulin-like 19, high affinity nitrate transporter 2.4 and ERF17-like protein. Some important carbohydrate metabolism related genes, like fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase and sucrose synthase, and root growth related Expansin gene were exclusively down-regulated, while an ethylene biosynthesis gene 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate oxidase 1 (ACO1) was up-regulated in PUSA362. Interplay of these and several other genes related to hormones (auxin, cytokinin, GA etc.), signal transduction components (like CBLs and CIPKs), ion transporters and transcription factors might underlie the contrasting response of two chickpea cultivars to K⁺ deficiency. In future, some of these key genes will be utilized in genetic engineering and breeding programs for developing chickpea cultivars with improved K⁺ use efficiency (KUE) and K⁺ deficiency tolerance traits.
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Calcineurin B-like proteins (CBL)-interacting protein kinases (CIPKs) regulate the developmental processes, hormone signal transduction and stress responses in plants. Although the genome sequence of chickpea is available, information related to the CIPK gene family is missing in this important crop plant. Here, a total of 22 CIPK genes were identified and characterized in chickpea. We found a high degree of structural and evolutionary conservation in the chickpea CIPK family. Our analysis showed that chickpea CIPK s have evolved with dicots from common ancestors, and extensive gene duplication events have played an important role in the evolution and expansion of the CIPK gene family in chickpea. The three-dimensional structure of chickpea CIPKs was described by protein homology modelling. Most CIPK proteins are localized in the cytoplasm and nucleus, as predicted by in-silico subcellular localization. Promoter analysis revealed various cis-regulatory elements related to plant development, hormone signaling, and abiotic stresses. RNA-seq expression analysis indicated that CIPK s are significantly expressed through a spectrum of developmental stages, tissue/organs that hinted at their important role in plant development. The qRT-PCR analysis revealed that several CaCIPK genes had specific and overlapping expressions in different abiotic stresses like drought, salt, and ABA, suggesting the important role of this gene family in abiotic stress signaling in chickpea. Thus, this study provides an avenue for detailed functional characterization of the CIPK gene family in chickpea and other legume crops.
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Ca(2+) homeostasis is required to maintain a delicate balance of cytosolic Ca(2+) during normal and adverse growth conditions. Various Ca(2+) transporters actively participate to maintain this delicate balance especially during abiotic stresses and developmental events in plants. In this study, we are presenting a genome wide account, detail expression profiles, sub-cellular localization and functional analysis of rice calcium transport elements. Exhaustive in-silico data mining and analysis resulted in the identification of 81 Ca(2+) transport element genes, which belongs to various groups such as Ca(2+) -ATPases (pumps), exchangers, channels, glutamate receptor homologs (GLRs) and annexins. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that different Ca(2+) transporters are evolutionary conserved across different plant species. Comprehensive expression analysis by gene chip microarray and qPCR revealed that a substantial proportion of Ca(2+) transporter genes were expressed differentially under abiotic stresses (salt, cold and drought) and reproductive developmental stages (panicle and seed) in rice. These findings suggest possible role of rice Ca(2+) transporters in abiotic stress and development triggered signaling pathways. Subcellular localization of Ca(2+) transporters from different groups in Nicotiana benthamiana revealed their variable localization to different compartments, which could be their possible sites of action. Complementation of Ca(2+) transport activity of K616 yeast mutant by Ca(2+) -ATPase, OsACA7 and involvement in salt tolerance verified its functional behavior. This study will encourage detailed characterization of potential candidate Ca(2+) transporters for their functional role in-planta. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
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Background Phospholipase C (PLC) is one of the major lipid hydrolysing enzymes, implicated in lipid mediated signaling. PLCs have been found to play a significant role in abiotic stress triggered signaling and developmental processes in various plant species. Genome wide identification and expression analysis have been carried out for this gene family in Arabidopsis, yet not much has been accomplished in crop plant rice. Methodology/Principal Findings An exhaustive in-silico exploration of rice genome using various online databases and tools resulted in the identification of nine PLC encoding genes. Based on sequence, motif and phylogenetic analysis rice PLC gene family could be divided into phosphatidylinositol-specific PLCs (PI-PLCs) and phosphatidylcholine- PLCs (PC-PLC or NPC) classes with four and five members, respectively. A comparative analysis revealed that PLCs are conserved in Arabidopsis (dicots) and rice (monocot) at gene structure and protein level but they might have evolved through a separate evolutionary path. Transcript profiling using gene chip microarray and quantitative RT-PCR showed that most of the PLC members expressed significantly and differentially under abiotic stresses (salt, cold and drought) and during various developmental stages with condition/stage specific and overlapping expression. This finding suggested an important role of different rice PLC members in abiotic stress triggered signaling and plant development, which was also supported by the presence of relevant cis-regulatory elements in their promoters. Sub-cellular localization of few selected PLC members in Nicotiana benthamiana and onion epidermal cells has provided a clue about their site of action and functional behaviour. Conclusion/Significance The genome wide identification, structural and expression analysis and knowledge of sub-cellular localization of PLC gene family envisage the functional characterization of these genes in crop plants in near future.
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Phospholipase D is one of the crucial enzymes involved in lipid mediated signaling, triggered during various developmental and physiological processes. Different members of PLD gene family have been known to be induced under different abiotic stresses and during developmental processes in various plant species. In this report, we are presenting a detailed microarray based expression analysis and expression profiles of entire set of PLD genes in rice genome, under three abiotic stresses (salt, cold and drought) and different developmental stages (3-vegetative stages and 11-reproductive stages). Seven and nine PLD genes were identified, which were expressed differentially under abiotic stresses and during reproductive developmental stages, respectively. PLD genes, which were expressed significantly under abiotic stresses exhibited an overlapping expression pattern and were also differentially expressed during developmental stages. Moreover, expression pattern for a set of stress induced genes was validated by real time PCR and it supported the microarray expression data. These findings emphasize the role of PLDs in abiotic stress signaling and development in rice. In addition, expression profiling for duplicated PLD genes revealed a functional divergence between the duplicated genes and signify the role of gene duplication in the evolution of this gene family in rice. This expressional study will provide an important platform in future for the functional characterization of PLDs in crop plants.
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Carefully analyzed expression profiles can serve as a valuable reference for deciphering gene functions. We exploited the potential of whole genome microarrays to measure the spatial and temporal expression profiles of rice genes in 19 stages of vegetative and reproductive development. We could verify expression of 22,980 genes in at least one of the tissues. Differential expression analysis with respect to five vegetative tissues and preceding stages of development revealed reproductive stage-preferential/-specific genes. By using subtractive logic, we identified 354 and 456 genes expressing specifically during panicle and seed development, respectively. The metabolic/hormonal pathways and transcription factor families playing key role in reproductive development were elucidated after overlaying the expression data on the public databases and manually curated list of transcription factors, respectively. During floral meristem differentiation (P1) and male meiosis (P3), the genes involved in jasmonic acid and phenylpropanoid biosynthesis were significantly upregulated. P6 stage of panicle, containing mature gametophytes, exhibited enrichment of transcripts involved in homogalacturonon degradation. Genes regulating auxin biosynthesis were induced during early seed development. We validated the stage-specificity of regulatory regions of three panicle-specific genes, OsAGO3, OsSub42, and RTS, and an early seed-specific gene, XYH, in transgenic rice. The data generated here provides a snapshot of the underlying complexity of the gene networks regulating rice reproductive development.
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Abstract BACKGROUND: Phospholipase A (PLA) is an important group of enzymes responsible for phospholipid hydrolysis in lipid signaling. PLAs have been implicated in abiotic stress signaling and developmental events in various plants species. Genome-wide analysis of PLA superfamily has been carried out in dicot plant Arabidopsis. A comprehensive genome-wide analysis of PLAs has not been presented yet in crop plant rice. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: A comprehensive bioinformatics analysis identified a total of 31 PLA encoding genes in the rice genome, which are divided into three classes; phospholipase A(1) (PLA(1)), patatin like phospholipases (pPLA) and low molecular weight secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)) based on their sequences and phylogeny. A subset of 10 rice PLAs exhibited chromosomal duplication, emphasizing the role of duplication in the expansion of this gene family in rice. Microarray expression profiling revealed a number of PLA members expressing differentially and significantly under abiotic stresses and reproductive development. Comparative expression analysis with Arabidopsis PLAs revealed a high degree of functional conservation between the orthologs in two plant species, which also indicated the vital role of PLAs in stress signaling and plant development across different plant species. Moreover, sub-cellular localization of a few candidates suggests their differential localization and functional role in the lipid signaling. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The comprehensive analysis and expression profiling would provide a critical platform for the functional characterization of the candidate PLA genes in crop plants
The recent flood of reports using real-time Q-PCR testifies to the transformation of this technology from an experimental tool into the scientific mainstream. Many of the applications of real-time Q-PCR include measuring mRNA expression levels, DNA copy number, transgene copy number and expression analysis, allelic discrimination, and measuring viral titers. The range of applications of real-time Q-PCR is immense and has been fueled in part by the proliferation of lower-cost instrumentation and reagents. Successful application of real-time Q-PCR is not trivial. However, this review will help guide the reader through the variables that can limit the usefulness of this technology. Careful consideration of the assay design, template preparation, and analytical methods are essential for accurate gene quantification.
• Solanum nigrum is a cadmium (Cd) accumulator, whereas Solanum torvum is a low Cd-accumulating plant. The molecular mechanisms that are responsible for differential cadmium (Cd) accumulation in the two Solanum species are poorly understood. • Here, grafting experiments confirmed that increased Cd loading into the root xylem was responsible for the differential Cd accumulation in the two Solanum species. An iron (Fe) supply assay indicated that low Fe accumulation in S. torvum leaves is related to its Cd sensitivity. • Transcriptome analyses revealed higher expression of the genes that encode several metal transporters as well as antioxidant-related genes, and several organic and amino acid biosynthesis/metabolism-related genes in Cd-treated S. nigrum. Our data also indicated that the different responsive mechanisms of the transporter genes to Fe deficiency might be responsible for differential uptake and redistribution of metals in the two Solanum species • These results form a basis upon which to further explore the molecular mechanisms of Cd accumulation and tolerance, and provide an insight into novel strategies that can be used for phytoremediation and food safety.
Given the importance of nitrogen for plant growth and the environmental costs of intense fertilization, an understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the root adaptation to nitrogen fluctuations is a primary goal for the development of biotechnological tools for sustainable agriculture. This research aimed to identify the molecular factors involved in the response of maize roots to nitrate. cDNA-amplified fragment length polymorphism was exploited for comprehensive transcript profiling of maize (Zea mays) seedling roots grown with varied nitrate availabilities; 336 primer combinations were tested and 661 differentially regulated transcripts were identified. The expression of selected genes was studied in depth through quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and in situ hybridization. Over 50% of the genes identified responded to prolonged nitrate starvation and a few were identified as putatively involved in the early nitrate signaling mechanisms. Real-time results and in situ localization analyses demonstrated co-regulated transcriptional patterns in root epidermal cells for genes putatively involved in nitric oxide synthesis/scavenging. Our findings, in addition to strengthening already known mechanisms, revealed the existence of a new complex signaling framework in which brassinosteroids (BRI1), the module MKK2-MAPK6 and the fine regulation of nitric oxide homeostasis via the co-expression of synthetic (nitrate reductase) and scavenging (hemoglobin) components may play key functions in maize responses to nitrate.